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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2021 10:00am-10:31am +03

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big playroom and we sort of looked after ourselves. i don't remember the children's names. never forget canada's dark secret. on al jazeera. ah at least 35 people are killed after 2 trains glide in southern pakistan efforts underway to rescue those sailed traps. ah, are you watching algae 0 live from our world headquarters in doha? fully battle also coming up a close presidential race in peru, early counting shows the left coast and right wing rivals separated by the finish of margins. mexico, the governing party loses its majority in the low house,
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step 5 for the presidents from its transformation plans and non mars military battle with rebel fighters. we have an exclusive interview with a member of an armed pro been change state. ah, thank you very much for joining us. we begin in pakistan where 2 trains have collided in the southern thin providence killing. at least 35 people rescue workers . it trying to find at least a dozen passengers who might be trapped under the rubble. at least 60 people have been injured. more than a 1000 people were on board when an inter city trade derailed and was hit by an express service train. let's get the latest my correspondent command hydro in islamic bod. so come out. what's the latest on, on those rescue efforts? we're told that the rescue efforts that now on the spring,
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the progress on the military i tend to helicopter, dispatched doctors and better medic, off to the accident side. at the same time, the nurse, doctor management, or tartar, said that all rescue efforts are now under way and likely to be completed within the next 30 minutes. what led to the tragedy? the big question mark, because the drain, i traveled over 500 kilometer. it was not bound and met read this accident, run some of the categories of the train day and went on to the other track where broad that thout bound track on ridge. another train heading towards gerace had scattered at full speed from the wreckage and the 4 days of the records that we have seen. and that i've got lead to this big tragedy now because this is a remote region quite
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a while for the heavy machinery to read that word of god be needed to lift the bow gauge and also to cut through the metric to reach those who may still be alive inside the wreckage, as you take them off, still unclear what caused the derailment of the 1st strain. what's the safety record of pakistan's rail network? well at the moment, the doctor do not ruling out anything because bargain don has seen several dodge on a railroad tracks in that part of the country. however, the railway don't track record is very ball. did the tech had been neglected by successive government. the information ministered greeting today that the country, the new plan for a revamped railway system is a priority for the government. the government up got that been negotiating with the chinese on died, but for the moment budget dawn has seen several accidents,
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negligence, rampant corruption and the railway department. and that to their time when they have a bio carrier of 4, passenger drivers up and down through our country, come on hider in islam of eyes. thank you very much for that update. preliminary results in peruse, presidential run off election show right wing candidates kind kofuji. maury with a narrow lead election agency says more than 40 percent of the votes have been counted but balanced in more rural districts are still outstanding and you more is left. his rival, pedro garcia, is expected to make gains there. more than 77 percent of eligible voters cast their ballot and an exceptionally high turnout for peru. mariana sanchez, is in lima with the latest. this is the very 1st official resold after a very, a long night where it came from you. marty has pulled ahead. the head of the
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national office of electro processes was very, very clear saying that this is, these are volts counted in from pulling stations that are in urban area or very close to urban area. still to be counted the rural volt, the jungle volt volt from abroad, which we understand is favorite cable for he marty. but still there needs to be a lot to be counted in the rural volt. and the very interestingly is that the turn out has been incredibly high, 77.92 percent, which means that our peruvians who usually do not boat have gone out and have voted in an election that was marked by fear, fear that communism it may be a ruling in this country, or that corrupt suspect of corruption, kicked off with muddy will, in fact,
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become the president with many people that she has chosen for new government as people that come from the, for people that worked with her father, who had the most corrupt government in the history a through this by transparency of course. so still a lot to be said in the next few hours, mexico's governing party has lost its majority in a lower house in a set bank for president andras money lopez over doors plans to transform the country by expanding the states economic role, the marina potty and its allies are still the biggest force after the mid term poll, but they're short of the 2 thirds majority needed to push amendment to the constitution. mexico has been shaken by the corona virus pandemic, a deep recession and drug related violence. governors and men were also on the balance. john holman, has more from mexico city the biggest election. it may have 3,
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but that's one of the things that comes down to president lopez over at those political project. he says it's to transform the country to bring the gap between the haves and the have nots, closer together to help mexico is poor. now at the moment, he's got the majority in congress to do that. and a lot of local, local positions around the country. because he, him so is not up for election this time around. he's got another 3 years to go, but he's going to need that support push through his proposals. so we're going to see in a few hours time. if he's got that. now also those people on the other side of the all his opponents, but also people that are observing that what's going on in the country. the think this is all about him, but for different reasons. this is a president, we've been pretty keen on centralizing power, not so keen on independent institutions. he's tried to neutralize and undermine a few of those. not very keen on civil society and joe's even the media itself, national and international, when it's criticized him or printed something that he doesn't like,
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he's been quite came to attack. so people on the other side to say this is really the chance to try and limit his power a bit and to prevent mexico and the country, bob's going in a direction that he doesn't want to go. another news, the military wing of the palestinian group, hamas has release an audio recording of someone. it phase is a capture. the israeli soldier, the unnamed man is said to be one of foi, really, who has been held in garza for several years. although israel says 2 of the soldiers are dead, i'm also released new video for me is really soldier. the launch lead sheet was raised in 2011 in exchange for more than a 1000 palestinian prisoners. the deputy leader of masses, casara brigades. my one isa told on just 0, the group wants to finalize our new business swamp deal with israel. his face has been buried in the interview for, i don't know, i'm a lawyer. we have the bargaining chips to complete a respectable prisoner exchange deal, and the inmates are the most important thing that is now on the table. a prominent activists, her family has become the face of
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a campaign to stop force evictions in occupied easter rules and has been released by israeli forces when our court was detained earlier on sunday at her home for weeks, tensions have been high in sharon as protesters fight just on jewish settlers from taking over palestinian homes. oh, job didn't meet as this report. she is back at home, released with no charge and no condition. when l call was detained early sunday morning, when israeli police rated her family home, her twin brother mohammed, who wasn't there, the time, was served a notice to present himself to the police station in occupied east jerusalem. yeah, he said that he but this is intimidation. nothing more because they know on june 8th, israel's attorney general will issue his opinion. so they want to intimidate the residence of the neighborhood. these are the policies of the occupation, intimidation and fear. why did they close our road? because we made our voices heard. she became the symbol of their plight,
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as she documented everyday life in the neighborhood. the cur, the family has already lost part of their property, a jewish settler originally from brooklyn, new york lives behind those wooden panels. you my feelings, my have, and if i don't feel someone else going to feel that conversation between him and me and i went viral. several other properties on the same street were taken over by settlers. more not a brother were taking to this police station and occupied east jerusalem, where just a day before the edges. the correspondence navarro dairy was also being interrogated . but the lady was covering a protest until the very day of the families in hanson went, who could lose their homes without being given substitute housing. she was told when she was overpowered, handcuffed, and dragged by israeli soldiers where there is left was factored during the violent
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arrest. what i'm seeing now on the ground after all these years, this time, after all these years. this is the 1st time we see this. i'm believable in treating to words join us and specially towards 0 after covering all what happened in babylon, modes and ships in the lock, some mosque in guys, especially. but they, they want the camera to be broken as they broke it yesterday with my colleague, missouri, we, they want to the microphone to be on the gaunt. but we are telling them that the microphone and the come at all we say, and we will continue. nothing will stop us, nothing. we faced more than this and we will continue. israeli police and army have so far been heavy handed with both journalists and those voicing, dissolute verity for palestinians facing forceful evictions. this was the scene
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outside the police station as one as father was talking to journalists on the street where she lived, had seen many crackdown despite it all mona's voice had become a difficult one to silence. the elders you were in occupied east jerusalem. still ahead on al jazeera thailand begin this mass vaccination campaign as it tackles its worst outbreak of covered 19. we find out why tribal leaders in there may be demanding more compensation from germany for a colonial era genocide. ah hello there we got some quiet weather coming into western parts of europe for the next couple days looking good here. not quite a good for the west side of the mediterranean central areas of europe and
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a little further east. we have got areas of low pressure just bringing some factory showers in once again here i pressure up towards western parts. i will quiet and things down so it's been rather stormy in spain. recently. monday was fine at driver some of the warm sunshine bursting back 3, but some lively shouts bursting away here at southeast corner of france. it switzerland selim, areas of germany also seeing some of that wet weather. march of italy, looking a little lively over the next day. or so along with the balkans it all makes its way a little further east, which as we go through tuesday, brightest guys coming back in across much of the north west of ireland, western scott and we'll see some cloud and right before much of the u. k. s fine and try that sunshine, stretching down across good parts of france. it's a good part of spain and portugal, and across a good part of northern africa as well through the equitorial bell. a few more showers just coming into central parts of africa. some heavy showers just started to push their way into southern parts of nigeria. been in togo,
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gonna sing some heavy showers, showers stretched across liberia. and in to see the frank assessments that the government in $11.00 exactly have and what made of that taking situation might not be just again informed opinions is the us with thinking military positioning in the middle east. was it just a simply a reorganizing military? this is a message to the region that the united states is rethinking its military foster in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on our jazeera ah, ah, ah,
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ah, you're watching al jazeera alive from doha. reminder of our top stories to train have collided in southern pakistan since from and it's getting at least 35 people rescue workers are looking for passengers who could still be chopped down to the rumbled, preliminary resulting proved presidential run off shore. right wing candidate cake or for g. maury, with a narrow lead within 77 percent of eligible voters cast their ballots, an exceptionally high turn. not for pearl and mexico. gardening plenty, as long as its majority in the lower house are set back for present andras' money, lopez open the door is marina pony, and if i live as shorter the majority needed to push through a constitutional amendments, the u. k. prime minister is calling on fellow leaders to commit to vaccinating the world again. scope $900.00 by the end of next year. boys johnson will use a g 7 summit this week to present his target. the u. k. government has plates to
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give most of the countries surplus vaccines, the callback scheme, which surprised those as developing nations. but g 7, health ministers have said vaccine sharing will only happen once their own domestic needs are met. thailand, meanwhile, has kicked off its mass corona virus oxidation. campaign as if tonsils its worst outbreak. so far, for most of the pandemic, thailand was able to keep infection rates low, but a 3rd wave in april brought record number of new cases and deaths. the government has been heavily criticized for its slow vaccine roll out. scott handler has more from bangkok, b, i want to 25 vaccination sites here in bangkok, the capital this is at a high and mall here. they're saying they'll probably be able to vaccinate maybe 2 and a half to 3000 people a day. you know, there's really been a slow vaccine roll up. that's why there's such a focus on today. this is something the government's been talking about for months . this mass vaccination roll out. we're seeing a lot of it focused in the areas that have seen
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a lot of those cases in the 3rd wave that began back in april. so they're focusing on the areas they called that the dark red areas, bangkok being one of them, the main one. so that's why there's really a big focus here. now, in the vaccines are using our astrazeneca, for the most part, that is a locally produced version of astrazeneca. there's been a bit of a controversy surrounding that, but that's what we're looking at today. we know that this month of june, they're supposed to get $6000000.00 doses of astrazeneca so far. they have 1800000, and that's what they're using now. a lot of the sites are worried just how well they can paste things out, because i'm not sure when that next round of those vaccines are going to be deliver . southeast asian countries are calling on me on mars military journey to free old political prisoners. and voice from the association of southeast asian nations were discussing the implementation of a plan to end. the turmoil that began with february's military cool. it follows a meeting on friday between i say, and delegates, and the leader of me on mars military that you're into has largely ignore the
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regional agreement. calling for talk, send an end to violence. i'm in mars, military is facing strong resistance from a local alms group. in the town of mean dot acting the western chain state where volunteers has set up, what they're calling a chin land defense force. the c d s says it doesn't recognize the authority of the military government, which she's power in a co, in february. since then, security for should have killed hundreds of protesters across the country. groups like g, c, d, f fee. it had to take up arms to protect their communities. myanmar is also home to some 20 ethnic armed globes, which control about a 3rd of the country. several have joined forces to push back against the military in chin state. the june to is declared martial law describing those who are defining their authority as terrorists. the u. k and u. s. s condemned the violence and mean that the spokesmen for the chin non defense force has spoken exclusively to al jazeera. he says, local fighters have an advantage of a man, was military, which he calls s a c troops and describes what happened when the army stormed their
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town. everybody, every household has got muskets at the out, the know how to handle these things and they have been hunting. so the hunter lives to house a lot. in the guerrilla warfare, there were even up to 15 or 16 years old, who are taking much gets and shot guns that will face the large 10 knots. the motto shows when the machine guns and automatic white 5th rifles and a 47 and sixty's against those weapons, don't people were brave enough to use only shot cars. i must get to face that. so it's difficult for the city of troops to fight back. but the craw all their way into a closed reach. so we were only using musket as guns,
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but the had snipers in our p t sniper guide to blood about the df member solely. and anybody who tried to see jean was shot. so there was another guy calling you tried to save sharleen, but only was also shot. but we were able to pull back, but nobody could see she only so surely night there all day. and then he died out of a meeting over anything. so we were able to get his corpse in the evening passed already as is the troops know that the way they were getting his heart was your heart. so the orange meant, so they were all 79 people. but as they were about to have battles, you know, fire each other, it began to re so we have members most of them use must get so with the rate of cause god does. busy what useless,
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so they were it a great advantage. all in all 3 of our guys died and then another tree into it. the norwegian refuge account, so less smiley as one of the world's most neglected conflicts with more than 7000000 people in need of humanitarian assistance. this year alone, more than 300000 people have had to leave their homes. nicholas hungry for some makeshift camp in the capital by michael an act of defiance and freedom. smoking with something armed groups wouldn't allow him to do. after being caught fat, mousing fighters of the arm group jermanti sought the slam. one was the mean an affiliate. devout kate hudson, diego was abducted. he was given a choice, joined the fight or be killed. he escaped last week, finding his way to the slaughter house on the outskirts of veronica. while i'm so scared, even here, i'm afraid because there are informants giving back information and the data will
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find you. or if you go back to the village vill cut you up. the al qaeda philly had controlled large wants of land in the center of the country. schools are shot, playing football is forbidden. he'd been listening to the radio watching tv. his band girls are shrouded in black cloth and forced into marriage, including hudson's wife, was now being held captive probably. in the last year, the norwegian refugee council says more than 350000 people fled the region. agencies say a humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding in areas out of their revision crisis is not only is security crisis, it is also human theory and crisis development, crisis, political crisis, etc. so the solutions should be quality, should go beyond military focus, which has not so far. it has not resulted in more security for,
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for people. molly's military june said to power last week in a 2nd to a 9 month thing. they can do what the civilian government can. and that's restore state authority. none of the people that we met and this makes shift camp, wants to return home despite assurances from the un peacekeeping mission, the french forces, and the molly and state. they say they're being killed, not just by arm groups, but also by the money. an army. hassan's father was reading the koran with a group of men at a wedding ceremony when molly and security forces started shooting, killing him. until there is dialogue between the armed groups and the malia army, and i feel like nothing will change. volumes will continue to die. last december, un investigators told the un security council that they suspect malia defense and security forces of committing war crimes, killing those. they are meant to protect with arm groups to intensifying attacks.
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this has led haas on wondering who to trust and whether they can be any peace in molly. anytime soon. nicholas hawk algae 0 bama code. at least 36 people have been killed in fighting between 2 armed groups in sudan, south dawn for region. at least 32 of us are reported injured. the military has stamps. the fighting and more soldiers are being sent to the area town foreseen increase in violence despite last year's p. steel between sedans, transitional government, and armed groups. now tribal leaders in let me be a former colonial waller. germany is not doing enough to make up for the genocide committed there in the early 20th century. last month the german government apologize in announce a development aid package, but descendants of the victims say it's an insult and i'm calling for reparations. from the miller has a story, while it's taken more than a century, germany is admitted it committed genocide against tens of thousands of nama and
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over railroad people in the media, it size and how it to deny. we will now officially call these events what they were from today's perspective, a genocide in doing so, we are acknowledging our historical responsibility on the light of germany's historical and moral responsibility last in the media and the descendants of the victims for forgiveness. but it's taken years of negotiations for germany to apologize. community leaders had tried through courts to compel the german government to pay reparations for the extermination of nearly a $100000.00 norma and over herero people. this took place during germany's early 20th century colonization of what was then south west africa. all the courts failed in may. germany agreed with the new movie and government to provide $1300000000.00 in development. for the next 2 years in germany has been dictating. and for me, it was like a case offer. you have
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a mid or late this. and this person is the one to decide whether i have for rate or not. and should that find myself guilty? what would be the best punishment or video to that that can give myself so that that is how the whole process was not acceptable to the others to say the negotiations between the 2 governments excluded those directly affected by the genocide. when we 1st met eda hoffman, 4 years ago, she's been fighting for the direct payment of compensation. she fears the development aid will never reach the communities affected her, our people to our sources. i would be but have become bookers of the book during the genocide, these communities were robbed of their land and cattle today. many say they continue to suffer the legacy of being displaced. and that this chapter in the
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movie, as history remains unresolved for meat amolla al jazeera, germany as governing conservatives have won a regional election in the eastern state or fax me unharmed. ahead of the federal vote. in september, the christian democratic union, 13437 percent of the vote, beating the far right a f. d. it's seen as a vote of confidence in new party sheaf on the last shade as chancellor angle prepared to step down after 16 years empowers turkey's government has promised to get re read of a plague of what's being called ceased, not in a sea of mara, a lay of the organic matter has spread through the area. sotheby's symbol is threatening marine life and the fishing industry soon as possible. reports from rica in cordially province. its thick, slimy, and devastating for marine live in the sea of tomorrow. the form of myself,
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which some are calling ceased not has been here for nearly 3 months. so to be the largest, to hit turkey's cause, the sludge is talking of life underwater. it's a naturally occurring phenomena. but in the province south of fis stumble high populations, entre if it search household and industrial waste dumped into the water, have contributors to the problem. 25000000 people live in the market region alone, and at least half of turkey, factories and manufacturing facilities are in this area. they call it a natural disaster. no, it's not. this is a waste of ships took hours and hours. the see doesn't accept it anymore. we are desperate. we are told the missile, it hits the coast every 5 years, but only for $3.00 to $4.00 days. but this time it's not going away at all. we
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should get a dog look if it continues like this. fishermen won't be able even cost the net also the c snob sticks on the fish lines and tapes as well. it means we may have to type a boat and i see die ball. this is not was 1st spot at last october months later, turkeys environment and urban station ministry stepped up through our workshop was hundreds of experts and n g o representatives. last week it announced emergency plan to put an end to the message. we need some sante, please, if we begin taking measures in memorial today, it will take 6 or 7 years to finish his music. but the main threat is not the dirt on the surface, but what is 30 meters deep on the water temperature and the mar mercy has rise and by at least 2 degrees because of climate change. experts say the problem should have been foreseen long ago as the people have mis routed the waters for decades and efforts now to clean the sea. don't seem sufficient enough unless coupled with
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an adequate waste management policy and a strong auditing mechanism. men of fear, the form sludge on the surface is just the start of a bigger problem. and turkeys in or c of mark risks becoming at that c. c. napkin solo, al jazeera daresha, cordelia province. ah, hello again. i'm fully back the ball. with the headlines on al jazeera, 2 trains collided in 7 pakistan seemed providence getting at least 35 people rescue workers looking for passengers who could still be trapped under the rubble. 60 people have been injured more than $1000.00 people on board when an interest city trade derailed and was paid by an express service. trade command hider has the latest from the time of the progress on the military.


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