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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2021 1:30pm-2:01pm +03

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hello, nice to see. we've had some rocking storms across parts of central europe spilling into the bulk. and so let me show the scene that we had in eastern croatia. i just the torrent of water here. after all of that heavy rain. this is flooded about 30 homes in this village, so here's what we can expect on monday, really, the energy can be found towards southern areas of germany through switzerland. and you know, i think, i think we may see some severe storms bubble up toward northern areas of italy, some activity toward the eastern shore of the adria dixie, and a pretty good pulse of energy toward north macedonia. and the southwest corner of bulgaria on monday. cross turkey, we'll see some increasing cloud cover as we head toward its them. bull with a high of 25 degrees athens. 32 will be the high for you. on monday, smooth sailing as we head toward the iberian peninsula. plenty of sun wall to wall sunshine lives. been a hive. 25 in madrid. we've got you penciled in for 30 degrees on monday. take you
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to north africa. right now. we had some pretty stiff winds across the morocco was seen gusts about 50 kilometers per hour. those have started to die down. so robot, we have a high of 28 mean wall across the other side of the mediterranean, cairo high of 34 on monday. the living in a war zone is a risk not worth taking for most but for a 10 year old boy, there is nowhere else to go. in the absence of his parents, his grandmother dedicates herself to his upbringing. never knowing whether the next explosion will echo one step closer to the place they call home the distant barking of dogs. a witness documentary on al jazeera. when the news breaks on had been waiting for more than 12 hours, but was hospital out of beds and oxygen when people need to be her 70 percent of
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the people here are in debt. many for trying to find food. and the story needs to be told. there's no safety in my country. how can i go back there and live with exclusively, to be real fighting against that mother for home? i'll just be around her teens on the award winning documentary and life news like the ah ah hello again. i'm sorry. that's remind you about top story of the fella to trains have collided in southern taca song since problems killing people. rescue workers are still looking for passengers that could be trapped under the wreckage. cannot
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see me, garza is being sworn in as long as president right now. that ceremony, as you can see, is going ahead. despite growing international pressure to hold elections and hundreds of power to civilian need is going to lead a military coup. last month overthrowing a transitional government that was installed less than a year ago and pulmonary results and peruse presidential runoff. giving right when canada taker for maury and nero need, now with 90 percent of our discounts is 77 percent of eligible versus coffee. about an exceptionally high china, hopefully not turning to the pandemic and india's capital new delhi. and the financial have lim buy, has gone easing corona, virus restrictions. and daddy, businesses and shops will now operate with limited hours. and the metro will also start carrying passengers at 50 percent of its capacity. but somehow, the expense, a warning that the restriction of being is true soon. the capital region is chief minister, has reviving the economy,
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is now the priority on sunday in the reported it's lowest number of new cases and to them they've got to get to the sitting arrangement alternate. they're also taking for me off and all i think the system is working with the decision to restart the metal as good as it sure is crowded, but we are trying to adjust the car will only increase in the coming days as the lockdown will. hayden, when he was highland, has kicked off its mass corona virus vaccination campaign, as it tackles its west outbreak. yet, most of this, pandemic thailand was able to keep its infection rates low, then found wave in a public record numbers of new cases and deaths. the government has been heavily criticized for a slow vaccine rollout called hydra has worn out from the ty, capital b. i want to 25 vaccination sites here in bangkok, the capital this is at a high and mall here. they're saying they'll probably be able to vaccinate, maybe 2 and a half to 3000 people a day. you know, there's really been
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a slow vaccine roll up. that's why there's such a focus on today. this is something the government's been talking about for months . this mass vaccination roll out, we're seeing a lot of it focused in the areas that have seen a lot of those cases in the 3rd wave that began back in april. so they're focusing on the areas they called that the dark red areas, bangkok being one of them, the main one. so that's why there's really a big focus here. now in the vaccines are using our astrazeneca for the most part. so that is a locally produced version of astrazeneca. there's been a bit of a controversy surrounding that, but that's what we're looking at today. we know that this month of june, they're supposed to get $6000000.00 doses of astrazeneca so far. they have 1800000, and that's what they're using now. a lot of the sites are worried just how well they can paste things out because i'm not sure when that next round of those vaccines are going to be delivered. well, you gander as president has announced further restrictions to kind of a sharp rise and infections. their schools will be closed for 6 weeks. all public gatherings except weddings and funerals or band. he's measures meant to help ease
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pressure on hospital beds and supplies. and then overnight chaffey that was imposed in march last year. we'll now remain in place until july. now living all and lawyers for the sri lankan government, say, the erna and the crew of the contain ship thinking off the coast, trying to cover up the disaster. the government is now seeking damages on the opening day of proceedings, government lawyers told the court that the vessels operators aware of the fire and the chemical eagerly on, but hid the information from officials and thing, injury lank. at least 17 people has now been killed. when torrential rains triggered mud slides and flooding there more than 250000 people had to flee their homes. days of rain caused rivers to pass the banks and the south and west of the island. officials, a water level has now started to recede, but a warning that there is still a risk of landlines. how southeast asian country is. i'm calling on me on was military jones as a free or political prisoners invoice from the association of southeast asian
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nations, were discussing the implementation of a plan to try the end of the time. while that began with february's military crew. it follows a meeting on friday between osteo delegates and the leader of me on was military. the journal has largely ignored original agreement calling for talks and an end to the violence. oh, tribal leaders in the movie and i'll saying the former colonial rule of germany is not doing enough to make up for the genocide. it committed that in the early 20th century, last long for german government apologized and announced the development aid package. but descendants of the victim to say it's an insult. and according for reparations from you, the miller reports, while it's taken more than a century, germany's admitted it committed genocide against tens of thousands of nama and over railroad. people in them beyond that but size and height to deny. we will now officially call these events what they were from today's perspective, a genocide in doing so, we are acknowledging our historical responsibility on the light of germany's
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historical and moral responsibility last in the media and the descendants of the victims for forgiveness. but it's taken years of negotiations for germany to apologize. community leaders had tried through courts to compel the german government to pay reparations for the extermination of nearly a $100000.00 norma and over herero people. this took place during germany's early 20th century colonization of what was then south west africa. all the courts failed in may. germany agreed with the namibian government to provide $1300000000.00 in development. for the next 2 years, germany has been dictating. and for me, it was like a case offer you have a mid or late this and this person is the one to decide whether i have for rate or not. and should that find myself guilty? what would be the best punishment or video that i can give myself so that that is
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how the whole process was not acceptable to the others to say the negotiations between the 2 governments excluded those directly affected by the genocide. when we 1st met eda hoffman, 4 years ago, she's been fighting for the direct payment of compensation. she fears the development age will never reach the communities affected. her. our people took our resources. i would be but become the focus of the during the genocide, these communities were robbed of their land and cattle today. many say they continue to suffer the legacy of being displaced. and that this chapter in the movie, as history remains unresolved for me to mila al jazeera. a barricade of heavy trucks is the latest tactic to try to guide
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a road herd of elephants away from populated areas in southwest china. the 15 asian elephants and protected species have been on an epic journey since wandering out of a national park in your non province months ago. now, enjoy gating be, how's the story? they've tracked hundreds of kilometer is trembling crops and damaging buildings along the way. that journey has captured the imagination of millions of people following on line bart. it's less entertaining for those in their path. paula you? well, yes, i mean i was scared. we came out and saw an elephant that was about 3 meters tall. it really scared a baby elephant even ran into our wall before running away the herd was wandering into the village all day long. without the heard of 15 wild elephants is from a nature reserve on china's south western border with laos. since setting out in spring last year, they were nearly 500 kilometers north. and now near the city of con ming,
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the provincial capital of unit state its home to around 8500000 people. the authorities are trying to keep the elephants out by forming a barricade with heavy trucks. pull up the little man. we are here to block the elephant traffic. police will tell us what to do in details. we received a notice at noon. we are a truck team and traffic police officers said they need some trucks. as long as i'm needed, i will stay here. animal scientists say they don't know why the elephants left their home. china's elephant population has grown in recent years as a result of conservation efforts, but at the same time, deforestation has reduced their habitat. so far, the herd has caused more than $1000000.00 worth of crop damage, but no one's been injured. at officials tracking the elephant movements by drone, where they'll go next. nobody knows when they'll stop is also unclear victoria gate
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and be al jazeera. well, let's get worn out on our top story and that train collision and pakistan. and you've been hearing rail accidents are fairly common there. and information minister our child has admitted the system has needed an overhaul for some time. in 2019, at least 75 people died. when a train travelling from karachi to row hindi caught fire 14 years, 150 people were killed in the same district as the latest crash. and that incident, passenger train rammed into another at a station. and then a 3rd train hit that wreckage. pakistan was rel disaster. there was a 1990 when a crowded passenger train crashed into a stationary freight train. 307 people were killed, 700 others inches. where we can now speak to feruki as he is. he's a former general manager for manufacturing and services at pakistan. railways, he joins us now from as long about mister, he's thank you for being with us. i know the prime minister has said that he was shocked by this latest incident, but given the abysmal safety record of pakistan,
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railways, i'm guessing that you're not surprised about this latest tragedy. well, i certainly am not surprised about it. you see because basically it's a very sad day and day the tree and jump tracks. and some of the buggy started founding that just some track and from the opposite end of the rain running on the distance back to movies that were finding that crack and accident is the organizationally, technically back to the real ways. almost over and out of time. and 960 the seventy's when we were human exporting stuff, then they built the crack between them. but then some 990 s. probably this are real with sauce again, just to look at their services. and we had him coming from the civil services having no idea what really is no idea what humans cross nomics is. and
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then the 1st thing they did was to be with the professional vailable governing body. this is, this really was from the british, every force and this way and we organization had the reason why it was, it was what the people were supposed to manage. it had to do to list a job. this performance should unify show this thing no longer exists anymore. it's all gone. most of the people have climbed up to the heads of departing positions. have never seen that list just to be at mall on the thing and the german that we have. we come from the civil services, he's, i'm not going to go to the breton german, but since 990, they have been people who have no knowledge of real ways. no knowledge foot. i mean, i guess managing organizations, they didn't even have any knowledge about property cannot awesome. why and issue
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really isn't there next, connecting from parent g concrete and they will not have any answer. you cannot justify why they have real with mr. know, talking a lot about mismanagement and allegations of that. i'm curious about what's been behind a lot of these accident in terms of the actual logistics. is it been about maintenance or resources or training? i know many of these seem to also been down to human error and they have been allegations of corruption to i believe i could do that extreme mismanagement and this extreme mismanagement management back people who have no knowledge of what they are managing. not dave, and this start taking what things did not have when this started with thank then even the structure goes down, everything goes down, i stretches dilapidated, everything almost ordering out. this is a chinese just trying to build this,
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this one for us main line from the hard to keep about 1250 kilometer and the bank has got a lot of reservations on it. that unless the improve of the system, we will not be able to do the dig advantage of this of the nation of the building. unfortunately, this the next level thing we have a spring and i went off migration. the government governance level is a foster. it's very, very broad. so unless the government governor's improve langler would just keep on going down and down. well, we've been hearing from the government. they've promised an investigation into the latest crash, but i recall when mr. con came to power, he'd already promised to fix things. so why, how that actually happened? it's amazing. it's not really, really does it. does that seem as if the all the way to stay on enterprises?
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unfortunately, the only option, the only solution that i used to have about the bodies, the organization is to privatize not knowing that these are the very things that they were there nomic and just for. busy it, and i'm like every, in most of the 1st law and most of the countries after the 2nd world war, simply privatization sending it off is no option thought. and like real, which is a government to somehow, has the misconduct on said that they get privatized, and that's the thing. no, nobody would buy a rack that real with, unless it said that the level of them and the problem. and again, the problem is that the people who are managing the affairs level, the policy making don't have even capacity to look beyond the market. look at in general, is how it is organized. look at the around going to lay out what sort of think they've been. look at the chinese somehow they are living in the one of their own
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and trying to manage it. barbara thinks that other countries also management and i bring a very good job of her roof as he is a former general manager for manufacturing and services. pakistan ro is i hear your frustration. so thank you for joining us here on out of there. thank you. all still coming up here in support. patient will be here to tell you about us canada cross border exemption given to the n h l i the news news
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news with me. ah ah ah.
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welcome back. it's now time for sport and pizza, thought the thank you so much with just 5 days to go until the thought of the euros . spain's preparations have been thrown into chaos off the captain. sergio bousquet tested positive for covert 19 the result force the entire squad to go into isolation and pull out of tuesdays warm up, match with lithuania. so far, all the other members of spain's 24 men squat have tasted negative. their 1st game at the european championships is against sweden. that will be played in seville next monday. well, there is some good news on the coven, 1900 for food, the n h l. the lee has received an exemption from canadian health officials that allows cross border travel. until now, canadian teams like the montreal canadians and we need pick jets, have been restricted to playing in canada only, but from the next round of the playoffs, us base teams will be allowed in,
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but will stay inside the bubble in this playoff game. the canadians that beat the j 51. take a 3 nothing seriously. on the other side of the board of the bag of gold and nice also won their game 51 in bay case they hammered the colorado avalanche. the team with the base, regular tv record. this is game for the 2nd round. the master thought a to do to nathan. most folks who are in his full career have tricks to help vegas to a memorable when more than 800000 were independent for this one. the largest crowd this season. the an h l. american gulf patrick can play says he's when that the memorial tournament was weird. of the withdrawal of tournament lead a john rom tested positive because 19 can play a column or recall found themselves dang, from 6 shots behind to sharing the lead. when ron was with through, after the 3rd round, the 2 players ultimately went into play off. marie co are missing this fall apart
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on the 1st takes home loan can say to 22nd when at this tournament as well as the lead in the fedex cup standing room was still on can please mind off the he's when i don't wish that kind of scenario and anybody would much rather faced him down today and shot us extremely low, round and, and, and beat him that way. but unfortunately there's nothing i can do. you know, i did everything i could with the cards. i was dealt and you know, i really did a good job of focusing today on the task at hand and staying present and, and that's all you can do in the stand. women's golf have a new major champion. and the 1st from the philippines you can so came back from double bogey. japan. ok, in the 3rd whole of a sudden death flail, cleansing, the us women's open. who is 19 years old,
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match found 3 years in the park as the youngest champion of older women major. the weight for a record equaling 24th grand slam tennis title continue fall. serena williams, the american, lost the 4th round matching straight fits against lena. they backing out from a conflict on, on sunday, rena food paid off the friendship 998th. that's one year before i was yeah, i'm in a much better place than when i got here. you know, i was just literally trying to get a match because it had been really difficult season for me on the, on the clay. and although i love the clay i was like, i could just win a match on the main side. a us open runner of alexander the very of is true to the court vinyl. the german knocked japan kaylee. she korean south u. s. s. and runner up back in 2014. the 6. the winning booking counts 646161. make
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that very famous, i'll handle the video which will kina in the n d a. the los angeles clip as of one their way into the western conference place, semi finals, thanks to 28 points from co. i learned the clip is beat. the dallas mavericks 126111 in games. 7 on sunday. you could don't shapes for 46 points for the maps, but that could not prevent the elimination mixed up with the clip of the top seated utah jazz game one is on tuesday in salt lake city. stop that all him involved for the final touches to her preparations for the tokyo olympics for the record. 7th, all round us gymnastics title. on sunday, the raining ruled and olympic champion delivered another standing performance, finishing nearly 5 points. they had a runner up denisa lee and he made children child pick fun. she'll be looking to become the 1st woman to win back to back and limping all around gold in more than 50 in the u. k. culture. secretary says the england cricket board have gone too far
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in suspending bolar ali robinson from and all international cricket because of tweets the posted in 20122013 robinson may be saved for england in the 1st test against new zealand, but racist and sexist treats from nearly a decade ago and robinson was to the teenager had just for me to one time and you factors per railey, say debris on the track was the likely cause of 2 big, high speed crashes at sunday's azerbaijan chrome pre major blow so long strolled, spin, out of control and hit the wall and he's aston martin. then the same thing happens, raphael mac for suffolk. any rate both. both thrive would be merged unharmed and it looked like it might cost for stuff and the temperature bleed with nearest dr. lewis hamilton running 2nd, but at least off the south and team a surge of headache held off hamilton, who ran wide areas held on for the remaining 3 laps to win from aston martin sebastian vessel, and also to read peer ghastly. i don't know function the time of the
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wardrobe variety motor g, p will champion federal court that was less exposed to the elements as he never came down. he finished 3rd in the race and bought the mona behind miguel and johan zach. but was given to time penalties one for getting off the track and another for not having these letters, false and property, which left me 30 and place you to the logan pulled is gone. the distance of the former world champion books, floyd may with a in an exhibition flight in miami. they a round bout, had no when at all, judges ring side. and it didn't come by the fight, his record. but the man who watch it overwhelmed showtime service, which crushed pul, have $23000000.00 followers on youtube and spends to make millions of dollars from the fight. while even may wither, who retired from buckling in 2017 disrupt. the exhibition fight as legalize the bank robbery and no, no, and i'm not, and i'm not coming back to the sport about absolutely no idea what i had to
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do a may mark on his sport. i tell him i got all, i got all my faculties made it made a ton of money and everything money and every day. well, i know we got to eat food every day to survive, so we live longer and that takes money. so to me it looks like money is every day. i mean yes, surviving against me. whether like is great. he's my 2nd opponent. he's my 2nd opponent for they were my 2nd opponent and so yeah, i mean, you know, i'm happy i'm happy. good is good fun. that's what we'll leave for now. i'll be here again a little later with more sports needs a 1000. thank you so much, please. wow. don't forget, you can always find much, much more on our website, including all the latest as you can see that on that train collision in pakistan.
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the address for that is algebra dot com. all that set for me is target, hey, for this news our phone will be here in a moment with one year i will see a news ah ah, ah, al jazeera. when i talked to al jazeera, we oh skinny. oh, me were attacking ringer, and now they're attacking everyone in me on my do you regret words like that?
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we listen. absolutely. nigeria with a woman present, it would be great. we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on sera. when much day arrived, the green army comes to life. but football is not all they show about. a club where societies disenfranchised the loudest voice and political descend fixed center stage. they are morocco's resistance, the officers of roger casablanca, the funds, who make football on, i'll just be ah, [000:00:00;00]
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ah, al jazeera, when ever i right down to the pit a he led to military coups in less than a year. now molly's as see me going to is being for name as president. ah, i'm fully becky boy, you're watching al jazeera life from doha. also coming up at least 40 people are dead and dozens injured. after 2, passenger trains colliding pakistan a close presidential race in peru,


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