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tv   [untitled]    June 9, 2021 4:00am-4:30am +03

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were rioting in cities, this was after some protect started throwing stones and let them know your work. police on horseback moved in to clear the area. oh and on the clock and the tough stories here. now, desert and vigilance being held in canada for a muslim family killed. and what the prime minister says was a terrorist attack, motivated by hate, full members of the same family were run over and killed by a driver. as canadians, we make a pact with one another that we will look out for each other. take care of each other, respect each other. well for the muslim canadian community, that packed has been broken too many times. it was broken last fall and toby coke. and in quebec city, in far too many places across the country, islam
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a phobia is real. racism is real. you in court has upheld the conviction of rudco melodic for genocide and crimes against humanity. both is military commander, lead force is responsible for the massacre of both the muslims, including the genocide and river, and it's in 1995. it faces life in prison in life. don't get hurt and then nodded. and that's why you get as much as assessment as a me to get this in the general sentence in just in there for my love and fine jenny, i'm the defendant that me some like demo printed up in you posing
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the f b. i says it's developed to secret encrypted device to target criminal organizations worldwide. 800 people have been arrested in a global crime operation dumped trojan shield israeli security cabinet has decided that right wing nationalist can go ahead with a controversial march due to be held on tuesday. the flight march and occupied these truce him was cancelled on monday. every security consent had masters vowed to retaliate her forces more not from west jerusalem in. originally this was due to taking place on monday may the 10th, when israeli jews celebrate jerusalem day, which is the day mocking the seizure of east jerusalem via is ready forces in 1967 . it's usually an event where the flag waving religious nationalist, israelis marched through the muslim quarter of the old city and occupied east jerusalem through damascus gate as well. on that day, it was a david stream tension which ended with the rocket going from gaza and the
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beginning of the military escalation on that day, police decided that it couldn't take place to that route. and so the organizes decided to cancel it, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu almost immediately said, well, he wanted alternative options to be given by the police. and the statement coming from the prime minister's office is as follows. that's the. the security cabinet convened, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu ascribed great importance to reaching abroad agreement on the holding of the march us vice president coming to harris, his met mexican president, hundreds, manuel lopez, alberto. they've agreed to try to tackle poverty in an effort to reduce the number of people from central america migrating to the united states. the number of arrivals isn't celebrated since president joe biden to office. peruvians are still waiting to learn who will be the next president. the latest results for sundays run off show left his pathetic esteem slightly ahead of his conservative rifle taken
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for more or less with 90. 8 percent ballots counted for more, he is not conceding ultra months of anti government protest. tough career vice restrictions are being used in columbia capital bud guitar. the move is being made even as the number of infections and deaths remain high and nighttime care if you will be removed and both will be allowed to stay open to 1 am. on the 20, the 1st president manuel macro has been slapped in the face while visiting a small town of the country south. a man was reportedly shouting done with my crony . before the alleged assault, 2 people have been arrested today with headlines, more news coming out, paradoxes are right off to canada's dark secret. oh ok.
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the mm. mm.
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mm. mm. mm. like, oh my name is roberta hill, i'm from the mohawk nation grand river territory. i'm a survivor of the month talking to residential school. i was here. it is
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a student from 1957 to january, 1961. and i came here with 6 of my family. a lot of bad memories. you know, for sure these are really familiar to me. mr . play on these on the girl said she was playing down in the bass and the girl side. and my mother had come up to the visiting area and the little kids had said your mother's here, you want to go see her and i and i ran, i ran but when i got to the doorway over there, i froze, right in front of the stairs. and i couldn't move, and i just stood there crying and crying, crying. and the more i cried, the worse it got, and i could see myself. i could actually like an out of body experience. i could see this little girl crying. and it was me but and the little girl said, well, if you don't, don't you love your mother? don't you want to see your mother?
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nice. you know, and i did, i really did. she says she's going to leave you. you know, she's going to leave. if you don't go see her, so at that time i knew that she would go then i things just kind of came back just like tears i just took off running up the stairs. and i went and sat on my mother. and at the time all i did was crying, i just cried and cried. it wasn't because it was locked or just so hurtful to have to part with her again because my mother was doing, she was really good. i know much to say mood good times here they are all written by the bed.
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that is enormous. there is a tremendous amount of evil that went on here. so the whole institution itself was run by fear. so it was very regimented, more like a military style, you lined up for everything, the line up for your meals, you lined up to go to school, you lined up to go to church, just like that, follow the routine and you would be okay if you followed and didn't break the rules, you know, so you just, you learn to follow the rules. i didn't have the freedom is child or as a young teenager, i was always kind of wonders the supervision of somebody. but we got him at 6 o'clock and were sent down to the old play room and it was always cold in the basement early in the morning, still loaded children air. and yet they put us in the big smith room. and we had to
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keep warm. however, we could the leader know things the farm work. i worked on a farm so long that i picked up a certain discipline for hard worker to get me were going and i think at some point there was somebody here that i don't know if it was a kid or a supervisor told me, i would never leave here, you know, so that really stuck in my mind that i was going to be in this place forever. you're isolated, all you see is this world around you, this is it. that was my world. i didn't learn about all those other things that were going on until my adult life. i didn't know there was all those other residential schools. i don't think anybody in can knew that much. so it was kept very secretive. and yet when you start to look at every ran the dental school across canada, you find the same thing and i came to the law against do as well,
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6 or 7 years old. and i spent 6 years here. i was picked up an indian reserve, raymond town logging on road. ah, we are going to visit my grandmother one day. nice july day, back at 955. there was 4 of us in one girl, my sister and we came over that little rise over there and we hadn't very down here in a black car. full oxide, ellis. and we didn't know was that the driver said later, right there. they said no, we didn't know where they were. we kept walking and they kept faithfulness in their car. and they kept trying to get us to get in. and we refused
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her covered yards away. and they offered us some way stream and jello restaurant in timmonsville. and i had a screen there too. we finished. we all loaded back up in the car was never went back to a they came. they went around away from the reserve. i fell asleep and i never woke up until we were coming up the mark institute. when after i got old enough, i realize i was goodness. like i said, my ned didn't know for the new fairs in new jersey. they didn't gear how they got the children here. ah, the,
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with the law, me lou lou i i believe was february about 2 years ago. i was on the board of sessions that are at the chism. united church and tourism township is about 5 miles out here. and my 1st were to sessions meeting effect in there was 2 other members in the minister myself and the minister was going through the agenda that we were to talk about that day. and she mentioned the residential school system and all of
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a sudden they started to shake and broke down, crying. had no idea why i didn't know what this was about at all. from that a ended up going to my doctor and for some pro help for depression. and he referred me to a psychologist in north b and took her probably 20 minutes to determine. the biggest part of my problem was from that incident, 50 years earlier, i was stationed there in the earth, and we had a territorial jailer, which most times i always jammed guard at night. and this day shift, i happen to be assigned to whatever command through the door. it would be sometime between november of $64.00 and april of $65.00. on a day shift, i was assigned to assist an agent from the residential school system to pick up 2 children from a family in fort smith,
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the northwest territories. i went to the dora this form and the woman who lived there knew why we were there today. she know that her 22 daughters were being sent to residential schools. the mother was crying. both children were crying, probably 6 and 8 years old. and i took the 6 year old from her arms actually turned them over to the agent. he jump in his car and i took off to the airport and i was space and the end of it i. so i never saw him. i don't remember the children's names, but i'll never forget. ah, ah! at the time, i didn't like the idea of taking kids away from the family, bothered me and curse being in the earth and had no alternative who couldn't
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complain about it. the only thing i knew about the you in the residential schools was a place where they get formal education and i didn't see any problem with it. since then, i've come to realize what they were a boat and i know differently now. and that's part of the story that i want to tell . it took up maybe 5 minutes of my life. and i buried it back in 6465. and about 50 years later, it came back to haunt me. here in was, ah, the the, the me
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we were sitting at this. it's just very spot. i'm not sure if it was exactly the same table, but we're sitting at this very spot at a, at a board meeting. you remember, ron, you were on the board at the time and, and the board at that time had decided that they wanted to study this book called a healing journey for us all. and part of that took us into residential schools. well, let me, let me say 1st clearly that i think the residential school history within canada is one of the the, the greatest tragedies, if not the greatest tragedy in our whole history as a country. it's the damage that's been done to so many lives. and the damage that it continues to be done and that
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will be felt. jet generationally is, is just it's beyond one way. it's hard to even take it in. 09 presidential schools are schools that were set up by the government of canada. and there are other countries that have the same thing, but it was a policy that was put into place to bring all as many indigenous people as possible into the schools to educate them into the european way of life, to take you away from your culture, your language, all your traditions and that's what it's about in order to separate those ties in your culture and your language. they had to
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separate children from families and communities. we wore uniforms. you all dress the same, you had your hair cut the same. you were all one. and it was to assimilate us to make sure we didn't have the in, in left in us when we left here. oh they took his church every sunday. we had say prayers and things like we're allowed to talk, you know, our language. we had to speak english, but it wasn't indoctrination like you didn't put us in one room and teaches
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indoctrinate us all day long or anything like that. it's just the way the routine to the place it was in. it was in the routine in speak. anything with english you went to white man school. when the white man's church were the white man's close. all those are built in wasn't a classroom lecture kind of thing. it was there was ingrained in the system road 11 years. they it was taken from them. there was no mother, no father figures. nobody said good night or come and see you. if you are sick or something, know me look jackie, except that they put us in
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a big player room similar to this dining room. and we sort of looked after ourselves i what was going on across this country that so many children were being taken. so many children were being put into residential schools. and my thing is if, if they were such a wonderful school, they were models. everybody should have had them non native europeans, everybody should have had a residential school. not just one race of people. that's a very racist policy. you know? but that's what the intent was. it was to kill indian in the child and pretty much they've done it. so you get punished for being who you are. i
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in school where you were punished, where to release the contraction thing and the the punishments were, were severe and punishment for things you never did. you never did them. i. i don't think i ever did anything wrong with deserve strap. never. you got it. you never knew it. when you went over the line, they let you know they giving you a beating, beating sounds assembled, but it was more than that. it was terry that accompanied each beating for albany. when you have children put in an electric chair for entertainment or for punishment was crimes against humanity and yet different things. and i've heard
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of other guys have an electric current in the brought us into place a little depressing where most of the meetings were on a and we went in or went on a time and got a good, shall lack and was litters, leather strap a late everybody was afraid of it, but everybody knew they were going to get it sooner or later. i just remember them crying was a lot of crying in this place. lot of tears. and yet we find out it was like thousands upon thousands of children that were being abused. despite the beatings, in the ferocity of some of the buildings, we still define the authority to run away. the voice lighthouse over 60 boys displayed the summer, usually are lonely beyond despair. from within we each had our own battles to fight
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. we were lost, lonely, scared and confused, where our biggest battle was to keep our secret or laser shrouded in secrecy. no one could know we all collect the new kids are being raped and molested in large numbers solemnly. ladies, no one could know. no one would ever know sodom and gomorrah had to be a nicer place. so he tried to escape the cardinal sin when ironing those code were ferociously been relentlessly beaten with the leather machinery belts carried by all the staff, including the principal can meet until their screams echoed out to the earth. and
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in one of the barns down the laneway. and up the city street meeting until there was silence. that was a serious. despite this, we ran away. i believe each of us tried to at least once to have that voice prison. the hellish place with demons. all of this opened, there is a boilers that the far end is running out. melissa time and time again. ne, after a void i ever wish somebody would come liar. somebody would miss me somehow in the air again. and i just came over there feeling so dirty,
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rotten low as you can imagine. and i thought every kid over there knew that i had what happened to me when i think all him the them because none ever bothered me. never as he would have been in there. so i think we all got it at one point or other, but it is a nasty, dirty face. but here's where i got melissa, are you ever standing against the wall there? and he had his way with me. and i was just more that high the
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time my life and i felt so dirty and so so own when he had me down in the boiler room, he took my clothes and i just standing here little guy is disgusted when he was doing so i think it's very, very possible that children did die here, but we'll never know this. yes, i've heard too many different stories for it to be all lies. if they're not buried here, they're probably buried somewhere on the property. and it's just one of those things
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that in time we may come across it, but this, this we can investigate if there's any truth to it. if there is anything in there just just from the people that i know from the survivors that i know that say that . yeah. they remember this being something and you don't just put a window at the bottom of a basement for any, for no reason. oh, living in a war zone is a risk not worth taking for most but for a 10 year old boy, there is nowhere else to go. in the absence of his parents, his grandmother dedicates herself to his upbringing. never knowing whether the next explosion or echo one step closer to the place they call home the distant barking of dogs. a witness documentary on al jazeera,
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the demand for low price. clover is accelerating at high speed. that's absolutely great by 2030, the industry will expand by an additional 60 percent. i'll just take a detailed look at the disposal of what our calculating, exposing the hidden human and environmental costs way with the company give free wants to be there. no doubt it was said boss fashion, all knowledge of the back seems a promising passed out to the pan demik. but the implementing the greatest inoculation in history is testing the global community around the world. already a clear gap as a merge between rich nations and poor ones, when it comes to vaccinating their populations from the geo politics to the pure economics. the misinformation, the latest developments, what's going on here is very different for a start back. thing comes in the form of a nasal spray, special coverage of the corona virus pandemic, on
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a jessina. the clock and the top stories here on algebra individual is being held in canada for muslim family killed. and what the prime minister says was a terrorist attack, motivated by 8 full members of the same family, were run over and killed by a driver. as canadians, we make a pact with one another that we will look out for each other. take care of each other, respect each other well for the muslim canadian community that.


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