tv [untitled] June 12, 2021 6:30pm-7:01pm +03
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place as we go on into the next couple of days and again that could cause some localized flooding. we'll say one to one show showers just pushing across into the central parts of mozambique over the next couple of days. and moving a little further north. the when the shots came from the holiday and we heard cracks, we heard some noise which was known as my finale is in the most dangerous intersections. and i thought able you didn't come in through the front entrance. that was what happens to people who were shot. they came into the wrong entrance, the nightly pyrotechnics of the funny to turn to the camera man. so to get out of here, sorry, a vo holiday. and we'll hold on our just era the latest news as it breaks the risk of bio relation in many parts of the country becoming increasingly real with detailed coverage conditions are really clean at all. here
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the local administrators said that they've already detected several cases of cholera. from around the world, a couple of 100 migrant children have been found places on the mainland to alleviate the pressure in the air to oh, a log back you're watching on reminder about top joy. this r g 70 days have agreed to support a us proposed make a project plan designed to compete with chime is belt and road initiative. it's part of president jo bivens efforts to form a unified funds to compete with painting in the u. k. thousands of people have
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taken part in a demonstration to support palestinian growing demands and an end to what they say . if the g 7 complexity israel's war crimes and the occupied territory and covered 19 infections arising again in russia, particularly in big cities like moscow. in response to the capital mer has ordered people to stay away from work for much of next week. okay, more now on the g 7 summit. and that us lead initiative aimed at curbing chinese influence in developing nations. jasmine ross, he is the founder and ceo of pen gay, a y, a group, a g, or political consultancy. he says the g 7 needs to do a lot of work to convince that low income nations that they will benefit from its infrastructure plan. china's both in addition to the new one sort of piece of the puzzle in china's wish to be the dominant nation in the world. now g 7 has come up
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with a proposal and i think the legs on it as yet, but it's too late in the making, i do believe and also what they need to be thinking about is the funding aspect. no . so the wider vision aspect, which they haven't already solidified of the fact, i think go back better is a good slogan. i think it's a slogan that means something to those nations which created it for they should, they don't have is buy in from other nations. actually, what does this mean in practice for this in bobbies of the world for the venues of the world and for the developing economies, which may hear this message, but don't know how they can be part of the development of it. and also what they have to gain when they build back. that's right. because right now what we have to build the better and really all every nation for themselves. so if they don't like better, we're to actually be successful. the nations which promote it, need to show in reality, what tangible benefits of the nation will have if they do by enters into this idea . and this is a role that the complaint of been hearing one of the issues g 70 these are
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discussing is the growing assertiveness of china. and especially in the asia pacific region, the rapid growth of china military is helping to fuel regional arms race as romping broad reports from a naval trade show in the south korean port, city of san the opening of an international exhibition putting on display the latest in naval weaponry that's increasingly made in south korea, decades of maintaining military readiness, only divided peninsula, have gradually transformed the country into an important manufacturer. so huge a little tongue to reason. we've come to realize the importance of developing our own weapons for defense. and when now able to produce weapons just as powerful as those made by other countries. a recent agreement with its allied, the united states now allow south korea to develop longer range missiles with heavy
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payloads. and it follows the unveiling of a new home grown jet fight, prototype, chargeable family. we have opened a new era of self defense and have also established a historic milestone in the environment of the asian industry. it comes as south career and most asian neighbors are looking to spend more on new weapons driven in part by china's ballooning defense spending. and its expansion is portion the region with the breakaway island of taiwan. once again, becoming a potential flash point, it means asia pacific is increasingly b arena for global rivalry to play out. a one camp the united states and its allies confronting inevitable assertive china and russia was starting to feel like a new type of cold war. and let's not forget, of course, the north korea factor. the failure of the last few years of the nuclear nation
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talks with north korea as raised fears of a regional arms race going nuclear. if we failed, great north korea and then you'll be growing voice with the nuclear station in south korea, then that will trigger for nuclear forces in japan. even time one will be in the pushing for that idea. get would be the really night, mary. she, you know, scenario as relations between asian neighbors become more strained. so the rhetoric between them builds in anger, giving all of them ever more reason to arm up just in case public bride al jazeera booths and south korea. in iran, the 3rd and final presidential election debate is taking place live on state tv. the thing is people's concerns as a radians prepared to vote. next week's polls that spring and l just there is i said bake. who was in heaven. i said, what we had so far well,
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a lot of promises without much detail, each candidate talking about how they're going to create millions of jobs that increase the government's budget with that really giving any detail. one of the highlights though, was when the form back the central bank governor of the nuts at him at the dutch up and david list of 11 individuals to the election. frontrunner abraham, right? you see the head of the judiciary and he said that this list was a list of individuals who had embezzled money. now brian raised retorted, why he had waited this long to reveal this list. now him, if he also attack to brian race, he's saying that if he was elected that iran would have more sanctions against it and raised the saying that he supported the 2015 nuclear deal. because the supreme need to head back to and it requires a strong government to implement deal of the knots at him as he is very much pitching himself as a moderate reformist candidate leads to those camps. because he sees himself as a main opposition to ibrahim, right? you see the conservative candidate back by parts of the establishment. the problem
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is that the main reformist factions haven't really backed candidates. in fact, one of the factions came out today and said people should come out and vote even if they hadn't been disqualification. saying that if the referee was blowing, his whistle on behalf of one to the other team doesn't need the pitch. but what is interesting is that one of the former presidential candidates who said most of the, from back in 2009 who's been in under, has the rest after that dispute you the election. he's come out and said that he won't be voting. this is an engineer direction and he'll be boycotted at 9. the past has been brought to his home and he's taken part and that this is the 1st time you that you think that he won't be voting that these debates is the last debate. and this is the chance for these candidates to try and convince people to vote for them. but these formats have been accused of being boring, and people people had have like in them to again show. alright,
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we will later there for now as a big thank you very much for that. it's bringing home had musashi who is a professor of political science at toronto university. he joined us on scott from the iranian capital. thank you for joining us. here on the al jazeera news, our how engaged people with these elections are they going to turn out to vote? well, pose show bid around 30 to 35 percent of iranians are actually watching these debates, at least a pass to debate. and that is actually really though for uranian standards or pass selections are much more heated. debates were much more engaging and i think this goes back to the fact that all showed that i to lot of rate you see is ahead by your very wide margin. his main rival was being a leader in johnny, former speaker of the reign in parliament. madame medina, john,
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former president as well as current vice president, as john geary were all disqualified by the guardian council. and as a result of the main condenser in front of him are not there mit, he's not really seen as a person who has a chance to win. i guess i'm interested in whether people are engaged in the process is their faith in these elections and, and faith in the ability of these candidates to deliver on their promises. well, i think i think people have heard a lot of promises. we have to remember that 8 years ago hassan ro, honey, the current president was elected on a monday to improve b, rain in economy, the a nuclear deal with the west. and even though he reached a deal where the west at the uranium economy actually got even worse. so one of the factors that is people disengaging from this selection is the current economic
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situation and their honey government being unable to deliver its promises. now the uranium people are hearing new promises, but they're seen as skeptics because most people are skeptic. and the reason for that is a lot of the candidates aren't really presenting any concrete plans of how they are going to achieve what they are promising today. how much scope will they incoming president, or does the president overrun have in terms of being able to actually shape the country going forward? while the uranium president does have a lot of power, the reading president is actually the 2nd person in terms of power after the supreme leader. never. so that's a lot of important ministry any are on such as the foreign ministry. the intelligence ministry are appointed by the president. the president is also the
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head of the uranium national security council, which makes the countries more important decisions on. nevertheless, we have to remember that whoever becomes president is going to inherit some very complicated issues, such as the current negotiations on the nuclear deal. iranian economy suffering from very high inflation. ah, as well as people, as you mentioned disengaging from the election, especially if the turn out for the election is though, then that is also going to be a problem for the next present. interesting. and finally, just for international audience, can you give us a sense of the wider context hair in terms of how free are these elections given the candidates have to be vetted by? i believe it's the guardian council who, whose job is, are, are specifically chosen by the supreme leader. us also in the past 24 years actually union elections have been very heated. and i would say,
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relatively free. i mean, the candidates were very different from each other, whether it was tammy and not have new re 24 years ago. near what's in the study and asked me the new job. and even 4 years ago where we had ro, honie and the current front runner at brian gra, easy. so people were getting a very different option options in terms of the candidate. they could, you know, this time around i would say we are definitely seeing a, he creased, unfortunately in the level of the variety of candidates that are being offered to the people. we still do have to reform a candidate. but the on the other side we have 5 conservative candidates and this is actually made it difficult for the reform candidates during the bates because they are actually facing to and in front of 5. so that even makes it difficult for them in that sense, out relatively speaking though, i would say,
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compared to the middle, the iran still does have free elections. but i think the guardian council has to show more flexibility if they want the elections to be free. alright, thank you for your time for your analysis hammered. masai they are professor political science at her on university one of hong kong, prominent pro democracy activist, has been released from prison. like this child served more than 6 months in jail for her role in an anti government protest back in 2019 the 24 year old was convicted along with activists joshua wong. and on land for an unauthorized rally near police headquarters. both agnes chow and joshua wong face other challenges on the patients national security law. as adrian brown report from hong kong, it may not be an accident that child was released on the day that the g 7 is discussing china. it's very rare. so people to be released from jail on
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a saturday in hong kong, yet that is what has happened. so, coincidence or no coincidence. we also have the fact that this is the anniversary, the 2nd a bursary of the 1st really violent protest here in hong kong. that happened outside the mini parliament. that was when legislators were due to get the 2nd reading that controversial expedition bill, which settled a whole chain of events, leading to months of unrest outside the jail, where agnes child whooped out on saturday morning. there were plenty of umbrellas because it's the monsoon season here, but also those brothers were symbols of the continuing resistance against chinese rule. agnes childhood. so certainly looks a lot sooner than she did when she was sentenced to almost 6 months ago. she said nothing to the media when she left and i think that that is possibly because she was also arrested before has sentencing and arrested under the new national
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security law. so i think she really wants to keep her comments to the media, to the absolute minimum at the moment she is, as we know, the sort of one of the globally recognized spaces of the what's left of the pro democracy loop. and here in hong kong, and let's not forget, she was only a team 1617 years. so when you set up the demo cisco political party with joshua wong and make them law that was back in 2014, when the umbrella movement began its democracy day in nigeria. and when typically people celebrate the end of the military rule. when the $900.00 ninety's this year though nigerians of protesting security is taesha that launches city of legal people have been gathering, dive in their anger against a failing economy. and the tax on you as president joe biden is calling for a swift the ends to the conflict in ethiopia as northern to region. it's the
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strongest comments yet from the united states and follows new these restrictions on senior officials. but if your views government is warning and reassess its ties of washington, if the u. s. continues to interfere and it's internal affairs, but it does report from other some of all our sites on the streets of the fuel cup . it's already saba. solve them for government, demonstrators cutting slack of some something slogans against the united states. keep your hands off if you appear, if you appear doesn't need a caretaker. they turned last month, the u. s. impulse function, so let me come security assistance. if you, if you're due to the conflict into guy, washington also said it will bob current and former european and editor and officials from entering the united states. if they're deemed responsible for cutting out. that was, it is in the region since then the public sentiment against the u. s. in it's, you have been growing better. you need dependent and sovereign states that should
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deal with the on eastern is on its own dog. do not need the u. s. meddling and interfering, you know, issues prevent calling your, your, we now facing challenges in terms of inflation and the high cost of living. and if the pressure from the us continues, things would become even more difficult for us if your opinions the functions of visit is to present the tonic point and relations between the 2 countries. so it is the conflict of the more from region of to grey head up that last more than that it's led to reports of atrocities must violence, a lot of nickel items and war crimes been committed against civilians. but if your opinion at a transcripts, the issues are very much important, they need to resort doth issues of human rights atrocities which are being called me to be figured. i should be less to get it. people who are being responsive, that should be for our friend it,
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i don't have any doubt about this. but the confrontation kinds of relationship between the 2 and the u. s. might the agent take ethiopia to the east, which would be counter productive. they see up in governmental, dismissed criticism, of its handling of the crisis integrated. it is in the interest of ethiopian government as well to nurture people who don't disappointed. and we don't think it's right on the back of us leadership to work to display this lesson. she because this relationship be to the benefit of most americans, both countries it's, it's also to the interest of the regional people. if you received more than $5000000000.00 from the u. s. government over the past 5 years to humanitarian
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project and development. top does not include additional funding for security, which hasn't been disclosed. limited from su, appears global data for is estimated at 4600000000, with most originating from the united states. where about a 1000000 in europeans live. for many years, the united states as your country with a great potential, a country with a large population on a rapidly growing economy that often played an outside role in peacekeeping missions in africa and beyond. what were the shifted us foreign policy in africa, which is now more about checking the rights of china and russia? i'm not terrorism on a, let's say you appear my pub last piece of where the united states, ma'am about the august data base you to head on al jazeera, breaking sport to from paris for a new grand slam. tennis champion has just been crowned that's coming up with leah
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. ah, it's one of the biggest clubs in south america. but it's greatest rival is just a few blocks away. a mutual dislike between fans formed from a class device sustained over generations. most local junior support is born into these club colors in an epic feud of rich versus poor. the fans will make football when i was just the iraq, something was going to change. anything really change this is systemic violent that needs to be addressed at its core. we are in a race against the barrier and know what to say. so we are all saying we're looking at the world as it is right now, not the world. we like it to be, the devil is always going to be in the details. the bottom line,
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when i was just there on the diverse range of stories from across the gland, from the perspective of our networks gentlemen, on al jazeera. oh, a. thank you, kim. well, let's start with some breaking news from paris, where barbara critique about has won the french open title. the 25 year old check player beat anastasio public change in 3 sets in the final. this is her 1st ever major, and she is one. the 1st check majors champion at roland girls since 100 man. like about one it back in 1981. i can't believe that actually that i actually want to
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grant them. you know, like i was going really, really hard time with actually and i was passing away, i was, i was most of the time with her. and i really want to experience it is because i saw this is going to make me really strong. and pretty much it allows worse where just, you know, just enjoy and just try of immigrants them. and i mean, i know that from somewhere she's looking after me, and all of this just happened this 2 weeks is pretty much because she is just looking, ask me for up there as is really thing her while tension now turns to the men's final on sunday between no joke of it and the final sits pass world number one job, which is the favorite after pulling off one of the biggest ones of his career against 13 time champion ref on adult. so home alec reports are failed down. this is no joke, a bitch is a match up that rarely failed to deliver. and there be a show down friday. the french open semi final was no different. the da,
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looking for the 14th parents title look shop early on, and race to a 5 love lead on route taking the 1st set, the 3 but york of which wasn't about to fold. sure, he'd only beat in the spanish one from a previous attempt. roland garrath, but he produced some magical shots as he leveled things one set all the really cool fire and 3 fans in attendance to one of the rallies of the tournament on a night that they were allowed to stay until the conclusion, despite and 11 pm curfew. in the french capital and while both players were giving everything, it was clear that momentum was shifting in one direction which
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would get the better of his opponent in the tiebreaker to move one set away from victory. i was born then dominated the food with no da looking to be running out of steam. it was simply a joke which is night. and after more than 4 hours been caught the sealed a memorable victory. the definitely the best match that i was part of ever in rolling arrows for me and top 3 matches that i ever played in my entire career while them for him had been am i would fight out there i i try my best and today was my next step for jock of which is deaf in the past. in the final who have malik algebra,
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who's if they to of football, the european championship. and the 1st game on saturday between wales and switzerland has ended in a draw after a goal. this 1st half in baku, switzerland were the ones to take the lead with the header from bridge and bolo, but back came wales with the equalizer in the 74th minute. there was another header from key for more. switzerland then had a goal ruled out by the video, assistant referee, so it finished at $11.00. well here's how group a looks after that result, wales in switzerland with a point each behind the leaders, italy who beat turkey 3 nail in the tournaments opening game. turkey are bottom with no points. and there are 2 more games later on saturday in group b. then mark in finland, kick off in just a few minutes in copenhagen, and then the world's top rank side belgium play russia in st. petersburg to cricket
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and new zealand remain in control of the 2nd test against england. but they didn't have a great start today. 3 they slipped from $292.00 for $3.00 to $388.00 all out to the broad taking 4 of the wicked for england. but england 2nd, ne, got off to a shaky art. they've lost too early, wicked, and are $58.00 for 4. still 27 runs behind. well, in the n b, a phoenix are one, went away from reaching the western conference finals. after beating the denver nuggets 1161 or 2 to take a 3 and lead in the series. the when definitely spoiled nickel a jacket as big night though, the denver star was presented the leagues most valuable player, one right before the game started. his team are likely to need some big performances from him. now, if they're to avoid elimination elsewhere, the philadelphia $76.00, there's moved to one ahead in their eastern conference in the final theories. jolene bid started for the 6 years with 27.9 rebound and 83.
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story. we are your voice, your news, your net out here from the world's most populated region, the and until story across asia and the pacific. to discover the current events with diverse coaches. and conflicting politics. ah, when i went on out there of a city defined by military occupation, there's never been an arab state. he with the capital of jerusalem. everyone is welcome. but the default structure that maintain the code on a project, that's what we use. a was one of the founders of settlement with this and the story of juice through the eyes of its own people, segregation, occupation discrimination, injustice. this is our side in 21st century jerusalem,
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a rock and a hard place now to 0. what's most important to me is talking to people, understanding what they're going through here and we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. ah, president joe biden pushes g 7 liter for an alliance against china. if they unveil plans, the mega projects to compete with the belt in road initiative while protest is gather in london, calling on g 7 government to deliver justice full palestinian ah hello again. i'm can.
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