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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2021 8:00pm-8:31pm +03

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set up a new commission to monitor filters of pollution across 5 north indian state health experts and environmentalist has been wanting for months. so the evening of the lockdown would lead to an increase in solution and the impact that would have on those, of course, 19, ah, me president joe biden porsha g 7 liter 4 and a lawyer against china and plans for global infrastructure projects to rival the belt and road initiative. ah, either i'm can been out. this is out of their life and also coming up russia put strict measures in place is it seems a huge spike in covered 900 cases in the past week. paperless,
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st. trolling valid center garbage buttons and jerry, where anyone is turned out to vote in the elementary eviction, and struggling to make ends meet. how many of the families in the richest country all enough? a coping with food insecurity. ah, g 7 need is focusing on foreign policy and the pandemic on the 2nd day of their summer in the british seaside. village of commerce, bay on foreign policy, the united against what they view as a resurgent showing that agreeing to support plans for us proposed make it infrastructure initiative. it would rival china is beltran road, and looking at an agreement designed to prevent another pandemic. this would include working to spot disease outbreaks, ernie, and stamps amount within $100.00 days. and diplomatic and a james base is near st. i'm not far from the summit venue. james,
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talk more about the infrastructure initiative. what exactly is it? and how will it rival china is which was what, 8 years ago. absolutely, china's belton road initiative has tentacles that go all over the world. it consists of ports and railroads and roads themselves. investment china is made in countries on many consonants. the u. s. is leading this initiative to launch something similar, a sort of rival to that because it says china's belton road program has no transparency. it says it doesn't meet environmental and labor standards. and it says the countries that have invested investment from china going to end up in china's debt. so they're coming out with something called the building back. better for the world initiative. b 3, w is what it's going to be known as it's u. s. plan but it's been back now by the g
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7 leaders and they say that it's going to fill a gap of funding for infrastructure projects around the world. that is 40 trillion dollars between now and 2035. the problem with it. well, as you said, china got the head start, they've been doing this for years. the project from the u. s. and the g 7, it's still on the drawing board, but also where is the funding and come from? and there's no idea of that as a tool angular mark merkle, the german chancellor speaking area. and she said that there's no funding plans at this stage. so the be 3 w, not the catch her name in the world, but that is designed to try and counter china. what discussions they have there being at the g 7 so far in regards to russia? well, there certainly have been discussions behind the closed doors. we've not had the lead is talking about it yet, but us,
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us live on the line. the president of the commission has been teaching, say russia continues to undermine european security. we know the leaders have been talking in that session on foreign policy about russia, and i'm sure that some of them, when they've had their shots with president biden, have been talking to him about russia because he'll be going on from here to the nato summit in brussels meeting, european union leaders in brussels, but then on wednesday, he sits down for a very important face to face meeting with the russian need a lot to me at putin and james, the health session has, excuse me, has happened. what came out of that well, the main theme of the whole of the g 7 this year is kind of 19, but they're coming up with something called the campus bay declaration. they had among the guest doctor ted dross, who was briefing them. doctor tedra of course, wouldn't have been a guest last year, but there was no g 7 in person. and that's because the trump administration and
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president trump froze out the head of the world health organization, the funding to the well health organization. it's different now the plan for this declaration is to work out what took too long during coven 19, in terms of developing a vaccine, identifying the virus and exactly what the virus stage. and to try now to have a plan of early warning and vaccine preparation. so if this would happen again, the world would be much more prepared and able to deal with it much more quickly. alright, james phase, they're the magic editor. thank you. thing in the u. k, where thousands of people took part in a demonstration in support of palestinian rawlings, the rally as part of the resistance g 7 day of actions. international justice. they marched through london toward the prime minister's official residence in downing street protests is demanded an end to what they say is complicity as well as war
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crimes and palestine by the u. k. and other g 7 governments while in the palestinian territory, protest as have been gathering and the so one neighbourhood on occupied east jerusalem as with previous rallies that denouncing the threat of forced displacement against palestinian families. the expulsions sought to make way for is raving settlers. i'm just there is stephanie deka is in our so on and join us now live also stephanie, what happened there today while there was a protest school, there's around 50 people including some of those families facing the forest expulsions from their homes that passed without incident pass p. c, there was an increase presence of israeli police but, but as i said, we haven't seen the dispersal that sometimes is used. i think interesting. now that night is falling kim. we're going to show you are you probably see behind me 2 stars of day, but also the islamic crescent. i got austin just to pine you through. so one through this neighborhood. i think very clear what is happening here. this
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neighborhood is just south of, of the old city of the temple mount what to jews. this is why they want this neighborhood, the luxembourg company. you can see the star of david on the houses of the settlers that have already moved in. and then you have the crescent just there, but in general, this is the slow process. what the families here of fighting for. they were moved families here publishing and moved whether in 19481967. they didn't have the same recourse to his ready law that the settlers have settled, organizations that have the backing of israeli law that will say that these areas were owed by jewish trust over a 100 years ago. taking it to court and getting victory in the sense of forcing people to leave their homes. also certain areas of, of so one facing demolition orders. and what that means for private senior families is that they have to demolish their own homes and paying is, are all to do it for them. so all these things at the moment on hold, we had
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a court case last week for a couple of families, actually the house is right behind us in so one that's been delayed again, a verdict when if whether they're going to be expelled from their homes. i think that also has to do somewhat the fact that we're talking about it again, the international spotlight being on this issue because of the events of the last month that palestinians will tell you that this has been an ongoing campaign that they have faced for decades and they do believe is going to end anytime soon. ok, thank you for that of their, their stephanie decker and occupied east jerusalem. danish footballer christian ericsson has collapsed during their game against finland. the european championship, the midfield were who place for him to belong, fell, and collapsed on the ground. during the 1st half. he was attended to the pitch in copenhagen by doctors, and we've given cpr on the page. he's just being taken off field on a stretcher and we will have more on this developing story for you
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a little bit later on in the program in saudi arabia is boring, foreign pilgrims from attending the hall. it was a pilgrimage for a 2nd year due to the pandemic, while citizens and residents will be able to attend the number will be kept at $60000.00. normally, more than 2000000 people would travel to mecca to take part and was seen as an obligation from wilson to perform at least once in their life. covered 19 infections are, again spreading fast in russia, particularly in big cities like moscow. in response, moscow's man has declared that people stay away from work for much of next week. russia record of more than 13000 new cases on saturday. almost half were in moscow . bernard smith is that with the latest. moscow's man says it's remarkable. the hospital, the filling up wallace vaccine available. just about 13 percent of russians have
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had one dose of a cobra vaccine compared to the u. s. to candidate to israel to the rest of europe . where between 4565 percent of the population of had one dose. i'm not, despite the fact that russia's head growth vaccines. sputnik v is internationally regarded as being a very effective issue in russia is i haven't really been a long nationwide concert it cove. it awareness campaign lost locked down here, and it 12 months ago, and it lasted only a 2 month since then, theaters, restaurants, shopping mall. i've been open a while in doors, supposed to wear masks. it's not particularly rigorously enforced with the must, under the chin under people's noses and got him put himself, was reluctant to show himself getting vaccinated. he didn't reveal it back until march. and then unlike other world leaders, there was no photo opportunity to show receiving vaccine. the challenge here in russia is awareness of the dangers of cove at 9. see,
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it just isn't really getting through to russians. this is a very dangerous disease. at least 7 people have been killed and cobble to commute events, blew up within 30 minutes of one another. they were in an area where many people from the minority has our community live. 12 people were killed in a similar attack in the neighborhood last month. for afghan asylum seekers has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. the burning film, europe's largest migrant cap. a greek court ruled that they intentionally sent fire to the moria camp on the island of les pauls, 13000 people, including pregnant women and young children, were left asleep in the open when it happened while september. so i had hair on al jazeera, a permanent hong kong pro democracy activists just released, serving jail punch protest if you will be a ways off its relationship with the us has pressure to end the to grind complex,
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creates friction. ah hello and try sums up the weather across the middle east as per usual and we got quite a shamal setting in as well. so some very dusty condition is very little showing up on the satellite picture. but brisk northwest, the wind, driving through lifted dust and sand, coming out of iraq through q 8 at east side of saudi arabia running across here in the concert hall with a high of $41.00 celsius. and i'm sure brace picking the temperature back into biter around 37 celsius. we'll see that similar conditions as we go on into monday . meanwhile, we pushed further south. it's dry, his day sunny across a good part of the horn of africa. the showers continue rumbling away across
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central areas of africa with some big and heavy rain coming in across they sent left and republic for a time just pushing across into the gulf of guinea. further south, a lot of dry weather, much of southern africa, is set fair, but you can see this very wet weather that we do have across the eastern side of madagascar. that's going to be in place as we go on to the next couple of days. and again, that could cause some localized flooding. we'll see one or 2 on show showers, just pushing across into a central passive mozambique over the next couple of days. and moving a little further north, the weather bag, energy and change to every part of our universe. or small to continue the change all around the shape,
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my technology and human ingenuity. we can make it work for you and your business. ah the me. back you're watching else, is there a reminder of our top stories that she 7 ladies have agreed to support us? proposed bigger projects plan designed to compete with china. duncan road initiative, thought of president joe biden, efforts to form a united front to compete with the u. k found people have taken part and the demonstration to support palestinian right demand
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thing in the end. what they say is the g 7 complete israeli war crimes in the occupied territory. covered 19 infections are again realizing in russia, particularly in big cities like moscow and response to the capital man has ordered people to stay away from work. for much of next week. some algerians have been dumping bellowed papers in garbage bins during an election. were barely, anyone has been voting. the electoral commissions as turn out so far has been around 10 percent a pro democracy movement which lead math anti government demonstrations 2 years ago . edge support is to boy cause the problem is reelection actually has been crucial test for the legitimacy of president of the machine to boon who was elected after mass protests for our president of the last 2 years ago. his government has been asking people to show up in huge numbers for saturdays
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parliament revote. its biggest concern, a lo, we're turn out that good. the deeper and the country's political crisis. algerians remain widely skeptical about reforms promised by the president, the protest movement that galvanized the nation in 2019 against the ruling class is now calling for a boycott. lindsey this, there are some people are parties trying to impose their dictates on us without us knowing who they represent. not just one person to or groups can impose their dictates on 45000000 algerians. the people wanted elections. and today, we see the turn out for them to boons. those pressing task is to revive an economy battered by a declining oil, revenues corruption, and coven. 19. he wants to restore confidence in a government tarnished by decades of corruption for the country to keep going. and
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to improve our situation, we have to help each other with good deeds. algeria president recently told al jazeera his country was run for many years, but what he called a left talk rossi. but despite his assurances to crack down on the management, many on the streets still insist the ruling elite should go opposition party, such as the secular socialist forces, front, or f, f s. and the valley for culture and democracy, boycotting the election. both parties are popular in the northern kabibi region, a focal point of the sand. the decades long governing parties, the national liberation from f, l n, and national democratic riley allen de could lose support. the conservative been our party and the movement of society for peace or m. s. b brace to expand the
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political influence according to analysts. but whether comes to power with face, the daunting task of convincing algerians that change has come. hush my bottle al jazeera. let's go back to that developing story. we're following. the saw danish bullet christian ericsson has collapsed on the pitch during his team's game against finland, european championship. the men feel that place into milan collapsed on the grounds during the 1st half of the match doctors and administered cpr. new pocket joins us for more on this from london. neeve. what more do we know? well, this is what we know so far. the incident happened just before half time the ball went out of play quietly at the quarter flag. it was for him back into play. and christian ericsson ran over to it's about point where he collapsed face 1st into
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the pitch the ball bouncing off his leg and 2 nearby players. both is what happens, the referee came over and a quick decision was made to firstly around the player who was on the pitch of that particular moment. and secondly, of course, to begin medical treatment, which we gather, began with cpr quite quickly. an indication of how seriously a condition the the player was in all of this, of course, before very large crowd in the danish capital. copenhagen, denmark were playing fiddle and fiddling qualifying for the competition for the 1st time. so hope to high ahead of this game also in the crowd. we believe members of the danish royal family, as well as of only a few minutes ago, erickson was still receiving treatment on the pitch in copenhagen and many of
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the tv channels that have been showing the game live of decided to cut away from coverage completely. we don't know as yes at this stage whether the game was being completely canceled or simply suspended, but a very serious situation is happening that clearly and copenhagen. okay, thank you for that. update me back there for us in london. one of hong kong, as prominent pro democracy activists has been released from prison. agnes charles served more than 6 months in jail for her role in an anti government protest in 2019 the 24 year old was convicted along with activists, joshua wong. and on the last 4 and unauthorized rally new to me, headquarters, both agnes and chow, agnes chow rather. and joshua won't face other challenges on debating national security law. as adrian brown reports for hong kong may not be an accident, the child was released on the same day. the g 7 is discussed in china. it's very
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rare to people to be released from jail on a saturday in hong kong. yet that is what has happened. so, coincidence or no coincidence. we also have the fact that this is the anniversary, the 2nd anniversary of the 1st really violent protest here in hong kong that happened outside the mini parliament. that was when legislators were due to get the 2nd reading that controversial expedition bill, which settled a whole chain of events leading to months of unrest outside the jail, where agnes child was down on saturday morning. there were plenty of umbrellas because it's the monsoon season. here, but also those brothers were symbols of the continuing resistance against chinese rule. agnes child her, so certainly looked a lot sooner than she did when she was sentenced. almost 6 months ago. she said nothing to the media when she left. and i think that that is possibly because she was also arrested before has sentencing and arrested on the new national security
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law. so i think she really wants to keep her comments to the media, to the absolute minimum at the moment she use, as we know the for the, one of the globally recognized spaces of the what's left of the pro democracy loop . and here in hong kong, and let's not forget, she was only a team 1617 years. so when you set up the demo cisco political party with joshua wong and make the law that was back in 2014, when the umbrella movement began in iran, the 3rd and final presidential election debates has taken place. the theme was people's concerns. as iranians prepared to vote and next, suppose us president joe biden is calling for a swift end to the conflict in ethiopia as northern to grier regent. it is the strongest commons yet from the united states and follow his new visa restrictions on senior officials. but if you appeal,
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government is warning and will reassess its time of washington. if the u. s. continues to interfere and it's internal affairs mohammed adult report from some of our sites on the streets of the european cup. it's already saba, solve them for government, demonstrators cutting slack of some something slogans against the united states. keep your hands off if you appear. if you up your doesn't need a caretaker, they chant last month, the u. s. impulse function, so next, mommy consecutive assistance. if you, if you're due to the conflict into guy, washington also said it will bob current and former european and editor and officials from entering the united states. if they're deemed responsible for cutting out. that was, it was in the region since then the public sentiment against the u. s. in it's, you have been growing. i mean, come into the belly. you need dependent and sovereign states that should deal with the on eastern is on its own and do not need the u. s. meddling and interfering,
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you know, issues prevent aqona your we are now facing challenges in terms of inflation and the high cost of living. and if the pressure from the us continues, things would become even more difficult for us if your opinions the functions of visit is to present the tonic point and relations between the 2 countries. so it is the conflict of the more from region of the grey head up that last more than that it's led to reports of atrocities must violence. a lot of nic lines and war crimes been committed against civilians. but if your opinion at a transcripts, the issues are very much important, they need to resort the doth. issues of humor, arrives, atrocities which are being committed, integral i should investigate it. people who are being responsive and should be for planned it. i don't have any doubt about this, but the confrontation kinds of relationship between the 2 and the u. s. might or
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the agent take ethiopia to the east, which could be how into a product keys. they few up in government are dismissed criticism of its handling of the crisis, integrated it in the interest of appeals in each of them. government as well to net people who don't define it. we don't think it's right on the back of us leadership to work to support in this lesson. she because this relationship to the benefit of both your bills and americans, both countries it's, it's also do the interest of the regional people if you received more than $5000000000.00 from the u. s. government over the past 5 years to a human material project and development that does not include additional funding for security, which hasn't been disclosed, limited since from
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a few years. global data for is estimated up to 4600000000, with most originating from the united states. where about a 1000000 in europeans live. for many years, the united states as your country, with a great potential, a country with a large population on a rapidly growing economy that's not often played on outside role in peacekeeping missions in africa and beyond. what were the shifted u. s. foreign policy in africa, which is now more about checking the rights of china and russia. i'm not terrorism on a, let's say you appear on my pub last piece, where the united states mohammed, the august either or the sub base your while the us economy is showing signs of recovery. millions of families are still struggling to put food on the table. public health experts say food insecurity more than doubled during the pandemic. federal aid is helping fund food banks, but many still rely on the kindness of strangers. and calico reports from miami
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during the worst of the panoramic food banks, across the u. s. inundated with families in need of help, many were facing food insecurity for the 1st time. as businesses closed and jobs were lost. but even now food banks remain in high demand. when chef peter votel was approached by a south florida food program to help, he didn't hesitate. today's meal brace, chicken, and vegetables. jasmine rice, caesar salad, and a beautiful piece of chocolate chocolate chocolate cake, feeding america a nonprofit group projects. more than 40000000 people may experience food insecurity in 2021. a number that includes 13000000 children, hospitality, something's been in my, my blood since i was very young and this is part of hospitality. i. i enjoy this when i see the pictures of the people that are getting the food in the smiles on their faces. that makes me happy that makes a hard week worthwhile. so much volunteers from food rescue us take meals from
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restaurants and soup markets across miami. sometimes it's food that would get thrown out. instead it's given to those that need it. the retail santa catarina use the service herself before volunteering and seeing how big the problem is. every time we we would go and do the meals distributions that we would always run out. we would be there for 2 hours and it would not be. we would never stop. the line would never stop and we would run out of food every time. there are always people left in the supply chain issues and closures. during the pandemic made the problem worse, meaning it will likely take time for food insecurity levels to recover. groups like food rescue, a focused on speeding that recovery of according to the u. s. department of agriculture between 30 to 40 percent of all food, it's wasted every year. that's enough to feed around 25000000 people with grassroots openings ations like this and a network across the country. they can at least trying to alleviate the problem
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even before the pandemic food insecurity was a major issue, particularly in poorer communities. the u. s. government committed a $1000000000.00 to help, while volunteers continue to do their part in their own communities. at a galico, al jazeera miami beach, florida a person who's paying 20 a $1000000.00 to fly to space with amazon and found the jeff phase off. that was the highest bid that a private auctioned by his aerospace company flew origin. when the new shepherd rocket would fly on july 20th for passengers face off and his brother finally the incredible story of a lobster diver in the us. he says he was working off the coast of cape cod on friday. and all of a sudden he had a huge bump and everything went dog. yes, i have next. just thought did i just get eaten by white shark? and i said no, feel any teeth. and i said, oh my god,
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in the mouth of a whale with his mouth shut. michael pac hard thinks he was in the well now for about 30 seconds. ah, watching out there reminds now of the top stories g 7 leaders have agreed to support a us proposed mega project plan designed to compete with china's belton road initiative . as part of president jo biden's efforts to form a united front to compete with beijing in the u. k. thousands of people have taken part in a demonstration to support palestinian rights, the demanding an end to what they say is the g seven's complicity, and as well as war crimes in the occupied territory. danish football at christian ericsson has collapsed during their game against finland's and the european championship. midfielder who play for inter belong, fell and collapsed on the ground during the 1st half.


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