tv [untitled] June 15, 2021 9:00pm-9:31pm +03
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situation worse than daddy, the number of cases auto record. and when in a desperate situation, the indian government set up a new commission to monitor filters of pollution across 5 north indian state health . the experts and environmental had been wanting for moms to the easing of the lockdown would lead to an increase in solution and the impact that would have on those causes 19 o. this is al jazeera ah, hello there. i'm the star of hey, this is the news i live from our headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. jewish ultra nationalists hold a controversial mark through occupied eastern islam. how to finance? call it an act of provocation. clear sky is for us and boeing as the u. s. and you and a 17 year old trade dispute turbine hills. it as
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a challenge to china. how vaccine hesitancy and conservative republican states is affecting president by the plan not to make 70 percent of the population by july and philippine president rodrigo detach refuses to cooperate with an international criminal court investigation into his government drugs. craft down on devin ash with fort christiana, went out. i spoke twice of hold and portugal beat hungry. and i've always been in game that the euros and organizes of the take. your lympics have issued the final rule. but please ahead of the game and it comes with a warning ah, hundreds of israeli fall right nationalists have rallied and occupied east jerusalem. some of them chanting death to arabs as they march through the city.
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the israeli police move thousands of palestinians from outside the cities damascus case ahead of that so called flag march 27. as some were injured. the rally marks the day israel began its occupation in 1967. it was delayed from last month, but was given the go ahead by the new government on monday. the palestinian prime minister says it's a provocation and factions of calls a day of rage against it. well, let's be to stephanie deca. she joins us now from occupied east jerusalem stuff. you were in the thick of things. can you talk us through how it will play it out there today? the yes. hundreds and hundreds as you mentioned to the far right nationalist. so i came down the stairs here. i know you still filled this, i'm the future in front of damascus gate for almost 2 hours. waving flags, challenging inciteful, johnson. you mentioned some of those deaths to arabs and also
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a very heavy security present more so than this is a yearly march. and that last year didn't take place because of the current of ours . but certainly what we noticed there was an obvious, a stronger police presence on the ground trying to control. i think it was quite clear that there was seem to be or does. this course is the 2nd day of this new coalition government. but the tensions on the ground that you've seen here over the last month, and that was the concern about this march, that it could re ignite those tensions you had called from him. i get calls from other factions. you're saying for a day of rage, but really it looks like something had been agreed. egypt of course, is also mediating long term sees fire talks between hamas and these ratings. but certainly the police had pushed all the palestinians and well clear from the area surrounding damascus gate. back through the cities, there were some flashes when they tried to disperse them and also controlling very much the settlers here keeping the journalist separate. this is something that we've never seen before, and then at some point after almost 2 hours, pretty forcing them to leave. what you're seeing now is there are some back and
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forth of palestinians, the police trying to keep everyone out of this area. i think very clear, it seems that today they wanted this march, which is seen as huge, provocative by this publishing and to pass that incident. certainly at the moment it seems that this day so far has not re ignited the violence on the ground that so many were concerned about the course and says, despite all the tension that we saw in the lead up and the security concerns, the government did decide that it could go ahead or bit with some changes around the yes, all the way in terms of politics on last thursday, this march, we're supposed to go ahead and the police deemed the situation on the ground to ball the title to allow to do so. you did doesn't have the former prime minister benjamin netanyahu say that actually in a security cabinet meeting, it should be allowed to go ahead and also police commissioner to reroute to offer different routes. so some would tell you that this is almost like a poison charlotte that he tried to pass on to the new government,
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the new prime minister, napoli betted, someone who supports very much the settlers that you saw waving the flag here. i think some policies though, were telling us that regardless of this being seen, it's such a provocative as flying is ready flag in occupied in jerusalem in the part of jerusalem that palestinians want is their capital of any future state is for the 1st time they were not allowed to pass through damascus gate and march through the muslim court. this is something that they're allowed to do on a yearly basis. it forces shopkeepers to close. they have to close today anyway, just in case but they're not releasing a kid that some of the board are pleased to take. and so you hear applause. but certainly this is the situation here. it's always, it's always volatile. but some of the teams will tell you that the victory today, so that's a little child that was running away from the police. they took him by now he's, he's been that go so chairs here from the me, but certainly policies you were saying that the fact that they weren't allowed to march to damascus gate through the, the muslim forger, was a very small victory on the ground force. and occupied eastern thank you so much,
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stephanie. well, let's now dig into this with you only been much and he is a senior such a gruesome sense of public affairs. he joins us now from western than you and he has. we've been saying this is a highly controversial march. i'll start by asking you how you think it's all gone today. i think a was a successful march as far as the police is concerned and as far as the new government in israel is concerned, the the best the, the smart without any military confrontation with the boss, a boss, refrain from launching roku towards these were like you'd be the lead time a month ago, a on jerusalem day and day there were limits every balloons. but i think basically they use really government as the past
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the successfully 1st security test. that's really interesting because as our correspondence staff was mentioning, this was a bit of a, a hot potato or a poison chalice, potentially for the new government hasn't cause tension within the coalition itself . no, no, i don't think so. they have the correspond, that is right. it was a whole potato that the benjamin that danielle, the former prime minister, is sent to the new government transfer the because the smart should have been there . busy last week while he was still in office but he wanted to. busy booby trap the new government to put a big in mind in front of the hoping that it will fail to cross it safely. and they, i think this is a success for the new government and the failure for new. busy benjamin that's out
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. well, you talked about restraint being shown there. were those calls for a day of rage and gauze, and as you say, there were some incendiary balloons that were already sent over the fence. and we obviously don't know what's happening this evening. it's been less than a month since the recent 11 day conflict. just how real do you think the threat is of a renewed confrontation? of course it's still in the area because they say, i think today they refrained for launching rockets because they had a pressure from egypt on ha, but still they have a day and you strategy which is linking what is happening in east jerusalem to what is happening on the gaza israeli border and they made a new linkage in your. busy equation that they call a gaza jerusalem and i don't think they're going to give it up. so this sort of day we passed the safely without any military composition. but still, i think we have
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a long a campaign in front of us and i think we will lay the danger of confrontation with us. the military going to be patient is still there. the ceasefire is very afraid. gyle a rehabilitation of gaza. there are no money, no money is coming in from the donor countries to rebuild the houses that will destroy during the war. so i think the situation is very dense. any ben mon, i am the senior research, the jerusalem center for public affairs. thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us here on out there. so well as you've been saying, palestinians protested against that israeli flag rally in gaza. human outside has more. the policy is i have called for a day afraid did. they have actually come out in different areas of the gulf,
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from morris, through different areas that have been badly or brutally bombarded in the war. and as a lot of, or many officials and different policy infections have spoken in these protests. they have said that these protests are just to. 8 send a message that what they are doing, what's the leg march is provoking the feelings of the policy. it will not, they will not be quiet or options are in front of the policy or resistance to respond to any violation or aggression by israeli authorities or forces towards the goal and the people as drew to live. well, capital is foreign minister says there is renewed momentum for cooperation among
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arab nations. are oblique. foreign ministers met here in the hall to discuss major issues affecting the region. it comes as egypt looks to repair, ties with castle. it was one of several countries that put kathy under blockade until january this year. we believe that this, this momentum is very important to push forward though what i joined in the region and it will be very healthy for our region. and we have witnessed some, some steps in the recent months that are showing that there is a desire from all the parties that, that the thought of dialogue is now the opportunity here in our region. and this is something has been very a foundational for, for, for them policy i sullivan, of a, it has more now from the the flag march and east jerusalem has been unanimously condemned by 17 foreign ministers of the arab league. who convened here in the
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factory capital, they came here for a consultative session, not just on the situation in palestine and palate about the palestinian flight, but also do discuss regional issues on the particular question of the palestinian unrest that we've been seeing in palestinian territories. they say that they are disappointed by the steps being taken by the new israeli government when it comes to occupied in jerusalem when it comes to the areas where people have been evicted and also the situation in gaza. but that was not the only issue that the foreign ministers discussed, the other a big issue which had been called upon by egypt. and so don was the, it was the down which is being built by, if you will be the graduates on stem. which if you will be a claims, is going to be improve and improvement for agriculture in the region disputed by egypt. and so don, who say that this is going to cause a drought on one and floods on the other side and asking for arab unity for this
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issue. and according to the secretary general of the arab league, that they have a unanimous stance when it comes to the situation in denial region. making sure that not just the arab league, but other international partners come forward and throw their weight behind this tons of normative patty and countries who say that this is not fair when it comes to their share of the nile. and the water which comes through the words them while there's still plenty more head here, the fees are including the u. s. and you have tough ones for russia ahead of present or buys and talk with them or person hours of the beijing accuses naser leaders of exaggerating the rest of the poses. taiwan is reporting the largest incursion yet by the chinese airport. and denmark christian ericsson gives a thumbs up from his hospital bed after his cardiac a rest on the pitch. gemma will have an update for you on his condition.
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ah, now the e u and the u. s. have resolved a 17 year dispute about aircraft subsidies and means america's boeing and europe's air bus will not have to pay taxes for 5 years. us president joe biden is calling it a major breakthrough and central health counter, china's anti competitive practices and the ation sector. that agreement was reached after by met u. d t, as in brussels during his 1st trip to europe, since taking office from brussels that boston has more on the day's events. a united front against china also economically. that's what joe biden wanted to achieve here in brussels. employ chief, that he had to come up with an interesting offer. the offer came in the form of a deal on aircraft subsidies. this had led to legal battles lasting 17 years long, and also met the terrorists imposed on both sides the e u and the u. s,
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it was all about state subsidies for boy on one side in the us, and on air bus here in the you. now there is a $5.00 fee of truth on these paris, which means that the air between the us should be clear for why this meeting started with a breakthrough on aircraft. the agreement we have fall now really opens a new chapter in our relationship because we move from litigation to cooperation on aircraft and that after almost 20 years of dispute, it is the longest trade dispute in the history of w t o. the relationship between the you and the u. s. had suffered pretty badly from 4 years of donald trump. now joe biden was in town to strengthen this very strategic atlantic partnership that those 2 packets have had for a long time bite and has called it the closest relationship in the world. and to
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achieve that, this trade disputes that basically we're dominating the trump iraq also terrace on mattel, minium 25 percent very high terrorists that also have really disturbed the traits relation between the you and the u. s. all have to be discussed today. on the mattel terrace, there's no solution, but a working group has now been established. we are never fully last year researching back and it's overwhelming the interest of the have a great relationship with very different than my since after the meeting, the president of the european council of charlotte, michelle had the it's now a new founding fact between the 2 groups a strong alliance for a better world. a lot of other issues were discussed including the climate, the global tax funds. also support for tech companies, trades and technology council between you and the us to counter shina. but it was
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a lot of course about china, but politically that was much more lady in towards china, but on russia they said they were united. and that was an important message for joe biden to hear the day before he will meet president flooding middleton and geneva. and now the u. s. and you also say they're ready to respond decisively to what they've called russia's patent of negative behavior. biden has now left brussels and landed in geneva ahead of his highly anticipated meeting with russian president vladimir putin on wednesday. and friday says he doesn't expect big outcomes from these tools, but cons to confront person about cyber attacks and election interference. putin meanwhile says relations with the u. s. are at their lowest points in years, but stresses he's open to dialogue. when those not sure you do start when you that we have a bilateral relationship that has deteriorated to what is the lowest point in recent years away. but there are still matters that need comparing and identifying
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and a determination of mutual positions. the issues of mutual interest can be sold more effectively to the benefit of both the united states and russia into you. or ben of smith has more out from moscow on just what person might hope to get out of this summit. it's been 7 years since the g 8 became the g 7 and russia stopped getting invites vladimir putin decision to alex crimea. prompted the suspension from this gathering of the world's most powerful democracy. since then, russia's president has become more isolated. only the president of tajikistan joined him for the victory de combinations. so a summit with us president is a coo, putin. he's cooper for the meeting will be widely promoted by russian propaganda because put in is sort of emerging from international isolation and at the highest level for him. the fact of the summit itself is important, but it's the u. s. that's driving the agenda this fall from clay,
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what putin will get from his talks with biden and headed to meet with mr. newton to let him know what i want him to know. yeah, the u. s. government, russia policy presumes a high degree of friction in the relationship he used to put in your new po, which at work. if food gets nothing from this meeting, i think he'll show us a scary movie and it will be bad if the almost war in april wasn't enough. it's september, we'd get a semi war. would it be difficult for moscow to send his troops into ukraine? no. as well as ukraine, there'll be plenty to talk about when both men meet in this villa on the shores of lake geneva. disputes are reelection interfere and cyber crime and human rights cast a shadow over the meeting. arms control and regional conflicts will also be on the agenda the long. i think biden's strategy is based on the fact that american society economy and technology have a future while putin's regime has no future. that's why biden doesn't need to rush . americans are not really worried about the fate of vonnie or other jailed russian
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opposition. members, so there will be pressure on put in but not very strong because they need to keep the communication channel open. is it even possible for the us and russia to come to agreement over the status of crimea, or what to do about the bell or a dictator, alexander lucas shank, or how to resolve the syrian civil war or bloomer? the problem is simple. the west con, get put in what he wants. freedom of action in the post service region cannot and will not while that's exactly what to to needs. so when a deadened and may well end up with a war, at least on the re staffing of each of us embassies, both lead as could come to a mutually beneficial agreement. here the topic, walton. i've left us and russian diplomatic mission operating with skeleton that affects diplomatic exchange is at a severely disruptive issuing a visa, foreign ministry that it's ready to review normal operations with just 24 hours. notice if the us agree, bernard smith, alger 0. well that's know,
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speak to morrow. under shara, he's out of here as senior political analyst. he joins us now from here and my, when i was looking at this language from the americans, not a big set of deliverables ahead of this. me say, i mean everyone's katie trying to play down expectations. so what is the strategy here? while yes, you're right. everyone is trying to play down expectations. and yet there is a meeting taking place. and the fact that the meeting can place is in and by itself an important step forwards. so we know 2 things. one, they're not going to come out of the meeting, the best friends, and 2, they're not going to come out of the meeting, the worst of enemies. so that is all there's going to be somewhere in between for biden, and his words, it would want a more stable relationship or more predictable relationship with russia for the
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russians, they want mutual respect. they want the united states not to interfere in their internal affairs. so i think probably the best way forward that we would expect our meeting is at least the establishment of a systematic strategic dialogue between the 2 countries. where all the problems that they have could be put on the table and taking on one by $101.00 by one because none of them could be resolved all at once in one short summer. of course, well and it feels like 5 and is trying to differentiate himself as well from trump's approach. is that why we're seeing this emphasis now and calling out moscow when it comes to election interference, for example. what we, we shall see because i think a lot of a lot of the rhetoric in the media is just most of it is basically not based. in fact, i mean, the last 4 years we've seen the united states walk away from the intermediate
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nuclear missiles agreement. with, with russia, we've seen him walk away from the open sky agreement with russia. so trump, in fact, expanded need to he put more troops there and it worked out of agreements with moscow so on and all despite trumps rhetoric. the administration or washington in general wasn't exactly forgiving what it came to russian for boss. now, why didn't it's, of course, trying to do something else with trying to speak softer. and yet the same time carry a big stick. he is. he's having more than a menacing language to watch foot, and as we know for chording ama killer, but then the same time he's showing more willingness to engage. now what does that mean? i just, you know what? he was around the words important. give a bit of context, the best 250 years. world powers like the united states and russia has been
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times the responsible, but most times, utterly reckless. some of the worse devastations that were brought on this humanity in the past 250 years. we're both of our bytes superpowers. so here is the time is the test for these 2 superpowers. to actually decide whether they're going to go on on some reckless warriors where they are going through the civilized europe and the international system. or are they going to engage in some real dialogue knowing all too well that heating the relationship between them and both of them being nuclear powers serves non. while speaking of superpowers, i'm sure china will be watching very closely indeed as well. now i'm sure the algae here is senior political speaking to us from here and great to your thoughts, mar, one. thanks for joining us again. well meanwhile, china husband calling on nature leaders to stop exaggerating what beijing has
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dubbed the china threat theory that morning came off to be a line said during its annual summit on monday that china presents systemic challenges to its security. followed who may show it exposes the bad intentions of the us and a few others, tod officially create confrontation and in strange men and expand difference and disagreement. we reject that. gone are the days of a single country or one group of countries dictating matters of the world. when no one should confuse rob with wrong, to shift the blame to us his ill and very ill in date. and the g 7 had better take its pulse. come up with a prescription, katrina, you has more now on china's reaction from beijing. so china's mission to the you issued a statement shortly after nato cloris in response to the communicate and denied that it posed any systemic challenge to the nato countries. it addressed 2 areas, mainly firstly, china's military ambitions. it said that china's strategy was primarily defensive
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and when it came to defense spending, china did not spend as much as other nato countries, especially when looking at percentage of g d p. and it also said that china did not have as many military bases around the world as other countries, which was a comment pointed at the us. secondly, it also address concerns around china is nuclear capabilities. it simply mentioned that china is not in the same league as other nato countries when it comes to its own stockpile. and also that china will continue to abide by the no 1st use principle when it comes to the use of nuclear weapons. now china is under enormous pressure. we've had the nato summit communicate also the g 7 communicate before that. and it's the 1st time that both of these blocks have mentioned china in such confrontational terms. now here in beijing here in china, state media has been trying to down play both of these meetings saying that these blocks are certainly not as unified as they appear,
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that many of them must simply paying lip service to joe biden, in his administration. and they have differing approaches to china. still ahead here on altos era, kentucky president visits regions reclaimed by ally as a by john and the conflict with armenia last year. and when the formula one car took on the plane will explain what that was all about. ah ah bacon in the heat across parts of the middle east then not a whole lot of cloud to be found. you know the highest temperature i could find for you was toward oman regards 49 point one over the past 24 hours. now in terms of what i'm watching here, we do have that shamal coming down the goal, so that's at north northwest when it's going to swirl around the dust as we had to,
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or q 8 eastern saudi arabia into cats are de la a high $44.00 degrees and it is the windiest month of the year for cats are toward turkey, a band of very heavy rain moving across the boss. fresh white sand windy for is stumble. and as we hit toward the south of the country on tale, a 24 degrees, you know, that's almost a good 10 degrees below average, share the tropics of africa. look like this. some pulses of heavy rain toward the central african republic. and libra vill, we've got a wet day ahead for you. on wednesday to the south madagascar, we do have some coastal showers toward the east. and that's always the big concerning because southern areas of the country have been dealing with drought conditions. so the ground can just not absorb any showers or rain. we may get in time showers of pulling away from the western and eastern keep keep town and improvement in conditions for you. as we head toward friday, we'll get your temperature up to 22 degrees on saturday. the news. when the shots came
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from the holiday and we heard cracks, we heard some noise which was known as a snake in the most dangerous intersections and sought able you didn't come in through the front entrance. that was what happens to people who were shot. they came into the wrong entrance, the nightly pyrotechnics of the funny to turn to the camera men. so that's good. they are allowed of you, sorry, a vo holiday. and we'll have on our era when the news breaks and the story bill, when people need to be heard nigeria with a woman press, if it would be great. and the story needs to be told algebra, her team on the ground to bring you more award winning documentary and life needs. the discussion here in iran is moving away from the presidential election to questioning the system. there's really no way to think serious economy is
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collapsing on an online me the a kind of a what l 0 that's remind you of our top story here the fallon, a controversial israeli fall right? rally known as the flag mom has taken place occupied east palestinians have been calling it a major provocation to rally marks the day that israel began to talk to patients. female counsels foreign minister says there's renewed medicine for cooperation among arab nation. that's off to a meeting of arab league, foreign ministers here in the u on the u. s. a 17.
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