tv [untitled] June 17, 2021 6:30pm-7:00pm +03
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your oh a hello again. that's remind you about top stories. the fallon tension is high and ivory coast where full president rural bo if use land shortly for the 1st time since he was arrested and electro violence was charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity. but then eventually acquitted by the international criminal court founding president kenneth cohen that has side short illness, age 97. he'll be from independence in 1964 until 1991. come to oppose
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apartheid south africa and white minority rule and rhodesia now and bob white and hong kong, largest pro democracy, new se. but apple daily says press freedom is hanging by read off the police, arrested 5 of its executives on the national security law of colluding with an enemy or more now on our top story. and after a decade in exile, ivory coast, former president are on back. bo is returning home with the hope that he can ease tensions. the former history professor served as president from 2000 until his defeat by our son tara, in the 2010 election. that bad boy refused to accept the result. and that led to a full month's civil war, which killed 3000 people and divided the country. a year later by bo was arrested and then handed over to the international criminal court to face charges of crimes against humanity. he was acquitted in january 2019, and then in november that year, i've oriend court sentenced him in absentia to 20 years for losing the central bank
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. now, although bad boy remains very popular at home, there is still a chance he could be arrested. well, let's dig into this with us, but be honest, and he's an anthropologist and a senior research at the nordic africa institute. he now joins us from epsilon and sweden. yes, but in your mind is ivory coast ready for back for his return today. but i would say that the return of long by go is inevitable. it had to happen at some point. there will always be tensions. i think this is a fairly good moment for him to return. we've had 2 elections in the last, just 6 months. so, you know, during election time the situation has been much more times and i think this is a time now where the political landscape is sort of regrouping after the election. so i don't think this is the worst time for him to return. but i do think that there are a lot of tensions and questions remaining around what the effects will be of his
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return to quote you or, of course i'm, we're saying there is opposing factions already coming out on the streets. i mean, it's so much politics at play here. this appears to have been this gesture reconciliation from what tara. but could it potentially result in more division? do you think? well, i think i would rather say that it will bring the, the existing divisions in too much clear aside. i think the, the party of long buy body f, p i has been divided down the middle ever since his arrest in 2010. and there is a need for sort of an internal hopefully dialogue, but at least some kind of reckoning within the f. b. i party in relation to the ruling party and their supporters. you know, there's been a sustain critique that allison water hasn't really taken national reconciliation seriously enough and back was returned to court. you've kind of put that whole
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situation on it's on it. it brings it into relief in a way so. so this asked him, his return asks important questions about the state of ivr and democracy, but also the state of the sort of post config reconciliation. so again, it was bound to happen, but of course there are concerns that the confrontations will escalate between the 2 fighting party. oh that, sorry to push. all yes sir, i want to ask you more about those tensions because i know it's been more than a decade. but for so many people, memories of that very brutal violence in 2011 still rule. and i have so many people our loved ones given what happened the i see, see, is that that a perception that there has been some accountability for what happened? well, i think that you still and you have this and in, in many other countries around the world, of course you have a very pola polarized political landscape. so i think that question really depends
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on who you are. i think that allison water, supporters will insist that this has been sort of a necessary legal process. but there will also be some questions about the judge, the ruling and the i, c. c. and on, on the back both side, you will have much more questioning about the premises of his arrest and the legal process in the hague. but you will also have them the feeling that that, that his return is now a sort of redemption. so of course, if there was, if there was a government chooses to, to continue to proceed with legal allocations against back board that might reignite some, some tension. but i think that, you know, the focus now is i think very much on the back bow and what his attitude towards his own political role and the role of the political obligation in the country. be very interesting to see that indeed yes, to be honest. and apologised and
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a senior research at the northern africa institute. thanks for sharing your expertise with us. and i was very oh, let's now go back on an interest. he's at the airport and i'll be john. when mr. barber is set to touch down. now in less than an hour and we're hearing some reports that they have been protest is approaching and, and potentially some violence. what's going on? absolutely. as you can hear in the background, what seems to be or sounds to be like life gunfire. we understand, but security forces are trying to prevent a multitude of protests from breaking the last body before they walk into the airport and then contrast. yeah. and the former president is expected to arrive in the next hour or so. and then things are getting a bit scary and it's difficult to say what the outcome will be. now the question will be, how the form of this part of these incidents. how will he get we
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understand from yeah, he drives to the court. why is going to address loyalists and meet some people also concerns that he's role as a peace maker. a lot of people talk to you from coming as a child to reconcile a deeply divided mission. now this role is getting a bit more difficult by the minute even before his arrival with the progress we've seen in the morning and up to now. and god knows what will happen to our common interest on the ground for us in our be john will be speaking to him as the situation develops. thank you so much on the on leaving on for now. and us president joe biden is set to sign a bill into law plays on thursday that creates a new federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery. congress has voted to make what's known as june 18th, or june 19th, a national holiday, that marks a day when the last and slaves african americans land. they were actually free. alan fisher at the white house,
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4th. and after the turmoil we saw on the streets last summer, this is a statement from the by ministration into certainly there have been people who've been asking for this to be recognized as the federal holiday for several years. now that the democrats of majority both the highest and the senate, and they have a democratic president, the white house became much easier to move that along. and jo, by more signed the proclamation signing into law in a couple of hours as you say. which means that june, 19th this year will be a federal holiday, but because it falls on a saturday, it will actually be tomorrow, which means all federal buildings across the united states will be closed. now there are a number of republicans who objected to this. they feel that this is part of the so called work culture, but this holiday has been around since the 1860 that has been marked by communities across the united states. so well, joe biden says, this is a big deal. there are many people who say, hold on a 2nd, this is just a token. you've got to look at what's actually happening in the united states and
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say, is a federal holiday, the top priority. be talk about things like the protests that we've seen over the last year and more for reform of the criminal justice system. we've heard people talk about reparations for people who are the descendants of slaves because of the problems that they have faced and their lives as well. and then a number of states have passed restrictive voting laws, which many people feel particularly target people of color know on capitol hill at the moment. they are talking about criminal order form. we are told that there is the possibility. there may be a bipartisan deal. there is the possibility that your mission, who is the whole democratic senator may be about to move on the idea of doing something federally about voting reform. and there is some talk that there may be some move on reparations. but the argument that the protesters have is that, that's just talk and nothing is changing. so they'll be glad that this state is
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being marked an important date in american history. 865 and slave were finally freed in texas 2 years after the emancipation proclamation. proclamation by abraham lincoln, but they will point to the fact that more than 100 years ago, and in fact, 156 years on. so many of the problems that people have discussed in that 156 years still exist today. have to be acknowledged and has to be dealt with alan fisa there at the white house for us all the later. thank you, alan. while thing in the u. s. where the supreme court has rejected a challenge to be affordable care act. why be known as obamacare? it was one, a former president brocker obama's signature policies. the judges ruled $7.00 to $2.00 to reject the republican challenge. this is now the 3rd time the court to preserve the law since it was introduced in 2010. obamacare is why be credited with
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helping millions of americans gain access to medical insurance. and how does your caster join me now for more from washington d. c. you were saying this is the 3rd major challenge and the supreme court talk to us about the significance of where we're at now. that's right, natasha and each of those 3 times. now the challenge is to seeking or to overturn obamacare, have been struck down in today's opinion was a 7 to majority. and it's significant seeing that there were 3 conservatives who sided with the liberals as well as the swing vote of chief chief justice john roberts. in striking down this additional challenge, now this opinion was written by steven briar and in it he says that the state that was trying to, to, against affordable care act, the state of texas, did not have standing to bring this last to because it could not prove that it suffered any injury as an effect of the law. the justices did not go into
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the actual merits of the argument. texas have been arguing that because congress struck down one section of the law earlier in 2012. but then this entire law should be invalidated. now of course, that supreme court claims to be a political, but it's undeniable that had the justice is struck down the affordable care act. there would have been political consequences in real life consequences for them. more than 20000000 americans who would have immediately lost their healthcare insurance in the middle of this pandemic. and ever since president obama passed this law as his signature achievement, it has only grown in popularity among americans. we see evidence of that as more congressional republicans are backing away from what was once the parties battle cried to overturn the affordable care act. and today, how speaker nancy pelosi, leader of the democrats, called this supreme court decision, landmark victory for the party. and this is
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a victory that surely the biden whitehouse will be celebrating today as well this time. so they will indeed, heidi is your customer there with all the latest on the obamacare routing from washington d. c. thanks heidi. now businesses across lebanon are closed on thursday. as part of a general strike against deterioration, economic conditions, protest as of blocked roads and barriers and other cities and their calling for the government to do more to deal with the west in crisis. the currency has been in free for months, and the well bank says economic conditions that among the west in the wild lebanon has been without a fully functioning government since august. and there are shortages of fuel and medicine. while this general strike comes as an investigation by the voices, news agency reveals that at least $250000000.00 in humanitarian aid has been lost to lebanese banks since 20. 19. that money from the united nations was meant for more than 1000000 syrian and palestinian refugees, as well as poor communities and lebanon. but documents and interviews reveal that
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up to half of the entire aid program has been lost through highly unfavorable exchange rates used by lebanese banks in an internal report, the un has called those losses staggering units. as spokesman said, the agency is very concerned about refugee is actually getting the full value of the cash transfer as well. so you know, that is the director of the lavonne to institute for strategic affairs. and he says, agencies must change the way they deliver aid to 11 on. yeah. and the only way to go out and key this money to cheese and all the poor people is to ensure that this money is to be transferred in cash. and you know, as dollars or foreign currency because the liberties found is losing its value valued today because of the problems we are listing that is an enormous pressure on the bernice phone that has lot up to now 90 percent of its value. we are facing the
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dwindling of the per chasing power of the new citizens. so the only way to guarantee that this money achieve its objective is to make sure while that you contract with anybody is government, that this money is to be given in you as dollars. this is why that was bank today is not reaching a finance agreement with anybody in government because anybody is government and everybody is centered back out. and it's just that this money is to be a chance to deli beneath people in need. this is a different program, this is similar logic. they want to the channel it's ebony is found and the pre defined exchange rate. now, nepal has deployed soldiers and helicopters to rescue people stranded by flash floods and the himalayan foothills rivers that bus their banks after 3 days of
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monsoon range washed away homes. at least one person has died and 7 still missing st. robbie has the monsoon comes to nepal every year. farmers rely on heavy rains to revitalize rivers and their crops. but now flush floods and landslides made worse due to the lou soil from past earthquake for people living in the foothills of the himalayas. the perils of the wet season have only just begun yet to think about making a new start. all the riches that we are in lie in that house which is now covered in mud, and it's not accessible. we don't have anything now, not a thought about way to go and how to go. soldiers have been air listed in and have rescue dozens of people, but many more remain at risk. and since paul chuck, district and heavy rains are expected to continue for at least the next 2 days,
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the situation is being compared to an earthquake 6 years ago. somebody bought one month, this flush flood is attributed to heavy rainfall and upper lying areas. incessant rainfall and movement of masses underneath the glaciers. trend down hill, these have dumped into low lying areas here. we suspect it's a glacial outburst. survivors are streaming in to make shift shelters more are likely to come, was approved for us, but took away our land properties and all had documents of value. our family of 4 must survive either by doing labor or any other means of the conditions. go back to normal, villagers traditionally go to the highlands this time of year to escape the summer . heat with climate change and soil erosion from urban development have made the impact of seasonal rains more severe every year. more than 200 people died during the pause, monsoons last year and
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wimbledon twice and it will be the 1st time the spaniard mrs. b olympics since 2004 net al says he decided to skip the 2 tournaments to make it easier on his body. but the aim of prolonging his career was 35 year old lots of semi finals to novak jock of edge of this month. french open women that have been in contact with women's world number 2, naomi or soccer, but the tournaments, media operations, the soccer pulled out of the french open amid a storm after refusing to take part in mandatory press conferences because of her mental health. organize your say, a consultation has now started, which includes players and the media who's saudi some action from the euro's ukraine, or beaten north, macedonia in the early game on thursday. captain andre, your lingo was a star for ukraine. he opened the scoring the 29th minutes and just
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a few minutes later he set up their 2nd goal, passing into rowman yarn, chuck, who made it to milton ukraine. north macedonia fought hard, managed to get a gold bag. then alice ski missing the penalty, but scoring the rebound wasn't enough. ukraine missed the penalty, but still hung on to win 21 for their 1st victory in the tournaments on north macedonia. now need austria to beat the netherlands later on thursday. if they're to stay in the competition, also coming later, it's denmark against belgium and group b, which is denmark's 1st game. since they're player christian ericsson suffered a cardiac arrest on the pitch against finland. but teams will take the ball out on 10 minutes to honor erickson who was saved by c p. r. 29 year olds will be fitted with a heart starter device. type of pace maker which can prevent fatal cardiac arrest by discharging a jolt. could even allow him to keep playing at the top level. it's
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a potentially possible, it really depends on the competition. so what is the competition you're trading select kind of have to see if you are suffering from so and, and so i think that's very individual. there are like examples of top athletes that have come back to the feel bare men to go bit 19 cases in the back. you can head of their game again. sweden on friday, defender dentist, a row and a member of the coaching staff have tested positive. they're both feeling well with no symptoms, and the game is still set to go ahead. the 1st positive test since tournaments started. tournament organizers, he wafer bass players to stop removing sponsors drink from their press conferences . chris john. rinaldo was the 1st to do it with a coke bottle, which wiped $4000000000.00 off. coke's market value and it leaves man, while luck. italy did the same on wednesday. paul, paula, muslim,
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who doesn't drink alcohol? move to bottle of beer, but you a for says rules do not apply to players with religious objections. and some big football news from italy general get to so has left. his role is fee and torn. b in torrent tina, a manager without even taking charge of the game. the world cup winner was only named manager at the end of may after leaving his role at napoli. but he's lasted just 23 days. no reason has been given, but it's reported to be related to a disagreement about transfer, signing out. just so we're a month to the tokyo olympics in japan as announced. it will ease a corona virus state of emergency in the city from next week. tokyo and fix other areas will go into a so called quasi state of emergency which fill limits, the sale of alcohol and the opening hours of bars and restaurants. japanese prime minister expects a cap on fans attending the games. but a final decision is yet to be made on how many domestic spectators will be allowed to go on that we still could contain them. we must now assume many people who watch
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the games from home. for those who come to the stadiums, they'll be wearing masks a need to refrain from shouting out loud. also, it's important that they go back home from the venue directly to the final decision on holding the games is up to the international olympic committee. but it's my responsibility to protect the lives and health of japanese people. so in that sense, i take responsibility. and philadelphia 76 ers has suffered. one of the most spectacular collapses isn't n b a playoff history. the secretaries were dominating the atlanta hawks thinking 5 and even led by as many as 26 points. however, they had a disastrous for a quarter allowing atlantic you get back in the game and ultimately pull away with a 109 to 106. when result means the hawks now lead the 2nd round series rate is you know, we will, we need every so we got to comfortable didn't
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play the way we should the plant no 6, then most bars much. the 2nd half didn't get it as many shots and defensively till the last is where everything communicate. right, and then if i asked for the following saturday back to you, thanks so much for the call. now, the fast crew has docked at china's new space station. the mission by 3 astronauts marks another milestone and china's ambitious space program. they'll spend 3 months on board helping to set up the station, but it will still need 11 more missions to complete its construction. katrina, you has the story on a mission to set up their new home. that's how these 3 chinese astronauts described that task board china space station. can mander in the heavenly communists, the spacecraft loss at all from china's goal. the desert on thursday morning lord was described as a complete success by the country space agency. it's the 1st time china has sent
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astronauts into space in 5 years. and the longest man mission it's attempted to date. the crew members are led by new i shrunk at 56. he's the oldest chinese astronaut to be sent to space when you did well, a bade orders and instructions to keep calm while carrying out information. so you have to successfully complete the mission. one home the 3 month it will perform maintenance checks and construction, while living in the chin heard corn module that was sent to all that 2 months ago. their mission is the 3rd of 11 required to complete the space station next year. you can go joins the international space station that has been in operation for 2 decades. nasa bad china from being involved in the station because of security concerns. an expert say that's causing problems when it comes to information sharing. while there's a lack of communication, we don't know what's going on, trying to keep it's kind of very close switch chest. and that means that they've got their own web, but they're getting fabulous results. i mean,
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18 1st cent manager space in 2003, and since then it's invested millions of dollars toward the goal of to come a major space power. china became the 2nd country to land rover on mars in may. it was the 1st to land one on the far side of the moon in 2019. and in march, china announced it was teaming up with russia to build a research base on the moon within the next 2 decades. the crew on board the can go are under a lot of pressure. their mission has begun just days before the chinese communist parties, 100 year of the 3 on the 1st of july. and the government wants to uphold the countries achievement and space as proof of its success. so there really is no room for error. the astronauts bordered the space station about 7 hours after lifting off from earth. beijing says the can go will function as a floating laboratory and mark a continuous chinese presence and space for the next 10 years. katrina, you out 0 aging?
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well that's it for me and associates. hey, for this news out, but don't go away. i'll be back in just a moment with much more of the days news here on here. say what a news news news news in allegations of torture are emerging under the military track. down 11 east investigate the secret detention center i make on the defective to reveal like opt out of the or something was going to change. anything really changed. this is just demick violent. that needs to be addressed at its core. we are in
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a race against the variance know what to say. so we are all saying we're looking at the world as it is right now, not the world. we like it to be. the devil is always going to be in the house. the bottom line. when i was just around for did ramirez in medina, families, the pain is unbearable. 4 of their relatives were killed last week, doing a military operation ordered by the venezuelan government. security forces accused him of being part of a colombian rebel group and said they died and come, but the neighbors and family members and they were innocent, taken from their homes and executed under pressure venezuela's, defense minister by the me to do, you know, said the armed forces were obliged to defend the country from irregular groups, but added the human rights needed to be respected and that the events at the border would be investigated. ah,
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