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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2021 9:30pm-10:00pm +03

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slim, everyone is welcome, but the default sexual that meant in the could only project. that's what we refuse . was one of the founders of a settlement with this and the story of jerusalem through the eyes of its own people, segregation, occupations, discrimination, injustice. this is upper side in the 40 for century. truth of them are rock and a hard place analogy 0. ah ah. hello again on the south, you're paying the house that's remind you about top stories. the former president laurel barber has landed an ivory coast for the 1st time since his arrest in 2011 a selection violence. he was met by crowds of support as follows. as
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a quick little international criminal court on war crimes charges zombie a founding president kenneth corn has died after a short illness aged 97. he led zombie from independence in 1964 until 991 kona opposed a policy south africa and white minor if you want. and rhodesia 1000 probably now us president joe biden is set to sign a bill until later on thursday that creates a new federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery. congress as versa to make what's known as june 18th, or june 19th, a national holiday, and marks a date when the last and saved african americans land. they were actually free. how speaking nancy pelosi spoke of the significance of june 10th as she signed the bill . june teeth, as it has evolved as the day, not only of celebration, but of reflection, reminding us of a history much stained by brutality and injustice. we all remain committed to the
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fight to end racism and advance justice, which continues with a renewed urgency in that spirit. let us strive to honor the idea of equality, america's heritage, and hope. well, alan fisher is across this forest from the white house island to this is a day that's been marked by many communities for a long time, but then making it a holiday really got some political hackles out. that seems well, some people are quite pleased that this has happened, but there are some on the other side who would suggest that this is just part of so called work culture, that people are playing into this idea that everyone has to be included. but as you rightly point, this has been celebrated by communities across the united states. since 866, the year after the final slaves were told that they were free to go remember 2 years before that lincoln had side the emancipation proclamation saying that all slaves and union states were free. at that point. there are those who say, look,
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this is good, it's nice, it's symbolic, it's important. but and the, but is very important because they say a lot of the senators, a lot of people in congress who voted for a federal holiday, are still a problem when it comes to dealing with things like criminal justice when it comes to dealing with questions of comprehensive voting up people across the united states because we're seeing many states that are introducing laws, which people say make it much more difficult for people of color to cast a vote. there's the question of reparations. and then there's even the question of whether or not slavery and the consequences of slavery and discrimination throughout the united states history should be taught in high schools. and so some campaigners are saying, look, senators, don't get a pass here by saying i can't possibly be races because i voted for a federal holiday. there are much more important questions on human rights and recognizing the difficulties for african americans in the united states to be
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address bars. and so they are calling on the bite and white house to put all their weight behind criminal justice reform, extensive voter reform, and even consider the question of reparations, which simply hasn't happened at the moment. joe biden has called this a big deal. he will sign it into law in just about an hour or so is time and tomorrow, which is the 18th, not the 19th. it will be a federal holiday. that's because the federal holiday will fall on the 1900 and every year from there will be a holiday. mocking june, 13th. but there are people who say, 1606156 years after the sleeves are afraid. there's still a lot of what to be done in america and for us at the white house. thanks very much, alan. well, staying in the us, where the supreme court has rejected a challenge to the affordable care act, y d, known as obamacare, and was want a former president brock obama signature policies. the judges rules $7.00 to $2.00 to reject the republican challenge. this is now the 3rd time the court has
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preserved the law since it was introduced back in 2010. obamacare is widely credited with helping millions of americans gain access to medical insurance or high hydrogen castro is watching all of this for us from washington dc. hydro, so this is the 3rd major challenge to be struck down by the supreme court. so does that mean then that obamacare is here to stay? why this was the 3rd time as you point out, that a republican effort has risen all the way to the us supreme court to try to cancel obamacare. and it's the 3rd time that that effort has failed. the ruling today was 7 to 2, quite a large majority and not only the liberals voting to hold obamacare, but also 3 conservatives, as well as the swing vote chief justice john roberts and its notable that among the conservatives were to appointed by former president donald trump. who of course, backed this effort to overturn obama care now the, the ruling today hinged on
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a narrow legal argument. the majority opinion saying that the state of texas, which was the entity that sued against obama care, did not have standing to file this lawsuit, essentially tossed out the case without ever considering the bigger arguments of whether or not the affordable care act is constitutional. but of course, it can be argued that those arguments have already been hashed out the 2 other times that this law was this before the supreme court. what does this mean? 31000000 americans who are currently insured by obamacare will not have their health insurance cancelled immediately amid a pandemic. democrats are certainly sharing this as a when with how speaker nancy pelosi saying that this is a landmark victory for the democratic party. president biden on twitter also saying that this is a win for the american people. and we're expecting comments from him regarding this
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when he signs into law, the june teams holiday that alan was just sharing with us earlier or heidi. so obama care, despite its pretty large popularity, appears to become a rail passes and political fight. yes, and it always has been and republicans have a time and time again, either filed lawsuits from the state level really led by the state of texas and trying to cancel this piece of legislation. but even as they were trying to do that, it appears that it was growing in popularity, particularly portions of the law that allowed younger adults to remain on their parents, insurance plans. and also the section that says if you already have an illness or a preexisting condition, you cannot be denied health care assurance that allowing more than 100000000 americans according to the white house to keep their insurance. so this is one of
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those instances where at the time when it was proposed, there were a lot of people who were fearful of what it would bring. but once it was given to them, democrats would argue it's much more difficult to take away something that people are already using. and that's especially useful now during the pandemic. how does your caster there costs out for us from washington d. c. thanks so much heidi. i'm moving on now and hong kong long just pro democracy newspaper has warned. the cities press freedom is hanging by a thread after 5 of its executives were arrested on the basis of national security law. police rated apple daddy's newsroom for the 2nd time in 10 months, accusing as of colluding with what the government's calling foreign enemies to hum china. adrian brown reports now from home call. the office of hong kong is most popular newspaper. once more a crime scene. in an operation involving up to 500 police journalists will order to leave the newsroom while their computers were examined. 5 the executives were
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arrested, including the papers editor in chief ryan law. all were taken by police from their homes during the early morning rates. there suspected of being involved in the publication of articles that encouraged foreign countries to impose sanctions in hong kong. the suspects have been arrested on strong evidence that they are conspiring to endanger national security. the action is taken against the criminals who make use of journalistic work as a tool to further their criminal activities. the newspapers owner jimmy lie was arrested and charged under a new national security last year that followed a previous raid on the apple daily lie asserting a 20 month jail term for taking part in unauthorized assemblies. in may police
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prose, more than $64000000.00 in assets belonging to lie. and on thursday, for 2000000 more belonging to 3 companies linked to apple daily. the papers known for its often strong criticism of china's government mixing pro democracy discourse with celebrity gossip. when the national security law was imposed on hong kong, almost a year ago, the territories chief executive carried said it would only effect a small number of people. since then, almost a 100 people have been arrested and more than 60 charged including leaders of what's left of the pro democracy movement here. lamb says that that law has ended months of calles here and restored stability. and stability is what china's leaders want most right now. as the ruling communist party repairs demarc, it's $100.00 anniversary. adrian brown, al jazeera, hong kong. all businesses across lebanon are closed on thursday, as part of
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a general strike against deteriorating economic conditions. purchases have blocked roads and bay route and other cities and the according to the government to do more to deal with the worsening crisis. the currency has been in free for, for months now. and the well bank says economic conditions that are among the west in the wild 7 on has also been without a fully functioning governments since august. and there are shortages of fuel and medicine. they thought they were a lot of talk about the economy condition has hit rock bottom. the lebanese pound has hit rock bottom and everything is expensive. how can we survive? there is no medicine, no water, no electricity, nothing less than what. what more humiliation could we take on this general strike comes as an investigation by the voices. news agency has revealed that at least $250000000.00 and humanitarian aid has been lost to lebanese banks since 2019. the money from the united nations was meant for more than 1000000 syrian and
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palestinian refugees, as well as poor communities in lebanon. documents and interviews reveal up to half of the entire a program has been lost through highly unfavorable exchange rates used by lebanese banks. and an internal report, the u. s. has called those losses. staggering a unit have spokesman said the agency is very concerned about refugees getting the full value of those cash transfer as well. so you know, that is the director of the avant institute strategic affairs and he says agencies must change the way they deliver the 811 on. yeah. and the only way to wet and te, this money to the cheese and all the poor people is to ensure that this money is to be transferred in cash. and you know, as dollars or foreign currency, because the pound is losing its value volume today because of the problems we are listing that is an enormous pressure on the knees. phone
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that has lot up to now 90 percent of its value. we are facing the blending of the chasing power of the new citizens. so the only way to guarantee that this money achieved its objective is to make sure why the you and contract with anybody is government that this money is to be given in you as dollars. this is why that was bank today is not reaching a finance agreement. with anybody as government, because anybody is government and does anybody is centered back out and seeing that this money is to be a challenge to the knees, people in need. this is a different program. this is the similar logic they want to channel it. everybody is bound and the pre defined exchange rate. now, palestinians married to foreign nationals,
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demanding that israel approved their residency pallets tens of thousands of wasting some of them for more than 2 decades. israel controls the population registry and decides just to get a palestinian id need. abraham reports not from the palestinian side of the river jordan in the occupied west bank. do you know me to buy a lot more from the occupied us bank is asking her nice enjoyed and here are the jordan river, the family i meters apart. but been separated for years. luba damien citizen, moved to the west bank with her past indian husband 11 years ago since then she hasn't met with her family. this is as close as they can get to every union and of a show from other than on the phone here. but i see them usually on the phone, but it's not like seeing them, and we'll, i still can't touch, kiss or hug them better than nothing but lesson. so a little bit luba is a palestinian descent, but that doesn't help her get
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a palestinian id. many foreign nationals like her are waiting for israel to approve the request. while they can leave the westbank, israel might prevent them from returning to their families. aaliyah sushi applied for a palestinian id more than 25 years ago. she came so close to getting one. but the process was frozen, she says you probably wouldn't have married someone from the occupied territory. if she knew it would be that difficult to get her residency. she told us, one of her hardest moments was when her mother wanted to see her before she died to say packet and over dirt like i told her, it's not up to me. if i leave a won't be able to come back and i will lose my family. she's fed up of the weight and became a regular and protest as part of the movement, demanding time later unification. they're trying to block the street in the hope of
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getting them going to her or risking the post date coming as they passed through different sections from cities in the west bank. born during the go, she sions with the house pinion, is really loud. reunification to thousands of tablet royal deal with this file as a political issue, but it's our right amount of the signed agreements allow us to grant id papers. what israel took us right away is ready. authorities say family reunification is only possible under special humanitarian conditions. spouses and children do not qualify. some couples told us they had to leave the country to remain together. those who opted to stay we'll have to do for now with meetings like this across the
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river. neither ibrahim elgin's either the occupied west bank. european government is urging the african union to immediately cease and new inquiry and human rights abuses and the t gray region. and said, it likes a legal basis and has recommended a joint prob, if you're a trip thrown to military offensive last november against degrees controlling the region, he rail position parties say $50000.00 people have been killed in the fighting, and more than 2000000 displace. now a bosnian woman has been honored with a prestigious environmental price for helping to prevent a controversial hydropower dam. made a below is the european winner of the goldman environmental award, also known as the green nobel prize. after spending more than 500 days protecting a river from developers from gay g or has it is on my flight to the surrounding habitat. the push to river wind, his way through central bosnia providing fresh water to all the nearby villages. it
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is a rarity in europe, a wild river home to several endangered species, and unmarked by construction projects. and that's thanks to the efforts of conservation protested. and the woman who led them vehicle from a brown face, the 3 donna we defended the river $503.00 days 24 hours a day. if this is very, we will defend it for 5300 more days. we will defend it. but as long as the people here who were born here, might be la ned, a team of women from her village to prevent 2 hydro electric dams being built on the coast of the project would have devastated the eco system surrounding the river . assets face strong tactics from law enforcement officials. in august 2017. my did allow and her team stopped heavy machines from crossing
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a wooden bridge and reaching the building sites. the women say they were attacked by police and then accused of violating public peace and order. but they persisted camping at the site for more than $500.00 days until they won their fight. and the energy companies had their permits revoked. but it's not just crushed. it's not that's facing challenges to its environment. other communities in bosnia are fighting against plans to dam rivers. the country known for its free flowing mountain rivers has experienced a boom and dams. 450 for many hydropower projects built plant or under construction near the mar law, public who knew instead of having waterfalls, natural beauty, inhabitants from endangered species. you'll have read of was that change climatic conditions for my dad. they can only be one response to remain determined. kazama is an actual barble. although i have
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a message for young people in both me and has gotten them to fight for ideas that are right and to persevere. they have to be persistent and there is no giving up and i think they need to put their focus on water. because water schools have like a call to protect bus news, environmental treasures, the call that will resonate in many countries around the world. so any diagonal al jazeera while still ahead, hey, on al jazeera action from today's games up the euro's, and all of us coming up with sorrow and you are in to finish. ah
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ah ah ah ah me ah ah ah
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oh it is now time to sports his far. this dance you thank you so much. the world's best football team. belgian have reached the knockout stage of the euros. they fought from a goal down to be to spear to denmark team who were playing for the 1st time since christian ericsson had a cardiac arrest. david stokes has the action tributes in the stands and on the pitch for christy and erickson just 5 days earlier. in the same copenhagen stadium, denmark star player was resuscitated on the pitch after suffering a cardiac arrest in their opening game against finland. while he continued his recovery in hospital, his teammates were back looking for the 1st when in the tournament up against the world's best team, belgium and the danes made a fantastic start. going ahead after just 2 minutes, 3, use it paulson sending the home crowd while
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then there was a touching moment when the ball was kicked out in the 10 minutes prompting a minute to prove erickson's denmark's number 10. the translation of that is all it is with you christian. they went in ahead of time, but it was all about belgium after the break, especially kevin sabrina, making his 1st appearance in the tournament after coming back from injury. the 1st he said a token has thought, who levelled up the game at 11. and then he got one of his own to put belgium ahead . although he celebrations were understandably muted. demo didn't go down without a fight though, and not in rough white with inches away from an equalizer later on. they finished with 19 shot to belgium spied. but it was belgium who want it and secured the place in the knockout stage. demarcus still without a point, but they still have some hope with for the good place teams going through. they still got a chance, but they have to win the final great game against russia. david stokes,
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out his era and the day's early game ukraine got there 1st one of the tournaments against north macedonia. captain andre young ranko was the star for ukraine. he opened the scoring in the 29th minutes, and a few minutes later he set up their 2nd gold happening to roman yarn, chuck, who made it to, to mil to ukraine. north macedonia fought hard and managed to get a go back again. are you missing the penalty but scoring the rebound? but it wasn't enough you cream missed the penalties hung on 21. there been to cope in 1900 cases in this le vacuum camp ahead of their game began sweden on friday, defender dennis barrow and a member of the coaching staff have tested positive, but they're both feeling well with no symptoms. and the game is still set to go ahead the 1st positive test since the tournament started alternative organizers, he waive her bass players to stop removing sponsors drinks from their press
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conferences for shawna. rinaldo was the 1st to do it with a coke bottle, which wiped $4000000000.00 off coax market value. and italy's manual luck, italy did the same on wednesday. how palm by muslim who doesn't drink? alcohol removed a bottle of beer, but you wafer says rules do not apply to players with religious objections. from big football news from italy general good to so his left, his role as fiorentino manager without been taking charge of the game world cup winner was only named manager at the end of may, after leaving his role at napoli. but he's lots of just 23 days. no reason is begin read, but it's reported to be related to a disagreement, ro transfer, signing a, just over a month or 2. the tokyo olympics and japan is announced. it will ease the corona virus state of emergency and the city from next week. whoa, whoa. and 6 other areas will go into a so called quasi state of emergency, which so limits the sale of alcohol and the opening at hours of bars and
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restaurants, japanese prime minister except expects a cap on fans attending the games. but a final decision is yet to be made on how many domestic spectators will be allowed to go on that we could or can say, no, we must assume many people will watch the games from home. but for those who come to the stadiums, they'll be wearing masks and need to refrain from shouting out loud. also, it's important that they go back home from the venue directly to the final decision on holding the games is up to the international olympic committee. but it's my responsibility to protect the lives and health of japanese. people are in that sense. i take responsibility, tennis are rocking down his analysis piece, withdrawing from wimbledon and the tokyo olympics. the 20 time grand slam champion has won wimbledon twice, and it will be the 1st time the spaniard, mrs. the lympics since 2004 dal says he decided to skip the 2 tournaments to make it easier on his body. the aim of prolonging his career
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a 35 year old lost the semi finals to novak chunk of h at this month for children. when will they have been in contact with women's role? number 2, naomi or soccer, but the tournaments, media operations, soccer pulled out of the french open amid a storm after refusing to take part in mandatory press conferences. because of her mental health organizer say, a consultation is now started, which includes players and the media. an andy marie's return to grass court has been cut short. the britain was knocked allison between the 2nd round by top feed, mchale ready in $0.03 to time wimbledon champion was playing in his 1st tournament on graph for years. okay. and that is all your sport for now. ms. azia back. thank you so much, barbara. well, don't forget, you can always find much, much more on our website, including all our lessons coverage of the return along back bird to the ivory coast . while that's out there at dot com. well that's it from us and our hot lorne is
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london with more news in just a news news news news be part of the debate itself defeated to end posey in the us or in the u. k. because it will just come back again when no topic is off the table. what we wanted to talk about, the white man impacting our loud and clear stream where a global audience become a global community. jumping to the comment, question, and part of the discussion. there are like kinetic efforts to silence fell opinions
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on the online, based on al jazeera in me and allegations of torture are emerging under the military practice. one 0 one east investigate a secret detention center i make on the defective to reveal like opt out of the one day i might be covering politics. you might hear me from serbia is hungry for what's most important to me is talking to people understood what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. here it is. here. we believe everyone has a story worth hearing, a global pandemic, social unrest, a world under locked down, brought to a need by the buyer. but now we have a window to like the past to a brighter future. coming to you live from doha. we bring together leaders from the corners of the globe and across all sectors of society. chalk away out of the join
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the company that you cannot make forums powered by blue. ah the a warm welcome to the home. but bo, as i, because the former president returned to nation he left in the grip of civil war. but will he bring com all great attention? ah, i'm tired of this is out there live from london also coming up a choice of full just out until pose open in iran, with a hard liner who backs nuclear talks predict.


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