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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2021 9:30am-10:01am +03

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corners of the low and across all sides chalked away out of the join at the top. you cannot make forums powered by blue. oh hello, i'm down, jordan and don't have the top stories here on our era. iran that's voted in a presidential election expected to hand power to hotline judge abraham lacy. he's been congratulated by the other candidates, although there's been no official result. activists are called for a boycott to several contenders are excluded a cripple economy and high unemployment, or some of the issues dominating friday's vote to for jabari has more now from terror on well, the number one concern for the general public has been that they don't believe it, they government can really do much in terms of turning the economy around. that is
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the main concern. now whether or not abraham racy, the front runner will be able to do that is what people that voted for him are hoping for. now. just a short while ago we heard from one of the conservative candidates most and read a who has written letter letter congratulating the head of her on to the sherry abraham, right. you see in his when, which we still cannot confirm because the interior minister has yet to announce official results. we are waiting for that for you in general, assembly has passed a resolution calling for a hold to the flow of weapons into me. and mom, if you and am bassett who represents the alfred civilian government, says the measures don't go far enough. the chief editor and chief executive of a pro democracy newspaper in hong kong have been denied bay alarm appearing in court. they're accused of colluding with a foreign country. they were arrested on thursday under the cities sweeping national security. the u. s. is pulling equipment and 100 the troops out from the
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middle east. the pentagon confirmed reports that anti missile batteries are being removed from iraq. q 8, jordan and saudi arabia. it comes 2 years after the military presence in the region grew as tensions with iran escalated. the po care 2020 chief says she wants to explore ways the whole next month, lympics with spectators. japan's top medical adviser has said the games would be safer without fans. a band would cost organizers, hundreds of millions of dollars in last ticket sales. take you live now to their indian capital, tara, where officials are briefing the media about friday's presidential election. this of listening to what they have to say given counting the votes is still continued the election results. this is going to be the initial result.
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miss debra him. they see with 7 teen 1000000 and 800000 vote massive. there's more than 3000000 and 300000 votes, mr. him a t more than 2000000, 400000 votes. and mr. me these other hush me with 1000000 more than 1000000. so this is the initial results. the initial results of the counting the votes. so this is the last update. this is the latest update about the election counting. so the minister stuff is going to be here and it's going to announce the latest
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the, the final results. if you need more time moment that if you're going with him, tell me already said job or how we are using all the capacity for the election that for counting those. and then we are going to have the a separate on the election and the general election basically the parliament collection schedule record. sure. roz shot has this is, this is the, this is the units within the city. the city themselves are responsible for counting
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the votes. hold on to that and so the call about that. all right, so what about jonathan? so there may be a little bit of a quote on all the top regal fan bid. i saw him on top of me doing reviews conferences from the iranian ministry. the tyria that on the iranian election looks very much at this stage as though the hard line abraham racy has, has won the election. let's go live now to our correspond dosage vari, who's in the front door. so what do we learn from that press conference? what we've just been hearing from jamal or who is the appointed head of the election committee of the interior ministry. he had the following figures. we it seems like it is a landslide victory for the head of her,
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answered the sure abraham. right. you see, he has received so far. 17000000, 800000 votes, followed by ma, sandra, z a, who has received just over 303000000 votes. and the only moderate in the race has received 2000000, 400000 boats. and last is the other conservative may have these are, there was more than 1000000 votes. the spokesperson said that we are going to hear from the inter administer himself when they have the final vote count in the coming hours. but it appears really now that the next president, the other on will be abraham. right. you see with the numbers we've seen the overwhelming majority of the votes that he has received so far. important to point out. abraham bracy also ran in 2017. he got just nearly 16000000 votes. 4 years ago it appears now. he is well on his way to becoming iran's 8th president. all right, let's, let's bring it out here. as i said, beg, who's also in ron? what's your take? i said on, on what you heard that last,
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can you hear me say 3 and in the studio it appears that we're having problems getting through to work to acid the door. so there were accusations that the selection was engineered for ac. so when do you think that had an impact on, on voter turnout? i think it certainly did. there was a number of candidates inc, including a very well known former speaker of parliament as larry johnny who was disqualified by the guardian council. it was very much a shock and surprise to most of the public here because he is a very well known figure within the establishment. he is not a reformist, he wasn't moderate. and he himself tried to dispute a disqualification by the guardian council with no success that had
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a lot to do with damping. the mood here a lot of people felt that these elections were not really that open to all the candidates. there wasn't a proper representation across the board. regardless, the elections went ahead and the hard core support of the establishment has have voted for abraham. right. you see now racy, is very interesting. 50 within the establishment is quite powerful. and he is the head of the countries judiciary posts that is appointed directly by the supreme leader. prior to that he was a son of what's found in masha, which is in charge of a member of the shrine. that is a huge foundation and it is very powerful economically and politically. they have very different countries. so that's very well to the system. i'm sorry that the signal between here and tara is, is breaking up. we'll,
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we'll leave you that for a moment when we do have now i was there, as i said, bake, who's also inter on hopefully he can hear me and we can hear him. i said, what's, what's your take on what we heard from that news conference? well, many people will see this as expected. they brought him, if he was the front trying to in this election, he was backed by many conservatives. but it's not that straight forward. the. he's opponents already conceded this morning and it's not just conservative. the voting for him when we were out on the streets, we because some people that had previously voted for president has sandra honey, that we're now disappointed and we're saying that we need to vote for somebody else and that somebody else was brian, right. and in terms of the turn out, well those that support the pitiful establishment here, we'll see as a gloss helpful. lots of others will see as a good glass half empty. and it depends what political persuasion you are in this country. and that would determine how you look at the voter turnout, but yes,
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the brian, right, you see is the judicial chief set to be president. now in august, he was the head of a shrine in mushrooms that so millions of visits to the people to remember him for his position, holding that position. he was known for fighting corruption. but also he, the controversial figure for some he was a part of a committee the over so executions of political opponents back in 1988. and in fact, back in the 2017 election, which he stood against hasn't happened, ronnie, and lost an audiotape with leak. and now in the audio tape to the intensity within line to become the countries next supreme leader was addressing your brain, racy and 3 of those who made this committee. and he condemned them for what he called was crime taken place under the islamic republic of iran. during the election campaign in 2017 president has hardly referred and attacked him right. if you think that the ring and people who would not accept any but anybody the over
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the last 38 years, had only known executions and prisons, but he is set to be. this country's next president elected to why the people of this country. and it seems like people have been disappointed not only the hudson ronnie administration, but also the handling of the economy. and that seems to be the major issue in this election. we haven't heard much from brian right in terms of foreign policy. and he is concentrated on domestic policies because he knows that the main can then is inflation unemployment, the daily lives of people have the standard of living in terms of foreign policy. the only thing he has really said that he accepts the 2015 nuclear deal as a document that has been backed as an agreement, as be backed by the supreme leader. but the difference between the conservatives and the reform, it's when it comes to the 2015 nuclear deal, is that the reform is see, see it as
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a foundation and hoping for broader discussions and engagement with the west. but people like you bring him right in the conservative, see as the ceiling. and what about his legitimacy with, with only what? 28000000 out of 59000000 eligible voters costing that balance in this election. it's hardly a popular mandate. is it? well, it depends how you look at it, those that support him and support the particular establishment here will say, well he won the vote. he that's how many people came out to vote and vote for. he won the majority of the vote, it's a, it's a fair action as far as they're concerned, despite the disqualifications, and they will back him nevertheless. but others will say, look, busy disqualifications that took place that removed any real opposition to him. and the path to the presidency was made easy for him. so, but really what would determine his success or any sorts of the dictum at the is how he deals with the economy over the next 4 years. because again,
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that is the major issue. time and time again when we spoke to people across there on in s for hong and other parts of the country. again and again, everyone mentioned the economy as far as a lot of people were concerned, but didn't really care who stood who became the country next president. they wanted someone to sort out the state of the economy. the iranian really has dropped to value. inflation is high, unemployment is a high, but rice c was the favorite because really there was no real prominent opposition to him. and some people who continue to question that and continue to criticize that over his presidency. the economy is inextricably linked to, to foreign policy. and the sanctions that are in place against iran is anything going to change with racy as president. what is his stance? in terms of foreign policy in terms of the nuclear deal in terms of getting both sanction lifted. so in terms of the nuclear,
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he's closely linked with conservatives that didn't back or didn't agree with the nuclear deal in the 1st day. but other debates took place on the presidential debates. he said that he accepted the 2050 nuclear deal, but what was required with a strong government to implemented, criticizing the ronnie government to saying that they weren't strong enough to implement it. so it seems like yes, he will back the 2015 nuclear deal and those goes, you know, negotiations obviously on ongoing. now in terms of foreign policy hasn't said much in terms of engagement with the west. what he has said is that iran should concentrate on its neighbors to build strong ties with them, but these negotiations are still ongoing. those functions are still in place. those sanctions that were imposed by former us president donald trump, after he pulled that the 2015 euclidean and this doesn't say under the button administration and they are difficult for iran, the sanctions on the oil and banking sector. so the country has really, really struggled,
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so he would have to contend with that. but it could be that the wrong, the administration negotiates, negotiated in vienna, have done all the hard work. and an agreement comes into place when president has been present the president elect abraham. right. if you take off it and then those, some of those functions may be lifted. connie maybe make it better and he will take credit for that. and the situation will get better for many iranians and then he will start looking forward to his next term of what he does next. because many people suspect he has been lined up to be this countries next supreme, neither are the modes buddy, thanks to do this, go back to where to dos. jabari then also in turnaround, as we was saying a few moments ago, turn out pretty low. only 28000000 of 59000000 versus cost that balance in the selection, racy scoring. it looks at the moment around about 62 percent. what will the, the react to be to his,
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to his when i mean he was or was the shoe in the accusations that the selection have been tilted in his favor? how will people feel about having him as their president? well, their lives change under lacy compared to one of the presidency. has some honey well, it appears now that iran next president, abraham bracy, will come into power with the lowest voter turnout in the country's history. according to the official numbers, 28600000 iranians voted, then there was nearly 60000000 who are eligible. as you mentioned, that puts the voter turnout around 48 percent. that is the lowest number for presidential election. iran has had since the revolution of 1979 and that we had expected the racy when the big, big gap that we see between him and the moderate candidate. how much he is quite large. so he's coming into office around 62 percent of the votes in total so far,
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which was he had a landslide victory. now, many of the people i spoke to here who are voting for a conservative candidate for the 1st time. they were voting in favor of a unified iran. that means the idea that we have had a moderate government for the past 8 years and very conservative establishment. they were at odds with each other over and over and over again. not only about foreign policy, but also domestically, they weren't able to achieve as much as they could. this was one of the main problems we've had. so many of the analysts and voters i spoke to yesterday. they said that at least one we have a conservative government and a conservative parliament and a conservative judiciary. there is one voice. iran is no longer as divided as it has been over the past. and the hope is this means that they will be able to achieve more. deb will have a government that will have the support of the different various establishments within the system, so they will be able to do their job better. this was the unifying theme yesterday
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. even though people may not necessarily believe in a conservative candidate, they believe in the idea of the unified iran, and that is what we're seeing now. the results of that with the right you see when and so there is hope that this president will be able to achieve much more than has sandra honey has in the past. because president ra, he has been spending a lot of his time trying to defend his government's actions and policies. there's been a number of for in fighting between the government and the parliament. so there is various factions within the system that we're at all with each other over the past 8 years. and many people believe that this is the reason that we've seen iran suffered so much under the sanctions. and there's hope that with this president net coming in, that will be able to achieve more and politically, what is his stops in terms of foreign policy? where does he stand? for instance, $0.03 on the, on the nuclear deal. one of the chances of, of, of that being put back in place with him as president
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well, he's been quite vague about his foreign policy issues and where he stands during the debates. he didn't specify his foreign policy agenda, but he has said in the past that the nuclear agreement is a certified document by iran's parliament and so that, that will continue. that is not going to change under his government. and we've also heard from the negotiators are currently in vienna, the deputy foreign minister bus, or she has said that no matter what takes place during these elections, the negotiations will continue. and that is because the nuclear deal that nuclear file is dealt with not just by the president in this country, there is a body that is called the supreme national council that deals with a nuclear program in the country. and those decisions are made by the head of the parliament, the head of the judiciary and the president. those 3 main bodies lead the charge. of course, the supreme leader also has his opinion. he weighs in from time to time. but that
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is how the nuclear file is dealt with. so it's not just up to the president's per se, but abraham racy has said that he will honor the agreement. and of course, maintain the line that around his side over the past few years. and that is until the united states returns and lift the sanctions. iran will then go back to its original commitments. so that is unlikely to change drastically in terms of regional relationships. again, those are not likely to change overnight either. there has been some comments made by abraham may see that regional powers and regional relationships are important for iran. and of course the issue of saudi arabia is still unresolved between them and iran and the issue of yemen. also a very important one for iran. they say that what is taking place in yemen is really a crime against humanity and they have put forth their plan for
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a peace plan over and over again. and that is likely to continue with the new governments. i will to power in august with this, this unity that you talk about now within government, within the various branches of government with racy as president. will the international community find iran any easier to deal with? well, that will be quite difficult to predict. i think it will all depend on the tone we hear from the future president what tone he will take will signal how he intends to deal with the international community. of course, the important point here is that everyone you see is under e u sanctions, as well as united states sanctions. and usually the new president they reigning president will go to the united nations general assembly in september to deliver a speech president. ronnie has done that every year since he was elected. whether
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or not abraham bracy, who will be the 1st president under those kinds of sanctions, will be able to travel to the united states will remain to be seen. but that is likely to be the stage where he will lay out, his foreign policy told the agenda we can pretty much understand what will come, but his tone will be important. and i think we will wait to see whether not able to travel or whether not he will choose to stay behind. but there will be oper today's for him to lay out his foreign policy plan. but i think the most important point will be his tone, that is where we will see what he intends to do when it comes to dealing with the international community. and for them really with the international community. they have had some experience with dealing with a conservative iranian president. of course, i meant the job was one of the most conservative who was elected. so there is some experience there, but abraham, right, you see, we still don't know his tone and what he will intend to do when it comes to dealing
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with the international community. but in terms of the policies and align that is unlikely to change from the sense to what extent to the domestic challenges that the new president face. to what extent of those inexplicably linked to, to foreign policy in that. and that he's going to get sanctions lifted, or at least some sanctions relief to address the frustrations of the electorate domestically certainly, and i think many here believe one of the reasons that these nuclear talks in vienna are now in their 6th round. and they're just dragging on for many, many weeks. they started in april. one of the many reasons for that is the analyst here say that the iranians want to give that when to the new government. so there is some speculation that they're dragging on in the hopes of trying to secure that
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when, when the new government takes office in august. so when that happens, then you clear deal is now not a question of if it will happen that it's very much a question of when i spoke to an economist here a few days ago, who had the experience of in 2016 when the nuclear deal came into effect. he said that it took us some time to actually start bringing in foreign investors and opening up the market here. but now we know better, we are ready. and on sam boy, as soon as that document is signed in vienna, we are ready to go. it will not even take us a week to reopen this country's economy to the international community. but in terms of the domestic challenges, and that is linked to that. if they can secure that when in their 1st few weeks in office, the new governments of abraham racy, it will be a huge victory for him. and the sanctions relief will be almost immediate. the results that we will see here, that is one of the hopes here is to increase his popularity among the people who didn't vote, to see to say that look, even though he may not be your candidate,
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he is now the candidate of the country. and he's been able to secure this deal that there are president ron, he couldn't during his 2nd term so it will work in his favor and it will certainly not unify the country and alleviate some of the economic pressures in the country. i'll just say restore such a barrier reporting live from toronto. we've just joined us. able to him racy, has won the iranian presidential election with a wide margin of around 62 percent of the vote. according to berlin, great results. the 3 other candidates in the election has congratulated the judiciary chief on his when final results are still pending. let's speak to have a soft professor of political science at tech university. he joint now live from much around good time with his professor. what's your reaction to abraham races when? well, i think it was very predictable according to polls race. he was ahead by
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a very wide margin. so we knew that even before the election was taking place, most of his major competitors were disqualified by the guardian council. so the result is expected, the participation rate, i would say the final participation rate is still pending, but from what we are hearing, it's better than what was expected. we knew it was going to be between 40 to 50 percent and now it seems that it's on the higher end of that scale. i think the future challenge is going to be for really easy to win the approval of the iranians, who haven't voted for him. that's far from the results that have been published. we know that really got over a bit over 2000000 more votes than what he got 4 years ago. and while that's acceptable, i wouldn't say it's great. so i think fixing the economy would be the number one crucial pass for, right? you see if he wants an,
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a majority of iranians to support him. what does that turn out? say about both legitimacy. ok, he scored 62 percent of the of the vote, but only $28.00 out of an eligible. 59000000 voters, bothered to vote in this election. how legitimate, legitimate, legitimate is his presidency? well, i mean from a legal perspective, it's legitimate, but from a public relations perspective, the participation rate, as you mentioned, was low. again that, that was predicted we knew coming into the election that the participation would be quite low. perhaps the lowest rainy in history. we still don't know the final on number if it's less than 51 percent, then that would make it of the lowest in iranian history for a presidential election. but nevertheless, we knew that even before today, i think his challenge is going to be to try to compromise between his
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ideology and the realities on the ground. now, ever humor, he is from the conservative circle in iran. he has been very critical of the nuclear deal that was signed in 2015. his associates have been very critical of the deal as well. now we have to wait and see whether they will change their position regarding the nuclear deal, which seems necessary if they want to be re new economy. how long will people give him to do that? i mean, we were hearing from our correspondence earlier that the economy was the main issue in this election. but of course the economy is, is inextricably linked to the sanctions that are in place against iran. at the moment he's got to do something in terms of foreign policy to fix that in order to fix the economy, doesn't he? yes, well, right. you see actually very smartly was very conservative in the sense that he
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wasn't giving any time buying during the debate. the one who would fulfill his promises. so he was talking about the relation rate, about unemployment. what wasn't given really a timeline of what he would do, for example, in the 1st 100 days on never that regarding the nuclear view, i think there is a window of opportunity of less than 2 months of reaching a deal before. right? you see takes office if that happens, i think that would be great, but if, if that doesn't happen and really easy comes into power. i think the very fact that the negotiating team will change means that we're on a much longer time scale than say, reaching it in the next 2 months. and just very briefly, the fact that we now have this, this is our correspond. it was telling us this unity now with that the, the president being a conservative, the, the, the conservative factions within parliament that'll make business within the country much easier to do. wanted to politically. yes. i mean that will definitely
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have an effect because we know, for example, during the year and a half past year and a half, the ron government has been in a very deep struggle with the hard line parliament and rec, won't have that problem. also having unified actions within the different branches of government might even actually help the nuclear deal because we know that bryan, where it's very close to the wrong supreme leader. so even in that regard, we might see some positive outcomes. all right, good to talk to you as always, many facts dates of being with us there. how does the savvy professor of political science at tech round university? the if you just don't is hello, this is our 0 adrian funding. and here in bo ha, with continuing coverage of initial results from iran, the presidential election, the.


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