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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2021 10:30am-11:01am +03

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how do you know that provides more possibility for growth and we understand now we can't waste our time at work and must make the most of it. we deal with lofty goals in a country where old habits die hard. adam rainy al jazeera rome. ah, it's good to have with us hello headlines and i was a hero. initial results from ron's presidential election show the hotline of abraham lacy. well ahead. as expected, the 3 other candidates had already congratulated the judiciary chiefs. the official final announcement is to come within us as big as tara has more on why racy has secured such a large share of the vote. many people upset and dissatisfied with president hasn't honie and he's government upset as the handling of the economy. many believe it's due to mismanagement, although the president hasn't honey,
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the government have blamed sanctions, but some people just don't by that. they believe that the government could have done more. so people have been dissatisfied with that. and they came out and voted for abraham. right. you see? yes, he's a conservative and it was backed by the conservative and many people are talking about this unified front of conservatives. of different branches of government, it's also important to say that all those in government and even the candidates that were standing up to the right of it brain, right. you see 210 lawmakers wrote to the remainder, remaining conservative candidates, asking them to drop in favor bringing, right? you see, and they didn't. and also, many conservatives don't agree with the 2015 nuclear deal. never supported it in the 1st place and some of those supported brain, right. so it'll be interesting to see how he deals with the differences within the conservative come the un general assembly as called on member states to hold the flow of weapons into me. and bob, the non binding the vote is another significant sign of global opposition to the
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john to that seized power and began to crack down that kill more than $800.00 people. the chief editor and chief executive of a pro democracy newspaper in hong kong have been denied bail after appearing in court while law and june came home. are accused of colluding with a foreign country. they were accused they were arrested rather the officers of apple daily on thursday, under the cities sweeping national security law, excuse me. the case has drawn international condemnation. the us military presence in the middle east is shrinking further on equipment, as well as hundreds of troops. a being withdrawn, the pentagon confirmed reports that anti missile batteries were being removed from a rock, kuwait, jordan, and saudi arabia. it comes to years. the military presence in the region grew amid escalating tension with iran. the headlines one you see here and i was 0. after inside story coming up next on the coast, china aged population,
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the country will become the 1st nation in history. the gold pick for it becomes switched on. the finance industry isn't living up to its own green credentials, legal traffic jams. so people turning to the waterways come to the course on, i'll just say for millions of iranians again go to the whole this time to choose a new president. that's as iran faces crises at home and abroad. but in a country run by a powerful supreme leader. can a new president make a difference? this isn't the story. ah, ah! hello and welcome to the program. i'm daddy and abigail arabian have voted in an election to decide the fate of 4 candidates competing to succeed president hassan
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ro, honie. nearly 60000000 voters are eligible, but there are concerns of a low turnout in a race widely expected to be won by the former judge abraham, in the se if he wins would put hard liners in control. as the government tries to salvage the landmark 2015 nuclear agreements, the votes also seen as a referendum on the current leadership handling of iran economic crisis, brought on by crippling us sanctions and worsens by the corona virus. pandemic. first, jabari reports from jeff, run a test of support for iran political system. the 1st person to vote, the highest authority supreme leader itala alley harmony. the shortly after, almost 67000 polling stations opened across the country with nearly 60000000 people eligible to vote. but it is clear this time around the presidential elections are different compared to previous actions where the results were very much unknown.
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and the people you like me to jordan even on the all 3 of the more under dog during those of actions in the corrective action. i think many people as well as many hannah was already predicted. i brought him raised the is going when the 60 year old, conservative candidate, abraham bracy is the head of her aunt's judiciary. he has been under the sanction since 2011 and us sanction since 2019 for legit human rights violations. here, none of these things seem to matter to these voters. the only issue for them is the economy was, you know, i'm voting for a fee to improve the conditions in our country. our problems are many, but mainly that our youth don't have jobs and inflation is very high. i think he can do something for us. his only main rival has been this man up to no sir, how much he the only mater left in the race. the former head of iran central bank
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has been using his background in finance to try and convince voters he is the right man for the job. on my demo, i've come to defend the very last piece of democracy that remains on voting for him . i think the most important issue right now is our economy. i hope we can fix it, have come too far so we can retain our democracy. the unemployment rate is an all time high neuron and inflation. at more than 40 percent in vienna, members of president has found ronnie's team are in talks with the united states and other members of the un security council to get us back into the nuclear deal known as the joint comprehensive plan of action or j. c. p. o a and they're hoping a positive outcome, but deliver the results that people want. laura turn out as a major issue for official fear who hope they can rally. electra that compared to
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when has on monday was elected a years ago. the next president may prove not so popular when he takes office in august, georgia, safari out to 0 tech will bring in our panel shortly. but 1st, let's take a look at who controls power within iran's political system. so candidates are approved by the guardian council, that's a 12 member body of conservative clerics and jurists, that reports to the head of state i itala, harmony. the supreme leader is appointed for life by an elective body known as the assembly. if experts, the head of government conserves up to 24 year terms, the current president hasn't honie beat current candidate ibrahim or 4 years ago. he must and is that you are considered hard line. conservative candidates, the former central bank governor, him mattie, is seen as a reformist the i r g. c is a powerful voice in parliament, but officially it stays out of the presidential race, not supporting any candidate. ah,
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that's not bringing our guest. joining us from to her on as the hud, moran de, he's the head of american studies graduate program at the university to run training us from berlin. as ali for helena shod who's affiliated a scholar with free university center for middle eastern north african politics. and also from to her on as must have been a journalist in iran affairs analyst. thank you so much for joining us on inside story. i'm from miranda. we don't want to speculate as to who the winner will be up this presidential race. so 1st set the scene up for us and tell us what the mood is like into iran as this election unfolds and voting takes place. well, despite the fact that the corona virus and iran is still a problem, and do we have to keep in mind that thanks to us sanctions, it's been very difficult for the government to keep it under control. but despite that, it seems that voting across the country is pretty brisk. that turn out seems to be above 5055 percent. and it would seem that the
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front runner disarray see, will easily win the election. that's what pulls seem to indicate. so at the moment that's how things stand from my understanding must have a whole system. how important is this election for iran? well, it's pretty much important because for the past 8 years, iran on the presentable honey has been trying hard to resolve the problems. it's been after a conflict resolution approach and they talk with the united states and because of the us hostility and continued defiance of nuclear neil pro hahn is only agenda failed. and now, in the opposition camp, the revolutionaries or the principal, it's been critical or honeys, or total dependence on the j. c. p. o. a. are they proved to be true. and now
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the country as policy is being shifted towards the revolutionary camp as my colleague and we said. busy earlier mr. racy is expect when this election easily actually you could feel it in the streets. also all the old show that from 50 to 55 percent there now that we expect today. and my experience today what i saw today also confirms that most of them are all out. all right, you see and he's going to shift the foreign policy to some extent. also. busy he plans to reinvigorate reading in economy through our strengthening domestic capabilities as well as expanding ties with the regional states, especially friendly countries in the region. and. busy also approve it to the east policy and he's gone to reinvigorate 5 with china lacking america,
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russia. and therefore, we are going to shift to, to witness a shift and foreign policy and economic policy of the country. and you know, this is pretty well important. ok, all important points you raise, we're going to look at the domestic policies as well as the foreign policy isn't just a moment. but 1st on that issue of turn out to leave a hand on his turn out is critical for this election. is it not my my to get from to her on seems to suggest that you are not, could be at 55 percent. there are other projections that they turn out could in fact be lower than previous election and they're putting turned out a perhaps 44 percent. would you say that the electorate is excited about this particular election in iran? well, i mean, of course not. i mean, there is widespread voter apathy that has been seen in iran during the last years on a mentary elections, which saw the historically lois,
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to go to turn out since the revolution. so the same is expected for today. and the figure is my colleague center on the side are quite opposite to what i've been hearing from inside iran. so there are states affiliated news agencies to report a voter turnout of 23 percent. and of course, those are official figures which have to be taken always with a grain of salt. but there is widespread disillusion meant so low towards turn out hadn't been very much feared by state authorities. and you know, their encouragement for people to take to the pulse, but given the experiences that most iranians did with not only the ronnie administration as the former speak, you mentioned that there is a lot of frustration with his performance because he did not deliver on the social and political promises that he had made,
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but there is also frustration with the other standards of power in these long republic. most notably the supreme leader and the i r g c. and because of this widespread disillusionment, i think at this time around you know, there is not really a vote. also the guardian councils, you know, a decision to avoid any kind of competitive race as we've seen over the last few years, is also adding to this kind of disillusionment. but we should not forget, we have in the song republic on we don't have neither free nor fairy election mohammed there on the shouldn't. right? you see when the projection seemed to suggest now he is backed by the supreme leader. does that mean we could expect any political appointees from his future administration to come from the most conservative sections of iranian society like the i r g c? for example. while i think i 1st asked to respond to
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a couple of points, your previous guest made, there are no official figures that said that the turnout is going to be at 2324 percent. and i think that's probably wishful thinking on his part. on the other hand, i think he forgot to mention that the previous parliamentary elections, they took place literally 48 hours after the 1st case of the corona virus was publicly announced, which cause a huge dropping in turn. not including people from my own extended family with regard to miss racy. he. the leader has not said anything in his support. mister ac from months before the election in multiple polls carried out by institutions both close to the government and critical of the government, he was well ahead of his rivals, especially in the reformist or the moderate camp. and i think it's obvious why the previous that the current administration of dr. ronnie has not been seen as
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successful. he's been delta poor hand obviously by fate. he had to deal with trump . he had to deal with the corona virus a. but in any case, his administration is not seen as popular, whereas mister ac, because he's seems to be pursuing leftist policies, talking about expanding the support net for the more disenfranchise that goes down well with people, especially in these hard times of economic difficulty. and the corona virus and also he's been seen as a person who's been anti corruption oriented rights about me. if i'm wrong here, mirandi. once again, let me rephrase the question perhaps should read e c. when then you would have the judiciary, the parliament and the president all coming from a conservative political fear. what does this mean for iran and the space for any others from other political camps? well 1st of all, i think that it's obvious that mister ac is
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a very different politician from the speaker of parliament, the speaker of parliament. both of them are from the so called conservative camp. whereas of course, i have to point out that in iran, the conservative camp is more culturally conservative. but when it comes to economics, it's more less leaning than the reformists or the, the so called moderates, which are more market oriented. and we don't know who is going to be the head of the judiciary, so it's not as if it's one monolithic entity. but the fact is that 8 years of just like in the past, when mr. ross found journey was president the election of president. ha, tammy was a reaction to his liberal economic policies. then i think mr. my, the new shot his election was a reaction to mr. hot to me as liberal economic policies. and now mr. ro, honey, his, he was elected based upon a reaction towards mr. mad initials, policies and now racy. the reason why mr. ac has become so popular partially is
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because the reformist moderate camp has not performed well in government. so it's not really his fault that the united states does not list the sanctions and that the government is not doing well must have a whole session. there are reports also, that is perhaps tip to succeed. the supreme leader, who of course now is 82 years old, the president is the only 2nd most powerful man. the supreme leader is the most powerful, as we know. is there a question regarding succession here and as the supreme meter and looking at right e see as that man. and perhaps once him in the presidential position to see how he will do know, you know, based on the constitution of the assembly of x versus responsible. ready for picking up the leader of the country and the supreme leader
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has been telling these experts. busy assembly of experts and that they need to have 5 nominees all the time to replace him anytime. anything happened to him. he's been telling them this for the past one or 2 decades. so there are always. busy options and it depends on that a, the country need the new leader. well, let me correct something in here. about my get. my colleague from jeremy said 1223 percent. well, according to the interior ministry, the ballot papers that they used before 3 o'clock pm has been over 23 percent. and considering that the polls were closed normally 70 hours from now, normally in iran presidential elections holds close at around midnight or 10
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o'clock. so we have several more hours, but let's remember something which is very important for the 1st 2 or 3 hours a day from 70 to 80 percent of the polling stations experienced problems, malfunctions, internet problems. and, you know, there were so many problems. so in many holding stations pulling slow down or stop for the 1st 2 or 3 hours. right? okay. okay. understood? i mean, i don't, i'd rather talk about the turn out right now because until we wait for the official figure, let your point your point. taken your point is taken, but i have to bring in ali from, from berlin to talk about the domestic issues. and only you wrote this recently, that although the socio economic situation in the country has deteriorated dramatically during ronnie's presidency, that iranian elite continues to sideline the question of social justice. so with a new precedence is the social question. as you call it, going to be high on the agenda and iran. well, at least rhetorically speaking,
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what professor martin, my dea alluded to, is more or less what i also, when, you know, arguing over the past 2 years that we have this kind of visual cycle between on one hand reform and so moderate administrations, we tend to very much sideline the social question and are not very much focused on social justice. but more, you know, there have been focus on the urban middle class and some kind of political realization. so their performance always pays the way for, you know, right wing populism to reemerge. and work to emerge with the job presidency for instance, but also with right now, right. see, 4 years ago he was also very much, you know, trying to portray himself as a pro social justice kind of candidate. he was talking about the immense number of slum dwellers in iran about 16000000 during the televised debates with president
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ronnie. and this time around. he has also been saying a lot of actually what i would call and left us politics. but those are economic pocket proposals. so whether he will deliver on any of that, i would very much doubt because i mean, on paper he has the privilege to have access to the political, economic power centers of the song republic. so theoretically, you could actually do a lizzie, a, some of those. so 2nd, i'm a grievances of the iranian people by, you know, by offering a fair distribution of the, well, that is quite monopolized in their own hands. but whether this going to, you know, this going to be, the case remains to be seen. so i'm not very optimistic about the ability or the willingness of a new administration in tandem with other centers of power to really bring about a market markedly. i'm iteration of their own hands. but whether this going to,
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you know, this going to be, the case remains to be seen. so i'm not very optimistic about the ability or the willingness of a new administration in tandem with other centers of power to really bring about a market markedly. i'm iteration of the socio economic problems that the country faces. after all, it's, you know, a considerable portion of the population that is, you know, in poverty around the poverty line. we can also see, you know, as i said, a dramatic increase of poverty within the middle class. ok, let's bring in my murano. problem for the hard lines as well. let's bring it in and around the it is the economy. is it not? that is one of the most pressing issues for iranians right now. yes, but i think we also have to remember that iran is under maximum pressure sanctions . biden is continuing with trumps sanctions. and he is targeting women and children
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. and i think that if in the, in germany, the country of course, that gave saddam hussein chemical weapons to use against iran in germany, if the central bank was sanctioned by the united states, you'd see an economic crisis in that day within 24 hours. so you run under the most severe economic sanctions and with the corona bias which the us through it sanctions has weaponized the weaponized, the wire with against the iranians, by preventing iran from importing masks. and by preventing them from importing test kids as well as vaccines and the equipment to make their own vaccines. united states has effectively weaponized it. but despite that, the iranian in the slums that i have seen in outside of paris, you will see intact run. so the government administration and iran, despite the severe sanctions, is facing great difficulty, but it has been able to keep the country afloat. but in my opinion,
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the problem with this current administration, despite the fact that, as i said earlier, it has been given a poor hand by faith. but liberal economics do do not work. they're not working, they're not working in the us. and i don't think they're going to work in iran, mr. ac. i think his objective, it's not populous. he wants to reform the system in a way in which it works better for the more disenfranchised. and i don't see how that could be necessarily called populace, but okay. have to keep in mind that the united states in europe are also suffering greatly at the hands of the global economic crisis. only difference is that we have bbc persian view, a persian deutsch of l. a. persian tons of tv channels by the west bank of iran. let me just jump in there for her session on the subject of the iranian nuclear deal. i mean, these elections coincide with the latest trying to talk 2nd place in vienna. as you know, do you expect any significant change to the wrong policy when it comes to the jcp?
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oh, i yes, definitely. if the united states and the west arrive at the only the iran on their presidential honey day, we're respected by the next day by the next government. but if not, then they would have a tough job to have. this doesn't mean that negotiations will not continue. as a matter of fact, you want to stop nuclear negotiator and deputy foreign minister officer yesterday. crazy. already see, or he's realistically called uncle pragmatic and realistic policies. warren policy strategy. but the elaborate as much as foreign policy strategy, though, has he and the 1st 2 presidential debate when he was addressing i, you know, i, i think the strategy for the nuclear view and foreign policy of the revolutionary camp. it's based on, you know, of when, why for a homie,
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it was just negotiations with the united states and the west for writing, see, and other revolutionaries. it comes you very much more complicated or negotiation was also an instrument but not as important as it is for president honey. at the same time, they would go for reinvigorating the reading in economy and expanding ties with the regional space as well as the work countries outside the western block really worked with iran and the fact authoration equals right in order to lower the impacts of the sanctions. and use the factions at the same time that didn't go shape with the west. also, they would try to increase the leverage of united states. not only, i mean. busy harry williams, knology or the military technology, but also has a wide range of options. so ultimately there's to bring in the 1st word appreciate . thank you so much on the,
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for the final 30 seconds to you. what do you think will happen with the j. c. p. o, a going forward in this new government and the western powers is all the u. s. well, i mean, 1st of all, the presidency is not the central power in the, in the sombre public. it has never been the case as a supreme leader, and it's so called office which is a quest site, pile of government plus the gc which has also a lot of you know, a lot of power and influence. so this is, those are the main centers. so this is, this is part of the voter apathy by iranians, who do not believe that any kind of president be moderate or reform moderate or hartline can really bring about real change. so nothing dramatic is going to change . iran's foreign policy, regional policies on the nuclear issue are decided by the aforementioned center is a power plus the supreme national security council. so there is not much change to, to be expected with a change of private presidency in iran. and the call is going to be, you know, the,
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the shots going to be called, you know, still by the supreme leader and the r g c, talk commanders, right? and let me say, if you just a last word on this, you know, there is a tendency which is very much exemplified by dr. mandy to always externalize problems. of course, the u. s. crippling sanctions have had a dramatic effect. also on the running population, there is no doubt about that, but when it comes to violence and so other problems and shortcomings, i would really appreciate some also comments from them which are critical. also the domestic situation. i'm afraid i will have to leave it there. thank you so much to my guess. i'm on moran the for time than is out and list of are closer and thanks for joining us. thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website al jazeera dot com for further discussion. you can go to our facebook page dot, facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story, and also turn the conversation on twitter or handle is adrian's. i story myself and the whole team here in delphi. thanks for watching. bye bye. for now,
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11:00 am
it would be great. we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on, sir, ah, with every you, ah, all the differences and similarities of culture across the world. so no matter what you call home will be used in current affairs. that matter to you. i highlighted abraham lacy went ahead as expected an initial results start to re runs presidential election. the.


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