tv [untitled] June 22, 2021 8:30pm-9:01pm +03
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despite the inward looking measures, few expect output from the world's biggest co producer to fall instead of issues or hoping to boost production far beyond the over 2000000 tons of ested in 2020. how many res algebra i be, john origin, south weiss and china has moved as people to safety. after a surprise visit by a herd of wild elephants. the 14 animals have been wandering through your non province in recent weeks. coming dangerously close to several times, wildlife teams have been tracking. how does it migrates north? ah, this is all. these are the told stories that are new fears about growing instability, enough ghana song after recent military gains by the taliban as fighters captured the main border crossing, the tragic is done on tuesday, around the presidency like abraham rice. he says, you know what,
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to defend its interest in negotiations with foreign powers. the us is called his when on fridays election manufactured, which iran denies voter turnout. it was at a record low and it was a high number of invalid balance. those your body has more from tax on that has been commons made by us officials who say that these elections were not free or fair. that due to the fact that the guardian council disqualified a number of candidates prior to the elections on june 18th, it was really very much a orchestrated election for racy tipped in his favor for him to win this election. the reading officials for their part of say, is that it is absolutely outrageous for the us to comment on iran internal issues. and this is considered meddling and inappropriate for the us to actually weigh in on iran's internal matters. spain's prime minister is pardoned, 9 jailed castle and separatists leaders. they were convicted of sedition in 2019
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for their role in the regions failed. independence spent 2 years earlier, conservative opposition parties in madrid. it's a bail challenge. the parties in the court, the president of the philippines is striking to jail people who refused to be vaccinated against corona virus or diego to charge his warning contradicts health officials. say the program is voluntary. professional results if you get a general election unexpected later on tuesday, that have an obligation of irregularities and not all regions were able to vote including today. there's been months of fighting. some opposition parties boycotted monday's election, while others say ballot boxes were tampered with. under stuff attacked, saddam's prime minister has lost a unity initiative off of what he calls of fractures within the country. security forces of the honda is urging reconciliation between military and political factions. tensions of emerge regarding plans to integrate armed groups into the cities forces. those are the headlines. the news continues here. the knowledge is
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either after inside, story by news, news, news, news, news, western nations slap coordinated sanctions on bella rules for repressing human right. these penalties are increasingly used to punish countries behavior, but do they work? and what are the diplomatic alternatives? this is inside story. ah, ah. hello and welcome to the program. i'm hammer, jim, jim, bella. luce is facing new sanctions from the west. the
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e u. u k. u. s. and canada. say they're presenting a united front against president alexander lucas shameka for repressing human rights. the action follows the force diversion of a plane to arrest a bela russian opposition journalist and the crackdown on protest against lucca shank is disputed election when last year. the new measures include travel bands and freezing the assets of people close to the president. the beller russian exiled opposition leaders, atlanta to kind of sky says they send a clear and powerful message was conveyed to me, you can know sky you did, of the, a union remain ready to support a future democratize. arose with a comprehensive plan of economic support of up to 3 billions for democrats burrows supporting it. we net help right now through the sanctions. person has decided to de economic the really excited shown
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and continue putting pressure on their location as regime the department of state and the department of treasury, designated 62 valuation individuals and 5 entities and response to continuing repression and bell ruth. and importantly, we did this alongside our partners and allies and with these coordinated actions on both sides of the atlantic, we are demonstrating our deep and shared concern regarding the lucas shank regime. activities sanctions are increasingly being used to punish nations for legit bad behavior. a recent study says their use has gone up significantly in the past 4 years. the u. s. and you have targeted russian officials and entities with sanctions over a range of issues. they include the jailing of opposition liter alexis only, and the 2014 annexation of crimea. they've been punishing china for rights abuses in hong kong and shin jang. beijing recently passed the law to counter foreign sanctions and the fuse pressure. the european block,
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the u. s. and other western capital sanctioned officials linked to me and marz genta following the february military coup and iran economy has been suffering after years of un sanctions. the 2 nations are involved and talks that could see some that some measures lifted as part of reviving the 2015 nuclear deal. the alright, let's bring and i guess in oslo. glenn decent professor of international relations at the university of south eastern norway inverse berg o rick brook, nor professor of political science at stanford university in berlin. and in washington, dc, laurence corbett, former assistant secretary of defense and senior fellow at the center for american progress. a warm welcome to you all or rick, let me start with you today from your perspective. do sanctions actually work? are they effective? well, if we ask a normative question, if something works we need an arm. and if in the particular case of banner rose,
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one would expect the sanctions would lead to a regime change than the clear answer is no. because russia is backing what look are saying when and therefore we can't expect a small use of a particular tool to be enough for a regime change. but it also tends a signal to the people in the country that they are not left alone at time to signal to autocratic leaders, that they don't get away with violations of international law. and so it depends on each case, we can say yes they work or they don't, lawrence, are there diplomatic alternatives to sanctions? and if so, what are they? well basically, sanctions are used because you don't want to, for example, use military force. so in that sense, it's better as my colleague just mention, it can have some impact, but by and large, it really doesn't change the behavior unless it's done by the whole international
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community. here with bella rouge, you have a lot of the european countries. but if the whole international community united, even including some of you know, bella, roosters allies that might have a, have an effect. but if it's going to work, it's going to take quite a while for it to change the behavior. glenn, when it comes specifically to bella. ruth, you know, sanctions have been in place against alexander lucas shank. of for most of his leadership. have they actually made a difference? and how is this latest round of sanctions by the you the us, canada, and others different than previous sanctions? and do you believe that they'll actually make a difference as time? i know not really. and i agree with the former speaker that sanctions only use it works if everyone gets behind them. now the problem often this excessive use of sanctions by the west. it's to some extent in the remnant of the unit or area when
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the entire world was relying on the economy of the us and the west. however, as the international system becomes normal, the polar, we see that the with continued use of function. so in the case on the bellows with you not to have alternative. so russia was mention now the use of this long lasting or permanent sanctions, especially on issues where the sanction country of little athlete will be able to make concession simpler results in the sanction country. learn live without those sanctions imposed on them. and so obviously russia is not likely to get time to sanction simply because the rush i was also on the sanctions. it's still present about the less and i mean the key less from the past 7 years to be at the russian sanctions did not result in the growing russian economy are making them capitulated . the west director told russia we wanted to comment to the east on strategic partner with china to reduce its own ability by cutting reliance on western
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industries technologies, transportation corridors, banks, payment systems and us. and we see the same with iran. they're also responding to sanctions by lining themselves closer with china and russia. and now we see the letters for us to do the same. so i think this will not have the intended effect, but again, we can ask what the 2nd is if it's promote democracy or is the resume change? because as we saw in ukraine and ga democracy regime change is not always the same thing. and often it can even contradict each other or if we look more broadly at the idea of sanctions, if they don't get the intended result, if that is not achieved, how do you gauge success? what is the next best outcome? but it is also a matter of credibility if we have a high moral tone of what the west stands for, that there are norms and values and to be supports democracy not only within the
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european union or the united states, but also in opposition rules and the civil society and countries that are under the oppression of an autocratic regime, and things happen like a blogger is kidnapped from an ab lane that belongs to a european union company. then you cannot just ignore this and say, well, we don't know if sanctions will lead to something. it is a matter of credibility whether you lead autocratic regimes get away with it. or if she sent a signal, then you can also be very specific in targeted group is that the bodies off autocrat is normally a tour of the supper, specifically from taylor maids personalized sanctions. or is that something that makes the whole country suffer? and then you can trigger and the worst case, what normal chomsky is calling kind of mass destruction that people die because of
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the economic consequences and had call says poverty all over the country's lawrence . if we can look more specifically at the u. s. for a moment, when it comes to how the u. s. has impose sanctions on various countries and governments over the past few years. has there been a shift in the, the american strategy? are they trying more and more to make sure that they don't target huge sectors of society and the economy so that just regular citizens aren't as effective and that they target instead, more specifically, government officials, whether it be their, their wealth, their personal wealth or the freezing of their assets or imposing travel bands. well, they are trying to use more targeted sanctions. the problem is if you're trying to change or countries behavior, you have to target the whole country. you know, for example, you're trying to get a ran not to develop nuclear weapons. well,
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if you just target a couple of people at the top, it's not going to change. you're hoping that by undermining the whole economy in the country, the people there will put pressure on them. unfortunately, that hasn't worked. the only case, i know we're really work was against iraq after the 1st gulf war. it really kept them from developing weapons of mass destruction, which unfortunately we didn't realize till we went till we went in there. and you also have to realize that there is an economic impact on your own citizens. the sanctions on iraq are driving up the price of oil for everybody, including it, you know, people in the united states when they pay more for gas because the iranian oil is not getting to the global markets. and as my colleague said, it's not completely done by the international community. you've got china and
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russia are making arrangements with the ran. it actually helps these other countries who are not always your eyes, glen, from your vantage point, would you say that these so called targeted sanctions are more or less successful than the sanctions that have been imposed in years past that more broadly affect wide sectors of countries economies well, i think they won't have that much effect anyways, because as i mentioned previously, these are on areas where there is not much to do where the sanction country doesn't have much room to maneuver. and again, they're part of the problem goes back to what was said previously, that something has to be done with the send the signal. the problem is that in the west we often and post sanctions under the language of democracy and human rights. we often consider it to be very morally righteous, however, by the contrast to
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a great extent and instruments to money. so just with the language that we currently use, this idea that the width has to change the behavior. so we take on this very subject object relationship where the teacher supposed discipline the rest of the problem. there is, is there much rejected entire legitimacy, my country such as china and russia, because the west ends to lecture on various things from human rights, to cyber or in the bellows variation rules. however, rarely and about enforcing common rules that are applied consistently, brother, that's usually rules that the west used to police, others but not apply to itself. so the case on the bellows, i think any, even targeted sanctions, it will get around that and simply because other countries will try to help them out. now, we were on the case of a little, i'm just, you know, point out that and this, this dis anxious or not deemed to be legitimate. i, many of the larger countries are mainly russia and china simply because these are
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not rules that are part of equally to everyone else. keep in mind that in 2003 european countries force the landing ellis believe in precedence, airplane because of the u. s. government because they wanted to arrest one of their was the lowest. and we're snowden. and we have a similar case in 2016 when you threatened to the final course of the russian airliner to make a u turn. and so they could rest arrest and i might and critic again, no outrage, there's no sanction. so it's this very selective application of these rules, which is therefore resulting and becoming see images, which is why a lot of this larger countries now are simply refusing to play ball. and instead supporting the bellows, even though it russia, or china. neither of them are really happy with lucas ankle government. still, they refuse to play along these rules or we can look to me like you were reacting to some what glen was saying there, did you want to jump in?
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well, we don't need to go that as far as looking at the west that behaves like morally superior autocratic regimes. we had a similar situation between the united states and germany on the case of the pipeline that connect germany directly with russia, north seems to the united states and the congress in particular, punish companies that are involved in building this pipeline did not lead to regime change in germany, but it massively affect the public opinion and it put germany in a very defensive position when it comes to package deals in which germany was always reminded that it is willing to sacrifice a homogenous position in european energy policy. and when finally by and stopped sanctioning germany on that particular case, it was a major relief and everyone was willing to give in on other unrelated subjects. lawrence, you know, already in this conversation, we have spoken about china,
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we're talking about russia. we've spoken about iran and other countries. i want to talk for a moment about me and more because since the military coup in february, since the military took control of me and mar, you've seen the us, britain, the you, they have impose several waves of sanctions against the john to their they have targeted specifically, leaders of the military. and yet the military hasn't changed it's behavior in any kind of significant way. they seem to be relying on support from china, from russia, from the, as the on countries, from your perspective, have the sanctions against me and more and against the jump there have any meaningful impact. ironically the big impact is on the people of name are not the leaders because as you pointed out, they can get help from china and russia. a lot of times countries do this and i'll
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speak for the united state. they do it because it makes them feel good. they've got to do something. my goodness, what happened to me on being mar, they had the overthrow of the the elected government. and so we got to do something . so you do it. the more countries you can get to join you, the better, the better it is, the potential having a long term impact. but by and large, it's a substitute for taking war dramatic action. it's more of a symbol than anything else in most in most cases. going, you know, in your previous answer, you mentioned russia and russia of course, has been sanctioned by the us for among other things, election, meddling and cyber attacks. are these making any kind of a difference? no, not really teaching russia to learn without to live without the united states. again, linking itself closer to, to china. because again,
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there the problems tend to be the same. the sanctions are largely unilateral, that if they're in post by one side to dictate or to change the behavior of another and then not use to enforce rules based system. but it's a system, but they're all supplies the same, same one. and that's the main reason why russia not going to much, and that's actually just learning to live with it. so i don't i don't think it's going to make much of a difference even if they're escalated again. you know, you mentioned cyber and human rights. the common denominator, all of this is that it's only in reference to what russia has done. it's never, never goes to other way. it never addresses. united states, hunger activities, didn't ever address as human rights issues in, in the united states. there's always this instrument for sovereign qualities. so for one side to police, the other and under those circumstances is being completely illegitimate in moscow,
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which is why they refused to listen to it. and instead to just find their economy to inoculate themselves from further pressure. oh rick, it seems more and more we just hear about sanctions being imposed again and again, this just seems to fill the headlines week after week. so i ask you, have we gotten to the point where sanctions are simply being overused? well, there is no such thing like a perfect re on pro, how we use different tools, no matter if it's the policy or if it's a cannot make sanctions. i think it really depends on a case by case i'm now in a united germany and the wall came down because of them you cannot make embargo on socialist countries. they were cut off from access to technology, and that made them, he cannot meekly implode. and that was the beginning of the end of the comic experiment called socialism. so it's not completely useless and it depends on the
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circumstances. of course, i wouldn't loppy in favor of if you can impose force on others in the name of whatever, please do it or you should back. i think it really depends on the case to discuss under what conditions it makes sense in connection with other tools. lawrence, you know, when it comes to the west imposing sanctions more often in some ways, you know, from your point of view, does this not just encourage the countries that are being hit with sanctions to just look to other countries and strike deals with them? i offer as an example, iran finding deals with china were venezuela signing deals with russia? i mean, what do you say? well, again, unless it's the whole international community that does it, then obviously you're going to have nations take care of their own best interest. and if they are ordered or talk,
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receives and don't have much pressure from the people, they can minimize the impact by going to other countries and even what the impact of the u. s. flood sanctions had, will not get the people to rise up. and i think again, it's a way to say, well, we didn't just ignore this, we put sanctions on and then you can move on because you can't solve all the world's problems. you are not willing to use military force. we have sanctions on to book for over 50 years and we didn't get rid of castro. so this whole idea that you know, way it's going to achieve that subject is really something that needs to be analyzed as you're doing today. so people realize the limitations of glenn, thanks and you know, they can also be used by regimes who are being targeted to rally domestic support as well. correct. i mean, even unpopular leaders can use sanctions that have imposed against them and their
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governments as a way to boost support domestically. correct? yes. so that was interesting common that came before this idea that the supposed to rally the people against and leaders. and again, often in the way through quite open that the objective is to put the pressure on the people. so they will tell us the leadership. however, often in that she opposite. so, for example, the thanks because russia were quite interesting because the economy had a lot of problems in the congress should have diversified, and indeed the government, when they went through economic problems they, they should have had to take some responsibility for the difficulties. however, at the same time, in 2014, you had to bama come up on the tv and saying, you know, way we destroyed your economy. it was us the reason why tell us russian families of course, it's already is up to take the blame off the government. and you also create a lot of resentment towards external power. but again, it also has to,
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the fax is always have to be linked to something if you want to change behavior, destroying the economy economy. the purpose, if you want to change the havior success is define, you have to see whether or not this is possible. and with the case of bellows, it's not, it's pretty much always tied to regime change. so i think it's not doing the specific common rules which under the international system should operate under and same with russia there's, there's no, there's no, nothing really rush i can do. it's not going to seed me. so it's, it's the people that actively support what the government has done and they blamed economic difficulties on foreign powers. so it's intention of rolling the people against thrown government. it's not really working. lawrence, you know, i asked the glenn about the unintended consequences of sanctions. just now and it looked like you also wanted to jump in, so please go ahead. well, again,
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i was going to say there are these on intended consequences because it can allow these dictators to blame the us lad, or the international community for the problems they have at home. and it hurt your own people. it can basically strengthen these regimes that you're trying to change . the great are sanctions work best against people you're working with. they're dependent on you for foreign aid. then the sanctions can work, but they're usually not your enemies. lawrence. let me also ask you, you know, we've seen countries like russia and china start retaliated more when sanctions are imposed on them. do you think going forward we're going to see more countries retaliate when sanctions are imposed against them. very definitely, particularly with china, which is, you know, such a fast growing economy and what we, the united states depends on for a lot of supplies that we get that keeps our economy going. so yes,
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they are going to do because the united states global economic position is not as strong as that one was. it's still strong, but it's not as strong as that one was. so i think you're going to to see that i think with the north stream pipeline, one of the reasons we did not stop that from germany is basically because we know that we need the help of the germans to deal with the chinese. all right, we've run out of time, so we're going to have to leave the conversation there. thank you so much to all of our guest, glenn decent, or rick bruckner, and lawrence corp. and thank you to for watching. you can see this and all of our previous programs again, anytime by visiting our website, algebra dot com and for further discussion, go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter. our handle is at a inside story. for me, my name is jim tillman, the whole team here. bye for now. the
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