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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2021 12:30pm-1:00pm +03

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port of president both scenarios. the bill would also allow the government to reduce indigenous territories, which have already been pima catered, and can stop us from claiming more lands. the battle is far from over. several 100 indigenous leaders continued to camp outside of congress. because they say they're fighting for their survival and they're running out of time, monica, and i give, i'll just 0. we addition narrow. ah, hello again. i'm fully back the ball with the headlines on al jazeera k, ron has condemned the u. s. seizure of 33 pro iranian websites, calling it a breach of freedom of speech. the u. s. s. a. science violates sanctions against yvonne. the justice department has accused media outlets connected to the revolutionary god of spreading this information. to austria very is in tucson with more on the radio response. they're using
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a local domain now to continue being having their online presence. but it comes at a very critical time. of course, the radians have said that their, their sites are legitimate news organizations within the country. they belong to various branches of state television. and we parcel heard from the head of the iranian mission to the united nations who has condemned the act by the u. s. government calling it a freedom speech issue, it's a censorship issue and that iran will pursue the matter through legal channels. hong kong throw democracy newspaper apple daily has confirmed it will close by saturday after its assets were frozen. is chief columnists has been arrested. the sick staff member detained this month under b. james national security law. they're accused of colluding with foreign forces. more than 20 cases of a highly infectious covered 1900 strain have been found in 3 indian states. it's closely related to the delta, very interest detected their health official say,
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what's been called the delta plus mutation is a very tough concern. organizes of next month, tokyo olympics have unveiled tough new rules for spectators, including a ban on alcohol. the decision to go ahead with the olympics has been controversial, but organizes insist all necessary precautions will be taken. man, mar, supposed leader, unfair to cheese, facing a new trial on wednesday. she is charged with violating the colonial era. official secret fact which carries a heavy jail term of up to 14 years. the military's already brought a series of criminal charges against paris in taking power. we're taking, you know, live to germany way, the foreign minister, hypo mosse and the united nations, are hosting the 2nd berlin conference on libya. happening right now in the german capital, a news conference between the german foreign minister and the us secretary of state antony, blinking. let's listen name. okay,
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so we're just sorting out the translation there for the german foreign minister, high coma, who as i said, is hosting the 2nd libya conference in berlin today. and attending is the us secretary of state and the need blinking. and they are expected to, of course, to address the conflict in libya. the 1st conference took place in january and 2020. this is the 2nd one. now the talks are focusing on preparations for national elections planned in libya for december 24th. and the withdrawal of foreign forces, which have been fighting on both sides of the conflict of foreign forces allied with the warlord holly for half tar in the east. and also forces allied with the internationally recognized government based in tripoli. it's the 1st time the u. s . is taking part in this conference. i the secretary of state antony blinking about
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to speak. they're standing alongside high co mass. washington didn't attend in january 2020, under the trump administration. but since biden came to power, there's been more u. s. involvement in libya, conflicts less listening now to the foreign minister of germany. first, i called him if you hot not to crack. yes, we all knew only too well. and we also know that the environmental c negotiations continues to be very complex. now that collections have taken place in iran, we also talked about ukraine, the talks in the end for, for met with the objective of putting an end to the conflict in the east of the country. so fits is that no one can be satisfied about the present state affairs. the state is crew. we insist that the minsk agreements need to be implemented and we need to inject that new dynamic into the president. right now we
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are preparing the substance for a not the meeting of the foreign ministers of the in full and it is extremely good and extremely helpful to have the united states supporting us in days. of course, the author talked about the outcome of the bilateral talks between president biden and president putin. we found ready to support the strategic dialogue on control and arm and agreed by both sides effect as we can. and we believe that this has been an extraordinary success achieved through these tools, and we are very grateful to president by the haven't taken the initiative the me effect of affirming the so called regen. gorbachev formula that goes a nuclear war can be worn and must be fought, has been an extremely important signal by 2 presidents. now as we talk about all these subjects require, we have the fact that even if we are linking to cross the atlantic with like monday
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countries, this does not mean that conflict told me so it's going to vanish overnight. but if we all acting, connie said, i believe we can produce so much great aim to the day before yesterday. such an impact was quite visible because on the very same day the united states and canada and the european union and great britain agreed on sanctions determines sanctions against the regime. and most, that is an indication of the fact that if we stand together, i'm assuming responsibility. we stand a chance of making our values future proof and make them make an issue with them being respected. tomorrow will also be staying in the spirit of our shad future. we will meet at the corner, chris memorial and you start off at you need to discuss our corporation and to enhance our corporation to advance something that has been in our interest. and
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that is the fight against anti semitism wherever it occurs. and we said, because too often in the afternoon we can have the opportunity to talk to young at all about the future of transatlantic relations. i very much look forward to these exchanges and i'm grateful for the fact that tony blinking has come here to day. thank you very much indeed. hiker. thank you. hi, good for a very productive meeting, but thank you. even more importantly for your friendship and close collaboration these past few months. it's been terrifically important to me. important to, to the united states were grateful for, for your partnership or grateful for the partnership with, with germany across the board. and it's a particular pleasure for me to be back in, in berlin for the 1st time, a secretary of state, although many, many visits in different capacities before then i very much before diving chance to
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see the chancellor later this afternoon. following the very good meeting that we had, and to be here, as i said, so soon after the 7 meeting, the, the nato meeting of the u. s. u. leaders on it, as president biden said last week at the european council. at a time when we have such vast changes taking place around the world, many good. some not so good. ah, the best way for countries to deal with these changes is by working together. and i think hi colleen. i both strongly agree that there is probably not a single challenge that is having an impact on the lives of our citizens, whether it's climate change, whether it's this pandemic, whether it is the disruptive impact of emerging technologies that can be addressed by any one country acting along we have an imperative may be more than ever before to find ways to cooperate, work together, coordinate, and that's exactly what the united states and germany are doing. that's how we'll
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ultimately end the call with 1900 pandemic, which is becoming unfortunately more dangerous in some parts of the world, even as it's increasingly under control and others. it's how will tack a tackle the climate crisis and protect our planet, our security, our health, while building a greener global economy is how will maintain our security in the face of old and new threats. and ultimately, how will protect our shared values and define human rights and democracy, both at home and around the world. and in all of this, i think our common challenge, which we very much agree on, is the need to demonstrate together that democracies can deliver effectively for our citizens and indeed deliver for the world. germany in the united states have demonstrated time and again that we believe in cooperation ah bilaterally multilaterally. we're both committed to multilateralism. and that's one reason why
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i'm visiting france and italy after my time here in berlin. in addition to being 3 of our closest and most capable partners, germany, france and italy are the only 3 countries that are members of the nato and the g 7 . and that underscores the importance that all of us attached to working cooperatively in multilateral and petitions. we work closely together over the past several months in the lead up to the summits that the president biden took part and then at the summit themselves are to take on some of the most urgent challenges of our time and to help ensure that these institutions are as effective, adaptive and innovative as possible. but that work doesn't end with the summit's in a sense. it starts there. it continues this week and beyond, as we follow up on the steps that leaders took at nato with the 2030 reform agenda and making sure the alliance has the capability it needs at the g 7 where we
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committed to supply 1000000000 covered 900 vaccines to the world and support for coal fired power plants, partner with developing countries on infrastructure projects through build back better. and at the u. s. c. u summit, where we pledged greater cooperation, deeper cooperation on trade and technology. in particular. we're also working closely together to address regional challenges. we'll see that this afternoon when we gather with leaders from africa, the middle east asia, europe, as well as the united nations at the berlin to conference on lydia. and i want to thank germany for its very important leadership on this issue. as i'll share at the meeting and as you heard from miko, we, we share the goal of a sovereign stable, unified, secure lydia, free from foreign interference. it's what the people will be deserve. it's critical to regional security as well for that to happen. national elections need to go
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forward in december. and that means urgent agreement is needed on constitutional and legal issues that would undergo those elections. and the october 23rd cease fire agreement has to be fully implemented, including by withdrawing all foreign forces from libya. were grateful again to germany for hosting this meeting. and for the long standing leadership that has shown on this topic and so many others, we are very proud to be your partner, hypo in this endeavor. and that brings me to a final point that i want to make today. in addition to the work that we do together through regional and global conferences and institutions were deeply committed to the bilateral relationship between germany, united states, simply put germany is among our closest friends and close closest partners in the entire world. it's true, of course, on a governmental level. and i know present inviting is very much looking forward to welcoming transfer merkle of washington next month. it's true on an economic level,
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as we we see, you know, every single day a germany is our largest trading partner in europe where your largest export market and hundreds of thousands of germans worked for american companies and vice versa. it's true on a person to person level the people, germany, the few of the united states are connected in so many ways of family ties that stretch back for generations. young people studying in each other's universities and likely i'm looking for tomorrow to meeting with some of the alumni of our transatlantic youth exchange programs and talking to another generation of young germans and americans. our troops have to shoulder to shoulder around the world. we're grateful to germany for hosting us troops, which serves our joint security. and we're connected finally, by a shared commitment to democratic values. values that will honor tomorrow. when is the foreign minister said, we will visit the memorial to the mergers of europe together. 3 affirm our
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commitment to human rights and dignity to discuss how we can assure, ensure that the lessons of the holocaust are never forgotten. i'm reminded of something present biden's had recently, at the 100th anniversary of the tulsa race massacre in the united states. he talked about how great nations faced the lessons of their history, no matter how painful they are. and they do all that they can to repair whatever injustice can be repaired and build a better fair future. germany is a model to the world for how to do that. so we're grateful for the friendship. we want it to be even stronger. we don't always agree. foreign minister i spoke today about one of those areas of disagreement, the north stream to gas pipeline, which we continue to believe as a threat to europe's energy security. germany has a different perspective and that happens from time to time among friends,
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and will handle our disagreements while pressing ahead on the many areas where we are working very closely together and are very much in agreement. in this case, that means that germany in united states will keep standing together against any dangerous or provocative actions by russia, whether that's approaching on ukraine's territory or imprisoning alex, alexis vonny was spreading disinformation in our democracies. that's what effective cooperation between countries looks like. that's what germany and the united states are delivering together. so thank you again, mr. foreign minister. hypo for this partnership, for this very good work that we're doing together. and my thanks to everyone here for the very warm reception we've already had. thank you. i'm left you to following, scheduled, but the 1st question goes to writers. please. a short question would be much appreciated. think of them, but as far on the minister louis and to the foreign sick and secretary of state as
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far as libya concerned, what do you expect from the americans? why should they deliver you on the same question? what is the us willing to do in them? unto tell us must comes and i had wanted even to get this fund today today. first and foremost about, and i makes trinity grateful to attorney blane can for you making sure that the united states have very engaged on this much more active than we have come to expect. the past 2 he is today is about reaffirming fact elections take place on the 24th of that, or foreign fighters. we trone and thought that his firmed at this conference. and then as a step by step pro says that this is done to take place as
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a step by step process in libya to it is important that the security forces on the ground are being unified. the security forces of the country in order to teach this, it is very important at the international community and those parties that played a part in the conflict to play that part and do that. and this is why i am very grateful to tony blank and in the american administration in washington for being here today and full activity, helping us develop that process. and i really wouldn't and couldn't say anything differently where we have exactly the same objectives, both for this, for this meeting and for moving forward in terms of the steps that need to be taken to make sure that elections go forward in december that the cease fire continues to be fully implemented and that the all foreign forces leave libby, i think we have an opportunity that we have not had recent years to really help libya move forward as a safe,
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secure sovereign country and were determined together to, to seize that opportunity. i think again, germany's leadership in, in a very sustained way in bringing the international community together in support of libya and support of its progress is vitally vitally important. and i hope that will continue to move in the right direction today. and the days that's all our 1st question goes to the b o a and the same for long secretary blanket mentioned the nord stream to pipeline at north stream to foreign minister mosse. what is germany prepared to do to reassure the united states and ukraine, that russia will not use the pipeline to pressure ukraine or to harm them? and for secretary, blinking in your discussions with a foreign minister, what measures are you considering implementing that could automatically trigger if
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russia does pressure? and for both of you, are you worried about threatening statements? the russian president, putin has made that he would exclude ukraine from energy. thank you. good. during our conversation today, tony and i might or more, very clear and impressing upon me that as far as know stream to is concerned, washington has expectations of germany and expectations that we make sure with president putin cannot misuse the pipeline to pressure on ukraine. we're quite sure where they said we want to make our contribution in that regard. sure. in the past, already we staff have to work in that direction by making sure that the ease and turn it in gas transit agreement via the ukraine. and that will continue to stand by and that would continue to send bonds. nordstrom to goes operationalization,
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we have right now in the midst of talks about how we can fulfill these expectations that washington has of us. and thank you and we, we appreciate the important conversations that we're having with germany on this issue right now. as i said earlier, this is one place where we, we disagree we, we believe we continue to believe that the pipeline is ultimately a rushing geopolitical project that threatens european energy security and potentially undermine the security of ukraine and other countries in the region. we recently impose sanctions more sanctions that had ever been imposed under under the law against the number of russian entities and involved in in the pipeline. and at the same time, we waved certain sanctions with regard to nordstrom to ag,
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and it's it's ceo. and the context is this. by the time we took office, the pipeline as a matter of its physical construction, was more than 90 percent complete. that was the reality, that's something we inherited and we're determined to see if we can make something positive out of a difficult situation that we inherited. and to do it, we can to make sure that the end result is that europe's energy security is not undermined. in fact, it's strengthened that you're, that ukraine's position is not weakened that it's actually reinforced. and that is the nature of the conversations that we're having with, with our dra partners, our goal remains to ensure that russia cannot use energy as a course of tool as a weapon against ukraine or anyone else in europe. and i appreciate the work that
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we're doing with germany to move in that direction 1st and comes down to title, have lots monitored again, monitored by not seem to come back to node stream to with respect to the talks you mentioned, is there a timeframe for these talk say, do both fine, have they wish to solve this problem? before the federal chance miss america will visit washington? and more specifically, the ukraine has often germany to provide guarantees. would germany, for example, be willing to make good or compensate for the loss of track transit fees that you have given up on the go to to not have what seems like complaint or wish on asking your wish to have a tool to stop stop gas turns at why on what streams, why,
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if need be. thank you to shop 5. no dish. as i said is convinced me because probably we are able to save the world at large, but people would still ask us about no, it seemed to have to accept it. and live with it. we are engaging in the works. we are aware of the expectations from washington and it is the most important to us to reach here that can also be supported by portion. as i said, we engaging in these talks with colleagues from the american administration in washington, but we are also engaging with the ukraine. the ukranian foreign minister came to berlin a week the week before. last and of course we talked about this issue. but as i said, we engaging in these negotiations also with an eye to eastern europe and the with an i to the energy situation in all general terms. there is a whole host of ways and means and approaches which we are discussing right now.
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but we're not discussing them in public, and of course i would wish us to make headway and tv resolved as quickly as possible. as i sat as with fence. the visit of the federal chance in washington would be a suitable timeline. but of course, we cannot make it contingent only on this particular matter in august legislative decisions. if you're just joining us, we've been watching a news conference in germany there between a german 4 and mr. hiker mos in the visiting us and to the blinking and use conference coming on the sidelines of the 2nd berlin conference and libya. but the 2 leaders have discussed a number of issues including the political situation in bell level, the nuclear issue, and the outcome of the bilateral talks between the us president biden and russian leader vitamin 14 that's bringing our diplomatic editor james space in london for his change this news conference that is coming as the building to conference on libya is about to get underway. but as they said,
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the 2 leaders there they have address a number of urgent challenges. yes, absolutely. i can't shop between these 22 powerful countries following the diplomacy that was so last week leader level. and clearly the report is wanting to ask about the one bit of disagreement, which is the north string to pipeline which the by the ministration still doesn't like. but it's dropped, it's plans to put sanctions in place there and some suggestion that maybe they'll come to some agreement, even if it's an agreement to disagree before the meeting that's taking place next month. when chance langler merkel for the last time, remember she stands down in september when the elections in germany. she will not be standing for chancellor in september. she'll be visiting washington come next month. so some sort of timeline on those north stream to discussions. the focus from now all, and i will be very much on libya and this livia to conference very interesting to
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hear the, the german, 4 minutes to high come off say that the u. s. was very engaged on this. don't see a much more active than in previous years, because that is one of the big changes that some would say is positive with regard to the diplomatic situation in libya. certainly in terms of the external powers, and that's that the u. s. is involved, the trump administration really didn't want any involvement in the, in the libya fall when they have the libby at the bell in one meeting back in january 2020. that was the leader level. all the leaders were that president trump was represented by secretary of state. mike, mike put the other thing that's changed in terms of the international dynamics of the situation is the e. u seems to be pretty united on libya. in the past. you had, when you had a divided libya, you had a divided e you, most of the you and notably italy on the side of the tripoli,
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government and france. i think not, not very publicly but, but most people will well aware that they have sympathy with general hafta side, the e u. now united the u. s. more engaged. that in some ways is a positive when it comes to the libya talks that are about to take place. alright james, thank you very much for that james space. our diplomatic editor lives there from london on this news conference happening in berlin between the us secretary of state and me blinking and the german foreign minister, high command on the sidelines of the libya to conference, which takes place in berlin as james was saying that the u. s. fat taking part in the conference this time in a more prominent role than under the trump administration. the talks on libya will focus on preparation for national elections planned in december in libya and the withdrawal of foreign forces. we will have more on this story and others in just
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a few minutes on the news, our wave stars yet. i hope he does stay with us here on. i'll just there. i think so on. ah, in 2020 new york city was the global epi center of death. and in this, from the corona virus. like many cities, the pandemic has altered. the metropolis is very fabric. hundreds of thousands of fled the celebrated concrete jungle. those who remain know that restoring it's my talent will be easy. people in power asks whether the city can bounce back to its former glory. saving new york on a just a rule which produced one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world. they will take shots even when they should not. and i believe that sometimes what the saudis had been doing.
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the story behind the deadly attack by the saudi led coalition forces on a school bus in yemen, which killed 40 children yemen. the soda bus bombing on al jazeera frank assessments eastern argument for suggesting that the, by the ministrations that you've been a long game. it's very much of a warm embrace of the iran nuclear deal because of us domestic politics informed opinions. schools and shelters have been reduced to rubble. how do you think this shapes a generation and their policy and then their life has been shaped by vitamin the in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on our jazeera ah, welcome to portal. your gateway to the very best advantage there an online content that you may have met a new program. the 5th, through our platforms, makes
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a connection and presents a digestible scene, each the award winning online content on their audience. portal with me, sandra, gotten on to 0. me. i me. this is al jazeera. ah, hello, there, i'm a, this is a new life coming up in the next 60 minute. united states sees is a $33.00 media websites linked to iran. iran condemns it as a breach of freedom of speech. hong kong apple daily newspaper meanwhile says it will shut down. office assets are frozen and.


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