tv [untitled] June 23, 2021 9:00pm-9:30pm +03
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was enshrined in law diminishing the plight of countless victims of franco's 36 year dictatorship. with a group of survivors has launched an international law suit hoping to bring those accountable to justice and force the country to acknowledge its fascist passed the silence of others. weakness on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera. ah, hello, i'm o madison. this is the news on line from doha. coming up in the next 60 lives you hope for peace and stability in lydia default medicine says mercenaries could pull out within days. reports the dozens of people have been killed in an air strike market in ethiopia to graze egypt. you know, warns of a catastrophe and madagascar for millions on the brink of starvation and another
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sign of a warming planet. the draft of a major climate report is leaked thing. millions will be at risk. you have an actual sport. spank. rush lucky to secure that place in the last 16 if you're a poland on out and faced the over on the about the message from organizes as a circular lympics with just a month until the game forget. ah libby as path towards finding last thing piece has received a big boost. the country's foreign minister says mercenaries could be out of the country within days. and as a mungo shan representatives of libya's transitional unity government. every meeting, ward leaders in berlin, russia, turkey, egypt, and other states reaffirm their commitment to the withdrawal of all foreign fighters. un, a. united nations says about 20000 for them fighters, for hire,
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or in the country. their exit is part of a plan to reduce violence in libya ahead of national elections in december. which means you would that send us one and a half years ago, libya was threatened with collapse. the economy was on the verge of collapse. we saw social tensions and divisions. today we're in a critical phase, but we're also in a very hopeful phase. today we can speak with a unified voice and say we will not return to war. item writing has more from berlin. the prominent role that us secretary of state anthony blink and played at this conference on when fame, berlin shows that president joe biden had a stronger commitment to libya than its predecessor, former president donald trump. whether or not they're gonna back up that commitment with some real strong measures is yet to be seen. but speaking alongside german chancellor anglo merkel, earlier in berlin. this is what the secretary of state had to say about their
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commitment to libya. we have a responsibility, particularly in this moment to demonstrate that democracies can deliver, deliver in the lives of our people, deliver for people around the world. and there again, the example that the chancellors set, the germany set could not be stronger. and today is a very good example of that with the work that germany has done on libya. and the hope of this moment to actually see libya, hopefully take a course of security freedom, independence, backed by the international community. more than a dozen countries, along with the united nations, took part in these talks here in berlin on wednesday, and they all agreed that libya must be free of foreign fighters. free of mercenaries hold elections on december 24th. and that all these militias in the country are mobilized and disarmed and folded into a single military that reports to civilian authority. they want so many concrete
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steps or proposals outlined in the closing statements. there were some agreement and these talks like countries such as turkey and russia that have had fighters in the country or mercenaries. russia claims that they don't have any national fighters there. that there would be some agreed order and balance to withdraw of people fighting on the ground that, that they would respect an agreement to be made at a later date. but so far, hearing what's coming out of this is a lot of promises of support, but not so much detailed, specific measures about how all these countries in the us are going to help build a stable peaceful and democratic libya. dozens of people have reportedly been killed after an air strike it. a busy market in ethiopia is to drive asian house workers in the village or to goes on, told the associated press. but soldiers blocked. medical teams from reaching and tuesday attack happened during some of the most intense fighting since the conflict into gripe began in november. not know who carried out the attack. the u. s. has
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expressed deep alarm and the reports of violence and says it pushing for access to the region. some of the most critically wounded people from what we gather were evacuated by ambulances last night. and this morning, we have requested access to the area or to assist to assess the situation and see how we can, how we can provide assistance. but so far we've not been able to. the situation in the air remains very, very volatile. it's important that everyone engaged in fighting do their utmost to protect civilians to obey international humanitarian law. martin plot as a visiting the senior fellow in the department of all studies at king's college london. he says, evidence suggests the fee open air force is responsible for the attack there, frankly, nobody else who could have done it. the error try and air force is not operating in
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the area. the 2 grams have no air force. who else could have done it? it must have been an ethiopian jet. i don't think that will come at any surprise to anyone. basically, the 2 grams have been on the defensive ever since. the war began in november. they were 1st driven after weston to gray, then they were driven off of the capital makella. and now they have begun to take back some of the area that they lost. they are fighting and gazed both ethiopian and era trained forces are transform. you may recall, have been coming in from the north. the ethiopians ask them to leave, but they have so far not done. so. and a string of tongues have now been briefly retaken by the grands in a very major offensive. they say they have captured up 210000 e c o p, and troops. now, of course, that's not verified,
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but that's the kind of claim that they are making that they are now on the offensive. they've got the, they say, the peons on the run in some areas, but this is not a war that's going to be over in 5 minutes. last war in this area. last 17 years. this one's been going long term right month here, but morgan has more from godaddy, from sudan near the border with ethiopia. the things to look at as bad as strike, also billions in the tunnel northwest of the 2 grand capital mickely and then is offensive that has been launched by the green people's liberation from the life which is the government has been fighting since november. both events are likely to result in more people being displaced. the un has already said that more than 2000000 people are internally trapped inside a great, i'm more than 5000000 are in need of military and a for survival. 70000 people have crossed into sudan gelati and let's say they're spread across refugee camp here. but people who are integral are in dire need of
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communitarian assistance and you may have relief supplies and the situation is getting worse. it's worth know, things that come just days after the european parliamentary elections were held and which degree did not take part and because of the ongoing conflict. so if anything people are expecting that the situation integrate will get worse and the tuition will be dire. they're expecting more displacement and refugees here say that they're concerned about their relative. we're still trapped in other parts of become of the region because the border areas have been blocked and they won't be able to access the roads to be able to make it through refugee camps. therefore, they will have to suffer from the impact of the conflict. countries in southern africa have approved the deployment of troops to mozambique to help the government with the ongoing violence. their dogs are being held in the capitol put in april armed groups, storms, the town of palmer and the north, kenny dozens of people and displacing thousands more automotive us or has more from
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this. and bob, we have, capitol had already what we know so far. what we think, i'm not saying that the truth will do is it will be fat most and be me for example, they will help patrol the indian ocean coastline and they will patrol the border area with hands near with some of these needs to be coming from there also patrol from the border areas at that neighbor mozambique as well that in theory, every country in the reason we have an african me to contribute to the stand by force. but it can not make lee. many countries are having a hard time economy because of the covered 19th and then we can have a talent. they also have, for example, most cutting. the reason i'm trying to raise money to procure vaccines to come back on a virus with a big come to live. so that's what's the biggest economy in the region. and they also going to the economic problems. they've had to cut by just the defense budgets as well as and by way, which is the way to be good army, it says it's under sanctions that could limited as well in what it can do to help
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intervene and, and help them be the all these things are a play. what's important to note is that this wouldn't be the 1st time that she from the regional, from different countries that come into another country, for example, in the late 9090 than bob, wy, and girl. and the maybe since soldiers to the, the persistent governments in the early ninety's and bobby, for example, deploy too much be centralized. be to deal with an anomaly. at times it has been done before. the question now is, who, which country is will form part of the stand by force? when would they come in? and what exactly would they do to us? this must be sedan, has asked the un security council to intervene in a dispute about ethiopia as hydro electric down on the blue nile, savannah and egypt, where you could have an impact on water levels. sedans for the minister once the security council to urge ethiopia not to fill the damn this july as planned. ethiopia says the downs crucial to listing millions out of poverty. that about
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a head on the news, i mean to the data on a home going corporate 1900 vaccine in cuba signal co via the pandemic for us, chuckling economy and flashes between business professors and police in brazil or the congress because the session is going to have the details for the spring and get a helping hands provide dokey, but very secure their place in the last 16 if the euro ah iran says it stopped and attempted act of sabotage against the building of its atomic energy organisation. a few hours ago. the us seized is 33 media websites with links to iran on tuesday. to hon condemns the move, calling it breach of freedom of speech. the us previously sanctioned runs revolutionary god and state media outlets,
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making it illegal for them to do business with americans. dos is about who has the latest from to hon. while these sites are all off branches, off shoots of the official fate, tv websites and belonging to the states. and these have been really, there's been a lot of anger by officials from various levels of government. we heard from iran had her on un mission, who said that the radians will pursue this through legal channels that it is shameful. we also heard from the countries communication minister, who said that this is not something the u. s. is able to do because it's illegal. he called the illegal act. we've also heard from the countries foreign ministry who issued a statement saying that this was a shameful act dot carried out by the u. s. government. and it's not, it's a double standard for them. when they preach about democracy for them to do this, to the iranian sites. ok, let's close to our white house correspondent, kimberly hawkins, who's in washington, dc and other white house was asked about this today. kimberly, what would you say?
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they refused to provide any evidence as to what exactly was wrong with these websites. in other words, the department of justice put out a press release saying that these websites were engaged in misinformation that was interfering with the american democratic process. but again, no examples have been cited as to why the united states believes this was occurring and further when it comes to that double standard that my colleague was speaking about. certainly the u. s. is not supplied any sort of justification for its arbitrary censorship of these new sites inside iran, even as it continues to espouse that it advocates for press freedom around the world. so certainly the white house is dodging the tough questions about why they took this action and also refusing to discuss the timing. kimberly,
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is there any sense? yeah, the white house is readjusting a strategy as far as iran is concerned. having seen this recent action, you know, the white house officially insist? nothing's changed. the official word from the white house press secretary was that the 6 round of negotiations have wrapped up in vienna to live in ra nuclear program . that these are still on track, even as there is not a 7th round negotiate scheduled yet for negotiations, as she continues to insist that essentially these negotiating teams are consulting in their various capitals. but things are moving along, but it's clear that something has changed. even if the white house is not saying it verbally, the fact that this pay this sort of taking control of these websites has occurred, indicates that the white house is trying to send a message to iran. so appears the strategy has changed because we know that there was no significant progress made in those talks in vienna to try and limit around
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nuclear program. add to that. another sort of important point at all. this is that the president elected iran has said very clearly, he's not willing to meet with the us president joe biden. he's also said he's not willing to discuss it to non negotiable. he said the fact that the united states wants to add to the j. c. p u a in other words, not just live it around nuclear program, but specifically the ballistic missile program. 2 and also any sort of influence ross has in the region. he says, these are non negotiable, then that is going to be a problem for the united states sort of parents. they have adjusted their strategy in order to try and address some of these key stumbling blocks that the united states says in terms of limiting around nuclear program is a top priority for the by no ministration. so why does corresponding kimberley hall talking to us from washington dc? ok, let me take you back to our top new story. this are this missing in berlin that is going on in libya. it's attempt to set out a map towards
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a route towards elections are going to be held in the country, possibly in december, and also reducing to violence in the country. jason pack is finder of libya. analysis is joining us now from mitchell sin in new jersey. it's good to have you with us. the implication that one gets from seeing the way that these meetings are being held is that having set out the requirements, the, the libyan government doesn't seem to be playing a significant role and the negotiations. all the statements are predominantly coming from all the other players. is that fair? yeah, that's right. the berlin process, when it was initiated in january 2020, was a process of trying to get the different international actors on board, about violations of the un arms embargo about mercenaries in libya and about the political and economic track. so the berlin process is not an interim. libby and process is about getting the international on board and therefore to communicate it
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was leak 2 days ago and has come out today said, you know, there's going to be phase withdrawals of the turks and the russians. and that's something for the turks in the russians to work out amongst themselves and has very little to do with the different to be in stakeholders. i mentioned before, the libby is foreign minister has been saying that mercenaries could be, could be out of a country within days. now the presence of mash raise and presence of supporters and forces loyal to how he for half the general colleague for hafta who are still in the country is a significant stumbling block. how confident could the government be that these mashmeier is that these forces can actually be dealt with or in some cases removed in order to allow this process to move forward? well, for minister mongoose has a way of putting her foot an amount that every opportunity you have to keep in mind . she was just a 2nd to your academic only a few months ago. and no, of course, the mercenaries are not going to be out. there was the cease fire agreement on
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october 23rd 2020 saying that within 3 months the russians and turks would be out. they're not going to be out even if there's an election on december 24th of this year. because no one has any leverage to be at sanctions or other military force to get them out. what this community is solely focusing on right now is elections. they're not focusing on economic reform. they're not focusing on the budget. they're certainly not focusing on mercenaries compromising on everything else to try to get elections in december. and finally, the by did ministration has engage to try to move towards those elections. but all other issues are falling by the wayside. one thing that is not being mentioned either of these meetings is of course, the humanitarian situation that people are facing in libya. having gone through this crisis, this conflict, there are tens of thousands of people who've been forced out of their homes who are struggling to find food that in itself as an enormous problem that the country's going to have to face. well, i would say there are hundreds of thousands of internally displaced libyans and
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millions of refugees from other countries inside or passing through libya. but the humanitarian issues that are most pressing are the electricity and water issues. libya, the water supply is being depleted year on year. there are constant blackouts in the summer, and this is despite the fact that libya had been the wealthiest country in africa for per capita g and b. and it's sovereign resources are being wasted and no infrastructure is being built and the budget has not been passed. so i see the drivers of the conflict are entirely economic because the status quo players benefit from not performing the economy. and unfortunately, because we live in a world of global enduring disorder, the international don't coordinate together to focus on what really matters really good to get your thoughts on this jason park. we appreciate you being on all just to thank you very much. indeed. that was a great pleasure, be well people, madagascar are on the verge of starvation. after the worst drug there in 40 years,
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the one's food agency says there's a desperate need for aid with money attrition, more than doubling in the past 4 months. alexia bryan reports this days at wasteland and southern madagascar was once airable and fertile. but years of drought mean only a few patches of green remain. the lack of water has destroyed crops and sandstorms cover whatever's left and a layer of dust. the food here has nearly run out. many families are forced to eat and sick the leaves to survive. it took me that in the morning, i prepare the plate of insects. i clean them up as best i can give them. there's almost no water. my children, i have been eating this plant every day for 8 months because we have nothing else to eat and no rain to allow us to harvest what we have sewn. 8 groups a warning of catastrophe, especially for children like these 2 now orphans after the mother died of hunger, the arms of wasting away. while they stomachs obliterated by malnutrition,
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they had allowed if i look it up, i rely on god. today we have absolutely nothing to eat except cactus leaves that we are trying to clean up. we have nothing left. their mother is dead and my husband is dead. what do you want me to say? our life is all about looking for capital lees again and again to survive. medic ask is, southern region is the epi center of the crisis. more than a 1000000 people, about half of the areas population need food aid, and the karone of ours pandemic has made everything worse, flowing the delivery of much needed supplies. many of these women and children have walked for hours to get help, were facing the worst drought in over 40 years. and this is an area where people depend on their own agriculture, home grown shoes, meals, small holder farmers. this is out of a live down here, but with drought back to back to back. people can survive. and so the government
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partner with the world food program, others were doing the best we can. but it's a terrible situation. who rains during this years planting season, suggest yet another harvest will fail. the us food agency says the world must act now, or a generation could be lost to famine. alexia o'brien al jazeera taliban says its reason territorial gains and canister, and are promising and will lead to greater security. as fighters have captured about 50 districts in the past month, as well as a border, crossing with jacobs, done by the us envoy. and i've got to stand has one to spike in violence is a threat to the region stability. deborah lions says the withdrawal of foreign troops by september would send what she called a seismic tremor through afghanistan. no by dollar. but here is a lecture of peace in conflict and mediation at caught on university time money campus. he's joining us live from couple of thank you very much indeed from being
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for being with us. what's your assessment of the way that the taliban appears to be season control in so many areas it's obviously not a very welcome welcome change within the country. the pilot bon are gaining momentum. there is the sense of impending victory amongst their fighters. they're using that narrative to project it on the battlefield. we've seen great use of social media by the movement. they've shown the national defense forces giving up to the time to bond. there is another side to it as well where natalia bond are showing videos of them accepting surrender. which leaves this thought that the back of the taliban fighters, head where surrender is an option and they're availing it across the
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country. but that being said, we've seen the territory fall back and forth between both sides. the major reason there is that the on defense forces and the republic have air dominance. and as long as they have air dominance, it would be very difficult for the tal upon to permanently hold territory. what does this mean for the negotiations that have been going on in don't? how one gets the impression that irrespective of whatever talks are being how the taliban know at least seems confident enough that it is able to carry out this kind of action and not have any sort of reprisal according to the us recent report as well. we can see that even if there were more and more accurate voices within the parlor bond that were seeking a political settlement. those have been muffled out by the sense of achievable, victory. so if the taliban fighters believed that
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a total victory can be achieved on the battlefield, then compromising on a political settlement is senseless and meaningless to them. and tongue upon his release, the statement in which it makes several points. one of those says none should be deprived of their rights with areas falling under the control of the measure heading of islamic emerett. we again, we assure women, men, minorities media and all strata that the emerald shall hold them in highest team, grant them their jewish learning rights, and provide them with opportunities to continue their legitimate work and services . should the people have, i've done this on believe statements like that. see the problem is with a situation, a military statement or an escalated steel made off the heart is that if the taliban keep capturing territory only to give it up, it creates the sense of despair and the sense of senseless violence. and we've seen that where the taliban fighters have been blowing up infrastructure before giving up the territory that costs human capital,
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that costs the foreign people a lot of energy and a lot of years that they've put into being where they are. and it creates the security vacuums we've seen across the country. the uprising of people we've seen malicious arming and that's something that momentarily might help the cause of the republic. but in the long run, it is. it is really bad news for the soft ran a p off the country. not only would the government have to settle its issues with the polar bond, but later on, reclaim territory and power from these militias and from people arming themselves. so at the end of the day, the common fund that dies is the common fund that is constantly in the fear and worry off what will happen tomorrow. this is a day to be conversation amongst the youth and find a spot where they're trying to find ways to get out of
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a lot of fun if things get out of hand. and most of this generation has fled the country before we've been refugees before. and we really don't want to be in that situation again. so it looks like a lose lose situation for the common person. let me ask you about that, because how are people in afghanistan, particularly the people in couple when you're out and about on a daily basis. what is the atmosphere within a couple? what is, what are people feeling about the way that their country is, is, cit, the situation that they find that country in, at the moment. honestly, it's heartbreaking. i am giving online classes right now to my students across the spun. and in the past one week, i've had 2 of my students from missouri and condos message me, mid class saying that they couldn't continue attending the class because the fighting was getting closer to their houses and they might have to flee. that's not
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a world people want to live in. these are educated people doing post grad degrees in our who want to change the world who want to change their country. but they're desperate. they're there. there is nothing but despair. and even the other intellectuals who really can do something, don't know what to do because when they're such la guns out there really no one listens to reason and no one cares how you feel or what you lose. when back here is electra piece and conflict mediation, a caught on university time money campus, and we appreciate your joining us and i'll do here. so thank you very much indeed. thank you for having me. i linked draft un report paints a grim picture of our fast warming planet and what it means for billions around the world. it says dangerous temperatures surges above $727.00 degrees celsius, have more than doubled since 1979. and they will continue adding an additional $420000000.00 people will be exposed to extreme heat. waves of temperatures rise by
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just 2 degrees celsius with parts of africa being especially vulnerable. doctor board also predicts up to 18000000 people could be at risk of hunger by 2050 if we don't reduce our emissions significantly. and the global warming cost at least 60 percent of heat related deaths in half a dozen countries. jennifer francis is a senior scientist at the woodward climate research center in the u. s. she says what already seen the detrimental effects of climate change? places that are both warm and humid will be where we're going to see the most impacts on human life. because when you combine that humidity with high temperatures, it means that your, your body cannot get rid of the heat that it generates as part of its normal operation. and if that combination of heat and, and moisture gets too high, that's when we see a lot of people coming to these heat ways. but you know, it,
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we've already seen heat waves this summer in the northern hemisphere, in the western part of north america and parts of europe in the middle east. and but you know, it can, it can extend pretty far north as well up into even siberia, where last summer we saw the temperature is exceeding 100 degrees fahrenheit. for the 1st time we pretty much spans all realms of life. we're talking about agriculture, making it more difficult to grow crops that we normally would grow in certain areas . and especially if you combine that with either drought or too much rain. and we can see both of those extremes happening. it also affects our fisheries as we, as.
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