tv [untitled] June 23, 2021 10:30pm-11:00pm +03
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principals and international commitment including the con, caught up with the church. i would also like to point out that secularism is not the state in difference to the religious phenomenon, but the protection of cultural diversity. but you can find that much more on our website. there's our top story that meeting in berlin about trying to have elections in libya in december. ah, and now reminder of our top stories on al jazeera, dozens of people have reportedly been killed in an air strike on a busy market in a few years, nor than t great region. some people were taken for treatment in the regional capital mickely, which is about 30 kilometers away, but many more wounded are believed to be trapped in the village. is comes during some of the most intense fighting since the conflict between the army and the t.
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great regional forces began in november, been confirmed who carried out the attack. he but morgan is more now. forget that he seems to dan, which is near the gray and border the good things to look at that air strike on civilians in the town of northwest the grand capital make it a and then is offensive that has been launched by the green people's liberation front the life which is the government has been fighting since november. both events are likely to result in more people being displaced. the un has already said that more than 2000000 people are internally trapped inside a great, i'm more than 5000000 are in need of media perry and a for survival. 70000 people have crossed into sudan godaddy, and let's say they're spread across refugee camp here. troops from 16 southern african nations will be deployed to mozambique. it's the help, quite long going violence centered on the northern capital. gather province,
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leaders from the southern african development community of been holding talks with the most beacon government in the capital. in april armed groups stormed the town of panama, killing dozens of people, and displacing south libya, as foreign minister says foreign mercenaries could begin withdrawing from the country. within days she said progress had been made on the issue as representatives of the inter immunity government met world leaders in berlin. though no concrete measures were announced, the united nation says about 20000 foreign fighters for hire are in the country. and hong kong at last pro democracy newspaper has published its final edition. the apple daily closure is seen as the end of an era for media freedom in the city. and it follows the freezing of a passive news for you and half an hour. stay with us coming up next it's the street. thanks for watching or by me. ah,
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ah ah, ah, i have me. okay, today listerine we are going to take a little bit deeper into 3 new stories affecting the occupy westbank. now i know you will have opinions, put your comments into youtube, and you can share, and i will share some of them with the me. let's meet the gas highlights of optima, angel. and oh la, really nice to have you on today stream back to introduce yourself. hello audience . you are what you do. hi, my name is nadia kreme. i'm
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a journalist. i'm based in drama and palestine. i've been covering the region or covering basically palestine for the past 15 years. 5 recently joined the fabulous team of christian science monitor and i'm very happy to be joining you today at english. our so happy to have you angel. welcome to the stream. introduce yourself to global audience. well, my name is onto laura, thanks very much for having me on the show. i'm a journalist this and be rude. i'm also called initial foreign policy magazine. i ride on the middle east about the region essentially. and recently have of course all to be inviting on the israel palestine conflict. so nice to have you. thank you for making time for us and welcome home is an alarm from the stream. it's so nice to have you. i'm on now. we have a different role tell everybody who you are and what you do. i know it's interesting to be here on the other side of this, but i am omar. but dar, i'm in a policy and american political analyst based in washington,
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dc. and addition to offering analysis, also some do some work on advocacy for a change in american politics where it's palestine and israel gets actually back on the stream. so we are going to start gas in the occupied east recent neighborhood of sexual the, the bottom. i'm going to start with you that with eastern them a monday,
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one of our producers posted that video to me tells me that the news doesn't stop in east recently. it may not be the 1st new story. it may not even be in the headlines, but it continues. what does that video tell you? this video is about the daily lives for palestinians all across the palestinian territory. everywhere they live, there is this direct of it's either so close sanctioned testers attacking palestinians that are sanctioned by go on punished basically by the state or it is the israeli military or the trying the police a for me this video is, is a, is a picture i'll daily life for palestinians who feel at risk every moment of their lives every day. a field, the risk not only of eviction, but also harming the personal security at their own home. the periphery of your own
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personal space is act is at risk. and it's highly volatile situation where israeli police or israeli a for to do nothing to prevent the best situation. so it's not just the, the news doesn't stop. it's the daily conflict for palestinians who are trying to say that we just want to live here, that a who are being attacked by either settlers or israeli authorities and they're different bodies every single day. i have witnessed that angel, can you even tell the story of the protest in east jerusalem? is that a week when, when once in a protest happen a week when another set of protest happened? is there a narrative that you can even follow angel? well, i think there are sort of 2 important things that i like to mention now to picking up from what file to my said there is obvious discrimination in systematic
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discrimination of play. if you look at the events of just the last 15 days or just the last month when the recent clashes flashes between hamas and israeli forces took place, we saw that the israeli forces arrested a lot of palestinians and they said that they were arresting, right? hold on gold and not protesters, which is what ballast and ends on the ground. it claimed that people who were arrested and b know they were active as like bahama, the court. and his sister more not who actually were just protesting to save their homes were also picked up. but when, after the cease fire was agreed upon, when these really authorities, under the new prime minister, natalie bennett, allowed for the flag march to be carried out by the israelis and many of them out of the docks jews as well. we have them chunk deaths to arabs, and these as that of despicable things to say and offensive to anybody who gives us
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a chance, even if you, even if you're not an arrow, but we did not sort of europe, israel making any arrest then. so this is, it's sort of obvious that there is systematic discrimination and i don't know what my group on this think about enough. dolly bennett being the new prime minister. but i suspect, and i've been talking to a lot of allison in intellectuals who feel that it might actually get what we're going to get to that. i want to play a video to you and then i'd love to hear your responses. the end of it is dahlia. she's an independent journey. she's talking about shakes euro. this is her take. going to have your take, just thought you hear it. the israeli authorities have also effectively cardona off the eastern part of shifts, how they're saying they're trying to de escalate things. but effectively what's happening is that supporters of palestinian of palestinians in the
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neighborhood are not being allowed in yet. israeli settlers and supporters and their supporters are being allowed into the neighborhood. what this is meant is, is that israeli authorities are trying to suppress the mass mobilization that has that has been sparked because of what's happening in cetera. look what that is saying is absolutely spot on. and i think to take a quick step back and set the context for this a little bit more when we are talking about east jerusalem. we are talking about occupied palestinian territory that israel has no right to be in. and yet israel is effectively the authority there are there by force. and they've created a reality in which they really have an ethnic cleansing project that is effectively what we are witnessing. international law is very clear about the fact that you cannot throw people who are unoccupied people out of their homes and occupy
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territory in order to bring a segment of the occupiers population to live in their homes. and that is precisely what israel policy is. the deputy mayor of jerusalem admits to it openly, our king is the person i'm referring to. who basically says that the policy israeli policy in east jerusalem is to reduce the number of palestinians and increase the number of israeli jews in order to achieve demographic dominance. nice jerusalem, and we're looking at just we are really looking at a situation in which the indigenous people who belong in those homes are afforded, are essentially living under all kinds of restrictions and violence. and yet, israeli settlers who are intruders and steps of ra, enjoy complete, and total freedom of movement. it really is a situation of apartheid. there is no other way to describe it. and every major human rights organization has been very clear about the fact that israel imposes apartheid rule on palestinians in which they don't enjoy the same right. as israelis to michael alex, gee, he's on youtube, and alex says, what reactions should major western countries be having to the issue? come in shape,
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draw to thing directly. we getting involved commenting with the situation. you have to 30 seconds to respond to that. absolutely. i mean, look, it's really no different than what's happening in south africa or that happened in south africa during the apartheid era. what is really needed from the international community is an in position of sanctions, is creating consequences for israeli race of policy that impact palestinians in order to ensure that they do not continue enjoying western support. at least i mean that we certainly see that a lot of this is happening of american aid and diplomatic protection that should not be happening and there should be consequences. right, alex, you had on staff and oma, i want to move on because uncle brought this up in israel where a new coalition government has been signed in sworn and this is the prime minister, natalie bennett at his very 1st company meeting this happened on june the 13th take a look, float. let me, let me, let me, let me. we are at the beginning of new days, the hardships and so not exaggerated word in this case, of forming
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a unity government are behind us. and now the citizens of israel, all of them are looking up at us and we must deliver this. so i'm just looking at my laptop angela story that you wrote for out. is there a dot com or israel is bennett, be worse than b, b for palestinians. off the question, did you, did you ask that question? was it a genuine question? did you already know the answer, angel go ahead. well, i suspect, i mean, i think i knew the answer, but i just missed you sort of have to approach it in a way that, you know, i mean, of course, a lot of other people who've been working on this topic so much longer. and i had to speak to them and listen in intellectuals, you know, they were pretty honest in their assessment and they said, look, there are several scenarios that could play out. one is that nothing happens because bennett is going to be prime minister for 2 years. and the coalition that he's having is very fragile and they don't really want to rock the boat. why talk about palestinians anyway? if you do go to israel, you see that inside israel palestinians and their well being is sort of not an
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issue. it's a non issue, they have their internal issues and that's what they talk about. one possibility is, is, is that nothing happens with the other possibility is that mr. bennett actually carries out the policy that he's always promised to carry out. which has pro settlement, which is against a 2 state solution. and what worries a lot of palestinian thinkers is that this prime minister has actually said that he wants to go on carry out more in legal settlements. and he actually thinks that there is a palestinian state, he things, but israel has already given palestinians of state in the form of gaza. and he claims 60 percent of the west bank all of area. see if you know, off the or slow code wireless to an occupied westbank and sort of seen it a, b, and c. he claims the own of area. see, so you, if you now look at just the last week and all the things that these really
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government has cleared up, they cleared the demolition of the house of a man that they said attacked israelis of collective punishment again, imposing against the family of that man even if that man, you know, did commit the crime that the israeli authorities are saying that that, that he did. the 2nd thing that they've done is for the 1st time in 6 months, they cleared construction in west bank. now we do know that the biden administration had off nathan for an unofficial freeze on illegal several months. but now just today that it was reported and is really papers that construction band has been lifted. so we already sort of see these moves in 1. 1 does, if mr. bennett is actually going to be worse than even b b if that's even possible. and just bringing fatima thought about that. there's a researcher journalist called dahlia mastery and she's wrestling with the idea as to what does this new government even mean? here's how to take an income off the back and share yours. essentially,
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new governments actually mean anything palestinian, because every israeli government has been worked from the other. and palace and you know too well that liberation won't be achieved by a specific government. you know, the problem isn't just bad. the problem is the whole entire, the runs that were on project. you know enough tell you about it himself, wants to expand jewish settlements and, and it's more land in the west bank which is going to be even worse for palestinians than we've already seen today. we've seen the law had in the south. so palestinians need the end of occupation, they need liberation, lifting procedure and the right of return for all. where are you? and that's not going to be to you by asking your occupier to hear it for you. well i think that dalia has a point here in saying that or is not true, really not a quote. empower in israel. it's a part of the question of who,
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what is this power or what is this person willing to do? are they willing to undo laws that institutionalize discrimination against palestinians, whether they are palestinians, who are citizens of israel, whether palate, they are palestinians who are given the status of a permanent refugees, quote unquote, inside east jerusalem or palestinians, living in the west bank and gaza because what we're seeing here is the same discrimination, the same end goal, but at different levels, whether it's the police brutality, the housing situation inside israel at the, at the discrimination and the ethnic cleansing inside jerusalem as is, as described by international or human rights organizations, or the ethnic cleansing an area c, which is over 60 percent. as angela said,
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the west bank. so the question is, are they willing to undo or how are they handling the legacy that they inherited from the business? and yeah, who's 10 year in, in, in about 12 years the decade of nathan, yahoo has just ended and how are they, can i, can you ask that question to see what i will have to say? i'm a go have picked up. you know, really what do you, what do you think? sure, really what you're describing is really spot on. i mean, when we're looking at benjamin netanyahu or net 30 minutes or anybody else that changes matter to israeli politics and domestic sense. but when it comes to the relationship to palestinians, really nothing will fundamentally change. we are looking at 2 prime ministers, the change from nathan yahoo to bennett, who believe in israeli apartheid that is their platform, they believe in settler expense. a settlement expansion throughout the palestinian territory. they believe and not in denying pulse needs their rights and they don't really see palestinians as equal human beings who are deserving of the same rights
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that israelis enjoy. that's fundamentally the issue. i mean, really, the difference is, is that bennett is even more overtly racist than at yahoo. that any who was warning about arabs voting and draws during the election and engaging and all kinds of anti rhetoric. and then it takes that takes back to the next level he bragged about killing arabs are saying he's, he's no problem with it. he favors killing palestinian prisoners rather than taking them prisoners. he talks about how palestinians were quote unquote, swinging from trees. when jews already had a state and were civilized, that's the extent of the racism that we're dealing with and the fact that you know how well it if i mail margaret it since you are in washington d. c, how do you see bite in administration? actually sort of gearing up to deal with it if they do intend to deal with this intractable issue at all. because we've sort of seen off to the reason classes the, you know, big sort of the things that we want balance needs to be secure. but it's also, we also want is really secure israelis to have a right to launch as strikes,
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to maintain their own security. you know that how do you see sort of direction as biden administration going to more because i think that's key. absolutely. look. i think the binding ministration is trying to bury its head in the sand when it comes to this issue. they want to pay lip service to their rhetoric of peas and equality and equal rights and freedom for everyone. but when it comes to actual policy, i think they would rather avoid placing meaningful consequences on israeli policy. they want to pretend that the reality that we're all describing at this point is not actually the case and to just talk about perpetual negotiations. but clearly, fundamentally, nothing will change until there is a change in american policy on this. because when we talk about the u. s. giving $3800000000.00 every single year to israel, an offering endless details of the united nation to shield israel from accountability. then there's not going to be incentive for these really government to change its behavior. and so when you see these mother taking the streets in jerusalem and elsewhere, chatting, death to arabs growing in numbers and becoming more brazen. that's really a reflection of the fact that is really politics is shifting more and more to the
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right. and there doesn't seem to be an acknowledgment from washington, although that is changing here in the united states. because there include increasingly progressive members of congress in the united states and celebrities who are willing to speak up and place meaningful pressure on by them to check. so i guess we have, we have some, some, some comments on youtube i want to put to you. so that you can discuss with our audience as well, and i'm going to squeeze in one more story. this is a story to ask what happens to a policy and how when our legal settlement moves in. we'd have a look at this video from alice railey settlers group and then omar. you come off the back of it pace. welcome to the new settlements. i ah, we try time make. and again, we finally returned to this hill and we returned with a lot of strength with men of many families. 40 families are already waiting to
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settle this land that has been waiting for us for 2000 years. you know them to happen. we need you to join us in this importing machine. so there are some basic details that are missing from that video. we only showed a clip by what's the whole video. that's a very basic details are missing. tell our audience what he's missing from that video. that is a promotional video. my st. come come live a. it's a beautiful place to live. what is miss day? look, every single settlement that israel builds and the occupied palestinian territory is illegal under international law. and this particular statement, if your tar is even illegal under israeli law, these really government has not authorized the settlement to be built. and it's built over the farmland of a palestinian town called beta that is just south of nablus. and even though the settlement does not, is not authorized even under these really government, yet when palestinians protest the presence of the settlers on their land, that this land that there is unfolding. these really military shows up and shoot at
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the palace to me and demonstrators. and then just the past few weeks, they've already killed at least 5 people who are demonstrating and beta, including 2 children, a 15 year old and a 16 year old were also shot and killed for protesting, lance that, that is actually illegal under israeli law. so it's really hard to describe how infuriating the situation is, where it doesn't really matter that the laptop does not approve by the israeli government. they're still willing to defend it by crushing any palestinian resistance of that, including with lethal force, the targets children. it's really unacceptable, and it's a shame that the international community does not really reacted a more forceful way that to the occasion to the magnitude of the crimes that we're seeing on. all right, so guess you also. so, so plugin to what is happening and impacting occupied westbank, i want to ask you questions on behalf of our audience. this is a speed round. i need your immediate full and fast. this is brad farmer. this is for you. how likely is it to work in a settlement concept based on duplexes occupied by israeli and palestinian families?
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is that even possible? fatima good? i don't think that the issue of coexistence is relevant to palestinians. now, policies have living in the economy of either or for so long either or a one state or to state the peaceful resistance or armed resistance, right? of return or compensation. this is no longer relevant, especially to the new generation whose voices are heard. the coexistence is a myth. i'm telling you, crawling through. it's a speed round when moving on, answer why you found the articulate the frown. go ahead. what i agree to thought the well, but i will just sort of, you know, feel that it's, it's a really tense atmosphere, especially in homes where palestinians and jewish settlers have been forced, i would say to live together. and we've seen that and you know,
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so many widows that have been published by palestinians in east jerusalem and invest bank. and you can sort of sense for tension and hot out for both people really to see that these they should be having a good time together neighbors. well, actually there is a lot of tension. why wouldn't that be? you know, because i mean somebody starts to live in my house, i'm bound to be upset with them. oh, that's an understatement. his use. if an on youtube news have says that this one is for you, i'm a no one is going to act like we've done all the stories. you've seen the pictures, you've seen the pain. the west will always support if israel ally, that is a huge noise ation. oh, you got 30 seconds reply, you know, i think things are beginning to change, they are changing very slowly. it's infuriating that you have this level of support . but i think now increasingly for the 1st time ever during this latest assault on gaza, progressive members of congress were taken to the house floor denouncing israeli apartheid and demanding a change. i think there is an awakening. i think people are becoming more aware.
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and as that awareness growth, there's going to be more and more pressure on governments to ship their policies. so i'm optimistic about the fact that the changes eventually come interesting. his assault for him, i'm going to give her sobs question to thank you for watching us. what can be a practical solution to end? this is really style of a party. wow, that's a sort of noble lawyer sort of christian. and you say it's not what is the solution? well i think that for israel to manage it's policy level is essential to each is essential to dismantle everything that that brings that brings back up race against democracy. so if, if there is any solution, it has to be with equality for all residents and eventually all citizens enjoy human rights. all right, an easy one, an easy find, a one you answer. it is test lima. what should be the starts of the palestinian
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authority regard enough dolly? oh well i think 1st about that in authority must start to speak up more for the palestinians and try and have some sort of a truth with hamas. because as long as that's not the case, as really, they're always going to be using their division as an excuse to not sit on the table and even talk about peace. death stance towards the tale should be a tough one. nestali does not actually recognise them as, as a proper a government. he says they've got some sort of an autonomy and that's as far as i'm ready to go are, there's not going to be a state for palestine ends in the west bank. and they already have one in gaza. so i would imagine that that policy towards miss tali should be a tough one, but they should try to get off of some sort of a juice working with hamas. and i tried, and on this i just thought the doctor did a good job without really tough question. youtube and your questions were excellent . thank you for co hosting with me today. my former co has law. thank you so lovely
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to have you back on the screen angel fatima big topics you rest with them so well, thank you so much for being on the stream today. appreciate you. i will see you next time. take everybody ah ah ah ah. energy to every part of our universe or small to continue the change all around the shape by technology and human ingenuity. we can make it work for you and your business.
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something was going to change as anything really changed. this is systemic violent that needs to be addressed at its core. we are in a race against the barrier and know what to say. so we are all saying we're looking at the world as it is right now, not the world. we like it to be, the devil is always going to be in the house. the bottom line when i was just there i'm, there is no tunnel cover. is world view like we do. the scale of this camp is like nothing you've ever seen access to healthcare or something, but we want to know, how does these things affect people? we revisit places day, even when they're no international headlines. also they're really invest in that. and that's a privilege, as a journalist, a wall which produced one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world. they will take shots even when they should not. and i believe that sometimes what the saudis
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had been doing the story behind the deadly attack by the saudi led coalition forces on a school bus in yemen, which killed 40 children yemen. the soda bus bombing on al jazeera, the news. hello barbara are in london. these are the top stories on al jazeera, dozens of people have reportedly been killed in an air strike on a busy market in a few years. northern te gray region. some people have been taken for treatment in the regional capital mcclay, which is about 30 kilometers away, but many more wounded are believed to be trapped in the village. this comes during some of the most intense fighting since the.
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