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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2021 8:00am-8:31am +03

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very vocal of houses 0, we cover the stories that matter. the human story from the for values of correct to the bustle fields around wilson, i would job is to get to the truth and empower people through knowledge. the news philippines present. benita kina has died after being hospitalized in manila. he was aged 61 ah the whole realm and watching all their life, my headquarters here and also coming up on the ledge to strike as a mark. is it easier for us to grow region killed? doesn't the government is accused of delaying medical access. yeah. home calls only pro democracy newspaper,
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apple daily print. it's last edition. it's the latest victim of china's cracked down on descent in the territory. and anti government protested in time unreturned to the streets, to cult change. the what the prime minister out on the constitution rewritten. ah. hello, welcome to the peg. i'm fullness, philippines president benita akina has died after being hospitalized on thursday. in manila, the 61 year old who was the son of 2 democracy icons served one term from 2010 to 2016, and presided over a period of steady economic growth. she will, i'll, in token, has more for manila, president been walking or beans or as he is mostly known here is someone who was more all too familiar about the difficult pains of achieving democracy in this
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country. his parents were democracy icons, his father, the late senator, benito, r quino, was a fighter during the time of former president marcus during the period of martial law. he was shot dead in the term recruitment in the airport. in 1983. the death of his father actually push for as we call the people power revolution, which then propelled his mother to become president over the next few years. he was obviously president aquino, a member of the opposition. he held several government positions, but he led you was really kind of a side politician in 180901 of the cool rogue soldiers actually shot him 5 times as he was trying to defend his mother from these world soldiers who were still loyal to former president marcus, but it was the death really obvious mother in 2010 to also push for the public and
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for him to basically run progressive in the 2010. and he won overwhelmingly. and you know, during the spirit between 2010 to 2016, the philippines was considered the economic rockstar in asia. the country was growing up an annual rate of 6 percent. he stood up against china and filed a case against china international tri view. the tribunal actually wants it's quite a mixed legacy. at this point, we're hoping to get more information from the family over the next few hours. he's out today is a professor of political science at the university of the philippines, dillema joseph, via skype for a minute. i could help you with this on the program professor. i mean being the president of the philippines is not an easy job, but the key to try to show that democracy and accountability could work. how successful wolfy at that? well, the aquino administration showed us that he remained true to what he contained for which is the trade or right path to, to government. and i think it was able to show
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a lot of confidence the international community as respected the philippines in terms of the reforms, even though they were difficult. but president aquino, always drive for what not is popular, but what is right. and you can see from the very controversial all peace path, but it's administration to his foreign policy proficient. so how difficult then would you say or for the people or the philippines, was it to be trusted after so many years of either a military dictatorship or dictatorship in general? well, you know, a quino came from the family that consistently has defended philippine democracy. and i think at the current juncture of philippine politics by his passing, it's a worthwhile, a reminder that there will be need to find it's true, nor is that true north democracy and human rights. how difficult was it for him to actually take the how and as you said, he came from
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a strong political democratic heritage. but the, the murder of his father ready thrust him into a life that perhaps he wasn't planning right. in building politics, it's always say that it's all in the family and beneath me on a quino had the pedigree for political office, but he was really more a hesitant person. he wasn't really of the spotlight until the death of democracy icon korea kino. so he was shoved into leadership. but i think in the reminder that even the most hesitant of paul, filipino politicians when call to serve must be obliged to serve the filipino public. of course then what one does, what or how he will be remembered as the day progresses and people across the country begin to understand that one of the former presidents has passed away.
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yes, definitely, but i think move be forward. the he will be remembered as this middle way between 2 very controversial administration that tried to use executive power to and that very draconian policies as well as very populous as well as authoritarian leadership style flight b. kids. com be sent and i think very no key leadership would be a fresh remembrance of the variety of residential leaderships that could be quite effective in philippine politics. i was always good to get your insight from the university of the philippines did a man, thanks for joining us from melissa. thank you. thank you. though the, if you have the military is accused of delaying medical access after an alleged, as strike on a busy market in the t cry region which killed dozens. the 7 month old conflict has
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escalated in recent days and mid reports of rebel advances, while elections were held elsewhere in the country. the u. s. and the u. n. of called for an investigation as victoria gate and the report, the relatives of the injured wait outside a hospital for news following the bombing of a busy market in the village of to go go any t p as t gray region. some of the victims of root here to the regional capital mckelly 30 kilometers away. but many more we did a believe to be trapped in the village health workers. se soldiers blocked medical teams from reaching the seen. a lot of people waiting during but they didn't get service and because of the location of the road, i mean if any the us state department, school days, reports credible and set in a statement that denying victims urgently needed medical care is heinous. and absolutely unacceptable. we urge the ethiopian authorities to ensure full and
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unhindered medical access to the victims. immediately, i called for accountability, i call for an investigation for what has happened. but more broadly, we have made clear our position on the issues in to grey. we have asked for a cease fire. we demanded a cease fire. the attack happened during some of the most intense fighting since the conflict between the army and t gray, regional forces began in november. it's not been confirmed who carried out the attack, but military analysts say evidence overwhelmingly suggests the ethiopian air force is responsible. the frankly, nobody else who could have done it. the air try and air force is not operating in the area. the to grants have no air force. who else could have done it? it must been an ethiopian jesse. i don't think that will come as any surprise to anyone do you and has expressed deep alarm at the reports of violence and says it pushing for access to the region. the situation in the air remains very,
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very volatile. it's important that everyone engaged in fighting do their utmost to protect civilians to obey international humanitarian law. this conflict is now in its 8th month. she, great opposition. party say more than 50000 people have been killed while the un says more than 350000 have been pushed into famine. last week, the african union launched an independent inquiry into alleged human rights abuses in the region after widespread accounts of messages and sexual violence against civilians. this attack may will be added to the growing list of atrocities to investigate victoria to be al jazeera uncles pro democracy, new se for the apple daily has printed its last edition. its been false to close out with assets were frozen and topic the executives were arrested. the newspaper is the latest institution in the city that has sold it,
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and the pressure since basing imposed a national security law to big pollen has more from home home. i'm not one of the newspaper sounds that i've already sold out of apple daily in the early hours. i've received some fresh coffee. and as you can see behind me, there's a steady stream of people coming to get their coffee. now apple daily, faster this printing about a 1000000 copies and expected to be sold out to put this into context, hong kong has only around 8000000 people. so, but apple daily had in its last edition made a course to show how it's been so important to hong kong pro democracy movement. and one of the things that i've done is made a special supplement here showing all the major stories i've covered. many of them are protests and of all the offline, the number of paper stuff sold, and this will be the most ever, at 1000000 previous call, previous high for around half a 1000000 during major event by protests and anniversary and on their front page
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here they have the picture of the scene outside their headquarters last night and into the early hours of the printing process made their final run. you can see they were surrounded by supporters in a normally quiet industrial area where their headquarters are and there's the title of the headline says home. com. people say goodbye to apple daily in the rain and at the, at the bottom here as a sub headline, they say we support the awful daily with a sense that they are leaving with a lot of sentiments and emotion here. still had here on out there thinking reconciliation. former rebels in colombia meets the men and women they kidnapped, including a former presidential candidate. and the creator of one of the 1st anti virus software has been found that in his jail cell, in stain those stories after the break.
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ah, you may have noticed if you've been living or visiting this part of the world, middle east, it has been pretty hot recently and particularly human around the gulf states. that's not changing huge. you have to say 43 degrees suggest is not quite as humid in dough. hobbler wouldn't guarantee it. the edge of thanks to the monsoon wind and therefore the rain is being, they're being felt in sola. this is where you tend to get 3 months worth of overcast, really, where there's not quite there yet, but daily sanders don't seem quite likely on the i'm on the coast. whereas inland temperatures, if anything are still higher, they should be on a rock is a focus of that the forecasts of baghdad keeps you at $49.00 or 50 degrees. you might think you got used to this by now, but the average is only 41 high enough. i know. we also record values admittedly,
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and the wind is going to be a dusty drive one on friday, but 50 degrees is 50 degrees and hot wherever. and whenever you are now is the monthly winds of change. of course it's the edge of towns in the air and somalia tends to get the daily morning outbreaks of drizzly or even sherry rain and it tends to improve in the afternoon. there's not a fee to give a few sandstone still in the highlands of ethiopia. otherwise, fairly dry east africa, the a city defined by military occupation. there's never been an arab state. he with the capital of jerusalem. everyone is welcome. but the default structure that maintain the call on a project, that's what it feels was one of the founder of the settlement with this and the story of juice through the eyes of its own people, segregation, occupations,
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discrimination, injustice. this is i thought, side in 21st century drew for them a rock and a hard place analogy 0. ah ah, look like you're watching, i'll just say with me. so romney, reminder of our top stories. people with philippine president benita aquino, who died after being hospitalized a minute on thursday. the 61 year old served one time, 2010 to 2016, presided over a period of steady economic grades. the u. s. is condemned. a suspected strong called a busy ball, continued the if his t cry region that report to be killed. dozens of people. health workers in the village of to go got told the associated press soldiers blocked metix,
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reaching the scenes and called pro democracy newspaper. the apple daily has printed its last edition. it's been under pressure since staging and post a national security lot. several of its executives have been arrested and its assets are frozen. protest is in thailand, back on the streets after 6 month break, due to the cove at 19 pandemic. several groups are rallying in bangkok demanding the resignation of the prime minister, but also calling for more transparency from the monarchy and an overhaul of the constitution. now there are, these come as the country marks the $809.00 ton of history of the abolition of absolute monarchy. let's go over to bangkok where tony chang is amongst the protest . tony, what more do we know about so many demonstrations and how they really are developing in the, in bangkok on thursday? well, this is just one of the number of demonstrations for the plan today. you can say,
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this is getting pretty lively. they stop in the morning, 5 o'clock local weather commemorates, and tomorrow the end of the absolute mona k. to 9 years ago, this one started a democracy monument was going to present outside again supporting a bill to change the rules in the senate even such as yours downtown. enjoy your new way. they're coming back in the streets again. that is the
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one who are trying to get get back and get going again in the teddy of course, very busy situation where you are, of course demonstrate that you've already come back home to streets as you say, if the demands have not been met me, what's the sense that they feel they really will be heard over the next few hours or even the next few days. or i think that's the question the trying to find out a little the protest later in that intervening things have been, giles has now been released on bail, but it's still facing very serious charges that could lead to lengthy jail. but i think also in the period we've seen a mounting criticism of the government as appealing across the country. they've mishandled the curve at 19 crisis, not only with the slow ro, vaccinations, but also if you cannot make re highlands,
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it's suffering very badly at the moment. i think they want to capitalize on that, and they just want to see how many people are willing to support them. which said a lot of talk today fully for the prime minister to get out. but there's certainly a turning down of calls for the reform of the mona cannot today is very significant because it does not the out of us 3 of the end of absolute moment. but i think many people in thailand outside the initial protest movement thought they had gone a little bit too far. we may see today a relaunching of the moon. suddenly i think that's what the project lead is hope. and perhaps avoiding some of those more very controversial topic will depend through the day with you in a very vibrant and noisy bank called thanks so much, tony checking that force not libby as tough towards finding lasting peace has received a boost. it's foreign ministers, as mercenaries could be out of the country within days. now that departure is part of a plan to reduce violence ahead of elections in december. at am,
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rainy reports from berlin. the berlin conference was marked by promises to help libya transform into a democratic and stable country. we have a responsibility, particularly in this moment, to demonstrate that democracies can deliver to actually see libya, hopefully taking a course of security freedom, independence, backed by the international community. the conference co hosted by germany and the you in was a follow up to the 1st libby a conference held 18 months ago with a cease fire in place. libby as interim prime minister said the country will hold elections as promised on december 24th. when you would seno another one and a half years ago, libya was threatened with collapse. the economy was on the verge of collapse. we saw social tensions and divisions. today we're in a critical phase, but we're also in a very hopeful phase. today we can speak with
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a unified voice and say, we will not return to war. all parties in berlin agreed. foreign fighters and mercenaries must leave libya, and that libyan malicious must be demobilized and disarmed. according to the you, in some 20000 foreign fighters and mercenaries remain on the ground in libya. assigned some analysts say shows libya is not on the right path. the remove on the ground today. then the last conference. there are now more weapons on the ground and the last conference there had been more by elections at the ball since the last . the last 5 women in the foreign forces the through 90 days. and they haven't. here at the conference, germany foreign minister made a point of saying, partner nations and organizations are no longer just talking about libya. but talking with libya and libby as foreign minister made a point of saying what her country's expecting here. the people of my country pin. so much hope and the 2nd conference of the berlin process,
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my people are looking forward to seeing more concrete measures which have a positive impact and the ground. it's time for actions because my people have heard enough. it's not clear yet if the participants will deliver such concrete measures so far, they've made promises. in the past, some of those have not been kept. adam rainy al jazeera berlin, a former colombian presidential candidate, kidnapped and held by fog rebels for 6 and a half years. let's come face to face with her captors on live television and good betancourt. appearance was part of columbia as truth commission. it's documenting an official account of the countries 5 decade, a war. alexander on p a. t has more from bug at all. it was the 1st time that former presidential candidate ingrid betancourt came face to face with her former captors. now demobilized park fighters at a public event organized by the countries to its commission. they were going to
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execute the year leaders accepted responsibility for tens of thousands of kidnappings. earlier this year on stage and in front of cameras, betancourt criticized which she described as their lack of empathy during an emotional speech. your mrs. c. talk estate is bracey. i need you to express that you feel this shame is, it's a social shame. because colombian society is complaining about what you did boys love at windsor, or is it the shame of the soul? you could hear i wanted to hear you talk from your heart, not in political terms. from your heart. the 5th inquiry was held in captivity for more than 6 years. be those of her in the
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jungle made headlines worldwide. as due to her rescue in a cinematic military operation in 2008, making her assemble of one of the most, hiring crimes of columbia, the internal conflict. far systematically kidnapped more than 20000 people has a way to finance their war against the state and terrorize entire populations on wednesday from a fight commander regal. and don't you repeated the regret neither not up with it. nothing can explain what justify your pain. we are absolutely conscious of it. we don't pretend to excuse ourselves with any argument. they weren't people involved in the conflict, but innocent victims of it. that's why we understand if they had those who don't feel inclined to forgive us. but it was not meant, they said another victim escaped testimonies and wednesday said they were indeed ready to forgive or go now. but i know i have forgiven to stop poisoning my spirit
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and stop generating hate and resentment, like amanda aconia, who returned to his captor a magazine in a book he received a hostage and then he has kept until now get up in italy. i want to ask you all to do this humanly and even in humanly possible for peace of this country. help us please. overall it was an emotional and highly symbolic day in a country still deeply divided on the reasons for its decades long conflict. and that struggling to heal deep wounds, to help forge a more peaceful row the heads. high. listen that the, i'll just the it, i will go. now the un secretary general has appealed to the security council to renew a cross border aid operation into northwest and syria. for another year, attending, cherish ward that failure to do so would be devastating for millions of people. a mandate that allows a truck into the countries and set to expire on july the 10th. i still really appeal to the members of the council to reach consensus and allowing cross bar
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little preparations as a vital channel of support for another is a failure to extend. the constant ties ation. we'll have devastating consequences. the seed in people are in dire need, and it is essential to will be lies, all our capacities along all channels. but the thought, forget that the solution to the he didn't treasure the can only be political city and this must come together to agree on their future. it is time to end this decade long nightmare and indigenous group in canada say it's discovered hundreds of unmarked grades. at the sight of a former residential school, the group says it's the largest discovery of its kind in canada. just last month, the remains of $215.00 children were found at a different location. at least 150000 indigenous children were forcibly removed from the families and sent to residential schools. the last one closed in the 1900 ninety's, brazil's environment minister has resigned the ricardo shallow sh is facing
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a criminal investigation into allegations that he obstructed a police probe of illegal logging in the amazon rainforest night follows federal police raids, targeting him and other officials who allegedly allowed illegal would exports. monica has more from rio de janeiro. he got a stylus, is really known as the non environment minister, the person that became an environment minister to not to protect the environment itself. but to make it easier for the agricultural companies for law get for loggers, for minors, to, to start to, to work in the amazon region. he says he was trying to, to look for nick, deliberate between economic development and the protection of the force. we have seen during his time and government was a surge in deforestation. he,
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the institutions that are there to protect the amazon rain forest. they were dismantled, there was less money and he was known. and for a sentence, he said, and administer early a meeting in april last year, when he said, okay, while the world in the media are distracted by the pandemic, let's let the cattle heard lose because the person that's going to substitute him is somebody that is already working in the ministry, he is the secretary for the amazon, and he has very, very close ties also to the agricultural companies and landowners, a cybersecurity play. it has been found dead in his jail. so hours after a spanish court approved his extradition to the u. s. john mackenzie was sent to face tax fraud charges as rob reynolds reports. john mack, of these anti virus software made him rich and famous,
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but apparently that wasn't enough. mcafee about to be extradited to the us to face charges of tax. evasion was found dead in spanish jail cell on wednesday, he was $75.00, mcafee allegedly failed to pay his taxes for money earned in crypto currency. manipulation deals, speaking engagements, and other activities. he claimed that charges against him were politically motivated in my interest is the self described lover of women, adventure and mystery founded his virus protection software company in the 1980s. it became one of the most popular in its field, but mcafee tired of being an executive and sold it in 1994, reportedly for $100000000.00. he then embarked on a 2nd career of self indulgence,
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drinking drugs, sex, and it was alleged crime by his own admission. mcafee was arrested $21.00 times in 11 countries for crimes, including drug trafficking, firearms violations, and securities fraud. he was suspected of, but never charged for the murder of an american expatriate. businessman in belize, in 2012 mac at the fled to guatemala and unsuccessfully sought political asylum, increasingly erratic. in his later years, mcafee boasted of his sexual exploits with teenagers and railed against governments . a little more than a year ago, he posted a rambling statement on his twitter feed, so we give people power over others to government soon, military. and we expect them not to be corrupt. mcafee was on the run from us tax authorities for several years before
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winding up in barcelona. in october 2020, where he was jailed in his final tweet on june 16th, mcafee denied having any hidden assets and said his friends had abandoned him. i have nothing he wrote, yet. i regret nothing. of course you can follow all of the stories that we're covering on our website at all, just the dot com. ah, i don't see on there with me. so he'll run the reminder of all top stories before the philippine president banana kina has died up to be hospitalized in manila on thursday. the 61 year old served one from 2010 to 2016 and presided over a period of study economic grace, which went allan doug and has more from manila, our own sources have confirmed that indeed he passed away this morning,
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but we were told also that the siblings are now in the capital medical center where he was taken early this morning.


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