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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2021 9:00am-9:31am +03

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to hold power to account, whilst others are breaking. among the listening post on al jazeera play an important role protecting human. ringback face in the you want you all just there with me the hill robin in doha, reminder of our top news stories. the former philippines president, banana akina, has died after being hospitalized a minute on thursday. the 61 year old route from 2010 to 2016 and presided over a period of steady economic growth. jamila and doug has more from the capital president b need walking or be noise, as he is mostly known. here is someone who was more all too familiar about the difficult pains of achieving democracy in this country. his parents were democracy
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icons, his father, the late senator, benito, r. quino was a fighter during the time of former president marcus during the period of martial law. he was shot dead in the term recruitment in the airport. in 1983, the death of his father actually push for as we call the people power revolution, which then propelled his mother to become president over the next few years. he was obviously president aquino, a member of the opposition. he held several government positions, but he led you was really kind of a side politician in 198901 of the cool rogue soldiers actually shot him 5 times as he was trying to defend his mother from these world soldiers who were still loyal to former president marcus, but it was the death really obvious mother in 2010 that also pushed for the public and for him to basically run progressive in the 2010. and he won overwhelmingly and
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you know, during disappeared between 2010 to 2016. the philippines was considered the economic rocks are in asia, the country was growing up an annual rate of 6 percent. he stood up against china and filed a case against china, the international tri view. the tribunal actually wants. it's quite a mixed legacy. at this point, we're hoping to get more information from the family over the next few hours. the us as condemned to report to the strike on a busy mugs. and he threw up his t grier region that killed dozens of people. health workers in the village of to go told the associated press that soldiers blocked medical teams from reaching the scene. hong kong pro democracy newspaper, the apple daily has printed its last edition has been under pressure since basing impose the national security law. several of the newspapers top executives have been arrested and its assets frozen. i don't think the rainy weather reflects how i feel. i'm quite sad because it's a newspaper. i've been reading since i was young. jumping on the water,
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if i pull daily cancer vide then there is no press freedom. if such a persistent organization can also lose its voice, i think other media organizations will also be scared that the news has always been screened. all the papers have the same news on the front page. it's only apple daily that talks about the truth. and the reality. protest is in thailand have ball all back on the streets after a 6 month break. due to the coven 19 pandemic, by rallying in bangkok, demanding the resignation of the prime minister, demonstrators are also calling for more transparency from the monkey and overhaul of the constitution. the rallies can as the country marks the 809. diversity of the abolition of absolute monarchy may be as foreign ministers as thousands of mercenaries could be out of the country. within days, representatives of the government have been meeting with leaders in berlin to establish security had of elections. in december, brazil's environment minister ricardo shallow sh has quit. a criminal investigation
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is taking place to determine whether he obstructed a probe into illegal logging in the amazon forest. an indigenous group in canada says it's discovered hundreds of unmarked graves of assigned to a former residential school. the group says it's the largest discovery of its kind in canada. just last month, the remains of 215 children were found in a different location. at least 150000 indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families and to residential schools. the anti virus software pioneer john mcafee, has been found dead in a prison cell in spain, but came out after a quarter proved his extradition to his native us on charges of tax evasion and fraud. the 75 year old invented one of the 1st anti virus programs in 19 ninety's. those were the headlines about monique in half an hour next on out there. it's theresa and a rock and a hard place to stay with us. ah
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ah ah, this is people who are believers crumbson's but also quite children of adam as if the unsafe or humanity for the jewish person, jerusalem run through not just our psyche, our part of our soul that is in the veins in the blood of every single junior matter with the will, this is cited 21st century. it didn't heal me in the same going to create the will, can decide to give this land to his people, the jewish people, which exactly do people more important than land something
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very, very nice to me. and given some voices inside is read, think let us improve the conditions in the cage without understanding that we put a thing in refuse to live in the cage to begin with. i cannot leave in a c t that discriminates people in some grotesque way. ah oh i ah
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me ah me one looking sure what i'm
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sure. please hold on a minute needed to be a huge sort of little little movie. it was sort of animal and cool man, i'm sorry, a local to do a lot of, you know, the listen article i can cuz when i was up to you soon for the kids because there's no catch up in on them. so you get when jim mitchell to look over the live albums when fed into and talked them horrible is of that? do you mean while her daughter li me let us know for it. ok, look good luck to plan a good ok
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. me when i'm looking for landscape collision on the way again august, august hudson, monday. so probably i guess i most of them have uglier either by the lights on them and
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i will come in for the billing. so i'm going to wake up in awe number to see a bunch of candidates to my new home, see the funnel. they come in later and because they're not a home health and it told me the whole food. and i had to go to lynn and i've been out to the house to fish out of on a lot of you have delivered hold the old for you. oh, what are you on a lease or buy? snowed another had enough in the last sharlee in the mushroom food he could, you know,
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and if for this sort of dealership sort of my but lee and i live at contests. and if they would gamble away, i me i would ask you to color to the how the 100 will that are the log in to the oh, do you the home soon to let me just go ahead and do it a little bit harder. a little boy showed up on the status and with
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the table i was telling him he was more out of ice cream better for the live me must alternately model to all the of the down in the local enough. it must have extra, you know, why me know colony and joe was only a madman, a balloon. and let me leave it on this notion or washington. a lot of has overlooks all sorted out of that. a lot of sort of of all sort by the end of the le let them set up like hack and let them can she that i didn't lactose why i wasn't if the money else oh i
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oh, i were driving now to tour very significant rooftop to see the whole of the holding basin if we're talking. sions is this battle between east and west jerusalem. your view is need to understand. there is no such concept of arab east jerusalem today. there really isn't. so there's only a small area called the holy basin, which the arab world really wants, which they obviously could never give you the battle. the conflict is, or the one particular area, which is the old city and the area around the old city. we're
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not a secret organization, it's a very, very well known, normal regulated nonprofit organization. it's not hidden from here you get to see what we call the center of the jewish world, central, jewish life, history, heritage. everything about our connection to jerusalem. you shall, i am, starts and has continued for 3800 years from here. i like calling it the pumping station of the jewish world. jerusalem runs through not just our psyche part of our soul that is in the veins and the blood of every single junior metal with around the world is 225000 jews in east jerusalem. today. nobody is moving those 200000. my parents were born up with a very zionist, a traditional and religious home, and it was obvious one day they would come to use ro, which they did when they got married. in fact,
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i was in some ways started off my life here because i was conceived here in, in israel. but at some point my mom was pregnant when back to a trailer, and that's why our bridge ended up in australia and 25 years ago. i basically returned home. my body may have been this trailer, but that's all straight is a beautiful country, but it was never, i can refer to what his home home has always been here. who came here when 3800 years ago. know, when did you i came here 3800. you could there is no difference between the host of jews that have lived around the world and have tried to come back. every religious jew and every traditional jew that speaks about jerusalem also believes that there will be the 3rd temple. it's not something that we can actively do today because something else exists. it has to be respected. i'll say that again, but that doesn't stop a june from believing, dreaming, and even praying that one day god's house will be there,
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that the temple will be on the temple mounds. and always we don't have the right atmosphere today, the right conditions for that. and that's why with the heart of what's called the unfolding redemption process, call the design is dream, which is being realized that's taking place here. we're part of that the same god creates the world and decide to give this land to his people. the jewish people, which in fact there was nothing here. this was desert. remember there was nothing outside the walls of the old cities when he abs day talking about they've got a connection for generation. no such thing. the only people there a connection here, the only people with sovereign rights are the jewish people. there's never been an arab state. he with the capital of jerusalem. there's never been a palestinian stadia this talk about palestine, palestine, i've never heard of anything more absurd. me, the philistines were mentioned in the bible. the blessing and would have been quick,
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12000 years ago, knew how to cultivate them. and in fact, we know this because we have started with me . i i it was the sciences that night tunnel. the one that leads from the home spring, all the way to the walls down the down the road. i used to come with my maternal grandmother. literally. we used to come and have been really bad, right? you were young and that's exactly where you're listening. begin. it began precisely because of this spring, the only spring in the region in white montana really,
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for example, who lived really literally up on, on this hell they cultivated the land on the slopes of mountain wolves for many generations. my father started in this school way prior to the 1940 the only high school which was it should be my parents' home, my grandparents home, but then a family just 34 minutes from from here i have roots in this area and that kind of change history unfolds in many ways. we don't have any exclusive claims. we don't try to have a monopoly on even the historical narrative. everyone is welcome, but the default section that maintains the call on a project. that's basically what we refuse. ah, i'm interested in, in addition,
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i didn't have to put them in order that was on the same 11 for me. my, let's go back to the time of pentecost. the 1st century that are 30 physician and christian families in general setup is the place where my grandparents met. my parents met it. my life is just sort of the this was a business hub, but a simian in jerusalem. i remember when i was a little kid, i would come with my family. this was the most expensive part of jerusalem. it was an industrial sites to
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build a wall that connects to 3, there used to be a 3 that connect with all of the different communities in general setup. they come, they build the wall and they shut that. you are no longer have access to your neighbor, you no longer have access to your school. you no longer have access to your work. the alternate for somebody is to travel for an hour or 2 hours to possibly make it to or to possibly make it to school and making it for students. but the city and field and living in general to access the school that they used to go through with the classmates and friends. it is, you have to pick what is the last one, the bad image of bringing their soldiers and forcing people to be evicted from that houses today and the 21st century. and so i knew the new technique, they make it impossible for you to live in these neighborhoods so that you willingly leave because if you need access to health care,
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there's no access to health care in this area. if you need access to a job, there's no jobs in this area. there's no social life, it's empty, it's a goes out. the behind the wall is an industrial and the government bring settler, gives all kinds of benefits for people to start and invest the. and the one thing that people over here who used to be faxed to the owner, to work on a daily wage. if they are granted the permit and the permission to work in effect. and in addition, there isn't really only highway bella still living here from east jewels, and i can neither access the industrial june forward, nor can they access the green. the only road we for the city is an easy to become invisible. if you want to be a tourist sorta coming into this land, that's many quarter holy. you don't see the assyrians,
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you don't see the destruction and the devastation that is happening here that's been happening in jerusalem, but the reality is what segregation, occupation, discrimination injustice. this is a per site in the 21st century and the one of the silent communities within churches have been divided communities in schools have been divided. families have been separated. if you are on that side of the wall and on that side of the wall and you decide to get married, it's easier to apply for immigration and to move to canada or the u. s. and this was happened with my with family members of mine. then to live over here and to work through the bureaucracy of the government. ah
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ah, it's amazing how where the residence of a country that we were born. and if i was born here, i had to have some sort of citizenship to something being born in jerusalem as an arab. we can't get a signature to anything. are jordan, you citizenship? so we have what for travel. we're not actual citizens of jordan. israel controls jerusalem, we don't have his rarely citizen ships. so we're just stuck in the middle. the picture is larger and more powerful than individuals. i see the ethnic cleansing deliberate system ethic. i know the statistics. a quarter of a 1000000 pacino's last that ideas between 967-1994. that's the beginning. it will slow. it's really confusing. how do people in jerusalem that were born here as
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arabs? they don't. they don't own anything. on paper. i was born here and i'm not allowed to live here anymore. so the study, well what of the son as the story of a typical thing in bright, energetic, highly motivated youngster, who wanted really to make it them the mom with right for a year and a half to find my decent job. it's the story of many youngsters, many placene youngsters. you don't have to be freud or young to this to realize that your son is really depressed. and when david told me that i cannot keep taking pocket money from young and we both understood what his, what his statement meant. we both went silent. we knew that it was asking for my blessing if you will, that he will travel outside the country to the states in this case where he would ultimately flourish. but he lost his id. and today he comes here as
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a tourist at that hurts. when he says that he does not understand why it was revoked, i think he's echoing this. you know, you get a sense of belonging, this inclusiveness. we deserve better. not cooperate seniors while human beings who happen to be living in this part of the world. it's a position of strength when i recognize the humanity, even of the people who are causing me the stress. because any colonial project will definitely chip at the very humidity of both by an occupied both of us lose our humanity. we become even sub humans. less deserving less. getting less. it shouldn't be the case. it's actually difficult to try to explain the switched the situ, the political situation that we have here,
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to people abroad because they don't understand it. they're like, how are you born in a country, but can go back into it. they ask the simple questions. but if you try to answer them in simple and layman terms, they want to understand it because nobody understands us, there is no simple way of explaining why they revoked id or why they took it from me. and it's really complicated. ah, imagine the sd of passing such a loyal internet states that we consider the native americans indigenous peoples has for us, you provide them with a green card, but other than citizenship and then you will tell them or you broke the law. you have to leave the country as exactly what's happening is you're so much me since the morning we've only been traveling in less than one kilometers quit. but we have to travel around 30 kilometers to reach from one point to another,
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from the city and neighborhood to another. we are within one kilometer, quit from the ghost still in jerusalem columbia as jerusalem. and the world does not represent the border of the city of jerusalem. we are circled by jewish only roads that the road israeli road industrial on military installations. but when it comes to taxpaying, everybody in this neighborhood, and in all of the adjacent neighborhoods be taxes to the municipality. while if you are interested in your neighborhood, you do not get any benefit back from the municipality. the purpose of the wood was to annex all empty land, and this is why you see where the threes are and where the population concentration . like for like colombia, it is to disconnect them from jewels to them in one night, early autumn me came with bulldozers and they came and they said were demolishing
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18 and they destroyed the structures. even the commander said you no longer need to watch. just eat it was tv or the news to see syria. this is we're making a new syria and just going out of the city over here, you will see one house after another being destroyed, brought to ruin. when it comes to east jerusalem for out of every 10 houses as under the militia threats already has demolition or the m being processed. as i know this is roy houses you destroy. i mean we need to throw the family to the stroke community. ah, the history is for aero yet in spain state in post them easier was enshrined in law. diminishing the plight of countless victims of franco's 36 year dictatorship with a group of survivors has launched an international law suit hoping to bring those
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accountable to justice and force the country to acknowledge its fascist passed the silence of others. weakness on al jazeera, overflowing with passion, but desperately under resourced charge. national football team has never qualified for the africa, couple of nations. all the wildcat al jazeera world asks, what will it take for the squad to find the success will be forever sidelined. chad football, drew on al jazeera, worked out their english since its lordship as a principal present. and as a correspondence with any breaking the story, we want to hear from those people who would normally not that full of heard on the international news channel. one, they would be very proud of. when we covered the napoleon wake of 2015,
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a terrible natural disaster and a story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be there to tell the people story was very important at the time. ah, challenges with miss hill robinson. doha reminder of our top news stories. the former philippines president, banana akina, has died to be hospitalized in manila on thursday. the 61 year old rule from 2010 to 2016, and presided over a period of study economic growth drill window and has more from manila, our own sources have confirmed that indeed he passed away this morning, but we were told also that his siblings are now in the capital medical center where he was taken early this morning.


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