tv [untitled] June 24, 2021 10:00pm-10:30pm +03
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would be a good subject to bring different people from all over the world together. as such . like a magic open, the more i learn about that the more i respected science and the golden age with professor jimmy kelly on our jazz eda i, unprompted and uninterrupted discussions from our london rural counter on me . ready another trying to find the in a canadian residential school for indigenous children, more than 600 unmarked graves. the flow and barbara. so are you watching al, just new life from london also coming out. scores of people still missing hours
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after a residential building collapses in miami the u. k. in this war ship was acting legally, was warned by russia off the coast of crimea. and the field made for packing p great targets, but denies that was responsible for a deadly air strike on the market. ah, indigenous leaders are calling it a crime against humanity. a canadians 1st nations group says more than $600.00 unmarked graves have been found at the sight of a former residential school for indigenous children. the 3 times as many as in a similar discovery last month, which shocked the nation. prime minister just intruder has called that shameful reminder of the racism and injustice faced by indigenous people. same bizarre the
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reports pretended as indigenous people. it's another tragic but not unexpected moment. less than a month after the remains of $215.00 children were found in british columbia. more unmarked graves uncovered at another catholic residential school in sketch. one province. we started our radar, penetrating research on june, the 2nd of 2021. over the past years, the oral stories of our elders, of our survivors and friends of our survivors have told the stories that new these burials were here. one survivor said indigenous people were labeled heathens by the catholic church. and nuns told the children, they didn't have souls. i'm 80 years old and i went to boarding school down there.
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i had, i was taken by my parents to go at that time. if the parents didn't want to allow their children to go to boarding school, one of them has to go to jail. when ordered to be keep the family together. we went to boarding school, they brought us there. we stayed there. first nations, leaders in canada are now demanding the pope apologize for atrocities committed against them in the name of the catholic church and help them identify their dead country wide protests, vandalized churches, colds by activists to cancel canada day. all part of the fall out earlier this week at the united nations, china itself, often under the spotlight for human rights violations, criticized canada. over 150000 children in canada were reported to have
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been forced to taken away from their parents. that is for the other children, died of disease, neglect, accident abuse, while at school, we call for a sara, a partial investigation into all cases the crimes committed against the digital people, especially the children international condemnation that prompted an angry response from candidates prime minister in canada we had a truth and reconciliation commission whereas china's truth and reconciliation commission. whereas there troth, openness, the candidate has always shown and the responsibility that canada has taken from the terrible mistakes of the past. and indeed, many of which continue into the present indigenous leader say school deaths were under reported, and the actual number of children in unmarked graves across canada could be in the 10s of thousands. they want to find them all. but even if they do poor record
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keeping means bodies may never be identified. so the families who still remember the children who went to school and never came home, may never have closure. zane basra v o g 0. authorities say that nearly a 100 people are still and accounted for after an apartment block collapsed in the us state of florida. at least one person is dead and more than 30 have been rescued from the rubble a wing of the 12 story building in surfside. that's near miami beach, gave way and fell to the ground early on thursday. the mayor says construction work was being done on the roof, but the cause of the collapse is not yet clear. first and foremost, we pray for the victims and their families. the miami de police departments role it will be the lead investigative agency. we're working with search, i police department and our other municipal partners. our goal is to provide a thorough investigation and closure for our families,
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filling out the window. and you can see, i thought it was like a store coming in, what happened was that when the dust cleared, there was the back half the building or back. 2 thirds of the building was gone and the dog in the neighborhood. and basically we have like a really big ramble and were think that it was like a motorcycle like classic early in the morning. and we turn around and we just see a cloud. it does just come in always we just like what is going on? ah, russian president vladimir putin says that he supports a proposed summit with the e you called for by france and germany in an effort to improve relations. you leaders have been weighing in on the plan during
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a 2 day meeting in brussels when natasha butler has been following the meeting in brussels. some natasha. they've also been discussing russia and l g b t q. right? so we expect thing any conclusions there while you leaders are still locked in their meeting, discussing all these issues and more, it is clear that they're going to have to come up with some sort of decision on what exactly they want in terms of relations between the european union and russia . those relations have been extremely 10 from 2014, when russia annexed illegally crimea. but the french president and the german chancellor is saying, maybe it's time to change. they all think that it's time for perhaps more of a recreational with russia. they are calling for a future e, you russia summit. but that has caused a lot of control vesee amongst other leaders. they say it's important to try and open dialogue, but other leaders say that you should not be rolling out the red carpet to russia
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when it, there are so many questions. they brushes human rights record over time. tease in ukraine, very upsetting the, particularly the baltic states, poland. in fact, the dutch prime minister, arriving at the summit and brussel said, look, if macro and medical want to meet vladimir putin all well and good for. i certainly wouldn't be part of any sort of meeting like that. so that gives you a sense of how divisive the issue of russia is. on another issue, there's been actually a show of unity which isn't always the case in terms of you leaders backing l g b t q, right? they are very upset with the member state hungry hungry is introduced a new law. it's a controversial law which you lead as a saying is basically discriminatory in time of phobic. re all upset for that. they say it's out of line with the values, some new leader saying that perhaps hungry needs to be thrown out of the you,
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the hungarian leader victim on the however, says that this law was actually designed to protect children, but i don't think you lead to having any of that and natasha, you leaders of also come to agreements on coven and migration. both issues which have in the past, calls great divisions between all of them. so what conclusions did they come to? well, own code, 19 member states. all agreed that the situation, the health situation in the block has been improving over the past few months. the vaccine roll, our plans are going ahead. i schedule. they have agreed to better coordinate though, on all fronts when it comes to code 900, particularly on travel next week, because the will be launching its cobit certificate. this is a part of which will basically allow people within the european union to travel more freely between european countries. if they can show they've been a fully vaccinated, will have
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a negative p c r. but very important that they can coordination on this said the german chancellor and anglo merkel, because there is a lot of concern in the blog about the delta variance about rising cases. we've seen that, for example, in the portuguese capital, lisbon, over the past few weeks, a lot of caution over what opening up a travel could mean. they've also been talking about migration back on the agenda. you leaders have agreed that they want to try and go ahead in the future with extending the 2016 e you turkey pact. now whether or not they'll actually do that or not, hasn't been confirmed, but they will continue talks about that. now under that agreement to key hosts, refugees, it also accepts migrants that have been sent back from greece again, counsellor anglo merkel. very vocal now, she said the turkey's cooperation is essential to the refugee crisis in the european union. so talks will continue on that. but all the leaders agree that is
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of course, an essential issue for the blog. natasha paula with the latest from paris. natasha . thank you. russia has warned the u. k. that it will target any foreign warships testing its claims to the waters of crimea. it follows a dramatic incident, the black sea on wednesday when russia says it fired warning shots at a british destroyer. the u. k. is disputing that but as john hall now reports, the diplomatic war of words has only just started the case ambassador to russia arriving at the foreign ministry in moscow for a diplomatic dressing down the activities of a british royal navy destroyer. in the black sealed wednesday had been provocative and dangerous, the ambassador was told, if repeated britain would be held fully responsible for the consequences. these are russian pictures showing russia, says h m. s. defenders straying into russia waters of crimea while on maneuvers in the
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black sea line wire. if you don't change the course, i'll divide that warning from the russian coast guard, recorded by media aboard h m. s. defend was followed, says russia by shops fired, and bombs dropped into the destroyers, part one truck and right altitude load. it's an account entirely disputed by the u. k. side. predictably inaccurate was how foreign secretary dominic rob described it, saying no shots had been fired at the royal navy vessel. written says a russian naval exercise was underway near by at the time. and the prime minister denied h. m. s. defender had ever entered russian waters. we don't recognize the russian annexation of crimea, that it was illegal. these are ukrainian waters and it was entirely tiny, right to, to use them for it to go from a to b. that's something russia will not concede. you could, you prostate,
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anybody that say this in the event of the repeat of this unacceptable provocative action. if those actions go to for no option, can be ruled out to legally defend russia's board. and so i need, as a quantization for grand nutrition, heated and potentially dangerous rhetoric between the 2 sides, differing accounts tailored perhaps for a domestic audience. it's not the cold war as far as johnson was quick to point out . but relations are pretty. i see all the same jona whole al jazeera, a massacre in ne burkina faso, in which at least a 130 people were killed. this month was mostly carried out by children. the government says, armed at 12 to 14 year olds, opened fire on people in the village of salon and burned down homes on the 4th of june. it's the worst attack the region has seen in years, even though it has been plagued by armed groups. moving across this,
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the health official say over the past year or more groups have been using children in attacks should produce but, but i can share with you. yes, i learned, well majority children between ages of 12 and 14 years old. that's the information that we did not have at the time of the attack. also, woman played the role in pointing out some targets from visual. if the friends ministry is denied that one of its military or strikes had a busy market in the northern te great region, but it admits attacking regional fighters in the area. health workers say that at least 64 people were killed in the strike on tuesday, which the u. s. is called a reprehensible act mohammed the reports now from the sub of the idol hospital in makella capital of the great region doctors through the wounded witnesses say a busy market was hit fan. if you have been asked, which kill dozens of people including children,
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they see up in defense force denies a market, was the spokesman, kind of getting that done. i said they talked together ingle fighters from the to grey defense forces, the t d f. in the tunnel to go got 25 kilometers west of mikella out open on which i to them are planes of eyes that can identify who are civilians and or a combatant. so it is a year of technology. it was a great success, or a herrick air force carried out a successful job in order magento as to what killed and injured children senate footage from the scene of that kind of donna said that to grand defense forces were good at faking injuries. the united nations was call for an ident investigation into the air strike while the european union condemned it called the deliberate targeting of civilians. this is yet another attack, adding up to the horrific series of international humanitarian law and human rights violations atrocities,
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ethnic violence combined with serious allegations of use of starvation and sexual violence as weapons of conflict. it said in a statement, the courage unfolded as the rest of the europeans busy counting the ball of paper costs in fundamental election held on monday. the conflict instagram prevented any voltage. their heavy fighting has broken out in several parts of the great region. in recent days, they see a piano has dismissed claims by the tv that does seized several towns including undergrad, for 2 kilometers from the editorial border. we did, you appear. if to that puts to graham fighters within striking distance of a trail whose troops have been helping in europe in government forces, the u. n. is demanding access to the region to particular defense forces continue their involved is could, should they continue to capture major cities and we will face the challenge of how international aid can be flown into those area. and well,
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if you feel that force continues, it's reprisals which will be can carry down some as we have already seen by aerial bombardment. the, the challenge will be who controls the gun? thousands of people have been killed. millions displaced in the war that started almost 8 months ago. according to the un around 5000000 people in today are now in need of food aid. more than 350000, and living in farm in homicide. well, just either a sub a to appear still ahead on al jazeera, they've been away for 6 months, but anti government protesters in thailand are back with as much passion as ever from a dentist see that brought democracy to the philippines, former president spinning your we know dies at the age of 61. ah,
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ah, the european where the story continues and is disappointing one for the most part, particularly fear in central europe. this massive thunderstorm has been waving around for a while or each edging slowly east and represents different stream. what is pretty hot weather all the way from? it's the up to the balkans to western russia from very much cooler weather. some would call it cold because we are swift in the middle of summer. took that thompson low twenty's for the most part. even southern spain and he just catching up. so that's the pictures it stands at the moment somebody attempts have been high and nearly reco breaking except in sarajevo. we're hanging around those sort of values for the next day. i was told that they do tend to prompt a few classes and occasionally showers, so the weather forecasts for this part of se near it will be occasionally sherry. but the bulk of the thunderstorms that have been producing flash, feds and big hail are still further north running through austria, nevada,
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here ukraine, poland by the roof and taking a bit of it cooling trend through the baltic states. you can have been near reco values recently. moscow state at 34. you'll notice the north africa to see pretty high temperatures, and they're still there with tripoli at 42. today's war we up again to about 33. asked for rain. well, look at sierra leone, the city defined by military occupation. there's never been an arab state here with the capital of jerusalem. everyone is welcome. but the default section that meant in the colonial project, that's what we refuse. was one of the founders of a settlement with this and the story of juice alone through the eyes of its own people, segregation, occupation discrimination, injustice. this is i thought site in a 21st century truth and them a rock and a hard place analogy 0.
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ah ah, welcome back is a reminder of the top stories on al jazeera. a canadian 1st nation group says it's found more than $600.00 unmarked graves at the sight of a former residential school for indigenous children. the catholic church run the school scotch, one province between 18991997. authorities say nearly 100 people are still and accounted for after an apartment block collapsed in the us state of florida. at least one person has died and more than 30 people have been rescued from the rubble. and d. c. o p. s. military has denied it, hit a busy market in an air strike on tuesday,
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and that it only targeted rebel fighters in the area health workers that say the strike killed at least $64.00 people, including children, anti government protest or is are back on the streets of thailand's capital, demanding the resignation of the prime minister. it's the 1st demonstration after a 6 month break due to cobra, $1000.00 restrictions that was 3 years or calling for more transparency from the monarchy and then overhaul of the constitution. tony chang reports from bangkok getting the protest season on the way with a sacrifice. in this case, a copy of the constitution. after a low protest, it took to the street to bangkok, again on thursday. they go to mount the anniversary at the end that absolute monarchy and call for the resignation. the prime minister, prior channel, cham. but since the end of last year, the protests have lost their rhythm. covered lockdown have made gatherings more
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difficult, and many of their leaders have been jailed, openly, arguing for reform of the monarchy. they tell him right now they're out on bail, but still facing lengthy jail, tim's proud. i hope you put a lot of thought about joining this protest after i got bail. i'm not worried one of the conditions is i can't bring any shame to the monarchy for those still calling for the government to step down frustration. so no one seems to be ready to stop that on my part, i won't give up and i will come out to keep on fighting. the people who win. if you claim that the people gave you your power, you should listen to the people outside government house, a 10 stand off as one group of protest is threatened to smash through police lines with a truck. after brief negotiations, commonsense prevail, the protest is all slowly forcing the police back towards government house. but can
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they bring any real pressure to bet last year, despite all approaches, the government didn't move in and this does fill. they gathered in the downtown shopping district. the crowds were substantial, but unlike last year, they didn't bring the city to hold. this dissatisfaction with the government rises . these protests will be hoping that drumbeat brings new followers to the cause. tony chang, al jazeera banker, hong kong pro democracy newspaper, apple bailey, has printed its last edition. its been for the close after its assets were frozen, and top executives arrested under china's national security law. is the regal palin reports. now from hong kong. there's been a rush across the city to get the last copies the emotional scenes in the apple daily news room. while the printing press works overtime in its final runs to put the last additions of the paper on new stance and
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in shop across hong kong. the well you have no choice but to say goodbye. we hope that the people of hong kong will fight on and stay say, a 1000000 copies reprinted for the city. a 7500000 people. the most apples ailing has printed in a day, sending a message that the paper known for its willingness to confront the government and criticize the authority will leave a legacy. i'm buying it for my daughter and to keep for my grandchildren. i've been reading apple daily every day since it started so long, and it's heartbreaking to say it close. i'm very disappointed in hong kong government. they don't have the courage to allow even one single newspapers without opposition boys to exist. the advertisement that launched what was originally as
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sensationalist tabloid in 1995 has never been more appropriate. the founder and owner jimmy lie has become a target for the chinese government for his support of the pro democracy protest in 2019 apple. today. he's still miles away, lies in jail for taking part in unauthorized protests and as a waiting trial on charges under the new national security law. his media organization took another major hit when all its assets are frozen, and a number of executives were arrested along with a high profile columnist over articles calling for foreign sanctions against the chinese and hong kong government. it's seen as a violation of the national security law. the arrest yesterday of one of its column is suggest that now there is such a thing as salt crime. you don't just have to be involved in political activities. if you express in the, in the newspaper, you can also be arrested. this is very chilling and being the paper was regarded as
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an institution that pushed the boundaries of what could be reported and lodging. the space for other media outlets, whether it's the fortress or not to the people of hong kong, the apple valley was much more than a newspaper for the fans, defended the cities freedom while for a critic challenge fading authority over the territory civic paul and audience era hong kong posting and professors and police have clashed and be occupied with bank following the death of an outspoken critic of president law with a bus. a large crowd in ramallah was blocked by riot police, fired the tear gas to break up the demonstration. i was earlier, the activists needs that have been out to die while being arrested by palestinian authority security forces. the philippines is starting a 10 day period of national morning following the death. the former president been in your queen on the 61 year old, led the country between 201-2016 jamila eileen bogan has more now. from manila
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it will be bought up. the family of late president beneath blocking says he died peacefully in his sleep. according to the death certificate he died of renal disease linked to diabetes. no words can express growth in our hearts car and toes all walk step 30 because he is gone. mission for be happy now we've been he's the only son of parents regarded as champions of democracy in the country. his father, a senator beneath nor chemo, was incarcerated, and later murdered on the tarmac of manila airport in 1983. during the marshall rule of former precedent for dinner, markins, if i were his mother corazon, the key no let the people power revolution, the top of the markets regime in 1986 and was later voted president. and like his
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mother, aquino was reluctant liter. under his leadership that began in 2010, the economy grew by an and weight of 6 percent and was considered the economic powerhouse of southeast asia. when china sees the philippine scarberry shoal in the south china sea in 2012, his government filed for arbitration at the hague and won the landmark case against beijing. that the victory declared china so called 9 dash invalid. it was a david versus goliath scenario. the president, the kena said, proved that right is might, he chose to retire from the public eye when he stepped down from office in 2016, his successor, the current president agreed to tear to repeatedly attack the keenest administration . and members of his opposition group the liberal party. but despite the verbal assaults against him, aquino chose to remain silent. there has been
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a huge out pouring of grief both here and abroad. many look back at his presidency and say, this was the period of decency and progress, but i kina said all he ever wanted was to serve his country well. and that when it comes to its legacy, just like his parents, he will let history decide the bidding on the 3rd, his family has been at the forefront of the fight for democracy at almost every political turning point in the history of the philippines in one of his most remembered speeches as president before the step down. he reminded everyone that even trying tell him nothing. the filipinos is. we're fighting for melinda logan, 0 vanilla. i am blessed by this legacy. spain in greece are lifting her on a virus restrictions on wearing masks outside. it will still be mandatory in doors and in all areas we're social distance thing isn't possible. masks have been
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a legal requirement across most of spain since last summer, for everybody older than the age of 6 infections in both countries are dwindling. the more than 2 years after the fire that devastated not all of them cathedral in paris, a major feature of the rebuild is on its way for a massive 26 meter long oak logs, or heading to the capital from a forest in northern france. historically, the forest supplied wood for the french navy. now the logs would be shaped to form the base of a new spire. the cathedral restoration is expected to take another 3 years. ah and now the top stories on al jazeera, a canadian 1st nations groups as its found more than $600.00 unmarked graves at the side.
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