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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2021 3:00am-3:30am +03

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his very fabric, hundreds of thousands of fled the celebrated concrete jungle. those who remain know that restoring its my talent, he will be easy. people in power asks whether the city can bounce back to its former glory. save the new york on a jazz ah nearly 100 people are still missing hours after a residential building to launch in the us state of florida. ah. was really just the real life for my headquarters, and i'm getting obligated also a heads under the more unmarked graves are found that a former residential school for indigenous children in canada. the w. h o raises concerns over how files are filled at
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a russian factory packaging the sputnik vaccine. the kremlin says necessary corrections have been made. and it has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. but a surgeon cases and she lays raising questions about the effectiveness of chinese vaccines. ah, hello, thanks for joining us. nearly 100 people are missing in the u. s. state of florida after part of a beach front apartment building collapse. at least one person is dead and the local mayor fears rescuers may not reach any one trapped in time. a wing of the 12 story building in sir side near miami gave way and fell to the ground early on thursday, cutting her dad's reports from miami. it took just seconds for about half of the 12 story beach for an apartment block to come crashing down. most residents inside
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were asleep at the time. sudden collapse sparked a frantic search for survivors. some like this, young boy were pulled to safety. while one woman reportedly needed her leg amputated to free her from directed a massive search and rescue is under way. and we know that we're going to do everything we can possibly do to identify and rescue those who have been trapped in the rebel. more than 80 firefighter units recall to the scene, its nervous family members and neighbors and friends stood by him to help him the whole morning. calling them not started. just trying to ring their cell phone as much as we can. but either, i mean to help the rescue just just to see if they could hear her cell phone. but we have no clue right now. we're just waiting on everybody else. an entire community is now in a state of grief and shock officials and volunteers at this family reunification
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center. i've been doing everything in their power to help those looking for their loved ones, but many are bracing for more bad news. built in 1981, the champ plane tower south is home to mostly families, and so called snowbirds residents who spend their winter months in florida. the us president joe biden has been in contact with local officials and says, help is on the way. we are ready to move from the federal resources immediately, immediately about 80 of the buildings. 136 units were reportedly occupied. and while it's unclear how many people are inside at the time, the death toll is expected to rise, the problem is the building has literally pancake is heartbreaking because it does it mean to me that we're going to be successful as successful as we would want to be to find people alive. it's not yet known what caused the collapse authority scene investigation is underway,
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but that won't call the nerves of family members, desperately holding onto hope their loved ones are found to live cattie and dead. al jazeera miami, florida when digit, as leaders or call and get a crime against humanity, a canadian 1st nations group says more than $750.00 unmarked graves have been found at the sight of a former residential school for indigenous children. it's the 2nd such discovery within a month. prime minister justin trudeau has called it a shameful reminder of the racism and injustice faced by indigenous people. say mister avi reports for canada's indigenous people. it's another tragic but not unexpected moment. less than a month after the remains of $215.00 children were found in british columbia. more unmarked graves uncovered at another catholic residential school in this sketch, one province. we started our radar,
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penetrating research on june. the 2nd of 2021. as of yesterday, we have hit 751 unmarked graves. one survivor said indigenous people were labeled heathens by the catholic church. and nuns told the children, they didn't have souls. i'm 80 years old and i went to boarding school down there. i had, i was taken by my parents to go at that time. if the parents didn't want to allow their children to go to boarding school, one of them has to go to jail when order to be keep the family together. we went to boarding school, they brought us there. we stayed there, 1st nations, leaders and canada are now demanding the pope apologize for atrocities committed against them in the name of the catholic church and help them identify their dead
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country wide protests, vandalized churches, colds by activists. to cancel canada day, all part of the fall out. earlier this week at the united nations, china itself often under the spotlight for human rights violations, criticized canada. over 150000, just children in canada were reported to have been voted taken away from the parents. that is 4000 children, died of disease, neglect, accident abuse. while at school, we call for a sara, a partial investigation into all cases, crimes committed against digital people, especially the children international condemnation that prompted an angry response from candidates prime minister in canada. we had a truth and reconciliation commission. whereas china's truth and reconciliation commission, where is there truth?
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whereas the openness, the canada has always shown and the responsibility that canada has taken for the terrible mistakes of the past. and indeed, many of which continue into the present indigenous leader say school deaths were under reported, and the actual number of children in unmarked graves across canada could be in the 10s of thousands. they want to find them all. but even if they do poor record keeping means bodies may never be identified. so the families who still remember the children who went to school and never came home, may never have closure. zane basra v o g 0 me the world health organization says it's worried about production methods used to create rush us, but make vaccine. it's been approved by more than 60 countries and is under review by the european medicine's agency for use across europe. but
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a w h o report has identified issues of cross contamination and concerns about the level of sterilization at a manufacturing facility. the report found issues with quality control data and the tracing and identification of the vaccine batches. it hasn't questioned how effective the vaccine as the kremlin says, necessary corrections have been made. well, this comes a day after countries that relied heavily on chinese made vaccines raise concerns about their effectiveness with new variance. there been growing outbreaks in buff rain chile on mongolia, which all use the sin of farm and seen of our jobs. ok, santa pisec is electra university call is london global citizenship program on outbreaks of infectious diseases. she says the report will damage trust and the sputnik job. this is going to have a big blow to the general russian wall out of the vaccines because there is already
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a great deal of hesitancy amongst russian citizen with a pole showing that about 2 3rd saying that even prior to this that we took her luminary investigation she 3rd said that they would not take the back. so i think this is going to further hamper their role as the dummy chair went onto the site to investigate this before. of course, getting your standards approval and the issue around contamination shows that the student is working in it. and this particular class is actually a feeling plant. so it was the one part of the vaccine process in making a nic 5. but again, really concerning, given the fact that moscow currently is going through a huge increase in cases one of the highest european retail. so i can, i think they're going to have a larger problem in convincing the population. that is to say faxing to k,
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even if it was only one of the plants and overall this. ready wasn't included in this particular examination. chileya has largely relied on chinese develop vaccines to ensure one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. but a recent surge is causing concerns at the jobs are not as effective when it comes to variance and some challenges are churning down vaccine appointments or latin america editorial this year to me and reports in santiago edition javelle inoculation center li salinas takes his daughters to be vaccinated, but when they're told that the only vaccine available is kwoana vac, they change their mind infections keep spreading, hospitals are full, the section is not what they promised. we want, the vaccines they have in europe in the us, where cases are dropping. with that they leave like many others who came here to ask if the pfizer vaccine was available truly became the envy of the region in
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january when it was able to purchase millions of doses of corona vac made by china's c. novak labord 365 percent of the target population has now been fully vaccinated. one of the highest rates globally, yet unlike in the us were infections dropped with inoculations. here they remain dangerously high order. demi ologist sandra cortez conceived corona vac is not the silver bullet. it was made out to be a large number of the population is not related to the vaccine. that is not the most efficient to prevent transmission or prevent infection, but rather to reduce the number of deaths from code. 19 out of my data, just out indicates that 37 percent of julian's who are currently in critical care units were fully vaccinated in recent weeks. elderly patients and i see you have jumped from 10 to 15 percent and to make matters worse,
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the health ministry has confirmed a case of the 1st person to inter chilly from the us. infected with the delta variant. borders will remain closed for at least another 3 weeks. is my case when i d, i'm thinking we know that this variant is extremely contagious, and we have to be very much on the alert and to determine how to proceed. on the upside, expert consistency novak vaccine has significantly reduced mortality is widely available here and has little or no side effects. if, if the professor susan window says the key is to vaccinate everyone, we can have a very, very high quality, high effective vaccine. but he's not seen, he's not available to the whole population does not. it's not going to work either so fast. and with only a very limited number of pfizer madera now or estrogenic of a cleans available. the consensus is that any of the w h o approved vaccines like c
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novak is better than none. to see and human al jazeera, cynthia, a group of republican and democratic senators is announced a rare agreement outlining how to spend more than a trillion dollars on infrastructure upon championed by president joe biden. while the president has held the agreements on upgrading roads, bridges on highways, so clear if enough folks can be secured in the full senate. we have a deal and i think it's really important. we've all agreed that none of us got well we all when we want it, i clearly didn't get all i want it. they gave more than, i think maybe there were inclined to give in the 1st place. but this reminds me of the days we used to get an awful lot done up in the united states congress. we actually work with 5 part bipartisan deals. maybe compromise, still ahead on al jazeera,
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an admission of air strikes. but if you're because military denies hitting a busy market antique right for quarterly killing, dozens of people, the u. k and fits worship was acting legally when warned by russia off the coast of crimea. ah ah, it's time for the journey to winter sponsored by kettle airways. as a seasonal rains are well underway and it is once again tropical storm season. so the 2 are coming together. it looks rather raggedy bound of cloud and that spinning storm the 2 will come together, i think on sunday. but until that point it's mainly slightly sherry time in a humid japan, similar story throughout china. but it's the yankee south of the west is where there will be with particular emphasis, i think in the next day or so. just the easter beijing running to north korea
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between the 2. it's relatively dry. but this is typical, this time the, the weather at hong kong think she made it not as wet as it was. she say yesterday, for the surf again this a focus on particular areas of wet weather. huge massive thunderstorms in western java. now i think they might stay off sure, the warmer water here, warmer than normal water, i think we do some very heavy right in the next few weeks. but in the immediate future, it's just a good scattering. to be honest is nowhere particularly to focus on every whereas equally likely fairly wet and that is noble. it's the season. the monsoon rains have reached all but rochester, the moment, but the focus is along this line here. take you towards westbank go fairly windy weather up through the bay into southern bangladesh. but bangladesh isn't particularly wet sponsored pay cut on airways. history is forgotten. pero yet in spain,
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state him post them easier was enshrined in law. diminishing the plight of countless victims of franco's 36 year dictatorship for the group of survivors has launched an international law suit hoping to bring those accountable to justice and force the country to acknowledge its fascist passed the silence of others. weakness on al jazeera. ah, ah, the hello again. the top stories on al jazeera, at least one person has died, nearly 100. others are missing in florida after part of a beach front apartment building collapse, rescue workers are pulled out, doesn't just survivors. from beneath the rubble,
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it's unclear by the 12 story building funds to the ground. more than 750 unmarked graves have been found at the side of a former residential school for indigenous children in canada. it's the 2nd such discovery within a month. a group of republican on democratic senators is announced a rare agreement outlining how to spend more than a trillion dollars on infrastructure upon championed by president joe biden. there's been a 10 stand off the 3 protesters and they occupied westbank and palestinian police. demonstrators were attempting to march following the death of an activist, an outspoken critic of president wood on bus needs are been outside on thursday after being arrested and beaten by palestinian authority security forces. he's accused the p a of human rights violations, and has called on western nation to cut off aid to the group. stephanie decker has more for me, but i'm a lot of criticism reacting to the death of his od bye now to prominent critic of
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the palestinian authority. according to his family, around 25 members of the palestinian authority security forces entered his home in the hebron area around 3 30 in the morning, beating him, dragging him out of bed and dragging him screaming from the house. now, according to his family, he has no known pre existing health conditions. he's been arrested in the past. he's been threat made against him in the past. according to his family, he was very critical of the palestinian authority, calling it a subcontractor of israel, accusing them of corruption. and just around 2 months ago, shots were fired by an ident find gunman at his home. so there are now cause for an investigation. the timing of this also at a time when the palestinian authority is suffering from popularity here in the west bank, people very critical already of how they are running things and certainly the use of one of its most prominent critics now dead. what many people here accusing it at
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the hands of the palestinian authority security forces? russia has worn the u. k. it will target any foreign warships testing its territorial claims and its waters off crimea. it follows a tense confrontation in the black sea on wednesday. russia says a british warship entered its waters which led to it firing warning shots. the u. k . insist that was acting legally. jonah haul reports. the case ambassador to russia arriving at the foreign ministry in moscow for a diplomatic dressing down the activities of a british royal navy destroyer. in the black sealed wednesday, had been provocative and dangerous. the ambassador was told, if repeated britain would be held fully responsible for the consequences. these are russian pictures showing russia says h m. s. defenders straying into russian waters of crimea while on maneuvers in the black sea lion, i hope you don't change the course. i'll divide that warning from the russian coast
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guard, recorded by media board. h m s defend that was followed, says russia by shops fired, and bombs dropped into the destroyers. far one truck and roy, it's an account entirely disputed by the u. k. side, predictably inaccurate was how foreign secretary dominic rob described it, saying no shots had been fired at the royal navy vessel. written says a russian naval exercise was underway near by at the time. and the prime minister denied h. m. s. defender had ever entered russian waters. and we don't recognize the russian annexation of crimea, that it was illegal. these are ukrainian waters and it was entirely tiny, right to, to use them for me to be that's something russia will not concede kind of switches to puff daddy and anybody that say this in the event is a repeat of this unacceptable, provocative action. if those actions go too far,
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no option can be ruled out to legally defend russia's board. and so i need as a quantization a grand nutrition case heated and potentially dangerous rhetoric between the 2 sides, differing accounts tailored perhaps for a domestic audience. it's not the cold war as far as johnson was quick to point out . but relations are pretty. i see all the same. jona whole al jazeera, at least a 150 people had been injured. after a rarity, nato struck southeastern check republic. the storm swept through several villages and towns destroying hundreds of phone's powers also been cut off to more than 40. 5000 households meteorologist say this is the strongest ever tornado. to hit the country on the 1st and 2018 if yoke years defense ministry is denying that want to fits military or strikes. had a busy market in the northern region. but it admits to talking to regional fighters
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in the area. local health officials say at least 64 people were killed while dozens of others remain unaccounted for. one moment though, reports from ad he's out of the hospital in makella capital of the ticket region. doctors through the wounded witness. i say a busy market was hit van if you have been asked, which kill dozens of people, including children. they see up in defense force denies a market, was the spokesman, kind of getting that done. i said they are talk together fighters from the to grade defense forces, the p d f. in the tunnel to go got 25 kilometers west of mikella. our plan which actually our planes of eyes can identify who are civilians in our combatants. it is a year of technology, it was a great success. harric and full, carried out a successful job in order magento sort of asked who had killed and injured children . senate footage from the scene of that kind of dentist said that your grand
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defense forces were good at faking injuries. the united submission has called for an ident investigation into the strike while the european union condemned what it called the deliberate targeting of civilians. this is yet another attack, adding up to the horrific series of international humanitarian law and human rights violations atrocities, ethnic violence combined with serious allegations of use of starvation and sexual violence as weapons of conflict. it said in a statement, the courage unfolded as the rest of the european visit, counting the ball of paper costs involuntary election held on monday. the conflict instagram prevented any voltage. their heavy fighting has broken out in several parts of the 3rd grade region and rest, and they they see a piano, me how to dismiss claims by the tv that does several towns including undergrad for 2 kilometers from the editor and border. we did hear if to that puts to graham
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fighters within striking distance of it, a tray whose troops have been helping in europe in government forces. the u. n. is demanding access to the region. sugar take ride defense forces continue, their advances could, should they continue to capture major cities and we will face the challenge of how international aid can be flown into those area. and well, the e c o p, an air force continues. it's reprisals which will be can carry down some as we have already seen by aerial bombardment. the challenge will be who control has gone? thousands of people have been killed. millions displaced in the war that started almost 8 months ago. according to the un, around 5000000 people into gray are now in need of food aid. more than 350000, and living in farming. how are the well, just either a disability appear across the border and through dawn, people are reporting
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a growing number of attacks by arm groups such as is a 3000 square kilometer region of fertile land, claimed by both to done. and there's been fighting and recent months and the report, civilian abductions and casualties are on the rise. here, morgan reports i'm going labatte on the sudan if you, if you have order for more than 15 years selling what has been met, the fierce source of income. he gets it from the forests inc. and above incidence. got out of state near the eastern border with if you appeal, but he says fighting near the border in recent months has affected his livelihood. to get the cons, i want to let them for i and 2 others who were farmers, were abducted by ethiopian militiaman who crossed the border. they demanded ransom from the village residents. while they held us, they kept saying that it is because of the boat, a dispute between sir dun and that they are launching attacks to make us move far from the border. the ransom was paid and now i don't venture far out for fear of my
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safety. the village is one of several inca body that lie along the border area. it's also an area where if you don't need people, were to cross and come to trade and earn a living. but the use of movement here has led to fear. dozens of people here have reported being abducted by you can malicious for ransom. since the start of the year, part of the reason for the instability along the sudan if you p a border is a lack of clearly defined boundaries in most areas. this issue has led to not only the abduction and killings of civilians in border villages, but also fighting between the 2 sides in the past month. in november, last year for dance, military moved to take over a freak out, 3000 square kilometer area in the state known as chicago to then clean under a colonial agreement, seeking back to 1900 or 2. but that's like, i'm her promise from that they've been farming. it's 2050 years and it belongs to them. the dispute has resulted in the loss of lives on both sides as talks to the
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market. the border salt, dance army says it's working to keep civilian faith, not what get in the forces spread throughout the eastern region and a capable of protecting civilians. there are safe signs with marks. the civilians to be in and to farm and continue with their livelihoods. but the areas that a danger zone should be avoided to avoid abductions by raiders from the other side . if the appeal says border talks won't reveal unless the dance army retreats from sugar. the violence has led to the repeated closure of the official border crossing a gun that by those who cross from the that affects their economy as well. are there. and i bring goods to gal about and take other goods to sell back home. the insecurity effects of citizens because we're just simple people. what happens at a political or military level affects everyone on both sides. but those on top don't experience what we do. back in the village. he says he hopes the border disputes between the data. if you get is resolved soon, if it isn't,
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he may have to find another way to support his family. he bill morgan, august 0, then that bad about if state company in the united states is planning to fly passengers to the edge of space and a high tech version of a hot air balloon space perspective is taking reservations on a space ship neptune for flights and early 2024 tickets cost $125000.00. the inaugural test flight took off last week from florida. jane pointer, the founder has space perspective. she says the demand for a space tourism is growing fast. it think me gentle, and i think you probably think about the pitch of the rocket launching. that's not how i would describe that right there. why geez, bed is completely the ok. so you're going to spend about 12 miles and now you're going to space at the speed of cycling that allows the vehicle to be very smooth and gentle. that doesn't mind if you so we did our own study
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where a while they're now a marketing company, market research company, big market for a kind of like what we're doing is on the order of 250000000 callan budget. i've done their own studies with this kind of what's called to light their thing, 500 been in the 700000000000. whatever. right number is the market. it's huge and we're seeing that reflected in the reservation that are being had by people. so we just put tickets on sell public public yesterday. we've been selling them privately just for a couple of months just to kind of get a warm up and selling them publicly. i'm. we've all ready sold over 200 tickets and not to families and friends. you know, really well them. so i'm very excited about where we always base tourism and the future on this. and i can tell you that the demand is going to out all of our
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ability to provide enough light for everyone. will scientists in israel say they've discovered a previously unknown kind of prehistoric human. they say a skull found dates back about 130000 years and may have lived alongside homo sapiens for more than 100000 years. it's believed they had large teeth and no chin, and may have been ancestors of the name and your thought. best challenges the current thinking that our evolutionary cousins originated in europe. ah, hello again to headlines on al jazeera, at least one person has died and a 100.


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