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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2021 11:30am-12:01pm +03

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save a whole lot how the locals really look forward to june so they can collect a mushroom for their family and sell them. this mushroom is really pricey. just a handful is worth a lot. today's harvest is more than a handful. and should bitch, a very good price. pet is even turning down buys, who call looking for supplies in these difficult times for the carini. nature's bounty is small nuggets of earthy black gold, tony cheng l to 0 on the time me on my border. ah, al jazeera, these are the headlines for us police officer derek shelven, has been sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison for the murder of george floyd. the judge said children abuse of power well in a position of trust and authority. and 7, for one. the court committed the cause to the commission of corrections for
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a period of 270 months as to $70.00. that is a 10 year addition to the presumptive sentence of $150.00 bombs. this is based on your abuse of a position of trust in authority and also the particular cruelty shown to george floyd. your granted credit for $199.00 days already served $38.00 workers from doctors without borders have been killed and he feel appears to grow region. their bodies, refunds, the vehicle on friday. the group included a spanish national with to the for if you appeal colleagues, these 12 aid workers have been killed in te gray since fighting bulkheads between the military and our groups in november. us president joe biden has again promised f canister president sustain support as he accelerates the withdrawal of american troops. by hosted connie at the white house to discuss the wine tone after almost 20 years of war. at least 159 people are accounted for after
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a building partially collapsed in surfside, florida. rescuers hopeful they'll find survivors. at least 4 people died when the building came down on thursday. a helicopter carrie and colombian, president ivan to k, has been far as the the border with venezuela to k says there were several gunshots for he and members of his and it were flying over the country to will region. no one was hurt. there was no claim of responsibility. and millions of people in and around distributors, largest city had been ordered into a 2 week locsin city, a seeing a fast growing cluster of the highly infectious delta over 900 variance 1st identified in india. the flare up as a shock for us to see that have returned to relative normality with few cases and that show up to date to keep it here on al jazeera, the use returns after the listening post, which is up next. we town the untold story.
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ah, we speak when others don't. ah, we cover all sides. no matter where it takes a police fin. empowering impulsion. we tell your story, we are your boy. your news, your net back out here. every game, right? one fridays presidential election by land on want to be sure to see that and what the joint venture for jobs for some of the 19 and a stage manager process that virtually guaranteed when hello richard gisburne, you are the listening post where we dig into the coverage and look at how news is reported. here are the media stories we're examining this week. the wrong new
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president elect is heading into the job, carrying some baggage from the past. that neither he nor the country state friendly news outlets care to talk about. the castro era is over in cuba, the country's new leaders are being challenged on the issue of freedom of expression. in egypt, 2 more women are jailed over their tick tock, videos. the targeting female social media influences continues and the inside story on life after lockdown. wow. wish i could for those of us who just aren't ready for return to the outside world. iran has a new president coming into office after an election that had all the trappings of the democratic process campaign rallies, televised debates minus the free and fair part ebara him ratio. victory was never in doubt. it was guaranteed after the government band, any candidate with a chance of beating him from running. that's why voter turnout was so low. adding to races legitimacy issues are persistent questions about his role in the math
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execution of political prisoners in the 1900 eighty's involvement, that he denies and is rarely publicly questioned about since discussing the repression of the eighty's is a no go zone. for iranian journalists, rice sees when, however tainted represents a victory for the old guard and his mentor, the supreme leader, ayatollah hominy. and rice is background as a judge, his past record on cases pertaining to the internet. and what iranians are allowed to do online do not bode well for the future of freedom of expression. our starting point this week is k rock. on the final day of the iranian election campaigns, there was the supreme leader, ayatollah hominy on national television, urging citizens to vote. not for him, harmonies name was not on the ballot. his is a job for life. he was talking about the presidential election. what was
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that you put it on the side and they should be better than that. he failed to convince because iranians knew better they had watched as opposition candidates, one after another, were disqualified from running by government official. effectively clearing the path to the president's office for harmonies choice, every game racing in the end voter turn out was drastically around 48 percent. the spoiled ballots out of it and it was more like 41 percent. it turns out that the voters in the islamic republic do not like it when election outcomes are pre ordained. there is an incredible mobile phone recording of a gentleman in iran, and it was amazing just most of my husband. and i think that kind of only all you need to know. i think it's, it's
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a great kind of motif how the elections actually run in their own democracy. but it's not, it's not perfect. i think we should try to be less sensitive about the low turn out to run because this happens just in iran. there are some reform is support is that didn't see the candidates run for presidency. that's why they didn't show up to vote everything that was set up from the selection of the candidates, but could be voted on you who selection of right. basically an uncontested front runner has given this feeling. but this is very much a pre for game plan for them. many are interpreting as being prepped to harmony in since 2019 ever him has been in charge of iran judiciary. he rose through the legal ranks in the 1980, the early years of the as womic republic when it was also at war with iraq. it
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was a time of suspicion and violence when political opponents disappeared, executed in their 1000. this week, amnesty international was among the human rights organizations calling for runs next president to be investigated for crimes against humanity for his involvement in what some iranians call the bloody deco. 1980, very hiring times you could be going to jail for on vcr. wearing a t shirt for using foreign wars that the country are suspect political often and very true that in large numbers i said in supreme leader, i took the whole maney, gave an order that basically said, kill as many political prisoners as you can as quickly as you can now, for people are on a disk panel that decided to execute that, that to be abraham racy, was one of the bloody decade. the very histories, i mean,
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contemporary history is considered to be a public secret. on the $198.00, these was the inception period of the atlantic republic. this is a time where they were building a narrative of credibility to the team. and this branding effort depends on the 1980 is being told in a certain way. but i was a, you could already talk about in the years since, because of the spread of blogs and internet and a lot of victims coming out of iran and being able to speak about it publicly. there is more information about it and more people know it took iranians almost 30 years before some of the truth came out. then we can get a loan to the wall in 2016, an audiotape recorded in 1988 was broadcast by radios. i'm a ne, a person language station base in amsterdam, on it,
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one of the leaders of the revolution, ayatollah hall, say, now the month is area confront, right? you see over the part he played in the max execution. was that all was, you know, you got to go to 12 easy monitors, very later resigned, but the tape was released by his son who was then prosecuted under abraham races. watch the race he has at times are they denied his role in the execution or argued that they were justified under legit ruling issued by former supreme leader, ayatollah hall. meaning, the president elect clearly wants that story left behind and can usually count on the iranian media to cooperate. but 2 days after the election, right, you see was questioned on his pan, at a news conference attended by the international meet. on the day you elected international, you should be investigated for crimes against humanity. do you think that these
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issues will be difficult for you when you interact with will need the right response to that question? was very telling home in the command that even with john goddamn hum water that they had to default as a shadow in son. he actually tried to do his will during that event as a commendable because he was protecting the islamic republic of iran. and this is a narrative, read it around the 1980 massacres, which was they were getting rid of karen. so it is a very frightening prospect to see that he would kind of whitewash these crimes against humanity in that way. back. can you to speak with someone like him at the helm? there are going to be very dark forms of repression in iran. ah,
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the real power in k, iran lies not in the president, but with the supreme leave, toler harmony and the clarity surrounding the president's role. includes representing iran in its dealings with foreign governments, including those currently imposing sanctions on the country over its nuclear prob, exceeds half sunroof connie in the drive through honey was considered a modest but his 8 years in office did nothing for news organizations and their freedom. conservative factions loyal to ron's leadership, control the george of influential media outlets from state television to key new pages. there's always been space for reformist newspapers, challenging authority, but only up to editors from some of those papers met with right easy prior to the election. no one has reported what was said, but they're critical coverage of the candidate suddenly softened thereafter on the
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racy my own prediction is that we won't be further restrictions on the press. iran is already one of the last 10 most global indic hotter to really go lower than this one is looking for a fight. obviously, he knows who's been elected and made it to be a circumstance, says, and the economy is key here because right now the economic deprivation in iran mean that's very few people are, you know, interested in political defense as much as just trying to make ends meet i have one state that on media outlets for the past 20 years or so, the government doesn't have any find out of control over the media. and the one, the only thing that the government can control is daily newspapers in both english and persian. but that is really it, we saw how the current government failed to control the media. i don't think that this is going to do that friday, given the fact that he was just in the position of head of judiciary 2019 to
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president. he has also been responsible and had contributed to the deterioration of internet freedom. we also saw that his, you, this year you signed off on an order to spencer, a lieu of different foreign messengers, the banding of signal the encrypted messenger. for example, there has been a policy to implement a tiered system of access towards the inter, different kinds of access, depending on your profession. and it's very much expected that underwriting ministry, information, communication and technology. this policy is very much that are expected to be late . me a president elect who has already shown attention for curtailing expression on line a new face of the old guard, part of whose past remains journalistically off limits a hard liner who all the signs and photo suggest is on his way to being the next
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supreme leader the election results in iran was never in doubt. the prospect and future of free speech in the islamic republic. very much in, in the egypt key, young women with sizeable followings on instagram and tick tock have been convicted of human trafficking. you know, actually, robbie's here with the details mean these are serious charges, considering these women have been posting short videos online. they are indeed richard hunting. hassan, who is 20 years old and has more than 900000 followers on, picked up, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. a co defendant mother either who is 23 and has more than a 1000000 followers, has been sentenced to 6 years. both women have been accused of quote, using girls and acts contrary to the principles and values of egyptian society with the aim of gaining material benefits, which according to the authorities,
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constant human trafficking. this is not the 1st time the state has come after these 2 women. her son who is a student at the university of keitel, was 1st arrested last year for violating family values. after she posted a video telling her female followers that they could use like another video content creation platform and make money. the authority said that she was encouraging women to sell sex online. mobile, the other was arrested for the same offense. a month later after she posted the dues of herself dancing lips, thinking to popular music. quote, the women was sentenced to jail time and find, but their convictions were overturned and they were released earlier this year. but the authorities were clearly not done with them. there's a larger pattern at play here, addictions, women being arrested for what they're posting online. yes, ever since 2018 when a new cyber crime law has passed, numerous women have been arrested on vague charges of violating public morals. he just, prosecutor general, justifies it by seeing forces of evil would have using the new virtual electronic
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space. we're talking about influencers. what about journalists and the policing of their social media activities in egypt? this still under the gun just 2 months ago to fi, lance journalists fell off among the and her husband, homicide was released after 17 months, in pre trial detention for allegedly disseminating false news and misusing their social media accounts. pre trial, the tension in egypt that can mean anything. journalists have spent years in jail and never even got to try. absolutely, as we had just eaten only 122 months ago when raoul castro gave up the leadership of cuba, the communist party at mark the 1st time and more than 6 decades. the country has not had a castro in charge. his successor miguel diaz can now inherited some familiar challenges, struggling economy sanctions in post by the united states. as well as a pandemic. he's also dealing with growing demands for greater freedom of expression in cuba. political demonstrations are rare yet towards the end of the
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castro era. as access to the internet improved that began to change. the protesters are diverse. they range from artist and other intellectuals who support the revolution. to more radical activists like the santa c dro movement, it's demanding fundamental changes and its methods from hunger strikes to viral videos are attracting the attention of authorities who have traditionally treated descent. with a heavy hand leslie post daniel touring now on the struggle over freedom of expression in post castro cuba. it's the twilight of the castro era. and an unusual message is spreading through cuba as online community, a full throated defiance of the communist party. it's february and a group of roughly dissident have released the protest. so on youtube,
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part of the i v dot or homeland and life takes aim at fidel castro's revolutionary slogan, homeland, or death. the with the 1000000, the current since the government of god. i 2 months later, the police descended on her banner's impoverished son, his neighborhood to arrest one of the rapids, michael a suitable castillo. but when they tried to take him into custody, they got another surprise all hoping that a police were going to arrest him and the neighbourhood came out in his defense.
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michael managed to break behind and raise his fist in the air for up with dying. and it was an amazing event because it was the creation of a new symbol. i put all the scene america cheko, like michael soba is part of the sunny sea drug movement. a collective of artists demanding greater freedom of expression. the group got it starts in 2018 after the government passed the law decree 349. that prohibits artists from working either in public or in private, without obtaining permission from the ministry of culture. for mama, that was when we set up our group as a way of protecting culture from these attacks and to address artists rights and human rights. they still had difficult rachel, we founded a space that would allow us to connect with activism and politics. you know, media, he also since 2018,
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we've seen the introduction of several new laws that could tail freedom of expression my own. i feel penalties for people that dissent include arrest house arrest. you can also have your internet cut. these have become standard police measures. there's been a hardening of the states repression. and we're now seeing a struggle between the forces of gemini and those of autonomy. a going out on the senate federal artists and not the only cubans calling from freedom of speech. last november hundreds came together and protest outside the ministry of culture. in most countries that would barely qualify as a new story. but this is cuba point where it's not like it seems the fidel castro lead revolution in 1959. the island has been ruled as a one party state with few political or cultural freedoms. 5 years before coming to power, castro saw the role that the u. s. and
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a cia backed radio station played and overthrowing the democratically elected left . when government, what amanda? some are problem instead of going to cuba is revolution. castro became the latest target washington's anti communist crusade. and having seen how the media could be weaponized, he took no chances on freedom of expression. castro nationalized all private the news outlet. and over the following decades, thousands of cubans were jailed the descent with continued us aggression providing the pretext ahead. and he thought. 2 it our task, total things have loosened up a little since 2011. when ro casters succeeded his brother to doubt the government is more receptive to pressure from below and face with the protesters outside his window. last november, the deputy minister of culture and under rocca invited them in to discuss that
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concerns. then throw a cossack ramos, if our among the things we agreed was to open up a channel of communication between the so called independent art spaces, an official cultural institutions. we also agreed not to harass independent arts bases and to continue holding meetings without we aim to keep up the spirit of dialogue and maintain this relationship with montana in a contact from william, portentous. this was really significant. seen all those artists protesting outside really shook the culture ministry to its core. the protesters ended up splitting into 2 groups. one group has been in dialogue with the ministry about potential reform. then there's a more overtly political group, which includes the sanhedrin artist, some of whom have a political agenda involving regime change. i mean, winning was by, by cool bang bang gun. the government has
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accused santa syndrome in bits of receiving support from the u. s. which spends around $20000000.00 a year on so called democracy promotion efforts seen by havana as a push for regime change. joke organ, when know me or not, but it's when you're bein or not. but i don't think demonstrating peacefully to express an opinion if the same thing is receiving logistical support from the u. s . embassy or verbal support from us institutions. those people who are acting against the constitutional order of cuba with us backing deserve to be prosecuted in the same way as if it was an attack with a terrorist or otherwise against the independent seal. and what's the issue of i know louis manuel or canada since last october, the sanity drug movements leader us manuel. a terror alcantara has either been in jail on the house arrest or confined to a hospital and security forces have disrupted several attempted hunger strikes the
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rules one and then there's the other weapon in the government, sauce, and old state media out. i don't see, what can you show not worry about, well, what do you want to do on the weekend, but i am off the can any door lovely? she'll discredit you on tv. and there is no way of refuting any of the accusations . we call it public a fascination, maybe beheadings and firing squads happen in other countries. but here, the subject to treatment, leave you like dead man walking home and why don't you cannot express yourself if you do try to get to you through your family and break down your relationship to help see only the winkler, family out in the thing is that it isn't just the cuban government telling you that all canter gets his orders from abroad. it's the actual recording of
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a conversation between our kendra and somebody who's receiving us money. it can be home. and no one has tried to deny these allegations. no one has stepped up to say, this is false, protest, moment, but i think i've seen the state media like for instance, i've seen groman newspapers say that groups protesting violence against women financed by the cia and mustn't read him in theater, but a lie. so why should i believe any of the other things they say? cubans now have other sources of information that they fingertips. the internet arrived on the island in 2013, but the biggest change came 5 years later, with 3 g smartphones. as a result, alternative news websites are getting more clear. while social media platforms
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provide an outlet to dissent. it was ms. diaz canal ro castro's former deputy. and now he's successful. who ever saw the launching of mobile internet? now the limits on freedom of expression in a being tested like never before one the, to the sex history. and once people have access to the internet, censorship becomes utah. there is a system in place on a very similar to the one in soviet union. and they are trying to keep going to keep the media under control as if the internet is something that can be controlled . they still haven't understood that their monopoly is over 11 point. and finally, in the immortal words of the clash, should i stay or should i go out? that is having been locked down for so long. many of us have grown a little too comfortable on our own. plus let's face it or communication and social
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skills. have taken a serious hit, we've been wearing sweatpants, track, food, bottoms, and leggings for so long. the genes suddenly feel like formal wear and the thought of returning to the office trading zoom calls for face time. that's actual face time feels like too much too soon. these next 2 videos by content creators, haley morris, and laura wally capture the personal turmoil. a lot of people are going through over the prospect of life post locked down with the next time here at the listening cost. why you dressed like going out? sorry. well, i said we're going out. it's probably very many. oh good. so we all staying here this. we're not doing this. we'll definitely going. how do we go it to me all for a long time, for most people people. so many of these we, we do live on too much. no, it isn't too soon. i'm sorry, but we're going out a lunch saying, hey, don't, we'll leave it going. but don't blame me when we brought things to talk about
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exactly who i'm going to play israel. no hurry, he'll task not to be dramatic. i will quit on my well, i wish i could. you know, i haven't been back. i don't have any office closed cuz i don't have the ability to control my facial expression to kim. what are your thoughts? kim? no, thank you. china will mark the 100 anniversary of the founding of the communist party with president hagen, king leading celebrations. but it comes at a time when relations with the west under increasing strain energy 7 countries looking to countess china is growing in humans around the world. follow all the detailed analysis on algebra. the discover, a world of difference determination. i'm coming down. we are moving freedom so 16 people
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corruption and compassion, the just 0 world selection of the best films from across our network of channels. ah, i do want us to mike and also for family. former us police officer derek children, offers condolences, but not an apology sentenced to more than 22 years for george floyd's merger. this is based on your abuse of a position of trust and authority and also the particular cruelty shown to the.


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