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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2021 12:30pm-1:01pm +03

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caught the suggestion that this is somehow a us government black project, and then it goes on to say, well, there's no evidence really that it could be upon advisory either. but then in the next breath that says, we need to study the things they have to at the time when they are part adverse recap abilities. so that to me, to get there is some doubt in the minds of investigators as to whether, you know, this could be something foreign created or something that's being created inside black projects in the us. so if it needs to be fair with study, ah, they face al jazeera and these are the headlines from a us police officer, derek shelven has been sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison. for the murder of george floyds, the judge said, show and abuse is powerful in a position of trust and authority. sentence for one,
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the court committee to the cause to the commission of corrections for a period of 270 months as to $70.00. that is it 10 year addition to the present sentence of a $150.00 bombs. this is based on your abuse of a position of trust in authority. and also the particular cruelty shown to george floyd. your granted credit for $199.00 days already served. 3 aid workers and doctors without borders have been killed. that if you'll be as t gray region, their bodies refund to the other vehicle on friday, the group included a spanish national along with 2 of her. if you appeal colleagues, please 128 workers been killed and take races, fighting broke out between the military and armed groups in november. yes, president joe biden has again promised f canister leader sustained supports as he accelerates to the troll of american troops. by the hosting of honey at the white house to discuss the wine don't. after 20 years of war. at least 159
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people are accounted for after a built in partially collapse. in surfside, florida, rescuers are hopeful will find survivors. at least 4 people died when the building came down on thursday helicopter carrying columbia president of and do k has been far dance the of the board with venezuela to k says there were several gunshots, while he and his members of cabinet were flying over the cut a tumble region, no one was hurts. millions of people in and around destroy. the largest city have been ordered into a 2 week locked stone, sidney. seeing a fast growing cluster of highly infectious delta coven, 1900 variance. first identified in india. health official say the break is spreading faster than any one to have imagined. and those are the headlines to keep it here on al jazeera counts in the course is up next. the latest news as it breaks,
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a significant number of the 32 attacks carried out in the quarter of 2021 happened in nigeria, said toy waters with detailed coverage president buying this foreign policy is the buying close allies and partners. and then with the united position deal with problems from around the world. the government says they are aiming to 70 percent of the population by the end of the year. i lose . hello, i'm come all santa maria, this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you look at the world of business and economics this week, nigeria to recessions, in 4 years, youth unemployment and insecurity getting worse. but there is one growth industry,
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kidnapping, cheap guns flooding into the country. nigeria efforts to close the border just have not worked. then there's the sabotaged best in environmental concerns driving shell to fill up and walk away from its on shore nigerian oil operation. and even though countries around the gulf of guinea, a stepping up security to find a ride and piracy which countries still was effected, our focus this week isn't timing. nigeria, ah, so it's just the one topic this week and we are very conscious that there is a lot of negative news here. but the fact is, nigeria is dealing with a lot at the moment and it is all extremely consequential. nigeria economy is not in great shape, which means people look for alternatives. in some cases, extreme alternatives. you remember back in 2014, when the millison group booker, harass my global headlines, were abducted nearly 300 school girls from the town of chia book. but it's still happening with an $800.00 students have been kidnapped in the north west of nigeria
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since december. and these are separate from the islamist insurgency, sent it on the northeast. here's some detail for you. this is from the armed conflict, location and event data project. all these kidnapping events. they've mapped out a just from the 1st 4 months of this year. that's after abduction and forced disappearance events more than doubled back in 2020. i has a different interpretation on this bond shot, the pink spike that you see in 2014. that's when the book on her arm. she book kidnappings. happened. but 20202021. so a huge increase in abductions by community militias. those are the ones in blue and more worryingly abduction events in the 1st 4 months of this year. i've overtaken the total for last year. so not properly dealing with insurgency and kidnappings as part of nigeria problem. but the government's failure to grow the economy to accommodate the population. i started making it worse. economy of 206000000 people
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fell into its 2nd recession in 4 years. and more than 60 percent of nigeria is working, age population is younger than 34. problem is unemployment for the 15 to 24 year olds that was 53 percent in the 4th quarter. and it was 37 percent for people age between 25 and 34. so we're going to dive into a lot of issues this week. oil piracy, they're coming up later, but we're going to start with nigeria borders. the government shut them in 2019 to restrict the flow of illegal weapons that last month. president mohammed bihari surprised a lot of people when he said it had failed and was in fact feeling numerous conflicts. a report for math, medi dressed in seminary town on the border between iberia and been this bought a market used to be a thriving commercial hub. it's now a shell of it. for myself, it was known for cheap imports like rice, automobiles, and garments. but not anymore. it's been 6 months since nigeria reopen,
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it's west and land border with been but people like successful motorcycle dealer or more later in was a. they having to find other work to make a living and he's not happy. you got my tell you what i was actually like. because if somebody comes in the 4 points, you give free passage of goods on people. but i've got to do, but i know that's what i thought opened loose because if i shall opening to some group of people in this country, he says, such favors have ruined small businesses like hiss and by extension have hard. they going to be head of a local trade union agrees no moments if there's little activities at the market, even the number of visitors reduced substantially with incomes wiped out. people stay at home and such. you can't get the taxes as you know, the residency, even passenger traffic is not what it used to be. the motor closure was meant to reduce the import of hold. i can encourage domestic and stop the smuggling of
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firearms and listen drugs into nigeria. but after one on have years, the president admits said more arms came in during the band, raising questions as to what it actually achieved. border officials, however, he says the shut down was a resounding success as there is cross border cooperation and shedding of intelligence on smuggling. there were one of the jaws of her previous items. i would have found their way into the country through illegal rules and ordered. they were also arrest of migrants which could have complicated give dismissal. but enforcing the board rules has made it more expensive to live in the communities like semi people. he has a numerous checkpoint to hurting the transport of goods from across the border and other parts of an idea. the government reopen its borders just as the free trade
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agreement facilitated by the african union was coming into force. but months later, business activity here has yet to pick up. not yet, his government has accused its neighbors of endangering not only the current, but also security, saying weapons and ammunition still flow across the borders to feed it ever growing conflict. so let's piece all of this together. then the government's been fighting vocal. harassed in the northeast, there is an ongoing conflict between nomadic capital who is in crop farm is in central and southern regions. there is a separatist rebellion in the se. what is all of his doing to nigeria will here is sam a mattie to help us out. he's the director of the, a boucher school of social and political thoughts. and it's great to have you with us the overall insecure situation right across the country. how much of this, in your opinion actually rests with the government? or is this just such a big problem that it actually, it's almost too big to get
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a hold on? well, i do get a good government because on 2 levels, i did national level. the failure, did you have enough government periods of buddhism, of social and economic goods means that does steve competition for the available resources. and then that is called bonded by the system of governors. that's fair in which government trends to understand it. and what does of equity and justice in different and, you know, kind of consensus among what good needs and trust among isn't. so failure in the printer government to do the economy prices to, to create a sense of belonging to leave the road. it says of the south fictional status of this sub level south south south side of the country. we see that it will fade off public and government massage in the local tuggle almighty is
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a good but also in the current and i agreed. and essentially we real this connection between the people governance and they could show the state of police and that would give us credit. so primarily, this is the film. there is some suggestion that the failure to act against some of those community colleges which we talked about earlier is because the president is part of those is why do you put any weight into that? i think there is, i mean if you look at, before it became present to present to 15 in the previous election, he had kind of floating spokesperson for the laps and then getting the power he did not try to could that says of even this. so the 50 you spoke against because i'm being killed as for, for dinner, say again,
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was the book on the books present time because government so when it comes to power, the image again, he did not have in the way you manage the crisis depends on spoken i guess what i have some as well as i'm taking them so don't something to do with those challenges. in a sense, it's bundling with a degree what a policies and then probably saw. so just a perhaps referred to that. yes. been maybe to do and of course that show you some degree in so just not just of the apple i, bob was a was, was ready to prescribe before these rise of violence. well, probably participation was nobody to do. man,
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man that adopt told before in the global territories, hadn't of surely prescribed as sterile groups in nature. we have the niger in federation, the whole country. we also have a lot of different regions of there is again, some suggestion or talk about the idea that some regions could withdraw like side to be off for a region. i mean could, could they, could they survive on their own? i think you said when i was talking about but sufficient so many years after the civil war was very good table. i think there's also some degree of cause issues because it's not we are better to get it. i would say that last 6 years i tend and says most so for example, the public book is it was really absent to add it led by son joseph george. now seeing radicalization and in fact,
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bam is sometimes look, but the lips are lead us. when it is said, bush, it's close demand and i get the problem. the sink is credible. it's credible what we need to do at the level of national leadership. that risk is obviously the country the president has insisted that this doctor is losses. gifts was famous about good public support for some of his good double showed his bits, but it reminded me that i just, it is fallen. but i guess i'm also pointed out i wasn't in my muscle, so it's recreate showing everybody feels good to go so it would be adjusted. but i guess to me, i didn't forget it. these, they know $1000000000.00. beach was the last game shifting and the government is go
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by, but the center and chris sent you before we put this trust. doug, who's come, you know, dancing credibility in the us momentum. so let's move away from the security side of things and talk about the economy. you mentioned it before, the lack of jobs. well, in fact, the insecurity which creates the poor economic condition and the lack of jobs. how does nigeria turn that around? the population is growing. how do we get to a point where actually those youth in nigeria will have jobs and will have something to look forward to the lack of integral, punish nick? the failure of the government to increase your freedom. it will make freedom if it continues to be one of the worst double support actually research. and if i had a policy like minimum wage level rights, i'm only asked so track to driving economic way. so does that. we're going to fill
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7000000 people. i didn't want to go, but the last couple of years just want permission home by the media to be so here is the broad one is policy that need to go about to real economic. what is the target economic where been cramped up? what's in it? job creation is you can have job creation when i must've said that she has world is more focused on production. the consumer cross to the, to the concrete is what is driving because you kind of have an economy we asked it's good to fit our lives revenue and the incentive to create revenue for so forth. but we are not a political kind of me. and therefore job creation, this didn't stimulating i messed up. the job creation will not be real, except you're loading that part of the center and incentive levels to get
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progress that could promote it. this could be a great extent initial arises. what would it cost? and to failure and the moment to failure, as in the last 20 years. but i want to heighten on that is a sam mattie with his thoughts on nigeria is economic future. sam, thank you so much for your time. thank you. the right, so security or lack all of it seems to be at the heart of a lot of nigeria issues and that extends to arguably it's most important sector. oil rolled out shell is that it wants to fill it's on shore oil facilities in nigeria because of all the sabotage and theft. shells already sold a handful of its own shore oil blocks in the niger delta over the past decade because of community unrest and continued attacks on its oil installations that
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come with its own subset of knock on effects if you like. in january show was ordered to pay damages to farmers off to an appeals court in the hague, found its nigerian subsidiary was liable for oil spills in the delta. more than a decade ago, shell is argued, the spills were caused by sabotage. and that it shouldn't be held accountable for the dealings of a foreign subsidiary, but environmental groups of argued shall, was to blame, at least for the poor maintenance and security of the oil pipes. let's build on this now with energy analyst. 4 more. okay. you know who it's worked in the niger and effective for more than 2 decades now. great to have you with us and your, your expertise on this topic shells withdrawal. let's talk about that 1st. is that necessarily a bad thing? are there not local companies who could actually see this as an opportunity? arm shells withdrawal is, is bad for the industry in my area and what our media, local companies there. they will not be able to fill in the gaps
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shells leaving, they're going to create because they do not have the capacity to absorb the volume. shoulders go to produce. don't forget that shell has been a pony company in the industry, in my area. and they take talk to about 60 percent, it's not more off manager us production of oil and gas. their local companies will not be able to seal the shoes off shell as they're pulling out. ok. and it blames the issues of sabotage and oil theft for the reason that it is leaving. i mean how much responsibility and we always talk about responsibility whether it fits with the company or. ready with the government on a security level, the issue or sabotage is real and it bite, it buys both the companies and the government. ah,
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but when it comes to a personal blend, that's particularly want to look at food to our person. blame too. but because a question i've been asked this way, all the blames will go to the government. because i'll tell and the pipeline found, the line to zation is able to happen because there's no security for the infrastructure. and shell, or any of the oil companies, whether not for renewal companies or the local companies, are not in the business of security beyond the business of exploration and production of oil and gas. and so you couldn't lay blame for it. she turned to dependent issue on any business where that you'd be shell, be made, manufacturing,
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company, and business. so that blame goes squarely 100 percent on the government. and what about carrying fund wrong? was there not some oil legislation that the nigerian government has failed to pass? would that have made a difference? is that legislation that time on events have about taken? it's been about 21 years coming. and somehow because of legislation that there was so much talk about it now, and somehow we managed to get ourselves stuck in a past that didn't exist where we are the moment mixed piece of legislation redundant. and the problem of the oil and gas industry, pre bates, that legislation and to just matter we down to one piece of legislation whose time has already passed anyways. ok it's, it's to oversimplify the issue really. ready oil is and this could be in so
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many countries, it's either a blessing or a curse or perhaps a little bit of both nigeria case what happened to the oil wealth, has it been squandered? has it been lost? is it when i just look at the overall economic situation of the country and think about how much money can come in from oil. there's a disconnect there. yes, there is. there is a disc about and there are reports after reports by many institutions, both local and international that has exposed this disconnect. you're talking about the other day. i was looking out a report from the world bank about that 2001 or 2003, they're about and they made such claims about corruption, you know, being responsible for. ready ready for stuff your thing is this, the disconnect is that you did,
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you did ask what happened to the wells, the wells that down. but you know, the thing with production wells is the age as well. and over time, the volume of crude or gas able to guess from them will be depleted. however, missouri has made so much money from oil and gas and it doesn't show on the streets . it doesn't, it doesn't. it doesn't show on, on, on the how i put it now. and. yeah, exactly. doesn't show in everyday life for people there and they are the people who don't have, you know, end up wondering why, why are we not in a better situation? why has that money been squandered? how did it happen? very interesting or some how. how did it happen? well, it went into it went into private pockets of some of
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some of the broods runs in the country that it will, it will take us hours. if we want to go deep into this, and there is also the issue of not reinvesting into the industry. i mean, for example, as far back as 2015, those of us in the industry knew that there was a serious lack of investment that was required for industry at the time. and you don't, you don't get something out of nothing. if you don't invest well then somebody, you're not going to get the returns and somehow we do that selves to believe that, oh yeah, we're always going to have rails. and so we're always going to money. well, but that's, that's dollars behind some dimensions because i know it's a depletion resource and puts on the fact that is a depletion results where we are in the world today. some of the biggest concern
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myself in the west are beginning to greg wallace shipped away from sources. well, images source. i would do an absolutely nothing about it. i worry that it might get to a point in my country where i would have to be drinking or la south because the rest of the world no longer meets the commodity goodness a fascinating talking to you for my ok. you my thank you so much for your time, really appreciate it. thank you for having me. and finally, piracy countries around the gulf of guinea are stepping up as secure. he trying to fight off a sharp rise and attacks by pirates. it's actually not the most dangerous area in the world for that with nearly half of all the attacks this year. and in areas stretch from, from senegal in the north, to angola in the south. but of the 13 countries which have coasts on the gulf of guinea, it is nigi area, which is one of the worst effected once again, i made interest with our report this time for the port city of lake off the
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nigeria tests out new equipment soon to be deployed, it's the it's an arsenal of ground. air and sea vessels and equipment designed to tyco pirates operating in the gulf of attacks in the region have grown in number and sophistication of the past 5 years. is very difficult to advocate. but our target is to see as 0 tolerance of my time is actually within and beyond. out one to 2. we have a complete gamble of land at the approach that can handle the issue of this insecurity. countries in the region lose nearly a $1000000000.00 annually to pirate 2 tags. many a carried out in nigeria waters. many countries in west africa and the gulf of guinea have tied the maritime secure to dots of the continents biggest economy and
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for good reason, a significant number of the 32 attacks carried out in the 1st quarter of 2021 happened in nigeria, territory waters ship operators who, what the country's deployment of additional vessels like this. 17 interceptor boats 10 aircraft including groves will help to keep the number down. in addition to the loss of lives and equipment, many businesses are closed. there was a time in the country that we had almost con, right. did see the problem was due to the out of the, the pirate food. and the last a lot of business. do you who's out on reno, nevada, on and she says getting them back will be hard as new threats a merging we have that comes from you room. and
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i mean, they feel i'm children recover and they respect remote in right on the on red minus ship operators navigating the gulf of guinea. now pay insurance premiums. similar to what's paid by those in wars owens. forcing some to avoid the region altogether. officious in nigeria, i hope the improve security force will restore confidence in merchants once again play the gulf of guinea. and that is our show for this week, but i want to know what you think and what you want to see on the show as well. you can tweak o d m may come all a j, eat the hash tag is a j d t faith. the email address that you prefer, that counting the cost down to 0 dot net and as ever there is more online algebra dot com slash features that will take you straight to our page and have been tire episodes for you to catch up on whenever deadline. but that is,
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it's this tradition of counting the cost. i'm come all santa maria from the whole thing. thanks for joining us. the news on al jazeera, ah hello, miss city in vietnam once. so i gone the old capital of south vietnam at its heart is lamb. so square were journalists, diplomats, military staff, and spies, rub shoulders in its famous hotels during the vietnam war. i was assigned to yet not by the associated press, and i arrived june 962. the caravel hotel burst under the headline in november 1963. when there was a number to recruit 8, which led to the assassination of the president and his brother. and other a 24 hour period. the center of saigon was zone. the press
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retreated in effect that the caravel hotel, and many of the story is mentioned was saying, was from the care of me. ah, this is al jazeera. ah, it's just gone $1000.00 g until you hello, i'm come all santa maria. welcome to the news our on al jazeera. we do need to price out fills for potentially larger number of cases in the following guys, and that's why it's so important. we take action now, locked down in australia's biggest city, millions of people in and around. sidney are ordered to stay at home.


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