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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2021 2:00pm-2:31pm +03

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the state paste. i know there's to plant trees as part of the great greenwald project in initiative to stop, to verification from east to west africa. because of the rising temperatures and the lack of rainfall, most of the trees planted are either dying or already dead. and while polluting countries have recently pledged billions of dollars more funds for this project, people here say they're throwing money into the desert. they say they don't need more trees. but more access to water the o. we do need to price ourselves for potentially large number of cases in the following guys, and that's why it's so important. we take action now log zone and strictly as the biggest city, millions of people in iraq, sidney, roger, to stay at home. just a highly infectious delta variance takes hold on.
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hello there. hello, hey. this is al jazeera life and bill hub. also coming up. indonesia sees its highest daily cobra, 1900 infections on records. 21000 new cases reported on saturday. i want to get my condolences for family condolences, but no apology from former years. police officer derek children. he sentenced to $22.00 and a half years in prison for the murder of george floyd and turkey is to begin a construction on a project linking the mediterranean with the black sea environmentalist. though a colleague had a bridge to far millions of people in around district, his largest city sydney have been ordered into a 2 week locked. and now you zealand has suspended its travel bubble with us
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trailer for several days. sydney in the state of new south wales, the seeing a fast growing cluster of the highly infectious delta cove in 1900 variance 1st identified in india health official for the break spreading faster than any one could have imagined. the flare up as a shock for a city that had returned to relative normality. the few cases we're going to do this, we need to do it properly. there's no point doing it's rate. i locked down and then having the bars continue to bubble away in the community. now, if after 7 days, there's a dramatic change in the trend. well, obviously we'll, we'll evaluate the situation. but at the stage, the best tilted box we had is that a 2 week period or until mid not the friday, the 9th of july is necessary in order to make sure we get to our target of your community transmission, which is always been our target from the beginning of the pandemic will dr. san josephson and i r k, as in associate professor of infectious diseases at this trillion national
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university. he says the main problem is the flu vaccine rule. and this is the 1st time since cobit started, that sidney has locked down the whole city area. at the end of last year. they ring fence the northern region when there was an outbreak. but this is happened in the context of the delta variant appearing here. and thought to be more infectious, and we've heard about potential leasing transmission. and now we're seeing a number of cases being identified, who would have been infectious for a few days in different parts of the city. if you actually look at other countries which have done really well at controlling cobit like south korea, taiwan new zealand, they've similarly had relatively slow roll up. now, part of it is, roll out, stop it a bit later than other countries. we want to see how the roll out went in other parts of the world. also,
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they have been supply issues with vaccines. and that's really it's hid again at the moment with the 5, the vaccine. and with the ass presented vaccine, which is being the backbone of vaccine rollout. they have been hesitancy, issues around side effects such as the clotting that we've all heard about. indonesia has accorded its highest daily increase in covert 19 cases. women 21 size and you infections were registered on saturday, are also 358 deaths overnight. india has the highest number of infections and fatalities in se, asia presidents joker with dodo says, the country is facing an extraordinary situation. and we'll have more on that story after the break in around 10 minutes time. that have been celebrations in spain as to the requirements were mosque. so doors was officially lifted masks have been mandatory across most of the country since last summer. they'll still need to be worn indoors, and in all areas where social distancing is not possible,
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and half the space population has received at least one vaccine, those infections that are falling $38.00 workers from doctors without borders have been killed in ethiopia as t gray region. bodies were funds in our vehicle on friday. the group included spanish, national murray hernandez along with 2 of her e. c o, p, and colleagues. at least 128 workers have been killed in t drive since fighting brocade between the military and armed groups. in the n, a diploma gets to james bay's asked the u. n. sex, general spokesman for his response to these latest killings. we cannot condemn strongly enough. attacks on humanitarian workers, humanitarian workers, whether in t gray or in south sudan, we've talked a lot about that as well. or all too often targeted with we fear the goal of scaring away humanitarians. but what it does is it
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denies men, women, and children who need help the help that they need. so we sent our condolences to our colleagues at it's still frontier 22 and a half years in prison for 9 and a half minutes of brutality from a u. s. police officer, direct shelven has been sentenced for murdering george floyd in minneapolis. laugh me, the judge saying he inflicted particular cruelty. it was the video of children you're going for its neck, which sparked worldwide protests against racism and police brutality. john henderson as this report from minneapolis for derrick jovan, his drawn the longest sentence for a convicted police officer in minnesota history for the murder of george floyd for one. the court committed the cause, the commissioner of corrections for a period of 270 months as to $70.00. that is a tenure addition to the presumptive sentence of $150.00 pounds. this is
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based on your abuse of a position of trust and authority and also the particular cruelty shown to george floyd. the $22.00 and a half year sentence was well under the 40 year maximum, but a decade over the state guideline of 12 and a half years. but floyd's family says it's still too short. we got justice, but not enough justice. the sentence marks a historic deterrent that civil rights leaders called a down payment on justice. one does not call a criminal justice problem. the united states credit must show the same jury show at home police accountable inside the court room floyd's family spoke of their loss. when you ask about him, what are you asking about or how my day is okay. do you wish that he was
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still here with us? la. through his spirit. yeah. yeah. what were you thinking? what was going to you? well, you had to neil my brother's neck. the family's called for a maximum sentence was answered by sho vins mother. when you sentenced to my son, who will also be sentencing me. when he is released, his father and i most likely will not be here. shelven himself spoke briefly but still facing an appeal and federal charges for violating floyd civil rights said little. i want us in my control center for family hours before the sentence came down. the court denied jovan request for
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a re trial. under minnesota law 22 and a half years doesn't really mean 22 and a half years. jovan is expected to spend 2 thirds of that time. 15 years in prison . by that time he'll be 60. he spends the rest on parole. federal charges could add additional time and is expected to spend much of his time in prison as he's been spending it. in solitary confinement. the case began with a bystanders viral video of a black man dying under a white police officer's knee. launching a protest movement that erupt it across the united states, sometimes violently revealing a deep cultural divide. the murder trial that accelerated the black lives matter movement, his ended but in the streets of minneapolis in cities across the us, demonstrators said the movement goes on. john henry and al jazeera minneapolis members of iraq's popular mobilization forces held a rally in deanna province, was
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a show for us by the umbrella of she, a paramilitary groups that had been blocked from holding earlier protests. in may, the government arrested the leader of a p. m. s. group and unbar province, before releasing him shortly afterwards, without charge them on con, has the latest from baghdad, while the rallying today for a show of force. now who all the p m. f is an interesting question. in 2014, there were no grated under facts while by alex itala alley is historically the highest shit, religious authority in iraq. they were a militia, a paramilitary force, designed to fight isolated, very successful along with the iraqi, federal police and the iraqi army in that fight against iso. and they still in parts of iraq undertaking that mission. this was supposed to be the anniversary and they wanted to come out. i want to make a very big show, but it was incredibly controversial. the prime minister of iraq was cut me didn't
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want them in baghdad, which is where they wanted to mount this parade. in the international zone, you might know that better as the green zone because he thought that would be a display of iranian power within iraq itself. now the, a lot of these paramilitary groups are backed by iran. and in fact, from the pictures we've seen of the parade today, there's been a lot of iranian made weaponry on display with the military groups, including and apparently 2 groups of saying that now they are shifting that wolf, i strategies to drones. so we've been seeing a lot of iranian made drones on display as well. so this was incredibly controversial display of power. us president joe biden has met his africa counterpart after a sharp connie at the white house. as us troops prepared to leave afghanistan after 20 years of war, biden says, washington support for gunston is not ending despite the troop withdrawal. honey is
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unhappy with the moon fence, rosalind jordan reports in less than 2 months. the last of the us combat troops in afghanistan will leave for good at the white house, a promise from the american president to his counterpart. withdrawl does not mean farewell partnership between afghanistan and united states is not going to be sustained. and you know, our church may be leaving for support, crap. gather staff is not ending in terms of support and maintenance of their helping maintain their military as well as economic and political support us government officials reassured us foss, connie and his delegation. the embassy and cobbled will stay open. they also announced billions of dollars a new humanitarian and security spending, to wit, $3300000000.00 us dollars to help the afghan security forces protect their country
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. i am confident that as resolute support began to wind down. we will make the translation to a new relationship with afghanistan, forces one that continues to help you meet your responsibilities to your citizens. while golly accepted the offers the fidelity and financial aid. it's no secret, he's not happy about the us troops departure piece talks with the taller bond still haven't lead to a final power sharing deal. and militia groups still hold power in some parts of the country. but in this relationship between the us and afghan, a stan cobble doesn't have the final say. and connie knows to make president vitamins deficient, has been a story, is made everybody recalculate and be considered. we are here to respect to and support on capital hill. afghanistan has become a code word for how the u. s. can help modernize another society that you know,
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in our country, there is interested in the future of women and girls in afghanistan had, i think that progress was made. i saw it myself and my 9 visits to us can extend the advancement of women and girls in your country. thank you for your leadership, but all the money invested in girls education and in economic development won't be enough. if the afghan civilian government falls from power, raising questions about why the u. s. spent 20 years there in the 1st place, rosalyn jordan else's era, washington still has its own al jazeera, the u. s. vice president makes her 1st visit to the mexican border. more of that, immigration cannot speak a political football forever. amaco coal for colombian, presidents even to join the helicopter flights in venezuela border.
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ah, ah, it's too late for the journey to winter sponsored by kettle airways. if you are really unlucky, then a combination of a tropical storm in west pacific, this one here and the spring rains, this master plenty were producer, lead nasty environment when it might and he was heading for japan, but i think he'll stay off shore. so that could be, sally, went on the east side of homes, you, it looks like the brunt of it will not really engage, will not really develop. so champ, he's out over the water. that's where it's dangerous. the season rains more active on the chinese ends and the young si size was me. it will be the yankee and particularly where we'll see, flooding from this. the orange top suggest the heavy rain engineers. they're mostly out in the water. and so indeed is that storm north of it all, squatting down after a rather wet spell. i think it starts weekends in beijing and in north korea. the
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heaviest rain in india recently has been in, for example, to handle behalf. and that still will be, i think, for a day or so, 145 minutes of rain. that's a good dumping in 24 hours. and the forecast this is for sunday shows it is becoming lighter here in fencing things and moving our peers be moving back. the went with it. so the mon, susan did fancy any more in the immediate future up in the northwest, particularly in new delhi. it is dusty and hot. as a coffee, it is from host of a middle east sponsor cut on airways. something was going to change. anything really change? this is systemic violin that needs to be addressed at its core. we are in a race against the variance, know what to say. we are also looking at the world as it is right now, not the world. we like it to be. the devil is always going to be in the details. the bottom line, when i was just there, i'm holding the powerful to account as we examine the
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us, his role in the world on al jazeera. ah ah, this is very quick reminder over top stories. this are 38 workers from doctors without borders have been killed in ethiopia as t gray region. their bodies were found near their vehicle on friday. millions of people and under run distributors, largest city have been ordered into a 2 week. wilson city is seeing fosco and cluster of the highly infectious stone cold in variance 1st identified in india. and indonesia has recorded its highest daily, increasing call,
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with 19 cases with 20000 new infections for registered on saturday. a moon for 358. the overnight will stay with us to speak with bon bon hardy mercy. he's a public policy analyst and join us by skype from jakarta. good to have you with us on al jazeera, at what your view is behind this lead to search and infections and indonesia. well, we kind of expected because we have a very long holiday with the 3 where millions of indonesian from the cities a when back to their a few ladies to have a gathering, a very large goodman, usually with their extended families and then, and then they come back to the city, and i guess one of them has been infected. they will in fact a lot of their extended families and they come back to the big dish and then it
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spread around. that's why we notice that the nation, the additional, the said most of these break is caused by what we call the family clusters. ok. they didn't get it. yeah. well, this is clearly the panoramic has been going on for over a year now. and people are very tired of these restrictions that given in denisia, and i have this surgeon infections over 20000 you cases. and one day, i mean, i prepared are the indonesian authorities to tackle this wise in numbers. i, i'm a great, they're actually quite a bit of panic now because i think most of the to tell has to be 100 percent of their capacity. in fact, yes, in a book cassie a little out of 100 speed, you can see outside people waiting, understand you've been on, you know, on,
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on the car sleeping on the city. because they were waiting to be on prior russia data so they can be known whether they can be treated or not. so many hospitals already the 100 percent. and if you, when the so much reset a bit use are now being over capacity. so even thing don't get better soon. we saw that we will reach a breakdown in many 50, which is on indonesia. and that's very, very alarming. indeed. if the health care system is currently at 100 percent capacity, what would you say should be done to try and tackle this this covert surge? i mean, you can, the country affords another long time. would it help? well, the thing is, the country never really have
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a lot down because early in the game, the government considered a lot down as a politically not right because it, it gave them to send that they were, they gave in to the opposition. so politically speaking, lot bound is kind like taboo word water. the government discontinued it as you are in opposition side if you who swore a lockdown. so this is a betty set when public policy issues is pretty much what decides it is indeed it's an intensive, practical measures to tackle this. i mean, is the vaccine rule lights being similarly politicized, or just the government recognize that they need to get more vaccine into people's arms? how is the vaccine wall light 1st proceeding in indonesia? well, compared to many condition and it is not too bad in terms of what you nation,
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you know, the problem the problem be because we use the flap which is not too effective, but it's still better than none. and now we also have cases with us that i've been a god because especially for young people, their site is that can be you know, become of a wider in the social media because they, they have some, you know, sort of not so nice side effects, but and also so fashion that systems, especially among the conservative most linda and s b. surely they have also to assist them because they are suspicious of the chinese fox in so as the nation also had to become fully decides and it's not easy. ok goes you
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can imagine if you have work or you work so hot, very risky and some people don't believe that you know, your work is what it yeah. ok. yeah. very challenging situation indeed. but your, your perspective are your thoughts. thank you so much. has been mercy full of fabulous from jakarta. thank you. yeah. and, and i hope going and it will be locked down to. okay. thank you. now come la harris's cold for an ends to the rhetoric over immigration during her 1st visit to the us mexico border as vice president joe biden has tough paris with addressing an influx of refugees and migrants that she's been criticized for. taking this long to travel to the border, while reynolds, the small from the apostle, the vice president, commonly harris's 1st visit to the us mexico border since taking office lasted just a few hours. she responded to criticism for not making the trip earlier. so i was
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planning to come here, harris went to the el paso del north de port of entry on the us mexico border. it's one of the countries in the busiest pedestrian crossings with thousands of people passing through legally every day. but when it comes to illegal entry, harris said earlier that poverty and crime are the reasons for surging numbers of people from central america seeking refuge in the us. people don't want and when they do, it is usually for one of 2 because they are switching some harm or because to stay at home means that they cannot satisfy the basic needs. after motorcade arrived at the us border patrol station under a blistering son, harris spoke with staff and senior officials and inspected technology upgrades. off camera she met with 5 migrant girls from central america ages $9.00 to $16.00
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republicans are strongly critical of the bite and ministrations handling of the migrant influx describing it as a dire national crisis, which the administration has bungled badly. the crisis, the mess we have in the border to be because there was no forethought, no planning. former president donald trump, who made immigration a centerpiece of his single term and office plans to visit the border later in june . passive is the place where the trump administration 1st rolled out. it's very controversial family separation policy back in 2017. so part of ferris's visit here is to make the political point of contracting the harsh policies of the trump administration. with what the bible ministration says is its own more humane approach. but democrats and immigrants rights advocates are pressuring the administration to ditch
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a trump era rule that allows officials to deport would be asylum seekers immediately without allowing them to file an asylum claim. harris said immigration cannot forever be a political football. this issue cannot be politically we're talking about. so we're talking about talking about suffering. and our approach has to be thoughtful and effective. president joe biden has given harris the enviable task of dealing with the complex and politically charged immigration issue. it's a mission that could also have a big effect on her political career. robert olds, al jazeera el paso, a helicopter carrying colombian precedent over to k has been far dance near the border with venezuela. to k says there was several gunshots for he and members of his cabinets were flying over the capitol region. no one was hurts. in this be no
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claim of responsibility, but several armed groups operates in the area to k says it won't keep him from fighting drug trafficking, terrorism, and organized crime. a funeral has been held for the late philippine president been in your aquino. we died on thursday, age 61. i came to let the country in 2010, 2016. his successor rodrigo d tirty has declared 10 days of national mourning. turkeys presidents is laying the foundation stolen in a mega project that will link the black sea and the sea of more motto. the assemble canal will open up and you lucrative trade routes and will be around 45 kilometers long. but environmentalists warn of a devastating impact, wildlife, and agriculture seen em concealed reports from the stumble, connecting the black sea to the mediterranean, through the mar marsey. the boss for straight is unique. it is beauty and provides
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a vital trade for. but as the mobile traffic rose, so to has the size of the vessels and number of all tankers wanting to use the straight and poses risk to the actual city of his stumble. so 10 years ago turkey's president project a pat john revealed an alternate to global shipping lane, and he called it, kamala stumble. it was designed to stem those risks, while at the same time generating a significant revenue for the country. he called it his crazy project, which had been based on who's on since 2005 and the re traffic has risen 72 percent and the boss for us. there is already active public fee, transportation tankers pose accidents and the narrow, straight pending vessels pollute the sea, and cause emissions and the 45 kilometer long canal project also includes the construction of new seaports bridges, businesses, stores, districts and artificial lakes. but since it's inception, there's been a controversy. open planners worn of environmental distraction,
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cut it in the mom or any of you can be rude as new canal, the black sea and the marble waters will get mixed. this will have ecological consequences and in peril and already tenuous water supply and marine life. please . first, ireland provide a good livelihood for farmers, but it's feared the zoning plants could put the features at risk. and that investors from both took candle received are buying up the land to make a quick profit. there are also concerns that cannot swallow up important waters or wars. the government saves the con, all project is totally safe and environmentally friendly. but experts are warning of water shortages and 9 me too high. so now me weighs on the mar marriot coast. if there's a strong earthquake in true case largest at the end, that's a real possibility. urge amount as a former in stock for either in back valley the canal project with claim some of
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his village. he's not happy if he was either let me just do it or if we want to expand the business, build and endure bond, but we can't. it's forbidden. what i do is the only job i know i can only become a not watchman after these places become settlements. but for some the canal project as being seen as a means of national sovereignty from a book with these ships waiting. when we have the canal, they won't meet here. besides, they'll pay more than it's in my country's interest. while the multi $1000000.00 project has exposed another raft into higher till the rise politics of turkey, the government is determined to build a canal. but the opposition says it won't pay anything towards it if they win the next election. say now, because solar al jazeera stumble. ah, some of them have been with headlines on al jazeera, millions of people in and around just really as largest city have been ordered into
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a 2 week locked, sidney. seeing a fast growing cluster of the delta, cool with 1900 variance 1st identifies in india.


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