tv [untitled] June 27, 2021 11:00am-11:31am +03
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for now, upfront with me, mark lamond hill when i was 0, me play an important role protecting human kind, the doctor's face ah, on the cruise back fire and smoke from deep within the rubble of an apartment building collapse from the us for another body has been fined ah, how are you doing? and this is al jazeera, my front door, also coming up egypt, president and jordan, king, head rock, looking to build ties and cancer. the insolence of the worst. i'd break all the
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pandemic thailand. we impose the covert 19 restrictions in bangkok and elsewhere, some shores of all my friends and johnson, johnson paid $230000000.00 and confirmed stock fairly close to the us after settling a case over its true feeling, an epidemic ah, foreign smoke from deep within the ruins of an apartment building collapse in the us of the latest problems for cruise, searching the sites. families and friends have made a memorial sites near the disaster zone in surfside, close to miami, florida. 5 people are known to have died, but 156 are still and accounted for. it's the marriage that serious concerns are raised about the building structure and foundations. 3 years ago. from sir side l
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just here's how does your castro has this reports? somewhere deep beneath this rubble of fire is making the near impossible task of finding survivors even more difficult if you were there the morning after you didn't see it. smouldering like it is now. i mean, the spanish is very, very deaf, and it obviously is created quite quite an obstacle. the search for life was briefly pause to allow firefighters to dig a protective fire trench. they still don't know what's burning or if the smoke is toxic, yet they press on. the biggest thing here is hope that's what's driving right now. in reality, the likelihood of finding more survivors in the rubble diminishes with each passing hour. the agonized families are waiting in a nearby hotel for news of their loved ones who were likely embed on thursday, when the building collapsed in the middle of the night. i'm concerned about my mom
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. i wonder if she was leasing. i wonder if she didn't call any of us or investigators say him may take months to determine what cause of the collapse. but a recently surfaced engineering report on the building may contain some answers commissioned by the buildings management. 3 years ago, the report found major structural damage to the building, steel and concrete support, and a major error in construction trapping water around the underground garage. multimillion dollar repairs had been scheduled to begin soon. we are obviously very interested in all of the evidence that's coming to light and we're going to be including it and are what happens after the rescue. and in the meantime, we're taking action to make sure that other buildings for the county has announced any immediate government review of all older buildings. the picturesque island on which the seaside residences sit is partially ma'am,
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made and may be sinking. and now is the sight of devastation. heidi ho, castro al jazeera sir side, florida, and leaders of jordan and egypt for having a sons in bagdad with iraq's prime minister. these pictures are present of the southern c. c, with the iraqi prime minister stuff academy. caterpillar is due to lunch shortly on the summit is expected to address economic corporation and security. let's get more . and i for my mood at the heads he's lifers, in bag said mom was just, explains is what the summit is really a bites. what are they hoping to achieve here? well, they're hoping to achieve an economic integration and between the 3 countries, egypt, iraq and jordan. and that includes also establishing get free trade soon between jordan and rack. also to import or to send the product from egypt and jordan into
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iraq. that also entails energy, energy importing at power of the electricity from egypt through jordan into iraq. but meanwhile, there is a lot of criticism to this summit, as you know, that this is the 4th round of talks between the leaders of the 2. the 3 countries that it started back in march $2900.00 and then and the same year at the margin of the general assembly meeting is in newark in 2019 then in august last year in jordan in the debt seat summit. and also there was for the ministers meeting and died last month. now this is the 4th meeting between the leaders of the 3 countries and they're aiming at forming or creating what they call the new will a bond or the new orient. and that includes the 3 countries, some kind of integration, economic integration, but it's also political because it seems that there is the 2 countries pushing the
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egypt and to the keen to bring iraq back to the out of the full back through the coalition. especially in the context of the regional powers intervention in iraq, namely iran. the question now is whether or not iran and turkey, one of the major trade peters who are exchanging trade with iraq will let this happen without any object objection. now, there is a lot of criticism, there is a lot of scrutiny here in iraq, especially from the political need, from advisors from political analysts observe as they say that by virtue of this summit, iraq is going to be only a consumer of products from egypt and georgia in fact, that it will be accepted a basis of the unemployment rate inside iraq because the, somebody else who is speaking about important sending education, labor force to iraq. as you know,
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that is about 5000000 unemployed iraq. it is. and if the summit is implemented, this is going to also accept unemployment crisis insight a recommended people say that this is not a strategic case. it is just going to be turning a rock into a consumer of products from egypt from jordan, why iraq or the iraqi authorities could also strike dean strategic deals with the china or the united states. providing that iraqi labor force could be trained by experts from those 2 countries or the expertise could be imported from the united states, for example of china into iraq. and this way iraq could benefit from partnership with other countries other than egypt and children. meanwhile, it is also, there is already, there is ready trade, trade deeds between the 3 countries by virtue of old agreements that will strike 2
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decades ago. but with this current situation, this how much if implemented on the ground, it seemed that if iraq is going to be the least beneficiary of this summer, ok. but last time, back over the days and weeks to come, but for now my life isn't bad. thank you. in thailand is tightening restrictions in bangkok and other provinces to tackle its worst corona, i recite break so far. the measures begin on monday for 30 days. construction sites will be close done, and indoor dining and gatherings of more than 20 people will be banned. health officials for the increase in infections or lack of cooperation from migrant workers. let's get more now from profit which on approved. he's a columnist because of english news websites in thailand and joins us from bank called thank sir. joining us here in al jazeera, what do you think the situation in thailand is getting worse is really don't see
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the migrant workers, are they just a convenient scapegoat for a country that wants to open up fully, but is really facing a search and infections for the more last scape goat because the turn outbreak began when you, you know, absolutely, and ties even including a top ation diplomats were found to have violated the restrictions data that popped without proper social distance thing and eventually became infected. so it's easy to just blame the migrant workers from neighboring countries will when bad bad the brunt, because now there will be kept in the very tiny corrugated iron rooms for one month. so this is something that i think we need to be very open minded about and not buying
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a scapegoat in terms of the government's response. see the pandemic overall? i mean, how has to try government been doing when i seeing this for rise in infections? of course, there are these new variance which are much more virulent. but in terms of tackling the pandemic, i would be ready to take off my response. how does the vaccine bullet, for example, going vaccine roll out has been very slow. it has been delayed. currently only about 10 percent of the total population of 70 millions. also people have been given that 1st shot or job of backseat and only about 4 percent of being given to jobs. my understanding is that in cutoff, for example, half of the populations i've already been inoculated. so that's one thing. second has to do with some of the makes or the brands of the vaccine used to be. while the
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oxford astrazeneca have been delayed, including the low cold production, the reliance now shift towards final but which is not very well received when it comes to the ability to use, you know, produce, heard immunity. so these are problems placing the thai government, but on top of that we are dealing with a new variance of course alpha and delta shipley. it's still alpha and the government shut the plan that did not anticipate the new variance spreading very speedily in bangkok and beyond. and how we're telling people reacting to all of this because of things don't improve quickly. things really low tone, the economy, particularly the tourism sex, is going to take
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a massive hates and that effect that's already under pressure. i retire people reacting to this because the government's already under pressure from democracy protest is as it is, these corporate problems certainly aren't going to help. absolutely more and more people, even doors. we used to support the prime minister general. but you know, i'm now very upset at the delay of the inoculation programs, for example, and the economy as really taking a very big hit. the tourism industry has been more last in hibernation for the past year and a half. and it will continue to do so for most of pylon, despite the fact that just about 2 weeks ago, the prime minister himself has announced that thailand will be re open to our
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tourist, the whole of the country within a $120.00 days or mid october. it's famous if this plan will now be the rail. although the sultan island of pook at will be open for tourism on a trial basis in what we call the to get sandbox. and this is happening on july the 1st, so to can will be a test case what a pilot can successfully, you know, welcome to a tourist or not, but we are facing a lot of art at the moment. okay. a lot of challenges ahead there. i thank you so much for talking through that, and that's a brother. it's rude, john approve joining us live from bank called thank you. i to hello fella has here on our to 0. all those of us who make these rules got sick by them. and that's why i got to resign the man wanting bidding can demick respond that fair
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enough to be scandalously caught breaking his own restrictions more. rival riley's in the room for the presidential contenders? we think final election result. ah, ah, it's time for the perfect journey. with sponsored by capital airways, how we got plenty of sunshine to central parts of europe to the east to the west, though it is very, very thundering, more heavy in sundry downpours is hot and humid because eastern path and more sundry downpours over towards the west. nasty little area of low pressure, this one actually and as we went through saturday ports of a tornado, embarking east london, we have got more showers coming in across the southern parts of england. because
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a good part of the france as we go on through us sunday, some heavy showers coming through here, heavy showers, further east as well, just around at east side of hash browns ukraine, down towards the black sea, up towards that western side of russia. 32 celsius in moscow as far as the football is concerned, it will be hot and dry in budapest, hot and dry too, in seville for the north. so showers will continue and it's gonna be an unsettled week for the start of the tennis in london. when wouldn't maybe say one or 2 showers late on monday? i think for much of monday should be largely dry, but the shower was never really too far away. so the best of sunshine is into central and southern parts of europe and joins up with the hot weather. the sunny weather that we have across northern parts of africa. heavy showers continued around the gulf of guinea popping up across the tauriel belts all away to liberia civilian sponsored pay cut on airways. talk to al jazeera, we owe skinny ami were attacking ringer,
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and now they're attacking everyone and me on my do you regret? well, it's like we listen. absolutely. nigeria with a woman present, it would be great. we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on al jazeera. you want to help save the world, needs into your elbow in, ah, ah, the me this is al jazeera, quick from i don't. the top stories are the fire burning beneath the collapse building and surf. florida continues to hamper rescue efforts. 5 people are known to have died,
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but 156 remain unaccounted for. the leaders of jordan and egypt for heading to bagdad for summit with iraq's prime minister. so it is expected to address economic corporation security and i to counter iran. and thailand is typing restrictions in bangkok and other provinces to tackle for site break the virus construction site shops, dining and gathering for 20 people of the band. second, destroy the and city has been placed into lockdown darwin and the north has to take his 5 cases linked to a central extremely gold mine sydney as well then for the next 2 weeks straight, his largest city has no counted 110 cove with 1900 cases, links to be highly contagious. delta variance contact traces are also trying to find airline passengers who wrong planes with an infected flight attendant has been traveling all over the country. thousands of people are scrambling to leave the
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bangladesh capital darker before tough, new measures come into force. on monday, the 3rd in cases friday and 6000 cases was accorded more than 100 palaces. the 2nd highest battle since the pandemic began former chancellor, such a java to become the new health secretary in the u. k. after his predecessor was forced to resign. but hancock admitted breaching rules he helped create. when it was revealed, he kissed and embraced a woman in his office or brennan reports from london. the aim, of course, is to break the link to unusually for a health zachary mat hancock rose to become a household name. thanks in large part to the covert pandemic, while he stood out embarrassed johnson's cabinets as a minister influential in setting government policy and broadcasting daily briefings to the nation by some exciting new data so on it was uniquely
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embarrassing for hancock to find himself in breach of social distancing rules for conducting an affair with an aide at work. it was also a wider context, caught up with him in his resignation letter to prime minister bar as johnston, the hancock apologized to his family for putting them through this and said the last thing i would want is my private life to distract attention from the single minded focus, that is leading us out of this crisis. i understand the enormous sacrifices that everybody in this country has made that you have made. and those of us who make these rules have got to stick by them. and that's why i've got to resign junctions letter of response was full of praise and concluded by predicting that hancock's contribution to public service is far from over. but despite the prime minister's ringing endorsement, the house secretary handling of the covert pandemic has been criticized by many really dating back to the early stages of the pandemic. allegations of cronyism, health care contracts awarded by his department to close contact off the health
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secretary. the claims that he lied to the prime minister about a fatal lack of testing in care homes. shortages of personal protective equipment, were blamed on procurement problems, leaving medical cast f at risk in recent weeks. hancock with a subjective damning testimony by the former senior advisor to johnson dominic selected for i think that the secretary of state health shouldn't be fired for at least 15. 20 things including lying to everybody. multiple occasions in meeting after meeting in the, in the current room on publicly cummings also revealed whatsapp message sent by bonus johnson last year. calling hancock totally hopeless in the end that it was the charge of hypocrisy, which finally led to his demise pull brennan al jazeera johnson and johnson has agreed to pay $230000000.00 to set the case in new york about its role in fuel and be appealed epidemic. the pharmaceutical joint says it's permanently stopped making
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and selling the highly addictive paying killer in the us. johnson and johnson denies any wrong doing. and the settlement means that won't be part of the major trial fussing in a few days time. when 500000 americans die from applied over joseph since the crisis began 20 years ago, william solomon is the chief executive officer of the accreditation council for medical affairs. he says, doctors need to be better educated about the dangers of the drugs they're prescribing. we as a public in the, you know, whether we're in the u. s. or abroad. we need to ask ourselves, what are these pharmaceutical companies have to do differently when it comes to how they communicate information, health care providers. one of the things that the biggest secret that people aren't aware of the public in terms of the pharmaceutical industry is that the people that are out there that are really educating doctors on drugs on devices or not actually
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sales reps, their medical science liaison, their medical affairs professionals and these individuals have a significant impact on the education of a physician once they've graduated medical school. and from our perspective, those individuals should have a credential. they should be certified like any other profession. the form industry still, you know, behind on the april when it comes to that, there should be some kind of men on core competencies met to ensure that we're informing, prescriber, decision, appropriately lebanese security forces far don't protest is entering at least 4 people will storm banks and the offices of power companies will pretty quickly insight on savings accounts for the white, tight by the plunging value lebanon's currency. the world bank says lebanon spiraling economic crisis could be among the worst scenes globally. is 150 years.
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thousands of asylum seekers awaiting on the mexican us border and increasingly unsanitary and precarious conditions this month, the bike, the ministration did away with a trunk or a program under which asylum seekers have to stay in mexico while the cases were processed and a slot of palo reports from a camp into wanna many hope the ball back means they can soon cross the border a migrant camp if you want to, mexico get some here or asylum seekers whose cases did not make it to court. under the trump administration's my group protection protocols or m p p, a recent rollback of this policy by us president joe bite. it has allowed some asylum seekers to enter. the us would only those with accurate and p p. case of the muslim tonnage in asylum seeker from 100 was been waiting in mexico for the last 2 years. says she's hopeful of the changing policy law was like me because the last lawyer told me a judge had closed my case and that i had to open
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a new one. but then i spoke with a different lawyer who told me my case was not closed. and that i still have a chance to enter the united states. what i want to do my group protection protocol, also known as to remain in mexico program 1st and estimated 70000 people to wait for immigration hearings in cities on the mexican side of the border. we met abeline also from honduras because he's been the victim of violence and even kidnapping. since arriving in c one and 2 years ago. but a reopening of his asylum case means he might soon have an opportunity to cross the border. legally know if you wanna set it up. okay. i maybe i have renewed hope because my lawyers said, have patience. wilma reopening in pay pay cases. i had almost given up, but thank god cases are being reopened. if rumors asylum cases except if he could soon joined the more than 11000 people with active n p. p cases who have been allowed to enter the us since february. but there are
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many others were still waiting for guidance on what to do next. human rights groups estimate there to be around $3000.00 people living at this migrant. now the ongoing coven, 1900 health emergency means the border remains closed, disrupting the traditional us asylum process. now this means that for thousands of migrants and asylum seekers have no choice, but to wait here on this side of the border. with more people arriving every day, migrants rights advocates warned that conditions of the camp are no longer sustainable. they don't see them in comp, i'm in the campus in a terrible situation. organized crime has infiltrated it. there's disease there. risk people have suffered violence there. and i believe it's a ticking time bomb despite the phasing out of trump era policies like n p p, the byte it administration has yet to normalize the us as silent process. experts say that until the system becomes more streamline. the crisis on this side of the border will only continue to worsen when winds up
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a little al jazeera. he want to mexico. columbia is offering a reward of nearly $600000.00 for information on who tax a helicopter carrying president ivan duke, a helicopter was shot at will flying venezuela? border on friday? police say they find high powered weapons which they believe a link to venezuela. nobody was injured in the incidence if, if it's one of those rifles or a $47.00 rifles with a registration number that is already being searched by the investigators at the national police and prosecutors and the 762 caliber, foul typewriter with the mark of the venezuelan armed forces supporters of peruse tow to presidential contenders of called their support, designed for move rival rallies and lima. socialist federal castillo, claim victory unless one selections, as the official cats case manero leave. but his right when challenger kick off,
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would you maury, one balance and nov based on unproven allegations of fraud. she's pushing the current president to call for investigation on monday, i will go to the presidential palace, i hope to have the opportunity to talk to the president. otherwise, i will personally leave a letter requesting an international investigation. marianna sanchez says the latest from the protests and lima, supporters of c. marty are marching in the capital divided by police. hi. so they do not clash. now both sides are saying that they are marching and processing to defend the past would be absolutely send their vote. it's been more than 20 days since the election. phil electro officials, not name the new president, gets the supporter enough, is enough. it is signed up electrical officials name the new president named seal as a new president because he has more than 44000 both ahead of k. go for him already
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out there. you know the look toral officials have to speed up and name. professor casteel president because that's what the popular vote has decided at the well into the night. kept putting pressure on the electrical official, gay couple of the bodies, the borders say they won't accept any result until all voting record confessed that our results. this is all a fraud, it can't be fair. how is it possible that the national electoral jury have sold themselves and allowed a terrorist to become president? we want to free and independent country the well, the 5 is a national monitors have said that the selections are free and fair. both sides are convinced that they hold the truth. the country is deeply polarized. now i've got the supporters. i say electoral official, the name president,
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now they're threatening hall and national try. 35 people have been rescued from the far as it swept through a marina in hong kong. it burned through 16 boats thinking at least 10 of them. it's a cruise for the $630.00 to put it out. fuel tanks could be heard exposing 6 walks covered the marina and neighboring tara blocks. organizes of the tour de france fun to see the spectator keys, of course, who cyclists to crash. the spectator was pausing for a picture while holding a sign that not the german cyclist 20 martineau balance, the sole cause, the pilot at left several people injured. extreme heat is expected to break records in the pacific northwest, the united states, people across the west coast. the urge to find shelter from life threatening temperatures in the coming days. excessive heat warnings had been issued from northern california to washington state. with corona virus, justing, bolivians,
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concert halls, and national symphony orchestra has come up with a safe new venue. the path is by were given an impromptu symphony from balconies in luck, buzz. the orchestra says the gestures meant to own a colleague, statement to the virus and help people struggling that the pandemic with iris has killed more than 16000 people in the nation. infected 400000 years, ah ah, this is al jazeera and these are the headlines a far burden beneath the collapse building in surfside, florida continues to hamper rescue efforts for people who are known to have died. but 156 people remain unaccounted for. the leaders of jordan and egypt are in by.
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