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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2021 12:00am-12:31am +03

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5 kilometer per hour winds in the capital region and your temperatures to will be in the single digits. after asia pacific were tracking tropical energy, moving north up the pacific ocean, not looking to have a big impact for tokyo, but our plumb rains falling across the yangtze river valley out toward the east, trying to see. i think the bulk of this act to be will steer out toward the pacific and major clipped the eastern portion upon you on monday. the. ah, this is al jazeera ah, hello, i'm sorry. i'm was watching the news, our life in london coming up in the next 60 minutes. south africa is seeing a massive surgeon of infection. schools to close an old gatherings bond as the
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delta vary and fuel south africa was 3rd wave of cove at 19. the, this is thousands of migrant workers rushed to escape. dot kara had a new lockdown in the bangladesh. she capital the more violence on a full day of protest against the palestinian president. after the death of a leading critic and an agonizing weight. as the search goes on for more than a 150 people still missing 3 days off to florida, apartment block collab 9 people on now confirm to have died in school defending champions. ports going to just be knocked out over the your rose belgium, beating them one know to advance in the course. fine. i
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hello, welcome to the news out. the delta variance is continuing to cause a steep rise in covey infections around the world, but there is mountain concern about south africa now with the presidents announcing tougher restrictions as the country seeks to stem a surging 3rd wave of the corona virus or gatherings in the sale of our call will be banned for 2 weeks from midnight. schools will close from wednesday, and 9 pm curfew will be enforced in an address to the nation. sarah ram, oppose as stress, that the rapid spread of the delta variance is extremely serious. we are in the grid of a devastating wave that by all indications seems like it would be west and those that have preceded it. the peak of this 3rd wave looks set to be higher than the previous 2 waves. the 1st wave,
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if we recall last that 15 weeks, the 2nd wave lasted nearly 9 weeks. we don't know how long this one will last, but indications that it could last longer. robin smith has won a story now from cape town. all indications right now what we're being told is that this 3rd wave is going to be worse than what we experienced in the 2nd way. and this is what i'm expected. government was expecting that the 3rd wave would actually his us not as hard as the 2nd wave did. and this was because they weren't expecting down for variance to come to the africa. but now what we've heard is the adult variant that is most dominant info. that's got the moment, not as you played that bite from the president. he went on to say that, you know, private,
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public confident bottling under the pressure. we are hearing reports of ambulances, killing outside of people being turned away for treatment, for admission into hospital of people being treated at home, but not having enough oxygen of hospital beds running or hospitals running out of space of oxygen as well. and what we also use, you've made it very clear that the current restrictions of purely are not working people on giving them either of thousands of migrant workers have been scrambling to leave the capital of bangladesh before tough new corona virus restrictions come into force that a lot of john will close most businesses and can find people to their homes in the coming days as follows, the surgeon cases of the highly infectious delta, very 1st identified in neighboring india. on friday, almost 6000 new cases of recorded and more than 100 fatalities, the 2nd highest death. ho! since the pandemic began locked down. i'm heading home.
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what would we do? doing this locked down, expected to stop with my family in my village. everything will be closed during the lockdown. there's no point sitting idle and imprisoned in decor. i'd rather spend time with my kids and parents at home. out there is canada. chandry has more from dot com. now on friday, their government and now that district locked down and it will be in force, that's when the people got panic and thousands of people are leaving the capital city. the bus restrict on the trains are shut down, so they're going by any means of transport. some people are actually walking because from served in july 1, there will be a complete shut down and it will be enforced by law enforcement agency, including the military will be applied. so people are panic. they want to be with their family. they want to be in their home to stay guarding their rural villages. now, the quick question is why it took so long? the virus has been spreading since may 15th,
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that was record at the influx rate was growing high in the bordering to say, the government still delayed by the strict or shut down bangor that has 4000 kilometers a border with india. and it's very part of a lot of trade, people going back and forth. now it's spreading through the capital city hospitals in the district with bordering india. our full it's use are in full capacity. it's still not a crisis point, but it could very well reach that well elsewhere thailand is also it's night tightening restrictions in bangkok and other provinces to tackle what it's west current of ours outbreak. so far. these new measures beginning on monday will last for a month, construction sites will be shut down and the indoor dining and gatherings of more than 20 people will be banned. health officials blame the rise and infections on a lack of compliance among migrant workers. and then timelines. neighbor to the south. malaysia is extending its national lockdown to try and stop the sprite of coven 19. restrictions will be lifted on monday,
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but the prime minister says they wont be even till daily cases for below 4000 more than 5000 infections reported on saturday. the measures of brought in at the start of the month after the daily number of cases topped 9000 and then a 2nd australian 50 has been placed into locked down. darwin and australia's northern territory is detected at 5 covered cases linked to a gold mine. sydney is already locked down for the next 2 weeks. australia's launch says he has now counted 110 infections linked to the highly contagious delta vary. now, contact traces are also trying to find airline passengers who are on planes with an infected flight attendant who had been traveling all over the country. well, doctor, may saw the hub is an assistant professor of infectious disease epidemiology, london, school of hygiene and tropical medicine. she joins me by skype from london. so throughout the 2020, there were these variants that didn't really do very much, didn't seem to change calculations. but now we have the delta variance that is
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behaving very differently. what, what do we need to pay attention to with this new strain of the virus? i think the new strain of the virus is far more transmissible. it's flat to be up to 60 percent more transmissible than previous periods. and i think that is the biggest driving factor here is that it runs through at such a quick rate than anything that we have had before. and of course, the more infections you have more hospitalization you might have. and obviously the more adopt you might have that is the key factor here, right? and apart from the statistics in terms of the, the more infections, the greater the likelihood of going into hospital, what about the symptoms? is there enough data to establish whether that the symptoms with this strain is more serious people more, more likely to be admitted into hospital, into intensive care and to possibly die? so you are twice more likely to be hospitalized with adult variance and with the
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previous variance. and obviously there still are going on to figure out what the characteristics of the disease might be. but obviously, once you are hospitalized, that means that you are, you know, you're struggling with, with the complication of cold it. and to a higher degree, the number of people who are, who are doing so much it's a lot so. so numbers do matcher, as well as the individual outcomes of individual patient. we were just listing a whole range of countries that are seeing a rise in infections because of this much more transmissible delta variance. which is obviously much more in infectious than the original strain, much more efficient at spreading. how long before this becomes the, the prevalent dominant strain of the virus? well, you can see that it, that depends on how, how early the virus was introduced in district in countries. and for example,
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in the keep new k and increasing number of european countries. the delta variance is already the dominant variance where i think in the u. k. it's, it's almost the vast majority is in fact the delta variance, and i think that you are seeing introductions in african, obviously in se asia, in countries with stronger economic ties with the delta variance that was 1st identified in india. and so once it's introduced going, of course it's, it's much for transport transmissible and then it reproduces that are very high rate. so presumably, countries that are not that have a lesser link with where with where countries already experiencing the delta vibrant as a majority will, will struggle less, you know, as you see it across different countries, it'll pick up speed everywhere really caught him indeed. and, and a lot of places in many countries, there is
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a period of time of sort of gap between the 1st and the, the 2nd you need to vaccination shots to be completely immune. there is that gap between the vaccination shots, and that might be a perception that with some degree of immunity and with case number's going down, that one might not need a 2nd shot. that might be one perception, but how much protection does one shot offer you from this new? how much community is that from this new strain? so when, when it depends on, on the vaccine, but with astrazeneca, for example, you are seeing that with 2 doses, you'll see about 66 percent of reduction in in cases and then 60 percent with the new barrier. so it was 66 percent before. ready and drop the 60 percent with pfizer, for example. you, you're seeing production around 93 percent and then that has dropped to about 88 percent. and that's with, with 2 doses. it's still good. you know, it's,
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it's still highly effective. the vaccines are very effective. it's much better, of course, to get 2 doses than one, and so, you know, wherever you are, and you're lucky enough to have access to vaccines, do so, and get the 2 doses. and even with the 2 doses, one has to be extremely careful even beyond not just to not only to protect oneself the others and to try to break the chain transmission to other people, which is, which is really central where that's the coverage and whoa, whoa, thank you very much talk to me soon. have appreciate that picky. well, and other developments, the prime minister of luxembourg as tested positive for coven, 19 just 2 days after attending a european summit in brussels. how the battle has gone into isolation for 10 days after getting the test result 48 year old leader is so far, only received one vaccine dose. all the leaders who attended the summer on not
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considered at risk as mosque wiring and social distancing was observed. in the news, our life from london much more land. the dozens are, dad is the fight for humans. oil rich myra region intensifies. well, looking at the exit polls from france, his regional ronald suggesting it's bad news for fall, right. need a marine the pen as well. as president manuel mac wrong, and then later install onedrive, it continues to dominate a formula one season. andy will be here with that story. ah. now in the west bank of 4th day of protest against the palestinian authority has ton violent palestinian security forces. $510.00 gas and don grenades as hundreds rallied in ramallah after the death of an outspoken critic of the palestinian authority is by not died in custody after being arrested by security forces on
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thursday. family says he was dragged from his home and beaten protested, are demanding the resignation of president mahmoud abbas over this. jerry stephanie decker is in ramallah and says, members of the media were being targeted at the protest. people were being beaten and the interesting thing was that there is a heavy security presence of balancing and security of forces with gardens and passions and tear gas when we arrive to the bureau earlier today, but they were nowhere to be seen. they allow this to happen, and particularly also a lot of salt in the crowd targeting particular media. also, we were surrounded by 6 of them all to see our camera. we weren't filming, at the time, we were forced to put the satellite down on our s n g other colleagues had their cameras smashed and broken. our camera man, mark was filming at some point, was warned 3 times in the last time the same guy came back to him and said, i'm going to smash your camera for you to stop filming. so i think something certainly a very clear concert and campaign going on. let me bring in the fire. you caught
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his eye witness who was there as well. what are we, what are we seeing? what happened? what happened there? well, the key thing that happened was a mass protest was organized against the assassination of never been an earlier today. and hundreds of people were coming down. but the p a security forces in civilian clothing decided to attack us. and so they didn't let people mobilize and they began targeting media, as you mentioned, also organizers like myself and others. and essentially they began beating us. many people were forced to run into the different looks and were there were some women that were harassed as sexually by the p. a. it's extremely dangerous and painful happens all because they fear public mobilization against my modem and the p a who are continually collaborating with the occupations and oppressing the palestinian people. let me, let me ask you, there's a, there's a low support for the p a at the moment. what is the issue?
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well, 1st of all, 84 percent of the palestinian people say impulse that the palestinian authority is corrupt. so that's the 1st issue. the 2nd issue is that the p a has become an authoritarian regime. they are arresting activists, they are beating people in the and last but not least, the palestinian people want to struggle for freedom one to struggle for justice. the supplements are expending, and we see the p a and the p. a rule has been assisting the occupations preventing the post in the struggle. and so put those 3 things together. collaborating with the occupation targeting activists and in the end, also assassinating, which is a new escalation activists. people do not want the p 8 to govern them anymore. well, the death toll from the south florida apartment tower 3 days ago. the reason to 9 with more than 150 people still missing, rescues of recovered for more bodies from the debris. another person who had been rescued later died in hospital such for survivors has been hampered by fire binding
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deep inside the rubble. but that's now under control, teams from israel and mexico arrives to help with round the clock rescue efforts. so the man who has a process and this process is very slow and the families are suffering greatly. what they want to know is what happened to their loved one, but this is a very slow process and everyone has to respect that. one man has described his missing grandmother and a card he found in the rubble. so her name is hilda noriega. she's 92 years old. going on 62 years old. she's just so full of energy and she just loves people. she made friends everywhere. there she goes. and it happened to be my grandmother's name, hilda. and it was a birthday card that was given to her a couple weeks ago. i did,
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jo castro's live at the scene joins us now and id. how is the ongoing effort? how is it being characterized? vera? is it now very much a search and recovery operation? not yet. and the authorities conducting this search are very quick to point out that they have no time line. we were asking, you know what these hours taken by now more than 85 hours since the collapse when will it be considered of recovery rather than rescue mission and they are quick to say there is no deadline that the search crews will continue combing through this debris, inch by inch until it is believed that there is no possibility of life trapped underneath this rubble. and at this moment, they still believe there could be hope. but the reality is, of the 2 people who have been pulled from this rubble since the collapse,
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they were pulled early. the next day following this collapse and yesterday there was no good news. there was no good news today either. as the desk told, rose to 9, we're told it is so compacted in this debris scene because these are 12 stories, a feel in concrete that essentially can take on itself. and so the only progress that searching rescuers have made is by digging a trench and it is in the process of digging that they made that grim discovery overnight discovery, an additional 4 bodies. this is terrible news, of course, or the many loved ones of the $150.00 plus who are still missing in this building. this is a very international community with relatives from near and far, and so even now more loved ones from latin america and other countries are arriving
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in surfside, florida. to continue with this very grim wait for news, as they still hold out hope that somehow a miracle has occurred. hasn't been any more detail on the the reports of instability and structural damage in the foundations of the building. and if that has implications for other buildings in the area, right, al jazeera spoke with the structural engineer to say that it appears a must be a variety of everything going wrong at the same time. there's indication that this building in particular suffered from maintenance issues and suffered from design flaw in the construction. that was a fact the conclusion of a structural engineer, inspection of that very building just completed 3 years ago. it led to a plan for extensive renovation and repairs to this building. the plans were about
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to happen, and tragically, those fixtures were not made in time. the other theory is that the ground upon which all of these high rise is, are built here. miami beach is essentially saying and, and organic fil, brought in raj from other parts of the ocean and put here many years ago in order to fuel this very rapid development that this region saw years ago. and the concern is that that land continues to shift beneath the foundations of the building. and then, and there's some evidence, there may have been a sinkhole potentially, that opened up underneath this tower. that collapse all of these though, of course, are still theories and the authorities are emphasizing that while these are important questions to ask that right now, their focus remains on the search and recovery mission rescue mission. but thank
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you very much, heidi joe castro. we were to political developments in france, where the far right is again failed to win even a single region. in sundays runoff election, exit polls are showing the mainstream political parties emerging victorious from the 2nd round of voting. they indicate that the center, right conservatives have secured 7 regions in mainland from while the center left looks on course to control 5. the penn national rally has failed to win the region seen as its best opportunity, its strong prevalence out because you're around last, se a nice. it was also a humiliating election night for present manual mike calls republic on the move party which hasn't won any regions either. she did that, i mean i'm more than ever determined to devote all of my energy and my will to rehabilitate politics. bring back its usefulness and its efficiency for the benefit of the french because the presidential election appears more than ever to be the
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election that will allow us to have a change in politics and in policy and made the french give us their support in this mission i'm calling on the french as early as tomorrow to build together. the alternative that france needs are crucial. factor analyst has been time out for both rounds. it's very low, just 35 percent estimated to voted in the run off. it is the final electoral task before next year's presidential vote. conservative, heavier the trans cemented. his status is the center rights. best chance of challenging macro and the pen in that election. so the message you like to know who i want to speak directly to this front that we refuse to see that we refuse to hear that abstained on these 2 sundays. it's an emotional cry of a france that works every day, but they can no longer make ends meet. it's the cry of france that is all to make big effort. but that only receives contempt or indifference in return. it's the cry of affront that respects the rule. sees that everywhere the lower trampled with
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impunity. lodges. there is. tasha butler brings us the latest now from paris. while at the end of this election, france is pretty much divided between the traditional left the socialist from the allies and the traditional rights of conservatives. and their supporters, very good results for them. and date confirming what we saw in the 1st round, the selection, very disappointing result. so for the far right leisure, marine, the penn national rally party, failed to win any regions in the selection she had really been hoping when region, when the south of france, where i can't say i'd been in the leaf. but in the end, he was knocked out by the conservative candidate. she is claiming for facts to turn out was low. she says the selection was not well organized, but they will of course, be question being off within a policy as to why they did so badly in monument across the french president, his policy republic on the move, also failing to win any regions. they'll also be
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a very disappointed republic on the move as a young policy was created by my cross spring bought into the presidency, but it is failed over the years. the capture him faces imagination to win any wider grass roots support. nevertheless, some all saying that the regional election could be an indication of what is to come next. here we have the presidential elections and in 2022 in 2017 mike crow and le pen were the front runners. and paul suggest that they could be the front one is in 2022, but no doubt they will have to draw some conclusions and learn some lessons from these regional polls. peer husky is a friend, john list and commentator, and joins us now from paris. with the town out, why was that so low? well, there's a lot of these enchantment by voters with the political elite in general. i think
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it is the main lesson from the law to that. but what happened, which was a surprise is that usually when there's a lot on that voters from the far right, still go to the polls because they are more motivated than they are the angry side of the electorate. and this time it's been happened, which is a big disappointment for him as we so because she was counting on that gap between the motivation of her hair voters and the apathy of the rest of the voters. and it didn't happen. and she will have to answer questions within their own party on the reasons for that disappointment. yes. how do you explain the failure of the far right and read append to win a single region in this election? well, there are 2 factors. one is probably that mary lou been hasn't recovered the
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credibility that she lost in 2017. when she was facing emmanuel mccoy in the previous presidential election, she failed to convince voters that she had the ranking, the skill to be the president's. and since then, she's been trying hard to bridge the credibility gap and it seems that this is still a failure on her side. and the other element is probably that after a year and a half of the and the ups and that we've had frances, at the moment in a pretty good mood, lockdown is over. the bars, restaurants are open. there's the, you are a football that is going on and your mobile championship. yeah. and there's not this anger that may loop in the building on usually who to get voters on her
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side. so we're thing this, i think is interesting. the shuffle then in the political landscape, what could this mean for the election next year, or where do we have to be careful how much we read into that? if the turn out was low? yes, we have to be careful because the presidential election is, is the major election and voting is usually pretty high. so it's hard to draw lessons from this low turn out into next election. but still, we see that the traditional mainstream parties from the right from the left and still kept their positions in the political landscape emanuel my home gamble in 2017 was that he was going to destroy the oldest publisher and impose its own new landscape. this hasn't happened, so i'm quite strong in the presidential race,
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but you will have to come in with the conservative who are making you coming back and particularly exhibit, call the leader of the northern region whose definitely is going to be the 3rd man in the race between menu and my call. and that's something that is making the selection a little bit more unpredictable than it was supposed to be. thank you very much. appreciate you taking time to speak to us on the news out p r husky. you have the news out life from london coming out, we're going to look at why me and mas journalists fear for their safety. even after crossing into neighboring thailand, conditions for asylum seekers stuck in mexico are getting worse for many hope they consume cross into the united states. legally. uninstalled for time gold medalist. serena williams coast time one, her pick korea ah
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hello. nice to see you. we may have had another tornado tear through europe this time in east london. it's tough to tell with this video of that funnel cloud did actually touch the ground. but this is what the u. k met office will now investigate. it is all part of a disturbance spinning around the be a big scale, throwing a lot of rain toward northern areas of spain, a huge swath of france for the southern portions of the united kingdom into the low countries. and we also got to talk about where we could see storms flare up toward northern areas of ukraine into bella. ruth and western rush. actually pretty much on that border with russia and bella. ruth, on monday. then it's all about the heat. has free coach of the mediterranean and the levant temperatures are building a leper. we've got you in for 40 degrees and check out some of these temperatures across turkey on tale of 40 and on cyprus. nickos. see,
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we're going to lock your temperature into the low fourties of for the next few days and you should be about $35.00 degrees.


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