tv [untitled] June 30, 2021 1:30pm-2:01pm +03
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to but the good part of romania as well. 34 celsius their book rest, sunshine down was at east side of the mediterranean. 39 celsius in athens should be perhaps, little hotter still is the parts of turkey and cyprus and certainly hotter in 2 parts of northern africa, 45 celsius, therefore, triple lots of hot sunshine across north africa. plenty of showers through the equitorial belts. and they extend all away through west africa with a city defined by military occupation. there's never been an arab state with the capital of jerusalem. everyone is welcome. but the default sexual that meant in the colonial project. that's what we're diffuse a was one of the founders of a settlement with this and the story of jerusalem through the eyes of its own people. segregation, occupation discrimination injustice. this is i thought, cited for the 1st century, jerusalem, a rock and
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a hard place analogy. 0 across the world, young actually based and organized there on the move. the day we do the work in the 1st 7 years to people in new york city, you different to me, 5 institutional racism and police brutality. this is indeed a wide problem. that wires a systemic pollution generally can change on o a just a reminder, tell stories this up if you open government says editor and forces has now
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withdrawn from c good i and acknowledge that may so just and civilians killed ticket people's liberation front is now in control of the regional capital calling north korea's leader has sent several of his top officials off of what he told a grave lapse in cologne of ours prevention. qindzhong accused him of incompetence, saying the unspecified incident caused a major crisis. police in western canada reporting an increase in sudden death after a record breaking his head parts of north america. at least 65 people had died in the vancouver area alone since friday. most of them were elderly protesters have rallied in iraq's capital, condemned us as strikes that killed several members of the radio bags part of military group. the popular mobilization forces have promised to retaliate. the pentagon says its forces are in iraq at the request of the government to combat iso mahard had the reports from baghdad, pledging to retaliate,
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members of iraq. so popular mobilization forces held a symbolic funeral for the fight. you told me about dad, the green zone. they were killed in monday's u. s. s. like in car m district near the iraqi border with syria and met. but i. 6 mean, what i don't was, i don't that but the how the rifles and drones of the resistance were mobilized now, the time has come to events, the death of our heroes, including castilla money and i will, must be more hon. this there was a heavy security presence in the area with patricia took songs and then themes, the protest to the 3, the banners, what they call resistance military commanders of the popular mobilization forces and political leaders say they want to convey a message to the international community about about a law in parliament passed
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a resolution in the presence of foreign troops in the country is unlawful that they've been here since 2014, and they have nothing to offer a rockies but destruction. pentagon accuses those are targeted of launching drone attacks against us personnel and facilities and iraq. the popular mobilization horse, the night killed the members were part one. iraqi army detachment responsible for preventing i still fighters from crossing into iraq from syria. iraq, the government is planning to open an investigation into the air strikes, stating its land is cannot be used for what it called, settling scores. with our ratios, the iraqi government stones is clear that the prime minister legally condemned the attack. it is a violation of the state sovereignty prime minister planning a trip to washington, set a time table for us to withdraw. the 8 strikes were carried out just 2 days after drop that tagged an area close to the new u. s. consulate in, in bill,
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in northern iraq tension has been raising between washington, any iran since the u. s. a. to strike, kill the head of iran, puts a force cause him to lay manny along with a bomb. i didn't want this. a took commanded of the popular mobilization forces in dead last year, carrying out these threats of revenge now could mean more escalation in the region . and lead to a dispute between iraq's government and these parliamentary groups that were had else that has been violence between police and protested in a palestinian neighbourhood of occupied east jerusalem after is ready forces demolished, a local butcher shop, more than a dozen people who are injured including 2 officers around 20 properties in the area a 2nd, the demolition. and it's really court says they don't have the necessary permits palestinian faith. the documents are impossible for as reportedly reached
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a deal with settlers for an illegal outpost and occupied was trying to trigger palestinian protest. i post the novelist was built last month without the permission of israeli authorities on land, palestinian say it privately owned under the agreement. the army will take it over but says, let's say they expect you to be able to return protests against the palestinian authority unexpected later than wednesday after the death of a prominent critics who died in police custody. these are gonna died on thursday hours after being arrested and beaten by palestinian security officers leading to protests across the occupied west bank. a special committee formed by the palestinian authority to invest, investigate his death, issued a report which has been rejected by his family. they're demanding and impartial and international investigation. one of the world's oldest political parties is
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celebrating its 100 year. the chinese communist party laid the foundation of modern china and its ruled unchallenged. ever since the country is gone from decades of isolation to becoming a global power and is continued, you reports what seen is basing growing sat of us abroad is welcomed by many back home. in the chinese blockbuster film will for acute heroes, long fung, saved innocent civilians violent and exploitative rebels. well for the movie became the highest and chinese film of all time and was praised by government leaders for its nationalistic message. the term wolf warrior is now being used to describe china's increasingly confrontational approach to foreign policy. worried the label is given to this whole new class of chinese who acting in a much more effective and sometimes even kind of offensive way around the world with us or the chinese government spokesman. john jen is considered by many in
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china to be the leader of the book. warriors may was some of the united states very soon. the group of 7 should take americans pulse and prescribed medication. china's ambassador to france, you shall, yes, is another proponent, he was recently summoned by the french government for insulting an academic. the diplomat says china is merely defending itself from growing criticism of its policies, including allegations of human rights abuses against wiggins. instead, young, it's cracked on, on democracy, actors in hong kong, and the handling of the pandemic and investigations into the origins of corporate 19. analysts say the tough approach is hardening attitudes towards china in the wet and is a stock contrast to the low profile diplomacy pursued by former leader dom shopping celine, this kind of tough. it hides something, the laws and the contradictions and shows of lack of patience,
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an effective tact in all that's left this throughout the time for you guys. it was you, president, she didn't pay her. china is locked in the global war for public opinion. he's called unofficial here to promote an image of china, which is credible, lovable and respectable. but at the same time, the leader has also called on diplomats to display a so called slighting spirits. in the face of international backlash, a backlash which he believes is intended to contain china's rise, new confidence had with confidence of ensuring insecurity about china's place in the world. but also on the part of individual chinese who look at an increasing the whole chinese lead, focuses on ideology and lead up to the chinese communist party is 100 year advisory . they do is working hard to send one message. china's time has arrived,
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whether the world chooses to accept it or not. katrina, you all the 0 paging. in bangladesh, thousands of factors of rice crops have been wiped out by heat, low humidity, and not enough rain. climate experts are wanting to phenomenon could threaten food supplies, how the child reports from the network content, bangladesh faces increasingly extreme weather due to climate change. and recently a sudden sharp heat weigh destroyed more than 68000 hackers of rice crop, affecting more than 300000 farmers mohammed sided had expected to earn enough for him and his family to survive the year on the rice he cultivated. but now his crop is gone. one moment, there was this hot wind that lasted for several hours at night time. by morning the entire cropping, this wetlands area was wiped out. now there is nothing for us to survive on. i can't express it in words. and so far we haven't had any help from the government
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despite their promises. officials say farmers have received help was that the local agricultural office has conducted a field survey and made the list of the effective people. and we started discussing and wanting to them through mobile phone apps as a provided by the government, but many farm. i say that the list were made and handed out by local politicians, and they never received any help. thousands of farmers across the bank. that's like here and that's kind of districts have lost their rights crops due to a sudden heat stress in recent months. many, i'm not worried how to pay back their loans and to make their hands mate. 60 year old farmer rather than says he hasn't seen anything like this in his lifetime. of course, vertical. i had to borrow money from the agree bank to grow the rice. i was very hopeful i'd be able to make some money and pay back the loan, but suddenly it's all gone. i'm not sure how i'm going to manage things. now. scientists say a heat wave reaching as high as $36.00 degrees celsius and high speed dry winds
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were responsible for the damage. they say hardy, a variety of rice devil up to withstand the changes in weather conditions. the climate change that got on the heat. the heat dress is due to climate change. it's something very new to us. although we have observed this before on a very minimal scale. but the scale of damage this year is huge. we think the damage could become worse in the future. bangladesh is the world's biggest rice producer, signed is worn. the recent rise in temperatures linked to global warming is making rice crops, particularly vulnerable, and could threaten for security in many countries to and we charge a, i'll give it nets are gonna bangladesh. hundreds of thousands of children and their families have been forced to leave their homes in the conflict and northern mozambique. it's also meant another 2000 people have been separated from the relatives. and that's taking a toll in their mental health as they harding the reports. the 9 year old milton
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doesn't know if he's an orphan. he and his sister fled their home when fighters attacked their village in the congo delgado, region of northern mozambique, his mother was beheaded, his father is still missing. milton and his sister selina arrived at this camp as unaccompanied children before being reunited with their grandmother. now she takes care of them in a place far from home. i own or nina may see my grandson was crying for 2 days and i held him down. i mean, my neighbor told him to stop crying in the end he stopped crying. sometimes he spent time thinking but his parents, because he's old enough to understand what children like milton and selina survived the violence physically unscathed, but are left with psychological wounds that need attention in i'm fear, i will get a hold on why he has mental health problems. because he cannot see his mother, he can only see me. i've been here for 7 months and i'm suffering because me and
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the children aren't eating enough. i don't have any plates. i receive one bucket but i don't have food or clothes and i sleep on the ground. i received the plastic sheet and but i didn't get a tent. aid workers are trying to help children like no print in salina adjust to life after the violence. they've experienced smiles and laughs are big victories, but the hurdles of healing are relentless, noisy, cubs, goggle in cub delgado, we have suffered many crises including psych loans. many houses have been destroyed . many children have experience shock because they have no homeless liter. um, in addition to this, so it's been covered 19, it's had a negative impact on many children as well. any children have left school because of the panoramic and the conflict is out of a negative impact on many families. with mozambique government has been fighting iso linked armed groups and couple delgado since 2017. the fighter said they want to set up an islamic state, save the children, said some parents run away with mental health issues around. others are separated
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from their family, and the rest are usually killed. author as good as i knew, think the noise them was based all eyes. i said many children told us they've seen people murdered and killed. they said when this happened, their parents ran in different directions and that even they were afraid. and they didn't follow their mothers and ran a different way. the children who weren't able to escape face abduction and rape at least 51 children, most of them girls have been abducted in the past 12 months. caseworkers check on these children to help in whatever ways they can. and at just 9 years old milton is the only man in this tented house with burdens far too heavy to carry on his own. fleet harding al jazeera the u. s. s. is going to contribute $120000000.00 in drums to funds sedans, debt relief from the international monetary fund. on tuesday, the i m. f approved a point $5000000.00 loan for costume. washington has held it as
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a historic moment for sudan and its people. chinese government has laws to plan to reform, policing and increase accountability. officers have been accused of abuse of power, corruption and human rights violations. i left america to turn. lucy and human reports from santiago, given someone up to the 6 year old son, bureau can be, i was walking to the bus stop to go to work. when she was kidding, the face to gas canister. he was blinded for life. the police officer accused of the attack still hasn't been tried. be that little what asking that you take walk in our campaign on monday to demand justice by covering both your eyes that will help me and all the others who have been injured or lost their life. widespread charges of police abuse and misuse of power during and after demonstrations are among the many reasons why chills police force is being
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overhauled. the police used to enjoy prestige here, but corruption scandals involving talk, ranking police officers cover ups attention to plans. the evidence in the video to secure conviction have caused respect for the police force, as you can see on the graffiti of these walls. chiles new director of police says police reform and modernization plan is to recover trust and the did in the see among citizens. i mean look under to dallas mac. we know that cultural changes are the most complex to the imply reverting and deep rooted behavior and variables. that means making the police accountable to civilian authorities rather than just to themselves. training for new recruits has been extended from one to 2 years, putting an emphasis on human rights and the proper use of crowd control weapons to lease deputy interior minister argues it takes time to think i'm dead,
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but it's not a matter of magical transformation from one day to the next, it's a process, probably it will have an impact on the short, medium and long term to hopefully went over our citizens. but it, we're tired, colonel, who resigned in frustration while in charge of the police human rights course says the problem is political will. i think we lent, though, i think this reform process has been very slow to police, needs a new conduct code. now, when he too went up to the great human rights charges that have occurred. now, unfortunately, i don't think this reform is in the meantime. morale is low and the police force and resignations are escalate. almost as quickly as respect for the only institution that has a monopoly on the legitimate use of force. c and human al jazeera, santiago, rescuers in indonesia, searching for nearly a dozen people in rough seas, out of
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goes in a to no victory to send them into the quarter finals. david stokes reports i owe $40000.00 friends were wembley for england against germany. the biggest football crowd in britain since the pandemic began. ah england filled a pretty defensive team but had the best of the chances in the 1st half rain. sterling tested manuel noir early on and his burst into the box just a full half time presented a great opportunity for harry kane. but the under pressure captain couldn't make it count after the break. germany would have gone ahead had it not been for the finger tips of jordan, pick foot back up towards the keeper, is yet to can see the golden tournament. symmetrically victory would play england's friends were getting restless, garrett, staff gates and jack greeley sh. and 6 minutes later, he helped engineer the breakthrough jack craters.
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sterling very nearly and did all the good work when his lease pass allowed thomas miller clean through on goal today. why all who missed was pivotal because 4 minutes from telling tain, made sure of the winter england, with his 1st goal at the tone him, it's england's post victory. i've a germany and a major tournament, no cap game. the 966 world cup final. that was also the last competition. when they kept for clean sheets in a row, you know, these players keep it right in history and they've got the chance again, you know, we've already ever been to one european championship semi final. so again, they've, they've got the chance to do something really special which has stayed england will now travel to rome to take on ukraine in the quarter finals on saturday. so be
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hoping for return to wembley for the semi's. and then the final david stokes al jazeera, as david said in his report to england take on ukraine next, baby sweetening extra time on tuesday. if the action out from that match at hand to talk in gloucester, ukraine went to hit on 27. oregon doesn't change, but we didn't realize just people have time for good shots to big fixing winds in to make it one who hit it into extra time and sweet and had marcus danielson things or not the listing challenge. also all review and just when it looked like it did a penalty substitute often go pick hated in a late when, if you're trying to send them in. so the goal is to go to bottom line up in full in switzerland and spain kicked things off on friday. that's followed by the wolf top rank. so a belgium against italy. and on saturday, the czech republic face denmark before ukraine play england,
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milwaukee. buck star forward, yana. since he's a champa limped off injured as the atlanta hawks, one game 4 of the eastern conference finals on tuesday. the 2 time league m v p n t to combo ended his left knee and had to leave the quarter of the 3rd quarter. not yet knowing how long it could be out for atlanta had the injury, problems of their own. they had to do without they saw a man god tre young. not that method. the hoax squealing up the theory a to, to to be struggling g. anybody who's the best player states, but we didn't we thought was locked in when we didn't do anything to be older. so did we want to win again? i know i got another piece of puzzle from one injury to another. and several top tennis players are complaining
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about the slippery court at wimbledon. off to serena williams was full through the fire hurts. you know, 1st match, serina was a break up in the opening face against alexandra assessment which but she didn't flipped and injured her ankle after medical time at the number 6 feed trying to continue. but clearly in pain, she sunk to any and retired serena clearly very emotional. she lives seem to court, wait for a record equaling 24 grand slam. single title goes on to don wimbledon champion and mary expensive concerns on twitter. he said brutal for serena, but st. accord of streaming, slippy out, a not easy to move and this was the moment roger federer was told about serena during his prey, post match, press conference and yeah, yeah, it's, yeah, it's, it's not, and it's substantially more slippery under the reef. what,
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what do you feel about the condition? i do feel it's dry or during the day there's gotta be, you know, with the wind and all that stuff. it takes the most out of the, the grass. but this is of, is a terrible phaedra was actually the beneficiary of another injury, retirement in he's opening match the a champion, took the 1st fate against the ad van manor, the, you know, the frenchman then grabbed the next to the federal, was full to up in the 4th, when i slipped into the office and medical attention, he limped back to complete the fit, but he was in the game of the federal later admitting them. marina had been the basis so we knew williams out, so no doubt, she'll now be cheering on her oldest sister venus, 5 time champion who was given a wildcard for them and needed 3 said to get post romanian me. hi. this is our 1st treatment for month venus is the oldest women in the door with the age of 41,
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the american into the 2nd round, her 23rd wimbledon. she'll pay 2000000 on the next couple women feed. actually both played on girls for the 1st time in 2 years and she managed the hold of spain. carla thought navarro winning in 3 5th. it was any thought about as 2nd match since recovering from cancer. the 33 year old to fit to retire after the olympics. it was a privilege to be able to share that moment, should i call with her today because i hadn't had the opportunity to play color and it was really special to be able to experience what she can bring from the other side of the court. so i think, oh, credit goes to her for her resilience and, and her nature, the competitor to be able to come back from what they can come back from the adversity that she has. and to be able to have that mine. and when i was, was nothing shy of remarkable. that's what the 4th needs for. now, i'll be your again, a little bit later with another update. rob peter, thanks very much indeed. now during navigate is going to be here in a couple of minutes with more on all these stories. don't forget,
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you can get more details on the website as well. i'll just 0 dot com. i'm rob matheson, thanks very much, needs to be really a news. news, news, news, news. the world's lungs being ceased. the amazon rain forest is diminishing the rate of 2 football pitches a minute to meet the market insatiable appetite for logging mining. i'm farming, as both scenarios, government seek to relax, conservation laws and increase production. indigenous communities on the brink of extinction. no,
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it's the bite of their life. people empower brazil's amazonian battle on al jazeera when the covey. 1910 demi kids and board is closed. i think there is religious friends from home, one 0, one east investigates. have some have been abandoned out of size. and as a mind on al jazeera blue face masks a common sight in city centers around britain. but it's locked down to lucid. people will still be wearing masks for months or even years to come an ongoing nightmare for the environment. this video shows stuff at a wildlife hospital helping a bird that's been caught up in discarded later. it's a face mask made of plastic. now a recent survey found 70 percent of people using disposable marks didn't realize they were using single use prospects, researches at university college london. so if every person in the u. k. used one despite almost every day for a year, it would create $124000.00 tons of waste, half of which would be an recyclable factory that trying to provide an alternative
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financial borrow coaching like other such mosques can be washed and reuse. the design that we've come up with, ethical, sustainable, and entirely made in the u. k. it looks like face most to the parts of many people's lives, at least in the, to whatever, calling the way they're being urged to consider where it comes from and where it'll end up. the the, if you can, military says every 3 and forces have withdrawn from to grow as rebel fighters reject the government sees fire ah, watching all their life from headquarters in ohio navigator also had the north korean leader blamed officials for failings and tackling the code 1910 demick and said the consequences have been grave. indonesia reports or records.
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