tv [untitled] July 3, 2021 6:30pm-7:01pm +03
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a free place to make sure that's going to bring that's taking on the arms trade in his fight for justice, for innocent palestinians, and their families made in france on all diseases with energy and say to every part of our universe or small to continue the change all around the shape by technology and human ingenuity. we can make it work for you and your business. oh
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a. you're watching the news out on 0 a reminder of our main stories. thousands of people are taking part in demonstrations in brazil against president show you about scenarios handling of the call in a virus pandemic. he's also under investigation for possible correction in acquiring indian made vaccines. us present. joe biden is on his way to michigan to encourage people to get vaccinated against covered 19. it's one of a nationwide tour to make to mark the country's progress in fighting the pandemic. half the us population has been vaccinated. and the 15 month prison fenton for foremost half african president jacob, whom i may be delayed. the constitutional forces agreed to hear. he's on vacation for contempt warning against him to be revolts. protesters have gathered in the
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occupied western bank after the killing of a prominent palestinian activists caesar last pictures of the demonstration in ramallah nissan. but not died last week, hours after being arrested and beaten by palestinian security forces. his dad's lead to demonstrations across the occupied west bank. a military spokesman says the 14 offices were members of the patrol that arrested him. no charges have been made . neither a brain has more from mamma. several 100 proved to have gathered here at the manada squid and my mother chancing slogans like me, leave our bass and they're saying that they want revenge. we are usually we usually see police forces that are stationed here. we're not seeing that present police. your add them on our squid, but we're hearing that there are riot police industry near the round about here because this is the street that usually lead to the presidential headquarters. so
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we believe that if the protesters are going to try and head towards the presidential headquarters, they might be math with for now, when it comes to how the policy is going to deal with this, it's a wait and see. but we've seen that violence clock down on protestors who turns up last week to prove the death of the prominent be a critic, nevada. and we've seen also a harsh remarked by the international community such as the u. n. u. the u. s. department issued a statement condemning what has been happening. the new one high commissioner has said that it's urged in florida to ensure the safety of the protesters. and they said that it was concerned. i'd be non uniform people who are trying to intimidate the government of martini, formerly known as swaziland, is inviting southern africa regional, blocked,
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investigate. after days of protest against the king. very poor, dozens of people have been killed and injured during the demonstrations. the crowds accuse king with 45 fling defense and want and elected prime minister. the government says it's before the military to restore order as what is africans last absolute monarchy. let's speak to bundle in glued to who's the secretary general at the people's united democratic movement is joining us via skype. thank you very much for being with us. attention have been very high in your country. in the last week, authorities have not confirmed any deaths in, in the recent race, but they have been reports of death. can you tell us about the situation as you know it? thank you very much. my sister indeed the dead. but currently, if to me to, to be 70, that have happened in the last 4 days. character of his, my just deeply clearing the wall on,
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on civilians. quite grosse and never seen. you know, i used protesters have been demanding change. what change precisely so others want to have the government and, and a democratic iraq or just been station where they can run the money for governance. you will know that to run with what we call the absolute, the last absolute monarchy in the world, which is quite to take in quite oppressive. so sizes went into the streets in the last 2 months and unbroken, engaging the peaceful protests in demand of those political transformations of the system only to be met with the brute force that the king, which is owed as 8 or 10 to mount tor crimes. the king has been
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in power for 35 years. it's my understanding that at some point he was popular, but they have of course, been protest regularly in y v. s. what he now, what has changed to, to make the situation so can and to make people take to the streets in this, in this manner? surely the last 4 weeks, or 2 months has been a tipping point over the plan that has over 4 decades. where the team continuously refuses to listen to the voice of the people and put it in issues of political democratic transformation with governments. and indeed are no flaw, all in cut and a coal, fully transformation of the governments. so what we see is nothing but a culmination, or that truck, not many generations or was,
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have been engaged in only and as use while the king, which we condemn as per demo. and if he has pockets in the progressive organizations in sight, one to 2 this moment to condemn his might just for what he has done into us. it really deserves in attention of the hague, with the amount of people in damage to the amount of debt as well as our best and not be unjustified. would it be teams as well as the engagement survey pos and the, for the, for me to type unjustified at all, that the government has invited to the southern african regional block saturday to investigate. what would you, as the opposition, want to see regional countries and regional leaders doing? what sort of pressure would you like to see applied on the rollers in flatland, we call and sat down to assist us one whole. he's might just be personally
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responsible for crimes on what he has done on the innocent young youth people were on the street. secondly, it has to be of assistance to help was this cor lived. the evidence would be secured. services biology, independent. bipolar is too late, and of course they put a young. and of course a lot of these open to talk of how it was lynn would look like. but shortly a mcdonough, maybe not one of a play us in such a new in a democratic. if you spend station course justice must be served, you know, on your 1st and foremost. thank you very much for talking to us in sharing. have you fun? dylan ludo, a secretary general of finance,
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people united democratic movement. thank you. my vows ends with anti government protesters have gathered in booking or fossils. capital one good to go there demonstrating against the worst thing security situation. the opposition says about mentees to blame and accuses that are failing to prevent attacks by looking at fossil was one seen as a beacon of stability in west africa. but hundreds of people have been killed, vast since 2015 in attacks blamed on fighters linked to i saw and i'll cover more than a 1000000 people have fled, the violence which has escalated in recent weeks. the united nation has called it the worst and the worlds fastest growing displacement crisis. president rock mach caberry, sat his defense maced on wednesday and took over the job himself. that's after more than 130 civilians were killed in an attack near the border with molly and new share. to make a g is the executive director at the west africa network for peace building. he says many in booking of fossil have lost confidence in the government. each time
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that i talk, his bread meat, he communication to communicating with the dean and going on, conduct the presentation and also him recovery. i think people are beginning to feel the outlet. i think that the increase in the fact of the weakness of the government of that we have that the l by one that i think that the government nuclear gate maggio and i'm also begin to develop some kind of community, anyone in them that will be caught in the, on the people. the 2nd one is that government needs to quickly move on. we the vision of, of, from the democrats and then based on the promise that we made on the expectations of the people that was compounded. then of course, i think you don't think that it was africa union and un come to get that to begin
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to look at the south region and the gulf of all the best that i've been in that in that region. i'm begin to company that rather than walking, you know, so important to check, but vision of more and also for the region off. and that way they can begin to address structure. i leave them. i think i'd rather just call in on, on the fact that i'll call and i've called what i appreciate that never be the current between the book and i cannot be addressed by military. might that look? that would not be possible. evacuations that continuing in the philippines as a toxic volcanic gas walk through the skies near the capital manila and the russian at the time. volcano on thursday has already 4000 to see their homes. and officials are desperate to regret to prevent evacuation centers from turning into corona vice hotspots jamila island again. before some time the filipino
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fishermen year see these are their most trying time. daniel segan is worried about the future yet. so it's real is that if there were no explodes again, where do we go? there are no jobs and there were any more. last years. volcanic eruption coupled by the corona virus pandemic have almost decimated the fishing industry. here in again, celia municipality, south of the capital manila, you'd have been showing signs of recovery over the past few months. but last thursday, volcanic activity is threatening livelihoods. once again. people here say they're grateful, they're able to work. many of them had to borrow money to start over again, and they remain deep in debt. they say they can't afford another closure. to all volcano spewed toxic black plumes on thursday afternoon,
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i prompting the local government to move people living within the 7 kilometer danger zone. more than 14000 have been taken to the temporary shelters, many of whom are depended on fishing for their livelihood. and now we're away into least a popular tourist destination. concealed a give ada is doing all she can to keep her 3 year old kathy afloat. oh me. we were really in there a little off. what keeps me going? i have responsibility to my staff and also i just like to cope. i like i'm just like to serve people. many businesses here have closed, but there are those who remain defiant and hopeful that better days will come. once again. jim lind, dog and al jazeera police. i batangas province in northern philippine soaring
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temperatures and a lack of rainfall leading to an increasingly desperate situation for farmers in the rock. as a result, the government restricted what thomas can row, but that has been sold. the countries severe water shortages, iran con reports from the farms east of bank that this should be lush, agricultural land growing amongst other things, watermelons and tomatoes. instead, it's dead. it's been this way since april and it's just getting worse. all over iraq, the feels attending to desert because of drought. 45 percent of iraq's arable land is under threat. according to the iraqi committee on agriculture and figures from the ministry of agriculture. this fall is an example of that grim statistic. the water that fed the land has dried up irrigation canals, empty animals have died. this farmer is in despair and says climate change could have been managed and he knows exactly who to blame it on me. it will be most of
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the mismanagement, 100 percent as the problem, the authorities knew the situation here for decades and they know the solution. they have built storage on the yellow river and dams on the terrace is no dams built since we had a royal family. now the water is finished with tired of demanding and farmers migrating to the cities. this is the only source of income for corruption, mismanagement, and war are often blamed for most of the rocks problems for the farm. as though climate change has made things worse, the government stop them from growing set and cropped and saying the water must be used for drinking irrigation and the learn a good to know. we were short sighted, we did not put in a previous plan to deal with a drought. the amount of water is insufficient in the summer for farming, the government should have issued a decision to stop it for me sees him ploughing and other preparations. so why would we allow the people to lose hard work and money? it's better they sell for me for at least one season. but this is one season
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problem in 2020 iraq lawrence the national action plan on climate change alongside the united nations. it was supposed to address everything that you see around me. these dead feels the lack of water, but in the subject, yes, there has been higher and higher temperatures here in iraq, less rain full. and now with corruption. miss management of the water flow. farmers here say that national action plan simply isn't working according to the united nations development program, iraq's one of the most vulnerable countries and the entire region. the days i getting a hold to every year and the rains less frequent, it is perhaps the biggest challenge facing the country. but it also has unintended side effects. with the lack of natural water comes that reliance on plastic bottle water and with that more trash, rivers of the stuff that are left on the streets because there's no system in place
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to dispose of it. iraq can expect to see more dead field, a more plastic on it streets, unless something drastic has done him wrong, caught out 0 east of baghdad for snakes and danish football fans are hoping their team. the team is about to take another step towards the final of the european championships. ah, ah l just the world needs to be good. who left the middle east and built remarkable lights of all the findings in germany of the united states. yet never forgetting that homeland of iraq and palestine inspiring human stories around the world, the designer of the atomic scientists and which is 0 i
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a group of anti government protestors were elected to write a new constitution. the people list range from blue collar walker, blue collar workers, and owners of small businesses. a latin america editor in the see and human resource. the, i mean, the anger and violence of chile social uprising, one figure stood out that made protested, happy dance, dance. pick a shoe, they chanted. pick a tool is the mouse like fictional preacher belonging to the pokemon video game series. it became such a hit that soon others joined, did a symbol of peaceful protest for social change. wow. when brian police attacked beka to, to the surprise of many, a 46 year old grandmother and foreman groceries teacher, emerge from the costume to wipe the pepper gas from her eyes. today, joe, when i get, i'm gonna is one of the elected delegates to julie's new constitutional convention
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that i've been thinking, i don't think a lot of people told me, we don't need experts who have gone to harvard. they're the ones who ruined our country. i didn't feel prepared for such a challenging, but they insisted we need someone like you who can represent the real needs of the people. you're one of us. the mother of for joint forces with others during the social revolt. a group called the list of the people to run as independent with new ties to political parties that come along way from protest in the plaza to part of the largest blossom delegates who will write till his new constitution. their aim is to overhaul chinese, economic and political system, and not surprisingly, many of them as left wing 3 miss. the influential columnist, danielle mac. marla argues that in fact they were presenting new and diverse political force that doesn't fit the traditional mold. total set of it all these
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grassroots ladies have been off the mainstream right off for a long time. the traditional late don't know these new independence political representatives. they don't represent the traditional left or right. and instead they represent a wide range of causes put in the environment to education, to health care. as a rule has his case in regard to the i think that i have cancer though the system hasn't managed to kill me yet. in chile, medical treatment depends on how much money you can pay. that's one of the reasons i protested in this plaza. the list of the people has a lot in common with delegates like job, i know ra from democratic revolution, a young non traditional political party. you may have, you know, when i define myself as a left is equal feminist, i believe in the social revolt. and also in our constitutional process, it's about taking power so that this power can be distributed more democratically not just amongst the small elite. and they want me to run a good,
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i'm gonna put it more simply. i'm neither left or right. she says, my ideology is social equality and justice to see and human al jazeera santiago time force now has andy, thank you so much folly. well, coca golf has made it through to the last 16 at wimbledon. the 17 year old american reaching round, full for the 2nd time in her career golf was a comfortable, straight sets with hair against the car, even of lavinia, just over an hour to set up a time with a champion, angelica $20000.00 times when a curve i had to dig a little deeper for her when the german recovering from a set down to be under stress of which about winning the funnel to set. so the loss just one go home, play and run. economy has continued her unlikely run into the 2nd week. the 18 year old is ranked $338.00 in the world. just faith in serona coast of romania,
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in straits. she's the youngest, pretty swimming to reach the last 16 in the open air. i mean, it's funny because of the beginning when i was packing to come into the bubble, my parents were like you packing too many sets of match kit. i'm going to have to do some laundry tonight. i think they have a laundry service at the hotel. so i'm good guy. now 7, tom foreman, one will champion louis hamilton is on the new 2 year dale to stay with miss sadies . but his struggles on the track this season have continued the 36 years qualifying down in for the sundays. austrian girl pray with red post max to stop and taking polls. and the dutchman also leads hamilton and the overall championship standing carne glenda norris. we'll start 2nd with stuck and female surgery perez, in little things, of course, going to happen in one in one lab, but i think it's of course, very satisfied to take a position because i would have liked to be
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a little bit different because 3 wasn't very good, but it just shows that even with, you know, not an amazing lap to still be 1st is very good for us. the news. and just a few minutes on denmark and the czech republic will kick off the european chamber to quote, a final announcer by john st. francis been making themselves at home in back, hoping that same on the whites repeating the trunks of 995 temperature set to be inaccessible. 30 degrees after that its ukraine versus england in rome. ukraine have already made history by reaching the knockout stages for the 1st time, england playing away from london, wembley stadium for the 1st time in the tournament. italy in spain already through to the semi finals spain as a switzerland than a penalty shoots out all italy extended their beats and run to $32.00 games with
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victory over belgium. are a small, has more munich was the setting for this quarter. find out between an italian side that hadn't last for almost 3 years. and the belgium team rank number one in the world. having had an early goal just allowed for off side, it was italy who took the lead, rocky, but even better with the flow from lorenzo insignia, italy went to new, sees that had water within seconds belgium, we're back in the game. thanks to this foul rama lou lou, cargo, you stepped up to scores a penalty. so take a look at italy held firm in the 2nd half to reach the semi final belgium. once again falling just short out of major tournament in the other quarter
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. final, spain went ahead again, switzerland, thanks to an own goal for the jewelry opponents had no doubt, world champion france in the last round and yearning shikeria leveled this match up in the 2nd house. shortly afterwards, with 2 in hand, the man sent off, but still managed to take the game to penalty. the 3 spot cakes were missed by the swiss and that he said, the chance to reach the last 4 this morning . hopefully italy at london's wembley stadium on tuesday. as far as smile al jazeera presented through to the semi finals of the copper america, they be chilly. one mill lucas precast. this growing the only goal of the game.
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early in the 2nd half cabral possess, was been sent off a couple of minutes later. not surprisingly for that, but the 10 men that were left behind held on and no play peru in the last 43 shed 6 goals with power going their quarter final hard life. well, i think in the last minute of normal times, i can finish the 33 ones, but i don't think she taught with her hel bonaire to progress much with running champions. brazil coming up on monday and the tampa bay lightning. and just one went away from retaining the stanley cup after taking a 3. nothing serious lead against the monster canadians aligning court, the canadian of the gulf, going twice in the 51st 2 periods of this gang company going on the beat until 63 group game full space in material. but coming up on monday. yeah. see that play coleman is now 63. ok. but if hastily is looking for now. thank you very much
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for that, andy. that's it for this news, our on al jazeera do stay with us, but i've got more of the bases coming up after the break. ah ah ah, ah, ah ah, the world lungs are being ceased. the amazon rain forest is diminishing the rate of 2 football pitcher per minute to meet the market insatiable appetite for logging, mining and farming. as both scenarios, government seek to relax conservation loss and increase production. indigenous communities on the brink of extinction. know it's the bite of their life. people
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empower brazil's amazonian battle on al jazeera, the story, as bob way in her. what she is always told from the perspective of the great man, whether it's even moving all robot. my responsibility to tell is involved when story in a way that it hasn't really been told before. the ordinary. everyday life was involved with the people. i'm writing about patina. got out of darkness, mice and bob way on algebra. this lights may look like a city from the sky, but their fishing vessels just outside origin. tina's exclusive economic zone, the united states launched operations southern cross to combat illegal and unregulated fishing in the southern atlantic. argentina's coast guard say, the main task is to control the movements,
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so they do not cross into argentine territory. from this room origin time authorities can monitor for what's happening in economics to fit those. but what a 40 here are saying is that what's important is to regulate what's happening in international waters. ah, for brazil, surprise event to be b. strives and goes about his handling of the corona virus pandemic. ah, play watching al jazeera life from with me for the back. people also ahead. more than 2000000 people in ethiopia, dry region on the verge of starvation, according to the united nations. and there is a warning the crisis could get worse. a reprieve for.
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