tv [untitled] July 5, 2021 12:00am-12:31am +03
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ongoing cupboard 19 health emergency means the border remains close. disrupting the traditional us asylum profit from around the world. miami dade county officials will be inspecting it and other older high rise buildings hoping to avoid another catastrophe on this sinking sands of miami beach. ah, this is al jazeera ah, hello, i'm mary. i'm demising watching the news, our life from london coming up in the next 60 minutes. the form of south african president jacob's humor is defiant as the deadline approaches tend to surrender to police. opened expectation as a diverse coalition of children's needs to begin to mama the task of rewriting the
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country the constitution to growing for to say they'll consider a cease fire with e. c o p. s. government, but only a certain conditions, a man and another giant step for china space ambitions actually carry out their 1st baseball outside the new space station. i'm devin ash with thought max and when formula ones, austrian grown free, the red bull drive and making it for victories inside races to extend his lead at the top of the championship. ah, welcome to the new south. so 3 years after a series of corruption scandals mismanagement and multiple charges of graft ended, his presidency, jacob zoom has continued to defy the authorities. as a deadline, approaches him to surrender to police. he joined a crowd of his supports,
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injured riley to outside his home in a candle, vowing to resist any attempt to detain him sooner has been found guilty of contempt of court. failing to perform corruption inquiry in our faces. 15 months in prison, and on friday, applying to the court for this sentence to be a no fighting medical reasons zoom, i continues to deny any wrong doing. out there is for me to mentor, has been following development force from candler, former self african president, jacob's humor remains adamant that has not been treated fairly by the judicial system. specifically, the constitutional court, as well as the commission of inquiry into corruption or state capture as it's known in south africa. it's after the former president refused to testify at the commission that he was taken to the constitutional court with a charge of contempt of court. the constitutional court found that he was guilty of
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that and sentenced him to 15 months in prison. now, the president, a former president, has gone on to say that, and he said this a number of times that he's not afraid to go to jail. he is a prisoner of conscience and that this is about the rule of law that because he's not been treated fairly consistently, he is challenging that again at the constitutional court. and that's why he's not handed himself in to police. and so that's why it's likelihood possibly face a risk in the coming days. but this is what the president, the former president said earlier when addressing media effect of that i was busted to with a punitive jail sentence without trial is something which should in induce a sense of shock to all those who cherish
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freedom and the rule of low south africa is fast sliding back to i, but they'd type room jacob's duma is due in court on tuesday to apply for an intake to stop police from arresting him. if that is not successful because they are questions around the jurisdiction of the high court in that it's not known. if that lower court can challenge a judgement can stuff a judgement made by the highest court in the land. the constitutional court, which usually can not be appealed. however, if the former president is successful, he will then appear at the constitutional court later in july, in mitigation of sentence, in an appeal to have the sentence changed entirely, with the very least at the very least reduced. he says he's too old and ill to go
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to jail. his concern about the 3rd wave of the coven 19 pandemic in south africa. and apart from the moral stance, he says he's taking, he's concerned saying that 15 months in jail would effectively be a death sentence. however, if the court bed is not successful, the former president does face a risk in the coming days, but more will be known once he appears in court on tuesday. of course, are the top story, this our, the months of conflict in northern ethiopia to rise regional governments is now saying that it's ready for a sci fi, but the have to be key conditions in place. fast, an advisor to the president of tech guy state released this statement on twitter demanding before withdrawal of foreign troops from the region. this applies as well to forces from neighboring eritrea, but also the ethiopian military. and the regional forces from am hora to grow as government is also calling on the united nations to investigate ethiopia and
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eritrea for what it describes as war crimes and crimes against humanity against the de crime people. and now the demand is the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid, and helps repatriate people have been displaced by the conflict region leaders also saying if europe needs to restore electricity and the internet to the region, that's been at largely cost awful this time, and also wanting to release of all political prisoners with full legal rights out. there's catherine soil following the story from addis ababa and has more now on those sci fi demands. faith meant by the grand courses i had is very strongly wooded, and a lot of the field is, are high up cautiously hopeful that these open a window to a political dialogue, the whole thing that both sides the federal government administration of our be prime minister. i'll be on that, and the t p leadership are going to set aside their hotline positions and
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seat and agree to the sci fi so that at least humanitarian aid can get to those who need it most. so what the leadership is demanding. apart from the role of retrans proof and european forces, if you appeal of fighters from the neighboring i'm her region that you know that i think is also demanding that the government recognized left leadership as a truly lead you to make a left said, a regional government of c, right. and they're also demanding that apart from the you, when forming this investigative, to investigate atrocities that have been committed in crisis. this conflicts started in november, there should be another body international body formed to really truck and make sure that this demands this issues are implemented. now we haven't had any response
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from the government. prime minister, i'll be on medical to be addressing parliament tomorrow, monday to discuss national issues he mail to be discussing a t grew mater parliamentarians are going to be asking questions by so difficult to see how the government is going to accept some of this month for example, it has already labels p, p a last minute courses, terrorist organizations. so for the government to come back and legitimize d p. last. and the leadership of the guy is basically admitting defeat or un factory general antonio terrace has said that he will accept nothing less than full humanitarian access to all as take. right. i am deeply concerned with the present situation in great. it is essential to have a real fire and the real fire facing the way for a dialogue able to bring the political solution to the presence of foreign troops
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is a negative fighting factor of confrontation. and at the same time, full human italian, excess and restrictive humanity in excess must be getting teeth to the whole territory. oh, if your government has it, its withdrawn its military from tech. why? to focus instead on threats to its grand renee on this damn project. there are new concerns about the dam on the river nile, which is strongly opposed by both sudan and egypt. it morgan reports from the sudanese border region of alpha chicago. when rebel sees the to grand capital this week, this you can government said that was because it had withdrawn its forces. it says it needs them to focus on other threats to the country. when did you ma by? you don't just go to the goal of declaring a cease fire in the to gray region is to neutralize the danger of the to gray people's liberation front and withdraw military equipment from there. because the
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region does not currently pose a threat to the country. the exit of the army from too great is one of the steps to address the external threats to the renee sounds damn and fill up a gap in. the renaissance dam is built on the blue nile source of 80 percent of the miles waters. it's set to become africans largest hydro electric them upon completion. if you p s, as in some help lift millions of people out of poverty, but talks to reach an agreement with the downstream country, sudan, and egypt over the dams filling an operation have repeatedly failed. joint military drills between piano and egypt. depth, the guardians of the nile have raced concern. egypt is worried about the amount of water it will get when the damage failed. and so dan says it's concerned about the impact. the dam will have on its own dams, especially one name to say res, which lies 100 kilometers away from the guard. you said the whole city is dumb, has the capacity of 7000000000 cubic meters, and the renaissance done has a capacity of 74000000000 cubic meter. you can't operate the 2 down without the
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information sharing agreement that is legally binding, which we need to guarantee the safety and operation of our dams to ensure farmers compliant crop. it's not the only security issue if you, if you has been facing in the region since november. it's been locked in the border conflict with for them over elisha go. a 3000 square kilometer agricultural air yet claimed by both sides a colonial era agreement. with that as part of them. but if you can farmer say it belongs to them and they've been farming on it. 2050 years talks to end the border conflict between sedan and if you have thought since december. so dan says it was if you have to abide by the 19 or 2 boundaries and increase the number of markers along the border. if you'll be says it wants to the nice truth to withdraw from sugar for any sorts of negotiations to resume a condition rejected by sudan. the border conflict has cost lives on both sides. some analyst fee, a full confrontation is not completely off with table. with all of the tensions
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across the sedan, if you're in border, these include the negotiations of the grandees, the open renee on stem, the conflict over fresh go farm lens as well as some tension over areas further south. but along the border, sit down and we have had a rocky set of relations in recent months. so you know, the way to send clearance. yes. the grand rebels have rejected the flyer announced by the government as to taking over the northern region from the federal forces and whether it's to surface out of pig right or left on their own. there's no denying that they are unresolved issues. that if you use troops may need to focus on people morgan, all to 0 alpha sugar bodies to them with the news, our life from london to watch more than i had on the program analysis on the afghan . it's dawn as us forces move out with taliban continues to take more territory in the country and coming up and forward with jana. the last the cost helps. i can
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reach the semifinals of the america. ah. well now to julia, newly elected body varies meeting for the 1st time to drop the replacement for the constitution, which was written on the dictator. augusta punish a 155 member assembly, which was elected in may, has been meeting in santiago. the constitution is widely blamed for deep social inequalities and the country that triggered deadly protests in 2019, and also been confrontations between police and protest us today. and that briefly delayed the start of sundays meeting. daniel shine the joins us live now from. when is iris and neighboring argentina? this is a historic moment for chilly, isn't it? tell us who is on the assembly and how they're going to approach the challenge had
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what the idea of this 155 member assembly is that it tries to income person represent all the diverse elements of july and society. country of about 20000000 people. the initial idea was to ensure agenda parity. so there are $78.00 men on the panel and $77.00 women. also, 17 seats have been designated for actually the indigenous community. and in today's session, they elected the president, approaching a woman by the name of lisa long gone. so she will be the president for the next 9 months to a year while this body is negotiating and try to come to this new constitution to replace the one you mention from 1980. the idea with each article that they discuss is the 2 thirds of the 155 members must approve it, but no group is big enough to veto those articles at the moment as
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a large number of disparate groups. 65 members of the commission, all individuals are independents who don't belong and not aligned to any of chiles established political parties. so what we're going to see over the next 9 months to a year is a lot of negotiations. alliances, coalitions being formed. people trying to decide the best way forward. we don't know how these 65 independence operates. we've, they're not people with much mainstream political experience that people from social groups, l g, p, t groups, people with disabilities. so they're going to have a whole new way of going about politics, which is what many and surely say exactly what the country needs. how could it affect the region couldn't prompt constitutional change in, in other countries as well? well, i think in many ways it's already begun to do that. people around latin america watching these protests that started in 2019. we've already seen
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some of the protests around colombia around brazil because many of the problems that the children's have been protesting about are common to other countries in latin america, poor distribution of wealth, very poor investment in infrastructure. massive riches among a small minority with large amounts of poverty indigenous rights being fought for land rights among peasant farmers being full for mining issues. so there are shared issues around latin america. and also there's a great deal of solidarity between many of these social groups. thanks to the wonders of social media, people are communicating. apart from brazil, they have shared the common language of, of spanish. so people are talking, they're watching very closely what is going on in chile to see how this this assembly develops and what they can learn from it. thank you very much. i'm sure i'm the following story force in chile as move to what's happening in
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afghanistan. now where in recent weeks the taliban has made a major territorial gains as us forces count down to the final withdrawal from the country. on sunday, the taliban captured upon dry in kandahar the groups birthplace and form a stronghold. it's now and she closer to the regional capital kandahar city, but this is just a day off to africa. troops abandon, areas of northern bad are shown province to the taliban on friday. us and nato forces vacated by graham base near the capital combo, the center of american operations for the past 20 years. the remaining us troops will officially leave the country on september 11th and moved that many regional ex but say, could cause afghanistan to descend into another civil war. taliban claims it's already recaptured. the majority of afghanistan's territories. 100. thanks to god and this is proven before that the majority of the afghan people in the
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previous era, june taliban rule, for more than 10 years, we are now in control of board and 70 percent of the territories. it's empty because the people know us very well and the african people have no problem dealing with us. we have to main principles that we rely on when it comes to judgement versus the place it is. let me say the 2nd is our belief in our national identity within the framework of the 2 principles. i can assure you that we do not have any problem with anyone. we respect everyone's right, but we will have some boss as a professor of international relations at the neary south asia center for strategic studies. and author of the taliban revival joint is 5 guys from washington. so the taliban recently captured more districts in northern afghanistan, so they now have a very heavy presence in provinces like by the sean and to ha, why do they seems to be concentrating so heavily on the north of the country?
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thank you very much for the opportunity. i think they are focused and that part of a one is stand because it has a lot of psychological value for them. they are seen as very strong in to push them dominated areas in the south and in the east. and everyone part in the not there are or board lords of those infant shoot or bacon and project leaders who had not support over the years. so perhaps people taught it will be hard for taliban to gain strength in that area. so they have started from that part of the world that part of the standard because that provides them an edge in terms of public opinion, creating fear as well. so it's, it's sounds unexpected, but taliban and a lot of times since they find that and deal with united states, they have time to strategize. they have been taking this steps very cautiously and in our plan. bennett, it seems and just the room care about this in the $990.00 s. when the taliban was
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in power in afghanistan. bad are shown was the only province that they didn't control. how significant is it? they've managed, if well they, they're in control of many districts, but if they manage to consolidate that position there, how, what sort of message does that send out given that it was a traditional stronghold of the warlords that allied with the united states to defeat the taliban? in 2001 your important point about districts is, is very relevant test. currently, we know that out of the 421 districts and daughters talk about probably have control over one turn maybe at best. so it should still it, that their support base or their victories are kind of not significant in a larger picture, one total of one is on which we always taught and they have the long, we have their strong presence in those areas. also what it means when we say
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a certain district has been taken over by taliban, do they have the infrastructure capability? do they have the bit, aka? see, are they running the health care system education system? no, this is just some taliban, but the veterans and retreating of on forces of course create a scene of confusion. but it's, it's, it has to be seen in that broader light and the area that you have mentioned you right? they are problematic from a psychological point of view it's, it's symbolical. so for the taliban. but that shows that apparently of on forces are trying to converge close to the gobble area, took to strengthen their strong old in the couple area and allowed aligned some of the rural areas in the distant areas in the better free to if to started on field making sure there bobbo does this mean and then combine the government in kabul is
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not going to worry too much about reversing these military setbacks, particularly if african security forces in many of these rural areas are basically surrendering. i mean, in recent days that african forces that reports african forces fled across the border into, into, to just on to they don't, they don't putting up a fight. yes, some of the forces in which are rich, which lacked the support coming from garbled, may probably give up in areas where they think the taliban race is evident. and that's a, it's about fine for a couple of the doctor don't. i'm still, i would say, when the president of a lot of fun heard from us law street, they'll get about $2000000000.00 in support for the upon security forces. d, the areas where there are headquarters of enforcement, they'll probably hold and they will probably try to also strengthen the company government in the negotiation process also because ultimately what we've heard from
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the regional countries also is that no one is ready to allow taliban to march into cobble in the way that happened in $96.00, it is going to be most likely a negotiated de, otherwise of civil a prolonged civil war is, is on the cards. but i suppose one of the, the main incentives for, for the taliban to participate in recent peace talks, negotiations was the we have seen pending with a troll of us troops. and now that the u. s. is vacated by graham, which is both symbolic and strategic. is it not only a matter of time before? well the, the taliban and enjoys outright military success, whereas the incentive for them to compromise? that's about a point. however, by the by know that they will need some financial support upon the spot lacks
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a big given capacity. they have very little money which, which can run their own institutions. so be incentive for them will be the public opinion, regional public opinion, global public opinion, or their capacity to, to john and their capacity to govern. all of a plan is taking all some area to military means for the taliban will be only relevant in terms of the initial days. ultimately, if they expect that they will govern that they'll be a coalition partner. that then be responsible rulers, in a lot of fun, they have to have support based from all the sites that state incentives that they need to talk to the other site. because otherwise they will only be restricted to the areas where they're in control. they will not be able to hold a districts in the, in the not for long that's, that's my assessment. ok, thank you. santa boss, for joining us there for washington into or now security forces and
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me and mar, of killed at least $25.00 people, including anti cru, rebels and civilians. it's happened in the town of pain in sagging reach and about 300 kilometers north of the capitol state. long media said security forces were ambushed by what it called on terrorists. meanwhile, has been plunged into chaos since of who in february, which ousted civilian leader, unsung st. she iraqi forces are saying they've disabled 3 bombs intended to block electricity towers outside to city of low. so they've been several attacks on power plants across the rock in recent days. at least 7 people have been killed, mangled under wired reports on this. now from back that attacks on tricity facilities in many areas of iraq has increased recently, dozens of public operations have been reported in the beginning of this year. and especially recently with the heat wave hitting in many areas,
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especially in central and southern provinces of iraq. the problem is accepted bated and no group has claimed responsibility yet over the recent attacks. but last week i still, according to the popular mobilization courses, i said claimed responsibility for an attack. i think the sum of power plant. notice that now the electricity crises in iraq has triggered a demonstration and anger in many areas and in many govern rate. angry with us have been taken to st dino and things. and through deciding the government, in fact, they say that the government is not doing enough to provide electricity for the people. on the other hand, the ministry of interior is conducting operations using ruins,
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to protect our facilities, and to prevent any possible sabotaged operations. so that on the program was having about a charity coming that reflects a graphic reality faced by thousands of young refugees from central america. i'm in for why the like the roger federer think given a booth for the 2nd week when both ah hello, that the weather's looking rather mixed over europe for the next few days. we've got wet or more unsettled weather in the east and the west. but for the north, in the south, it is looking dry and more settled. we've got a weather system working its way into the north west. and that's bringing wet and windy weather to the british giles and to the front. and those storms are going to work their way all the way up to denmark as we get into tuesday. but most century
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things are looking clear. the sunshine is coming through for austria. if we look at the temperature for vienna, we're going to hit the early thirty's. by the time we get to choose day. but to the east of this area is more wet weather. we've got a swirling weather system dumping some of that heavy rain on ukraine. mo va and we could see coasts larrys of turkey being inundated with rain. so the north of this high pressure is keeping things fine and dry for western russia. we've also got a heat wave warning for finland as temperatures pick up. and as we move to southern areas of europe, the iberian peninsula continuing to see those hot conditions, the temperature rising up to mercy, we're going to see it touching 40. by the time we get into choose day. but a lot of the heat across northern africa has subsided. temperatures are coming down slightly, cairo coming in at 38 degrees celsius. the
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the story is them bob way. in her words, she is always told from the perspective of the great man, whether it's even moving a robot mcguffey, my responsibility is to tell, is involved with story in a way that it hasn't really been told before. the ordinary. everyday life was involved with the people. i'm writing about a tina gap out of darkness. miser bob way on al jazeera ah welcome to portal. your gateway to the very best advantage. there is online content that you may have met a new program, the 5th through our platforms makes a connection and presents a digestible scene, each the award winning online content on their audience. portal with me, sandra, gotten on out there in oh,
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i got 9 stories now. for my south african president, jacob zoom, i says he will not surrender to police as a deadline. approaches for him to hand himself in humor has been sentenced to 15 months in prison for contempt of court, but has applied for the sentence to be a no. the to grant to vent forces are saying that they're ready for c slide talks with ethiopian government, as long as foreign troops withdraw from the region. they also want us to investigate and in our try and lead us alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity and chinese newly elected.
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