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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2021 12:30am-1:01am +03

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his personal story offering a fresh look at the changes and challenges that bob way face today. despite going tension with agency dance, e, p, o, p, or is that for the next phase of filling them on the blue nile. july on a just me a one of the top stories 0 taliban is continuous advance draft, got a song as the us and allied troops move closer to a full withdraw african forces in the northern provinces and preparing a counter offensive a day after being attacked by taliban, his prime minister mentors defended the decisions to find rebels in the northern to
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dry region, saying they were a danger to the rest of the country. leaders in taylor, i say they would accept a face font if certain demands were met. 3 more victims were being found dead in the rubble of a collapse building in florida. a search and rescue operation was closed on sunday . well, engine is demolished. what was left of the apartment? 27 people are now confirmed and it's been incredibly hot in iraq over the last few days. but temperatures reaching as high as 52 degrees celsius and anger is boring over onto the streets because now millions of people also have to cope with power cups. technical problems and high temperatures, the thought of effective power lies on the electricity grid is already working at higher capacity because of the heat. iraq also relies heavily on iran, which has caught crucial electricity exports because of unpaid bills. power from iran can amount to nearly a 3rd of iraq supplied during summer electricity ministry says transmission lines
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have been routinely sabotaged by unknown groups in northern iraq. in recent weeks. all of this is left millions of iraqis without power. and in some cases, even water. because pumps have stopped working well after we had a report from baghdad. this is a familiar sound at home, the streets of baghdad, and many other towns and cities across generators to provide the tricity with power outages from the national grid. all to combine, iraqis are desperate for alternative sources, specially in the heat of summer for some owning generators. and hiring them our to neighbors has become a profitable business venture. but not all families can afford the costs involved. the n jose's are suffering as temperature, sor, there are power black outs almost every day. and for a very long periods,
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a my plasma liquid known. he said home, we don't have cold water to drink, our children cannot bear the heat and they splash each other with water to cool off youth hand fans to provide ventilation for them, said he can sleep until i have been angry demonstrations in many cities. protesters furious at what they see as the corruption and mismanagement of consecutive governments. i'm a, we are in an open strike. we want determine a solution. we don't want temporary solutions. 6, iraq needs about 30000 me go once a day to overcome this crisis. the professors are blaming consecutive authorities for appealing not only to create more power generating projects, but also to protect existing power in installation power facilities have been frequently attacked and that have been fewer shortages for power stations. a
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prime minister the most calls me blamed his st. assessors and said iraq should diversify its resources to operate power plants instead of relying on gas from iran. that supply has also been suspended because iraq hasn't paid its bills. length of the political elite are unable to face electricity challenges because the lack strategic planning, they only care about the interests of their regional backers. and therefore, your rocky citizen will be the primary. the in her scenes are not aware or even interested in the political raven reason, conflicts that of thought and the oil rich country a part. all the want is some cold air to cape, the scorching temperatures for a peaceful night sleep. lamb would have had al jazeera, though the at least $21.00 people died when their boat sank off the coast of june.
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is yet it's the 2nd such disaster in the area in 2 days. the coast gone become their bodies near the porters. fox on sunday, on saturday, another 43 people drowned, while 84 were rescued. when a boat capsized auction is east coast se authorities say they were trying to cross the mediterranean from libya to italy. we're joined by suppressed, jani, the migration, and the southern program officer at euro med rights. she knows this by skype from sicily. thank you very much. indeed. what's your impression? what's causing the, the rising number that people take to take this risky route? yeah. hello. what we see right now in the central made in the last week is really something that start to be next had trouble. we have seen i around for she prick to in the lead in which her and to most people living from, from libya and with the she parking tenicia. there are all with people that
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are intercepted by the so called the bin goes cars and 10 back. the main reason for explaining the situation. the 1st one is the lack of legal patry who oblige people to read their life at c at tech boats. secondly, there is a lot of we have to rescue peroration take care bye. there were plenty to sion and the for example, they in you who normally made touch and rescue are pack and block in the italian hyper and enable to, to search people. so all of this we've done push people to ease their life and to increase the number of sheep breaking the central med and with all the shit price. well, what are the figures of people died so far this year? yeah, the number here is the really worrying. we are around 900 people have that in the
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center med but for example, for luke. oh there me get to such as the time to cool top of that number increase. then more than 100 percent. so all the situation is explain on the fact that germany east or with whiskey, but there is not enough means to search these people and rescue them. and it seems that the focus of her opinion solution is to prevent the part to her. but it is not the case, the end to stop and push back them. so what happens is that these people are in the sea and open the draw and, and these tragedies happen and that not be acceptable. and we've had some countries like the u. k. in denmark, i'm talking now about having sending refugees migrants abroad for processing. would those kind of measures help? do you think in terms of deterring people from setting off on this kind of journey? yeah, we call these procedure as
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a transition policy of that migration that can not be absolutely a solution. for example, we can text example of libya who is a country with the for example e tell you, i talked to sion, dealing for dixon. and as i bought the control, we can see clearly when we look at the shockey major or a few days ago when it so call the dental guard both tried to intercept to boots. and that should show thing shocking, made with, with the shoot of my grants that the set an example on what can be a process of x that is ation. that leads to you, my right violation international commission relation. and in any case, the main goal is that too often legal pathway to leave people safely arrived in europe and not to extend the values in the country,
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not to respect that you my rights. and i think that the example of libya is a very good example, but we can also the older country where as adam immigration is excellent and where you my right to our notes respect. and that will be the solution. european union must take the responsibility of seeing that exception people and to, to remind that sasha and rescue isn't obligation of members faith and purity of all sara county. thank you very much. indeed. i don't to thank you. you are now read public rift has opened up between the saudi arabia and the united arab emirates, one of the main allies over a crucial oil deal, the opec plus a line of $23.00 oil producing countries has been meeting to discuss output, which was slashed last year to stop boil process from collapsing during the current of ours pandemic. the group wants to increase production only gradually to protect
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the world's economic recovery. as locked down and lifted, the u a wants to raise its output beyond the levels agreed on by the alliance. the number of people missing or unaccounted for after a month side in japan has risen to more than 80 rescue crews in a tommy taking advantage of a break in the rain 2 days after the disaster. the japanese prime minister is the focus is still on fighting people alive. $1500.00 emergency workers and soldiers of their, their phase of more month slides in the region. or the seller may reports from tokyo. i visited the occasion yesterday that you would be surprised by the use of the patient that has been caused by that on the slide. $150.00 houses where it's already destroyed. i think got smashed into a very thin they years of metal. and they were thrown literally on the beach that's about 2 kilometers from the starting point of that slide. the height of the mob was
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over 3 meters in some location. and i spoke to some, one of the local isn't there. although they were very much struck by the accident, they were also angry because they didn't receive warning sort of evacuation before the before the results that happened. i know very confusion about the number of the people dropped under the under the other till yesterday we had and that number was 20. and today the mayor of 50 announced that they had been trying to contact a 115 people who thought that if they had, they were able to get the hold of 155. so they are still trying to contact or know the weight about stuff about peoples. the city itself is the resort city. so some people would have houses, there are sick and out so they would go there on the invitation. and that is not
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that happened on the saturday morning. so very difficult to say exactly the number of the missing now or the people under the variable and march in georgia to celebrate pride has been called off after l g, b, t q campaigners were attacked. and their officers ransacked. journalist also targeted with video, appearing to show man on a scooter driving it. reporters had to be event from is to iraqi gary brush. really warned the pride march risk causing public confrontation rights campaign is emboldened hate groups and the church, which said the march had no place in georgia. for centuries, the way of life of the ma poochie has was dismissed as a primitive one by many known indigenous trillions. with climate change and even the pandemic and making people rethink the beliefs of the countries. originally, habitants are latin america just soon. human is a community in noncom, i to see why them put your philosophy is becoming more mainstream. the guardian
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dream is extraordinary in many ways and not just for it to normal size or it's sharp and scale like leads. it grows very slowly and can lead for up to a 1000 years, a prehistoric species in fact. but the idea is much more. a little carryover in the last week to academia is a sacred tree for us. it is our mother and father because it provides us when she, with our food and sustenance. medea romito chill could be, is it the wind change, the name taken by the natives? my booty who live by the end these mountains for harvesting that god has fruit called the be noon. she asks which permission and gives him. thanks, danny. are you thanking you for centuries until this day? winches have wandered or sold their bananas for survival. they're extremely nutritious. in fact, we're told they also help increase fertility. it's something you know
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you can i try when you give me like chestnuts. mama went out on this day were invited to eat them for dessert. by the middle is a when to check for healer and explains that to be honest, are more than food i want to my phone, them in the county, the water, the earth, the air that we need to live don't need us. it is us who need them to call that is them a put a vision my booty, believe that man to use of nature is causing climate change, drought and illnesses like cancer. and the pandemic that we're witnessing. the indigenous people of chile realized long ago that if they over exploited their natural resources, they would die of hunger, which is what happened to the native americans in the united states when the white men exterminated the buffalo. these days, the concept of living in harmony with nature is actually becoming mainstream.
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so much so many trillions who long regarded them. i put you with content for believing that people should take from nature only one needs are beginning to understand the need for all to do the st. lucie and human al jazeera lucky my chilly. so i had an artist here in sport aiming for the top and one of the new events making the an impact in tokyo. ah,
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cruise me o. a
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27 years after jeff bezos founded what's become an online empire. the amazon c o stepping down from the row, the man who started the business in his garage and went on to become the world's richest person, isn't disappearing from the internet john to entirely she advertise the reports side. just very those will remain influential and amazon all 3 steps down and becoming the companies executive chair report to be focused on which areas amazon will move into next. do you expect to see amazon to venture into businesses where they feel like they can disrupt the landscape? by being more customer oriented, customer focused. so health care, education, all these things will be areas where we have lots of pain points. the world's richest man based off of estimated to make about $2300.00 per 2nd more in one week . and the median work at amazon makes in a year is $1.00 trillion dollar company paid no federal income tax in 2018. instead
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receiving a $129000000.00 tax rebate from the government pays also. and amazon has become a symbol of 21st century inequality. family teacher paid 22 percent amazon and 90 other major corporations pay 0 federal taxes will put in the day. but unlike companies such as facebook polls or amazon is trusted by the us public and respected for competence, even as it is accused of exploiting its workers and having too much power, not just in its ability to squelch all competition. but as a result of all the information is able to gather about its customers habits, one commentators noted quotes, jeff diesels has one capitalism. whatever the public's feelings about based off his vision is astonishing, as is his desire for amazon to be incorporated ever more deeply into all aspects of society. but a key question for many as long been why, what is basis is go? what does he want?
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those who have started him say the answer is nothing less than the human conquest of the universe. his primary ambition since his youth, a former girlfriend once told reporters that it was this, that drove him to a mass so much wealth. his idol is captain because of star trek baize, all had considered using because catch phrase make it so as the name for what would become amazon diesel says decision to shave his head has been noted in this context . however, he's yet to outline an amazon prime model of human existence in future space colonies. there's a lot of one of men ship if you will, in those kind of far super rich billionaires minds to make the next impact. so space is be next frontier. and so they may be very honestly believing that they can make much a greater impact by exploring and contributing to the faster development of humans colonizing our humans. exploring and becoming less dependent on the planet and base
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also will suit attempt to achieve his goal of space. travel, it's one earth. i want to go on this flight because it's a thing i wanted to do all my life. a petition as attracted tens of thousands of signatures pleading with him to remain there. but a more realistic goal for those concerned with a sofa unchecked power. maybe the growing body pause and congressional support in the u. s. for breaking up his empire. she returns the al jazeera washington. jim is here now with the sport. thank you. lauren. now you've already heard how england plans to lift lockdown restrictions, and that means a sport, stadium and events across the country can be at full capacity from july 19th, wimbleton to biggest courts will have a full crowd from thursday. they say will spectators will be able to see no joke of it in his 50 grand slam. of course, a final he got there by beating it to the christine green in straight set the looks to claim a record equaling 20 major title. if you are privileged, as i said,
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and honored and of course, very happy to be in this position to make history of the sport. but at the same time, i need to go about my every day routines in everyday life on the tour. pretty much the same way that i feel it has reaped a lot of success for me. so 50 grandson, quarter finals. the joke of ich, but $58.00 for roger federer the 8 time. when would, in champion you turn 40 next month, speech italian lorenzo stonegate to become the oldest man in the open area to reach the last 8 veteran winning and straight set against the $23.00 c genovius on that place in the course of final by beating last year friend jason champion is to be in by doing so, she might just have beth grandson performance, having also reached the last day to the 2020 australian open. now with the chance to come the 1st hour fire in the 8th, there is a major,
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demi fine timing will make it fill in pink dave, you and take you with one of 5 new events among those going to the games is person show on a coffee me fall, cut reports from sheffield on what it takes to reach the top. my name is shawna cox, and i'm a special carmen, and i'll be competing in sport climbing for the 1st time climbing 1st time in the tokyo fun front again. when spool climbing makes its limpid debut this summer, so in a cooksey will be reaching for gold. the 2 time world champion been competing since the age of 7. climbing the gains is called salt climbing and a combination of 3 different disciplines which speak i'm in south explanatory. how fast all bouldering, which you can see a little bit behind us. i'm not too high off the ground of math and then also lead climbing, which is clipping a rope in as you climb up and it's who gets the highest. the overall when is based on who performs best in all 3 disciplines. it's
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a full body support. legs, core, fingers, everything needs to be strong, but this isn't just about punishing routines. team great britain's approach before they even get to the war, is about fun. if your in a joyful place and you're happy to just let go and have a goes, it's going to help you to feel comfortable with pushing your boundaries a little bit on the floor and learning on the map. you'll be able to do the final pay behind all it is about training through playing stuffy training with near me body least happy. my happy athletes strengthen agility are only half the story climb as also need a strategic mind to tackle any configuration of war. i'm one of the competition for athletes are only given a matter of minutes. insulation to work out how to plan that route.
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the bodies and their mind working in thinking this has of course, been an unusual year with athletes for many sports, having to adopt their training routines. during the pandemic coming centers close, shawna youth, especially bill wall in her own basement. just thing is something was familiar with we just to injury. we're just the changes in that part of our lives. so anyway, yes, it was some real to have to adjust it, but it's also something that is familiar. i sport all about the athletes. personal interaction with the wall, there's a collective zeal amongst these climbers, a sporting euphoria,
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even when things go wrong. oh, the getting a competitive edge over her rivals, games where the margins between athletes a minuscule take shawna away from the wall to an ice cold river in the english countryside. after being indoors in the car all day to come out and feel connected with the outdoors again is important. this is the athletes place to unwind focus and prepare body and mind for the lofty heights, the olympic gain. giving the less athletic amongst just a moment to cool off limbs. ne paul, can i help you? 0 sheffield. one athletes. he won't be competing in tokyo is russian. hi jump done in life. thank. he's been given a 6 year ban for attempting to deceive anti de thing will forty's, the 2017 world championship silver medalist was found to have tampered with the
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results process and failed to inform authorities of his whereabouts. 5 senior russian track and field officials had already been banned for that part which involved creating documents from a fake clinic. give lice sank of a medical excuse for not being available for testing. and falsely claiming a car crash it excused him from another case. the who's denmark, or preparing for the euro? 2020, semi final and their coach claims opponents. england have no weaknesses ahead of wednesday's game, wembley. he also says he's been getting help from a psychologist to deal with his emotions after what happened to christian ericsson, the danish midfield at collapse on the pitch during the opening game of the tournament, after having a cardiac arrest. we almost lost all of his player, eldest friends, the heart of the team. we thought with emotions like crazy,
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we didn't know what to do. we didn't know how to get through it. we tried to fight the best we have learnt through that these emotions and we have played fantastic football. we have shown who we are. i'm very proud of these boys. england stop all at james anderson has taken his 1000 wicket in 1st class crickets. landmark dismissal was on the 5th scout and drugs display for his county. i'm to show you may be claimed a career best 7 and 19. as they took on ken's at old trafford, anderson's already the most prolific bowl in english history. with the 617 wickets the guy just keeps getting better and better with a g mail or thanks, jerry. and a quick monday you can catch up with sport and all the news. recovering my checking out our website address that is our 0 dot com and that's it for me or for the news
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out. and i'll be back in a minute for another full run up. today's news. thanks very much pushing bye for now. i me news news. news, news, news with energy to every part of our universe. more small. to continue the chain all around the shape by technology and human ingenuity. we can make it work for you and your
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faith can tell us story without uttering a single word. and knowing going can go a symbol times inform the young conventionality of life. witness through the lens of the human eye. it's more than bias on the witness. documentaries, on out is there when a war crime is committed? is it kind of follows a garzon human rights investigator on his unprecedented journey to the french high court? i says, every place to make sure that information to bring that's taking on the arms trade in his fight for justice, for innocence,
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palestinians and their families made in france on all disease. we understand the differences and similarities of culture across the world. no matter when you call home will be the news and current affairs that matter to you. i account on to final withdrawal of us forces from afghanistan or taliban fighters gaining new ground. ah, titus is out there alive from london, also coming up. if you, if he is prime minister defense is decision to launch a military campaign to cry by hundreds of thousands and now living in famine. 3 more bodies are discovered is the search and rescue mission resumes. victims of the
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1st time building collapse and try find a battle for hours to bring a massive chemical find a control in bangkok.


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