tv [untitled] July 6, 2021 9:00pm-9:31pm +03
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assassination in tunis on al jazeera. oh, be the hero, the world needs. ah washer in. ah, ah, this is al jazeera ah. hello, i'm stymied say that this is the news out live from coming off in the next 60 minutes . the us says it's true withdraw. janice time is more than 90 percent complete. his fighting between all the bomb and government forces intensifies. the world health organization warns the pandemic is far from over the countries to rethink easing
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restrictions. lebanon is days away from a social explosion warns the can take a prime minister as the appeal for international health and hong kong police present evidence of what they say was a city wide bomb. i'm devin. ashwin bought a kick off against spain. and then our 1st place in the years 2020 final. well, number one actually bossy reaches the wimbledon semifinals for the 1st time. ah, we begin enough chemist on we're more than 90 percent of american troops of left the country as part of a plan draw down, but a tolerable advance in the north whose left afghan, the stands neighbors worried about their security. so jesus town is deploying thousands of reserve soldiers to protect its border. russia has one of the biggest
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military bases, then it says it's willing to help the target government if needed. over the last 6 days, the taliban took control of $36.00 districts or 10 percent of afghan. the stan, they've doubled the number of districts they control since may the 1st. when us forces started their final withdraw. well, the afghan government is vowed to recapture the area seized by the tale bomb. the last 24 hours the african air full says it's killed. 261 tale. bon fight isn't injured. hundreds more under ship however, force was on the ground. taliban fighters have been taking one district after another. they now control of ghana stands northern border, which has he could stand. the african government says a counter offensive is on the way and will include soldiers who fled from the border this week at the way my, the main one is on even the african people expected that after the withdrawal of american forces in other countries, there would be no excuse for the tele bond to continue the war and they should
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cease and resolve their problem through negotiations and peace. but unfortunately, you see that instead they started an undeclared war and intensified it in the skies . the african air force is hitting back carrying out air strikes on taliban gatherings and may not have the latest equipment. but the afghan air force is trained and capable, its attack, helicopters and planes are equipped with laser guided bombs. you know, if we compared our self with the american, is the big difference. the new afghan commander bag room air base knows they may not have as much firepower, but he says they're ready for what comes. everybody knows we are living in a country for the k, florida continues. so in this case, some sometime we go forward some sometime we fit back. this is war in a combat. everything is possible. and nothing in this table. for the internationally backed government to retake northern areas and keep its capital
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secure. it must hold on to barbara. the americans left the base last week, but there's a prison at the site holding 5000 taliban fighters, raphael, or private in the afghan national army believes an attack is coming to freedom. what model has it is? you know, we haven't come here to sleep. everybody here is prepared to secure a bad graham. a morale is high bomber, but morale may not be high for long with the taliban. intensifying its attack. it's really the taliban having leverage having the upper hand. and i think there's a snowball effect. once you start seeing that various provinces throughout the country can become very hard to reverse, particularly with now, let's not forget without robust us military backing and support. you know, it's in the interest of the united states. it's in the interests of countries in the region to ensure that the afghan government is not collapse, but we're heading to a pretty dark place at the moment. the pentagon says the u. s. withdrawal is more than 90 percent complete. a lot can happen on the battlefield between now and then
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enter chappelle al jazeera. i talk now to fill out a man, he's the spokesman for afghanistan, ministry of defense joins us now via skype from cobble good to have you with us. so 1st of all, would you agree that the u. s. withdrawal has left left a vacuum? which the tale bama filling, not the afghan army. hi, thank you. unfortunately, were from a gather affected efficiently and hulu. do you mind if we could have the wire in hulu? area that's why we talk to capture room, where are we from the carnival and we haven't flying to let me jump in that. so
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because what you said, i think it's very important that the us withdrawal put you in a situation where you are unable to supply your forces in rural areas. why, where you are unable to supply and prepare your forces in rural areas, was the withdrawal not always coordinated with the afghan army? to gather some graph, you can see it's back implicated. mountain is kind of please. so we were trying to getting ready and we're trying to acquire early, i wanted to talk to you on our or be fine . but the situation will lock in to you and to talk on are not able to are you are to be taking over by game. we're getting the and we will
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logical operation soon. capture. let me jump in why, why are you getting ready now then if, if it was coordinated, then you then knew the ask, i mean you, where the american forces were going to withdraw from why will you not supplying your rural forces before? now why are you getting ready now off the cali bon advance? is there not a failure here on the part of the afghan army or authorities? you know, we are an award and security situation. not a good time in which i guess it's happening. but we need know who we are not able to protect or acquire and who are. yeah. but you know
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what? united way, sometimes like company and death time for a few days or we were not able to suck awhile, but now we are ready and we can apply forces. i'm now your mobile, i know center provision factor. what has changed? why, why will you not able to supply your forces and why are you now able to supply or forces what has changed in the last few days since you've lost so much territory we, we have to talk to the technical operation. and also we leave which are not important. and
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also we're, we're organizing, mobilizing and also a decline on the places. and we have increased our hired how little everything you're saying has nothing to do with supplying forces. let me ask you this question. do you believe you can defeat the hobby bon? yes, because we are fighting to protect the why. why do you believe you can be the target bond now without the american help and presence? when for years you will fighting the taliban with the american backing and you couldn't at right now is the launching when it's an operation individually by you know, united with different lines, all operation that have been watching. why are individually we can protect our
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horses. we can depend on how to treat. so i'm saying why do you believe now without the americans? you can defeat john. i've got to have to talk to have to talk about matters part intolerable law. all of them are not able to do military because they can not impose your national policy or on a because again, on a long plate to arms example, i get to talk on we have a couple of people. you say the africans have a ton of on the taliban have double the territory they have since the american
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withdrawal began in may. isn't that evidence that there is a problem with the afghan army? didn't all of them come nog or they are not able to capture the cd? as i mentioned, we will launch operation and we will we cancel our which i would be happy to take it over all loss and a few days you will be you will be on the ground. we have increased due i, if i could ask you, do ask our soldiers, share your confidence. a 1000 of them fled the border to stand rather than face the tommy bon, one of them hammered. mussa said they, we abandoned our base. he says,
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because there was no coordination of interest amongst our commanders to counter attack. so it doesn't mean that on victory or it doesn't mean that by tang. and i mean, you may know may not have been defeated, but my question is, does that not indicate there is a lack of confidence amongst some of the soldiers? so as usual and it's happens and worse and worse times. but we won't be continue again. it will not be repeated again because as i mentioned before, we have mobile, i gather some provincial financial cleanser and we are trying to prevent the incident which days. ok,
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i shop honey. recently suggested that pakistan is supporting the tale. bon, do you see evidence of that going on in the battlefield? if you know any question on how going back or send you a plan for any army officers or i'm on the telephone, right now you're writing again. are people sure that it by shoulders your name or do you have evidence of thousands of pakistani offices fighting with the county bond right now? the teams are all going to be killed. and again, in 24 hours, we have already, we have where we find we found to would you be willing to share that evidence with if you're saying that you have evidence of
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thousands of pakistani military officers do, would you be willing to share that evidence with us, i did pocket money on fighters pocket study and military all new tires to be there are among the top right now. we already did not get it done in court and came back and retired people is one thing at the beginning he said, thousands of pakistani officers, are you saying these and i you now, backing down from that statement, i've been pocket funny and thought of on sunday we tied, managing clear, not new new york new support
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caught on camera. trying to define we're trying to implement their agenda. i'm trying to not if you i thank you very much for your comments and coming to talk to us. so i had amanda plenty more still ahead on the news out, including the doctors say the military is turned them into criminals overnight unleashing a deadly crank. down distraught parents gathered a school where about 150 students have been abducted in nigeria. the latest class is not coming up in sports. the lympics protest arrested for working a water pistol in
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the world. health organization is warning against eating code with 19 restrictions to soon criticizing what it calls a premature rush back to full normality. a number of countries across europe are significantly relaxing their rules, despite rising numbers and concerns about the highly contagious delta variant. the w h o insist the pandemic is not over yet. and further waves of infection could surface later in the year. all of the countries of the america, we still have nearly 1000000 cases. week 1000000 a week in the hook up. it is an over am and the same in europe and europe in region. we've half a 1000000 cases week like this thing has gone away. so i sometimes have this sense that everyone thinks it's all over and we're just getting on. and to an extent, i understand the sentiment. understand why people want to feel that way. but for a lot of the world, unfortunately this thing is only getting started. we just need to be
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a little more patient. remember last summer where we had everything got good and then everyone kind of relaxed. and then we kind of arrived in september, october and ended up in huge trouble. but i think that's where we're going again with a much more transmissible, very at this time around of a u. k. one of the countries which is relaxing many of its current a virus restrictions including a mandatory mask mandate, but infections arising there. it's reporting its highest number of new daily cases since january almost 29000 infections. it's being blamed on the fast spreading delta variant. and talk to sunday guy ago in london, where almost all covey 19 restrictions are due to be gone in 2 weeks. so it doesn't look like the u. k. authorities are listening to that message from the w a show. know sammy and for now they seem to be very much focused on how they're going
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to go forward towards the listening of the restrictions on july. the 19th that the prime minister mentioned in his announcement on monday that if it wasn't going to be now been, when would it be the health secretary such a job, underlining that message saying that they're going to have to get back and live with the get back to normal life and live with the virus and that it was going to be more a question of personal responsibility. and so common sense to how people navigate that daily lives. now, to a certain extent, they would have a point if you follow that logic, it is perhaps better to loosen those restrictions. now, according to the government ahead of when children go back to school. and of course, the anticipated influenza waves that comes later in the year. the thinking behind that would seem that it is better to looseness restrictions now and
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not to have it overwhelming the national health service later on in the year. way it would go back to a very much overwhelmed system or situations that you saw earlier in the year. however, the medical community is also extremely concerned by this, if not outright critical. danger is, of course, if people decide to throw all caution to the wind and also stop measures such as mall squaring, which they say is still a relatively unobtrusive way of maintaining safety as well as social distance thing . the problem is, is that you're going to get still people getting infected with this is you mentioned, once again, we've seen tens of thousands of people being infected in the past 24 hours of this from kobe. and the vaccine program were huge. be successful at breaking the link between the transmission and those real high spikes and hospitalizations still
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isn't a 100 percent effective. now the thought behind the medical community as well as perhaps also being echoed republic opinion about 70 percent of the public think that it is perhaps a good idea to keep those questions in base. of course, the real concern and behind that is that if they completely throw abandoned to that, then you're going to get new variance popping up, which are going to be more difficult to control as a months go by. so much sunny guy ago that russia is reporting its highest number of covered 900 deaths since the pandemic began its scaling off its vaccination efforts. and so many countries around the world, his charlotte bellis vaccine drives a gathering pace in countries around the world. this is 1500000 doses of the medulla vaccine flowing into el salvador as a donation from the united states. i'll, salvador has administered just under 3000000 doses, enough to fully inoculate 22 percent of its population get the name also called for
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me. so we have a special commitment to the entire region and we are not going to stop until all countries have the vaccines they require to protect older citizens in ivory coast housework is visiting market to get as many people vaccinated as possible. though visit 130 in the capital abbey shop in the next 2 weeks. in some countries in africa covered 900 case numbers, a doubling every 3 weeks. i have just received my covered vaccine and we were leave because i had been waiting to do it for a long time. in russia, the government has opened its largest vaccination center in moscow. russia reported a record high 737 corona virus dates on tuesday. and the last week showed a slight decrease in the incidence of cove at moscow. but nevertheless, the level of hospitalization and morbidity itself is at a very high level. but how will the delta or other mutations behave?
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it's a question health authorities are asking around the world. israel's health ministry really started that the 5 by on take vaccine is just 64 percent effective against infections by the delta variance. it had been 94 percent effective against previous strains of the virus, although they reported it is still more than 90 percent effective. keeping people out of the hospital. there's no doubt that there is a level of escape with the does have a and that means that the, there is a level of reduction in protective immunity with this particular band, even with vaccines. the good news is that with 2 dogs of vaccine, there is still a very high level of protection for individuals against severe diseases like hospitalized ations and deaths. the dose of variances accelerating the spread of outbreaks and places that had previously escaped. the pandemic fee g went an entire year without recording any community corona virus, cases until the new strain arrived in april. on tuesday it reported a record 636 cases and 6 deaths. it does hurt you in some way,
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and it does also let you know that, you know, we're not far from over the i see you at the main hospital in the capital sousa is full. so as the cities morgue, 10 percent of the genes are fully vaccinated. officials are hoping to increase that number to stop the spread charlotte bellis out to 011. and i can ami crisis is so di, that is catholic, a prime minister thinks the countries just days away from a social explosion. and here's why you see the lebanese pound a lot more than 90 percent of its value. and as a shortage of foreign currency, millions have lost their savings and half of the population when they're living in poverty. prime minister hasn't the ab is asking for international help. now to save lebanon and release that financial aid, he was addressing diplomats in the capital. and when ashley, though i reckon my plate today to all the king's princesses, presidents,
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leaders and ally and friendly nations, and i call on the united nations and all international agencies in public opinion, to help save the live in these people from death and prevent the destruction of our country, leaping on is it a short distance from a social explosion and the liberties are facing the stock site on their own on the ab resigned off the last is bay root port explosion. politicians of synth failed to agree on a new government and talks with the international monetary fund for a financial bailout of stoled. the political and economic crises of left 11 is struggling for food, power, fuel and medicine is then a hold of now and how people in, by root coping. the country is in crisis. it has been in crisis for more than a year. the state is near nearly bankrupt and it's just a daily struggle for every lebanese. we're outside one of the gas stations here and you see the long lines, people wait for hours just to fill up one 3rd of their fuel tank. there is
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a fuel crisis just as there is a lack of medicine after people fill up their cars with gas, they go to pharmacy to start looking for medicines, which more often than not, they do not find. and then there's a hyper inflation, the price of food. it has more than tripled in recent months. yet the minimum wage remains the same. and the majority of the lebanese people turn in the local currency, which is now worth less than $50.00. and the reason is if i were to destroy god without throwing up, we have money, we're going to buy anything. we have money, really. we have money about going to buy anything. that's not there goes on. there are those people who fill earnest salary, but unemployment is on the rise. it's now 35 percent and research institute say it is going to increase to 40 percent of the. this is
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a country which is starving for dollars for hard currency. the central bank mandatory reserve is drying out and the central bank was giving importers dollars in order to buy fuel medicine at an affordable price to subsidize these goods. and like i mentioned, it's running out fuel prices have increased by, by 50, by 50 percent. so has the price of bread, so people are struggling and you just heard. a that man, there are those who have money, who are able to buy something, just can't because they cannot find it in the country which import to almost everything that it needs. and lebanon's, elderly people have been left to fend for themselves in the economic turmoil. some are homeless, while many others are struggling to afford basic necessities. around 80 percent of the population above the age of $65.00 of no retirement benefits or health care coverage. their life savings in banks and now virtually worthless. still ahead on
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al jazeera canada takes a historic staff and appoints an advocate for intuit rights 1st indigenous governor general under covert 19 outbreak causes have i can the england cricket camp when explain more in school. ah hello there, it's a hot dry picture for bill levant. and middle east, the temperatures are continuing to climb across the northern areas, particularly full queue weight. we're going to see the temperature touch up to 50. we're expecting that to happen on wednesday. and things are going to feel really hot and dry. so similar picture for much of iraq and iran, and mercury is going to continue to rise. but further south we've got the winds
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going down a little. the hazy sunshine is going to ease up as that dust starts to settle. but even further south of that, we've got cooling, winds blowing into the coast of yemen and months. a temperature is slightly down than where we expect them to be. for this time of year. there are any showers they will be to the west of yemen, hedging up into saudi arabia, but it's a relatively hot and dry picture, and it's hot and dry across the north of africa for the wet weather, we have to move to that central area. look that the storms brewing across the open risk valley. moving into south sedan, we could see some flooding from that wet weather here. and they joined up as we going to does a with those storms in the gulf of guinea. we've seen some heavy rain. forget bon and cameroon. we've also seen some flooding in sierra leone free town, seen some of those flash floods, and the wet weather is set to continue. the . the corona virus pandemic has altered modern society as gover,
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have grappled with soaring cases, contact, tracing, and huge data collections are causing concern amongst civil rights activists. people in power investigates the ever increasing powers of governments and businesses as they access people's most personal data and asks, what is being done to regulate the flow of sensitive information under the cover of cove it on a jazzy data. when a war crime is committed, is it kind of how does it follows that goes in human rights investigator, on his unprecedented journey to the french high court, i says, every place to make sure that the information to bring its context, taking on the arms trade in his fight for justice, for innocent palestinians, and their families made in france on all disease the
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a back wanting out time, so we kept headlines. the african air force says it has killed $261.00, autonomy bomb sizes and is preparing accounts are offensive to retake areas that have been captured. us with brawl is more than 90 percent complete. lebanon can take a prime minister, his warning, his country is days away from what he calls a social explosion. and the app is appealing for international help to resolve an economic crisis. b, u. k. has reported its highest number of new daily current virus cases. since january almost $29000.00 infection, it's being.
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