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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2021 4:00pm-4:31pm +03

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to fit the ones, but what a 40 here are saying is that what's important is to regulate what's happening in international waters. ah, me, this is al jazeera, ah, hello there i'm, how am i? and this is to use our lawyers from coming up in the next 60 minutes, patient president showing a movie is fascinated in his home by a group of unknown attackers. it's a new crisis. i hate to your country. perfect. civility gang violence and lawlessness. also ahead rockets and they are based in iraq coast to us as
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international forces in foundation fair strikes last week. that tough thoughts of oxygen and cold with $900.00 wives and anybody she wants the worst oversight break might be yet to come to the schools. tokyo fit into a fresh state of coast 900 emergency. the last sample also the lympics and italy beat spain to reach the form of the euros with a face on the de marco england, who play later. ah, patient president schuman luis has been assassinated, dragging the caribbean nation deeper into crisis, and political instability. voices killing was confirmed by ins from prime minister closure fess. he said, attack is raises the late president's home. molly's have been ruined by decree,
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over an impoverished country. that's become further engulfed in poverty, food shortages and gang wars. and chappelle begins are coverage. at one point, java, no movies offered a glimmer of hope for haiti. at a time of numerous crises, a former businessman who wanted to live people out of poverty in the poor country in the america last municipalities we needed the political stability is the 1st public resource in no country on earth. is it possible to talk about development? unless there is political stability unless there is social peace. but his years in office were challenging and he faced allegations of money laundering and corruption . maurice became president of haiti in 2017 after being chosen by the former leader michelle martelli to become his successor of the center. right patient had kill a party. 2015 election was the 1st to declare him winner. but the vote was
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overturned after allegations of fraud and violent st. protel. the rerun was den delayed by hurricane matthew, which caused widespread destruction in the south. but when it was finally held in 2018, it sport disagreements about when marie says term would end. after legislative elections were delayed that year, marie stayed on to rule by decree without a parliament. he tried to reassure haitians, even as things deteriorated around him. use by marcia development, need more violence, does not work with development and democracy. we have to cut bridges with these old practices that are putting the country behind. despite his calls for calm, the protests against him and his government got worse. he was accused of inaction in the face of increasing violence, a surgeon kidnappings for ransom, and the growth of armed gangs. in march, he declared some forms of protests as acts of terrorism. years before his
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assassination luis announced a new prime minister to tackle criminal violence. would have been his 7th and 4 years, not long after a group of individuals broke into his home in the capital, puerto prince and shot him dead. janelle maurice was 53 years old. well as cross life nights and galahad, he joins us from miami andi. what would you be know about? this is fascination this are while the recall's coming from around the world, from international leaders, calling for com in haiti and showing that support for the people of haiti. but essentially what we have here is a situation where a group of all men broke into the president's private house on the outskirts of port prince shot and killed, you know, my recent injured his wife. the 1st lady who is now in hospital recovering. there was some report suggesting these men was speaking spanish and dressed as d e agents who are from the u. s. at that is clearly not a d,
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a opperation. but the question now is, how does haiti cope with all this? because already the dominican republic, his report to be close, the border between haiti and the dominican republic of concerns of security. this is of course, a nation that it's fraudulent best at the best of times. what we have here is an argument over the constitution constitutionalist and 80 saying that jeff joke now movies should have stepped down about a year ago. he's been ruling by decree. elections haven't been held in some time when they all held. there are often allegations of fraud and corruption. so the question now is for the people of haiti, 60 percent of whom survive on less than $2.00 a day. what will happen next? because situations in a t, as i've seen many times in the past can spiral very, very quickly indeed, i think most people will not be overly concerned that that president is dead. but more concerned about what this will mean to them in the security of the nation. so this is an extremely volatile situation, one that could really easily go out, go,
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go sideways if you like, the deputy prime minister saying that the police are in control of the country. but that is just the voice of one official. the reality in a country like haiti is a, it's things could turn violent and very dangerous very quickly. we've already had gangs on the streets over the past year critic saying those guys were working for a job. now luis, that has not been confirmed, but certainly i think there's a great deal of concern across the world about the situation in haiti now. the president of nobody's has been assassinated and they must be the imagine the must be a great deal of concern where you are in miami because there is quite a large ation community that yeah, as about 300000 haitians call south florida home as a large community here, i would imagine many of the people living you have family back home in haiti, so i think there will be deep concerns again, not over the assassination,
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but over the safety of people in haiti because this is a situation as we've seen before. remember democracy in eighty's only about 35 years old. we had the devali, a pop, a dock and baby dog ruling for years. they had the time to recruit the secret police that killed tens of thousands of people. so in essence, the democracy has been growing. there has been maturing, but it's still very fragile. so i think the security situation certainly for people living here in little little haiti in miami, there will be extremely concerned about what's happening with their family members back in haiti. and remember, the united nations had a large force there up until 2017. they have now largely pulled out of hatred, leaving the nation exposed if you like. but that was a popular move at the time. certainly when i was that people wanted those troops gone. they were talk about forming their own haitian army that hasn't been one for decades. so it is really a delicate,
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precarious situation for haitians who are already living in, if not the poorest country in the world. certainly the poorest other than subsaharan africa. so very delicate, very fragile, and potentially very dangerous situation can be galaxy that really isn't very latest for miami, and the thank you very much indeed. let's stay with us. we can speak with kim, i'm john, the stand editor with the newspaper, a t t. he joins the law by skype from new york is get to have you whether we were hearing from our correspondent about what a fragile situation he is all ready in. what impact do you think the assassination of president jovan emily's is going to have on the country? well, all hell is going to break loose. i think right now the opposition has been pressing to make transitional government, which i think the head of the un office there, helen lean, who has
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a long time career state department officer has been somewhat sympathetic to and on the fence from what my sources tell me so i think now that job nell is gone and there's no clear successor. he just announced a new prime minister on monday. doctor r e l hungry. who you are radically, i would have thought would have been the one speaking, but instead it's the former interim prime minister club joseph, the former foreign minister. he was until his predecessor jude resigned in april. so the circle around job now was growing smaller and smaller. so i imagine now the us is which holds the predominant weight in haiti. we'll tried to bring about some kind of transitional government. the streets though
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are going to be very hot. there are neighborhood armed neighborhood organizations. formed an organization called the revolutionary forces of the g, 9 family and allies, which have called for a revolution against that system in haiti. and by that they mean the entire system, including all the power that the bourgeois haiti wields. and they want to see a change in the life of the haitian people who live for the most part in dire poverty and misery. specify that we understand the situation and how you see very hot. you say they told us about these armed gangs because our understanding is it was an honor group that fascinated the president. we don't know what the stage who they are the you have written on the gangs in have
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a just give or, or international view as a bit of context here. i mean, i big an issue, all these armed gangs. i mean here is actually in charge of the country as it stands. right. well, what we do know is that the gangs and the killing of job now appear not to be connected. that was apparently foreigners, very well funded. they had 9 new nissan patrol, pick up trucks, they knew the layout of the president's house. they had inside information clearly . so this was a well funded operation, probably backed by some country or a very large mafia of some sort. now the situation of the gangs as they're called in haiti, this is become sort of a grab bag because there are different forms of organization in haiti's, booming lump and proletariat which haiti 50 years ago was largely
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agricultural society. but through neo liberal reforms which strove peasants off the land and into the cities port a princess swelled from 500002 over 3000000 people. and most of these people live in vast shady towns. they have no employment and they are trying to got a living. and in this context, the authority of the state has diminished, and local leaders have emerged. and some of them have turned to kidnapping and various other crime, but primarily kidnapping to not only keep their neighborhood afloat, but now give some of their neighbors and so forth. money for a wedding or a funeral, or what have you ok against them? yes, i'm sorry. you're outlining the situation which sounds incredibly,
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it's debt located in 80 percent of the people who live there. but i want to turn to something that you, you said earlier in that answer. you said that this is a well funded group for their pickup trucks. and so on, possibly find an external age and a foreign country who might not be, i mean, given the states of 80 right now, it has challenges, economically, challenges, politically. what benefit would there be for another country to oversee the liter shit? very hard to know it may have been from within the haitian bush was the some of whose members are very wealthy and possibly could have bankrolled an operation of this size and sophistication. but why would they get rid of the presses? and i guess is my question. well, job now louise was at odds with many parts of the bush. was he with members of the
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bush was the who had sweetheart deals in some cases where he was trying to cut back on. we have to remember that haiti had a thing called the petro korea, a fun money from the sale of venezuelan oil cheap venezuela oil from 2008 to 2018. that was cut off due to trump sanctions president donald trump, sanctions against spanish whaler. venezuela could no longer provide the oil and suddenly the money stopped for haiti. so job now had to go to members of this bush y z who previously had supported him and say, listen guys, you got to cut me some slack and give me back some of the money and deals that i've given you before. and his predecessor had given as well, michelle marcelli, and these guy, these guys and bush was the got very, very mad. and they said no way. and they were in many ways funding the opposition.
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so it became and really commanded the central organizations of the opposition. and so there was a war between children and movies and some members of the haitian bush, was he ok, can i say, what are the time get your perspective. thank you so much for joining via skype from new york. we appreciate it. thank you. a lot more of the daisy fil. ahead including have kind of sounds taliban makes games across the country. is meredith alone? this war comes to an end. foremost african president jacobson of our last, we're learning whether he'll be arrested one of basketball stars returning to the finals, the best of action coming up in sports the faces. ah, taliban fighters have continued their offensive in northern afghanistan,
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making their 1st assaults on a provincial capital since the u. s. and natal drawn thing began. the telephone says it briefly took control of color in. now in back these for the 1st time since 2001 left kind of sounds, ministry of defense as it's forces of kills one and 2000 taliban sizes this week. yes, it's still losing significant territory. charlotte bellis has this reports. the taliban fighters rolling through color, you know, the capital of the province in north western afghan stone. they claim to have briefly taken control of the town. the 1st provincial capital of attempted to overrun since the us and nato withdrawals again, was the last bag, decent governess in government forces pushed the fighters out of the city. although not before they broke into the regions central prison and rescued these telephone fighters over the sounds of heavy gunfire. beyond governor
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had this message for afghans was a woman who i am that i want to assure our people that all the security forces, including the special forces a here and defending the city of color in on the enemy who has engaged with us in some parts of the city is facing resistance and also facing a lot of casualties and to fate. the afghan government has lost significant territory in the last 2 months. it's relying on air strikes to retake control. the ministry of defense is its troops have killed more than 2000 teller bon flax's in the past week. wind, or brothers and sisters. there is no deal and no will to surrender. there are 2 choices, either to live with dignity or to live with insult. today's the day of honor, dignity and support. but if the taliban thinks that we are surrendering to them, that will never happen. not in 100 years. local militias have joined forces with the yes can military to bolster they ranks. this district, northern to ca,
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province fell to the taliban last week. since may 1st, the taliban is more than doubled. the number of districts that controlled to approximately 200 or half the country with the route. you know that the most afghan security forces deployed on the front line, that way, militia forces also stand with them and defend in tech how most of the areas and districts have fallen to the taliban. now we have created several lines to stop the taliban reaching the city. the telephone offensive has regional allies concerned. turkey and russia have close the consulates in the region while iran has restricted its consul activities. although to iran did host a meeting between taliban leaders and some senior african politicians. second bag, deece taliban fight who's pushed out of color, you know, were ordered to wait at the city skates until security forces surrendered. day after day, the pressure boats with less than 20 percent of f canister done now controlled by
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the afghan government. charlotte bellis. out 0. a bases by us troops in iraq has been attacked. at least 14 rockets landed on the i said air base and unbar provence . 3 missiles were also far towards it. on monday, us presidents, 5000 orders airstrikes against iran, both groups last week. let's get more for her to join us live for the iraqi capital bag. that my, who carried it this attack and why will know no goodness ation has claimed responsibility. but you know that we know that the united states has been always accusing iran affiliated on with groups in iraq of cutting out such attacks. especially drone attacks targeting american facilities and american personnel. now, according to colon wayne morrow to, that's this,
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he's the spokesman of operation in her entry solve. he just treated 14 missiles, were they targeted the annual asset to military base and as well as you know that this a to base or military base, excuse me, an anal after the new. i'm bought a province. it includes the not only us personnel, it includes also coalition forces along side iraqi official forces, official, military and now the government at the spokesmen of the chief commander of the iraqi army forces. just stated that explain already describing the operation as an aggression on the iraqi sovereignty. and it's, it's posing a threat and not only to iraq stability, but also to the a commitment. iraq is commitment with its international partners. now, we know that the civil iranian affiliated on goods groups have been trying to
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underestimate, have been trying to diminish the ongoing strategic dialogue between iraqi government of the prime minister most of all caught me and the united states, including that pertaining to she, dueling withdrawal or re deployment of the american forces and by the end of this month, the prime minister must have a call to me is expected to pay a visit to the united states to find or to continue talks. and in regard to the strategic dialogue, to also pertaining to their withdrawal or a deployment of the american forces from iraq. okay, my with the white sli, from back, that's my. what, thank you. former south african president, jacob zoom. you could have ours left before learning whether he'll be arrested. he was sentenced to 15 months in jail, last league for failing to show up at a corruption inquiry. please have until midnight, wednesday to rest,
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and summa has put forward to legal challenges, attempting to block the move. let's get more from from eda miller. she jones, aside from candler for me to have been asking you this question the whole week. really. but do we expect jacobs hemisphere arrested? well, we're certainly closer to a possible arrests than we've ever been before. that is the expectation after the former president put in that application at the high court to try and block the arrest. the judge ruled, well, he didn't rule, he then said he will give judgment on that on friday. but currently the police are instructed by a constitutional court judgment that the former president should be arrested and that's off the didn't hand himself over on sunday. and that because he was found guilty of contempt of court by the constitutional court. we've seen a significant amount of maneuvering some political statements in the last couple of
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days. at one point, the minister of police because they had said that he, well, he had sent a letter to the, to the, to those on the commission. that's the commission that he's looking into corruption in south africa saying that basically they're unclear around whether or not they should arrest the former president because of these pending court challenges. and he's looking for clarification. but since then, he's taken a step back saying that he is obliged to arrest the former president based on that court order by the constitutional court. and if he didn't, he'd be in contempt of court. so the expectation is that the former president would be arrested. we know the police minister has travelled to the province consumer in itself, and we've seen very little movement outside the residence of the former president. but we do know there's a high police presence in the area. and it may just be a few hours before the former president, jacob's duma,
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is arrested because police really have no choice. ok for me to miller live from in candler. thank you for major me and denise is and bulls and tells me corona virus restrictions, as the government warns the nation as yet to see the worst of this foreign break. another record of more than 34000 new infections were reported on wednesday. there were 1000 deaths or, and 7 times the daily rates just one months ago. the johns hopkins university tracker shows over all around 2400000 cases in the 60000 lives loss since the pandemic began. well, the government is importing emergency oxygen supplies for hospitals filled with overflowing with sick patients. more contagious delta variant for sweats through entities just densely populated. java island is nice spreading through the rest of
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the islands nation. jessica washington has more from the coffee east of jakarta, to go to hospitals and job as hospitals in general are under unprecedented pressure . and this is why you can see the results of that. this is one of the new coven 19 burial side, in because see on the outskirts of to caught her. and as hospitals are on the increasing pressure during the 2nd wave infections here in indonesia, many patients, many sick people have been turned away from hospital and force to isolate at home no matter how sick they are. does hospitals are forced to turn away patients because they are already at 90 percent or 100 percent capacity. people have to stay home and it's up to their families to do whatever they can to keep them alive. and in many instances, they're unsuccessful. as doing that, some are trying to buy oxygen tanks or medication to keep their loved ones alive,
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but the death toll is increasing because of this crisis. these graves, you could have been working non stop. we've been observing the situation here. the past few hours and the bodies never stop coming. these men never stop working. such is the situation. the scale of the crisis here in indonesia, the indonesian government says it is working to try to rectify the crisis in some ways, including trying to source more oxygen for those in critical need. that it includes trying to source oxygen from neighboring singapore. the health ministry also says it is attempting to add more beds to hospitals, as well as increase the number of isolation facilities. but health care workers say that they are overwhelmed and overrun, and that no matter how many beds they're all in these hospitals. simple reality is, is that there is not enough health care stuff to cater for the demand right now.
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there are far too many people falling critically ill in indonesia for doctors to take care of all of them. and this is the result. and his health minister is among 12 cabinet members, quit the resignation, support her re shuffle by point minister and render movie after the catastrophic spike, and go with infections and deaths during april. and may health minister harsh varden came in for particular criticism. the way hospitals ran out of beds, medical, oxygen, drugs, and stuff. tropical storm elsa has we can, does it makes land full in the state of florida. golf course appears to be spared significant damage, but flood warnings are in place in several areas. the storm has already passed over several caribbean islands, killing at least 3 people more on else and i with everson hello. once again, more tropical storm elsa has now made land full across the northeast corner of the
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gulf of mexico just pushing up around the floor. pan handle weakening in the process. it is tropical storm, now downgraded from a hurricane. it will continue to make his way further northwards. nice was over the next few days away from here. the stories about the heat down towards the south west of the us once again, getting into the mid forties. therefore, phoenix temperatures picking up the southern parts of california, frankly around the pacific northwest western areas of canada, temperatures on, on the fall, over the next day or so. so not causing too many problems. the problems are going to be across at east side of the us. more weather coming through here, just around the carolinas, towards mid atlantic states as alpha punches out into the open waters drifting up towards newfoundland, just passing new york as we go on 3 fridays or some very wet weather coming through here. that could cause localized flooding across a good part that eastern side of the u. s. right through new england. sherry rain coming back into behind 4 central areas. still some pretty heavy right into the
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deep south because we're looking around the mexico at the moment. that's the part of also making his way away from the caribbean, quieting down nicely here now, with sunshine and showers. fill ahead zone, i'll just 0. we look at the possible move to the shooting of a point of sure. listen, the muslims in jam on the title of fully which has died at the age of $98.00. and as for peace, it will be here to see what is the best can certainly find a look here was between england and denmark. ah, when a war crime is committed, who is it coming to the how does it follows a garden human rights investigator on his unprecedented journey to the french high court? i says, every place to make sure that the information to bring it's taking on the arms trade in his fight for justice, for innocent palestinians,
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and their families made in france on all disease. there is no channel that covers world views like we do and the roman correspondent, i am constantly on the go covering topics from politics, to environmental issues. the scale of the towns is like nothing you've ever seen access to health care. well, we want to know, how did these things affect people we revisit places day even when they're no international headlines. they're really invest in that not the privilege as a journalist. oh, a.


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