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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2021 4:30pm-5:01pm +03

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is fine for justice, for innocent palestinians and their families made in france on all disease. there is no channel that covers world views like we do. and roaming, correspondent, i am constantly on the go. covering topics from politics like environmental issues, the scale of this campus like nothing you've ever seen access to health care as well. we want to know, how did these things affect people? we revisit places day even when they're no international headlines. they're really invest in that. not the privilege as a journalist. oh, a.
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this is al jazeera come to the top stories. this patient presents children, and least have been assassinated. factors rated his home during the middle of the night in some governance is colon for come of a c for us troops in iraq has been attacked. the 14 rockets landed at the i know last air base and, and bob province. as president biden ordered air strikes against him on both groups last week and indonesia is expanding. nationwide restrictions is a delta. various fields research in cooper, 19 infections, and a number of cases to trip another record high more than $34.00 thousands. let's bring you more now on the assassination of haitian president juvenile noice jake johnson as a senior research associate at the center for economic policy research, where he's lived right there on hasty relief and reconstruction, joins us by skype for washington dc. it's great to have you with us on the program
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. let's face it though he sees a country with no shortage of problems. the president has been assassinated. what impact do you think this will have on the country? thanks for having me for talking about this important thing. you know, i think it's really early and it's far too early to know and to speak exactly about what will happen next or what exactly happened last night. even i think, you know, everyone is still looking for information and trying to process and see how things shake out. i mean, i think, you know, what's clear is that, you know haiti for some time now they've been facing a really unprecedented situation. you know, in the last 3 years, there have been more than a dozen massacres. it's been increasing politicization of state institutions. and i think you have organizations, civil society groups, human rights groups in the morning for some time that a continuation on this part would lead to something explosive. so i think, you know, it's time for to, to, to sort of take a step back and really to, to process this information and see what will happen next. well, let's leave the politics to one side then because there are clear as the specifics
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within within he see, and we could spend an hour talking about them. but let's talk about the people in hazy assistant, devastating earthquakes several years ago now. and the fact that every time a hurricane barrels to the caribbean at all, the solvers seems to haiti the people living there are in a terrible situation just a lane for what it's like for the average haitian living in the country. yeah, i think this is a really important point. you know, i think you know, a lot of media attorney their sites under haiti right now, but there's been a situation again for some years where there's been virtually no attention. and one of the great human rights crises that we've seen in the hemisphere recently more or 4000000 people food insecure. the capital has been, you know, large lots of it taken over by armed individuals that are prevented. most people from just going about their daily business life has become increasingly difficult and, and the victims that are over the last couple years. you know, we don't talk about that and we'll, we'll talk about the president,
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his assassination, of course. but, you know, there's the countless victims that, that haven't had that attention. and i think, you know, it is a time for everyone who's now looking at haiti for the 1st time in a long time to, to look at the situation. not just today, but how we got here and what really has led to this situation today. what has led to the situation today? yeah, look, i mean, i think, you know, and in your introduction, you talked about haiti being a challenging place. and obviously that's the case, i think, you know, there will be too much focus on haiti and not enough focus on the role of international actors in this right. then people think about haiti as a failed state. you know, i prefer to call it an aide state. you mentioned the earthquake. and really since even before that donors has been billions of dollars and have largely outsource most of the state apparatus to foreign and g o z and private companies. when you look at the weakness of the patient's date today and inability to provide for the haitian people as much to do with the failures of those international actors who tried to manage the situation. ready in the face of what asians have been saying for some time as an untenable status quo, i think again, you know, this is
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a real reckoning moment for looking at the international policy and haiti this. this was the solution to this then because people who are putting money in jars to do needs asian earthquake victims thinks that the money is going to the asians. are you suggesting that it, since a national organizations and n g o have contributed to the fact that there's the color apathetic that people are living an object, poverty and shanty times? yeah, of course may talk about the color of dynamic itself that was introduced, but un peacekeepers after the earthquake. right. and again, you talk about sort of the lack of, you know, the security situation. the police, as an institution has received billions of dollars from, from the us, from the us and from other international actors over the last 1520 years. and what we've seen, actually take place with it in recent years, is it's just total dismantling. and politicize ation. it's way too early to talk about motivation or anything like this, but most of the focus will probably be on the conflict between the government. his opponents, who say that his term ended the beginning of this year and who don't recognize his mandate. but this covers up the fact that there are plenty of divisions within
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power itself within various factions. you know, this was again, increasingly volatile situation and they've been building for some time. and so given the desperate situation that the average average haitian faces, let's talk about the fascinating precedence. what impact did he have on hasty during his tenure? i mean, did he make things better? why i think, you know, i mean, you look at his, you know, mandate it's been, you know, obviously fraught with conflict from, from the beginning you know, his own election. this is a president who won an election with about 20 percent turn out received less than 600000 votes in a country of 11000000 people. and you know, frankly from its 1st day, there's been a crisis of governance and the lack of ability to sort of build a coalition to, to govern the country. and we've seen that conflict sort of play out and fits and starts, you know, and sort of slowly building really since his 1st days and office today is actually
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3 years since, you know, the government announced a fuel price hike, which triggered a series of significant protest and riots really launched an anti corruption movement later that summer. those protests targeting the government targeting it, former government officials and current government officials have been growing and growing and growing for many years now. you know, and so again, you know, this is not something that occurred in a vacuum. ok, johnson that from the center for economic and policy research, thank you very much for joining us on the al jazeera user. thanks for having me. lithuania plans to build a border fence to deter refugees and migrant. some entering from neighboring bella, ruth, the to any. it says it's struggling to cope with an increase in arrivals. mostly people who come from the middle east and africa after bella was relaxed, efforts to stop them, the russian president. so the founder, look a shank has been accused of weaponized in migration response to ease sanctions.
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the dutch by ministers describing the shooting of a prominent crime, joan list shocking and in comprehensible these are the race was seriously wounded on the streets in amsterdam. he's known for his investigative work and expulsion, the dutch criminal underworld. that baba reports i. he's a household name in the netherlands, now investigative journalist to pay to the threes is in hospital fighting for his life after being shot on this amsterdam street. it happened right after he made one of his regular television appearances when a current affairs program. from this day, the shoot, a shot peter to very close range. he was quickly assisted by bystanders and colleagues taken to an amsterdam hospital in a serious condition. the 3 seas known for investigative work on countless cases, notably the 983 kidnapping of bay magnates. freddy heineken. he's often been threatened by figures in the criminal underworld, including the heineken kidnapper. it was well known that you received death threats
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and he was also on the list of crimes and should because report a few years ago, at least about the edition and now has left an action. and to this, this assassination of them from his life instigated a short way through members in 2008 to freeze, want to an international emmy for a show he made about the disappearance of us teenager natalie holloway. on the caribbean island of i ruba, the main suspect in that case, a dutch citizen was late to convicted of murdering a peruvian student. they to air disease. it was all a mile not hated to freeze is a national hero to all of us, a rare and brave journalists tirelessly seeking justice, completely independent and free spirited. he stands up for those in need for the parents of a murdered child. so those have been wrongly convicted more in the european parliament. the mood was one of outrage. we might disagree with
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a lot we see in our media. but we have to agree that journalists investigating potential abuses of power are not a threat, but an acid to our democracies, and our societies and our thoughts and solidarity. go with the journalist, peter the fries. in these moments, the netherlands king william alexander, says the shootings shocked him deeply, calling it an attack on democracy, dodge police, a tomb, and they arrested on a highway shortly after the attack, a still in custody. the dean baba al jazeera, saudi arabia, sewing its weights behind egypt and sudan over their concerns. this is you'll be a controversial hydro power dam kingdom says that supports the countries and preserving what it called them, the gist of it. water rights and efforts to bring the finding solution to the crisis. if you p assess, it started the 2nd phase of filling it's dam on the blue nile. if you could
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crucial for the countries developments but see don and egypt worry, it could affect water levels downstream. there are warnings over spirit she illnesses among children near tal volcano in the philippines. most of the people near the 7 kilometer dangerous on the move elsewhere that those displaced avoid event more than just the option to me. the islands organ has more we visited a good see you a week after that i will k no sent plumes of black smoke and nash into the town. it is mostly empty now. to our volcano is spewing a record to high amount of sulfur dioxide and the philippine government says another eruption is eminent. those previously moved elsewhere are not allowed to return just yet. they've been staying in temporary shelters, like these in batangas bravo and i phone them and we are okay here we are not
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hungry. oh, there is aid. we would like to go home if possible. once allowed, the government has assured defected communities. that assistance is being given and more aid will come in the coming. but the threat, of course 19 is a major concern here. we were here last week and there were more than 800 residents thinking shelter here. what the government has done over the past few days was to move half of them in several different locations. this is a requirement by the national government to implement the minimum house protocol required when there is a panoramic maxima 1st law being. now we are defining those for file being. we have our swamps here. we also check those who are pregnant. so far we have 7 here, went to algebra 2, last years. it displays more than 100000 people for weeks. it was followed by the global pandemic. and the month long locked down, that her business is here,
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which are dependent on fishing and tourism. people here see the understand the threats they face, but the fear this could be a repeat of what happened last year. jamaila lindberg and al jazeera, the all batangas province northern philippines. one of bollywood small suspects had stars through the camara has passed away h 98. he was one of the 3 big names who dominated the golden age of indian cinema. he received the highest acting and civilian owners in both india and pakistan during his 5 decades on screen india correspondent elizabeth per on them reports. the comma began his career and the hindi film industry in the 900 forties. decades before it was known as bollywood. and just a few years before the partition of british india borne mohammed uses khan and charlotte in modern day pakistan,
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he was asked to change his name to the comma when he began acting in films in the city of bombay. me to hear you get them here. come on motion. his biography, that the owner of production company, bombay, talkies wanted him to have a name that would be suitable for his audience. and so mohammed use of con, became philip komatt on the screen, but remained uses to those close to him. mod went on to be known by other names, tragedy, king for his roles and melancholic, love story such as dave das and d as best method actor for his sincere performances. and the 1st con, like on the lips subsequent, which was hardly a reference to his real surname. and the 3 con amelia son, mont, and shadow. who were bollywood biggest dollars for 3 decades from the 1990s. no, it can be bigger than the substance which he portrays. i mean, the character, the story, this green play. and for any good and enduring performance shadow,
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you have to have a good story. come on one the indian film industries award for best actor a record 8 times, including in its inaugural year. 1956 of us. can you put our cleaning? has 960 historical bio pic mogley asms, where he played mogul emperor john. deed is the highest grossing indian film of all time. when adjusted for inflation, his talents were noticed outside india, but he turned down the role of sheriff ali and the 1960 to blockbuster lawrence of arabia, which went to egypt, an actor or much at ease. the command retired from acting in 1998, but not from public life. he was an advocate for the rights of disadvantage, muslims. he travelled to pakistan to receive its highest civilian honor, the masonic empty as the only indian to have done. so he served on the upper house
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of india's parliament and early 2, thousands and received the country, 2nd highest, civilian honor for his contribution to indian cinema in 2015 with his passing and dea has lost the last actor from the era of hindi cinema which produced the 1st dogs, elizabeth moran and al jazeera new daddy quick break, and then we'll have the sport for you where people are, will as a catch to remember. and major league baseball to go away. ah ah
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ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
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ah the thank you very much, we'll start in japan with the government it's, it's a issue afresh, state of emergency in turkey. last until after the olympics. the game starts in just over 2 weeks on july 23 and run through august 8th. a covered 19 numbers are on the rise in turkey, hitting a 2 man tie on wednesday. this could lead to a band on local fans attending the game to the decision expected on friday. foreign support has already been blocked. japan top health adviser still says the few people in attendance the better whether she could go might got more money than if we're having the olympics. then as much as possible, we have to do it on a smaller scale. i think there's a need to allow those involved with the games to enter the venues, but much fewer than would normally be allowed. this is extremely important mixed messages and not st. spring to carry richardson will miss out on the olympics
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altogether. after being left off the us team, she was one of the gold medal favorite for the 100 meters, but last spot in the race of the testing positive for cannabis in the wake of her mother's death. there was still a chance you'd compete in the relay after a one month band. but despite having to discretionary picks, us officials have decided not to take richardson to japan. the us seems his rules around cannabis need re evaluating. but that all athletes must adhere to the current anti doping code and credibility would be lost if rules were only enforce under certain circumstances. when a heartfelt understanding lies with she carry, we must also maintain fairness for all of the athletes. the british and irish lions rugby to south africa is in jeopardy of the coven. 19 cases were reported in both camps 1st, so africa cancelled a woman faced against georgia because of 12 infections among plays and management
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stuff. a sort of 4 cases reported by the georgians and then the lions announced 2 of the players are isolating off the one of the management team says to positives, the rest of the touring party has been p c or tested. and if they come back positive tonight to match against the shocks and likely to be called off the who's italy coach or bertha mancini has worn these plays, that the job is not over yet of the beat spain to reach the final of the euros. it was a thrilling, semi vital match up at london's wembley stadium. despite spain dominating position . it was italy who school 1st on the counter attack, refitted eco t, a 10 minutes left, substitute equalize the same issue the extra time. and then penalty was one of the spanish press myths in the shootout which open the door for joe
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junior to win it for italy. and he did it for the, for the final, for the full. so i'm looking to win it for the 2nd time of the $968.00, and i'm beat name $33.00 games and the menchie sample need to get it. i mean, if it is unique, we're still, we're very happy and i think the players, they believed right from day one that we can produce something incredible. but we haven't yet done everything we need to. the still one step to go. and now we have to rest up later on wednesday, england and denmark will meet in the 2nd semifinals that taking place at wembley and have reached the final for for the 2nd consecutive tournaments. and what's more carousel gates men have yet to concede to go that the euros, denmark lost their opening to games while losing caps and, and stopped christian ericsson, who suffered a cardiac arrest in the opening match. since then, the danes have recovered to win 3 in a row while scoring 10 goals in the process. with the quality we have with the
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results, we have been there and we have been heaven. the way we play, we try to take m initiative in the matches, whoever is on the other side of the pitch and we will, we will try to be proactive. we'll try to play with the courage and we always do that and play forward and try to score that next goal. we've never been to the final so the pressure is what you choose it to be really. i think it's a motivating thing. it's a challenge for us if we were a country that at $15.00 titles and, you know, we had to match what have gone before might feel differently, but we're not, they call it the super classical and that's what friends in south america have to look forward to in brazil and argentina, meet in this use copper america final on saturday. that's also the origin times saw off colombia in the semi finals on tuesday last hurdle martinez the opening goal of
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this in council just 6 minutes. but the colombians would equalize courtesy of louis the as just also the, our mark. and so the match it is the penalties go keep miliano martinez say 3 sport as origin see to now going to say for sober way since 1993 the phoenix suns have struck the 1st blowing, the n b a finals against the movie bucks. jonathan, to come for was back for the backs of the missing 2 games, and there were no signs of ease. knee injury when he left high to deny the sun. what looked like a certain 2 points in the thick and quarter that is certainly worth another look. but chris pool was the still in game one was 32 points and 9 the 1st meeting, phoenix, 13 point victory. they are now 3 wins away from the 1st ever, n b, a title. the pandemic as cost the in be a billions of dollars in revenue, but the league plans to attend to normal next season. commissioner adam silver has
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been encouraged by fans getting back into arena's for the playoffs. we've now had since to play off started over a 1000000 fans back in arena's, which is quite remarkable. and not a place that i thought we'd be in only a few months ago. and i know i heard from many people outside of basketball and even outside of sports, that when the player started and they saw those for arena's, again, it was a signal that maybe the worst of the pandemic is behind this. and of course we're, we're very much hoping that's the case. let's finish with an amazing catch. in major league baseball, things are pretty tight between the los angeles angels and boston red sox when this happened. 011 guy said, well hit after, right dinner. be like go or it's fantastic. if i buy one, i got a to prevent the 2 and a home run. for the red sox kept the angel they hate and they went on to win the
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game. 53, that's where we'll leave it for now. i'll be here again a little later with another sporting update. holler. we look forward to peter. thank you very much indeed. and finally, a new installation in mexico promises to mass visitors in the minds of the late artist frida kahlo asleep. mars columns birthday and organizes of the sho in mexico city. say it offers a true face for the fences. manuel rapids went to check it out. it's the, this is not your average art show. it's a new exhibit to honor mexican painter, frida kahlo, ah, event developers call it a sensory journey into the world of one of mexico's most iconic artists making everything fully immersive. it's like you're, you're in a space where you don't see no boundaries where there is no limits. me while the music animations are captivating, the exhibit is another experience altogether. i recommend that
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even visit walk around, make your way, cross the curtains, come here and dance across the way and paint it took event organizers to years to bring the artwork to life. it's a result of the lack of almost 900 people working the night and fall for thousands of hours, the signing composing music and creating the some eating visuals that we see today . the music original score. it was composed of mexican composer and it's interpreted by abandon and musicians, ah, more than $140.00 paintings by frida kahlo, $55.00 are self portraits. often depicting whimsical settings representing the many hardships carlo faced in life. ah, such as overcoming childhood polio, surviving
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a deadly bus accident in her teenage years and enduring more than 30 surgeries throughout her life. some of carlos contemporaries characterized her artistic style as surreal as a label she rejected. pre decarlo, one said she painted neither nightmares or dreams, but rather her own reality. the free to exhibit in mexico city opened its doors on july 6th to coincide with colors birthday. strict sanitation measures against colbert 19 have been taken to keep the experience safe. the organizers say this underscores another reason why the free to exhibit is so relevant to day oh, apart from being remembered as an icon of mexican culture fried his message of resilience and times of adversity is perhaps what resonates most among her fans in fried his own words at the end of the day we can endure much more than we think. we
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can. manuela wrap a little, al jazeera mexico city. ready and that's your new keeping here, and i'll just hear back with you after the break. ah, be part of the debate is self defeating the end because it in the us or in the u. k . because it will just come back again when no topic is off the table. what we wanted to talk about where the white man talk to the stream, where a global audience become a global community. jumping to the comment section and part of the discussion. there are like kinetic efforts to silence palestinians on the online faith on al jazeera, frank assessments and arguments for suggesting that the martin, the ministrations are playing a long game. it's very much of a warm embrace, the iran nuclear deal because of us domestic politics, informed opinions,
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schools and shelters have been reduced to rubble. how do you think this shapes a generation and holiday that alive has been shamed by vitamin? the in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on our gym 0 me after days of rare freezing temperature is blanket and the 2nd largest state in the u. s. power stations are all back on line that after unusually high demand lead to rolling blackouts, texas hasn't seen a storm system like this in 35 years, and it's clear it systems simply weren't up to the task. transmission lines taken down by ice still has left nearly 200000 without power, but now checks and face a new crisis. 7000000 people a quarter of the state are being asked to boil their water if they haven't at all. because the cold weather has left broken pipes and taken water treatment plants offline, grocery store shelves are largely they're leaving residents lined up in their cars
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for food and water. presidential widen, says he's declaring the entire state the disasters declaration, there is hope sustained temperatures above freezing beginning saturday the news, haitian president juvenile. he says a fascination in his home by a group of unknown attackers. ah, i'm, how am i? who do you know, this is our favorite life and also coming up, playing catch up as america long before it comes to an end. when it's true to depart, african forces are left to pick up the pieces. the scramble for oxygen indonesia struggles to treat patients.


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