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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2021 2:00am-2:31am +03

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can read and re unite. it's common africa, no knife for me. awful. my kids last warrior witness documentary on a jazzy save me. i egypt. a nation of over 100000000 souls is facing an existence. so threat un security council needs to hear regional concerns if you're, if his grand renee on stem. i made a dispute over its downstream impact. ah, hello there on the hey, this is out of their lives and doha. also, camille, just one more year funding that can stand is not a solution, but
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a recipe for being there indefinitely. us president turbine defend his decision to withdraw troops from afghanistan, even as taliban fighters capture more territory. fin, uncertainty and hasty as police say they've now till 7 suspects under arrest of 6 others for the assassination of president driven moines. and fans are now bod, from the olympics, and tokyo after corona virus emergency is declared for japan capital. aah! now the un security council has been discussing the controversial mega down that ethiopia is building on the river nile. it's put the country on a collision course with egypt answered on, you say the news access to fresh water. she nidia, i'm saudi arabia has now joined in that dispute and are demanding an international
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resolution or egypt. foreign minister had a very blunt assessment of the situation. a nation of over 100000000 souls is facing an existing show threat. a grant structure of mammoth proportion has been constructed across the archery that bequeathed life to the people of egypt . a colossal wall of iron and steel has risen along the banks of a great and ancient river and has cast a long and dark shadow over the future and fate of the people of egypt. with every brick and every layer of mortar, the girl grows higher and its reservoir grows larger, and it continues to constrict the life blood of innocent millions living downstream of this giant dam. i'd util the egypt and to don sent the foreign ministers to their meeting. if your sentence was a minister and he says his country is building down for the people,
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it is also unique because the construction of this $5000000000.00 done is financing by the blood. peterson, the suite of ordinary. copious there got these, i'd done built at the right place for the betterment of people in a broader region. our unfortunate inability to utilize and reverse so far is deeply embedded in the if i college of our people. when they're fanatic at his head, james phase has been following events for us at the united nations. it certainly really increased the tension in the situation and the tension behind the scenes at this council meeting you had there and you heard the c a p and water minister using the word existential. about the damn. you had the egyptian saying the word existential. as the threat to egypt from the damn, the fact that this word is being invoked by 2 countries with populations of over
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100000000 people. and remember sedans involved and it's not, it's not a small country either. a population of 40000000, i think shows you what is at stake here. there is a disagreement, i think on one of the should be a security council issue. ethiopia, making it very clear that water minister was, i think, very clear they had their water and immigration, and irrigation minister here not there. foreign minister, they don't believe this is a matter for the security council. they believe it should be back at the african union, but you heard the position from egypt and sudan. they've done the african union and they've got an absolutely nowhere. and you heard the very strong comments of the egyptian foreign minister, some a sugary, that there was bad faith and irresponsibility from the e. c. p. and side, very strong comments from him and very clear who his audience was. are because an official language of the security council. he could have spoken his speech in arabic, he didn't, he did the whole speech in english. i think he was aiming at an international
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audience. make it clear that egypt cannot and will not tolerate the current situation. work on that down began 10 years ago now, and it's been the subject of an international diplomatic stand off ever since. the 145 meter down on the nile river's main tributary the blue nile will be africa, the largest hydro electric project. when it's complete and will also hold 74000000000 cubic meters of water. egypt depends on the mountain nearly all of its irrigation and drinking water and describes the stand as an existential thread. well if you dont is its own dams could be hom saying filling the renee songs down threatens its national security. both countries want a binding deal on the filling on the operation of them. mean, although, if you're, if you says the project is essential to the countries development and could generate the $580000000.00 a year by selling excess energy to neighboring countries, while that's numbering and william lawrence, he is a professor of international relations at american university and is also a former
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u. s. different matthew joins us now from washington. d. c. williams, i'm curious, this is a very fact that this discussion has taken place at the security council itself a when you don't need it, given that if you're, if you doesn't actually see this is a security issue. definitely yes, but this is not a life or death issue or exponential issue for either egypt or e. d o b, for the short term. it is a life or an accidental issue for egypt over the long term. because the dispute is really about how to resolve this view and they don't have a mechanism yet. and what happens when there's a drought and they have to portion water out over the reverse. which being filled right now in july is, is the amount of water and it's not going to be detrimental massively to, to students to data agents can be done. this dispute is what happens 3 years from now, 5 years from now, 10 years from now. and the only reason this would become security council issues because it does become
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a life or death issue if each of starts bombing yoke. hello. well, i recall that initially the filling of the damn when much quickly than expected because of the rains that we were seeing it, egypt into don, saying there's still concern about access to water down the line. and i recall there also these issues about how to resolve future dispute. so what are the current sticking points right now? there's a number of sticking points basically need to, to sit in while sort of certain types of external binding arbitration. not unlike a sort of binding they're calling it a dealer agreement, but it's a binding instruction from the us to start feeling, which isn't really a deal or an agreement at all. they want that ability sort of impose their will on the and you know, want technical discussions wants agreement. one of the things the other change from month to month and i'd like to add there's the great disingenuousness about the condition proposal because everybody know you can only fill in july and august. and as you nation, they're saying well, have a pause for 6 months to negotiate. we've had negotiations for year. what that
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basically says the, the o, p. as you can touch that down for a year, that you can even instruction you to do delay construction for a year. so it's a bit of a bad faith proposed by the technician. there's bad faith rhetoric on all sides. and what really needs to happen is a positive negotiation. now the un you framework was failing. so we probably need another mechanism. and you probably know me if you've seen me before. i'm not saying that the truck administration, but we got very close to a deal under the truck administration because it wouldn't have a truck at all was handled by all the best experts of the treasury department. they got very close to the, there's a deal to be made here. but right now the negotiations are moving forward and we need to find a way to get them moving forward in a positive manner. and it seems like a you just doesn't have the chops to do that. so was the move then to the security council about actually trying to find a resolution between the parties or, or actually rather addressing the international community and trying to get more involvement is out different. but again,
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it was suggesting that it was about forcing if you just talk to dan by a security council resolution, that's the condition that written. so it's basically about stopping the negotiations. and that's why you said, wait a 2nd, you're going to blow up a process, and there's all these new articles coming out about how now we're turning the air league against a u. m e c o. b and agents are involved in both so, so there's a lot of sort of bad things, rhetoric going on here, but egypt let me say it another way with each drop of water that goes into the reservoir in ethiopia, egypt and sudan loses leverage over the long. ready term ocean, that's why they are pressuring for english issues now because they want a better long term outcome. and so they're raising the stage now to get what they want for the long term. when they have the most leverage of each summer, that if you could start filling over the next 6 to 10 years, the downstream countries will. ready leverage, very interesting land in interesting dynamics developing to william laurence
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a professor of international relations at american university. always great to hear do inside from there. thanks for joining us against that. because i'm moving on and us president joe biden has defended his decision to pull all american troops out of afghanistan, saying the military operation will end on august 30. first. he insists the u. s. has achieved his objective, is often nearly 20 years of war. but this withdrawal comes as the taliban continues to seize more territory. alaska strawn white house correspondent kennedy. how could reports one week after us forces withdrew quietly from bathrooms, air force base. the taliban is making games from the security vacuum left behind us . president joe biden is adamant us forces will leave afghanistan by the end of august, nearly 20 years of experience has shown us. and to current security situation only confirms that just one more year of funding that can stand is not a solution. but
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a recipe for being there indefinitely. as the taliban gave power, biden is now on the defensive fist afghan, instead of the future, is tied to a political solution. not a military. one piece must be negotiated between the african government and the taliban. but when he was asked if he had any faith in the group, the president had this to say, no, i do not trust. to tell him the us will keep a small security and diplomatic presence in the country to support african horse that keep cobbles, airport open, and protect the u. s. embassy. now we're left with a strategy that less than coherent and bided in ministration is going to have to scramble to realize what their priorities in the region are the taliban rapid advance process. ganna stan has put key cities at risk of being
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overtaken. still by didn't insist the united states won't be at fault if that happens. no, no, no. it's up to the people that get stand, decide on what government they want, not us to impose the government on them. as part of its humanitarian effort, the white house announced on thursday. it will also ship $1400000.00 doses of the johnson and johnson cove it vaccine to afghanistan. but critics argue, afghanistan needs much more, especially afghan interpreters that served and supported us troops and are now in danger. the white house and says 30 vacuuming, thousands of african nationals and their families to a 3rd party country while their visas are being processed was complete. those who supported the u. s. mission in afghanistan could be offered asylum in the united states. kimberly held kit al jazeera, the white house. i'll sell ahead here if you on out of there and parts of asia
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struggle to control. the surgeon cove in 1900 infections, has the global death toll. from this pandemic pulses $4000000.00 plus. i'm this i should butler in can with west of all organizes are locked in around with netflix. ah, hello, we say more very heavy rain than across southeast some parts of the us could see trouble storm l. so it will maintain its tropical storm status as it sweets right up the eastern seaboard. one good note is that it is moving pretty quickly at around 25 kilometers per hour. so all weather will be some very heavy rain with a possibility of flash flooding. it shouldn't rain heavily for too long as that
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system makes his way right up to the east of new york, pushing up into new england and easing up to that eastern side of canada. try bright weather coming, backing behind. central parts of the us seeing some live the showers over towards the west where we've got some wet weather coming into where western parts of canada much of the west side of the us stay dry and hot, elevated fire risk, of course liquor, the temperature in phoenix, we getting up to 45 degrees celsius once again said the burning heat, the dangerous heat set to continue dry weather. now coming across a good part of the caribbean, i'm pleased to say last fine and dry across the main islands. here we have got a few showers just coming in to the wind, which i think that the baby could catch a shower to barbados, maybe catching a shower too as well, but the wet weather will be across the other side of the caribbean, costa rica, sing some heavy downpours along with a good part of panama, the weather bag,
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energy and change to every part of our universe. more small. to continue the change all around the shape, my technology and human ingenuity. we can make it work for you and your business. ah ah. hello again. i'm sorry you're paying the home. let's remind you about top story. it's a sound. the un security council has discussed the controversial mega them that if
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you're, if you're is building on the nile, egypt, and you don't lose access to fresh water. june is in saudi arabia demanding an international resolution. us president turbines has american troops will leave afghanistan by august 31st. he insists the u. s. has achieved its objectives after nearly 20 years of war. this withdrawal comes as the taliban continues to seize more territory. now police in hazy say they've now killed a seven's aspects and arrested 6 others believe to be involved in the assassination of president driven all noise. he was shot dead during a raid at his home on wednesday. the motive for the killing is still unknown, but political infighting is leading to concerns about the nation's security and gallagher reports. the authorities believe these 2 men being loaded into a police truck in port prince may be part of the arm gang that allegedly assassinated president job now movies on wednesday. the outside the police station
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were several other suspects are reportedly being held. there have been angry scenes as a nation real from the death of its 53 year old president. those guys killed the president . we are going to make them suffer now that the police have found them and taken them to jail. we want them to burn today. my wife's house is now the scene of an ongoing investigation. his body said to have been riddled with gunshots has been taken to a more job. no more. he says wife martine, who was badly injured in the attack, is here in miami, receiving medical treatment. a couple of 3 children are said to be in a secure location. the biden administration who call the assassination heretic a monitoring the situation in haiti, closely white house press secretary gen saki. this is the us will support an investigation. its a presence death is calling for stability in the beleaguered nation. well, 1st i would say that it is still, it is our view and we continue to call for elections to happen this year. and we
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believe they should proceed. we know that free and fair elections will facilitate a peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected president. and we certainly continue to support haiti's democratic institutions. given the haiti's last plan, the elections in 2019 were delayed over in fighting. that may be easier said than done. but we had been ruling by decree after the majority of parliament was dissolved in january last year. now both cloud, joseph and ariel on re both senior politicians claim they're in charge. through the us special envoy to haiti says joseph is the new leader. as does hate his ambassador to the u. s. bullshit, edmond, where you can say the primary job if they want to come in when the others however disagree, she jumped in and see the void of power. but if you felt to politicians and human rights organizations, he 80, they will tell you that he don't have any legal authority, no more authority,
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whatsoever to conduct anything in the name of the government. he is now at a precarious tipping point. this is a nation already dealing with object poverty, political instability, and a potentially worsening security situation. for the people, the stakes couldn't be higher and together corolla, missouri, miami, florida, me. until the pandemic now and half of all us states are seeing a rise in coven, 1900 cases, among unvaccinated people. the centers for disease control recorded and 11 percent increase in cases last week. most of them in areas with low vaccination rates except this week announced the delta variant has now become the dominant curb in 1900 strain in the country home. meanwhile, from july 19th, people returning to england from most european countries, i'm the u. s. will no longer have to current teen if they are fully vaccinated against the current of virus. the british government has travellers must still get
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tested 72 hours before departure and then again upon their return. children who are not currently being not collected under the u. k. vaccine role that will also be exempt from quarantine. the scottish and wealth governments are considering whether or not to followed that will change on soon as he is public health care system is on the verge of collapse. because of a sudden in corona virus infections, the health ministry is appealing to the population to help combat what it's calling a sinking ship. it says the hospitals are running out of oxygen supplies and beds to admit incoming patients. nearly 10000 more people tested positive on wednesday alone, a record for today since astonished this pandemic. when the last several countries in east asia have also reported record numbers of infections and recent days, it's believe the highly transmissible delta variance is partly to blame. the surge is stretching medical resources to the limits. tony chain votes now from danco,
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deserted streets in the city of railey of the chinese authorities imposed a lockdown. the city on the border with me and my has seen a sudden rising cases in recent days. mass testing is down a way to try and hold the spread, which is thought to originate across the border. inside me mar itself. the current situation is deteriorating quickly. but instability following the military coup has meant testing and treatment have almost ground to a halt. medics have been targeted by the military because of their role in the civil disobedience movement. and many have been forced into hiding on call. huge, huge due to all actions in the damage is but we have to can criminals overnight find a mother tree in indonesia greater transparency. but that has only revealed tens of thousands of daily infections. oxygen supplies of runs so low that many hospitals
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have had to suspend admissions. some patients now relying on private supplies, the film, much needed canisters to home care. we need oxygen because one of our family members is experiencing breathing difficulties. and we are running out of it. that's why i have to cue, we need it badly. even in south korea, the country noted for its effective response to cove at 19 infections or reaching record levels. the government will uphold existing social setting rules for another week and do our best to stop the spread by taking extra disinfection measures. new supplies of vaccine arriving in the capital sol sent from israel across asia. there's a rush to secure, distribute vaccines as quickly as possible. but with supplies limited, it feels like a race against time. as coven 19th delta variance swamps, asia in a both way. so the change else, is there a bank of? well, there will be no spectators,
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adult pick events in tokyo. the organizers have made that decision just 2 weeks before the start of the gains as the city struggles to deal with cove at 19 david starks. how story, just hours after japan announced a fresh state of emergency in tokyo, the knock on effect on the olympics was confirmed to come back. the surging covered 19 cases. there will be no fence at all, allowed to attend venues in tokyo. she never called in that constant need. without the pandemic, the limpid games would be an amazing opportunity to unite people. but unfortunately, the panorama could not allow us to hold events with full spectators. we are very sorry for the locals living near dell and fick venue at that. the decision to buy foreign fans was made months ago. but organizers had still hope to allow 50 percent capacity to domestic crowds. although a small number of people may be allowed to attend venues outside tokyo, there's no doubt 1st, a decision has inflicted a significant blow. this was supposed to be a huge moment for, for tokyo,
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for japan. so much effort has gone into preparing the capital to host these games, and now it's going to be a lot of them. t stadium, the head of the international olympic committee. thomas bar arrived in tokyo, justice and new rules were announced, and he himself will now spend 3 days isolating in his hotel will support any measure which is necessary to have safe and secure will begin paralympic games. the games have now effectively been reduced to a major tv event, which means the i o. c will still collect around $4000000000.00 from broadcast. is that the last ticket revenue around $800000000.00 will be felt by japan's tax payers who have already been hit hard by the most expensive games in history. with some reports, putting the overall cost close to 30000000000 still around 11000 athletes from all
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over the world and making their way to tokyo, ready to compete in an lympics like no other minorities for this opportunity. they only come once every 4 years where they can actually compete in arenas which are compatible to oper. mason bought. reality is when they get to tokyo and get to those arenas and see how unusually quiet it is. i think it could affect some performances. there will be no fans in tokyo, but the delayed games are still going ahead with the opening ceremony just 2 weeks away. david stokes al jazeera or meanwhile, the 2021 southeast asian games due to take place in vietnam has been postponed until next year. the olympic council of malaysian made that announcement during a meeting and column pool, where all members agreed. the current cove in 1900 situation isn't safe enough for those games. moving on and leading news websites has been blocked,
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and bell ruth security forces rated its officers and arrested some of its journalists. nation. eva is accused of publishing information on behalf of organizations not registered in the country. several media organizations, critical of president, alexander luther sank. i have faith civil action since last year, protests opposing election results like, via coca is a senior political advisor to excel, the opposition needed phenomena to kind of sky. and he says, detentions have been taking place across the country. police and k g came to more than 8 officers of different outlets and men's can regents. they arrested editors in chiefs, journalists, reporters, without explaining the reason that the rest of them like terrorist in hand, cause they put in car and then in the prison. so right now, we are trying to understand how many people detained, detentions took place all over the country from 50 to 100 report. there are behind bars right now. some of them are faced up to 2025 years of prison. some of them
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accused in terrorism, and many of them need to legal 8, some outlets they need the relocation to the neighboring capital to ukraine, to worse, so all until the 20th of illness. and also there is a big need for financial support, financial assistance. so this media, because look shank after their profit last year and this spring, he realized the if you will read down the media, no one of the know the truth about what's happening and the others. sanctions are the most powerful leverage and most powerful to the u. u. s. u k. candidates have right now, but they must be joined. they must be card and mated. they must be substantial and comprehensive and all the loopholes must be eliminated from the sanctions regime. if we don't want to have to retire in state in the center of europe on the border with a you, we, we must act now and our actions must be, must be card and needed. and democratic forces of the risk. urge and ask international community to to, to support us now. right now our streaming cart for netflix is once again sitting
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out the can film festival because of a long running feud with organizes under the festival was only films distributed in french. this is eligible to compete, which means and movies released on netflix are excluded, and talks about to expands. now from can this is what he won't see and can films out by netflix. the us streaming giant has produced award winning movies. but because netflix refuses to show its films in french cinemas, it is bought from the festival competitions to get forms on the old platform or certified to cans. amazon co produce c opening film a net, and accepted that the film must have a french release in competition. films must be shown in french cinemas. and the day that netflix except this, we will be delighted to have them the route between the film festival and netflix began in 2018 when can change to the competition. this is what can organize as want
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to protect french cinema and the experience of watching a film on the big screen. but this cinema manager says he doesn't regard streaming caught forms as a threat of edits. but it's very much in the end of the public, the decides the states, everyone has a netflix or amazon subscription, that people still love coming to the cinema. couldn't all of you shared by us director spike lead the head of this? you can jury cinema and screaming platforms can coexist. at one time there was a thinking that tv was going to kill cinema. so this stuff is not new. french lebanese actress de rina al john d has worked on netflix productions for her. it's important that can take the stand in front, really protect artists and collect rules and the call to ask the country. and
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sometimes they are friends or work that really deserves to be watched on big screen . can organize the say they talk to netflix executives regularly, but they've been the breakthroughs, though for another year the feud has been in the spotlight, but then can wouldn't be can without some control vesee. natasha butler, i'll just 0 can ah, hello there. this is al jazeera and these are the headlines. the un security council has discussed the controversial mega that ethiopia is building on the river nile. egypt into dante l news access to fresh water and trinity, and saudi arabia, demonte and international resolution here. if it was a minister says his country is building a damn to the people that he's also unique because the construction of this $5000000000.00 done.


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