tv [untitled] July 9, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm +03
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the news ah, i've got taliban time. they control 85 percent of the country's territory. the say they will respect international borders. ah, how they can vanelle this is their ally from doha also coming up. hey, he accuses a hit squad, made up of colombians and americans of assassinated president jovan movies. several suspects have been arrested. battling to contain the spike and coded 19 infections
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. south korea raises restrictions in the capital to its highest level. and the business we taste of independence were in south down it months, 10 years since becoming a nation. ah, yes. can tell a bon claims that now controls 85 percent of the country. a delegation is visiting moscow and is assured russia's foreign ministry. it will not violate any international borders. telephone officials say they are willing to allow schools and hospitals to continue offer. i think they also called on international aid organizations to keep working on the groups the making rapid territorial gains across the country as us and u. k. military forces withdraw from the country. victoria fountain is a fessor of p studies at the american university of, of, of kind of stone. she says russia will be very concerned about the taliban destabilizing its regional neighbors. rational could be concerned that they would
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be at the nose or of the conflict into a neighboring we've had the internet shop and also i need the refugees in the, in the weeks to come. so i did sign russia with the asking for assurance that they would not be any over or any 70 zation. also enter the messaging use is or is probably the 2nd phase of the offensive off the tiny bench against the african state. the 1st place was to gain territorial control and now it's really a market to manage to gain support. so it's part of a psychological frenzy for the county been to let the population know that gain so much advantage territorially. and now they can actually never to ball that they will gain to power, but all their claim has to be taken with the source because nobody knows at the
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time about the actually every power control of the time, even over the rest of them as the front lines actually solidify then it's going to be possible for different parts of the company. thought we interest in the us and dialogue as long as connect. he's got continues on the ground and the territories being held by one party, one and the other parts of the next day. then it's quite difficult to, to stop any door because both parties to think that they have a book to be able to gain more. it would fence more and to gain more territory. u. s. military operation in afghanistan is safe to end sooner than originally planned . president joe biden said troops where we are by august the 31st instead of september, 11th white house correspondent, kimberly hawk reports one week after us forces withdrew quietly from bog room
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air force base. the taliban is making game from the security vacuum left behind us . president joe biden is adamant us forces will leave afghanistan by the end of august. nearly 20 years of experience has shown us at the current security situation only confirms that just one more year of fighting f canister is not a solution. but a recipe for being there indefinitely. as the taliban gave power, biden is now on the defensive fist afghan. the stance future is tied to a political solution, not a military. one piece must be negotiated between the afghan government and the taliban. but when he was asked if he had any faith in the group, the president had this to say, no, i do not trust the tell him the us will keep a small security and diplomatic presence in the country to support afghan forces.
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keep cobbles, airport open, and protect the u. s. embassy. now we're left with a strategy that less than coherent and bided in ministration is going to have to scramble to realize what their priorities in the region are. the taliban rapid advance process. ganna stan has put key cities at risk of being overtaken. still by didn't insist the united states won't be at fault if that happens. no, no, no. it's up to the people that are going to stand. decide on what government they want. not us to impose the government on them as part of its humanitarian effort. the white house announced on thursday. it will also ship $1400000.00 doses of the johnson and johnson covey, the vaccine to afghanistan. but critics argue, afghanistan needs much more, especially afghan interpreters that served and supported us troops and are now in
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danger. but what house and says it's evacuating thousands of african nationals and their families to a 3rd party country while their visas are being processed was complete. those who supported the u. s. mission in afghanistan could be offered asylum in the united states. kimberly held kit al jazeera, the white house police and haiti say to haitian americans, and more than 20 colombians, a behind the assassination of president jovan al luis columbia. as government says, early investigation suggest that some of the men involved were tied members of its military while he was shot dead during right at his home on wednesday. some of the suspects have been identified, but officials also looking for at least 8 others petty go hand reports. the a very public display in port print police load 2 men into the bed of a pickup truck. same day may be a part of the arm gang that allegedly assassinated president juvenile mo,
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either later paraded in front of the press, the outside of the police station were several suspects are being held in. angry crowd gathered, demanding the suspect, be turned over to them. those guys killed the president, we are going to make them suffer now that the police have found them and taking them to jail. we want them to burn today. the haitian police chief said that 28 attackers have been identified. 26 colombians and 2 americans of haitian descent. he said 8 were some of the run and 3 had been killed. and in a surprising turn, the columbia in defense minister acknowledged some of the suspects, had been in the colombian army. they might be in response to the assassination of the haitian president today, interpol has a truly requested information from the colombian government and the national police about the alleged perpetrators of this act. so initially,
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the information indicates they are colombian citizens, retired members of the national army. we have given instructions by the national government to our police and the army to collaborate in the investigation. to clarify these facts immediately, public force is fully at the disposition of the sister republic of haiti. this is all unfolded among a political backdrop of confusion about who is actually in charge. well 1st i would say that it is still, it is our view and we continue to call 4 elections to happen this year. and we believe they should proceed. we know that free and fair elections will facilitate a peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected president. and we certainly continue to support haiti's democratic institutions. louise had been ruling by decree after the majority of parliament was dissolved in january last year. now both claud, joseph and ariel henry, bow senior politicians claim they are in charge. haiti a desperately poor country where the corona virus is spreading,
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violence is surging and political uncertainty rules the day. and now international mystery of who assassinated the 53 year old president. and why had to call him al jazeera washington. a factory fire and bangladesh has killed dozens of people and say, how many more are still trapped inside the play? you started on thursday and it's be burning for more than 24 hours. several people were injured when they jumped from the 2nd and 3rd floor to escape. factory find the common in bangladesh, where many of the businesses operate illegally and without safety issues. of course, south africa is due to will shortly on an application by former president jacob's humor to suspend his prison sentence. soon began soothing a 15 month turn for contempt of court on thursday. the found guilty of failing to appear before a corruption enquiries fridays. here is one of several legal challenges owned by whom to try and stay out of prison. committee miller is outside the court now in
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petersburg. so just run through what we expect to happen in court today. well i think it's also important to remember that this application was made before wednesday night when the former president was imprisoned when he was taken to the school to correctional facility, where he is now spending a 2nd day. but also what very central to this application as the judge had said on tuesday is the issue of jurisdiction. and that's because the constitutional court was the one that ordered that the former president spend 15 months in prison for contempt of court. and all his lawyers have approached a high court, which is a lower court, and wouldn't normally have the jurisdiction to even consider such an application. and now it's become a little bit more complicated in that's the form of president is already in jail. it is likely, according to legal experts, that's the judge,
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would say that he doesn't have the jurisdiction. and so that sentence wouldn't be suspended. and why his legal team was looking for a suspension is because he's also got a pending matter, again at the constitutional court to try and have the court try and resend that judgement. or at the very least reduce the sentence that given him or 15 months. it's unlikely his birth will be successful at the court, but we are expecting the judgements in about an hour or so. okay, for me that one is going to happen next, presume or both in terms of legal challenges, but also if this prison stanton stays, i mean he's not going to spend 15 months in prison. is he we have had some clarity from the justice minister in south africa. we said that based on good behavior and
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a number of factors before the president would be eligible for parole in about 3 months just over 3 months. so we could see the former president released at that point, and that's if the constitutional court doesn't change its mind. we're expecting his lawyers to return to that court next week. we don't know if the constitutional court will give a judgment soon off to hearing those arguments. or if it will take some time. and i also think for authorities here, the concern has been around security. if we look back over the last week, we did have a number of support to come out to the former president's residence in canada to voice their support to protest that that impending imprisonment which did happen. but we are hearing people say that there are still prepared to protest to demonstrate specifically in the province of counseling to tell where we are. so there are a number of factors that play here. one that the former president has been in prison, but also that they are a significant number of people who are angered by that imprisonment and they're
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willing to to voice spect anger and sometimes violently, but just outside the pizza merits. but by court we do see a significant police presence and it's quite clear that the mandate is to keep things as calm as possible, which they are presently. but they are these factors to consider for authorities and also in terms of what happens next. all right, thank you for that for me to mila and peter merits, but still head on al jazeera egypt, a nation of over 100000000 sold is facing. and the, the tension for the un security council meeting, the regional concerns of grand renee told them that a dispute over its impact running on empty families and indonesia, the search for oxygen as the country struggle to contain the latest growth of our self reg ah,
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added rains become quite active against se, asia, the cloud everywhere. big showers are light form again in jo. this is rob bornea and the central philippines. throughout most of, in the john, if you're like down through some tie down towards malaysia, it is particularly wet in the active phase of the southwest monsoon, over the baby and go now the opposite season cause no stray. has been cold. recently the air coming up, the antarctic is tempered by the water admittedly, but it can be quite active going off shore. that means windy weather running up the coast of new south wales. sidney have not a cool day at 16, but of course the surf will be up quite a lot because of this long fetch. on the other side of australia, per se currently is under warning for wet and windy weather that quickly run through, i think. and he got a day off during sunday was 19 degrees and
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a bit of sunshine and most the rest of australia looking fine, still even cold in melbourne at 15 degrees in the sunshine. i think you're probably enjoy that. a turn as happened to the weather in new ze no longer an area of high pressure. we've got a cold wind from the south with back to normal condition is mostly sunny as safe for the most parting saturday. but on sunday, in oakland, in particular, becomes corn wet, the weather bag, energy and change to every part of our universe. more small. to continue the change all around shape my technology and human ingenuity. we can make it work for you and your business.
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ah ah, you're watching algebra reminder about top stories. there's all the afghan telephone claims that now controls 85 percent of the country. a delegation for the group is visiting moscow and has assured russia's foreign ministry will not violate any international border. columbia government says early investigations indicate retired members of the military were involved in the assassination of haiti's, president juvenile movies, haiti's police chief, 28 attackers have been identified. but officials also looking for at least 8 more according south africa as usual home shortly on an application by form of president
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jacob to suspend his prison sentence against serving a 15 month term for contempt of court. on thursday. south korea will raise covered $900.00 restrictions to the highest level and the capital on monday is face is what appears to be its worst wave of the virus. the measures will also apply to some neighboring regions of sol. schools and bomb will be closed and restaurants will only be allowed, limited seating. the country has reported its biggest daily rise in new infections . one leading health official is warning numbers could double by the end of janai infection. the also going up and indonesia where it set a new daily record. many hospitals are a capacity leading to patients being turned away. and people scrambling to find oxygen care for their relatives at home. jessica washington reports from because they didn't have the capital to counter it need to be in capital. oxygen isn't
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increasingly precious commodity, as hospitals in java run out of room for the sick people fight for their loved ones to survive. for mom, i had trouble finding oxygen last night. i went to 5 places, including this door and a large medicine market. all stocks ran out minority is trying to care for her elderly father at home. he's diabetic and has problems with his heart and kidneys. his oxygen saturation is low, but he could not get a place that you caught his crowded hospitals. everyday. she struggles to find oxygen for him. but tank is super difficult to get. we bought it and then suddenly the owner said they needed it back because it also got covert and then we looked around and got this big tank. but it's difficult to refill these public health clinic in because he is trying to reach those who couldn't get admitted to hospital
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. but these doctors are also struggling with shortages. we need really need about oxygen and. and then also the medicine because we see the condition. so we need to see fit this. if we cannot find it. dr. ernie says the government's data doesn't tell the full story because so many people are dying before they take a p. c r test. oh, we feel so bad because right now i've lost a home. sometimes we have report, report before reported to someone died at home when we checked the body with onto her team tried to monitor patients in the area, but there were more than 300 of them and only 30 health workers. as hospitals reached capacity and a forced to turn away critically ill people,
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roving teams of public health, clinic work as a trying to reach those in need of medical attention to monitor their condition and to provide them with oxygen and medication. but there are too many patients and not enough medics and they don't have the time or resources to help everyone in need. the ministry of health, since it is trying to increase medical oxygen production and add more beds in hospitals. but each day, more and more people are falling in because of the very difficult supply and ready to go. so why help us find the help us that they need the way, but how could it be without even the prospect of getting medical care people continue to die in their own homes in front of their loved ones. jessica washington out to 0 because he well dr. dale fisher is a professor in the infectious diseases division at the national university of
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singapore. he says, while the delta variant is behind the search, there are many other factors that play. if you look at south korea, for instance, they've had cases for most of the pandemic, they've never tried to get to 0. so, so really it's, it's about the number of existing people, the number of existing daily cases growing. and i think that's probably partly fatigue, partly partly delta, but, but then there's other countries, for instance, malaysia that it was doing very well based on its border controls. and once those were breached in the 2nd half of last year, then we really found that the, using that their public health interventions, they had trouble sort of putting the cat back in the back, the majors to control coded come down to those public health measures. the contact tracing the current training, the testing. then there's the border controls,
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then there's the social restrictions and then those back thing. so obviously once there's many cases inside the country, then, then the border controls. i'm not so relevant. most of these countries have got back to the same rights in single digits still. so they're really only left with the public health system which, which is challenging and a lot of low and middle income countries. and then the social restrictions and the social restrictions generally main, lots of lots of income. and i don't even know if many of these countries have got capacity for income replacement. so. so all of the for mechanisms to control coded are actually being solely tested in, in these countries. it has to saddam that have urged the un security council to acts against the controversial make a damn that if the opiate is building on the nile river, they say the ground if you open renee on them, limits their access to fresh water. the c o b a says the un should not be involved
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. and diplomatic editor james base reports from the united nations. the outside un headquarters, e. c o, p, and protest has gathered. they didn't want this meeting to take place to demonstrate that point. unlike egypt and sudan, ethiopia didn't send its foreign minister to this meeting. instead, it was represented by its water and irrigation minister. of the con, union is seized of the matter. and is emily facilitating our negotiation? that is why it is regrettable that are she steadily countries of the 2 brings a matter to the security company. it was sudan and egypt that had demanded this meeting, saying the fact that ethiopia is again filling the damn amounts to a threat to international peace and security. does not an overstatement to affirm that for egypt the girl is an existing chauffeur at. this is a situation that egypt cannot and will not tolerate. later i pressed the foreign
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minister on what action his country was prepared to take. so all their circumstances where you would consider military action. the matter of egypt, the protection of the rights of it citizen, is inherent and is a matter that necessarily any responsible government would apply itself to clearly growing tension between 3 countries. 2 of them with a population of more than 100000000 people in another with a population of more than 40000000 is very concerning. but the security council is unlikely to take any direct action. diplomats tell me they hope this meeting will force the 3 countries back into african union, lead mediation, james base al jazeera at the united nations. well, let's get more now from catherine joy, who's in the south of katherine. so if your opinion officials have held
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a press conference in the wake of that un meeting what's been said, yes, i've just come back from that press conference that was addressed by a spokesman at the 4 in affairs ministry adult. i'm bash de now most who basically tom to the outcome of the security council meeting as diplomatic victory for you feel. you said that the council, the council members spoke in different tone, but all 2 words returned to talk that's a mediator by the african union. we know, previous talk mediated by the african, you know, not build, but if your government has been, has had the position that this is an african problem. this is an africa, i'm not going to read an african. and it has the solution, have to come from africa. so really asking the downstream countries to don and if you appear to be committed to the process to, to recall me, to talk
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a led by the african union. the to can is if you don and egypt have also had a position that if you should stop this 2nd ongoing feeling of the dumb and t a binding agreement is reached. so we spoke to back to the movie about that. and it doesn't seem that if you're going to have that position at all, because the basset has said that it's not a new unilateral decision that the only responsibility that you feel hawes is to inform the other countries of what's going on. and it did indeed inform those 2 countries of the feeling of the down, which he says is going to continue to the end. this is a project that many, many europeans are passionate about. more than 65000000 of them are not committed to that i'm not connected to the grid and we talked, we talked to some of them in the last few days. and they really saying that easily waiting for the completion of the dom and the benefits that are going to come out of it. right, thank you very much for that update. catherine. so we're there in the south of
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south sued on president has promised not to return his country to war during a ceremony mocking a decades since independence became the well youngest country when it's split from sudan in 2011. but a civil war soon followed, which killed about 400000 people, displaced more than a 1000000 others. president silver care called on his citizens to support each other and embrace peace. on my part, i assure you that i will not read, then you will that would again lead us all work together to recover the last decade and put our country back to the path of development in these no ticket of many there's not much to celebrate on this anniversary, millions of people still displaced. her matessa has this report from juba. john cox
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. it is. people voting overwhelmingly to the seed from sudan 10 years ago wasn't in mistake. it's what happened to south to don afterwards that broke him the war in 2013. when another round of fighting in 2016 has left him traumatized, it will not only do as had been we had our collect, my brother. we get. even during the stuck on my brother's new era of kill. when it repeat itself, it was audible. things are now relatively calm. i like previous t steals that, failed. some people hope the unity government set up last will hold it for former
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rebel lee. the react. michelle fornia, the 1st vice president along with for ever vice president, president salva kit and michelle are once again trying to work together and to the elections in 2023 politicians. hope this transitional period encourages refugees and internally displaced people to return to their homes. thousands of people live here and this is just one of many camps of cross out the door. there's no running water and not enough food. meaning families get, i don't know how long they going to be and going home for several of them is not an option because of insecurity in some parts of the country. after that flood, drought and into communal violence. children born often the payments have never known peace aid was to say the mediterranean crisis is listening. these are some of our greatest concern. certainly there's a food insecurity. crisis in south sudan. $1400000.00 children are going to be nourished. this year, the highest number in years, the key parts of the peace agreement are still to be implemented. these include
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established a unified national army, made of opposition and government forces the people of south done telling their leadership that look, we tired of war. nobody once will any more, if there are some feel political leaders who think that they would go and mobilize some of our citizens so that they cause a fight because they want to be leaders of this country. i don't think they will get the audience from the public. the new coalition government is trying to rebuild, focusing on various developmental and infrastructure projects. as new buildings go up in some parts of the country, uniting a bitterly divided nation building trust and making sure it's safe enough for everyone affected by conflict to return home. it's going to be much more difficult how to talk to algebra juba. ah, this is.
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