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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm +03

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seems for weeks now you want a bit of proper relief has south and sola, where the hell is cutting. now not the western edge of the monsoon winds, which means is almost permanent. the clarity, drizzly or even sometimes sundry. and it turns nice and grief. it's a rare area i have to say for most of our seats, dry and dusty, the very light winds i doe house. $39.00 will be very humid, $39.00 now that mall as soon wind also, of course, runs up the coast of africa for kenya and somalia, seeing increasing amounts of cloud and daily light showers, that a big shower in the therapy in highlands and further west and south, down in sudan itself, which means flash flooding returns. ah, the something was going to change. anything really changed. this is systemic violin that needs to be addressed at its core. we are in a race against the barrier. you know what to say. so we are all looking at the
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world as it is right now, not the world. we like it to be. the devil is always going to be in the details. the bottom line when i was just there i'm, i've worked out there english since it's lord should, as a principal presenter and as a correspondent with any breaking the story we want to hear from those people who would normally not heard on the international news channels. one moment i'll be very proud of was when we covered the napoleon wake of 2015, a terrible natural disaster. and the story that needs to be told from the hall of the affected area to be there to tell the people story was very important at the time, unprompted and uninterrupted discussions from our london rule can santa, ah, ah,
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the ah. hello again. this up, sorry, on the all the is there an hour the after the taliban claims that now controlled 85 percent of the country. the delegation from the group has been visiting moscow and has assured russia that it will not violate any international border. un security council has approved a deliveries from turkey into rebel health syria for another year. russia had threatened to block the operation, but a compromise has now been reach presidency menu and my call says franz will start closing in spaces in northern molly before the end of the year, my pro hosted leaders from africa region and a virtual summit. he plans to withdraw most of the 5000 french soldiers in the region. lebanon's interior minister has rejected a request by the lead investigator in the bay. ruth port explosion probe to
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question the security chief. more than 200 people were killed last year when explosive material designated and cause a devastating blast. then that has more from a roots. it's been nearly a year since they closed an app, a report, and there's still been no accountability. 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate was stored in a warehouse alongside label material. and that was believed to have triggered the black who was responsible for unsafely soaring this material. well, the judge leading the case has come up with a list of suspects who he wants to question. they may face criminal charges, criminal negligence, but so far he has not been able to question them. these are politicians, members of the security establishment, including the caretaker prime minister, has done a number of m p 's, who were former ministers at the time when the ammonium nitrate was sort of support
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. as well as 2 of living on top, a security agencies that has of these 2 security agencies, but the judge is facing political backlash and it's not the 1st time politicians have been trying to send and the weight of the judiciary, the previous judge was removed from his toes following a court order, he was accused of overstepping his, his authority's now in a country like lebanon, where there has been a culture of impunity. a few really believe the truth will ever be known and that's justice. will be served more than $200.00 people were killed. thousands were injured. hundreds of thousands were made homeless and still the investigation has been slow. it's still not knowing what caused the fire that's believe to have triggered the blasts. and it's still not known about the origins of the shipment, who brought that shipment in the country. and there's also questions on whether or not 2750 pounds were in fact inside the warehouse when the explosion happened. so more many questions answered that the judge trying to initiate the process of
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prosecuting suspects. but the politicians sounding in the way the bustle against the accountability is so far been stronger than the battle for justice. let's make that a man rides the lawyer who represents one of the victims off that they route explosion . he's joining us from the capital. thanks so much for speaking to us on skype, from lebanon. first of all, tell us what legal options there are going forward for the general prosecutor to challenge the minister's decision. who of course rejected the request to question the security chief. good evening all. so based on that event is low. when the judge to question public servant, you need to have a permission from his superior. the superior here is the minister here. so the quest was presented to the minister and to give permission to enter again general ever i am yes. the
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minister of interior refuse this, this parisian saying that based on his view of the file, there are no for committed by the janitor. now the legal options, based on the law that was amended last year and 2020 the persecutor gun by quest, by the judge of investigation over the permission that was denied from the by the minister and give permission to the lead investigator to investigate the job or any other public service? so this is where we are now. this is where we stand, right? these investigators issued a letter to the general persecutor, asking him to bypass or bypass the decision of the minister and give permission for investing for interrogation rights and given the history of policy station off,
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lebanon's, judiciary. as you know, how likely is a, do you think this, anyone will be questioned in this investigation from the security general to the other members of parliament that are requested was actually due to the position of the city system plus, due to the los that even when when now they want to interrogate a member of the parliament, the parliament should give permission for that. they want to investigate ex army chief. also the minister of defense should give permission. it's always politics. this rule based on the history and, and on for interrogating people in the political positions or, and security positions. i actually don't see this happening soon, but i have a lot of woke to day on judge some hoodie and not just on our way down
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because joe judge, the son is not looking into this fight anymore because he is the law of one of the bushes to be the ministers. so he's not looking at the spies anymore of the find was transferred to the south. would we have was that just a sample that he will give permission to enter a gate job best for him or any other public servant. that is the questioning, and then you represent one of the families, one of the victims, in fact, the families, victims off that explosion that took place almost one year ago. what do they think of the fact that there has still been no justice and no accountability at this point? was extremely depressing. it's extremely hard for them only to present one
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of the victims family. i was a victim of this explosion. i had damages in my house last night, a lot of new to had their houses damage. and all of us all live on these people are victims of this explosion, even if we didn't have any material damages. we have been under a trauma and the shock that can and by low as close to the as a damage possible for, for us to struggle against the people who committed this so far we are the find is moving really slow. we know, as you said, almost a month from now one year and the 1st one year anniversary for this explosion. so this is going very, very slow. but again, based on the, the button is low, there's only one judge working on this by. it's not a committee of judges, it's not investigation committee,
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it's only one judge that was just the one and now it's judge b, but don't retire so far. for me as we are following up on the spine is doing a good job, it can be better. but so far with all the obstacles he has been facing his doing a good job so far and we are, we have good faith in him. ok, thank you so much for speaking to us from beirut. us president joe biden has signed an executive order aimed at cracking down on anti competitive business practices. it urges federal agencies to focus anti trust enforcement efforts. in the tech i read culture and labor sectors, the white house as domination by large companies as stifled economic growth. what we've seen over the past few decades is less competition and more concentration that holds our economy back. we see the big gag crows room, big tech and big pharma list goes on. rather than competing for consumers.
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they are consuming their competitors. rather than competing for workers, they're finding ways to gain the upper hand on labor. and too often, the government has actually made it harder for new companies to break in and compete our white house correspondent, kimberly how can instructing us to put all of this into context for us and tell us more about this executive order. and the reason the by the ministration is doing this is just one of many efforts to revive the economy following the shut down due to cobra 19. and what we've seen is that during the pandemic corporation did really well, in fact, they grew even stronger, but small businesses by the 10s of thousands simply could not exist, cease to exist. and so, as they struggle now to come back, the biden administration says it's doing all it can to help those businesses in
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a turn crate job. so what this executive order does is there really counters what many see as ongoing corporate consolidation that simply doesn't give the ordinary consumer and small businesses of fighting chat. what it will do is make sure through the executive order, the federal agencies keep a big guy on companies like amazon, google, facebook in terms of their mergers and acquisitions. but what we'll also do is when it comes to other sectors, like for example, pharmaceuticals, it will allow for federal agencies to see that cheaper prescription drugs can come in from canada. essentially what this is geared to do is to keep prices down for consumers and i really give them the opportunity to engage in the economy, not just the wealthy elite. so that is the goal of the buy and ministration. but i can tell you that there are some businesses that are pushing back on this. they say this is going to lead to sort of
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a centralized government control. this is not the free market economy that has allowed america. c to become great and could potentially are unintended consequences could be a stifling of innovation and kimberly the president also held a phone conversation with the russian president, what are and what more do we know about that? yeah, the us president talking about that and just the last few moments he was asked about a telephone call that comes we should point out less than a month after he summit in geneva with the russian president vladimir putin. and we should also point out has come since the united states who experience yet another round of routes of where attacks that have hit about 1500 businesses quite adversely in the united states. and so as a result of this latest round of attacks, the us president, as promised in geneva, said he would have this ongoing diplomatic engagement with one of your that's exactly what he did in the message. he told reporters just now that he delivered to
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by who knew that look, we are going to retaliate if this continues to happen. what you need to do is, even if this is not state sanctioned attack to on the united states businesses, it's happening on your soil. therefore you need to russia take action to make sure this doesn't happen again. so that's essentially the message that joe biden deliver, but i can also tell you, given the fact that we've had this latest run of attacks, we've had the attacks and colonial pipeline that essentially allowed american consumers to not be able to fill their gas tanks for about a week we saw the meat supply industry disrupted after another round of rats were attacked. americans are growing weary of this and they're looking to their us presidents to take tougher action against russia. but what i can tell you the white house press secretary just now also saying look at this is how the president is approaching it. he reserves the right to retaliate at the time and place to the choosing until then there will be diplomatic engagement. that's what this phone call was about. thank you so much. kimberly,
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for that update from the white house. south sedans, president has promised not to return his country to war during a ceremony marking a decade since independence. it became the world's youngest country when it split from 2 don and 2011. but a civil war soon followed which killed about 400000 people and displaced about 4000000 others. on my part, i assure you that i will not return you will that word again lead on wet together to recover the last decade and put our country back to the path of development in these new ticket, the international criminal court will place a top figure of sudan, formerly government back the ginger, we'd militia on trial idea that if man will become the 1st suspect to be tried for crimes committed during the dar for conflict. he faces $31.00 counts of crimes
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against humanity, including re found the killing of civilians. a start date for the trial has not been set yet. the ethnic conflict began in 2003. it killed 300000 people and displaced. 2000000 a court in south africa has dismissed an application by the former president, jacob zoom to suspend his prison sentence. juma began serving a 15 month term for contempt of court on thursday. after being found guilty of failing to appear before a corruption inquiry. the 79 year old has long several legal challenges to try to stay out of prison. 21 pro democracy candidates have been banned from running and mc. how's legislative, assembly election and september? electoral authorities in the former portuguese colony did not specify why those disqualified are considered disloyal. they include opposition politicians on veteran activists. beijing has been stepping up efforts to stifle dissent in macau
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and neighbor, hong kong, where a recent electoral overhaul also screens out opposition. fil, ahead on the news hour. after 144 years of wimbledon, italy finally have a player in the single final will tell you more about my sale. but it's just a moment a brought to you by accenture, that there'll be change the news
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with me. booty by extension. let there be change. oh, a one year of the town shown festival host a group of young people from across the world to encourage their work. feel makers from iran to mexico are able to meet industry insiders to fund their next creative
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project. social butler has more. it's every direct his dream to come to can and for young mexican phil make a more to her. nie is patel. this visit could be life changing after residence in paris with the film festivals, program directors. martha has the picture movie project produces from france. his film funding body is the 1st time i actually do this kind of thing. and you have to be confident about your project on who you are trying to make mistakes talking. i hope you will be able to experience iranian bizarre as adi is another young filmmaker from the program can after 6 months are working on that residency. finally, i'm here. i have the young directors program says it's a golden opportunity twice or 6 directors. i selected to stay in paris during
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for madison off writing the 1st and 2nd future. and so they received money so that they can think on the about vast street a couple of days later, at a club by the see, there are nerves and excitements. so this is where the patron take place john filmmaking. 5 minutes i got the impression from the night his ard pages, his kurdish language film, about a teenage boy who choice to find out how his father died in iran, there is no turning for a cottage feel because you know, they, they just want to make, make feel, in fact they would could dish but it's actually cheaper. they could dish language. you know, she one of the pages over days,
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but i think it went well i am happy that because now it's great and see what as the winners were announced. it was the outcome, the bazaar or martyr had hoped for. but although they look out on the prize money, they will undoubtedly leave can, richer inexperience, friendships and memories. natasha butler, i'll just, sarah, can come for all the sports says here's jemma. thanks there. and it'll be a huge day for italian sport on sunday with the national football team playing in the final of your 2020 and before that's. that's how you, by retaining we'll line up in the wimbledon decider. he's the 1st italian player to reach the final of the tournament, and it's 144 year history. and he got that by beating apparel and how the all catch, their teenage stormed into a to lead off suggest 58 minutes, hol, catch hit back. those who in the 3rd on a tie break for the number 7 said he didn't leave him lose his stuff once in the
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match, took the full set to wrap up victory. and if he's lifting the trophy on sunday, he'll be the 1st italian man. so when a grand sometime in 45 years, it's going to be a great atmosphere. my 1st finally when boon, it's just crazy to think about it. and obviously for italian people in general is going to be tough funding. but i think we deserve it. it's green gray day grace board day and i'm really, really happy that together with football now we are. i think one of the biggest sport in italy better attain is now the only man who can stop. no joke of it from winning a record equaling at 20th ground some title on sunday. a short time ago, the world number one defeated canadian dentist shop, a lot of in straight sets and a new women's champion will be crowned on saturday. when ashley bought the car in a place called go head to head in the 1st wimbledon final for both players. top
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seed bossy won the french open in 2019. while place has never won a major tournament before. our lympics with no fans is not what the athletes going to take a would ever have imagined a couple of years ago. but the man in charge of the games has assured them they will still have an experience to remember. the president of the international olympic committee, thomas fax, has delivered a message of support today's competing after it was confirmed and no spectators will be allowed venues off. the host city was placed under another co, 19 in state of emergency. we all regret that they said decision for not having spectators for the spectators, but even more so for the athletes who will not be able to enjoy life the olympic atmosphere. but for the athletes, i think they're feeling will be very different because they will know that billions of people from around the globe with them in the heart of that they are supporting
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them. a copy they haven't pass and the fans can still look forward to what back is describing a creative, a new approach to the games that will be more olympic content on television and digital platforms than ever before. and he says, athletes should feel encouraged tonight and billions of people will still be watching them talk. you're ready. the rain use on marvellous. the olympic village is maybe the best we ever had in olympic games. so everything is ready to have a great orleans b competitions. the us selling pick basketball campus min hit by cobit 19 at that training base in las vegas. 3 members of the select team, which practices with the main team of tested positive and now isolating. but the rest of the party continue to train before heading out to japan. the best football is on the planet will descend on cattle next year with just of $500.00 days to go out before the world cup kicks off. the host, preparing to welcome more than
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a 1000000 fans to the eye clinic sporting event, which will be the 1st ever house in the middle east. it begins on november 21st 202295 percent of the tournament. infrastructure is complete with all the items is set to be ready by the end of this year. 500 days to go means that we're getting very close to the tournament. it's been 10 years in the making and this is the biggest event in the middle east and the biggest event that has ever happened in the middle east. it brings the world together. it brings they are brought together . it's a moment of pride in the history of this part of the world, and as we move closer to the tournament, we're sure that the excitement going to keep building even further. walk you back, star man, the honest answer compo, is urging his team to make home advantage count. if that's a rescue that chances of winning the m b a championship and to become voted his best to fire up the bugs. he went into game too. again, phoenix suns trailing one, nothing is scored. a 42 points in another standout performance. but his efforts
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ultimately invade david book with 31 points of phoenix, one by 14, leaving them to winds away from their 1st title. the series of now heads to milwaukee for the next couple of game british books that's i said, fury is said to be deeply frustrated after his trip to fight against the until walter was postponed. it's all because fury. he's been training in las vegas as tested positive for over 19. the bout was due to take place on july 24th, but medical experts have advised it should be put back most likely to sometime in october. neither by his fort since you are knocked out walder to take the w b. c heavyweight title back in february. last year. you see saw mcgregor is also in las vegas and was involved in a predictably fiery press conference during which he aimed a kick. his opponents, every shipment of the irish fighter works on to the stage to greet the thousands of fans that turned up to see him. he's up against dustin, a port in the trinity fight on saturday. greg,
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one that 1st encounter by knockout in 2014 but suffered a shock defeats in the re max shirley this year when he was stopped in the 2nd round. he's about to put things right this time around. this is my bread and bertha . this is what you know, wake me up in the morning with fire and my belly, you know, err errors to correct tactics to prepare for. so it's not a great camp for me or not, not there anymore. very dangerous fighter sitting right here for sure. no doubt, but i see a man shoot you. i'm gonna go ahead. i see a man here in front of me that i've, i defeated and i know i can defeat against the adobe. this is what you and i feel like he's going to go down. he's going to be know what i it was a flu when i'm going to correct it on saturday night. how that were his fault for now i'll be back later with highlights from that joke of it's shop of all me, find out will be and see them are looking forward to it. thank you so much jim, and thanks for watching the, who's our on out 0. that's it from myself in the team here and go about we're hand
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you over to our team to london. might be in just a moment and see how much more of the faces. thanks for watching out to hear about a june challenging how mainstream media covers the news stories like these that should be easy pickings for political reporters out the whole power to account while others are breaking among the listening post on just the era the discover, a world of difference determination, i'm coming down where we are moving freedom. we
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saw the 16 people corruption and compassion, the just 0 world selection of the best films from across our network of channels. vaccines. a promising path out of the panoramic. but the implementing the greatest inoculation in history is testing the global community around the world. already a clear gap is emerged between rich nations and poor ones when it comes to vaccinating their populations from the politics to the pure economics. the misinformation, the latest developments, what's going on here is very different. first off, the back thing comes in the form of a nasal spray, especially coverage of the colona virus pandemic on a jessina earl in an unconventional capital city. ever changing and yet forever defined bytes turbulent past. stephanie deck meets the linens and takes you
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on a journey. exploring the identity and legacy of europe's rebel capital. took out his era. ah . gaining ground in afghanistan, the taliban claims it now controls the majority of the country, but is ready for a cease fire with conditions. ah, i marian demise in london. you're watching al jazeera also coming up on the program . much needed a deliveries from turkey to rebel held syria guaranteed for another year after a last minute compromise.


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