tv [untitled] July 11, 2021 9:00pm-9:30pm +03
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very peace, recreate the magic y coverage of the council festival. now we understand the differences of cultures, the cost of what we've been using current. does that matter to you? i this is al jazeera. ah hi there. i'm kim vanelle. this is ben. you the law from coming up in the next 60 minutes. banana. richard branson's rocket claim reaches the edge of space and takes a step toward commercial face tourism london. wembley
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stadium is england. and li count down to the final of football european championships. for their affairs, football crowds could work in the spread of coven 19 in the u. k. while the government pressed the head with reopening plan to form a ivory coast presidents including low back bow announced uniting and opposition to current leader out a somewhat tata sport, a record, a clean 20th grand slam title of another rich. the serbian crowned king of wimbledon for a 3rd straight time with victory over italy's messiah birth. ah! now richard branson has officially reached the edge of space for filling a lifelong dream and marking a dramatic step forward for space tourism branson and 5, all those travelled aboard his company. the virgin galactic winged rocket ship for
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a few minutes. the crew was wait. this, the ship's wings unfolded in the plane, glided back to us for one way, landing the mission statement that i wrote inside my space to was to turn the dream of space travel into a reality for my grandchildren, your grandchildren, and how many people are alive today for everybody and having flown to space, i can see even more clearly how virgin is the space line for the way here to make space more accessible to all. and we want to turn the next generation of dreamers into the astronauts of today and tomorrow we will miss days or just had the most extraordinary experience we'd love it's, it's a number of you can have it to the crew member and aeronautical engineer,
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very shut boundless says her parents are over the moon about her trip. they've heard me say i want to go to space and i was little, i should say younger commenced a little. but yeah, and they're just, they're just so proud and they've been there and supported me. so they were just excited, my dad hugged me so hard when i got here, like my sunglasses shattered actually. so it was just a big embrace and i couldn't be happier. and i can't think the more for their support. reynolds as the latest now from the virgin galactic spaceport in sierra county, new mexico richard branson has earned his astronaut wings and has won the billionaire space rate beating out amazons. jeff bezos and ilan mosque of space. x for the honor of the 1st billionaire into outer space, the flight was flawless, his face playing cold unity was lifted aboard
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a unique place called eve getting up high enough for the pilots of unity to detach. and then fires their rockets, bringing branson and company into near space at 88 approximately 88 kilometers above earth. the actual official designation for space is 100 kilometers above the sea level. but france and probably thought that's close enough. anyway, the inhabitants of the spacecraft were able to view the fantastic picture of earth below and the blackness of space above they were able to experience a few moments of weightlessness during their hour. a long flight and then the pilot's maneuvered the craft back into the atmosphere and glided in for a perfect touch. down landing on the tarmac, landing strip, which is in the desert behind me. afterwards,
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branson described it as miraculous and the most incredible experience he had ever had now. breadth, his goal is to send tourists into space on his rocket ships. he hopes to start doing that next year, and the price tag for a ticket to space with richard branson's. virgin galactic company is $250000.00 per person. richard branson is one of 3 billionaire businessmen, promising to take tourists to overt branson add 5 others have successfully complete there 1st, fully crude test flight virgin like takes full commercial flight. first of those is not until next year, but will cost you a quarter of a $1000000.00 for a think. $600.00 tickets are already reserved. and in just a few days, blew origins that you ship and broke. it will head to space with its owner and amazon found at jeff bezos, his brother,
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an 82 year old female pilot. while the phone was trained as an astronaut, but denied the chance in the sixty's to go to space because of her gender, she'll soon get her child for that flight which will last 10 minutes. while eat on mosques, space 6 has already taken astronauts to the international space station. it passed as edgar crew made up entirely of private citizens for the 1st time into orbit. later this year, the tesla found that says charges for his private lines will go toward moon and mars missions inspiration for it will take 4 days to return to earth. or miko. vic is a business columnist at the los angeles times. he joins us now by scott, thanks for your time. when you've written in the past that that crude space slice is all about public relations. is there anything about this moment that's exciting to you? not really nothing that richard branson did today and nothing that he's planning in the near future is anything that we haven't already done. in fact, 60 years ago,
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balance shepherd was for us. astronaut and space spent more time and space more time waitlist than been branson. and his crew did today. i think the danger here is the idea that this is related to basically the request for exploration of space, or that it has any scientific validity. when in fact it's, it's p r and it works against gains and scientific knowledge. how big a business then is this burgeoning space tourism? i mean, what of these attempts done to the companies all are not attempts to slides done to the companies. alls, which is branson, all just phase all the end of musk. i think you're going to see that the, that the market for these flights is pretty limited. if one ticket costs a quarter of a $1000000.00, there is not
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a whole lot of customers for flights. $250000.00 for 10 minutes in space or near space, and then you come right back down again. so it basically is, it's an appeal to vanity. it's an appeal to a certain level of thrill seeking that's, that's completely. so people want to spend that much money. why should anybody stand in their way? once again, it's the idea that this is advancing human knowledge or advancing scientific knowledge is, is really a problem. i think i'm not a fan or not, not a fan, not just completely and doesn't about richard branson. but do you know, i think that in some ways and at least encourages imagination, you know, like young people today who weren't around in the sixty's. you know, it's a, it's a new frontier almost, even if it is about tourism. i really don't think so. if,
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if people are interested in science or, or they're inclined in that direction, i think we can look at the real achievements that we've scored in, in scientific exploration of space in the nearby planet. we know more about mars today than we knew a few years ago. entirely because of the work of the people who put robots and robot rovers into space and landed them on mars. if we tried to do that with human cruise, it would have been vastly more expensive. the scientific component of those missions would have been minuscule. and they would have taken more time and they simply would not have resulted in what we now know about mars that's valuable to know. i think young people who are interested in, in this sort of knowledge have many more sources of inspiration than sitting in a capsule and spending 10 or 15 minutes going up to the edge of space and then
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coming back down again. all right, hey, thank you for bringing us back down to michael, how thick their business column is that the los angeles done i, dave morehead on you, including will have more on why rallies taking place in the occupied with bank against the palestinian authority and kidnapped while i school, jerry, we made this student who determined to few his education despite the risks involved in sports intended to celebrate becoming champions of south america for the 1st time and almost 3 decades. ah, emily and england will face off in the final of the euro, 2020 football championship, and london's wembley stadium within the hour. this is the 1st one over the england
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men's team in europe talk football tournament. they are hoping to defeat italy who lifted the trophy in 1968. adam rainy is standing by for us and runs at 1st. let's go to pull brandon, who that wembley stadium pool. was that being there? now how the fans feeling well, those who have tickets are pretty much going to be inside the stadium. now. those outside fill here are coming down to where to soak up the atmosphere. and it has been some to say, this is one of the most emphasis on that final. but i can remember not least because it's already been put off by one year from 02020. now to 2021 because of the current virus pandemic will have a 65000 strong crowd inside wembley stadium. definitely is gladiators against england lines. and this month and they coliseum a football on the match up between the 2 sides is tight. i mean the number crunches have done some victor analysis and they give england a 53 percent chance of winning. it's an a 4047 percent of the reason why is the
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kind of difference in that stuff to me is proven themselves to be the best attacking team in this tournament. but most of 7 most successfully defensive team conceding only one goal back to off of all of this, of course is corona virus. those people who have been able to get tickets that have to share the negative to run a virus test within the last 48 hours or about to have to run a virus itself and recovered or had a passport. but the anticipation for the sporting side of all of this really is hitting the heights and they've been popping here outside the stadium to talk this afternoon. and that's the whole 6 hours before kick off. right, thank you for that whole brand and they're alive at wembley, someone who might have something to say about those. booky predictions is adam rady, who is that live for us. and rather than adam, i can see there are some fans they're gathering behind. you will see the fair like the can i bet the people here would really disagree with
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the booky prediction. they say, the bookkeeper cree wrong. you have me here in the shadow of the coffee and might be outside to call him to modern day football. we're literally in the show, the couple 100 meters away, people gathering here, it'll be from 2500 sam shortly. and they said, this is a lead moment to bring it back home when they have to turn it to the 1st time since 1968. they say they're also due because been shut out of the 2018, woke up final and under coachman to finish job is when you have a county in expressing that they are fighting for the larger european side. many of told me that due to practice, they just can't make the idea frankly, of england winning the match. and we've seen even the like the head of european union for self things. she supporting the blues tonight. so speaking of the crowd here,
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they're very confident that they're going to win tonight and they feel their night, but a board and the bookkeepers and disagreeing with them. what you also have here the huge day in italian court in which just a little while ago, the 1st man or woman ever made it into the finals of wimbledon. the single final became up short. he didn't win, but my tale bearer teenage a lot of heart and the people you're neatly written day tonight night for italian sports. go down in history there and wimbleton. and here on the, in the final the european comp. and they think they're going to come up with a big green, have all of that music, anything to go by the bringing the celebration vibes now let's hope it takes them through to the end of this man. thank you very much for that, adam. raining or you may have heard to england fans repeat the euro tournament is. ringback coming home, it's unfair with crowds that size and not many mosque phone show that the only thing going home is corona virus. the delta variance behind a rise in infections of more than 30000 cases recorded over the past 4 days. they
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pay, there's have been to get cars at $910.00, so we'll axing on monday. prime minister bonds, johnson is set to confirm whether most of england lockdown rules will end on july, the 19th from gape has moved from london. the government seems to be still proceeding on its mission to unlock the legal requirements on the 19th of july. now this is caused a lot of concern from scientists from across the medical community, as well. with more than 120 scientists writing the medical journals along that criticizing the government for conducting what it says is an unethical experiment on the health of, of the people in the u. k. and in england, especially where the legal requirements are due to be lifted out, while the vaccines, minnesota deems the hall. we had spoken about the fact that people who feel be expected to wear mall and crowded indoor situations. the fact that it comes down to
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personal responsibility as the government has been housing really is leaving people and scientists, especially in deep consent. that said, this is just simply not enough that a lot of people are going to write off the pandemic as being something that is fading away. it's certainly not fading away. over the past few days. in england, you've had infections of about $30000.00 plus every single day of people who are coming down with as many of the delta variants as well. of course, the successful vaccine program has weakened the link between getting infected with cobit and resulting in hospital or even dying as well. but that's not to say that those cases are non existent. the d goes on a, is a clinical epidemiologist and senior lecturer at queen mary university of london. she says, plans to use restrictions could undo hard one progress. opening up in the middle of a raging pandemic with exponentials rises,
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my cases are doubling every 9 days is completely negligent. i own how the secretary has said that we are going to see more than 100000 daily cases over the summer and less or something like that ripped through the population when only 51 percent of our population fully vaccinated is completely reckless and will have long term impact on people's health, our health care services moving forward, giving that the major groups that are being impacted. now, young adults and children where cases are literally skyrocketing and we know that this isn't an acute enough for many people as a chronic unless i need to chronic disability in many. and we are creating a generation possibly of children and young adults with chronic illness. and disabilities for the future. actually, studies from the university of cambridge show that the best conditions for creating variance that escaped vaccines is essentially to allow transmission among young people in a partially vaccinated population where only now she was rebel and all the groups
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are vaccinated. and that create the perfect conditions for escape. and if we what, you know, going to spawn radiance that escapes vaccines even more than the current want to do that could undo all the games we've made in the last 6 to 7 months, not just in the u. k, but in many other parts of the globe and it's completely rec, has to be taking that gamble at this point in time for us. ravia is also grappling with the delta variance with its 1st karone of our staff this year. so far it fed much better than many of the developed countries and keeping infections low, but it's been criticized over it's slow vaccine rollout. now cases are on the rise in new south wales. even though the biggest city, sidney is in the 3rd week of a lockdown, the number of people exposed in the community, not, i'm anticipating. the numbers in the south wells will be greater than a 100 tomorrow. now that's what i'm anticipating, and i'll be shocked if it's less than a 100. this time tomorrow, if additional new cases. so we can't stress enough, the importance of not only following the rules,
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but also realizing the risk. and south korea will impose tom for restrictions in the capital after another, 1300 infections were recorded in the past 24 hours help authority saved spike in cases is being driven mainly by a younger on vaccination people. soul and neighboring areas will move to the strictest level of social distance thing for the 1st time. from monday, the new measures in south korea include closing schools and bars when the ride is insult. with more on the surgeon infections. i think what's really worried, the authorities here is just the speed all the search the pretty much over night. we've seen almost a doubling of new cases being recorded in the last few days receive over 1300 new cases per day. a lot of this seems to be have to do with people premier surely it seems letting down at that god, in part it's partly due to the delta variance, but only a small number of those cases. largely, it seems to be people going out more not taking the kind of restrictions that they
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should do and then in parties because as we roll out the vaccination campaign around 30 percent of the population have now had at least one job. and as we are getting people vaccinated, the government has been putting out messages, saying that if really try to incentivize people, that when that number comes up, they will get the vaccination. so for example, if you've had one job than that, but now you need to be where we go. mask in public. if you'll complete the vaccinated, you can be meeting in larger groups. and this is had the effect of almost telling people that we are emerging from this. and of course we haven't been people have been going out or, and the people who've been getting infected in these clusters would have been largely impacting around the sol area. have been younger people, people in the twenties and thirties, while around a 3rd of the population has been fascinated. they've that sexual populations, which is largely unvaccinated and somewhat vulnerable. the supply of medical oxygen
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is dwindling in the and more there's more people contract. the virus, the producer that makes the tanks, has been ordered to work at full capacity. and to convert industrial grade oxygen for patients. more than 4300 new cases were reported on saturday and you record for the nation. israel has started giving 3rd booster shots of the 5 bond tech covered 19 vaccine to adults with weak immune systems. 5 affairs, just 2 doses would not be effective in fighting the delta variant, fighting undisclosed data, and it says as an increased risk of infection after 6 months of getting the 2nd dose. append to ask us in european regulators to authorize boosters for those already and ok. lated protests against the palestinian authority have been taking place in the occupied westbank. there have been calls for weeks now for palestinian president my boss to quit. after the death of an activist in p, a custody bernard smith sent out this update from ramallah in the occupied west bank. the capitalist, today's protest of news, but not a couple of weeks ago,
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he had been arrested by palestinian security forces, according to witnesses severely big enough. and an autopsy policy advised me that he died as a result of the injuries he'd received when he was beaten. there are 40 members, policy security portal in custody. no one yet charge though. we've been death, protested a calling for justice for him. i'm calling with how is the new president my mood about to go to the 5th critic of the president of a mighty, relatively small scale protest. the authorities here are extremely sent to any sign of outward descent. proved attempts to whole protest last couple of weeks have been violently suppressed by the security forces that allowed this one to go ahead about it increasingly on popular here that was supposed to be election last month. they were cancelled again, and he's been effectively ruling by decrease,
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much of the 15 years since i were elections last held is a be sort of protests. a really, really sort of out that there is for artificial voices in the us has sent a delegation to haiti to assist in the investigation into president, jovan marie sees assassination. speaking to fox news, the pentagon press secretary says the officials will assess the security risk in the country. the haitian government initially requested troops from the us to protect the port airport and other key infrastructure. we are aware of their request by the haitian government, we're analyzing it just like we would any other request for assistance or the pentagon. it's going through a review. i'm not going to get ahead of that process. and today, in interagency team largely from the department of homeland security and f. b, i are headed down to haiti right now to see what we can do to help them any investigative process. and i think that's really where our energies are best applied right now. in helping them get their arms around investigating this
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incident and figuring out who's culpable, who's responsible and, and how best to hold them accountable going forward. that's where our focus is right now. and it gallegos why for us now in washington d. c. and what more do we know about this delegation? well, this is what the us is calling a technical team, made up of the department of homeland security and s b i. agents. and essentially, what they may do, or at least i think they will try and do, is add some legitimacy to any of the findings in the investigation into who assassinated job know movies in the early hours of wednesday morning. that's as much as they can do at the moment because the conspiracy theories now surrounding the death of job know marie, so really taking hold in haiti. wally security situation is worsening all the time . because of course, in this nation, at the moment, there are now political arguments about who will be the new president when the next elections will be held and haven't been in the elections in a t since 2017. so this is a very precarious moment in which most patients are hiding in the homes. listening
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to the radio, watching tv, waiting for some kind of news about what will happen next. i mean, the situation is so bad that some gang members are holding their own press conferences saying they will fight on behalf of the haitian people. so this technical team from the us, if they can get to the bottom of this investigation, find out who funded these people who is behind it and why that may help in the short term. but i think also in the short term, most patients are simply worried about their own security. all right, thank you for that. and again, because they are in washington d. c. so i had hair on al jazeera warnings that the world blown just tropical rain forest and brazil is shrinking fast. the silver screen goes green will tell you, want to see as calm film festival is doing to help the environment and in sport miss l. phone that victory in the 1st london final of the day. and he's here with
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me right. there's not much clad as not much rain around in the middle east this time, the or in turkey or in iran. there is some, i mean that's the edge of the monsoon, nasa you've captured, catching the rain go into the science of pakistan and just catches are mine as well . a bit of sherry stuff up in turkey, but you know, the story really. it's just hot, sometimes dusty wind as well. that's true. it's blowing out for a very hearty ra, dance you create towards their hoster has $47.00, ought to be a dry. he cause 47 human heat is really not very bearable. and if anything, it just more stays the same on tuesday, the wind even strengthens for a while, but backs off over the gulf states. the change in the weather, as i mentioned in our man, sela has just entered that period approximately 3 months where the edge of the
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monthly means is almost continuous. the clarity i often it's drizzly. sometimes you get a thunderstorm. pleasant enough, when the comparison is 5100 degrees. now also the edge of that monster. when catches the coast of tanza near kenya, somalia has some rain, but it's also starting the wet season in ethiopia. the july and august of the wet his month lives shout started. they can bring flash study. of course it's welcome brain, but it's, they're the same. nice job. yeah. sedan and in south sedan, the new generation of young people are more politically engaged than the one that came before. welcome to generation change a global theories and attempts to challenge and understand the ideas, the mobilize youth around the world. in south africa, it women who are at the forefront as a walk in a ration you never ever gets hired of developing resistance strategies and ignite
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you watching all? is there a reminder on our top stories that's all they need? now. richard branson has officially reached the edge of space filling a lifelong dream. mocking a dramatic step forward for space, tourism france and and 5 others travelled aboard his company. virgin galactic winged rocket ship for few minutes. the crew was pointless at me and england will face off in the final year 2024 championship at london wembley stadium in just half an hour time. this is a 1st final to the englishman's team and your top football tournament. the don't comes at a time that you can government is concerned over the rising number of cases because at 19 delta of areas around 60000 feet with you at wembley stadium for that final football match. ivory coast form of political rivals have united the publicly challenge president allison with tata. the 2 former president, $75.00 bo and bacon on video has joined the opposition and same with heart as
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reelection is unconstitutional. both says he and video would not be complicit by remaining silent without his reelection. barber returned to john last month after the international criminal court acquitted him of war crimes relating to post electro violence in 2011. miss susan, if we have a constitution, that means we have a collection of text to guide us, and one must fight to be on the right side of the constitution, so that the constitution is on your side. but if you are fighting against the constitution, then trudy, we others cannot help you. when he rogia below is the president of africa international media group. she joins out from paris by skype. thank you for your time. how significant is this, my boy and busy a, you know, i thing and opposition. they say they're not going to be complicit by remaining silent on without his reelection. what should we expect from them.
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