tv [untitled] July 12, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm +03
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when you need in the upper can many of you need to find a bubble or do we have to teach the community living with one lives? it's excellent, elliot limbo, riding with elliot, my son, bob boy, on out there. ah me. what a court in jordan has sentenced to men, including a member of the royal family to 15 years in prison over plumps against the monarchy . ah, hello robin. you're watching on their lines. coming up in the next 30 minutes, locked down in full again and part of south east asia. it's corona, virus infections increase or the more contagious variant.
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cuba sees the largest anti government protest in decades with protest as angry over the handling of the pandemic, and shortage in italy, european football champions up to be england in london where police are now investigating racist abuse against black players. ah, welcome to the we we breaking news coming out of jordan. we're a court has sentence to former officials for a plot against the millnicky, former royal court chief and finance minister bus. and our dollar was given 15 years hard labor and sharif hudson bins. i eat a member of the royal family, also got 15 years. the verdict center on the ledge plot against the kingdom involving a full man to the throne prince honda. he's king abdullah half brother of the former crown prince was a woman when this bitter moody miller regarding the 1st criminal bass and ibrahim,
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the court has sentenced him to temporary imprisonment for a period of 15 years for the 1st charge. and 15 years for the 2nd charge, only one of these 2 rules applies to him, which is temporary work for 15 years. starting from the date of his arrest in april . with regard to the 2nd criminal sharif hassan been said, the court has sentenced him to temporary imprisonment for a period of 15 years for the 1st charge. and 15 years for the 2nd charge, he shall be subject to any one penalty which has 15 years of temporary imprisonment . with the hussar berardi is a professor of international relations at kensal university and join me from dough home buyers who can help you with a set on the program. how significant was it to find those behind this alleged coo and bring them to justice. what it is very important for the, for the regime. and then because the acquisition from the get go is that there was some kind of even but then they talked about the front of mind
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region and even be coded as sedition and actually doing any kind of the best in mobile, in particular with the entire since he because he had committed all he's being a she was coming think so many m economy crimes. and so i think you can see all the love trial. there will always be questions in the international community about whether this was a fair trial considering the lawyers for the accused have complained of a lack of access to the clients and potential torture to gain confessions. the trial was held behind close stalls. what do we to read into this? well, this is a core security. so no one actually knows exactly what kind of bar we have different stores from different people,
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according to different preferences. but frankly i, i think that the court has been doing the same thing with other people as well in the past, over the past 20 years. we always hear all of these complaints about be. ready you know about what the court or the interrogation itself and behind the bars. what message really does this send to the domestic audience in jordan, considering the accusations being made that of a foreign plot to serve the monarchy and connections to either saudi arabia or even israel was. this is the problem here that you know, at the very beginning they talked about disconnection, and then the accusations have nothing to do with that. and they only talk about the lunch a try and connection with the printer. i'm just trying to undermine still in the country. so there is no single accusation official position. the court about the
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foreign connections here. and this is actually probably the weekend because it will appeal the whole case as a whole manager being is actually suspects that probably there was all the come to the trade facing challenges these raiders. i mean, why does this leave prince hands on who was not involved in this particular court case, but he accused the authorities at the time of putting him into house arrest and whose closest allies now have been found guilty of sedition amongst a raft of the charges well, if you, if you hear the acquisition list and the very beginning, and also what in the course is what we were in the past. actually it's obvious that they were trying to convince, even so it's at trial by fcc. so i think this is to be the end game they
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want to be out of the picture. there was so many, many of them being as far as what times it to be the region. but now i think it's chances i can even next to 0. this is a here, does this episode leave king abdullah, more exposed, i mean the floors and the holes in the administration open now for all to see both within the country and out of it. and how is the monarchy in the government going to repair this damage? one of the wood is now the king actually by. ready forming a committee to denies the. ready kind of political reforms and probably this is the only thing on the pockets i would say the majority didn't even believe that sometimes it was involved in anything like that. it's about the, the bill. it gives, with the trust gap between the regime and the people is actually whitening about
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a professor of international relations that cattle university. thanks very much feel insight. so thank you for having me. well, on the top story and it's about behind a contagious dealt of arian which has been blamed for rapid rising current virus infections across south east asia. indonesia has been recording both and 35000 cases a day and a new survey, a sound almost half of jakarta population has had coven 19 at some stage, sometimes higher than official figures. not thailand has gone into lockdown for 2 weeks where the night curfew in place in bangkok, a slow vaccine rollout and limited testing is any adding to the challenges and south koreans, capital and surrounding areas have been moved to the strictest level of social distancing, clubs and churches are being closed and private gatherings are limited. rub, mcbride has moved from sol while they're really concerned about one has really
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alarmed them is the speed with which this 4th wave has really surge. that virtually a we've seen, a doubling of new case has been reported in the last few days. it's been consistently well over a 1000 new cases per day, which is very high for south korea. now. part of it is being blamed on the war transmissible delta variant. but it also combines, i think, with a general complacency here and from the government and admission that they've got some of them messaging wrong. what's happened is that as we've had the vaccinations rollout, we've got a round, a 30 percent of the population here of now had at least one jap. and there's a way of encouraging more people to get vaccinated as their numbers come up. the government has been announcing the lifting of restrictions as more people get vaccinated. so if you've had one job that the government says, you won't be required to wear a mask in public. if you're fully vaccinated, you'll be able to meet in larger numbers. now, all good news, but it has had the effect of creating the illusion that we are emerging from there
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. so people haven't been taking the kind of precautions that they normally do. take that we've seen a large number of clusters arising in the greater sol area and affecting people in their twenties and thirties, who are still largely unvaccinated. that good news is that compared to previous waves, at least we're not seeing the same type of hospitalizations and deaths that we've seen previously. and that's because the people who are more vulnerable, the elderly, et cetera, are now at by and large, protected by their vaccinations. not any cheng has more from bankers called the restrictions imposed across thailand. well, it means that people are being told they have to stay at home unless they work in an essential industry, such as food production or medical services. there is the nighttime curfew between 9 pm and 4 am. and i think the government is really trying to put a block on the, on the trip data transmissions, which are rising pretty close to about $10000.00
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a day. that's what the government minister last week was saying, they expected it to go up to the problem is thailand corporate in iraq in a hard place. it's trying also to open up. we've seen in the beginning of this month, the opening of the p kid handbook, which is an initiative to allow vaccinated tourists to come back into the country, the try and kick stuff the, the part of the economy, which is so reliant on tourism. also, we can see it today in bangkok, people are moving around then not staying at home about 50 percent of a normal monday mornings traffic was out on the streets today. they also want to get to work they, they feel their lives have been put on hold. i think the opportune, many people feel the opportunity for the government to, to stop this transmission and tracks was back in april. they didn't locked down properly. then i think many people feel that a low, they say this is only going to be 2 weeks. the situation with those rising infections could stretch on for many months to come. now,
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washington is wanting china that any attack on the philippines in the south china sea withdraw the us response and a mutual defense treaty. they repeated warning comes of hundreds of activists in manila rallied on the 5th anniversary of a ruling against china. its claims the territory in the south trying to see an international tribunal from china had violated the philippine sovereign rights by interfering with fishing and petroleum exploration, which china rejects. now cuba has seen its biggest anti government protest in decades, thousands of marsh dance and economic crisis grips the nation. government handling of the panoramic and us sanctions are being blamed. present. miguel diaz canal accuses washington stirring unrest. twisted ripples were not a free, candid, thousands of people in the streets of havana. root is like this one happened across the country, expressing frustration over been demick restrictions and the worst sitting economic prices on the island nation. people. we are here for the repression because they
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are killing us with hunger. the houses are falling and we have no homes. they have the money to build hotels while letting us go hungry. the past year and a half has been difficult for us economy as it been, they may have had a devastating impact on the tourism sector. the country was forced to carry out major economic reforms. in the past week, the amount of coven 19 infections rose sharply in the province of my dancers, where hospitals i was struggling to cope, doctor se during desperate need of oxygen and beds to treat patients. president miguel, the mail blame the us embargo for the situation and ask government reporters to take to the streets. law may be burning, won't go, i will show you. we are not going to admit that any counter revolutionary motion re sold out to the government of the united states, sold out to the empire, receiving money from the agencies, allowing themselves to be carried away by all these strategies of ideological subversion, to provoke destabilization in our country, there will be
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a revolutionary response. we call upon all the revolutionaries of the country all the communists, to take to the straits, to any of the places where these provocations are going to take place. today from now on and in the following days, security forces arrived soon after the protest started. people were arrested and some clashes broke out between pro and anti government raiders. a security beat me and my daughter a minus they beatles because they were walking down the street protests like this one are uncommon in cuba. this is the biggest one to take place since 1994 during what is known as the special period right after the fall of the soviet union. for many, there were an example of the changing time from the caribbean nation. and how many are no longer afraid to speak up? that he said, well i just eda still ahead hale and i was one of the most powerful gang me to
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protest over the killing of president of l. martin to stay with the 5th and i and if you watch the satellite picture, threat indonesia, the general trend is for the shower to move in this direction. and that's concentration in the forecasts for next couple of days through city ways in borneo and up towards staff goes to vietnam, cambodia, and laos. nice inside of thailand, which leaves it fairly dry down through singapore. and it's amazing mostly sumatra the bottom of bornea eventually. and certainly john from bali is quite a concentration, quite an odd looks that this is the wet bit and that's really quite dry. but they have it, it, australia stormy will have been coming into the west coast through prison to his damaging. the one that came through on friday is a cold front, and this is
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a cold front. the loads driving it would eventually be across the bite. we got rate and then shower, head of its rad, laid for melbourne, and when she tasmania, sydney's. okay, now you know, 19 degrees in the wind off shore is a light ones. the swell is dying down in new zealand after a warning and actually falling heavy rain set in northland. you'll see. yes. it's going to be likely raining and given on tuesday by a sofa and you've had day ease of cold nights. but beautifully sunny days attempt is up the average and that continues, i think, nor father will join you by the end of wednesday. the new generation of young people are more politically engaged than the one that came before. welcome to generation change a global theories and attempts to challenge and understand the ideas and mobilize youth around the world. in south africa,
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women who are at the forefront of the walk in a ration you never ever get tired of developing resistance strategies and ignites of passion, stand up and flight generation change on al jazeera. oh, the me look about you're watching over there with me. so robin reminder of our top stories, a jordanian quarter sentence to former officials, to 15 years in prison, but plotting a cue against the monarchy, their accused pushing forward to the throne, prince hum, tentative to king of de la. also the highly contagious delta. very interesting
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blame for a rapid rising credit of ours infection, in se asia thailand has gone into lockdown for 2 weeks. and so greer has imposed up a restriction eva has seen its biggest anti government protest. in decades. 1000 marsh, economic crisis grips the nation. the handling of the pen, demik and us sanctions are being blamed. a former police officer of notorious gang leader is asking his supporters to join must protest in haiti. jimmy treats better known as barbecue, is accusing opposition. parties of plotting president of in, elmore east murder, the u. s. has sent a delegation to have you to assist in the investigation into his assassination. classical have has the latest haitian police say these men paraded out for the press, were the ones who carried out an attack that killed haitian president, jehovah, now mo, east and wounded his wife, the suspects. 18 colombian men, most of them, former soldiers and 2 americans of haitian descent. but now authority say they have
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the mastermind blaming of florida doctor saying he flew into the country and a private jet intent on taking over the presidency. american investigators from the f. b. i and homeland security are believed to be taking part in the investigation now. but as for haiti's request for us troops, it seems unlikely. and today, in interagency team largely from the department of homeland security and the f b, i are heading down to haiti right now to see what we can do to help them any investigative process. and i think that's really where our energies are best applied right now. in helping them get their arms around, investigating this incident and figuring out who's culpable, who's responsible and, and how best to hold them accountable going forward. that's where our focus is. right now. there are reports that armed gangs have been taken over. there are violent crimes unchecked by police fun insertion places we see one or 2 police officers, but they don't have the capacity to take over security. they are not enough police
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. the director general of the national police said they are enough police for the capital, but i don't see them. we can see one. yeah, one day. we want to buy that, and now one of haiti's most powerful game leaders is threatening more violence. move on that one, but it's one of the by we will take to the street to those who monopolize the country's economy. to give us our country back with us. it's time for black people with afro her, like us to own supermarket, to have car dealerships and own bank. i call on the attention of the masters of the because the people will take the street to the last time the people came out. they threw tear gas with it. when the people come out, we are going to use self defense. i repeat, if they shoot at us, we already know what we have to do when it got somebody to so many haitians have been hiding in their homes. but some look for sanctuary in their churches sunday, wealth hope frances sent them public prayers. new to me. i joined the heartful
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appeal of the bishops of the country to drop the weapons and 2 slaves and choose to live together in brotherhood in the interest of everybody and in the interest of all the others. i am close to the beloved people of haiti. i hope the spiral of violence will end and the nation will be able to recover towards a future of peace and harmony. and still, there is a political void as politicians fight over who will lead next. petty call hain al jazeera washington who's italy have beaten england too in football's european championship for the 1st time since 1968. the final in london finished in one old drawer. after extra time. it was italy who held nerve in the penalty shootout. hers and richardson reports on an english team, backed by impassioned home support at london's wembley stadium,
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and italian side on a mission to take the european championship trophy back to rome. ah, england couldn't have dreamt of making a better start from new york, putting his country ahead. just the 2nd minutes went to talk to him to school his 1st international go the fastest ever in a you are a final and beaten in the last 33 games. italy wrestle by way back into contention. federico keep going close to me. tell you the 2nd began with rahim sterling, taking it's humble in the italian books, the referee deciding to wave england away rather than point to the penalty spots accused of don't you know very tonight italy then began to take control of the game
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. lean on the new, she converting that pressure into a desert equalizer. ok with england struggling to escape the rest of their opponents. the match headed into extra time the impact of an energy stopping night and which was becoming evidence is final would be decided in a penalty shootout. neither team looked assured from the spot but it was english teenager k 2nd miss the decisive kick. it meant italy could celebrate their 1st european seidel since 1968 i had seen that didn't qualify for the last will will soon be turning their focus to a similar success. next year's finals, incatel ah, andy richardson, al jazeera. well,
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the problem in the bar stools was conduct the online races to be solving gland. blank players. marcus rash fed jayden sancho and became a sucker amongst those talks that after missing those spot cakes, the metropolitan police say they've also opened an investigation into the bees. the football associations issued a statement condemning races to be on social media. they have a strongly condemned all forms of discrimination and is pulled by the online races and that has been aimed at some of our england plays on social media. we could not be clearer, but anyone behind such disgusting behavior is not welcome. in following the team. we will do all we can to support the players affected while urging the toughest punishments possible for any one responsible. while the men will have reaction from the italian capital row, when adam rainy is standing by for the 1st, let's cross over 2 and a dean baba trafalgar square in london. of course the dean. the joy of the beautiful game has not been overshadowed by the issue of racism, tarnishing england's accomplishments really during a very successful tournament. that's
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right, so just to point out here and your progress squared to clear up is just about over through the night. they've been getting rid of detritus. you could hear the clink of glasses, people with sweeping bottles away. not so long ago, just up the road in less than a square. they were very unpleasant scenes before the much. on sunday, there was a certain amount of violence in some areas with many drunk funds in general vote. the moods was one of hoping to pry age. and then of course, after the defeat on penalties, one of crushing disappointment. but that has translated but some people, as you would just say into abuse i'm particularly racist abuse. 2 of those 3 black players who mis penalties on sunday nights. now in the last couple of hours, prime minister boris johnson and the home secretary. pretty patel. have both put
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out statements on social media condemning that abuse or is johnson referring to online abuse, specifically pretty patel saying she box the authorities 100 percent in taking action against anyone involved in racist abuse. but this is reminded everybody of the control seat going into the tournament. because garrett south gate squad did agree that they would continue to take beneath an anti racist gesture, which was criticized by opponents, by some commentators here as being part of a political movement. black lives matter being linked by them to a certain political ideology, the team said nonsense, we will continue. we store it copied by other teams in solidarity right through to sunday. and so it's led to
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a lot of people saying those politicians that's starting to look rather hippa, hypocritical, horace johnson critic refused to criticize finds, who was bullying the team for taking the date? pretty patel actually criticize the gesture as gesture politics which shouldn't be seen. now that going on going on to the ways saying that they condemn this racist abuse. let me tell you what the former international england international gary never makes of it. he says the taking of the need was ridiculed by our talk, ranking government officials. so when we get racist abuse after a football much of the end of a tournament, i expect it because it exists and it's actually promoted by the prime minister. he's not pulling his punches. there is a real control this the real strength of feeling. but this, the teams actions had to be taken seriously before we saw the abuse. and now the team members that
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a guessing the abuse needs to be defended. of the lots controversy going on in the u. k. thanks very much indeed. baba the 4th in central london because i am writing his life for us in rome, and perhaps a very happy italy. 18 months of the pandemic has devastated italians. everybody knows somebody that was affected by cope with 19. but these last few months added the italian defense meant to smile about the one the eurovision song contest. they had an italian and the benz final at wimbledon. my tell you about a teeny and now finally they've won the the, the european cup as well. for sure, so there's a sense of buoyancy here. jubilation. just a couple hours ago that jewelry landed at rome, a few matina airport trophy and a hand they've now headed to a hotel where they're going to just be in the adulation of the roman and italian public. and that's because people rallied around the same as any nation would in a major tournament, but it feels just
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a little bit more. we arrived at this point outside the coliseum. not long ago, there were still revelers, how people sleeping had been partying some who hadn't gone to bed at all wearing the tie and flag they've been carousing and running around all night when our team went back after a long night last night. well, into the morning hours, you couldn't escape while the wall traffic no matter what neighborhood you were in, and that's replicated across the country with cars, stop horns blaring scooters. the typical time scene, everyone waving flags, red, green and white fireworks and players going off. it was as if it was a 60000000 person population country exploding. enjoy that had been up for 18 months. that's of course been the sense that the whole world, everyone isolated, everyone feeling like they were held back from doing things that brought them joy. but in italy, they felt that a little more because it's a country known for it's joyce out outbursts of jubilation in $412.00, a football. but being so hard hit by the pandemic. it had touched it just
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a little bit more, and people felt a little bit more deserving to celebrate together. and what we saw were thousands of people gathered, despite social distancing instruction from the government. once that victory had been assured, it just exploded here and all these kind of coord and off areas people lead those out in the streets and we thought tens of thousands of people gathering here in rome. and i'm sure them, as you just heard from a colleague, team in london, real controversy brewing that about the issue of racism. tickets fee for you, a national associations, obviously. and it's the loop as well as well as the club level. have been at pains to try and make the issue of racism completely void within the fan base. yet it has raised its ugly head. what was your impression of the way the match was perceived? why you well, at 1st it started off on a positive note with italian side, taking it to the and solid dairy with the english side politically. rhetorically
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italians in italy itself seems to get on board with that. but the truth is there's a lot of races and it bears its ugly head here even in one of the fan zones court and off when some of the black players were on screen for the on side. you heard racist booze. people comparing them to monkeys awful things that has not disappeared here. and it probably won't. you just don't see this much because the italian side is basically all ethnically italian and there isn't a diverse crowd of players. so thanks very much for the of the adamant that force in rome. ah, you'll see on there with me to hill robin. and reminder of all top stories, a jordanian court has sentence to former officials to 15 years in prison for plotting against the monarchy. they were accused of pushing form and the throw in prince hunger turned to the king of a one. and when this bid in would you remove well regarding the 1st.
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