tv [untitled] July 12, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm +03
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what's happening in international waters? power lines are, wow. a lot of new babies were dying. i did a lot of people empower, investigate, exposes, and quinton, they used to be of our around the globe on our i this is al jazeera. ah. are there i'm can vanelle, this is the news all life from coming up in the next 60 minutes. a jordanian court sentences to form a official for their role and alleged to destabilize the monarchy, fed up cuban vent their anger at the government and some of the largest protest seen in decades. so the last downs and corona virus restrictions are imposed to
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passive se asia to try and contain the rapid spread of the delta area and the rates to return home and time. many gabby in stock abroad for the tough, tough to ensure the voice is heard in the upcoming presidential elections. and it's for in italy or the new european champions. the baby to england at wembley stadium, to live the trophy for the 1st time since 1968. i would begin with breaking news from jordan, where a court has sentence to form the officials for the alleged fought against the monarchy. former royal court chief and finance minister must them. our dollar was given 15 years hard labor sharif or some bins i it's a member of the world family also got 15 years. the verdict center on charges of
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attempts to destabilize the kingdom, involving a former head to the throne. prince hummed up, he's king of the liz, half brother, and a former crown prince. well then ben this bit, and would you remember? well, regarding the 1st criminal bass him, our dollar, the court has sentenced him to temporary imprisonment for a period of 15 years for the 1st charge and 15 years for the 2nd charge. only one of these 2 rules applies to him, which is temporary work for 15 years, starting from the date of his arrest in april, which, with regard to the 2nd criminal, sharif hassan been said, the court has sentenced him to temporary imprisonment for a period of 15 years for the 1st charge, and 15 years for the 2nd charge, he shall be subject to any one penalty, which is 15 years of temporary imprisonment. let's take a look at this case a little more detail. it began back in april when form of crown prince. hum, the fed, the army had told him not to leave his house or to communicate with anyone. you
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accuse the country's leaders of corruption and harassment, 18 people were arrested in the alleged coup. last, many of them were closed. 8th, the homes of 16 were released off the royal order, and 2 were referred to a state security course. the 2 men sentence monday to have conspired with print thompson, who's the king's half brother, and have thought foreign assistance comes up was never formally charged. while love is by is out, says the chairman of nama strategic intelligence solutions, that little think tank. he joins us now live from amman, thank you for joining us on the news all for international audience. just tell us how significant is this case. the sentences rolling. thank you for having me on the show. it is very significant, especially one of the times that all of the law has been rolling in jordan since mid ninety's. and he replies very high positions including the chief of the
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royal or the office minister of planning, mr. finance. and the latest to which was a personal royal and boy at 2. so the on the, on behalf of the hashemite jordan, despite all these positions and the close this to his, by just the, to the government, jordan and to georgia. additions. and he had the guts to commit such a crime to the stabilize the country. and apparently it seems that he was the brain behind just all who instigated others to act. and the way they did in partnership was they've been, they've been, it hasn't been both of them. so they were sentenced to 15 years hard dealer and president of course, the political ramifications of this are many, the most important one. it's a message to the external actors, as well as the internal actors who may have intention to destabilize to have been
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again, that the, the stand is very strong. institutions are very strong. they have collected the information timely manner and they have managed to put it all on a legal track that says up to then this result. so the message is very clear. don't to try to meddle with the georgia indian affairs. because jordan in do value, there is stability and security of variable applied reach. ok. i want to ask you, how is this going to be perceived or received in the court of public opinion among jordanians? great question. well, jordanians until the public opinion probably never despise someone as they despise mister la throughout his years as part of the ruling elite in the country. a lot of people have been calling him out on a few issues of corruption that messes corruption, financial corruption,
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and many would have liked to see him tried on the spaces rather than a political issue such as the one today. ok, public opinion fight would be happy to see him behind bars, but probably they would have preferred to see him behind bars and corruption charges them. ok. what did the sentences say to jordanians in terms of, you know, their accusations that this was actually a foreign plot. one, whether it is a foreigner or an turn, the one we're talking about a very significant figure. figure in jordan o at the center of it. whether they're, you know, the court did not say anything about an external intervention, and the case was only what they, these 2 individuals did. they were either collaborators who were left out of the trial and they were sent home after at briefly they were arrested briefly at
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the beginning of the case. but primarily in the instigators, the main players are the still individuals and they think they today with the name of the court, which again is subject to the decision court. so it can be appealed, a decision court. and the court might give them some that either to verify and vindicate the ruling or reduce it. but i my, my sense legally, i don't know whether it will be done or not. but politically, it will be very sensitive to change the morning to i know or to our sentence in terms of numbers, if he is in prison. and also there is, there was a question. there were questions about whether there will be a royal pardon. again, even in this one, i think it's difficult because public opinion will not be happy or satisfied if
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that happens. all right, hey, thank you very much for now. so stefan, as well as that, the chairman of nama strategic intelligence solution, thank you. thank you. thank you. thank cuba, has seen its biggest anti government protest and decades. thousands of marched as an economic crisis, grips the nation. government mismanagement the pandemic, and us sanctions are being blamed. presidents miguel, the cases, washington of stirring unrest, theresa bober, forth were not a free, candid, thousands of people in the streets of havana. root is like this one happened across the country, expressing frustration over ban demik restrictions and the worsening economic prices on the island nation. he bought a lot of it. we are here for the repression because they are killing us with hunger . the houses are falling and we have no homes. they have the money to build hotels while letting us go hungry. the past year and a half has been difficult for us economy as if and then we have had
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a devastating impact on the tourism sector. the country was forced to carry out major economic reform. in the past week, the amount of coven 19 infections rose sharply in the province of my dancers, were hospital so struggling to cope, doctor se they are in desperate need of oxygen and beds to treat patient. president miguel, the can i blame the us embargo for the situation and ask government reporters to take to the streets law may be gaining won't go. so how do you, we are not going to admit that any counter revolutionary motion re sold out to the government of the united states, sold out to the empire, receiving money from the agencies, allowing themselves to be carried away by all these strategies of ideological subversion, to provoke destabilization in our country, there will be a revolutionary response. we call upon all the revolutionaries of the country all the communists, to take to the straits, to any of the places where these provocations are going to take place. today from
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now on and in the following days, security forces arrived soon after the protest started. people were arrested and some clashes out between pro and anti government demonstrators. state security beat me and my daughter mine. they beats us because they are walking down the street. protests like this one are uncommon in cuba. this is the biggest one to take place since 1994. doing what is known as the special period right after the fall of the soviet union. for many, there were an example of the changing times on the caribbean nation. and how many i no longer afraid to speak up that he said, well, i'll just see to maybe more head on the news all including the south african courses reviewing former president jacob's room at 50 most drilled italy, european football champions after england in london, where police are investigating the racist views against black players and is for
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john savage claims, another crown at wimbledon, and equals a record in the process for mass mason. i highly contagious. delta area is likely causing a rapid rise in corona, virus infections across se, asia, indonesia has been recording more than 35000 cases a day. and then you serve. i have found almost half of because its population has had covered 19 at some stage, 7 times higher than official figures. thailand has gone into locked down for 2 weeks with a night curfew in place in bangkok. a slow vaccine rollout and limited testing is only adding to the challenges and south korea capitol and surrounding areas have been moved to the strictest level of social distancing clumps and touches of being closed in private gatherings, limited. now in
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a moment we'll get more on the situation in south korea with rome mcbride, but 1st is going to tony chang, who is in the tie capital bank called tony. so the toughest restrictions in more than a year are beginning today. run through what that looks like. well they are, but it actually doesn't look like it did when our 1st law down came in in april last year because people are still coming in. certainly here into central bank. oh . there is a reduction in the numbers of people, but it appears that people on following the government invitation that the people work at home. no, it's not an order as it was last year. and the government does have the ability to, to jail, to find people that feels breaking the rules. but people are still coming in. there's going to be a few between 9 pm and 4 am for the next 2 weeks. the government asked the only emergency work is health work as well. so people in the food industry,
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things like that, come into work. but i think the feeling is at the moment the people are really suffering economically. they have been for some time, they really want to keep the businesses going. shops had been ordered to close and appear to be doing so for the most part. but a lot of office work is appeared to be coming into the central bank of another part of the country. the situation is, is really getting quite done. the tenant is caught between a rock and a hard place at the moment that we're seeing it. on the one hand, try to open up the cook at sandbox, which is the initiative to try and get tourist back into the country. started on the 1st of july, but at the same time, up here in bangkok we saw this rapid rise of the delta vary and which is causing real concern. the government thinks it may lead to more than 10000 new infections every day. so they're trying to keep the economy or kick start the economy while
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stopping infections that many people concerned that they won't be able to do either tony chain in bangkok. thank you very much for that. let us bring in raul mcbride various who's not for us in so and rob, i know the older people in south korea are not so vulnerable now because that being vaccinated, but nevertheless the virus is spreading rapidly. i think that's what really concerns officials here is just the speed with which this 4th wave has really taken a grip. the country's presidents as hell, talks with local leaders of the greater sole metropolitan area and also the surrounding providence really promising to get a grip on the surge introducing what are the strictest measures available to the all thirties. they'll be in place for the next 2 weeks. it might be extended beyond that. we've also had for the latest figures of reveal just the increasing impact of
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this delta barrier today shown that of the cases that were detected in. so last week, the new variant accounts for a little more than a quarter of the new cases. now, bear in mind that's just a few weeks ago, they were finding very few cases of this very into toll. so it does seem as though this growth has come in a very short period of time. it combines with compounding south graves problems as being what the government admits has been some mixed messaging on its part. this stems from the vaccination program that is gradually being rolled out and the government has been keen to promote the fact that as more people get vaccinated, it will be able to start lifting some of these restrictions. promoting the fact that, for example, if you've been vaccinated soon, you won't have to wear a mask. now, that has been all good stuff. it shows that there's light at the end of the tunnel . but the problem is it has sent a message to many people. the problem is over, we're out of this pandemic which clearly we are not. and so it has led to
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complacency. we've seen these very serious outbreaks in clusters, especially in the sol area. and as well as government concerned, there is it seems increasing the public concern from today monday. the roll out of the vaccine is being targeted or directed at the latest population group. thats the 55 to 59 year olds, which is some, several 1000000 people in south korea. and as soon as the website went online after midnight, sunday into the early hours of monday morning to get was inundated with people at one point, some 800000 people getting online, trying to book that job. so it does a book their job. so it does show the increasing urgency with which people are trying to get vaccinated here. all right, thank you very much for that role. mcbride live ross insult and tokyo has now entered another state of emergency 2 weeks ahead of the olympic games. residents are expected to watch the events from home with bars and restaurants,
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not upset alcohol around 2000 infections, being reported daily. the state of emergency, which is the country's force and the pandemic will last until august. the 22nd pensions arising in the south trying to see once again where china says it has driven away a u. s. warship, which it says illegally into disputed waters. it follows repeated warnings of the us response. if china launches an attack on the philippines, the white house, as it stands by its rejection of most of china's maritime claims. all this comes on the 5th anniversary of a tribunal ruling which found china had violated the philippines sovereign rights by constructing artificial islands and interfering, and fishing, fishing rather, and petroleum exploration. hundreds of activists, a mocking man, diversity by rallying outside the chinese consulate in manila. gram on where is a research fellow with the roger of non school love international studies at non
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young technological university. he joined us by scholar from singapore. thank you for your time. how serious is this us threat? do you think? well, i think we should regard it. it's a very serious statement by the, by did administration and a divided administration building secretary of state, i believe lincoln. i think the administration is reinforcing a very consistent message. there was a stablished part partly by the obama administration, and then of course, the trump ministration. now, under the charter, president biden, to maintain a consistent posture of the big street clear that united states and its partners are in disagreement and 10 against chinese behavior and over chosen it's all trying to see. i mean biden has upheld. 5 from pear rejections of chinese claims in the south trying to see do you think it will be more of the same from president biden when it comes to china? and specifically this issue?
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certainly certainly i think we'll be looking to, to the continuity of what we saw in the trunk demonstration. i mind you on the former president donald trump, and he really did take on a very frightfully, a very aggressive position on the south tennessee issue. the disputes with, with the china has essentially put into motion with the treatment states and the other states, you know, within the asia pacific southeast asian particular because it violates the outcome of the tribunal rulings that he talked about earlier in 2016 in favor to philippines. right, which had to be recognized by all members of the international community under the national law agreements that we've all signed up to and trying to simply refuse to recognize the outcome. it continues to behave business as usual. you know, and not only that, it's
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a series of engagement and harassment bar, chinese vessels, military and elementary, military like, against a whole sway the vessels operating within the filter and teach bored by vietnam, leisure, the philippines. and so i think the, the reason confrontation by you, by the, by the u. s. navy, you know, is unfortunate, but i think the, the, these freedom of navigation for trolls, i essential in maintaining disposition that the tribunal rulings on need to be respected. and china already has no place in restricting the innocent passage or maritime data going through this alternate. it's basically a public common ought to be respected by all in use by all just quickly. how is the wider region the asia pacific region viewing these developments in the south trying to c d think ah, i to some i think it's a, it's,
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it's, you know, a feeling of great anxiety right now. amongst most asia pacific state really caught in between a rock and a hard place. i mean, the chinese capital is an inescapable feature of the growth proposition of the asia pacific or asia pacific on business with the chinese in some shape or form. but the same time, i think most of the states are quite know off, you know, important questions about about china's military ambitions in china's behavior in the south china sea in particular. so i think that creates a lot of a lot of attention. and there is a deficit of confidence right now. and i think that the owner is on china, the sort of a switch. you know, the concerns of asia pacific neighbors. it wants to have a more respectable, more credible position of leadership. you know, a truck in the asia pacific, which i think it's, it's lacking right now. right. thank you very much for your analysis. graham on web,
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their south africa is deploying the military to contain unrest following the jailing of former president jacob's duma. the constitutional court is hearing an application via him to review his 15 month at jail sentence. he turned himself into police last week after being found guilty of failing to appear at a corruption case. let's go live now to for me to miller, who is outside the constitutional court in johannesburg for me to. so this is the 2nd court challenge to try and get this sentence throwing out what's been happening in court today. well, so far we've heard from the former president's lawyer who's arguing that potentially the constitutional court has overstepped. it's the, it's bounds the constitutional bound. now, much of the argument that they'll be putting a cross to have the judgement by the constitutional court rescinded. and possibly that sentence, reviewed or reduced is around,
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they say the treatment of the former president, they say that he didn't choose to not appear at the constitutional court when they put forward to the contempt of court process and judgement. but that he was financially unable to and that also he's bill health is, is what dictated the fact that he wasn't able to come to the constitutional court. but this is despite the fact he, instead of responding to the constitutional court and responding to a request for an affidavit around given a mitigation of sentence, he issued a public letter. and this is very much what angered the court and that they said he was uncooperative, but his law is saying something different than that. he's rights haven't been respected and that he's been treated unfairly. specifically because he is the former president now much of their argument. they will be around trying to rescind
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the judgement and the court to reconsider the choice does it's made. but we've also spoken to legal analysts who say that chances of success for the former president of the very low and this is especially after the high court last week, the rule. but it didn't have the restriction to hear an attempt to prevent his arrest. then we now we know that the former president has now been in jail for almost 5 days, ever made it. we know this is not going down well with jacob zoom is support. is the government now a deploying the military to contain the unrest? what more can you little man front me? well, just outside the constitutional court, we have a significant police presence. this is potentially a hot spot because of the anger against the constitutional court. specifically, aside from that since friday, we've seen a number of protests which of the senate into looting and violence in some commercial areas,
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specifically and was gonna tell him how to and as you said about the police, so that a difficult time handling these protests really overwhelmed and now we've had confirmation that the army is been deployed, deployed to specific areas in those 2 provinces. now it has been concerning. we heard president rama post address of africans on sunday night, saying that people involved in these protests would be arrested and prosecuted. but we don't know if that's enough to get a group on what's happening. there is significant concern. and as i've said, police are struggling to maintain calm in specific areas. and they might, they continue to be on high alert, considering the danger that's been posed by these protests, or thank you very much for that, for me to mila and johannesburg. british prime minister boss johnson has condemned to the online racist abuse against england's black football. it's markets
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rash fed straight in santo and book sako, what target itself? the missing penalty kicks in sundays, euro 2020 final against italy. the metropolitan police says it's open to an investigation. the english football association issued a statement saying the f. i strongly condemned all forms of discrimination and is pulled by the online racism that has been aimed at some of the out england players on social media. we could not be clara that anyone behind such disgusting behavior is not welcome. in following the team, we will do all we can to support players affected while urging the toughest punishment is possible for anyone responsible. we'll take your life to london entity baba shortly, but 1st, let's cross over to adam rainy in wrong. at am, ugly displays of racism, against england plays, but racism in this for isn't just an english thing. is it? no, not at all. i mean, we didn't see any large amounts of that on social media elsewhere,
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but there were reports came here and one of the official fans zones that occasionally when some of the black england players were on screen, there were particular booz directed toward them and racist comments now that was a minor affair, and a large part, most of towns were focused on their side. the, the town team itself took a knee along with the english side. but there are reports that in italy is no stranger to racism on the pitch. there's been that over the years with black italian players, people from bananas on the field, people making races, comments really awful, awful sentiment that is express here. it's not as expressed as often perhaps because it's just not as diverse of a team, and none of the teams are quite diverse is the one and the premier division in england. what we are seeing here, of course, is much more celebration. that's the story here in italy, the national team returned this morning bearing its trophy. there been crowds of people out, some of the crowds that were all night. never went home. we've seen many revellers
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parading round, still with italian flag around their shoulders and neck. they seem a little wobbly, they're walking across broken glass and some neighborhood, but people are just letting it settle in this enjoy their feeling that this jubilation, after more than 60 in months back and forth, strict locked downs and restrictive policies in this country. that was the 1st outside of asia to be so hard hit by the pandemic. people rallied around the jewelry, the blues as a way to once support their team. but also it was the 1st kind of communal celebration here in italy. since the pandemic started to wayne, at least a little here, of course, they're suffering picks in some parts with the delta v like other countries. but it is this pivotal moment where people rallied around the team, the celebrations in the streets that went on all through the night. we saw roam explode with tens of thousands of revellers in the piazza. we were up to the nets and other places across the city as we were all going back to our very home late at
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night, every few 100 meters, we'd all come across more fireworks, more flares, more flags, more scooters and cars glaring horns and traffic stop. but no one was really complaining ever, and was just shrieking with joy. now again, what are our tell reports to deem is seeing in london is a little different and he can tell us what's the story there? nadeem well i'd be owns basically a disappointment to england didn't actually win a tournament for the 1st time since $900.00. 66 has been a reaction by some people calling themselves fans of a good football team, particularly in the social media on, on, on platforms like twitter, and so on. racially abusing certain members of the team, particularly the 3 black players who missed penalties on sunday night. the youngest of them because the sucker is just 19 years old. now in the last hour or so,
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garrett south, south k. d in good manager has commented on the abuse saying, i think we've been a beacon of light and bringing people together in people being able to relate to the national team. and the national team stands for everybody that together and must continue without togetherness, included from the start of the tournament, even before all of the players taking beneath the anti racism gesture. it was criticized by some politicians here in britain, pretty patel. the home secretary criticized it saying it shouldn't be happening because it was a political gesture, gesture, politics. the prime minister boris johnson, did not criticize funds to boot the taking of any he defended the right to do that just before games. now on monday, those 2 politicians have come out and it's huge statement condemning the racial
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