tv [untitled] July 13, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm +03
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to wait and could talk, kicking up quite a bit of dust so we'll have some hazy sunshine and poor visibility. but further south of this we still got the suddenly wind blowing into those coastal areas of yemen. anime on though temperatures are where we expect them to be la sitting in the high twenty's as you go into thursday. though, there's more wet weather on the way for yemen and coastal areas of oman. of the real wet weather. we have to move to central parts of africa. we've got those storms rolling across the open rift valley, extending into south sudan and across into chad. we've got, we've seen some flooding in the south west of chad. we could see more as there's more rain to come over the next 24 hours is going to thursday, though the heavy rain can be found in coastal areas of cameroon, we could see some more flooding here. but for the south, it's a much finer and dry a picture with lots of sunshine in cape town. as temperatures start to recover that sure weather the
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weather bag, energy and change to every part of our universe. more small. to continue the change all around the shape by technology and human ingenuity. we can make it work for you and your business. we town until i speak when others don't ah, because of all side. no matter where it takes a police fan here, guys for my empower in pasha, we tell your story, we are your voice. you knew your net back out here.
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oh, a welcome back here watching the al jazeera and use our i'm pete adobe in the chair. this out, your top story, south africa, the military has been deployed to contain violent protests. at least 45 people have not been killed. the unrest respond by the jailing of the former president jacob's humor. but they have since grown because of economic frustration. iraq's prime minister is promising accountability for fire to corona virus was killed, 92 people, he's ordered the arrest and the suspension of several local officials in the city of nasiriyah and texas. republicans, including the governor,
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according to democratic politicians, led the us state to be arrested when they go back hope. most of the state legislatures, democrats are in washington structure, stop abilities, phase crises voting rights. without them, the legislature doesn't have a quorum. that means they can't vote any of them, none of them. on a proposal, the international energy agency has will in dispatch between 2 of the world's biggest oil producers could end up in a price war. the agency says a fragile economic recovery could be undermined by higher oil prices. there's little sign that saudi arabia and the united arab emirates have made progress in resolving a dispute of how their production cuts a measured manner. she attacking as an international oil and energy analyst. he was also a senior research officer at opec. he explains now what a price war might look like. in general price war means the price hole is collapsing the price. this was in the experiences in the past. and if that
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happens, i should be happy because it is really representing consumers, but it is really a disagreement on the share of the volume that each member in ok, plus one group is to produce de decide it agreed among themselves 2 or 3 years ago . 2017 said the quote that modified a bit since then that each time they increase the decrease how much each country should be part of that generally it was now this time was expected to be normal that the minute says get together. and of course, the right to have a minute, it has a fair position. this is a good has it has an argument, because over the few years they spent that invested them a great deal in its oil fields. and it can produce more ability to produce the so called production capacity is more than it was 2 years ago. and so it asking that
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there should be a and other distribution of course, based on the production capability and capacity so to speak. so this is an issue which happens normally. one should, should have been close fission, but the fact that he has come to his excellency, the minister has come out and announcing it into the press is the political. israel's denial of a request by jail palestinian activists halley the giraffe to attend her daughter's funeral. his spot indignation in the occupied west bank. the protest is gathered outside the prison near ramallah demanding that i was released to sentence finishes. in 2 months she was detained in 2019 for a membership of a band group. her daughter who is $31.00, died or something hot tank on sunday, per month isn't all for this stand in front of the prison is to express
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a solidarity with completed your off, who's going through the tragic death of a daughter, and also to demand the immediate release of kalita. this is us putting pressure on israel through our voices can reach the human rights in international institutions to stop this arbitrary arrest. and this injustice which the palestinian people are subjected to to 0 is needed. abraham was at the funeral service in ramallah activists, politicians, feminists and people from all walks of life have gathered and came here today to show solidarity with the rod family. the father sam has been left all alone in this . his wife has been in this really prison for almost the past 2 years is really has denied many requests to release a job to, to bid her daughter the final farewells or even next the body inside the prison. so the mother can see. so for one last time,
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i blamed this requesting the permit for her to attend the funeral. she told us there is no way they'd let her out. they have no humanity and no respect for those . it's not rare for israel to deny such humanitarian requests. this is why the house on tv decided as a just for them to broadcast some of the funeral, so she can see it in her prison. over the years when we've been talking to many past indian prisoners who were released from prison, they would say that the hardest moments, even though for those who spent years and years in jail, the hardest moments where, when they couldn't be with their loved ones in their final days or attend their funeral. now if you use google, a search engine, any search engine, listen to this one. google planning to shake up the digital advertising industry with changes to its chrome browser, which has a staggering 60 percent of the market share. its develops
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a privacy sandbox that will allow people to see relevant ads without them being tracked on an individual level. browser cookies help advertise decide which talk to that to show potential customers. now apple and mozilla have already blocked 3rd party cookies of privacy concerns. but crucially, is it fair? the e u has opened an anti trust investigation to see if google is favoring its own services . most of the companies revenue, of course, comes from advertising. let's bring in sarah f. a. she's managing director of glass wing ventures, a company that invest in a i, tech, and cybersecurity starts up start ups. she joins his life from boston, sir, it welcomes the news out. key question. is it fair? sorry. is it fair? no, it's not fair. if google keeps all of the data to themselves for the use of
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providing to their own advertisers and doesn't provide it with the rest of the industries, a lot of people are seeing on that as unfair. and they're up against anti trust regulatory groups. just as they're up against i m m, the regulatory privacy groups. so google is disliked by a lot of people right now and they can't seem to make a right move there. they are modifying the way that they collect data and share it with companies that want to use it for advertising by developing what is called flocks. that is federated learning of cohort. so you track groups of people versus individual users. but within the walls of google, google, a world garden, they still have access to all of the data. they collect through search engine marketing and an email and all of the activities of their users. so they have
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themselves a very big advantage by not providing cookie technology to the rest of the eco, that relates directly to and do 3rd, okay, they have paused for a couple of months. we understand the rollout of this so called sand box, but crucially, the sand box that would maintain my privacy, your privacy, if i want to use google to search for something, if i one of the 75 trillion searches per 24 hours around the planet. because that's how big google is now, is the sandbox when it does get patched on to google on to my i pad pro that i use at home. will it be the default setting or will i have to go in, drill down and change something. it will be the default setting when they roll out what the private the sandbox has been up to. they
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have pushed that off until 2023. so there is a significant delay in the modifications they're making to the use of cookies and the relation to individual users. that said, i will tell you that when, when the cookie is dropped on your computer and relates to your behavior and serve you relevant, advertised the thing, you know, that relates to the activities you've done is anonymized. so there is no one who can tell if you ok. if we look at the big picture here, america is home to 3 or 4 of globally speaking, the world biggest, hardest hitters, heavy offenses when it comes to the world of tech. depending upon which website, which page you read from the financial times say, for example, google is worth if you put together cash in the bank assets brand between
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$223000000000.00 and a trillion dollars that's bigger than the economy of switzerland. that's bigger than the economy of south korea. now, legally, that's fair, i guess that's just that legal, fiscally, from a tax point of view. that's also one, has to accept that. but from a moral point of view, is it fair? i mean, google is clearly too big to fail, but is it also too small not to fail? well, you, everything you stated is correct to google is a giant, there are there in the top 10 of public companies. in the united states, there are global superpower and really almost 100 percent of the revenues that google makes is through lab, her type thing. and that relates exactly to what we're talking about,
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which is gathering and harvesting data. so that relevant advertising can be served . so google will be google, when it comes to data, they are not going to stop using data, they will ry to, to have abuse or is opt in and can be sent to, to having their data use. so i think that that's a big strategy of yours, but unless they move to premium paid services, what you've seen a little bit of with you tube, they have no other way to make money. so, so they have to find a way to continue to use data, but to have it be okay with the privacy regulator. very briefly in your mind, are there any similarities between google and say facebook? because you've got mr. zach a book running facebook. i've momentarily forgotten the name of the boss of google, but does one get that sense that the sandbox roll out when it does happen is google reacting to those of us who've been saying for a long time now?
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and i'm not putting myself into this question at all, but actually i'd rather just use duck goga because i don't like the idea we may be don't like the idea of google monitoring what we're searching for or yeah, yeah, yeah. well, the 1st question you asked is, is google like facebook, google and facebook have a lot of similarities. they are both advertising related models. they are both in control of lots and lots of end user data. and as much as we talk about people not liking the privacy aspect of what google and facebook do, very few people choose other methods like ducked up. i mean, if you, if you look, go is, is available to people, but it's a very, very small fraction of people, as, as compared to the number of people who stay on google and search on google. that go to these other methods. i mean, even google has,
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has introduced and isn't cod nieto tab for further users if they don't want their data to be use to to target advertising from outside of google to them. but i think that part of the reason they've done this is they know a very tiny, tiny percentage of people will up to do that. i have to think too, but if people are really concerned about their privacy, they won't be using google jane cap. nito tab, they will more likely be using a desktop or the brave browser. absolutely said, really good conversation. thank you so much for coming on. survey johnny is that from the u. s. thanks so much for having me. staying with things, google, france, finding google, nearly $600000000.00 regulated. the company failed to negotiate with news publishers about using their content. the company now has 2 months to propose how it will compensate news agencies or face more findings. natasha butler now on that
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aspect of the google story from paris. we've actually heard from, from phase a digital affairs minister about the citric. oh, he put out a tweet saying that this fine shows that no company is above international rules. let's give you a bit of a sense of the background. this is basically an ongoing route between french publishers and news agencies and the u. s. tech firm google. now, a google uses content from these news agencies and from these various newspapers and publications such as a new stories, articles and that kind of thing. it publishes them of course, on its website on this platform and it does pay them for it. however, what editors and frauds are saying is that there is no transparency over how those payments are calculated. google effectively pays what it wants to pay, rather than having come come to an agreement with editors over system for these
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payments. now under you rules, google was supposed to started talks and negotiations with these licenses and frauds over the payments to try and put in place an agreement on how they should be paid on how the payment should be calculated. however, what france's anti trust watched ok, and we'll leave that report from natasha, but just a shade early because we're going to take you to philadelphia the u. s. president joe biden there has just taken to the podium. he's had a quick journey marine one air force one. he's made his way there to the starting point. i guess you called at the heart of u. s. government were following mr. biden's work today for 2 main reasons. one, we've got texas democrat politicians in washington asking congress to get involved in a hot dog whistle debate going on in texas just now over what the democrats see as a republican plan to change in a negative versus rights in texas. being married and several of us states were also
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hopefully going to hear some of mr. biden's lead thinking on what's going on in cuba over the past few days, because he has not rescinded functions introduced in 2017 by the trump administration. let's just dip into it, mister biden, there receiving a warm welcome in philadelphia and get a sense of what he's saying. good afternoon. there's a serious subject i'd like to talk about today. i'm here in philadelphia, the national constitution center city and the place where the story of we the people we, the people began the story that neither simple nor straightforward. that's because the stories are some of our parts. and all those parts are fundamentally human. being human is to be imperfect driven by appetite ambition, as much as by goodness and grace. but some things in america should be simple and straightforward. perhaps the most important of those things,
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the most fundamental of those things is the right to vote. right, to vote freely we're really there, right, right. devote barely right to have your vote counts. the democratic threshold is liberty where that anything's possible without nothing, nothing. and for our democracy in the work and to deliver our work and our people, it's up to all of us to protect that, right. this is a test of our time. what i'm here to talk about today. just think about the pass election 100 to you, a woman in arkansas, water for the 1st time and the very spot she wants to pick cotton. 94 year old woman in michigan,
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early in person or 7072nd consecutive election. now she said, so the selection was quote, the most important vote that we ever had. the daughter who voted memory of her dad, died of coven ninety's. so others wouldn't have the experience of pain and darkness and losses. she was going to patient out there. and the, and the parents, the parents are voted for school. the children will learn it. sons and daughters voted for the planet are going to live on. young people, just turn 18 and everyone who for the 1st time in their lives. but they could truly make a difference. america, america, americans, in every background. they voted for good jobs and higher wages. they voted for
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racial equity and justice. they voted to make health care right. not a privilege. the reason emerge is, went to vote in the lunch, they went to boat to be able to vote as fast food actually is absolutely extraordinary. in fact, the fact that so many election officials across the country made it easier and safer for them to be able to vote in the middle of a pen. demik was remarkable. as a result, in 2020 laura people voted in america than ever. ever in the history of america. in the middle of one wall, 150 americans of every age, every race, every background exercise their right to vote. they voted early. they bought an absentee, they voted in person, they voted by mail, their motive by dropbox,
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and then they got their families and friends throughout the election officials. entire lucky system was stood, unrelenting political attack, physical threat, intimidation and pressure. they did so with unyielding courage and faith in our democracy with recount after recount after recount court case. after a court case, the 2020 election was the most scrutinized election ever in american history. challenge after challenge brought to local state election, official, state legislature, state and federal court even to the united states supreme court, not once but twice more than 80 judges, including knows the point of bomb. our predecessor heard the arguments in every
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case neither cause nor evidence is found to undermine the national achievement of administering this dark election. in the face of such extraordinary challenges. audit recounts, were conducted in arizona, wisconsin in georgia, was re counted 3 times. to clear those who challenged results in question, the integrity of the election. no other election has ever been held under such scrutiny. says high standards. the big eyes. yes, that's a big why. yeah. yes. when you, when i probably suggest the most examine and the fullest
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expression on the well of the people in the history of this nation should be celebrate example of america as best but is day. we continue to see an example of human nature. it's worth something darker, the more sinister in america, if you lose except the result, you fall, the constitution. you try again. you don't call back faith and then try to bring down the american experience just because you're unhappy. that's not safely. yes. think that so that's not the mark received. you know, nile of the right to vote suppresses it's subjugate,
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lie a full frame for alexis most on american thing. and then they can imagine the most on democratic most unpatriotic id. sadly, not impression in denying the slave people for the full citizenship until the 131450, the amendments after the civil war denied women the right to vote. and from a ninety's amendment a 100 years ago to pull taxes in literature test. and the cook cook can campaigns of violence and terror lashonda, the fifties and sixties to the supreme court decision in 2013. and then again, just 2 weeks ago, a decision the weekend, the landmark voted right back to the wilful attack election. jackson 2020. and then a whole other level of threat, the violence and deadly insurrection on the capital in january 6,
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just got back from europe in the g 7 and the nato. and wonder on a joke. i wonder, go, ask me. is going to be ok. citadel democracy in the world is going to be okay. time and again, we've other threats to the right to vote 3 and fair elections in each time we found a way to overcome that. we must do today. vice president harrison. i've been our careers doing this work and i've asked her to lead to bring people together to protect the right to vote in our democracy. and start with continuing the fight to pass h r one. the for the people who
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go to suppression and the states get dark money out of politics, give voice to the people at the grassroots rather create affair, district maps, and partisan political gerrymandering. last month, republicans oppose even debate. even consider for the people that senate democrats did united to protect our democracy, the sanctity, the vote. we must pass before the people act. it's a national imperative. they must also fight the john lewis voting rights, advancement act to restore the faith. yes. warning protections prevent motor suppression all the congress, women, men. here's
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a bunch of you knew john, many of you just weeks ago. supreme court, yet again, weaken the voting rights act in a pell. what justice kagan called, quote, a significant race based disparity and voting opportunities. course decision is harmful. this does not limit the congress, his ability to repair the damage done. that's the important point, puts the burden back on congress, restore the voting rights act to its intended strand. as soon as congress passes before the people act. and john lewis voting rights for the people acting, the john lewis voting rights advance mag. i will sign it and watch the whole. see that will be the important moment. wondering
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what you know, the warning, the wondering what is america going to do? we also have to be clear about the structure we face. legislation is one tool, but not the only tool and it's not the only measure of our obligation to defend democracy today. for example, attorney general mary garland announced that the united states department of justice is going to be using this authorities to challenge the onslaught of state laws undermining voting rights in old and new way. focus will be on this mainly racing discriminatory laws like the recent challenge to george's vicious anti voting law. the department of justice will do so with
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a voting rights division that my request is doubling in size and enforcement rights through another organization of announcement plans to stay vigilant and challenge these odious laws. and the courts in texas, for example, the republican lead state legislature wants to allow the partisan paul watches to intimidate voters and imperiled and impartial. paul worked there on voters who died further and be able to be in a position where they wonder who's watching them. and intimidate, to wait longer to vote, to drive a hell of a lot, lot excuse me, a long life to get to vote. they want to make it so hard, inconvenient that their hope people don't vote at all. that's what this is about. this year.
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