tv [untitled] July 14, 2021 8:30pm-9:01pm +03
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with temperatures reaching $46.00 degrees over the last year, we have prepared for a search and just because it could be 19 and a year ago we were just emerging from restrictions. and honestly, it never crossed my mind then that we would be a wave of dust from heat as we have these last few weeks. the extreme conditions pose yet another challenge for emergency crews. we have to be very careful about we where we insert cruise to make sure they don't get trapped and with fires burning across several states. concerns are growing as the fire season isn't over yet. katia lopez was a young al jazeera ah recapping your top story so far today. the afghan taliban says it sees control of the spin bolduc border crossing with pakistan. the afghan government is denying the groups claims. it says it forces repelled taliban fighters. sean bellis is in
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cobble with mor. this isn't the 1st border crossing they have taken. it is the largest, but it isn't the 1st they have taken in the last few weeks. they've taken some smaller ones up on the northern border of afghanistan, ministry to g, cost on, and also on the iranian border, they took quite a large border. crossing court is lum color. now we've talked to truck drivers who have come through this since they've taken the crossing and they say yes, we're now paying taxes to the television thought we got a few kilometers down the road. only had a government checkpoint within pay taxes to them. also. the us will begin evacuating afghan interpreters and other staff who helped american forces during the war. that relocation flights will begin later this month. africans have applied for the special immigrant visa program. unrest in south africa is continuing for a 6th day. the president settled ram a post and says he's looking at sending in more troops to quell the violence. at least 72 people have been killed in riots in the last few days. it respond by the
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jailing of the former president, jacob zoom up, but has since grown into anger caused by poverty and inequality in iraq, the prominent shia cleric this says the government will be held responsible if it fails to act up to mondays. fire at a hospital, if the 60 people were killed inside the cubic 19 ward in the southern city of nasiriyah, mac to the al sabah says the government must act firmly and seriously punish those who allowed it to happen. racism by so called football fans in the u. k. could soon be punishable by law. the prime minister boris johnson told parliament and fans who make racist comments on line could be issued match bands. all social media companies will be fined if they don't remove hate speech. it follows the racist abuse towards 3 england players in the euro. 2020 final. those are your headlines. the news continues here on al jazeera, off the inside story. i'm back in 28 minutes with the news. our 60 minutes of news and comment. see, ah,
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ah ah, the south africa struggle to contain it's worth unrest in decade. doesn't have been killed in violence fall by the jailing of a former president. but it has also expose issues of poverty and inequality. so how will the government tackle this like this is inside story, ah, ah, hello and welcome to the program fully by people. it's some of the worst vial in south africa as seen since the end of apartheid in the 1900 ninety's. there been
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days of protest, fluting and writing across the country. although it was sponsored by the jailing of former president jacob zelma. the crisis has expose a deeper issues of poverty and inequality. angry crowds have looted sharps burned down businesses and disrupted for by chains their fears. now, some areas could run out of food. as a result, at least 72 people have been killed and hundreds rested in nearly a week of unrest or bringing our guests in just a moment. but 1st, this update from probably the miller in johannesburg. this is alexandra township in the north of janice, where we've seen significant looting and rioting over the past few days, specifically down the road where businesses were looted. many of the buildings sits . a light bay has been a significant police presence, but really not enough to stop these incidence of looting. the army has been
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deployed. we don't see them here today. but it's thought that perhaps soldiers on the ground has managed to calm the situation, at least to some extent. and just behind us, we're thing business owners and community members now returning to try and assess the damage. also potentially clean up and try to restore some sort of calm, but really it's too late and the government is facing a lot of criticism for acting too late. many sub africans, many organizations thing more, should have been gone early on, especially given that they were warnings immediately during and after the arrest, the former president jacob's duma. now it's his own risk and imprisonment that sparked some of the riots we saw specifically in cars who natal. they've now sprayed to the province of halting. and while it was that incident,
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that might have sparked the riots that now moved into more than just the political situation and the prism imprisonment of former president jacob's fema we're seeing rioting, and looting. specifically linked to the economic situation in south africa. the people here say covert 19 locked sound, have left them desperate, they've lost jobs, they can't get job. and this is why we've seen businesses looted people a desperate and their concerns around this increasing socio economic challenges that the government is facing. and while the deployment of soldiers and police might quote protests for now, they've got to confirm that if those challenges on adequately addressed and resolved south africa may continue to see similar uprising and unrest umbrella for inside storage. hannah's book or the south african president,
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serial from a poster has deployed the military to support local police, his blame the unrest on criminals, and called on people to stand against the violence. although these may be opportunistic x of looting, driven by hardship and poverty. the poor and marginalized bad that are to made branch of the destruction that is currently underway. as i said, shops have been looted an infrastructure has been destroyed. this means that our sick cannot get medication from pharmacies. food does not reach supermarket shelves. and health workers cannot go to work. now let's take a listen to what some south africans had to say. why,
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why? why suit them apart. so when he's processing that takes his way too slow to act his way too low to it because he's busy processing. it does not attend to visit that tend to act. you cannot say we don't condone. we condemn and you stop. they have my employment. it's not what, according to type in to, for those people who can, i mean it, let's say, you know, employment very high. but when you do things like this, then it becomes more high. when you, when me locked down again, this was bound to happen because the longer you leave the people hungry,
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the events would take place and i don't think it's only about the whole economy and what's happening on the i think people are generally angry and they need some type of income i won't even say income, i'll just say food. ah, well as bringing our guests for today's inside story in cape town, bon gunny been one a, a member of the african national congress, and a former national security adviser to the police minister in south africa. and your harrisburg floyd, she bamboo, deputy president of the economic freedom fighters party and a member of parliament. and also in cape town, to marie fi, a professor of african studies at the university of free state and head of program at the institute for justice and reconciliation. gentlemen, welcome to you all. thank you for being with us on inside story floyd. if i can start with you in johannesburg, what is the cause of the unrest in south africa today and who is responsible for it?
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look just to give you some background 1st want to say good things to us and the background is that day for the longest time we have had in the governance named him in the past in the for going to 7 years, which has been a saving over a government which has been kept going to the economy capacity. so you know, the party ended in 4099 before but he couldn't make up birthdate. is it really t? yeah, ends at the frigate. that is why our south s d were funded until the 15 as an organization which was fighting now for economic emancipation and will always holding the sifting a into government accountable, which has been to zoom in a counter bueley and we pushed in foot against corruption and wrong with us was government and they literally wasn't as president of the public. and then as the
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capture commission, crowd was established, investigate option, and he's president and douglas legation that $500.00 range was put in. that isn't just about the 5 years the dollars. and when the commission of crowded was published, we should come attention just 1000000 when we went to suite them too much to appear before the commission of inquiry. if she was under bait, it is that he doesn't want to appear before a judge by the conflict that took mom. listen, she from some time be right. and then because just the court did something unusual with the part that from the normal procedures and roles and then gave him a custody of sentence 15 demand. and that's the protests that we are with missing is with the and the nature of the purchase is not unusual, right? they will dislike, but it is that it's not now. the public is patricians, lake,
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schools and laboratories. and when it's time offices that normally get banned when they would this protest, now it's more that a b would ted inspect please. if we had a home that we have seen that we have seen, the pictures have been the pictures have been quite surprising and really full for people who live out of south africa to see such scenes out of south africa is quite surprising and really unsettling. now the e, f, f floyd, your party and his leader julius my, lemme have been accused of fueling some of the unrest and the looting. what do you respond to that? not the is not involved in the protest. we have not said anything. we've never said that to be month. cortez objected to was the uses of the soldiers because we understand that he stole jess must only be brought in whether these ex tomorrow, but it's not for analysis,
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1000000 metro that can be handled by the need. but the police know that they couldn't handle the situation in the last few days. they were overwhelmed. the guard dead not yet being exhausted, to miss and mckennan utilized the police force. so only the police in the provinces that way affected where the ones where responsible in response, there was never yet a deployment of police force from the providence is to come and lead was in the areas that were affected to dental rush for it. so just to know educational against participants was purchased in something that can be understood within that level and high levels of unemployment. and the job is that generally defines society and also the capacity of the government to respond to much way 15. let's
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talk about this flow. let's bring in bon ghani in cape town. but granny, what do you think are the reasons for this violence that africa is witnessing today president from a post earlier this week described as ethnic mobilization, which a lot of people criticize him for saying that he was adding fuel to the fire. what, what do you make of this, and what do you think of the root causes of this unrest in south africa? well, thank you very much. i think it just, it's important to just make it clear that this issue indeed was marked or treated by the cause just cause you're not a court judgment against from a precedent resume. however, to characterize what is going on as protests, me not necessarily be accurate. a protest, you know, leave people get together even if it's not all their minds black hogs or. ready
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some trumping, they're marching and you see it here. you have a group of denise was who storming shockley moves and another. let me show commission areas. look protest. these. what isn't president rebel was as, is characterized hope which for me to crime. however, the tree, the tree has to be explained. floyd has alluded, we can't run away from the fact that there are problems with the economy in south africa issues, unemployment, wells in equality and all the relief issues pull. but he hunger. of course, it's not a new phenomenon. i mean he had some time being interviewed on the metal. what was
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been trimmed was an awful, big tex, big explorer, the big base, clunky gym. they can spread very fast again. be actual issue is that we have to confront our unique quality and joblessness especially amongst you. and so that statement in effects dealt with that as far as the city issues of being to her ups. the bulls with ellia assessments, which i think anyone who is with this with, you know, any salt will, will say that at this point, that assessment has strong not to be accurate. that's not the city ok. rab timmery fee, bon gunny, i think, is right in saying that we haven't seen protests, per se, as we have in the past, you know, with plaque cod been political chance and so on. this hasn't been the case this
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year. what is happening right now in south africa? is this a political problem, or is it an economic problem? well, in fact, there, they are multiple dimensions to the stories. so there isn't necessarily one side that is absolutely correct or accurate south africa, since independent has been experiencing protests on quite a regular basis back to some referred to south africa, the protest capitol of the world, particularly around service delivery. so this is nothing new. what is new is the scale and the scope and the beach of the product. we just spread across 2 provinces at least, and potentially more going forward. so that is really the cracks of the budget. there, there are different dimensions to this. and at the core of it though, i would say both floyd and i've got the right analysis of the social economic
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inequality that can be traced quite far back to the the legacy of apartheid and a racialized exclusion and the inability to put it bluntly open, open governing body, the n c 2 in fact, turned around the situation into 20 to 7 years of its governance. but, but we're still be the zoom years that we're technically lost. and in fact, we saw a regressive, but can you talk about the legacy of apartheid? i'm apologizing for interrupting you. you talk about the legacy of apartheid. to what extent, though, i mean, does the legacy of apartheid play into this? as you say yourself, the south african national, the african national congress has been in power in south africa for 30 years. and they came with those promises of addressing poverty and inequality, which they haven't done apartheid ended 30 years ago. why is it that 30 is on? we're still talking about this today when positive did end in 1994,
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technically speaking. but in fact, if you come to south africa, you'll see that spatial apartheid is very much alive and well, the privatization of housing, privatization of health care, education, infrastructure access, it's very much alive. so the inability to undo the effect, the structural inequality that was put in place by apartheid risk firmly, and that the government to be frank, the society, the why does society bill also has a responsibility to impact push monitor and ensure that the changes that are necessary to restore the human dignity of the people who are now looting in the malls and the shops in the, in the warehouses is back within cheap. but this is still very much a work in progress. but the sense of isolation is what has led to this deprivation that we're seeing now it's peeling out on the street,
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and this is not an excuse for criminology. but i think if we take a very clinical militarized police approach to, to this issue, we will fail to understand the underlying socio economic drivers and the cycle, social and traumatic dimensions of what is actually causing the social abreast. and the uprising that we see at the moment it's south africa, would be incomplete analysis. and it would lead to into an incomplete prognosis. ok, well let's have a closer look if we can at the underlying grievances in south africa. many still live in poverty and suffer from inequality. decades to the end of apartheid. as you've heard, the world bank says the rich is 20 percent control, nearly 70 percent of all resources. unemployment is at a record high of 32.6 percent and it's more than 46 percent among young people. inflation hit a 30 months high in may and prices of goods are worrying. while the government has
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said $35000000000.00 was looted from state funds during jacob zoom as 9 year presidency, and corona vice restrictions have worse and long standing economic problems. while south africa faces resurgence in infections fueled by the delta variant, floyd, so we know that there underlying issues of course, how does the south african government address this today? look at the fact of the matter is that the post 90 main to folk government is not disrupted the economy power relations defined a part of p. so we're leaving in a new part of the, the way those that controlled worlds and had access to reaches a cry, $99.00. this will continue to have the power but 20 percent, which the world bank to it's possible because the general one of 95 to same white people who were privileged because of the party policies that did not that got black people as human beings or just as
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a petitions of factories and that's what comes in the minds without meaningful. right? so the biggest problem is that there's never been disruptions of the economy. politicians, particularly in terms of ownership of the land in terms of the distribution of the economy. so that is at the center of the crisis and also an incurable and state that always speak. so i tore g and is always engage in exercise is that they are fighting current. they are going to provide jobs to this and none of that is happening. but this is where the chris is, but what is it which i think was after that protest always take different forms. and so right, every time the protest is what the government will always characterize it as criminal. whether it's a protest, elizabeth delivery was in a big i will protest for my kitchen of when the punitive it is already taken the form. it's not just that when i put the put of them, i read
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a text book or what does it do? finishing of put it into my printer, blah, blah pod try to get me on the phone and detect the phone with this ticket. now what is characterized for justin floyd? let's hear from bonnie bonnie floyd, pointing clearly the finger of blame at the government and the african national congress body. and today what a lot of people asking is why d a and c hasn't been able to fulfill the promises it made at the end of the apartheid era to address these issues of inequality and poverty. why hasn't been able to do so? well, i'm not here to speak on the amc of course i'm in box. it isn't as a modest i think what is important is to tell the truth. that's the specified of departure. so i agree with floyd to lodge. it's chance that we have poverty issues. we have well
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inequality issue and so forth. and we do need to have a situation where we have a different look at and a different way in which we manage our economy. we have currently, we are under current team. we have the levels from $1.00 to $5.00 at this point we at middle school, which is it's really t of the issue. so the operation effects really. so what, i'm not all fully functioning in south africa as a result of the delta, very cost, which in many countries are going through with bet you have unemployment, as i've mentioned before, especially of the you we've heard about the issue. what, guiding you, what other options, what are the solutions? well, well, immediately we have to look carefully at how the economy is being curren humanity.
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we can't hide from that. is it correct? this serious was security program. you know, structural adjustment that we have from our funding. finance ministry. is it correct? does it also be issues or not? shouldn't we have the government being the talked here? investor be stage when the private sector you lunch right? being perhaps, we should look at bed very agent when the president did, number 2, that we're going to look at at such an issue. and those are part of the, should that limit be looked at it very, very importantly. bed variously mentioning that really, cervical police make her in so far as its budget is concerned. okay. the beatles and equipment. so i can pull it to not have it for instance in now. right.
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i did get, well, did take a long time for the police to get the situation under control. let. let me give the last word to tim marie fi in cape town. tim, you know, looking from the outside south africa is of course a role model for the african continent for emergency, for emerging nations also. and it's quite unsettling to see what's happening today . what do you think needs to change? we've heard from president, from a poster. his tone hasn't been a conciliatory one so far. what is he going to have to say and do the com, the situation. the president himself has acknowledged the failures of a and see so this is not a se bashing intention that we're having here. the point is it is not what shit moment for the country. the social unrest is him. dramatic is really, is a symptom, is not really underlying cause, which suggests that the government has to, in fact,
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turn in much more introspective li towards the fact that there are certain socio economic issues that really remain addressed when people live in squalor and others lives in relative affluence, you are creating a situation of, of potential and crisis. so there's a lot of work to be done in terms of dialogue to find out. in fact, what are some of the primary demand. but we know that for a while, for example, the institute for justice and reconciliation publishes the south africa reconciliation, barometer that tells you for last 10 years that they've been demand from particularly those in the lower income groups. that the, the, the quality within society has to be addressed as a murderer, urgency and that means government resources, the amount that are being dedicated, perhaps to the military and to defense needs to be allocated to social programs, housing, health care, education, infrastructure, access to telecommunication is all the options that you want to have effective
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peace building and sustainable society going forward. thank you so much gentlemen, for a very interesting discussion. bon gannon, been wanting, floyd shamble and timor easy. thank you for joining us on inside story. and thank you for watching. you can watch this program again any time by visiting our website at ologist era dot com for further discussion. you can go to our facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. and of course you can join the conversation on twitter. handle is act a j inside so or from me fully back, people in the whole team. thank you for watching bye for now. the news news
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of faith can drill a story without uttering a single word. and knowing a simple touch informa the young conventionality of life. witness through the limbs of the human eye. if water bias whitman documentary on out is there are literally gods die and disproportionate numbers on that, every leaving behind widows who struggled to survive. one o 8 meets the ship, a women defying tradition. to conquer the world's pars bounce on. i was 0. ah,
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here, when ever you ah, ah, this is al jazeera ah, hello and welcome. i'm peach adobe. you're watching the news out live from coming up in the next 60 minutes. taliban fighters in afghanistan say they taking control of a border crossing, posing a new threats to government forces. protest turning more fiery by the de dozens of died and loosing and writing against poverty.
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