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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2021 3:30pm-4:00pm +03

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a captive israeli soldiers for palestinian prisoners as recalled by mediators and players from both sides. anatomy of a prisoner exchange on out here. ah, ah. your shields, their roman reminder of our top new stories, a senior delegation from gun it's on is in count all to resume talks with the taliban. it comes as violence escalate on the ground. the group has captured large parts of the country. i want to do the sort of chloe, the delegation of afghanistan, heated by the chairman of the reconciliation committee, has arrived in the category capital. doha, and as meeting with the delegation of negotiations affiliated with the government.
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during his visit at the lab dollar, who discuss important and crucial issues with taliban representatives, the solution to the conflict in afghan install lives in negotiations and peace can be reached through dialogue. if these talks lead to satisfactory results for both positive on the tele, on movement has repeatedly confirmed its readiness for dialogue and negotiations. and the problems can only be solved by dialogue. but the afghan government needs to also show the same commitment. they need to show the right and sincere determination when it comes to negotiations in order to end these problems. emergency work is in belgium and western germany all searching for hundreds of people still missing after devastating floods. more than 150 a confirmed debt with that figure expected to rise, rescue efforts are being hampered by collapse, roads and damage communication lines. so that because presidents as a week of violence and looting, was planned and coordinated to run the page that says, forces have identified to 12 ring leaders and he's deployed 25000 soldiers,
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help diffuse a situation at least 212 people been killed. and the annual hodge pilgrimage has started, but with limited numbers because of the current of ours pandemic, only 60000 vaccinated people living in saudi arabia and age between 16 and 65 can take part. iranians have marched through the streets of the oil rich, who the province in protest against water shortages, police report to be find weapons to disperse. the crown, protested blame the government. policy of diverting water results is to central provinces. the case of the current of iris has been confirmed inside the athletes village intake here just 6 days before the start deal and pick games. the official who hasn't been identified as an isolation after being removed from the village. you can follow those stories on the website, launches them, dot, come back with the news hour in half an hour. next it's all, hey, look down here on al jazeera, the
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the me the world economy is headed for recession. china won't be there to say that this time. northern islands health service at breaking point. south korea sit for one of the was growth periods in half a century. the richest person in the world just gave $98.00 and a half $1000000.00. del. why am i reading these headlines to? well, it's to prove a point. these could all of these leaving poor pandemic 2020 headlines in reality though they were all published in november 2019
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a month before close at 19 had even been heard. because well, before the current of ours pending kit, much of the world was already deep in a crisis of capitalism. and now with millions out of work in the industry that only stagnant and health kicked and scrambling for a vaccine. the question is, did capitalism turn the emergency into a disaster? me capitalism. it's an ideology and economic system, a political state. but how the system based on private ownership and profit said the world in a time of crisis. when the situation demands, we act not the individual gain, a collective benefit,
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stay at home and protect lives, but they said test test test without preventive measures, it could be a spiking cases. all these cancellations are away to flatten the curve curve at 19 hasn't been like any other crisis. job losses, health care struggle is a critical need for relief from the state of all struct segments of society that normally don't face these kinds of grave economic stresses. ensure all of a sudden, through this pandemic, once in a century type of crisis, it's become evident to many that pre code times in full across as entire countries went down to. i spoke with a group of people whose work has been all about dissecting and analyzing capitalism . when people say they want to go back normal to complain. that sounds pretty good to me right now. the thing about morality actually inc and politics is actually pretty. a lot going to be pretty well not,
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not even in other people, there was enough food to be parents, keep that money to come in and talk from one to richard in history. and we didn't have the money to do that. in my opinion, capitalism is the pandemic. that is the root cause of so much of the suffering we're experiencing now. i mean, i want things to go back to normal. i want to be able to go to a cafe. i want to be able to see my friends. i don't want things to go back to the normal that we've been living with for the last 20 years. wells, concentration pace, networking, people up the paradigm, that's the contact the stage for our current calamity. this fires has intensified a spotlight on health care, what it costs, who gets access and its ability to respond in
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a crisis. one system that run shockingly counter to the needs of so many it's supposed to serve. if the one in the united states american healthcare is largely privatized and lacks pricing regulation, both key traits of a capitalist system. this means not only is every element of the health care system from hospitals to drug manufacturers, owned and operated by the private sector. but those businesses are free to charge, whatever they like. this makes staying healthy in the united states, a scarily expensive proposition. this is a small percentage of the population about 80 percent. that does get some state support for medical costs. but for the vast majority, private health insurance is the only recourse they charge, notoriously expensive premiums, making them unaffordable for many and filled with loophole. from gaps that mean even in short, americans can be left with 50 medical bills to pay. that's why before the pandemic, it was estimated that 87000000 americans were uninsured, or under insured, and medical bills were a leading cause of personal bankruptcy. you know,
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in the united states, people can access health care because they can't afford health insurance, even if they have insurance. they are buried in debt after the fact. what happens in something like the current of our hits, a population that's indebted your devastating population has no savings, right? 40 percent of americans before the crisis were reported to not be able to handle a 400 dollar emergency. american health care crisis has intensified during the pandemic. a tidal wave of labels have meant that as many as 27000000 americans have lost employer provided health insurance. and without that cover a hospital stay to treat clothes. it could cost as much as $73000.00. this is despite a government plan announced in march to cover some covert related medical bills. the lack of coordination and the need for medical supplies to keep turning. a profit has led hospitals into bidding war. so if a crucial supplies like p, p e masks, tests, and medical equipment,
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doctors and nurses warning that critical protective gear is running low. this is a hospital where the health care workers have taken to wearing garbage bag. it's like being on e bay with 50 other space bidding on a ventilator a hospital or for profit. and so they don't have adequate staff, right? because that would feed into revenue. they don't want to have extra medical supplies that languishing not being used. so what we're going to see is a lot of people who are going to perish, not because of the virus, per se, but because of the lack of access, the adequate health care of the lack of access to pack them. here we're going to see people who don't seek treatment because they're afraid of not being able to pay for it. it's already been reported by emergency room doctor is that, you know, people, the last, their last words are literally, but who's going to pay for this?
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corona viruses i knew that existed in human since 19 sixty's. and they called a range of different illnesses from the common cold, to more lethal varieties, such as the outbreak of saws in 2002 and meds in 2012 in 2015. the world health organization, even listed corona viruses as being among the top possible causes of a major epidemic. so how is it that pharmaceutical companies have been caught off guard by this virus? in may, this year based research center, the corporate europe observatory, published a detailed investigation into the effectiveness of the innovation medicines initiative. i am, it's the world's biggest public, private partnership in life sciences. and it direct billions of dollars worth of funds to biomedical research at the world's biggest pharma companies. what the investigation and come in was that not only did firms in 2017 turn down and you proposal to work on vaccines for pathogens like corona mars,
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but 2600000000 year old eyes funds were transferred into projects that represented much more commercially profitable avenues for the pharmaceutical industry. this investigation reinforced point that big pharma insiders and whistleblowers had been making for a while. that serious matters, like pandemic preparedness, being held hostage by commercial considerations on march 5th says corona bars, cases spread across the us, congressional hearing and making play. we also took on a decade ago the interesting problem with making corona virus vaccines because we recognize these as enormous public health threats. and yet we have not seen the big pharma guys and the bio text rushing in into the space of dr. peter, who has one of america's leading vaccine scientists, said that a vaccine his team had created 4 years ago in response to the sauce outbreak, may have been able to provide patients with cross protection from the bars at the heart of this p demick. but it simply hadn't been commercially enticino. the drug
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companies to invest in the bottom line is, had we had those investments early on to carry this all the way through clinical trials. years ago, we could have had a vaccine ready to go, you know, one of the big problems of capitalism, the capitalist direct investment, the capitalist say, you know what's really important by agra because that's a huge market. even though the current environment exists. well, it's not invest in a backseat, because that market doesn't really exist. and also you really want to vaccinate the whole world in this preemptive measure. know, let's create something that we can sell now. so you know, we like capitalists, direct investment at our collective peril. whenever a vaccine is culturally created, the next battle, at least for patients in the united states, will be over affordability. and that's when we're back to one of the fundamental potholes of the american health care system. where unlike in almost every other nation, basic pricing controls simply don't exist. it's not even as though it is
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a secret, and you're saying it for sure, be affordable for anyone who needs. i'm saying we would, we would want to ensure that we work to make it affordable, that we can't control that price because we need the private sector to invest. that was donald trump's health and human services. secretary alex is on a congressional hearing in february this year and interesting sites before he was appointed to his rolling government. as i worked as the top lobbyist for the pharmaceutical firm, eli lilly, and company the hunt for a corona virus vaccine has now suddenly become one of the most well funded areas of biomedical research. not only governments and pharmaceutical giants investing in it, the so called super heroes at the corporate world have all stepped into the fray. a ceo of netflix is donating $30000000.00 toward research for a corona virus vaccine. microsoft co founder bill gates has continued to fight against corona, vars investing billions of dollars on the construction of factories working to
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develop a code of 19 vaccine. some of the, with these people on a founder and ceo of make corporations and making headlines for denying to cove. it causes through their own philanthropic organizations. but it's not just about the money. it's the perception that it comes with all the trappings of the corporate world. efficiency returns on investment, streamlining of operations. all of this is transformed what was wants simply charitable, giving into something else. philanthropic capitalism, lindsey mcgraw has written about it extensively in a book. no such thing as a free gift. i think we have to move past the headline some time mr. gates did talk about the need for math testing at an earlier stage, some us officials and that was a good sign to approach. but i really can question whether or not their efforts were anything more than a band aid solution, because there was no evidence, but they were really having much of a positive effect on the sort of really deteriorated and ramshackle approach that
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was underway in the us. more generally, i think what we are planning when we see the opinion to their own trial, to pockets and give me some cash is we're frauding the mix, the capital. what every want that anyone could be and be the ordinary guy and the money, and not not the case. there 1000000000 all a collective creation, not their own individual creation every being a failure because no one should have money when other people are sleeping on the street or going about food. inequality is one of the defining factors of capitalism . it's meant that the world's top one percent now hold close to 50 percent of global both. and so when the philanthropist among them contribute to causes, it's often only amiss live off of the network. jeff bezos is $100000000.00 donation to us food banks. for example, amounted to 0.07 percent of his estimated wealth markets. uk,
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a bug $25000000.00 donation. again, just 0.05 percent of these networks. the point of all these numbers isn't that billionaire should be giving more. that's another discussion entirely. mid point here is that philanthropy, capitalism is too often used as a distraction from meaningful, possibly more expensive systemic changes ramp and corporate tax avoidance. the suppression of minimum wage levels relied from states subsidies, precarious working conditions. i mean, the list of what actually needs to be addressed is long. and it can often get obscured by flashy headlines or new segments about billionaires and the generosity q to stepped up and you're providing $25000000.00. we didn't have the money to do that, and i just want to thank you to. this is not an app this right, this is the product of a political strategy that's been going on for the last 4050 years, whereby you taxes are slashed and private was accumulated. and what that private
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well does is it concentrates power and that threatens democracy. so we have this really negative feedback loop where the more dysfunctional, the data's right, the less is able to provide basic services, the lessons able to protect our public health. the more ammo there is for the corporate sector to say, hey, look to state inefficient. the state is incompetent. we with all of our resources, can save the day that big philanthropic, how to improve is a point that's not left on 1000000000 is like do gait. when asked in 2012, if he would ever run for president of the us, he responded, i actually think, you know, maybe i'm wrong that i can have as much impact in that role as i could in any political role. my role in the foundation, i don't have to raise political campaigns. i don't have to try and get elected. i'm not term limited to 8 years. so it's a very nice office. down to the big involvement very
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long. you've given me both the things that he's not the hold him any motive. he can make his own decision. it saves money. the river. he wishes to get a crack for the job. that's not the construct work. what he does. if he's not replacing all in a complex low to him to narrative, benevolent bellini is great. they have name recognition, they appear heroic, and they've got the cash. however, this pandemic has also shown a lot on the other end of the economic spectrum to the key worker delivery drivers, supermarket, shelf deckers, nurses, care is the pandemic, momentarily appended the hierarchy of labor. and yet in the u. k, a set of proposed post breaks at immigration controls in february, deemed many of these exact essential workers to low paid and quote,
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low skilled to receive a visa to work in the country. i think that is the hard capitalist, that those who were deriving the value from the are not to the workers. because what is keeping our economy going right now? are the lowest workers who are really, are most indispensable part of the workforce, the work and the need help. and i've seen that got to me when i'm off people on this one, i'm not enough to know enough nurses organizing destroy and people working social system are often not earning enough to live. what can we do? because it was me and my wife is going out and applauding health care workers and i was unable to do so on down the street. we've gotten the
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car, the resources that we're going to do, and i just installed in a chest with a turn that gained renewed currency during this pandemic disaster capital from canadian activist and author, naomi klein came up with the years ago. and her book, the shock doctrine went viral during the 2008 great recession. it points to have disasters the recession war pandemic aren't necessarily catastrophic across the board in a capital, a system that can also present an opportunity for the money minded. and we've seen a lot of profiteering during the current condemning already. i don't think we the limit that, that property areas that we've gotten really, which dr. companies are starting to, for example, price gouge when it comes to things like that. or for example, being charged for 15 times the usual price. gouging is one manifestation of
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disaster capitalism. and during this look down, it's done everything from cause a temporary spike in the price of hand sanitizer, to effect the number of ventilators available to the u. s. government, according to a pro, public or investigation in 2014, the u. s. department of health and human services signed a 13800000 dollar contract with dutch electronics conglomerate phillips to design and manufacturer cheap and portable ventilator use. an emergency, although ventilated was created and the government wanted 10000 of them. not a single one, was ready at the start of the pandemic. like many countries, the united states face critical ventilators shortages, while phillips was selling to higher priced commercial versions of the same ventilator around the world. so they never fulfilled this order at the cheaper level for the department of health and human dental, prioritize the more overseas. and it only been recently that the department of health and human sciences has re negotiated the same order, but it has been forced to pay for the bench later at
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a higher price. that renegotiation, that lindsey mentioned. it resulted in the u. s. government ordering $43000.00 of the commercial ventilators in april at 4 times the original price. in late august, the remainder of the order was cancelled only after a congressional committee raised questions about the expenditure. but disaster capitalism can also be less direct and more obscured from public scrutiny. like who stands to benefit from some tax payer funded bailouts. take the us airline industry, which had its request for $50000000000.00 bay lab approved by the us senate in march. while the loans were conditional on job protections, the sticking point for many is that over the past 5 years, the big for allied companies, american doper, southwest in the united have not only made record profits, but collectively spent nearly the same amount. 45000000000 on stock buybacks and dividend 2 ways in which companies can directly enrich their corporate executives and shareholders. so it's not that these bailouts aren't necessary now to avoid
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mass unemployment. it's not a substantial part of the current financial problem is arguably of their own making billions of dollars for mobile live, basically in an incident to bail out corporate america at mrs. incredibly ironic because these are, these corporations were, you know, in a week financial place because of their own business model because they had over leverage themselves because they had engaged in pushing money out shareholders instead of planning for tough time. meanwhile, people are held to that standard. you know, if you haven't said, then it's your fault that you're suffering in the moment. so there's, there's a double standard written into the economic response. so you have a form of packet and didn't need to billing because we'll kept reading, cute and say, well, capitalism works when we kissed company goes to the wall when,
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when things aren't watching a bad idea, they fail to clearly haven't happened in any society under this and that's probably a good thing when we come out today, i think we can certainly say that the old month for of public product good work. and i think we can also and questions about why did last is a socialize it. and yet outside christ, gameboy private, we need to reach out to the kind of the assets to rethink capitalism, have been going on almost as long as capitalism itself has existed. and to be fair, it's practiced in notably different ways in different parts of the world. but one of the most toxic and recurring problems is that in too many cases, the system seems designed to favor small elite segment of the population. if the idea we began with that way before the crisis of this corona virus,
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we will already grappling that the crisis of kathy was we should have this phrase that we need to save the economy, or we need to keep it going. it makes sense, but i think that's good, deeper question, which is, well, what's in the economy for look at something like g d, p, gross domestic product. all that means is that there's more affluent, but it has nothing to do with distribution that has nothing to do with the quality of people's lives. you can have enormously high g, p and, and have, you know, rector, rates of homelessness and unemployment. so we, we have to deconstruct this idea of the economy and, and put people at the center. we are living in the moment and not being clear. cuz the wealthier nation could not for their own company or their own public sufficiently to prevent going to put that on there, the, the welcoming, the sort of mentoring have not been fair to share. they've been ordered by a view,
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what people are left or more modern markets and other stuff that it's really not stuff that we will. it's clear that actually everything nearing the whole collection of action. individual action is also clear that there are some parts of the a, just my mom and she pretty much nations that i'm interested in all the attention it's being given to close to getting a marching come into a country without thinking too much about when i think we need to reconsider the need. we need to read the project.
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2020 the year of look, downs and social distance saying you can't reach across the screen and get someone to re explore one of the global hands that makes biggest side effects. loneliness, everyone who lives alone has been forced to be socially isolated for the 1st time ever highlighting its effects on physical and mental health and discovering unique ways of coping. controlling, being alone to get that episode of all hail the locked down on al jazeera, got one of the fastest growing nations in the world. ah, the contract needed to open and develop it into national shipping company to become a team, middle east, and trade and one is still filling out 3 key areas of filling up front of connecting the world, connecting the future the cut out cut to gateway to whoa trade
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news news ah, it's time for the journey to winter sponsored by kettle airways. rather cold trunk, marching up into sudden brazil is this line here? quite often it can be really cold is certainly about 2 weeks ago. it was really cold. this is just moderately cold, leaving behind it said he in puerto allegro, for example, and sing a low form off the coast of uruguay. sure threats. i'm pretty big and surprising, but also pretty common thunderstorms. the main seasonal rate is for the north and south america in the caribbean. in fact,
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i think the c a resurgence of showers in the eastern can be in the small islands, which aren't evident at the moment, is the full cost. so they trump saturday and sunday, otherwise a good scattering of daily shares. it gets warm, the clouds billed, and then they burst. probably costa rica and panama will see the worst of it. but it's throughout mexico as well. not as big channels as they were, but that, that all the same in the us, recent funding has been round great lakes for example in detroit. but you can see the from this bringing those big showers is moving eastwards right into the really hot and sticky. whether it's in d c. now that will clear out of the way as it moves through a cult front. so the not quite as sticky halt and the shares, aka the far fewer on sunday. it's still hot out west, but not as hot as it was. sponsor cut on airways. talk to al jazeera, we roam, did you want the un to take and who stopped you?
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we listen. you see the whole infrastructure being totally destroyed. we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on our sierra ah, with. ready this is al jazeera ah hello rahman. you're watching the news on life. my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes searching for peace negotiation between the taliban and the african government.


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