tv [untitled] July 18, 2021 1:30pm-2:01pm +03
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here and we were the one who had life on what was going on. and the way the move means to me there's nothing. so think about them. and there's always in the dynamics formation. we have the agent to create the vibe of the generation chain. on al jazeera, we town the untold story. ah, we speak when others don't. ah, we cover all sides. no matter where it takes a police fan here, got my empower in pasha. we tell your story, we are your voice, your news, your net back out here. the
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a book about watching on the news with me. so from the reminder, the volatile stories, western europe flooding crisis escalating and spreading further with heavy rain falling parts of eastern germany and austria, at least $183.00 people confirmed that so far, but that total is expected to increase as water levels drop. a major clean up as such as that went away in western germany. chance the angular medical has called the floods the catastrophe and will is that the worst hit reach in later on sunday . also, the taliban says it favors a political settlement for the conflict of guns as it meets an african government delegation in castles capital. the group leader says it wants to establish political and economic ties with the global community. now south africa's police minister says he's concerned about
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a rise in racial tension. more than 200 people were killed and writing and looting that swept through parts of the country in the past week. not some communities of set up vigilante groups to defend their homes and businesses. ben smith report now from durban and they just looted and looted and due to durbin has been quieter these last couple of days. but it's a calm sometimes and forced at gunpoint roadway jackson managed to protect his business, but so many others looted and burned. it was the, the mob themselves that called all the destruction and cause harm to themselves. because we, we attacked and we had people to open fire on us and which we basically have to see have got ourselves by the hiding behind walls and building the writing response by the jailing a form of present. jacob zoom had expanded to include wider grievances. it unleashed racial tensions that always set up a neat surface here about about one of them, i thought the minister of police toward durban townships on saturday, promising to investigate crimes committed by all communities. kaylee's as
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a team of detectives is investigating the deaths of 20 black people after confrontations with a neighboring indian majority township. but it's clear, there is anger here that is hard to contain. for now, it looks difficult, but we are working together. we're working with the community, we go out to the streets, to speak to other people. we've got a problem with social media. social media is the main cause of this because people are reacting to use why minority rule and it nearly 30 years ago. but most south africans still live in racially separated townships or suburbs that were created by their party government. these years of the only supermarket in a 4 kilometer radius wasn't run suck because it was defended by the owners and local businesses. south africa state insurance says it's expecting claims to top $700000000.00 at night turbans different communities still closing themselves in behind their own checkpoints,
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outside elements that are coming here and get very upset when we have to awesome. what is the purpose? yes, people here are worried, there's more trouble to come. it's not, not fit, clean down. no one's just sitting on and that's the concern. there it is which if you davis teams done so continuing and no one can. you. just hours after south africa's president said on friday night that com had been restored. this market was fireball. bernard smith, i'll just sarah durban, south africa, and the present there around the pose resisting one of the areas hit by the leading of the sweater from west me to mila joyce b. now, i mean another area with concerns for the business community and it's residence to me to well add to this particular mall in so well. so this is one of the molds that community members here stood called at the
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entrances some of them. but basically saying that they were here to defend the property and their businesses and no looting would happen. yeah, that was certainly the case. it's one of the few more than the width of that has remained untouched. now when the president's proposal was here a few moments ago and he made a very brief address to the media gathered, he had said last week that when he 1st address all the africans, he spoke about ethnically driven or ethnically based unrest. and this potentially being the cause of what was happening. and today he used this opportunity to say that notion of ethically driven unrest was out of the window. the president did face significant, significant criticism in the last week around what he had said and now seemingly wanting to back track on that, saying that so the africa is one nation. and so the africans are revolting. some of the destruction and the property that was damaged, rebuilding the economy off the what happened in the last few days. and that really
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is the focus in places like this. community members coming out to revolt what has been destroyed. and there is a significant police presence in places like this, but much of it around the presidents appearance. many people would tell you that they didn't have that kind of access to police during the unrest in the last few days. so me to villa in sweater. thanks very much for the update. returning to the floods which have caused devastation in parts of western europe in the last few days with joy, nor via skype by early booth. now he's a political analyst and is in berlin. thanks so much for joining us. i mean, at the moment germany seems to be trying to sort of get his head around what's happened, but questions will be asked of it's politicians of what they're going to do to deal with climate change. yeah, we are in a situation where it's no longer a question about who is running the dam,
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make all their economy recovery after that make better. but it seems as if the agenda changes back to what was hot before the pandemic, which is how to deal with climate change. and we currently see a head to head grades between young woman in the green party who has been nominated the success of longer. america was never done anything else but working in the party and a governor of the conservative party macros party who could have taken the opportunity to manage the flood in a way that makes him a potential leader. and who seemed to miss it yesterday. let's talk about that because the anglo medical as you say, maybe the final few months of leading the country. but a potential success ob lachelle says that politicians and i quote, have to mitigate and adapt to climate change and climate, as you say,
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may not have been the top election issue for the germans in september, but it is now for all parties. it is, and we have been talking about the condemning for one and a half years. and now the plot clearly shows that climate change is back very top in the agenda hall parties. and it's the natural green agenda and they have poor. when the candidate off the green party has been nominated, it looked as if germany is ready for the 1st green female chance line. it's history that has changed a bit, but the reputation of bloodshed is a man of all the industry. he comes from not hundreds failure, which is something like the rust belt of germany. and he talks about climate change in green topics. but he's still appears as the man who rather would want to slow down. and a lot of people doubt whether we have the time that he wants to guide
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industry and climate into something like a healthy librium. and of course, let's talk about the green party candidate as we just saw, the president speaking there. how influential is the fielding of an alina babel, because she's experiencing a big push by her party activists to be tougher on climate change than she really wanted to be before these floods. and in the light of these recent events, you know, how much of a good chance do you think she has a becoming chancellor. if he gauges the german mood and, and you might say that the reaction and the reaction to helping people who've been affected by these floods in the upcoming vote in september won't you always appear very professional. and she's a woman will also dive deep into detail. so you can always the impression that she knows what she's talking about. she's definitely the one who was taking the
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strongest lead when it comes to what is necessary to guide germany into a carbon free economy. and that is very different when you compare her with a more socially oriented social democratic candidate. and i'm in law who is, as i said, a man of industry. and now the question is, who is better prepared to guide germany as the chancellor into this important transition from an industry based economy that is based on fuel into something like renewable energy, which will lead to a lot of redistribution on consequences, including regions that will most likely face losses like the one where i mean law should comes from interesting girl chatting with you. all right, thanks very much for joining us. oh, rick bresner the invalid. thank you. thanks for having me. se asia was coded, 90 not break, says they sign, it's laying down with more than $50000.00 new cases reported each day in indonesia
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. more than 72000 people have died from the virus. that sofa was jessica washington report from jakarta. the funeral industry is now looking to volunteers to help bury the dead on the outskirts of the nation capital. yet another family has lost a relative to cope. oh, well, wake up, she cried. please don't sleep. it's the last time she will ever see her father. as indonesia struggled through the surgeon covert 900 deaths, there were too many grieving families and not enough workers to help bury the dead . some communities are now relying on volunteers. you just give them one that we don't receive any payment. we do our job from the heart. he cleans the bodies and also dr. coffins to the symmetry and got what the, what the number of this is so high here. so this is what we can do to help the
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families. they work from morning to night. every day they see more families in anguish. seeing the conditions of these families, i feel in my heart a need to help them. i think about them even after i get home. ah, this is just one of many covered 19 burial sites in indonesia. at all, hours, hearses and ambulances, queue up with more bodies to be buried. as doctors, of course, away sick people. more people are dying alone in their homes and most never had the chance to be treated in hospital as the desktop rises. cope with 900 variable size, overwhelmed, engraved, you have to work well into the night to keep up with demand. indonesia cove. 19 fatality rate is the highest in se asia. but experts warn the government state her
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doesn't reveal the extent of the crisis. we pray dick that the real number of those who died from coffee 9 teens, should be treated far as time higher than the officials number each day, enemies as cases and deaths rise to record levels and more families come here to more those they've lost jessica washington al jazeera chicata, anti government protest as have been injured in thailand. they will stop by please, as they try to march to the government house in bangkok, define covey 19 restrictions, not demonstrate to the calling for the prime minister and the cabinet to resign. they also want the budget reduced for the royal family and the military and more money to be spent on fighting the pandemic. so many decades, native american children in the united states were sent to government run boarding schools in an effort to assimilate them into the broader european based society
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that had taken their lands. some now call it a deliberate effort at cultural genocide in south dakota. one indigenous community as reclaimed the remains of the children who died in those schools, runnels reports. oh, with the sound of drums and prayer songs the remains of 90 congo or yacht de la cota. children returned home to their native land. the. their story is a long and painful one, stretching back over 140 years, be a lot of sadness here today. beginning in 1879 native children from the cota and other tribes were sent to government run boarding schools. the 1st group embarked on steam ships from this point on the missouri river, headed for a government school in far away carlisle, pennsylvania law, the kids. this is the last place. his parents,
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mom here and go tens of thousands of native children entered boarding schools. the project was meant to assimilate to destroy native language, culture, and religion, and to turn the young people into model christian americans. but many did not survive the schools harsh regime of maltreatment, neglect, and disease. for decades, the code at children lay buried in carlisle cemetery. but they were never forgotten . after years of effort to properly identify the remains and then carefully examine them, children including little hawk hollow, horned bare strikes, 1st swift bare, and others left so long ago or surrounded by their people once more. to come home. does it make you feel emotional? yeah. really happy. young le code to reflect on the hardships their relatives endured. i would have been full of terror. i would have
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been full of i would expect nothing but death. to be honest, it's almost a nauseating feeling to, to realize what these kids been through. the children's remains replaced on the ground inside, especially constructed tv. they're surrounded by relatives and religious leaders. they were welcomed home in a private prayer ceremony. later the entire community gathered as the remains were laid out, wrapped in buffalo hides and surrounded by sacred sage people prayed long into the night. the homecoming is an event of enormous emotional and spiritual importance to his people says organizer russell eagle bear. there's a re awakening. of our people, and that's an important, you know, we need to, we can be living in grief all the time. and on the following day, the children were laid to rest in the local cemetery home at last,
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in the land where they belong, rob reynolds, al jazeera mission, south dakota, well, still here on there, we live in token, where you get more over 900 cases of being reported inside the olympic village, just 5 days for the games begin to stay with us. ah, me hold him in the city in vietnam once. so i gone the old capital of south vietnam. his heart is lamb, so square were journalists, diplomats, military staff, and spies, rub shoulders in its famous hotels. during the vietnam war, i was assigned to yet by the associated press. and i arrived june at 1900. 62. the caravel hotel burst under the headline in november 1963. when there was
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a number to recruit 8, which led to the assassination of the president and his brother. over 24 hour period, the center of saigon was zone. the press retreated in effect that the caravans hotel and many of the story is mentioned we received was from the care of me. ah ah, that type of bulletin? tokyo story just keeps changing, doesn't it? if it does so 5 days out now from the tokyo olympics, and they have been
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a further 10 code of 900 cases inside the olympic village, including 2 athletes the time. the other cases are among media contractors and the personnel associated with the 3 more ethnic to test positive outside the furniture, including 2 members of south africa football team. 3 days ago, the head of the international olympic committee, thomas said they was 0 risk to the japanese population. but the, i a see seem to be rowing back from those comments. now, there is no such thing as the real risk and that we all agree. at the same time, the mingling and crushing of population is incredibly limited, incredibly limited. and we can ensure that transmission between the various groups is almost impossible and qualifying almost. but again, with all the measures that are in place with the separation, as you said, including the limping village,
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we keep the risk to an absolute minimal level escalade. now to take care, we'll speak to a piece, adam adam mo, code 19 cases in the village. what other details do we have at this stage about those involved? while peter sat there, the positive case is at the official olympic village for the athletes have started . and you would think that they would continue over the next few days as we get towards the opening ceremony of the lympics on friday, the fisher number 5 in total today plus one other athlete who is not staying in the village. and we haven't had too much information about the 1st 2 of those positive cases. the seals, dorothy just saying that they were non japanese. so foreign team members, they didn't give the names or the ages, or even whether they were men or women. anything like that at all the most recent 3 is you said that were members of the south african under 23 football team to team members, and then one support staff as well. so that brings it to
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a total of 10 new cases. today we've had 15 we were told about yesterday, and i think peter, this isn't going to be the last time that i'm reporting positive cavities at test cases at the athlete village over the next few days. i don't doubt that for a 2nd. adam b, i a c are already rowing back from thomas, but comments low. he said that there was 0 risk to the public. how concerned will they be now about what's going on in that village? well i think despite the i o c and thomas ball saying that they are still confident in their very strict bubble system, the athlete, the kept completely separate from the public here in tokyo, there at the official athlete village. the majority of them down by tokyo, we parked on our way into here the media center. today is the sprawling site, 44 t, as in tom and around 11000 people will be saying that most athletes coaches, some support staff as well. you may also have seen images,
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a huge black metal fence that's been put up around the official olympic stadium. and there are so many strict rules that governing most of the competitor and all of the support staff as well to being tested every day and kept strictly within that bubble. i think it's more of the optics of how this all looks. so public here that the majority of which are against the games happening, they wanted it to be postponed and they continue to feel that way. that's going to be more protest withheld over the next few days. and of course, we are in a state of emergency here in tokyo with just 5 days to go into the opening ceremony on friday. okay. you are busy working among the media in tokyo, under covered restrictions. and how does this compare to other events that you've covered well, peter, this is by far, the most strict sporting event i've covered since the pandemic began in terms of the covey protocols in place. and we took them out, the champions league on import wimbledon. the year arose recently as well. nothing
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compared today. so i'll just take you through what we have to go through since we arrived and even before we left from london arriving in tokyo yesterday, we have to take 3 consecutive p, c r test on consecutive days, even before getting on the flight. when we arrive, we have to take another test, went through about 2 hours worth of paper work at 10 a the and that will reports of some members of teams having to wait to the pool for around 5 hours, even 7 hours at the other app for the rita here and so i guess we've taken a long, long time to get through. then when you arrive you've got an official app here at the olympics on your phone where you constantly having to put in your temperature every day. you have to have the tests that if last 4 days when you're here too. and you're only allowed to go to specific accredited areas, your hotel air at the media center in the venue. so it is very, very strict. and for the athletes and the media, you feel like this is going to be a lympics throughout. that is like no other. all right adam, one in it's ok. thank you very much for your time. appreciate it. sounds at the
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major league baseball game in washington to cover in the team dug out, so it's a shooting outside the stadium. the gap between the national and the pod raise was suspended in the 6th thinning as the shot record through the venue. it was initially clear where it was coming from, so they were the scenes of panic of players officials and supported scramble for safety. it later merge that it had been an exchange of gunfire between people into cause which left 3 injured the milwaukee bucks are on the cusp of 1st, n b, a title since 971 of the waiting game 5 in the final series against the phoenix suns and our lead the best 7 metro 3 to that's also taking a 123119 when on the road on the saturday. also the 1st time in this year's final that a team has one on the road forward, yana. since it's a compost school and 32 points in this one's mulkey can win the title on their home . caught in game 6 on tuesday. mostly we know what to do is,
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is one game away from they know being named a champion. no, been in the history of this game, you know, the know is that they know nobody can take it away from the alarm. and you know, doing this for the, in that in front of our families, in our fans. it's big football and cutter moves closer to a place in the knockout stage of the concrete f gold cup between the 282 will go home to playing as gifts in the tournament. and they thrashed grenada for know in the latest group came 3 of the goals came in the 1st off of the game in houston, texas. and when puts them on 4 point, 2nd, increase the for the show down against a lead in honduras coming up on tuesday. cutter, the current asian champion, and the gypsies tub lawfully have one report, extending a 10th camp champion leagues idle opponents kinds. the chiefs had happy must piano
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thing. so just before and completed 3 go off the, the break lahoma city will be open a for providing a service for mac the and to lay out this is the 1st time people most money as $1.00 trophy, making him the most successful african coach in the to them and history red bulls next stop. and we'll start from bo position that the british grand prix of to any for me, one supposed to have a sprint qualifying race. in a change from the usual format. the dutchman beat will champion lewis hamilton off the line and lead to the finish in an extra 3 points which puts them a hate of hamilton in the drive is standing by $33.00 going into sunday's race, the service and the said he said he bought this stuff and happy to of course put us 3 points and finds it sounds a bit funny. didn't hear you go to go position that anyway. we'll take it and again, i think it will be really exciting, exciting bethel tomorrow. i mean, i hit i hit target, almost done. it just yeah. it's no good when you lose one,
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but we'll, we'll try to negative. it's a positive tomorrow. 2010. open. charitable louis with stays and is one around the way from winning a 2nd major title. the south african goes into sunday fine around that one sure lead at this year's open at roof and george's was safe and coated. a one under 69 on saturday to move to 12 on the overall that gives him a one shot lead over american column. marie carla tyson is aliyah and the maria due to a new gun that have won the dow great lakes bay invitation on the lpga to a in michigan. the something's actually laid at the halfway mark as well. but after falling behind in the next flight back on saturday duty did that in the team event shooting and live in under 59. they secured a 3 stroke victory. that's what we'll even most both news later say. thanks peter.
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that is the news for the stance they will have more of the other side of the brain until it from pizza, myself on the news that seems like very much for your time at your company. ah, ah ah, ah, ah ah, ah coded 19 is a public health crisis that has been compounded by capitalism. alleyway navigates the big questions raised by the global pandemic. how the system based on private ownership and profit. 3rd, the world in a ton of capitalism is the pandemic that causes so much of the suffering.
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explosives, protect the people or the profit as it did. one of all hail the locked down on algae 0, some drying the flag for her nation has been putting in flame crickets on what b country between ring must my dream play in the woods while providing for family ways. cleaning game. that's my precious game in the game. my them bob way on al jazeera, me the conflict between the if you can government and the regional take, great people with the racial fund has skills thousands and internally displaced more than 2000000 over the past 7 months. 350000 people in the region are facing famine, according to the united nation, which says that our vision is being used as a weapon or for those who managed across the border. say it's not because they have
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improved back home. they say to grass, continue to be targeted because of their lives. and many of these are being reported and all becomes taken refuge here. last time idea. ah, the flooding crisis in western europe wesson's as germany as chancellor visits, one of the west hit region. ah, hello there, i'm still here. hey, this is algebra life and also coming up the taliban supreme leader says he wants a political settlement to the conflict enough kind of stone piece talk, continuing to athletes now test positive for the.
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