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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2021 7:00pm-7:31pm +03

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now more than ever, the world needs w. h. making a healthy, a world for you everywhere. ah, if his mega dam has been filled for a 2nd time, it's another milestone for the project that's causing tension in the region. ah, i'm not madison, this is all just alive from doha also coming up no longer a threat to us national security, dividing administration, freeze its 1st prisoner from guantanamo bay. the us and its allies accuse china are being behind a worldwide email that compromise tens of thousands of computers and
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aids party time england lives. corona virus restrictions bought scientists a warning. it could lead to a $100000.00 cases a day. ah, the 2nd phase of filling the controversial ground, ethiopia, when they saw dam, is complete, the issues raise tensions with its neighbors, egypt, and sit down, want a binding deal over the filling and the dams operations. and they've approached the un security council to intervene if the opiate says the projects essential to its development. but cato and cartoon fear, it could restrict their water access. caleb a moment. we are now putting the turbines in what we call unit 10. we're installing the chart for unit 10 as soon as some important works are completed in a few months,
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it's all about connecting it to the transformers. and this will provide the biggest outcome of this work for the people of the p, o. p which is generating electric power. catherine. so as an artist of i'm, she says the damn as a source, not just of poverty, c o p ends. but national pride, the minister for every geisha has been sweeping about the completion of the filling of the diamond. he said that it had stored enough water now to run to ta binds to generate electricity. in the coming months, it has raised a regional tensions with both egypt and today, worried about how this could impact their own water flows. we have had from the prime minister before saying that in the future does not intend to harm those downstream countries. but it's going to do whatever i can to protect that dumb and the processes going forward. we have been speaking to your peers here, we're very passionate about this dumb. it is a matter of it is
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a project of national, national pride. millions obviously opens up to 65 percent of up to 65000000 of them. that's half the population and not connected to the greed. they have been contributing money raising cents to woods buying government bonds towards construction off the menu. both who are speaking to in industries that have been affected by frequent power. cars in villages where people have never seen electricity say that that eagerly waiting for the benefits of this. and they are eagerly waiting to see what's going to come out of it saying that they are hoping that it's going to get them out of poverty. in fact, one man told us that to him it's a matter of life and death. they know about the tensions between the countries, but they are saying that this really is going to propel the country forward. okay, that's now go to hippa, morgan, who's like, 1st in the sit in these capital cartoon houses. sit down reacting to this latest
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moved while ours asked a few government announce i have finished a 2nd filling of the if you've been renaissance them. sudan government issued a statement saying that it projects this unilateral move that was carried out by government, especially in light of the fact that no agreement has been reached. between sudan, if you've been egypt over the filling and operation of that damn. now the government of the dance also expressed concern over the safety of a dam once if you appeal, and now that it has completed the 2nd filling the gates of the earth every time which is just about 100 kilometers away from the renaissance fan. we're open to allow excess water to flow out so that it can make room for the water that is coming from the fuel in highlands, specifically from the ground. if your printer is on fam, for the government says it is concerned about millions of civilian po, live along the bank of denial and who rely on the river for sources, especially because they have seen the impacts of the 1st filling. normally around
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this time of the year i became his name's farm in prudence blue. now state near the border with if you appear has more fruits, but the farmer says the past year has been different than previous years. and he blamed it on changes in the blue nile river, just meters away for governor upon me. we lost the hill to get from the river every year. the river comes from the european highlands carrying a lot of shield is good for a river irrigated farms because it changes the soil. but the past year has brought less shows because of the renaissance dam storing water. and we don't often get it this year. i've been getting farm is one of hundreds of thousands of acres in the state that lie along the banks of the blue nile and depend on the river for irrigation. but if you've been renaissance damn being built upstream on one of the 2 sources of the river is raising concerns. it's set to be africa, the largest hydro electric dam upon completion. and a few p a says it's a lift more than half of with the population out of poverty. but in downstream sedan farmers fear it will reduce their productivity mohammed,
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most of us farm lives, nearly 500 kilometers down the river near the sudanese capital whom he says, even he has noted changes in the foil since the 1st filling of the if you can renaissance them or later above or below the one the effects that on earth asked them have been bad for us if there is no sailed, then there'll be no farming because we needed for the saw. last year there was very little felt and so we couldn't farm crops and very farm. the crops died because the soil quality talks to reach a deal about the filling and operation of the dam have repeatedly field for dance. has information sharing is critical during this process. for that government has nearly 5000000 people suffered the impacts of the 4th filling of the few been renaissance them that was completed last year without an agreement. this year the government says $20000000.00 people or have the population will be affected. that includes not only farmers along the nile, but millions of people who rely on the river for their water supply. that's because,
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unlike last year, when 4900000000 cubic meters of water was stored, the 2nd filling is expected to store 13500000000 cubic meters. those who rely on the mile for water are afraid of shortages after losses, filling, created problems for some water treatment plans. the renaissance dams, environmental impact is also yet to be fully revealed. those who rely on the river for other means of livelihood. the changes in the past year have affected their trade, was about that. we rely on mud sales and water from the nile to make bricks the most important to sell because it's what keeps the materials together. otherwise, it's just a block of mud, but still has reduced since last july. that's been bricks of lower quality, which we have to sell cheaper. the 3rd phase of filling the renaissance dam is scheduled to happen next year. no new rounds of talks have been announced yet, but for many like i've been getting, the hope is that something is worked out before the changes to their farms become irreversible. now the concern is not just over farmers and those who rely on the
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mile for water drinking water and cleaning water for generally there was a supplies. the concern is also over the dams, the hydro, electric dams that lie along denial incident over the ability to generate electricity. now in the statement that was issued by finance, ministry of what the resources that medication, the government said that they're sure that they can reach a legally binding agreement. if there is a political will by if you government to do so, the reiterate to them. they seem to be stressing on the word legally binding in the past few statements that they have been issuing thing that they want to make sure that if you commit to an agreement that ensures the safety of the operations of the need them, but also the welfare of the sudanese people as well as the egyptian people who are both downstream too. if you are the 2 countries down in egypt have taken the issue to the un security council in early july. but the security council referred it back to the african union with no new dates for talk sets between the 3 countries. for
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dennis, quite concerned that they may not be able to reach a deal in time, especially if you're going on forward and announcing that it will continue constructing damage will continue filling it even if no dean is reached between. if you're down in egypt over the operation and falling of the ground up and running on them in the coming months and weeks, can morgan live for us in costume? have a thank you very much. the 1st guantanamo bay president, released under the by the ministration has been repatriated to morocco and i said, is the 1st detainee to be repatriated to his country of origin. it was captured by pakistani agents in 2001 was sent to guantanamo the following year. nasa was accused of involvement with the taliban, but he was never charged. it was cleared for release 5 years ago. at its peak after the $911.00 attacks and the invasion of afghanistan, the prison complex held about $675.00 inmates. now just $39.00 prisoners remain of those only 11 have been charged with war crimes like our de la,
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he's not set 10 of the remaining inmates have been recommended for transferring. white house correspondent kennedy hawk. it says the current government is taking a different approach to the guantanamo prison. the u. s. president brock obama promised to close $100.00 basis has facility on day one, but that proved to be challenging. given the fact that there was a lot of pushback, particularly in the u. s. congress, it was concerned that they didn't want a lot of these detainees to be held, either in federal prisons in the united states. and they're also difficulties with working with other countries to see that they received these men that have been held as you point out without charge. in some cases, up to 2 decades is the case of the release that has occurred under the biden administration. the 1st one of abdul a teeth nasser to morocco. now, the reasons for this are many, not only is it that there was
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a difficulty in working with congress, but as you point out, the previous donald trump administration also was not only looking to not close this facility, but even to add to it in terms of the population and the other big complicating factor in seeing a lot of these men released is the fact that many of them were abducted initially held in secret prison by the cia only years later, popping up at guantanamo. and so the process of trying to secure their release by their prosecutors was only that much more difficult, given the secrecy surrounding their initial abductions. china is being accused of engaging in malicious cyber activity, including the hock of the microsoft exchange email server. earlier this year, the u. s. u. k and other allies say groups backed by beijing were responsible, compromising tens of thousands of computers worldwide, is one of a range of cyber threats. china's being blamed for including ransomware types,
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with millions of dollars. the us lead alliance is expected to announce details of action against china later on monday. but justin is the chief research analyst with i t harvest. he says china is likely to face further sanctions that will affected technology sector is really phenomenal response between both nato, other european countries. all working together with united states to announce and dino, china all at once. long with that the n s a caesar in the f b, i issued guidance and tony's hacking describing their techniques and procedures and their technology as well. and then thirdly, the justice department in dated 3 chinese officers in the ministry of security services. so. ready it was a coordinated response to everything that's been going on and kind of a,
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a message to china, to back off. we've seen the us pushing really hard, especially during the pump administration against china, from a technology trade perspective banning. ready chinese technology in the united states and that's always a concern because most, you know, us technology is manufactured in china. so it's kinda hard to say, you know, while. 1 way, but we can have apple and cisco products here in the united states because it's probably just as much of a concern. and i suspect that the us is going to ramp up that, that, you know, digital mercantile is on us. what i call it an attempt to quell the influx of chinese technology and of course, that helps the u. s. companies that are benefiting from that. still ahead and i'll just have the talking to clear up off some of the worst flooding western europe is seen in decades and touch security in south africa as the corruption tyler homer,
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president jacob zoom out, resumes after days of rioting. ah, ah, it's time for the journey to winter sponsored by kettle airways. now the season rains for the time being taken a step back as we got not just one but 2 tropical storms in the system. just to complicate things some pocket which is just about to impact the science of china. even go to strength very much more remains a tropical storm. whereas in fact, we're probably become a tie food pretty soon to be honest. and instead of the water moves slowly towards ty, pay across the southern part of the recruit chains, japanese islands, rice and backer as impacting as i said. glen dong. now for the rest of the seasonal range look bit further north the yangtze, up towards the yellow river,
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shannon stretching up towards beijing. we could see significant rain, but for shanghai in all places, to the sas till you pick up the south coast is looking fairly dr. that is in japan and the korean police a bit more detail. this is where you're going to see this lamp impact of the smallest storm strong winds. but rain will be the real thing, can i think, of course you've got big waves coming into all the harbors lol. not coast. the philippines still looks quite wet as a, as a massive island both fit into zone. there are big showers in jakarta and in sole away so i have to say, but for most a borneo su marsha and including singapore is quite dry. ah, sponsored pay cut on airways. most people will never know what's beyond these doors . the deafening silence of $100.00 and how it feels to touch danger every day. most people will never know what it's like to
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work with. every breath is precious with fear. it's not an option. but we're not most people ah, ah ah, you want to go to get a reminder of our top stories. this are the 2nd phase of filling the controversial ground. easy, open relations. damn is complete. the issue has we've tensions with its neighbors. egypt and saddam want a binding deal over there filling and the dams operations. first guantanamo bay, prisoner released under the bible ministration has been with patrick dated to
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morocco amongst a break from the trunk era when transfers and negotiations were halted. the u. s. u . k. and other allies accusing china all engaging in malicious cyber activity, including the hack of the microsoft exchange email server. any of this year is one of a range of cyber threats. china's being blamed for, including ransomware, of attacks, was millions of dollars. haiti's interim prime minister has agreed to step down, ending a leadership battle that ensued since the assassination of president juvenile mois . claude joseph told the washington post newspaper that he and henry, who had been appointed by moist prime minister, i've met privately to resolve the dispute. well, let's go to the galaxy whose life for us in miami. so who's actually in charge at the moment? andy? while it seems after a contentious battle between these 2 men over who is actually running, the interim government that are on re is now that mind for the job. he basically
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the decision that pushed this is that the international community, including places like canada, the european union, here in the us backed mr. henri so that clears up. what was a very confusing time for many haitians, but that may bring its own problems. because if andre is seen as being backed by the international community that can come with it. so repercussions. but i think most ordinary haitians over these last few fraught days just wanted to see somebody in charge. of course, this is an interim government. they should have been elections held back in 2019, and heading towards what they hope will be free and fair elections and perhaps september or october. but they've always been problematic. but i think, but now this will perhaps stabilize this very delicate nation, which is always on the brink of some kind of political infighting and problems. so it seems that arial, andrea is the man for the job. he of course, was appointed by jeff. no worries, but wasn't sworn in but the argument for now seems to have been settled. and if he
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didn't do any more about what actually happened on the day of the attack. yeah, we're hearing some pretty compelling reporting about, you know, movies on the and the early hours of the july, the 720 was assassinated, merit making, frantic phone calls to police and security officials, asking them to come and help. and we're also hearing that anyone who wants to approach the president's house the time was about to go for at least 5 layers of security. that's certainly been my experience. when i interviewed mr. mo, east and other senior politicians, they always have a fairly large and well on security detail. so that raises yet more questions about who is the alleged mastermind behind this assassination. and at the moment, there are a couple of key figures, but no evidence has been produced. we don't seem to be at the moment any closer to knowing who was behind this, who funded it, why they carried out this attack. galico live 1st in miami, and the thank you the german government is on the defensive visit,
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faces drawing criticism over its floods preparations. the opposition says it failed to adequately one citizens of last week's flooding. more than 160 people died in germany alone. heavy rain was full costs, but the scale of the deluge took many by surprise. ministers admit lessons must be learned, but se federal institutions did their part. 4 bits of arms of the german with the service gives warnings of severe conditions and is supported by european institution. and these warnings passed on to the federal states and from the states flooding centers to the different regions. and they are the ones making the decisions when it comes to protection against environmental disasters. the state of emergency is not declared in berlin, but where it is taking place by them. writing reports from one of the worst at tons in northern germany, were here in the historic ball town of bod. move the rifle, and the clean up operation is in full swing. we have vigorous picking up all the
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debris that was stacked up and left behind from the rushing flood waters that have receded now. and we've seen half a dozen towns like this across this region. there's dozens of other gives you sense of the scope of the damage that germany is dealing with and to get a better sense to take a look around this town, which is famous and the summer for tourists coming that take part in and visiting the spies and shop and some of the high end stores and you kind of traditional stores in this town in northwestern germany, this main street was covered in cobblestones. most of them have been stripped away because of the flooding. you can see that the earth caved in more than a meter and some spaces more than 2 meters. some of these historic buildings are actually being propped up by steel polls. and when you walk around the street, you step on this asphalt. that was the foundation of the cobblestones above them in the asphalt is so weak after being solved, and water log that it breaks under the weight when you walk around. so germany is
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just now coming to terms with the billions of years of destruction. damage that it's going to have to somehow repair and rebuild in the coming months. if not years in britain has recorded almost 40000 new cases of corona virus on the same day, almost all restrictions in england have been abolished. faced mosques are no longer legally required. social distancing rules are being scrapped and sized limits, and events have been removed. doctors are wanting that within weeks that could be a 100000 cases every day. john hall reports from london. how many young people this was the ultimate expression of freedom, nightclubs, roaring back to life in the early hours of monday morning with the lifting of cobra 19 restrictions for i definitely feel free to leave that things are going back to normal. it feels like is but it still is a little bit apprehensive. like yeah,
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i don't feel like it's great for many freedom could prove short lived every day. now around 50000 people in england test positive one of the highest infection rates in the world. and among the vulnerable, despite the vaccine rollout, 277 people died last week. there's a lot of concern. any information coming out which shows rising cost supplies, ations in the u. k. rising case, number's the attendant consent of the rising number of people suffering from long have some kids in this country, but also just in the last 24 hours, we'll say we're starting to hear from dr. is that and it just services starting to have clinic services cancel because at the high rate to start thickness and isolation that's needing to happen. the government strategy to allow the virus to spread among the young means more than 800000 school children were sent into isolation at home last week. scientists have warned the fertile conditions for new
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variant mutations, leaving parents to worry about the ongoing risks. i want to give up the mask and not know my children or my husband. we want we, we wear the mosque. a majority of the public, according to opinion polls agree. it may not be law any longer to keep us social distance or wear a mask in doors. but most people don't feel confident enough to dispense with them altogether. and this the national health service that pinging away incessantly telling hundreds of thousands of people to self isolate each week. because a close contact has tested positive and each paying means income. last stop shortage is holiday planned in ruins. on a brighter note, singing is back band since the start of the pandemic, and a chorus of full throated approval for that, it means the return of church congregations and theater audiences. but as the prime minister knows best, there is no freedom from the virus itself. i've been thinking,
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i've been asked to so fi state by the test. craig isolate system after i've been in contact with somebody who has came. in this case, of course, the health secretary said you jotted both johnson and treasury secretary richey soon equip, pinged the 2 most senior members of the government, celebrating freedom day in isolation. at home journal, al jazeera london, south korea's military is recorded, its biggest cluster of covered 19 infections to date was more than 80 percent of personnel aboard a ship testing positive. $247.00 sailors on an anti piracy mission in waters of africa are infected and comes to south korea bottles. it's worth several outbreak. 1200 new cases in the past 24 hours, restrictions are extended across the country to curb the spread. indonesia has reported a record number of corona virus deaths in the past 24 hours. and the 1400 people
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have died due to the virus. but it's reporting the lowest number of new infections in a fortnight. it's battling an oxygen shortage and now has more daily infections in india and brazil. one of the biggest local sponsors of the tokyo olympics has said it won't air any commercials related to the games because of the lack of public support for the event. toyota, c o r q, toyota. we'll also miss the opening ceremony until on friday. polls suggest more than half of japanese don't want the games going ahead and nearly 70 percent say they doubt organizers can control covered 1000 infections that have been about 60 positive cases. reported among athletes, officials on journalists so far oil prices have fallen more than 5 percent a day after the world's largest producers agreed to boost output dropped to less than $70.00 a barrel. was the biggest since march, sunday deal involving opec and other major producers was reached after the u. e.
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was given a higher production quarter ending a dispute with saudi arabia. more than 100 navy wildfires burning across siberia. the cookies region is one of the worst effected almost $2500.00 firefighters are being called in to battle. the blazes are button monday, reports uncontrollable, blazes that consumed thousands of kilometers of siberian forests. as the trees burned to ascend, billowing smoke drifted towards the city and dozens more towns in york, whittier officials warned residents to shut windows and stay in doors to avoid choking smoke. but with our eyes, a burning and over all the smoke is very dangerous. for the health of us villages, we see on television plains that are dropping water on the burning forest. but i am sending these plains to help us for some reason. yet katia has been in the state of
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emergency for weeks. last month, the temperature saw to $38.00 degrees celsius. if the highest ever recorded in the arctic circle. this map from nasa chosen read the early summer heat waves that has been scorching eastern russia and europe. the pilgrim says that's okay. it's all because of the drought for the 3rd year straight. we aren't getting the copious amounts of rain that we used to get. the heat wave is sucking moisture of written trees, creating a tinderbox in siberia. usually one of the coldest regions on earth. the fires are consuming what was once permanently frozen ground and the carbon rich pete's below the scientists worry that this will release more carbon into the atmosphere and contribute to climate change. their proper situation with wildfires in our republic is very difficult. we are experiencing the trial summers in the past 150 years,
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and your quote here on the month of june was the hospital records. the russian military is flowing in fi. fi has more than 2500 a battling the flames. the weather is exacerbating the problem. if not for the strong winds, we could do it faster. what you see, how strong the winds are. that's our biggest problems right now. the passenger flight, you could have been suspended. now, military planes are taking to the skies to douse the flames, but these fires are also igniting under a month resident by bottom many se moscow hasn't acted fast enough or sent enough resources. people already feel isolated from the kremlin, which is almost 5000 kilometers away. now they feel abandoned to lower that monthly out there and jacob zoom as long running corruption trial has been adjourned until tuesday when the court will rule. if the former south african
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president child can go ahead virtually zoom, it denies charges of fraud corruption and money laundering linked to a $2000000000.00 alms deal with a french defense fund. when he was deputy president, july 7th, 100 himself into police to serve a 15 month prison sentence on a separate case is arrest sponsor days of violence and losing. ah, this is al jazeera, these are the top stories, the 2nd phase of filling the controversial ground. ethiopian renee sounds damn, is complete. issues raised tensions with its neighbors, egypt and sudan. want a binding deal over the filling and the dams operations out. and so he has more from addis ababa. the minister doctor celeste, you back, kelly said that there was no major problems. he did not affect amy water levels. he said that the amount of water.


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