tv [untitled] July 20, 2021 6:30pm-7:00pm +03
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growing opposition by running costs in japan, thousands of athletes will compete in mc stadium amid the program. the virus comes out to 0 will be inside the bubble to bring them later from the games, like no other unprompted and uninterrupted discussions from our london broadcast center on our jazeera. ah ah, the news out here of the readings on the top stories amazon found and brilliant jeff pays off, has returned from his maiden space voyage. the new shepherd cross last adult with its crew, including all his brother and the youngest and oldest people who have ever been in
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space. the capital reached the highest of around 100 kilometers above, before touching down. not 10 minutes later. the news, 3 rocket spine towards afghanistan's presidential palace in the capital cobbled they could be heard as president found he was leading prayer for a lot of german chancellor. anglo merkel is promising emergency aid for regions affected by the worst plots in decade. she's made a 2nd visit to the area to clean up operation. last week's disaster continues. not chinese diplomats are denying that paging is responsible for cyber attacks against western nations. the u. s. u. k and other allies are using china protecting hackers in gauging what they call malicious cyber activity, including a breach on the microsoft exchange email server early this year. as a hacker, groups protected by beijing were responsible and compromise tens of thousands of computers worldwide. it is one of
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a range of cyber threats. china is being blamed for, including ransomware attacks involving millions of dollars. and a french prosecutor has opened an investigation into the use of spyware. that can hack ferns, the one known as pegasus. it follows investigation into widespread use of spying technology from israel and a 3rd group. the report, the report claims, hundreds of journalist activists and politicians, but targeted to french journalist taking them out as a court thing moroccan intelligence use the software despite on them. poly madison balance with us now editor in chief and spokesperson for reporters without borders on scott from parents pulling. thank you for your time, i believe. and this is separate. so what i mentioned about a french prosecutor bad report is about board is actually wants to start its own legal action. can you tell us about that? yes, absolutely. and actually as we speak, we have just the side. don't complain to in perry this afternoon along with 2
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french morocco, new john, easter or novels key and math manjeet. so you have the exclusion formation that this afternoon. yeah. after the relation of the begin this project on the use of this and the railing year company. and so that the, the, when he took june of the we decided that and he said to file a complaint against the best and no, no. but actually the complaint he's actually, we aimed at the, at nasa and we've been denouncing the action of the, from the 2017. and so the plan that we hope that the we, the complaint i mean goes on the procedure to identify the perpetrator. then of the open in question because in the 118 germany there are 13 french germany here, a concert. and i was reading
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a statement from your secretary general saying that where democratic governments to place an immediate moratorium on the sale of surveillance technology until safeguards have been established to prevented the price of use. i mean, how do you do that? once this technology is out there, that's, i mean, how do you safeguard against it being used in various ways. if people are going to want to do that, they'll find a way well, i think it's very important that the organization such as a reporters with or borders raises wellness on the dangerous semester. so the in plus it, it targets some people. it is not like the usual, if i may say so should be in st. john. nice the or activist, i get the name by name for the activities. so i think the fact that we want to way to the international community, the europe and community, as well as the danger of the semester civilians and just put on hold. just
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establish, ask for more authority on these tools. is our rule as well? i think it's important that everyone understands and realize the danger of the such a message, civilian is part of the problem and dealing with this, going to be the fact that you're dealing with authoritarian governments with closed governments with close societies where these things happen and countries which probably don't usually listen to the calls of the outside world. this is true, but this is also the core of our action as reporters without borders. also try to prevent the action of the right during that regime. try to sometimes talk to these already. dian regime and try to the jews thanks to the legal actions trying to prevent try,
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try them convicted. and so even though. ringback we realized that the message in front of us, it's necessary to react to on the legal form to but also on the moral form to this is whether it's on the moral. so it's the legal action to prevent them to, to continue. and also it starting from that, of course that will be the following actions as we have in france, fallen as marvell from reporters without borders in paris. thank you so much for your time. we appreciate it. molly's in term president asked me go into has survived an attempt on his life in the capital bama code. he appeared on national television just hours after a man trying to stamp him during prayers in the cities. great mosque,
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going to says he is doing well and there would always be people trying to cause instability or to to power in june after leaving the countries 2nd cou in less than a year and interests. with more now he's monitoring, develop from a boucher nigeria. the military leader, i seen a greater colonel awesome a greater was entering in the mosque when the attacker suddenly launched, launched at him with an ice. the presidency insist that he's safe, but others reports suggest that he may have been struck in the arm he's attack. i was posing us and i sure into the most when, when, when i was passing by, then he attacked him. now i see me is currently in his 1st year in office says the foster school almost the 1st year and his office is the 1st school. remember, you took over power in august of 2020 and then 9 months, one month after he was sworn in as the vice president of the interim government,
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he deposed the president, the civilian president and the prime minister, 9 months after. and now he's waiting. he has 6 months on record now to organize elections. according to our 10 people agreed by the economic community of west africa still a course and the interim government in molly's now. the current situation in molly of such a difficult one. because 1st of all, the french of announced that they're pulling out of the i g 5 security formation in molly. and we've seen also an increase in the types by groups in money. now, what is not clear, the moment regarding today's attack is whether or not the attack was carried out by one of the groups operating in malia and neighboring states like new jersey booking a fossil a south african court has a jun, former president, jacob zoom, is corruption, trial until august, the 10th zoom is accused of receiving drives from
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a french armed manufacturer attending back to 90909, which he denied his arrest sparked the worst post apartheid violence. the country thing is lawyers argued, the case should be delayed by 3 weeks because of that unrest and coven 19th. and smith has the latest now from durban. the prosecution say it's another delaying tactic. it's become locally known in south africa as the stalingrad defendants. and the prosecution said this was stalingrad fees and 27 stalingrad because there have been so many attempts to hold back any prosecution of jacob's man. he's a tried to avoid prosecution. now for more than 10 years and attempts to bring him to court have been seen as seen as a test of south africa's ability to hold the powerful and connected to accounts. we should point out that jacob junior is in jail. he's in jail for contempt of court on another instance for failing to give,
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refusing to give evidence to another corruption inquiry. so there is clearly the success in holding the powerful to account in that regard. he will stay in prison for the moment until another hearing decides whether he should be released from prison or not, but this hearing will be back on august, the 10 it relates as a quick reminder to allegations of corruption right back in 1999, 16 charges of fraud, a relating to the purchase of fighter jets, a military equipment from 5 european countries. this case specifically talis jacob zulu is deputy president at the time he rejects accusations of corruption. but going back to 999, an indication of how long jacob's room is trials and tribulations have dominated the political scene here in south africa, the winner of peruse presidential election has finally been declared 6 weeks after the vote itself, teacher and union leader pet pedro castillo has won by just $44000.00 votes,
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with official results, delayed after accusations of fraud by the losing candidate. take her for him already. she now faces trial on unrelated corruption chances that like this. now with my dana sanchez in lima, marianna has k for him already accepted this well, come out, she has really acknowledged the results, but she has not accepted per se the result. she has called the result, the proclamation of illegitimate. and she has said last night in a press conference right before the proclamation that she the, the, the, the, the truth would surface and that neils government feels, party have stole bolts from, from her. so as she has not, and she could, she could be
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a problem in the next few governments because she could lead a coalition of the rights in congress. although she doesn't have the majority of legislators in for with like she did in the, in the last 5 years and created that was able to create the political instability around the country. now she does not have the lead, but she does have a number of congressmen that can make life difficult for mid august. the however, will she be able to continue and maintain this political opposition in congress? it is highly unlikely come out because she, she has most 3 times i'm election and now there are other political leaders who want to take the lead on the right in the, in the country. so she has lost and she also faced the 30 years in prison for corruption charges. so mainly you will be looking into right when coalition
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probably that would be more difficult for him than take a for him or herself. if we can put aside all the controversies which you've just outlined, marianna, what is it that the new president? because you will have to deal with what is the most important thing to deal with? improve at the moment? does it come down to coven 19? well i think call that 19 is probably one of the most important issues because peru has been hard to kid by the pens that make wonderful company. husband work hard hit, but people here are not only talking about the demick and we're worried about the demick. there is a huge campaign for vaccination. near a 3rd of the country already has at least one vaccine. but most importantly, there is a lot of poverty. the condemning made by 3000000 more programs for already from the large amount of work that exist in a group. and so pay look
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a feel we'll have to try to bring back jobs to those people and, and deliver on his promises of change. people want change of the constitution because they feel that that will change their lives. that, of course, will not happen. and there's a large opposition against the changing the constitution. it will be very hard for him to. it will be very, very hard for him to deliver on his promise if she will have to explain to peruvian what she can and what she can't do. come all money, haven't sanchez in lima petrie? thank you for that. now thousands of works of arts that going on public display in south korean museum. so the 1st time, denatured by the late chairman of the samsung empire, because he died last october, leaving behind tens of thousands of pieces of art that requested has stirred up
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a fissure of controversy, as well as rob mcbride explains from soul it's been described as the donation of the century, a treasure trove of art that includes works by some of the world's most renowned and sought after masters, combined with the most famous of korean artists, both model and classical. in addition, a vast wealth of artifact charting, korea, cultural heritage, spanning hundreds of years of diagnostic rule. and this is an unprecedented lot skilled donation. it is meaningful in enriching the cultural aspects of this museum. the can, he not only devoted his life to making samsung, the global brand, but also to building one of the world's largest private collections. following his death. last october, it was announced, his family would pay a record inheritance tax bill of $10000000000.00. at the same time donating to the
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nation, a sizable part of the private art collection totaling $23000.00 pieces. you know, i've seen a leak on his collection. can be called a miracle of the world. it will invigorate our national culture, rewrite the history of modern and contemporary korean art and enriches of a committee set up to choose. a permanent home for the collection has decided upon especially built museum and sole rejecting attempts by provinces across south korea to be chosen. and the current predicament facing lees son and the defacto head of samsung has added further control. the c. j y lee is currently serving a 2 and a half year prison sentence, and a long running high profile bribery case that's been widespread speculation that donation of this art could be part of a behind the scenes ill to get him released. critics say there shouldn't be any
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kind of deal, and j y lee should serve his full term. but certainly the size of this gift means the li families, popularity has increased significantly with a recent polls showing a majority of people in favor of granting li, pardon whatever the immediate impact of this donation. the artistic richie is on offer are certain to thrill appreciative art lovers for generations to come. rob mcbride, al jazeera, so for the 2nd year in a row, only a limited number of people have been allowed to visit islamic holiest site in mecca to mark the beginning of a lot to her. it is usually one of the world's largest religious gatherings that attract more than 2000000 from any 60000 and vaccinated saudi resident, they're actually taking part in this is had pilgrimage because of corona virus restrictions. return to our top story. that is the blue origin flight today by
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amazon found the jeff phases which went to the edge of space, of course, in a 10 minute flight. returning to it safely, the beginning of a news conference now with well, they've been called astronauts, i guess when you go to the edge of space, you more of an astronaut than most ah, and they are about will they look like they're receiving some sort of metals or pins at the moment. let's have a little listen. i had received a special gift of the astronaut perspective. i know that you will do good things with it and make the world a better place. congratulations. yeah. did you join me please? so excited for you guys.
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there are a few people i know more deserving this jeff seriously. and i don't know what you're going to do next, but i can't wait to watch. congratulations and wally, would you do? 06 years. i get to genocide. wow. this bit i've ever had my life. i've had lots of while you continue to inspire us. thank you so much for doing that. god bless you. congratulations. thank you. more to the
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oh. the 1st for of millions to follow. again. the new if international astronaut, the crew of new shepherd, congratulations all for you. so with that we do do, how was it the right? yes. what, what was it like? cuz everything you imagined i can answer that question, but just real quick please. i wanna thank a few people 1st of all, all of the engineers or boards and who have toiled hard to get this done. the
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people who build the vehicle of our manufacturing people is a big team. they were working on it for many years and they have done an extraordinary job of building the most reliable, most beautiful, most fun. i mean, i can vouch for that. i'll get to that in a 2nd vehicle and we owe them a deep gratitude and the people who kept us safe today who operated vehicle. our trainers. everybody is as huge. i also want to think the toner, big horn. this is a small and amazing little town and you know, we're making a dent in it, and we appreciate you for allowing us to be part of your town. and then i also want to think every amazon employee and every amazon customer because you guys paid for all this so seriously for every amazon customer
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out there and every amazon employee. thank you from the bottom of my heart very much. it's very appreciated. and you know now on how it felt, oh my god, what expectations were high and they were dramatically exceeded the the we were talking about this a little bit in the car right. on the way back. and i don't know the the, the 0 g p. smith and one of the biggest surprises because it felt so normal . it felt like almost like we were as humans involved to be in that environment, which i know is impossible. but it felt so serene and peaceful in the floating. it's actually much nicer than being and for one gravity. it's
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a very pleasurable experience just from this year just where it feels to tactless of it. that it you know, the, the most profound piece of it for me was looking out at the earth and looking at the earth atmosphere. every astronaut, everybody who's been up into space. they say this that it changes them and look at it and they're kind of amazed and an off struck by the earth and its beauty. but also by its fragility. and i can vouch for that. when i look out, you know, we were sitting in this room and were driving our cars, were moving around the planet. and our normal was the atmosphere so gigantic. were these tiny little things in the planet, the atmosphere so big. but when you get up above it, what you see is it's actually incredibly thin, if this tiny little fragile thing. and as we move about the planet, we're damaging it. and you know, so that is, you know, that's, that's a very profound, it's one thing to recognize that intellectually,
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it's another thing to actually see with your own eyes, how fragile it really is. and that was amazing. who, who want to add oliver, you want to tell us how it was our 1st paying customer. you feel like you got your money's worth sir? no, it's so amazing to see it from above and to move around. like yes, i totally agree. feel so natural like almost like we should be doing this. and i hope that we are one of the 1st and let's hope that many, many more people can do this because this experience, you should share more and more people. it's so amazing and a special congratulations to you on becoming the youngest person to have ever flown and you brought with you out there. the next generation of space explores, but certainly another flag up there, the netherlands. it's everybody out there than other ones. there's the new dutch
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flying man. there you go. ha. margaret, you should say that you told me in the car about the g forces? i thought that was really interesting. well, i was, i was surprised. i mean, they had told us what, you know, what the g forces would feel like on the way up and, you know, again, it's one of those things that you hear about us dissipate. but you know, you really feel them on the way up. it was incredibly exhilarating and then you know, on the way back down what i had not anticipated. so we hit 5 g 's briefly on the way back down. and that's, that's a lot of pressure. and unfortunately during the, the, the status check for each. each astronaut, by the time they got to astronaut demo, which was the name i was flying under, we're at 5 jeez. and so they're like not demo how you doing very hard at our responding, but i'm not sure what the video footage will look like. probably not very pretty,
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but anyway, it was like if you haven't figured it out yet, while it might be the oldest person over space and all over the youngest person to ever be my brother is the nice person have for sure. i haven't before i want to do a couple of more things before we baby go to next question, which is i want to recognize to people who here in the audience. we are honored today to have ellen shepherd's daughter's laura and julia, could you stand up just briefly? we could say shepherd was apollo, moon walker, and has a gigantic list of accomplishments. but for our purposes today, the thing is most interesting about our shepherd is that he is the namesake for this vehicle, new shepherd, and those because the pro,
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the mission profile that we did today is very similar to the one that alan flew when he became the 1st american in space. so guess 60 years ago. so that is we are very honored to have you guys here and thank you for joining us. it's incredible. i got some pictures with them backstage and i know those are getting blown up big. thank you. so and i have a couple of things to show that's can we start? you want to talk about the couple of things we flew like to go ahead. we did so we had the opportunity to bring with us actually on loan from the explorers club. we are able to fly with a piece of canvas from the right flyer. so the, the plane at the wright brothers flew. we brought a piece of that canvas with us, which was really powerful as well as a bronze medallion that was made from the 1st hot air balloon flight in 1783, which was the 1st time man ever left the earth and controlled flight. so were very
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thrilled to be able to bring both of those along with us. and we brought those infectious objects back. yes, we did and the explorers club will be pleased. they're very happy about that. and we have one more thing which i would actually just like to show you, if you could some who has the goggles, could you please bring them up to me? yeah. would you hold up? credible, so you see as soon as i can faces this also flu. these are amelia earhart goggles, the when she flew across the atlantic with solo. and you can see she put tape over them to kind of make, have less like come in because it was so bright all day and she was flying for so long. and they're just, i like to think that if amelia were here to be very, very proud of wally
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and i just came. i was just doing the wherever you are. we hope you're watching all. thank you. back. precious cargo. and well on that note. wally. oh, i'm sorry. oh please go. thank you. lauren. just remind me i have one more thing which is an christina i might need your help on this, but mom could you come up per 2nd, whereas my mom okay, you don't have to come up. i can come to you i have i wore this were this necklace were this necklace and it is a lords and feather and i word up in space and now it's.
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