tv [untitled] July 25, 2021 9:00am-9:31am AST
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ah, how busy are you? i am in ron calling and go hold the top stories on our desert demonstrates his across brazil, calling for the impeachment of president john both scenarios over his handling of cove at 19 police is paula 5. take us in crowds, who also angry over corruption allegations was nora continues to downplay the virus despite the staggering of more than half a 1000000 brazil, monica, and a kid was one of the demonstrations professors here. and we have the narrow, are there protesting about many things the government does playing of the camp and
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the president's scorning of the health safety measures the slow rollout effect which has picked up in the last couple of weeks. but still brazil was a country that should not have had the problem because it is a country that is usually prepared for mass vaccination. and this did not happen at this time. police in paris have you tig us to disperse protestors who posed plans for a so called a virus path in france. well, no 160000 demonstrated across the country. the proposal would mean that people have to prove that vax and or virus status before they can enter restaurants or cultural venues. if only you see we are here mainly to protest against the health paths against the obligation of the health path everywhere. because it's discriminatory. it divides the citizen. it defines people. that's why we hear what i think
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systematic vaccination is too extreme and too risky. and i'm also very shocked by the extension of this to children. i think they have nothing to gain and we are taking too many risk to try and save our eldon's. half kansas spent the 1st night under a nationwide curfew imposed by the government for the calls security reasons. oh, but 3 of the countries $34.00 provinces are subject to the new restrictions. the army is trying to hold a telephone advance. we're just seeing the group made large territorial gains. us a defense actually lord austin was cautious about the african armies ability to self a group. and i think the 1st thing to do is to make sure that they can slow the momentum and then and then be able to put themselves in a position where they can re take some of the games that the taliban. some of the ground that they've lost. so i think,
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i think from my engagements with the afghan leadership, they are committed to that and. and so we look forward to, to them making progress, they have, they have the capabilities. i have a capacity to, to make progress and to, and to really began to blunt some of the taliban advances french present. manual mcroy is on his 1st official trip to the overseas territory of french polynesia. is expected to discuss the legacy of nuclear test as well as the threats of the uns from rising seas. for carried out nuclear tests in the pacific from the 19671990 s . and a recent study showed france vastly underestimated. the impact on island is health . when the hope will lacrosse will offer. compensation for radiation victims was i don't, don't really see doing them on the bottom. we expect the president to ask for forgiveness . just as he recognised the colonization that took place. and now jerry, as
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a crime, we also expect him to clear that it was criminal in a form of colonization. that's linked to utila power here in the pacific. it's not a question of money above all. they try to present us is permanent beggars, but this country needs to be pacified, be reconciled with itself and its people. the french state is to blame a storm of pricing. japan has made for good conditions for certain things. w. as olympic sport, brazil's itala pierre came out ahead in the men's 1st round, he edged out local favorite japan's heroes hero to a horror, both f as now advanced, the 3rd round and japan's you to hurry, gummy has won the 1st of escape voting competition. taken gold and the men st event karate and climbing or to other sports, being seen for the 1st time. those headlines news continues here on out there often once upon a time in punch bowl. ah,
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me. i came to us from live on to get away from the war that was happening at the time and they came to restart the life as a migraine, when i showed up i i struggled. it was very difficult. i wanted to give us every data that was at the beginning. i'm like my parents sick 1st a lot to decades, liberty, families come to australia to build a better life and escape the destruction of all but many
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a demonized in the new land. get rid of this multi culturalism because that is dividing a full service and then up to 15 years of immigration from lebanon, anglo, and arab australia is divided by the 1st gulf. they are being confronted with a choice between being either arab or restraint. it's up to now the multicultural story is your 1st i already answered this question. i'm starting to present these doors and i shouldn't ask them john, my odyssey chip is talking about the about this in as well. in the 190908 tiny criminal minority become drug dealing gang to define the law. these games will be wiped
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in 2001 kara rhythm, re the see is that arab australians are an enemy within 35 years later. and he, our pension explodes into one of the most infamous, right? try it straight in his just a little each week and a 1000. we have been in fisher effect for 30 years. the people converged on chronology. what happened on that sunday and chronology is a black all 3 countries in am. i live in a garage. what am i not? i am a stallion. i am living. i am movement. i'm a mother. i'm a georgia, i'm a child. i'm all that anyone. this is a story of what it's like to be living and call a trailer at home. we are
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a strategy and, and this is our homeland is where we belong. and this is what we have. i i the 150 police on homes across sidney southwest early this morning, 9 people arrested for a string of violent crimes. over the past year, the murders nick having and the single long thing noise. there was a lot of creams on the streets. there was a lot of crime with the police couldn't creep on the streets except what the, what the rules the streets. let's put it this way. and at that time there was no one to stop them. in sidney,
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south western lebanese criminal, the said to be running out of control. punch, bowl thanks, town can't read the came back in the suburbs. it describes by law enforcement officials as hot bits of concept cocaine, trafficking, and violence. me sounds way. sidney is the center of extraneous live in a community. ah, the $990.00 deeply religious and conservative community is being terrorized by a tiny minority of criminals from both christian and muslim family. we suffered as a community because over kids we're dealing with drugs there with drug addict there . we're making good money and just kill people. it was so easy for them in such
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a mentality to kill people. they sold their weird, untouchable. ok. yeah. in the mid 90 ninety's, you got the growth of crime of drug gangs who sort of stuff which is essentially the consequence of not planning for multiculturalism. this is sort of if there isn't, if you like of criminal delinquency as a preferred lifestyle is the choice you make when access to the normal rewards and normal pathways a society is blocked. i don't really subscribe to the societies to blame sort of train of thought. my family are aren't here in the sixty's and we probably could have use more of a hand than what we got. but you make 2 and you get on and you possibly make
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success of all your efforts and your life. yet egyptian born new south wales deputy police commissioner nick called us still recognizing the pressure of growing up arab in wider estrella. i think anybody who says that there is no racism in sydney, australia as they hit in the sand. there is racism. and that doesn't contribute to some extent to people being united and people go down the wrong path. in fact, with sydney, the wrong path means gang activity, the publications order the police to use 0 tolerance, the gangsters get personal threatening offices and their families thought the environment was significantly fallen lebanon. these games running the straight it involve public place, shootings, night, kevin's murders. it was in the face,
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ball crawl, who were proud of is money and a proud of the easily gained wealth. there were the greatest enemy till the community at that time. and we needed to make a stand against them. wanted to form a partnership between the law abiding citizens and over community. and the new south was police again was criminal element. a lot of the live in these young gangsters thought our bigger than i thought that our unbreakable and untouchable. and that's why i tried doing seem like the place to 18 year old was shot twice in the legs in a pockets conch paul up the weekend for heating the area in the past. and with the rise of the criminal gangs comes and insidious influence. american gangster culture
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in music and movie at the powerful effect on australian lebanese to see when you watch gangster movies in the and you see all the money in the last all of those sort of make you want to give that lifestyle growing up in banks town with them i, you known as westy is like many young teenagers with a passion for gangster rap. when you become a j o is open up to a lot of things and just to follows 6 drugs in rock'n'roll and we can direct you to different paths. read the videos and the like cars and blaine and girls and guns. that's the culture that they grew up in. family. okay. it grows up surrounded by a similar culture but graduates university and works in management. we are
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a very mild dominated culture as well. there's no, there's no denying that and i'm, i guess, to prove you man who did a lot of cases. yeah. you show how much you've earned with your cars and, and jewelry and, and everything else being on the streets and hanging with my friends sort of did mean identity with everyone starts to know who you are and they start the fees because of you and your boys ah, it's just things that you do when you're young and stupid and not really thinking brought up in a conservative catholic family in nearby parameter george basha and his friends also aspire to the glamour of gangster rap. i think it creates, they don't see really say cool. i need to go and you do it and not thinking, thinking ahead, us thinking in the moment it's always in the moment when he
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comes from a concern that he's working class family to immigrate during the lebanese civil war . when i was young, i had a very good i had everything offered to me from my mother and father, and i had all the love and affection from them. he does well at school until he and his friends discover drugs. a series thought of switching. they're one of the 1st thing we started taking. alco then went to ecstasy, then it went to illustrate. then i went to cocaine. and my father decided me is still the night shamia mates and i'll tell you future, which is so true. that's really all off track because we're all doing the same thing. getting on drugs, making money to support a drug habit. and just like in every community in sydney,
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anglo or not. the drug culture crosses generations many who stray down the wrong path when they're young. turning to worried parents back with twenty's when we're in control and a phone call, you can get hands on any of the united ends on from coca to marijuana, to, to guns, to whatever. and you want to end up with a phone call, fellow cares. little brother, sam has some run ins with the law and he's lucky to avoid jail. but it's a father with a young family. he worries about the drug record evolving in southwest sidney. when you get older and more mature, you want to keep you and you have kids, you want to keep your kids as far away from stuff like that as possible. you don't want to say the things that you're saying you don't want them to do the things you've done. i've had a lot of unfortunately interaction with people on drugs and all the dealing all
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with people actually using an unfortunate coast on their community. and we've drums come violent. i've seen, i've seen i've seen people get step. you know, i've seen i've seen it all by the early, 900 ninety's. george basha is a panel waiting apprentice by day and a d. j at night. but with the gangsters dominating the streets. he's also the son of a worried mom. he worked each day on all the time. i was writing, i see in the window all the time i see some custom. i look from the window. if george back home line or not soon his back home, i feel comfortable eisley, my husband said to me, crazy, we solid noise. you see in the window. i filled them because i was want to, he way different places. you know what's happened day?
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you know, it was a, some people in the wrong. some people have trouble might because i was trying to get in a puff that late. and joe went to my mom, you know, get to find goes at, we're going to find tommy, all your friends 40 for his life with when you want to be. and he asked me, it's just been a lot to pull him and nave. lead him up and he's falling suppose walking or not making the thought of your friend laming hospital. she is coming from all over his body. i remember a coin was very the way the crying and south turned away and then i went home and sleep couldn't sleep 9 thinking 4 kids and danny shraed, that's me. what for wednesday and his teenage crew,
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the big life lessons are still to come. for them, drugs and petty crime go hand in hand with 16 to make money on to to puff of doing crime. majority of those kids, the parents i 1st generation, they came in from lebanon and they didn't have much control overs at kids activity . and they didn't know what that kids were doing, even though some of them were using their parents' home as a distribution center for drugs. and that sort of things. ah, but with these parents and not so naive, my parents eventually started to know the rose taking drugs in that i was making
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money because my mom would find a lot of casual mutual fund juries you'll find, you know, she started uncovering things, bit by bit and so she asked me, where did you get to law found to make some excuse. but she knew all was doing long feelings. ah, and for wasted dad, there's only one response. physical violence more father tried to discipline me in that form, but it really doesn't work when you have someone it just makes them rebuild. ah. and in the mid to late 19 ninety's. this is way in many rebellious lebanese tains. find a drug supplies. tilapia straight punch bowl. disquiet family enclave becomes the illegal drug distribution center for southwest sydney to load
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the street was renee on for being a violent and organized drawn area. there was significant drug distribution taking place from runners. the lower level straight deal is full drugs. so there would be a lot of cars going dental. i. peace trade looking for dealers to have them supply drugs to people going to the store. it was actually the same as any fast food out there you go. they still put 5 2nd to get to officially it's only a handful of dealers, but they terrorized the strange directly linked to formatted and 25 shootings. this was the korea they tried. they continued on a tradition of other people. hood, involved in organ, always called at some of those young men,
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knew nothing gills bought to be criminals. unfortunately, there was a well founded fear at that time that if people went to the police station to give them any kind of information, those criminal criminal element would know about it and they'll come to retaliate. it's difficult for people to to stand up and give evidence as a witness against some of those cron gigs cuz i was on. and as we saw later on, i would shoot and kill people who they thought were going to give evidence against me for the hello p, a straight gangsters, pan guns, a part of everyday life drug drug dealings and carrying guns. do i go hand in hand on people protecting itself? i guess. and unfortunately, a gun culture certainly has come into prominence every on the guns are supplied by crooked gun deanna. and it's the beginning of illegal
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international gun in port through the post. so suddenly you've got the capacity of young people to get guns, fuel by money, and they see themselves as likely new drug lords, they're on a short fuse. they think money is easy and the place will never touch them. there were significant place response to this which, which resulted in police undertaking surveillance coven operations until i p. s. trade. buying drugs themselves. making sure that on the cover pretty so down the street. identifying that as you're responsible for selling the drugs, the police under political pressure to get tough on crime. also struggle to keep the community on side. community policing at that time did not
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exist. police officers on the street did not communicate as a force communicated and treated young people and a very bad manners. and at the same times, there was the idea was in the community that it is, all of corruption was in the police force itself. i think from a policing perspective, engagement is, is key. it's all important perhaps in some ways in the, in the ninety's we were not as engaged as we could have been as a relationship with the police becomes increasingly fractured. christian and muslim families are grouped by crime and an epidemic that steals their children. a lot of young people were buried much earlier than was, should have because of their drug habits. a lot of family way to broken at that time because of the drug habits. and pat and didn't know how to deal with it
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just did not know how to deal with it. i have seen it 1st hand in my capacity as a general practitioner, we had an excess of 80 different families. they were all mother or father or sister, or brother of a head when addict and over community that was staggering. ah, as to low p. s st. think deeper into the criminal abyss west. he moved from south west sidney to pick up the drug trade in kings. cross, when i was 7 friends or leaving the city and making all the money and living the high life, ah. but when he high on drugs, it's a robbery that finally brings western world crashing down on the train. and there was free individuals which started to swear at me in arabic,
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on them once warned them twice, one them 3 times. they wouldn't listen for of pull out on live and lined up for being all 3 of them, which really didn't have to do because already making a lot of money in the city. but being off my head, i've done so and stripped them of the roots. he's arrested and convicted of robbery and says a year in jail with 2 years parole and back on to lo, be a straight punch bowl to violent drug trade. 4th of the teenager to pay the ultimate price school boy. but lee was bashed, stabbed, and shorthand. in the end it was a single knife wound to behalf which killed it. and people already reeling are about to be demonized. a 14 year old korean school boy is stabbed
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when he walked into the wrong front yard by mistake. edward and 4 friends, a job pulled up, but they caused my 15th birthday. a young boy going to a birthday party. it just happened that there's the party antelope. yes street. he went to the wrong house, said the flags. why he looked, they stopped him. it wasn't good for the community, but it's sort of fitting with a pattern of life around punch ball at the time. shootings and they kept things whatever you want to call it was, was unfortunately very common. at the time. edward's parents are receiving counseling. he was an only child. his friends have told police, they didn't know their attackers, and there was no reason for the killing. was done by what have to find who did it for the for the dental have
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me i think in some ways the matter of edward lee and to live yes. st. focused the whole lot of media and public attention on the street, on the, on, on staff with sidney. there were other murders that women, they were out of people who were killed in very tragic circumstances. but they didn't sort of, grabbed the like, imagination and the media attention the way the li murder did. and what happens next is kind of main, a disaster for the live in a community. and all those associated with are becoming a living legend of a young age, but simply not enough. he transformed his influence on the pitch into political clout the brought peace to the ivory coast. posted by eric comes to the football rebels, the life of drop by the football who succeeded,
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where politicians had not dropped the boy and civil war on out there. it's about the board and determined to succeed against the fight to keep on training by obstacle. i'll just tell themes fine story of the truth of the money when the future, their dream of playing football for that country. despite its culture and traditions, we are in the somalis authority, the people to accept tomatti football, golden, go on, just in the right here to report on the people often ignored, but who must be heard? how many other channels can you say will take the time and put extensive thought into reporting from under reported areas? of course we cover major and global offend, that are partial lives and making sure that you're hearing the stories from people
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in places like how was find libya and her region. and so many other. we go to them, you make the effort, we care. oh, i don't know. the top stories on al jazeera demonstrators have take the streets in bras, several brazilian cities calling for the impeachment of president john, both that are there angry over his handling of the crime of ours pandemic and allegations of corruptions. and people have also been pressed, protesting in european cities as governments push for vaccine, possible police in front of us to disperse crowds in the capital, demonstrators favor against a green pass that would only allow vaccinated.
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