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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2021 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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off at the same time, fancy should have been keeping up to watch sports left to make what memories they can of an elim picks that remain tantalizingly out of reach. and richardson, al jazeera, tokyo. and you can find that a lot more about the olympics on our website very days al jazeera dot com. also, of course, the latest on the main story that we're following. the developments in camecia. ah, now the top stories on al jazeera to nicea is facing its biggest political crisis since the 2011 jasmine revolution, which pro democracy to the country. there have been clashes between supporters and opponents of community of presidents have to re ousted the prime minister and froze parliament on sunday. government buildings have also been blockaded by the army. well, president, case said has imposed
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a nighttime curfew and has banned to travel between cities, as well as more than 3 people gathering on public roads or squares. he has denied accusations of a cru saying he is enforcing the constitution. security forces dressed in civilian clothing, stormed the offices of al jazeera in tunis. sole staff were told to turn off their phones and were then removed from the building. what they closed the office without promising any reason. a group of security men came in in civilian clothes. they broke into the office and took the keys and said these were the instruction as i asked the legal justification. but they did not have it. and they said they were from the ministry of interior. we carried out their instructions like they asked us, and my colleagues were prevented from taking their computers or other items. this procedure is arbitrary, the fear is meant to bring us back to the previous measures that were against freedom of the press and freedom of expression. president joe biden says the us
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will no longer have a combat mission in iraq. by the end of the year by didn't made the comments as he met iraqi prime minister unless stefan had the me at the white house. he says the u. s. will continue its counterterrorism cooperation with iraq and change its role to advising and training the iraqi forces. almost 10000 sudanese families are in emergency accommodation and floods devastate together if region in the southeast. it's the only state affected, but officials expect that other areas will be hate in the coming weeks, including the northern river nile state because of heavy rains in the e. c o. p, and highlands environmentalists say intensive. agriculture has made the flooding worse this year. those are the top stories that stay with us. the stream is coming up next. taking a look at the surgeon coven cases in indonesia. ah
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ah. ah. hi awesome. yeah. okay. you're watching the stream on today's episode. i'm going to take you to indonesia. yeah. which is currently recording the highest number of coding covered infections than anywhere else in the world. i want to start with a personal story and a little 10 year old boy. this is vino, last week reno last teeth mom and his dad. his mom was 5 months pregnant. she died last monday and then the following day. his dad died of covert. that's v
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knows family story, but of course indonesia, medical professions are also struggling to get a handle on the coven. 19 delta variant. this is a program about them and what indonesia is going to do about that. you don't want it badly because every source can we get to back in java and bali where they have a lot of resources, the situation still chaotic and cannot be handed. well. what about the people on the other islands when we, our resources are not as abundant as java? the hospital subjects 40 hours a week. that doesn't work because we are short on people. now we weren't able to 100 hours per week. yes. and they went off my friends, but all my colleagues to her as the way because i've been and it just so you know, it's just like moving home right in a battle. i think it's hard because i cannot feel like we are
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fighting the whole family and then all my friends what would you like to know about india's copay crisis? what would you like to share about indonesia as covey? crisis, excuse me. youtube comment section is right here. to be part of our program. anytime you have questions, i will do my best to put them into our conversation. so let's meet ad guess we have tiara. we have dr. berman and we have jessica g r a. welcome to the strange place in great international audience. tell them who you are more you do. thank you for me. hi everyone. i'm martinez. i'm a health systems researcher base that the demo university. but during cove it i'm based in the carter. it's good to meet you all had to am in the morning and carter . oh, good morning. that's commitment, right? delta but a man. thank you so much for getting up early, staying up late for us as well. appreciate you. introduce yourself to our global
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audience by me. good morning everyone. if you would, you mind give ologist and this is on me now i'm in and almost yes now and still not cannot go back to god that i but still have government dealing. ready with. ready me come back to into the moment dr. jessica. if you've been watching out a 0. you know jessica really well, jessica, just remind audience who you are. what you do. hi sammy, good morning. good evening, everyone. wherever you are, i'm part of the l to 0. asia pacific team and i'm the correspondence based in jakarta. jessica, if you would finding a story today, what would be your headline? what would be your lead? what would you say? this is what the world needs know about indonesia right now. was very difficult to say because there's so much happening and it's sort of just been this relentless
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cycle of news where there are so many various angles. so many things that we could focus on on any given day because it's not just about the immediate health implications. but beyond that, you know, what happens to the families who have lost their only bread winner. what happens to the children who have lost both their parents? and so this is a story that is very much one that keeps us busy because there is so much to explore. and i don't know that we'll ever have the time to do all of it. and then what's worth keeping in mind is indonesia geography, that what happens in java, what happens in bali does not represent the whole of the country. and so we need to be mindful of what's happening, not just here in the capital, but across thousands and thousands of islands. so it is difficult to say what we would focus on on any given day, could be vaccinations,
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it could be the impact on children. but there's always something that keeps us very busy. i'm just going to share on my laptop, jessica, this. this image here of indonesia because i 6000 islands. she said it is a vast area that we're talking about not just valley that people may know. i wouldn't bring you in tiara here because they're all locked down, locked down to happen that being multiple downs. what is the locked down situation right now? how effective are they paying since last year we have had around $23.00 locked down that different skill and also different scope. the current one might be one of what we like to say is the trick, this one. but it's not really effective. as we can see in the streets in jakarta, i guess some activities have have slowed down. malls are close, but a lot of people are still flocking around and that doesn't help really with the
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transmission of covert 19. a lot of it are due to economy. reasons, but also the, the inefficiency in policy in the community does a goodman, i deliberately didn't start the show with numbers. and this is the number of people who be an infected this number of people being tested. because it's very difficult to do got into the actual, difficult for any place in the world because we don't always know who has been infected. they even come to the hospital where they tested. can you explain what the problem is in particular for indonesia, for getting a grasp of the true number of people infected as you number? who? who passed away? yeah, miss. so classic problem for me says since the beginning of week, because then we don't have enough the capacity for the past. and actually at this,
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at the beginning stage, actually we, we shouldn't do this one. i mean, this testing and pressing capacity, but then now the, the complexity of, of probably already be huge enough. and as me, she says, really island and the huge population around 270000000. and the disparity of how system among the islands are the main problem, especially out of the island. and as i say to me, i should say that the was that we talk about, you know, nisha, then we read it for and among the island we have, let's say i meet island. so currently what happened in the leases contrib youth by on the job, la valley and my island that contributed the peak. now the peak of indonesia,
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i'm assuming because that's where the population is concentrated on those i collect yes. okay. yeah. and, and if, if we talk then about the next day, then you don't learn from what happened in java, then not so use a situation will happen in so much and even in play, what they already started now. and, you know, the problem now is about the, again, the best thing. because then without enough intervention on testing, then we don't have enough data and we don't have enough to know what is the real like most of us around the if you don't know who's infected because they how can you tackle it? how can you keep separate, jessica? go ahead. yeah. the thing is with what, what you were talking about with, you know, why testing is so important and what the doctor put him in referred to in terms of
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not really knowing the scale of the outbreak. because testing has been so consistently low that the impact on the ground. and what we've seen with our reporting is you have these field teams as sort of roving medics who are trying to capture some of the overflow of patients who can't get into the hospitals. and increasingly, some of the people that they're monitoring, what they have told us is they've sort of grown sadly accustomed to finding people dead in their homes. because in one sense, people never got the opportunity to speak to a doctor. and other people may have been sick with some sort of symptoms, but never had the opportunity to be tested for coven 19. so what that means is, so many people are dying and i don't think we'll ever have a sense of how many people we lost to this current surge or the outbreak as a whole. because we never really had the testing mechanisms that we needed.
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let me just go to you, chief guess i have so many questions for you. i'm going to use slides. and while i have you, this is lecture we are going to put like the question to you. let's is interested in how the government is helping the very poor since so many things are closed, the financially well off a fine. but what about the poor tiara? that's a very good question and that's, i think relevant not just see no need you, but a lot of low middle income countries facing the spend demik. the government has set up some social assistance programs, but the number of coverage and also the amount of money being given out, or direct. for example, for food supplies and stuff. is there a minimum, for example, one of the largest programs has been subsidizing one family for a route $30.00 to $45.00 per month. it will not be enough to subsidize for the loss of income faced by
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a lot of people working in the formal factor which is around 70 percent in indonesia. and we have also seen a rice in unemployment by 1800000 people during the covey that make yes and that's, that's a lot to do with also in the centralized system in indonesia where we have the central government, the province and the district government. so some of the districts are doing well because they might be able to mobilize extra funding or convert hospitals and more support to the people. but then it also means there are a lot of other provinces and districts that cannot cope due to limited funding or weakness in the governance system. i have to thought see that i think the same day adults so on you choose the religious people, indonesia. i don't believe in covey. and then this thought from
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a video comment that jessica helped us actually drill down into so we were getting a sense of how the people into nuclear dealing with the whole idea of covered 900, have a look, have a listen, dr. and then react of the back of a place mr. information. slight hospital will enforce corporate 19. was it if that was any patients? are that interactions will kill patients instead of 5? or let me make people hesitant to see the depth on to go on because some of the people that believe to dismiss information's died because getting laid up in the french since we are looking for the have to count out of this dangerous mis informations. it is something that, you know, appear in was 67 didn't mind. and one of the reason is the communication strategy that was in the fully stage of this fund. them the
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government don't play, it's the situation. and this, this impact very, very much. and then even the one tries to fix the the, the start to do but then we. ready need the missing money case and the information already spread among the community. and the fact that honestly because did did, did, how does equality to dealing with the under make is not strong enough. and what's the cause in the life of control in good? i mean like that because the best thing now and then now we so many case infection in the hospital and also the number of days case among the community also increasing. so the, the panic in the community now is that ice and it's easy when we float pammy the
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misinformation. the conspiracy is easy to spread and this is set by the supervision is happening in indonesia. and of course there's the responsibility. ringback to deal with these and but then again, we thought, you know, a strong in the vanish and by the government to deal with these numbers like again . but as things because that the testing you should be like cream for them. so we will also minimize the burden, especially for the low economic status. and so then we have to, to give these you know, the missing information. so we use the local language, indonesia as main language. then we have many companies, even then not only use social media because this
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is the main information spread. it's not only by at least maybe as a social media, but this among most the most and the complexity situation in lisa. that's why, based on my class working for government use this come when the money is the local leaders, we use the context to deal with the issue always so then little languages and this is something i have to use. now, let me share with our audience this, this picture, jeff, on our company in just a moment to share this picture. because we started our entire discussion with medical professionals talking about how strange they were. this is a cop out of a hospital and they are using the car park outside for hospital bags. another challenge right here. this comes from louise hunt who had a question for,
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for you panel austin supplies, health workers vaccines, the urgent need of provinces. when is the international committee going to step up to properly respond to this crisis? before i put this to you get, i want to have a listen to a leaf. he talks more about this problem with oxygen and not having enough. and then what it is available, the price gouging, have a listen. a new needs that it has no producer for, for the season thing, all of the border. the 2nd one, the 2nd challenge is how to be feeling the oxygen in every day, our volunteer is joined with the company. the join the to be both to agree that have getting station and they brought about maximum to 10 because now i have feelings days and doesn't allow people who brought all very good things. and the, the, the regular, most of the students,
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the regular price now is about $300.00. they had a fence highest than the normal and t r. would it be fair to say that a government, 16 months into a global pandemic, should have a source of oxygen and shipping out to control price gouging of oxygen tags? would that be a fair critique? tiara? definitely, i mean the, it didn't just happened with oxygen supply, but we also see it early at the pen demik where p p e masks. are like 400 percent higher. that it shouldn't be because people are hoarding the supplies and taking advantage during the crisis. what else besides a strong government and a strong enforcement of the law really to help ensure that the distribution of the suppliers are going to places were needed,
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but also like police that the supplies are in very short supply anyway, and i think it's a good question we should see a more hand in hand collaboration across nations in facing this global pandemic. jessica, you're one of the few english speaking reporters. he's still actually in indonesia telling the story. so when one of our few says, what is the international community got step one of the, what are they going to help? what's your response? i mean, i think we have seen some assistance already from, from singapore, from australia, from the us. and obviously that's welcomed. but the reality is that so far that hasn't been enough that people are struggling. and a doctor that we spoke to recently said to me, she never imagined that she would be in a situation where she would have to ask patients to be why be way oxygen to come
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with a tank because the hospital may not have enough for them. and we spent a bit of time in our reporting outside an oxygen store talking to some of the people trying to buy oxygen for their loved ones. and some of the people in that line with children. and it is like what, what you just referred to for me, you know, 16 months into the pandemic. why isn't this government's, why didn't they do enough? and i think the response so far from indonesian authorities on, on the central government level has been very much reactive rather than proactive waiting for an oxygen crisis before they address the shortages. waiting for things to really spiral out of control before bringing in restrictions. everything is sort of waiting for the next bad thing, rather than seeing what happened in india, what has happened in brazil and trying to anticipate the next point in the crisis. doctor, i have one here. so i tell you, go, you go 1st, i go 2nd,
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go ahead. just wanted to add that the community participation and collaboration has been vital, apparently in indonesia. and i'm sure a lot of developing countries and developed countries as well, where people are really having hand and not just ensure that people have, or at least try to have access to oxygen supplies, but also donating plasma. could allison, for example, or just getting drugs to whomever need it? and that, unfortunately it's, it's a tragic thing as well. right? people are taking care of people when the country needs to also take care of its people. and that's, i think, when we have another pandemic which we certainly would have, one thing to make sure is, every country should have enough supply in mediating and handling their cobit 19 or other pandemic like what ty, one for example,
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have been preparing for the last 10 years just of what tiara was talking about. the volunteer culture here is you know, i think there are very few things to be optimistic about at this point. but really seeing this fall into your culture in action is it's very admirable and it's not just people trying to provide food for their neighbors who may have lost work. it's beyond that, people who are working on a volunteer basis as undertakers, collecting dead bodies, cleaning them for on behalf of the families who may not know the processes or maybe to sort of shocked and traumatized to do that themselves. so can you imagine, you know, being in a community and volunteering well into the night, we spoke to a woman who volunteers from midnight to morning basically trying to assist these families. and that's something that i think most countries wouldn't have that strong volunteer culture that indonesia has. but also on the same note haps,
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most countries wouldn't need that culture of volunteers and that indonesia had both of them. and i want to show you this story here from gideon, getting on social media. he knew we were doing this program. what is the leadership plotting to do in real time to alleviate the situation is a measurable preventative strategy to cover further loss of life. got to put him and you handle that. yes, this is what he calls or then the company's the role is very and i'm not the i'd also mentioned but the you know, because the, the problem for the entities now the complexity of the situation. it's not only impact the house, but the biggest i already mentioned this early of them is that we have to live in, in context. we have to leave and the complexity of supervision when we have to choose
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between how an economic and now you need to in this ration the complexity of then the government then choose seem less an option than they have to choose the want to be because then the strategy that they just they they, they. ready had the flow is not strong enough in revenge thing need what, what their watch can be then. and now i already the advice of the government that what you know, the ship to maintain that would be when more should case in hospice and also the number we have to. again, they have to strengthen their as being in person, complex thing, testing, testing it again and what context they have to do this. we should ation home the see because 80 to 85 percent of cases among many and
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otherwise we will see more big case number income. and now we already see even out of job by now, and i have a family ins surmise that i know some of that is not, not easy to get the medicine and in lamp. and i had my children, the salvation of bro them last week or of them what and you know, it took me like the days to get the ladies. thank you. you. you bring us to a close for this part of the conversation on a personal note, which is how we started. we started with a little boy family and we ended up with dr. goodman's family and his story. thank you for sharing that. you chief excellent questions. let me share here on our laptop, how to stay on top of the story from indonesia. $419.00 is concerned. dr. berman
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tiara. my very own out of the correspondent jessica washington. thanks for watching . everybody. see you next time. ah. ah, ah. ah . a year ago, one of the largest, you clear last history killed more than 200 people and injured 1000. the victims families still need answers. we want to compute just how did dangerous chemicals end up in baby support. let's be professional. it was not intended for me was on the and was the whole stockpile unloaded from the ship, the missing?
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i'm all and it wasn't. it was in one way or another in an illegal way before join me for their, for the full reports on elsewhere, theater. after a one year delay the tokyo olympics off finally to despite growing opposition and spiraling costs, fountains of athletes. convincing an empty stadium amid the corona virus and demick algae, here it will be inside the olympic bubble. bringing you the latest from a gains, right? no other the sandy beaches, gigi, free shopping, and low taxes could probably go island of high non become china's new hong kong. 11 east investigates on just iraq, with energy and change to every part of our universe. or small to continue the change all around the same shape my technology and human ingenuity.
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we can make it work for you and your business. ah, hello and barbara, sarah london. these are the top stories on al jazeera tunisia is facing its biggest political crisis since the 2011 jasmine revolution, which brought democracy to the country president case said has imposed the nighttime curfew and band public gatherings. this after he froze parliament and fire to key government figures sparking. 8 claims of a qu, the former prime minister should miss she, she says he will not be at the srp development and will hand over power to whomever the.


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