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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2021 4:30pm-5:00pm AST

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its complaint that they are systematically in iraq and the story needs to be told we watched the last helicopter, leave the roof, the evidence with exclusive interviews, and in depth report. if purple is your thing, this is the place. al jazeera has teens on the ground over 900 to bring you more award winning documentaries, and live on air and online. ah, the ah, this is the news out from al jazeera. these are the top stories reports that trinity, the judges of began investigating 3 political parties on suspicion of receiving
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foreign from among them the inactive party, the largest in the coalition government, which has been pushing for elections after president se dismissed the prime minister and parliament early this week you went to the big gymnastics champion, someone bounces the drawing from a 2nd delineated competition to focus on mental health. he withdrew from tuesday to final, after one vote plan has now room to itself out of thursdays, individual fool around me after president shop. and he's been giving a policy speech on the future direction of the country. i need to address though with light on detail about how to confront the taliban growing territorial. america's top diplomats reiterated the only path to peace in afghanistan is through negotiations. secretary state and he blinked and made those comments in india. he's there and his 1st visit since president joe biden took office blink and met his counterpart as j shankar and is expected to meet a prime minister to read remedy as well. what we're seeing on the ground in the
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last week is the taliban and making advances on district centers, challenging some provincial capitals. we've also seen these reports of atrocities committed by the taliban and areas that it's, that it's taken over. ultimately an afghan, a stand that does not respect the rights of its people. an afghan, a stand that commit atrocities against its own people would become a pariah state. more from elizabeth perone following the story from new delhi, us secretary of state anthony blanca and the external affairs minister j shanker said they spoke about a range of issues from regional security to counter terrorism, climate change, cyber and digital concerns, and also quoted line t and they both said that the response to close at 19 was one of the top priorities . both countries have been recorded the highest number of cases in the world. now,
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as to shanker said that he spoke about the need to ramp off vaccine production globally. but more importantly, to make back things more accessible around the world. he also raised travel restrictions between the 2 countries, travel challenges, and said that india hope the us will take a more sympathetic view to travel is coming from india. now this trip has been seen as part of the u. s. efforts to strengthen security ties in asia. again, the intensifying chinese influence in the region, but interesting, there was no mention of china directly. and the news conference which followed the talk between the secretary of state and the external affairs minister. but anthony, blinking did reiterate many times the needs of the 2 countries to work together to make sure that there was a free open, independent in the pacific region. and the other really big crucial issue for both
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the country because of course, of the sand with the us, with a drawing of military from, of gone to sean and india. being very concerned about that was told because of the regional security implications for india as an e blink. and said that they are alarmed by the reports of atrocity it's in areas with the taliban has been gaining ground. but they're committed despite the withdrawal to the afghan government entities and stability. and i've gone on and the said that have gone on must not be home to terrorism and cannot be a source of now lastly, anthony blanket was asked whether he brought up the issue of democracy, human rights minority rights with the indian government, given the indian governments back sliding was seen as back sliding on these issues at anthony lincoln. he defended what he called and the democratic values and said that no democracy is perfect. 3 american soldiers have been killed during fighting with a very forces and happened in the going to cut about the region where countries where
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the countries fought a war last year. as a, by john defense ministry accused armenian forces of what he called provocations, and said it's ami would continue to retaliate. terrorism president, elect federal castillo, has suffered a setback just prior to him being sworn in opponents in parliament of blocked his party. candidates from forming the new leadership in congress, members of custio's free period party were ruled out on a technicality. castillo, different party wants to rewrite the constitution across if it has concerned decision politicians. his money on a sanchez in lima for us money on a. what is this technicality? that means that he can't form a government will come all is literally he starting with the left to for, for he was unable to form a coalition in congress to lead the congress in the congress
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table or, or commission if you will, the presidency, the ice presidency of congress, that in fact is what it decides, what are, what will the agenda be every single day? and he is naturally every single new precedent house, a precedence in congress and vice presidency that will be in a closed came or members of his party. he was unable to be this, he wasn't able to name them, so he is not going to have. he's going to have a very rough time in order to pass the reforms that he wants so much to do. also, there's a lot of criticism just hours before he's been sworn in because no one knows who the cabinet chief is and who are his ministers. people are very critical of this because they want to know everyone wants to know what will be the trend of, of the government. will it be a government that is inclusive with moderates or will it be a government that has
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a heads members of the left wing extremist party that she represents. there was an internal war among them inside the party. and the chief of this party is these left wing, a stream extremist who wants to control it. what it does feel will do. and of course the, the, the issue, the topic of rewriting the constitution is not from something. and many people want 40 percent approved. and say, there should be some changes, but not total rewriting of the constitution come all the money and feels like all of this what you've just described. and the fact that it took me so long to actually be confirmed as, as president elect, it's all over shattering someone who is actually quite a historic character as far as presidential present. presidents go it is indeed a historical. he is a farmer. he is a primary school teacher, he's
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a vigilant, vigilant. he is, a farmer who takes matters into their own hands when there's no police in their communities. he is a, he's a member of which lengthy groups in his community. and he's also, but she's also a member of the who was member of the bedroom, possibly party a right center, right. his party. and he is also been a union leader. he's not mule to politics, but in fact, he's created a lot of expectations come out. the $200.00 us republic. wednesday pedro commemorates a landmark anniversary independence from the spanish colonialist. now for the 1st time, a former and rural primary school teacher takes over the presidency. they look a feel comes from one of the poorest districts they do. and he, peruvian, see, they feel represented by jessica, who says her community on the outskirts of the capital,
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lima has little to celebrate mothers in the summer, the republic, it's 200 years old. but these inequality everywhere were rolling in the same mud, and we can gape, we wish our children could have it better. we always have needs, and there's no work. we wish for changing, but we can't do better. they claimed the state has forgotten the poor members of this community build the roads themselves. they raised animals and eat together in the commune of kitchen and the families here at the algorithm. al community live on less than $8.00 a day. millions like them have come from remote places for decades, people have been migrating from the and this to the capital, looking for a better life and ended up living in shanty towns where they continue to live in poverty. margarita was, as she doesn't have any hope that the new precedent will bring change away a lot of my grandparents. my parents, we've always been poor. i was brought as
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a child to escape poverty and look we the poor will always be for no one remembers us. glinda president fizzle castillo has promised that there will not be any more poor in a rich country, but analysts say the road for him will be up hill and tough. though few samuels in 200 years, we have learned to survive rather than those delays. our hardships are severe. we have gone from being one of the countries with the highest level of development to where we are now. at the end of the scale, from in almost unknown little gusty, arose to the presidency, offering change for millions of peruvians. and well, many hope he delivers on his promises. many are wary that he will well, he has indeed created a lot of expectations among many poor peruvians who have voted for change. she will be sworn in about 3 hours from now, and then she will come here to the presidential palace right behind me. and we are
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hearing that she will do that on horseback. a very important day for many, many peruvian millions of food on peruvians, who now feel represented by buddha gosti. you'll come all fascinating times and period on day. thank you. money on a sanchez in lima. now, warring drugs, cartels in northern mexico have reached a truce. this is announced on professionally printed banners which appeared in several cities. the banners assigned by 3 main factions in the decades old turf or bangladesh. she is baffling, not just the pandemic bumps soaring inflation rates to in prices and putting basic foods out of the reach of so many time via chandry has a report from the capital duck. kern buzzer is one of the busiest open air kitchen markets in dhaka. but there are hardly any shoppers on this day because of a nationwide locked down to prevent koby. 1900 begum is among the few who came out
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for groceries, but finds food items are more expensive than usual. yes, kicking initial i came out to buy some green vegetables. the prizes of everything has gone up on the market. maybe it's due to the lockdown or because they're not enough buyers, but logistics and supplies open. not sure why. market export se soaring inflation, along with rising foot prices in bangladesh and recent month have put an additional burden on low and middle income household. many here have lost their jobs or other sources of income during the current of virus pandemic. why that does all the essential food items price given height, but in comparison, people's income has not risen. so it's becoming hard for middle class families like ours to cope with. it would be good if the government intervenes to stabilize the market. according to data from government agency, nearly all types of daily commodities are now been sold at
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a higher prices compared to the same period last year. right, and land til 2 of the most basic food staples are most bangladesh. in recent month, prices are many food essentially have gone up, making it increasingly hard for people to make ends meet. the government has announced a number of stimulus packages for different sectors and beneficiaries during this health crisis. but not everyone is getting the help that need. so it's very hard on the daily vigilant, they're not able to own enough money or get a full square, mean, estimated class of suffering the most, many are not able to go to work and they are also embarrassed to seek help. they're not getting any kind of help. many are suffering likely at all and some here believe holding of goods and manipulation of the market might be creating an artificial crisis. we think one of the main reasons for the price, like if the desire to make an unreasonable profit by vested business interest groups, and lack of proper regulation and monitoring by the government and their businesses
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open access to manipulate the market. despite the pandemic bandwidth, this is economy continues to grow by more than 5 percent. but analysts one, the rising inflation and growing full price is, could hamper economic recovery and possibly lead to a food shortage of in a country already. heat by severe weather and pandemic related disruption can be children just darker quick, but he is from the us with the white house is considering requiring employee and sorry, requiring employees of the federal government show proof of vaccination. otherwise, they may have to submit to regular cove at 900 testing and where a mosque cases in the us continue to climb largely driven by the delta variant. on tuesday, the centers for disease control and prevention reversed it's mask policies and even vaccinated people should still wear them endorse. well, you may have done a consideration right now, but you're not actually,
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you're not nearly as smart as i thought i should be back by. so we have the vaccinate more more, we learn more, we learn about as fires in the don't, variation more we have to be more concerned. and in only one thing we know for sure, if those other 100 really people got vaccinated, we've been a very different world. far as along with your sports in a moment, it's great for him. limpid, grow, and find themselves in troubled waters, heading off course. during the big final ah ah news
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news news with me. oh
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i oh, 1st month the $69.00 birthday of thailand is one of the most reviewed and protected monarchies in the world that protests have been building, calling on the ground to be more transparent and accountable to any chain. as i report, a monarch walking freely amongst his loyal subjects, thailand, king harvard, you're a long cone greeting the people at a walk about last year for a man who spent much deserted rain outside thailand. that was part of a new engagement to bring him closer to his people. ordinary ties. it's part of it's a 1000000 routine. oh my god, how long i've been taught to love the king since i was young, i grew up with phrases like long live the king or i love the king. i grew up
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watching news about the monarchies household. i learned about the institution in school, people around me, love the king, but then i wondered, why do we love the king? then just now rejects many of the official histories she was taught as a child. as 2 other young ties who are calling for reforms, protest as of taken to the streets, demanding the roll, household be more transparent and accountable. for many times it marked a huge change. i did the early disgust in private and now being talked about in public. but when protest is moved against the crown property bureau, the office that manages the king's enormous wealth, they found the streets blocked with shipping containers. when they moved towards the palace, they were met with tear gas and rubber bullets. protest leaders had been arrested and charged with less majesty the offense of insulting the monarchy that comes with a lengthy jail term. since then, the protests of lamps, the, died out that say pro monica, this is evidence that most time people have seen through the protests as an attack
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on the institution. the protest is want to abolish not reform yellow because they don't forget demands that they've been asking for deliberately aiming to bring down the monarchy not to help improve the institution. so it's not surprising that not many people come out to support them. on the occasion of the king's 69th birthday, there's unlikely to be much pump for ceremony this year with coded restrictions in play. a special celebration suffocating 1st. likely to be very muted, but many people think once those restrictions lifted protests is calling for reform of the monarchy could hit the streets once again. in recent months, the king has stayed out of the public eye. when he's been seen, he's relied on the queen for support. and despite his position of power, he appears to be a monarch unsure of his relationship. with his subjects, tony king al jazeera banker ah,
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more now on the my boss that with role and in the, the rest of the lympics news. thanks so much call ahead of the us olympic team is praise simone biles is decision to prioritize mental wellness over all else. the champion gymnast withdrew from tuesday's team finally after one vault and has now ruled herself out of thursdays, individual all around events focused on her mental health members and team usa have spoken out in support of by mental health is so important. i encourage everyone to take the time to check in with yourself and i, i work with a mental coach that i talk to on very frequently. and i think it's important to have that person to kind of be able to have a sounding board to vent, to, to cry, to, to work out, work through things with. we put people in athletes on, on a, on a high stage in so many people know or, but i think when you think about it,
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people forget about the day to day grind. it demands that all that height takes a toll on a person. it's not just the americans talking about smell biles, australia is aaron to miss, says thing off social media is helped her focus at these games so much so that she said in your record in the room 200 meter free south 2nd goal. again, i don't know much about smart bio, it's not for me personally, i've deleted every social media app off my phone. i think it's not just messages and everyone is really beautiful and it's good to look at it a little bit. it can sometimes be a bit overwhelming, so i'm only really speaking to my family a tiny bit, not that much a that, sorry. i just tried to not read anything because i think that the external pressure . let's get more on this with adrian. the can men, he's a sports psychologist and he joins us from goal in southern sri lanka. tell us how
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important is it to be having these kinds of discussions around mental health essential. it should have been going on 4050 years ago. shame is taking so long to get to this place, but regardless, it's so important if you are the average international athletes. what is the biggest contribute to wherever they went? all they lose by always by mental they say the physical preparation is important, but largely there are any maintaining the level and what really matters is how this is on the di and for days leading up to the event. and it's just so important. and yet we don't put enough effort into the training of it, but things are changing. now from your experience, what is the best way for athletes to deal with mental health issues? all about a question that you need to take it just as seriously as the fist, trying to check the training but tactics. training if,
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if most internet so athletes will tell you that winning the guy and winning the competition is way more than 50 percent mental than surely they should be training mentally. every single di, nice thing about mental training. you don't have to do very long. it can be literally 2357, maybe as much as 10 minutes. that's what needs to be, be consistent every day. and it should be done with a professional. you don't ask about contact to help you make a garden. and it's the same thing with mental skills, you should use a mental skills expert and do it consistently. do you think other top athletes should follow suit and take a step back from competition when they need to? now that's a very tricky question, because on the one hand you have the special forces approach, which has so much going forth, they do everything possible to make life so difficult. don't give you enough food, don't give you enough flame. and they really push you because they trying to weed
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out those who are not physically strong enough, mentally strong enough. they only want those who really want to be there and i'm made of the right stuff. and that's what they think is all about. that's what i see, any sport the highest level is all about, but at the same time, the people we are talking about a person who's already one, go to the picks or take me a socket already one at the highest level by different people that already proven that got them into stuff and so to them they've got to make good decisions. and sometimes it does require something that's very painful to move away from sport. and there are consequences to that james responses, in terms of maintaining your level of skills and fitness. maybe what's needed sometimes, especially as now we are living in the life of bubbles, inquire and teens, which are not going to go away anytime soon. and so now we need to prepare for
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those train bubbles, train for car, and change, and maybe train for a little bit time away from ok. adrian mac. and thank you so much for joining us here. my pleasure. v g one back to back olympic gold medals with a 2712 victory over new zealand. and the rugby 7 final and the richardson has more from the stadium in tokyo feet. he will not 1st ever olympic gold medal in 2016 in radio. when the 7th game was brought into the olympics for the 1st time, and they've retained their title incidentally, argentina, winning the bronze medal in that competition. and again, this event, a reminder of what the visa lympics could have been. this venue where so many games were played at the rugby world cup in 2019 such a massively popular event in japan. but for that final also was, was a few members of the media, a few officials and some pipes in crowd noise coming in through the loudspeakers.
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but that, of course, is the reality of hosting and olympics in the middle of a panoramic. that matches of the toko games will now start later in the day. after players complained of extreme conditions during matches, paula ba dosa spent spain had to be wheelchair off the cord after suffering from heat stroke earlier rushes danielle med. madame also complained of the heat during his match saying he could die. the international federation has agreed to start the competition at 3 pm. japan is one second straight gold metal in olympic softball. they beat the united states to nothing and a repeat of the 2008 funnel in beijing. the sport making its return after being axton 20122016. but it's been cut again for the 2024 games in paris. 39 year old japanese feature you kiko who know through remarkable, 413 pitches over 3 games chronology was on their guns. in every ball. i'm pitched, i think i was able to put in all my feelings from the past. 13 years at yokohama
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stadium, i was able to put my heart and soul into every paycheck through until the very end i want to say. and i said men's basketball team bounce back from their opening last frowned, thrashing around 122. 66. the defending champions are going for their 4th gold medal in a row unenrolling steering issues cause the great britain men for the chance to claim is $63.00, the one to tell they finished in 4th were postalia taking goals. and here's how the mental pe, well currently looks house japan are still out in front with 13 gold medals. they've claimed one more gold than china, who are up into the 2nd the us, whoever have won the most metals overall. okay. and that is all. yes, we are now back tomorrow. thanks so much for all of that. keeping up to date with what's happening to tokyo? 20. 20. we're back in a couple of minutes time. plenty more news, including the latest political developments coming out of the in a moment. a
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in 2001 fear, friends around the world. are australians accused of being enemies within and attacking the way of life? treated like we were old suspects. we were all under suspicion struggling to adapt to the new found home. out there explored the history of the lebanese community and australia. once upon a time and punched on out era were total technology can help tackle the spread of coven 19. but our tech solutions, the best solutions we are starting to something that seems like it's in public health, very quickly becomes about measuring what data is being collected. whereas it being stored highly re, looks at the limits of the potential of other creative ways to deal with the issues
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we face, track it when tech to go viral, episode 3 of all hail the locked down on algae 0. a reason preventable disease account 15 children. the project is action by any chance did education in the future read me. ah
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ah, security forces keep the pace into the air as it's revealed the biggest political policy. is that the center of an investigation? ah. hello again, i'm come out santa maria here in doug with the world news from al jazeera, trying to find a way out by land or sea. we look at the increasing number of afghans fleeing the fighting and their homeland surrounded by more devastation, raheem get killed in land slides that the world.


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