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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2021 12:00am-12:31am AST

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who sign on? no matter where it takes a police fin here, guys my empower in pasha. we tell your story. we are your voice, your new york net back out here. ah, this is al jazeera ah, hello lauren taylor. this is the news i live from london coming up to new jersey as president accuses politicians of corruption and claims. millions of dollars has been stolen, mathnasium people, an unlucky rise to power. and ruth, where rule teacher and political outsider has been sworn in as
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a countries president, driven out by rule. and now the mess you smugglers 1000 was the kind of sun search of a safe life in turkey and europe. during the silence can be occupied west by the palestinian authority, is accused of intimidating its critics creating a climate of fear and on the same as info full news. 20 seats from countries such as kenya and ethiopia are banned from competing in the track and field events. that focus 2020 of the violating anti doping testing requirements. ah, junior, he is president said his accused politicians of corruption and demanded the return of billions of dollars of public money. he lodges was stolen from a change in people. he made the claims in an interview broadcast on june television,
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presidents as those who stole the money, will be held to account. the money stolen from the turn is young people must be restored. a decision will be made to take measures against the perpetrators who have taken these public funds. we will deal with these people in a proportionate manner. or this comes in the country where there's a political crisis triggered when case i had sacked the prime minister and key members of the cabinet. a nationwide curfew is non place engineers. yeah. well, jim, jim jones is on the line from today's so well, can you tell us about what the person had to say? lauren: this interview which has been pre recorded and then broadcast later was done after a meeting present i had had with the president at the commission union of industry trade and handicraft. and this was really sitting on a lot of teams that he has spoken about many times in the past because he has really been going after corruption in this country and talking tough about that for
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quite some time. aside from, from saying that the country had been looted and that that money needed to be returned to tunisia and citizens. he also asked shopkeepers and business owners to reduce their prices. he warned shopkeepers not to take advantage of this current situation and to not engage in any kind of price gouging and said that this is just not the time. while there is a crisis in the country, he reiterated that you know, they are going to go after any kind of corruption legality as firmly as they can. he also accused deputies, you know, people in government of graft, of hiding behind their parliamentary immunity. and that really goes to disorder that was given on sunday in which it wasn't just the prime minister and other members of government who were sac, that it was also the immunity of every member of parliament that was listed in this country. because the president had announced that they are going to investigate any
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kind of allegations of corruption. and that really goes to another announcement that was made earlier in the day in which it was learns that tunisia, judiciary had opened an investigation into 3 political parties, including another art to media and tennessee. so this is more of the theme of what we've seen already in the last. in the last couple of days. there's still a lot of questions because earlier in the day you had the president meeting with members of the military. and it was not clear if he was going to be giving a speech in which he spoke about the results of that meeting. we've not yet heard what, what came about in that meeting. and we've not yet heard if there's been any kind of a decision made with regard to who might be, who might be take to be an intern,
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prime minister or other types of ministers going forward. so a lot of questions swirling around about that, about what the next step is going to be when it comes to a point to key key governmental positions. so we're still waiting to hear and get information on that on those points. learn. i haven't dungeon. thank you very much . indeed. pedro castillo, those are just been sworn in to peruse new president after weeks of uncertainty following a disputed election. is the countries 5th president in just 3 years. the former union needed the teacher, took a surprise leave in the 1st round of the presidential election. then in june, guess your narrowly defeated cake or food you maury and iran off. she alleged irregularities in the vote, but the electoral body rejected her claims. castillo takes office after several years of political instability and protests against corruption. his party wants to rewrite the constitution and address inequality that will, that amount of what they seen. this is the 1st time that our country shall be
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governed by a peasant, a peasant, like many of the peruvians is from the suppressed classes. it's the 1st time that a popular party formed in the interior of the country. i hear democratically on and i think i'm in manufacturing join us now live family most. it's the 1st time we've heard him speak since the election. how significant was this moment? because i think it's very significant. lauren: because this is the 1st time of a person like him, a primary rule, school teacher, a farmer, a person who has no, absolutely no knowledge of governing, is now the president of the country. this comes on a very special date today, peruvians mark the 200 anniversary of the independence of the colonial in the family are colonialists. and it's been very important because steel has been he has been yesterday in, in
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a very significant if you will moment talking to the, to the king of spain. that has come to, to salute him for, for the presidency. and they were together on this anniversary, when, as per rule, is got its independence from the spaniards. now, she castillo is also a person who comes from who knows the rural life. and he comes from there and he has told peruvians that he will not forgive them. and as a show of this, he has said that he will not be for the presidential palace behind me. he hasn't even come here after he was sworn enough precedent. he has left for another building not here on the center of the capital to meet other precedence who have come to salute him and to and to meet the members of the party after the typical to his normal swearing in. but he is not going to live here
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with his family, and he says that he will not be here because he feels that many people, many of the precedents who have been living in this presidential palace did not actually forgot the poor people of peru. and she's also one that's what this is a very strong message that he sense on his 1st day of integration. lawrence barren natasha. thank you very much. and jewelry. bert is associate professor from the sha school of policy and government at george mason university. she joins as far as skype from washington d. c. thanks very much for being with us. so he made some, some big promises in his 1st speech, how likely is it that he's able to be able to deliver on them? right, you know, he have made some very big promises. he's promised to amplify funding and education to make university is free to create world rail service north, south, east y 2 x to create
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a constituent assembly. that would rewrite the constitution in $1093.00. he also, of course, mentioned the co bid pandemic, and his priority and vaccinating all peruvians. he talked about moving the country toward 0 climate emission by 2050. he was a little short on how in most cases, right. the big challenges that he faces a fragmented congress, but he also asked the majority of congress congress people in his party. so he's going to have a very difficult time building coalitions to enable his legislative agenda. we also faces some kind of element of entrenched opposition within the system in peru. does he oh, absolutely. the establishment is almost universally contrary intubated garcia. you saw this in the several weeks between the 1st and 2nd round. and then he thought in
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the 6 weeks before he was finally proclaimed president with the entire, almost the entire immediate, stablish ment, deletes. and many traditional politicians, all you know, pointed against him, accusing him of being a communist, the being of stealing the election of trying to impose authoritarianism, improved. he even had, you know, novelist of august the murray of august weighing and saying that he represented a danger to peruvian democracy and to liberty and freedom. i think many of these fears are greatly overblown and they were meant to essentially tilt the field and favorite kicked off. would you maury? unfortunately, you know, that didn't happen. cathy has been a non rated president, but he does have this huge establishment against him. and you know, part of that is how much is a constant congress, the member members of the, the groups that lead the congress are the same groups that removed president the
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scatter from office in november of last year. so they were very willing to you free of arguments to remove a president. yeah, there's, when you mention the story, i mentioned earlier that he made lots of promises and it wasn't quite sure how he was going to get there. for instance, on the changes to health and education. is there any kind of plan for funding or that? well, he didn't talk. i don't think it was quite in this in this presentation today. but previously he spoke about raising taxes on mining corporations. and of course, there's a lot of wealth coming in through my cruise, a mining country. that was one possible source of funding. but yeah, it was short on details, but the one the wondering he didn't have a lot of detail on anyway, was the constituent assembly. right. currently, the,
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the constitution does not include a mechanism for calling a new constituent assembly. but he said that he was committed to that, that there was no reason that caribbean had to continue to live with the 1993 constitution. which as he said, was born of the 1992, who they talk carried out by that the food you maury. and that caught radically the social like an economic rights improve unit. and he said his government was committed to moving forward within the framework of the rule of law. and he outlines the scenario how to move forward because that was very important and very, very, very significant. january. but thank you very much indeed. death, nasa, thank you. my pleasure. i mean i'm on out there. this news are already refugees. ringo who fled me and my knife now find that tense, washed away as monsoon range to kind of in bangladesh. a pretty system. the virus would be fought with prayer becomes and he is president, makes
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a public show support of vaccines and for the usa men basketball team, i guess at 1st when it took to games. and it's a pretty big one story coming up on the afghan president, his presented his vision for the country's future. in a televised policy speech a shotgun, the again called for a political solution, even as the taliban continues to make games on the ground. charlotte bennett reports from couple for the northern city of telecom is surrounded by telephone fighters, but more than one month, its people have withstood ways of attacks. residents now armed and afghan security forces are united and trying to keep fighters out of the city. well, maybe if i want to go to make it up to them, i hope i'm not captured. we've been attacked more than 10 times here with beaten
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them and push them back. don't lose your morale. well, it is getting is the telephone no controls, large areas of rule less ghana stone, including more than half of the countries districts as africa, security forces attempt to slow the televisions. momentum in a nationally televised address. president ghani, had a message of diplomacy with articulated a widely supported program for a brick from an all out for jasmine and lasting peace to a political set that we do not see a military solution. we firmly believe in a political solution ghani, the former finance minister, and a former world bank economist, spoke extensively about the economy lace about the war, the ravaging his country, and ask in about a 3rd of the government's revenue comes through border crossings. it is loss more than $33000000.00 in the past month after the taliban seized 7 crossings. the
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largest is here in spin bolduc. after 2 weeks, it is just reopened to trade. naturally, we are scared because conditions are bad. we are afraid of going into afghanistan, but there is no other way out for us. there are no other jobs for us here in the border region. 2 hours away in kandahar city residents have had enough. there has been fighting and a strike from the cities outskirts in the last week. these people were demanding both sides agreed to cease by the growing insecurity is leading to an increase in the number of ask and we're leaving the country the you in to 20 to 30000 to fleeing every week. there are also thousands of africans who worked with the us government who waiting to hear if they will be on a vacuum ration flight. in the coming day. charlotte bell is on to 0 cobbled. and
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some of those fleeing have ended up in waters of the turkish coast. on monday, the turkish coast, guarded to set to the boat carrying 230 migrants in the g and c. most of the math guns. officials believe they'd embarked on the parents journey to try to reach italy. turkish or 30 said the detained, around 1500 migrants last week. what actually is being a country to travel through or destination in itself for afghans across decades? but it's a dangerous journey. the main way for more than half of africans is to enter iran and follow a land route across the turkish border, around one and 5 people. it's a similar trip across into pakistan 1st. to then get into iran. very small number of african refugees are able to make the journey direct by air and more secular route goes via it was back histone in the north or saudi arabia. in the south of our bio, she works for the united nations high commissioner for refugees. he says more than a quarter of a 1000000 afghans have been displaced this year. we have seen of lungs being
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displaced inside the country inside was found by large numbers so far this year. conflict and insecurity. ready has displaced nearly 300000 of on inside the country and 100000 in the last 2 months. so outlined mostly currently are being displaced inside the country and be at unity. the un refugee agency has been warning about the looming humanitarian crisis. if efforts to find peace and stop is escalating, why and do not give reserves. and if you're in outlined in one is done today after 20 years of international engagement, you want everyone come to your help and support to find that piece. as we just
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heard in recent weeks, many africa migrants have been reaching turkey through iran. you know, because you met some of them in the city of van, near the border the 76 african boys were caught by turkey soldiers trying to cross the border from iran into turkey. they had walked for weeks relying goes smugglers to take them across the rugged mountain terrain. they were desperate to escape the bombings and fighting in afghanistan. they now face being deported to iran, but they have no regrets. and they said they'd do it all again. if they had a chance of reaching turkey's big cities and then maybe on to your, for those who managed to lead the turkish forces on the border and the police in the city, it's time to move on. they split up into smaller groups, so as not to draw attention to themselves, but all have a story to tell. hello college college and came here. if i stayed,
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i had to join the war. they, my parents leave the country enough, the taliban recruits young man and you get killed him. all the most of these young gas gas have been conned by the smugglers. they paid to help them leave afghanistan and now they have no money left on it. like we agreed on $750.00 with a smuggler and already paid $500.00. the rest was to be paid when we reached assemble, but i had no more money. so they left me on the street. kirk is now ramped up security measures that a border with iran. these migrants are stationed in so called safe houses. the police called them shock houses waiting for the right moment to continue their journey. the smugglers take money every day. if the afghans don't pay, they get kicked out. there's no escape. the doors are locked. that is sir. i left a canister because of war and misery, the taliban, a beating and forcing my parents to cook royal food for them. and here we are. of 2
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meals a day by the smuggler. there were about 35 people in this one house, including women and children. there is little and no privacy. families are reluctant to talk on camera. my shirt moment came to turkey to work until the board is get open, then moved to europe to support our family. i worked in iran for 6 months and have been here for 10 days until monday. the smuggler says we need to wait here until the security measures 30 minutes. all of us with taliban. it is not safe anymore. there is poverty and misery. people cannot pursue their normal lives anymore. enough gone is done. last year, 6 to $1.00 asylum seekers on board. a fishing boat died after they both capsized in lake van and other 40 migrants had died this year. this is the cemetery of the nameless, the migrants who wanted to escape bullets and bushway in their own country, but who fell victim to whom and traffickers the spice of his ventures, he is growing in afghanistan. there will now be many more people who are prepared
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to risk their lives in the hope of finding something better elsewhere. see not because solo al jazeera von turkey 40 former british military leaders, including ahead of the army during the war. and i've got a son of called for interpreters who helped u. k forces to be resettled in the u. k. more quickly. an open letter, they say time is of the utmost essence to save the lives of those who served alongside our service men and women in afghanistan and who saved countless british lives. if any of our former interpreters murdered by the taliban in the wake of all withdraw, the dishonour would lay squarely, aton nations feet. anderson in london says the criticism before on the prime minister. they have have a hitching words as well for the u. k. prime minister barak johnson, they talk about interpreters in particular as being people who stood shoulder to shoulder with soldiers in the battlefield and saved many lives now being treated in
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a really bad way. talking also of this, this implied threat that has to be a review on the numbers being brought to the u. k. to seek sanctuary. this is part of the laughter. any former, i've got interpreters who were murdered by the taliban because they've been left behind the behind because of the withdrawal would be a dishonor which would fall squarely in the feet to the feet of the u. k. in other words, the government's fault. now among the signatures with letter for former members, chief of staff to form a heads of the british army of former national security adviser. and also a former defense minister who served in helmand the the issue isn't just to do with interpreters, but also also other civilians working for the army as such as gardeners such as cooks a number of other and the families as well. because there's no doubt about their
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lives are endangered. now. america's top diplomatic calling on all sides and the afghan war to take the peace process seriously. afghanistan came up during your 6 year state antony lincoln's 1st visit to india. since president joe biden took office. he's been discussing foreign policy with his indian counterpart. what we're seeing on the ground in the last week is the taliban and making advances on district centers, challenging some provincial capitals. we've also seen these reports of atrocities committed by the taliban and areas that it's, that it's taken over ultimately an afghan, a stand that does not respect the, the rights of its people. an afghan stan that commit atrocities against its own people would become a pariah state. isabel serrano miss following the story from new delhi. your
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secretary of state anthony blinkin and the external affairs minister j shanker said they spoke about a range of issues from regional secuity to counter terrorism, climate change, cyber and digital concerns, and also equivalent 19 they both said that the response to close at 19 was one of the top priorities, both countries hadn't recorded the highest number of cases in the world. now, shanker said that he spoke about the need to ramp off vaccine production globally, but more importantly, to make that things more accessible around the world. he also raised travel restrictions between the 2 countries, travel challenges, and said that india hope the us will take a more sympathetic view to travel is coming from india. now this trip has been seen as part of the us efforts to strengthen security ties in asia. again fi
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intensifying chinese influence in the region, but interesting me there was no mention of china directly and the news conference which followed the talk between the secretary of state and external affairs minister. but anthony, blinking did reiterate many times and needs the 2 countries to work together to make sure that there was a free open, independent in the pacific region. and the other really big crucial issue for both the countries is of course of some of the us with the drawing of military from, of gone to sean and india. being very concerned about that. because of the regional security implications for india as enabling concert that they are alarmed by the reports of atrocities in areas with the taliban has been gaining ground. but they're committed despite the withdrawal to the afghan government entities and stability. and i've gone on and the said that have gone on must not be a whole him to terrorism and cannot be a source of refugees. now lastly, anthony,
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blinking was asked whether he brought up the issue of democracy, human rights minority rights with the indian government, given the indian governments back sliding was seen as back sliding on these issues at anthony lincoln. he defended what he called and the democratic values and said that no democracy is perfect. the past year or 30 years shut down a media organization in the occupied west bank, saying the office doesn't have a license. it follows a recent crackdown or a wave of protests that sol journalists being assaulted. i'm the student's national, called it a deliberate campaign of repression, to instill a climate of fear need. abraham reports from ramallah some past indian activist pincers. the and her husband obey aren't sure how to tell their children about their arrest by the palestinian police. early in july, obey was detained, had a protest against the palestinian authority. the police said that gathering didn't
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have a permit. when he told us that his detention she herself was assaulted and detained as he entered my 5 year old boy, had always wanted to be a policeman. on his 6th birthday, he asked me for a costume after he saw the police assault me and release me at 3 am. he told me the police are scary and don't get me that caused him took part in a wave of protest against the palestinian authority that were broken up using excessive force. some journalists were banned from reporting, others detained and beaten, and a few said, they were section harass. it's unusual for report, there is to be wearing black jackets while covering protest in the city center, the security forces. and that's why it's called the journalists why they were reporting on demonstrations against the call when, you know, for the, in recent weeks, the death of the prominence activists while b as custody has what, why home for reform paid of the palestinian president. apologize to the family of
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the act of a good fort, says activists. omar, assess what he wants, justice. he believe the palestinian authority is intimidating critics. you know, where he hasn't seen before, you know, cap on the category. unfortunately, the polluted authority from the role in security coordination with these are just either spoke to federal officials who warned the current movement could be used to the stabilize the political system. pushed by for an agenda, they added that some journalists are taking part, improved to these and to show that the dis, toughest faction with the palestinian authority is its highest level since it was established. despite the growing anger, the protest aren't expected to expand hamas is refraining from using its base in the us bank in any organized manner to participate. the reason for
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this, i think that's my own reading of why, how math is staying away from the demonstrations and the expression of anger with the president and the p. i. the fear of civil war. many political analysts say a street fight is imminent. if there's a vacuum in the political system and seems like the spiral out of control if plans for president basset succession women vague. but he manages ita yoke replied with bang phil to come on there and use our baton organized worlds. fastest vaccination campaigns, 90 percent of people have been immunized interest one week. one of the us olympic teams, brightest metal hopes called out of an event, will tell you why she has been praised for her decision and his port. great. but his rose find themselves in troubled waters as they had of course, during their final
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awe. it was a turn of italy yesterday to get the damaging giants undersold, have been wandering around europe, circulating rather less scotland. this is the lower limit from the out helped to push the showers up. indeed, it was just in late come in, north of milan, up in the mountains area. but we saw this sort of thing. this is big sandstone, rushing down the mountains, of course, being bolted and causing mass damage. it won't be repeated. i think the focus on rainfall is no further north and north south, spitting europe's if the british owls more especially for denmark, norway and sweden. rain seems to be a thing to thursday less so to the south that in fact the, for the south, your, the less light you're see anywhere. anything where shares is really wall to wall sunshine from spain right across to bulgaria. a few light showers may be enormously
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and slovenia, but here the thing here and it's building not so much in spain, quarterback may be one of the more prices.


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