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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2021 2:00am-2:31am AST

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my dear on, is there a ah al jazeera ah, ah all ah june as he is president, promising a crack done on corruption, but also consolidates power sac in the head of the state tv channel. ah, hello and welcome. i peter w, watching al jazeera life, my headquarters here,
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and also coming up us senators say they've agreed on the outlines of a i partisan infrastructure bill, a key test votes is underway right now through switch in a new president petro castillo, who has to make big reforms but he faces fears, opposition and the african precedent. astra dawning outlines his vision to the country's future and continuing territorial gains by the taliban. ah, top story soon as he is president, is demanding the return of billions of dollars in public money. he alleges was stolen from the chin as he and people in a televised interview case indicated, a crackdown on corruption cases may be coming. he's accused politicians of hiding behind parliamentary immunity, which he lifted on sunday, june as he is weathering
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a political crisis. after a fact the prime minister froze the parliament and took over public prosecutions and nationwide curfews in place rod looked. and what we are looking for is for a piano reconciliation on a call upon business men, particularly those who earn big and small businesses. the money that are taken, that is taken by these people must be returned to the museum people. and we want to make the reconciliation on the piano with these people, those who are responsible for taking the public funds. and we will list these in all of their all those who are most culpable to those who are less comparable.
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ok, let's bring it out. serious correspondent, i'm a jam june joining us on the line from tunis mohammed. hi there. what else did we hear from the president tonight? i peter. well, the message really seemed to boil down to trying to reassure citizens of tenicia. that this is the right path for the country. the president said that you need deserves to be in a much better place. he said that the country does have financial pressures, but that we are not a country full of beggars. and he also conveyed a message to the people that these exceptional measures that were taken by him. they were imposed by sense of duty. and she added that he doesn't fear anyone, and he will not accept anyone who talked a lot about the wrong economic policies that have been taken in the past. you talked a lot about corruption, especially by politicians. and she said that those who had looted money,
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as you mentioned billions in the past, that they were going to be held to account that money would be returned to the community, people by one way or another. now this is interesting, of course, these remarks are coming today because we just learned earlier in the day that the 3 political parties, including another part of the news and i still see that investigations had been opened in the last couple of weeks on july 14th. actually, on suspicion that these parties were receiving warrant funds during the 2019 election campaign. and of course, is the largest political block and the governing coalition here. that's what we heard. what we did not hear was, has there been anybody kicked to perhaps to become the next into a prime minister. we did not hear about the meeting that the president had earlier in the day with the supreme council of the armies and senior security leaders. after these remarks were made, though, there were a couple of other updates that were made on the president facebook account. one of
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them being that because they're stuck quite this year when it comes to call the 19, they're going to a call. the 19 crisis center set up that is going to better handle the crisis because there is a lot of concern here. this is one of the countries i know that it has one of the highest per capita number of deaths due to koby $99.00. briefly, are there any indications that tonight that would suggest the parliament will return to work before this 30 day suspension expires before that suspension is over? well, that is what everybody is wondering here, right now, i will say that in the mood amongst regular citizens is fairly relax. obviously, that is not the case. amongst the political class. everybody is wondering. we know that a number and other parties are calling for a dialogue. we also know that there have been a lot of behind the scenes communications in which people are urging the leadership
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of this country to try to get the parliament back up and running before the 30 days is up. but it's just unclear if that is actually going to happen right now. one of the things that wouldn't happen before that the transpire would be the naming of a new prime minister. so it's just a very, very fluid situation right now. we know that the minister of tunisia has been calling his counterparts that you, italy, germany, and he's been trying to reassure them. but the decisions that were made here were in line with the constitution and that this political crisis will lessen and the things will go back to a functioning state as soon as possible. ok mohammed, many. thanks ma'am. jim, jim. out here correspondent there. john is live on the line from june as well. as mohammed was mentioning that the president statement follows revelations of a judicial investigation into a less corruption by the 3 main parties. it was opened almost 2 weeks before
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precedence i. e. used his emergency powers to dismiss the prime minister antifreeze, the parliament though the case doesn't appear linked to his recent actions. it does put more pressure on the president's opponents judges are looking into whether and not had the largest party in the governing coalition and others wrongly received foreign funds before elections. back in 2019. let's talk now to sheriff l cutty. he joins his live on the line from genus as well. he's formerly a parliament, re on political affairs officer in tunis, shut f l county. welcome 12 to 0. so this isn't a coup, it's something else. what is it if it's not a qu, what, let's say it's a kind of a piece of professional for us. it's for such a through article 80, over the constitution. and the prison by side is being that say honestly inside front to his ideas, even with the, with his proposal today also with the head of the employers union,
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2 to 4 score to propose to businessmen who are accused of corruption and having still having the assets to reimburse, i mean for us whether, you know, direct investment, you know, for the structure in hospitals, for example, enrolled in schools and you more areas and in the course areas of the country of the country. let's say that this is a force force massage. and the question now is not the weather in. this is the core on know, this isn't clear and present situation, but we are living in know we have to deal with it. we have to see how to, let's say, in this new situation here. whether in that, whether the political scene in the, in the machine. and especially in the, let's say, popular scene. for instance today,
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your recent ball that showing about 87 percent of donations. they agreed with a decision within decisions of by size. and among the 87, how many and 76 percent, they totally agree with him. brothers even more than the score in the 2nd round of the prison, the presidential election. so as we can see here, the decisions are really very popular. are these feasible? well, let's wait and see what the need for now, for stories that are not understood, what he's done is not constitutional. but is it your sense? and is it the, the feeling across the country, 2 nights, there are m p 's who have allegedly committed crimes here. and they have pocketed billions quotes, billions of dollars. what for, for him be, is, this is not even a suggestion or
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a feeding. these are fucked reports by the court or this. and some of the bees are being nothing are protecting themselves of their parliaments or immunity without this immunity. for example, the case of mister car, we without the unity, it would be just like his brother. i mean, you know, in courts for accusations of money undreamed, actually they, asian, and many, unfortunately, many of these are, are taking their immunity for granted, or they are seizing the opportunity of giving this money. he just avoid being in front of the judges. ok. we have to leave it there. sure. if l county, thank you so much for joining us. there. done a line from eunice. thank you, peter. ok. another developing story for this half hour. the us senate has advanced a $1.00 trillion dollar infrastructure package happening right now earlier. the senate republicans that they've reached the deal with democrats are the major as
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standing issues. the bill does include $550000000000.00 in new spending on public works projects. and it's the 1st part of the us president jo biden's infrastructure agenda. our correspondent mike, kind of tracking that story for us as of washington d. c. mike, how significant is this bill, and is it likely to pass in congress? well, it's a deeply significant pull, a massive amount of money over trillion dollars that will go to upgrade the countries infrastructure. going to will build new bridges, new roads, improve the water system, replace every lead pipe in the water system in the united states. so its impact would be massive on the country and on its economy. now at the moment the senate is voting in a procedural motion, the boat to still to be finally italy. but it does appear that it's across the 60 both threshold needed to proceed with a debate on the bill. so this essentially is just the beginning of what is likely
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to be a grueling process taking days and possibly weeks. but the fact that they have now it would appear past this particular step. then now they will proceed to debate. but as to the 2nd part of your question, then about whether it's ever going to get out of congress. what's difficult to see . once again, there's going to be spirit to debate on the contents of this particular bull. it has not been fully written yet, so they're still going to be argument about some of its factors that are included within it. but here that's another issue. and that is that democrats in the house have already passed a $3.00 trillion dollar infrastructure bill. now the senate has given no indication that it is going to take that up. the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi says she will not accept this bill into the house until the senate accepts the bill. the house democrats passed early last month. so there are a number of mess up issues before this bill gets passed before either of these
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infrastructure bills that are doing the rounds of congress become reality. so it's not necessarily a done deal, mike, in as much as there was a feeling what this time yesterday that said they're going to try and get it in under the wire before the summer recess. if they get this vote that they're voting with as you and i are having this conversation, it would be a domino effect. so that could kind of take place during the summer recess. but you seem to be saying that's not necessarily the case. yes, it is very complicated. this folk, as i said, is procedural. it's basically agreement by 60 senators and hundreds and a house to go ahead with a debate on the infrastructure bill. but here you have all these other issues coming in. as you say, there's a very tight window here before that autumn recess, the all the 3 says, and during this period of time, other provisions could be added in the bow, which may drive away some of those who supported. there are some democrats,
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for example, who opposed to this bill as it stands because they would rather see the democrat bill that was passed in the house on infrastructure be accepted, intended with this particular bow. so there are a lot of problems that could lie ahead, but president biden himself seems very confident. he says he welcomes the bipartisan agreement. that has led to this particular debate that we've just concluded. he says he's optimistic that the build is going to come to him for signature, but still very difficult because we're just about to get the votes. so if we give me for that less listening to the clark will report motion to proceed. h r 368 for an act to authorize funds for federal aid, highways, highway safety programs and trans programs have brother purposes. mr. president, the majority leader, mr. president, i want to commend the group of senators who work with president bike to reach an
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agreement on a bipartisan infrastructure bill. the senate has just come together and in his strong bipartisan fashion, voted to begin the legislative process. here on the senate floor. for the past few months, i have laid out a 2 track strategy on infrastructure. a bipartisan bill focused on traditional brick and mortar infrastructure project and a budget reconciliation bill. were democrats plan to make stark investments in american jobs, american families, and efforts to fight climate change in order to start work on the reconciliation or reconciliation bill? the senate must pass a budget resolution 1st. as i've said repeatedly, our goal was to pass both bills in this session. hopefully in july, my goal remains to pass both bipartisan in 1st or both. my goal remains to pass both a bipartisan infrastructure bill and a budget resolution. during this work period, both,
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it might take some long nights. it might eat into our weekends, but we are going to get the job done and we are on track. again, the vote tonight means we're on track to reach our to track goal before the senate adjourns for the august recess, or yield the floor. what we so far between the floor, mr. schumer, they're you now to repeat myself, wrapping up what we know so far. we're in conversation with my kind of our correspondence. so mike, it looks like they've got the votes, but it might be a few late nights there for people inside the chamber. well, they've got the votes at this particular point, they got over that 60 threshold. that was needed on this particular motion to proceed to the debate. now, whether all of those who supporting that bill will continue to do so in the days ahead is very difficult to predict. now we heard the problem,
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the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, making very clear that he was seeing these 2 separate bills as operating in tandem . that bill that was passed in the house last month by earlier this month is a $3.00 trillion dollar development bill. he wants to see that broad intended with this book that was be debated in the last few minutes. now that is going to create to turn problems because many republicans in particular are deeply opposed to that bill. that was part of the house. many democrats are not that happy about the compromise bill if some of them see it, that has been read, got some bipartisan agreement now. so there are a lot of issues that remain here before either of these bills go to president biden with signature. okay, mike, many thanks, mike. hannah correspondent brings about developing story out of washington. still to come here on out to sierra under intense public pressure. the u. k says it will
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live quarantine restrictions for fully vaccinated people from the united states. and the european union except from ah, the fires are still burning in the western states as nearly starts the season is going to be a prolonged season. this is just one of many dixie saw a big fire about 30 percent contained. the problem has been of course, has been very dry. there is a change that taking place live at the clouds is going across the rockies and turning round. that is part of the monsoon system. north america, plenty of moisture brought in daytime heat lists. the showers didn't get flash flooding all the way to arizona may be in new mexico. beyond, on the shelves are reaching north into idaho, not quite into where the dixie fire was with this hope in the next day or so. not so much of british columbia,
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the father bidding here and the smoke is being brought across in that flow. you saw on the satellite feature, meaning you can even see as far east as new york, weatherwise showers, and maybe a higher set in the northeast and new england. fewer in florida. it's not by dry here, but the southern states are seeing a dry spell throughout the gulf, mexico and the caribbean. dady shows all the thing at the moment in the small islands and he has found yoder in cuba to some degree in mexico, particularly southern mexico during survey and possibly friday that it gets bone dry as you move into brazil and quite cold rios, only 16 degrees the with a bag energy and change to every part of our universe. or small to continue the change all
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around the shape, my technology and human ingenuity. we can make it work for you and your business. ah, ah. the me looking back here watching 0 live from the top stories this hop out soon as he is president, demanding the return of billions of dollars of stolen public money. he's saying 460 individuals are being investigated on sunday. he's back to the prime minister and he froze the parliament the us senate has just advanced a 1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure package by 67 bows to 32 earlier the senate
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republicans that they had reached with democrats 7 major outstanding issues. the bill does include $550000000000.00 in spending on public works projects. as the 1st pass, the president job biden's infrastructure agenda petro castillo, has today been sworn in as proof new presidents after weeks of uncertainty following a disputed election. the form a union leader and rural teacher took a surprise lead in the 1st round of the presidential election. then in june, a few narrowly defeated take. who would you maury, in the runoff. she alleged irregularities, but the electoral body rejected her complaints. custio's left wing party wants to rewrite the constitution, and to address inequality said, i will that amount of income. this is the 1st time that our country shall be governed by a peasant, a peasant, like many of the peruvians is from the suppressed classes. it's the 1st time that
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a popular party formed in the interior of the country i hear democratically on petro castillo, comes from outside, peruse, political establishment until just a few months ago. he was a little known union activist and teacher from a rural rural region in the north. he and his family now leave their mud, break home for the presidential palace. he was elected on the back of several years of political instability, marked by protest against corruption. castillo is the 5th president in for years. opponents accused his left wing free, peruse party of having historical links to the shining path om group. he denies any thing to seek consensus. mariana sanchez joyce's life from lima. marianna. hi there . what did he say in that speech today? well, peter, he is spoke about many things. he spoke over an hour in congress as he was after
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from sworn in. and the most important thing he mentioned at the very beginning of his speech was that the top priority of his government will be to tackle the pandemic. peru has been very hard shit by depend make nearly 200004 rubio. have died since the parameter and i make it last year and more than 3000000 people lost their job. so it is indeed a priority. an opinion poll just a few days ago said that, peruvians believe and think and want. the new government tackled a pandemic as the 1st priority, 75 percent of peruvians. think of this as the most important thing. now. he spoken about many of the things he said he would get bonuses and credits to the poor people. he will bring water to poor people who live in, in the shampoo towns who don't have water have to pay a lot to the water tanks, which is as so important for them. but one of the very important things that he
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said is that he will respect private property during the campaign. he had said that he would expropriate business as we would nationalized gas companies or energy companies and talked to the mining enterprise. but now he has said that he will, he will respect to private private property, something that is very important because between 10 and 12000000000 dollars have left private accounts. in this past few weeks of people who have been terrified that their savings would be expropriated, mainly he has what he has done. if he has spoken about the issues that worry most, a poor peruvians teacher, how difficult will it be for him to govern? i think it would be very difficult because she doesn't have a she was unable to form a coalition in congress coalition. that normally would be the 1st coalition or the
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1st group that's that's a direct congress that would be a keen or close to the precedent that hasn't happened. he was not able to form that coalition. the opposition lead parties have made that coalition and now they are the ones who are in control of congress. so it will be very, very difficult, not even difficult. i think you will face road road blocks ahead in order to pass those reforms that he has. so much promised poor peruvians, jordan all this campaign, peter arianna, thank you so much. marina sanchez, that report in life for us to proceed with the afghan president asked ref, ghani has been outlining his vision for the future of the country. but the speech was light on detail about how the government plans to counter territorial gains by the taliban, which have and continue to be significant. charlotte bellis not from campbell. the northern city of telecom is surrounded by telephone fighters for more than one
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month. it's people have withstood wave to the tax residence now armed and afghan security forces are united in trying to keep vices out of the city. oh, maybe if i want to go to the making us, i hope i'm not captured. we've been attacked more than 10 times here and we've beaten them and push them back. don't lose your morale and get it governess. the telephone no controls lodge areas of rule less. ghana stone, including more than half of the countries districts as africa, security forces attempt to slow the televisions. momentum in a nationally televised address. president gunny had a message of diplomacy which articulated a widely supported program for a bridge from an all out war to judging and lasting peace to a political set. and we do not see a military solution. we firmly believe in a political solution ghani,
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the former finance minister, and a former world bank economist, spoke extensively about the economy lace about the war that ravaging his country and about a 3rd of the government's revenue comes through border crossings. it is loss more than $33000000.00 in the past month after the taliban seized 7 crossings. the largest is here in spin bolduc. after 2 weeks, it is just reopened to trade. naturally, we are scared because conditions are bad. we are afraid of going into afghanistan, but there is no other way out for us. there are no other jobs for us here in the border region. 2 hours away in kandahar city residents have had enough. there has been fighting and a strike from the cities outskirts in the last week. these people were demanding both sides agreed to cease by. the growing insecurity is leading to an increase in the number of africans who are leaving the country the you in to 20 to
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30000 to fling every week. there are also thousands of africans who worked with the us government, who waiting to hear if they will be on a vacuum ration flight in the coming day. charlotte bell is on to 0 cobbled. england's letting in fully vaccinated visitors from the united states and the e. u. without the need to quarantine it comes into effect as of monday. it's being welcomed by airlines and travel companies. the industry had criticized the government for sticking to strict restrictions, which they say had left the country falling behind the e u. and it comes to attracting tourists, has shown alex plains. this could be an important step in reopening england to tourism. the big change here is that since the 19th of july, when travel restrictions began to be used in this country, along with the wider reopening people who received their vaccines in this country were allowed to travel app to post the countries and elsewhere and travel back
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without having to quarantine, if they had received the vaccines in this country, those who received vaccines elsewhere on the other medical authorities still have to undergo quarantine. the big changes i say is that they are now the government, recognizing people who had their vaccines in the u. s. and in e u countries and allowing them all except those in france for the time being to come into this country and escape quality. it's a big, big deal for the tourism industry in effectively is the firing gun on the resumption of international tourism. the vast majority of inbound tourism to this country comes from the u. s. and the e u. it's also of course, a game changer for you and us citizens living in england for the time being the other nations of the u. k. will follow suit who folks, since the beginning of the pandemic, really haven't been able to welcome into this country, their friends and family from abroad to reasons for this next stage in the reopening process bar. as johnson, the prime minister desperately worried that the u. k. was losing out to the you in
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terms of us tourism people heading to cities like paris and rome in europe because they couldn't come here to london. he was worried about squandering the so called vaccine bonus and enormous pressure applied on the government by the travel industry, warning ministers in recent days that there were thousands of jobs on the line with sectors of the industry facing bankruptcy. if they didn't open and didn't open, very quickly. gentle reporting the last one you said you wanted on website 20 dot com, everything from cobit, what's going on in afghanistan? the latest attitude is ah, what's going on? and she is our top stories. we just recap the headlines for you, the president, they're demanding the return of billions of dollars of stolen public money. he says 460 individuals are being investigated. on sunday he says the prime minister,
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unfroze parliament demonte stolen from the tune is young people must be restored. a decision will be made to take measures against the perpetrators.


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