tv [untitled] August 1, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm AST
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all, if you can implement here, just some of access points that shift the focus, the pandemic that's turned out to be a handy little pretext. the prime minister clamped down on the press covering the way the news is covered. so listening post on i just oh i this is al jazeera ah. to watch the news, our life or my headquarters in del hi, jerry and i'll get it coming up in the next 60 minutes. i've gone for the bottle, the taliban and several major cities and the fighting is hampering flood rescue effort. mean mars 3 declares it is now
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a transitional government led by a prime minister 6 months after seizing power in emergency crews and turkey bring dozens of wildfires under control near coastal resort. nearly after nearly 5 days protecting venice cruise ships weighing more than $25000.00 tons are now banned from the lagoon city. i'm sure to go with the forces we bill. but the biggest event at the lympics were just hours away from the mens 100 feet. the final, which several frances in with a chance of replacing the same boat as the fastest man in the world will be live and to kick. ah, welcome to the news our we begin and i've gone on. that's where government forces are fighting against taliban assaults on major cities. rockets have struck kandahar airport in the south. all flights in and out of the city or canceled the taliban
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defensive in that former stronghold is going on as it also attacks less car got the besieged capital of hellman province. they are the gun air force has in blame for bombing a private hospital killing at least one person. the owners has the facility was targeted because the military, wrongly believe taliban fighters were being treated there was just too much. i didn't know some kind of hospital was bombarded, but there were no telephone in the hospital. there were only 6 staff members and i was pharmacists and nurses, and our 2 nurses were wounded patients. caretaker was martin, and another patient's caretaker was wounded title in the heart of germany, we request from both sides not to destroy any public property that can affect people in the future of f. kenneth's done by the government and taliban should be careful. the taliban should not use those places and the government should not bomb bob those places or elsewhere in the west of the country. the taliban is advancing . fast and harass what's yours? a border with iran?
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the arm group has taken control of the road through the air for let's get an update from james base is joining us live from cobble. so james, several cities coming under pressure overnight. just talk to us about the current situation and what's going on. i think it's fair to say it's a very serious situation for the afghan government. they have got the taliban now within the city limits in the 2nd city of afghanistan, kandahar in the 3rd city of i've got a storm herat and if that wasn't serious enough in helmand, in the provincial capital helmet, laska guy was talking about and out. right. in the heart of the city about a kilometer away from the governors compound. and i think the situation is most serious in alaska because the tell about the have taken hold of houses that are there in the center of the city, making it very hard. i think for the african military, the african military sent in special forces. they've now got the embryo task of
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urban warfare, which is always very, very difficult to try and dislodge the taliban. the, we know that the african forces and the us forces have been carrying out as strikes in alaska. but clearly to get the tongue about out of these houses in the center of the city, they're going to need to go from house to house. because if they would just use strikes, there's a real danger of civilian casualties. but i can tell you there are civilian casualties. you've heard about the hospital that was hit in part of laska gar. whether doesn't seem to be many casualties. but in the other hospital, the main hospital that is operating in alaska, it's a very impressive hospital. i've been there myself, run by italian and joe called emergency while they have 98 beds, at least 90 percent capacity right now appoints in the last 24 hours. they've been over capacity treating people in make ship beds as well. in addition to the normal
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hospital wards trying to deal with this influx of casualties. the situation in kandahar is serious to fighting going on in the city. and we've also had rockets canada air field. and that means that the runway seems to be not operating right now. and all flights have been suspended. remember the flight to harass which is kind of the 2nd city, right. the 3rd city flights there was suspended, but we're told that the afghan government that some flights on now likely to land in the coming out some civilian flights. but the fighting continues in herat. what is the response to all of this from the afghan government? well, the african president, chef gaudy has been giving a virtual cabinet meeting. and the last couple of hours, he says that this shows the taliban have no will for p. c says the taliban are unchanged. and he's claiming the tell about letting other international and
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searching groups into afghanistan. and then while all of this is going on, there had been flash, flood that have hit part of the country in the east of the country and area control by the taliban. what's the situation there while it's an area that's contested between the government and the taliban, and that makes it really complicated for those that are trying to deliver relief supplies and help to the area. $113.00 people dead in the flash flooding in noticed on we believe $110.00 also are still missing in that area. the problem, of course, with so many houses have been destroyed, is the problem shelter. that is also the problem of fresh drinking water. the african red crescent has been the lead agency, the un, it's been trying to negotiate access for supplies. but the un telling me it's extremely difficult because there's not a single person to talk to. this is involved in fighting in recent weeks and it's
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an area that is divided between taliban and the government to access to try and help these people very, very difficult. okay, thank you so much. james may, is reporting from couple or 61 tossed or seizing power in a coo and violently suppressing opposition. me and mars military gentle naming itself. a caretaker, government leader, may lie, han will become the prime minister. earlier he promised to lift the state of emergency by late 2023 and hold my party election. he led the coup against i'm on 2 cheese. democratically elected governments more than 930 people have since been killed and thousands more arrested during the crack. don't you know, do it in the meantime, we have to do the thing that should be done. then we will take 6 month to prepare for election according to the loan. we will accomplish that provision of the state of emergency by august 2020. a lot for your life to tony chang. he's following
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these developments from bangkok, so the head of the military naming himself the prime minister. is that a surprise? and are there likely to be any new faces in the caretaker's government? very unlikely. essentially, the military genta has just changed his name and some people might say that the case of the wolf putting on a sh wolf's sheepskin check it. but yes, i've been many people looked at the qu in on february 1st and they said this was all about men on lie. he was feeling rejected during the course of our sense to choose previous term when she won a massive landslide in november of last year. he felt that many people, so he felt very much as if he was being pushed out. he was 65, he should have retired by now. and so many people think that this crew has all about putting himself in that top position, whether it's head of the military genta or his head of a transitional government. he is now very much the man in charge,
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and he's going to surround himself with the same generals that have been running the country for the last 6 months. that may be a certain element of trying to appease international criticism of the military and the association of south east asian nations is meeting tomorrow to discuss the problems in me. but to be frank, this is a military government that has written out international criticism in the past, particularly in the 90s, in the early 2000. and when the international community was pushing very hard for me to embrace democracy as lightly to a point and envoy tomorrow and gentlemen, online did say that we would follow the advice of that invoice. but we know c, n is divided to singapore, malaysia, and indonesia have been pushing hard to criticize mamma, particularly since the blood, the cry, towns of the protests on the streets. but they've been held back very much by thailand. the generals here
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a thought to be for friendly with the generals over there and not want you to criticize too much. okay, thank you so much tony. check for that update from bangkok. let's make to bridget. well, she was an honorary research associate at the university of nottingham, malaysia's asia research institute. she's joining us by skype from columbia. thanks for speaking to us. what's your reaction to the head of the military gentle naming himself is prime minister and the new caretaker government? well, i think the operative word is a taker government. this is a take over and it is it not a surprise that been alive? he put himself in a position of power because a lot of this has been about him and, and, and this is also a pattern we've seen in the past. that the military puts itself in a position of a kind of prime minister or, and promises elections down the line to kind of hold on to power. so this is the repertoire of the past, but it is particularly got an online character that it is actually very much about him. right. so is this likely to sort of placate the protesters on the streets?
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this the promise of holding elections and multi party elections? take place within 6 months? no, i think that we continue to see polarization between the protesters in the military, millions of taken to the streets in the last 6 months. we see a different alternative government, the national unity government projecting itself among the people who are opposed to the military. and we see a country in crisis and humanitarian crisis. i think it's really important to understand that the corporate 1900 delta, very, it has, ravage me a mar, many people are, don't have access to oxygen. they don't have access to medical supplies. the military is hoarding that for themselves, including the vaccines. so it is a humanitarian problem in the country. and so calling himself a prime minister is not doing anything to address the problems that his takeover is cause for the people of me and mar. what about the meeting meant to take place tomorrow? i see on countries regional countries that is,
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will be deciding on an envoy to me and more. is that going to pressure the military in any way to change direction? no, i think what's happened is that the us younger as, as the noted earlier, is extremely divided. and the member itself has tried to interject the choose who they prefer. and there are 4 names in the, in the docket. and of course, ultimately i think that there will be pressure to choose one of them. and they may even choose 2 of them to accommodate the differences than austin. but the reality is that in itself has very limited influence. my good job of trying to basically neutralize international pressure with this relationship with russia and china and also with his allies, with the nazi on. so in a sense has been able to kind of position itself very and calculate only regionally . so i am pressure, i think is all it is too late into little, how abandoned, by the international community. do you think the public feels in me and mar,
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terribly. so because you know, in, they have their suffering tremendously. there of the un report says that there are about 2000000 people who are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance. over 220000 people have been displaced. and the international community has focused all of its energies and asi, on an axiom, as a been able to find itself at envoy. and at the same juncture, memory has been able to establish itself with its allies, internationally and positioned. it's off for a long term, and so i think the, the community recognizes in me i'm, or that they have to solve these issues. but the fact is that they need international assistance, especially humanitarian assistance, given what they're, what they're enduring right now. and they know that the strategies the national community are using sanctions in particular are not adequate to address the power that the military holes of this particular juncture. thank you so much for speaking to us from calling them for the most. welcome plenty. morehead, on the news hour,
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including indonesia struggles with the worst comb, with 19 outbreak in asia, the number of orphans surging. why fears about china's controversial security law has led to an accident from hong kong. and the usa is raising stars caps off the golden performance in the over the world record. coming up with joe important. ah, 1st, iran has denied any involvement in an attack on, on is really operate a tanker off the coast of oman. but israel's prime minister insist that his country has intelligence confirming that iran is responsible to people were killed on board . the n v. mercer on thursday when it was hit by what appears to have been a drone strike about that. i mean, is like for us from my service and i'm, what more can you tell us about this evidence that is really officials are speaking
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of where we don't have details of the evidence. they are speaking about what israel is saying. that is, that this was a drone attack, and that, that drone effect specifically targeted the bridge of the vessel to cause a human law. so you sort of human human tool on this attack. now you, as you said earlier, prime minister and after the bennett was meeting with his cabinet to, to the weekly cabinet meeting to kick off the week. while he said that he had no doubt whatsoever that iran was behind that attack. even though you, ron says that the accusation is baseless now on saturday, the 5 minutes a be was busy on the phone. he spoke to his romanian counterpart and he also spoke to bridges, counterpart, to give them condolences,
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but also because he is trying to drum up support. he says that was going on in the, in the gulf of arabia is not only attacking israel, but is, is to disrupt commerce international commercial shipping. so he's trying to drum support through that. we also know that is your is seeking put the un security council to meet urgently. you can then iran and is calling for an international investigation. so certainly here the message is why the rest of the world is still hasn't definitively point to the fingers at iran. the message coming out of here is that iran and only iran is behind that attack. ok, thank you so much for that update from west through solemn, controversial changes to hong kong immigration law have come into effect. critic
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say it will give the government sweeping powers to stop people from coming in or out. a 1000 have been leaving before it came into force. and as adrian brown reports from hong kong, that figure is growing. hong kong international airport is a quiet place these days. except here, the check in area for flights to london. these people are not going away for business or pleasure though. they're leaving for good feeling, a mixture of anger, guilt, and defense. they're being forced out. this is our home. why do we need to leave? i mean, i have been living here for more than 40 years already and it's my home. so it's really sad to leave the home and you see that everything is she's a finance worker and has no job to go to like others who sacrifice careers often for the sake of their children. bolivia. so for many years we have our
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korean, we have family. yes. so it's been upset for the for the future of my child. and i think we need to do with the sad scenes and now being played out daily as more people join a growing exodus from the territory where communist party rule is being tightened. in the past year, an estimated $36000.00 people have left for britain under a special visa scheme. many supported over part of the anti government protest movement, like dark su now in birmingham with his family. he says the change to the immigration law will encourage more people to go. i'm just joking. i think the hong kong government speeds up the immigration plan for many hong kong is for us. we did not plan to leave hong kong. it will beginning even after the protests in 2019, like many others, he says he's unlikely to return to hong kong,
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a city that still regards itself as asia's finest. the government denies the law gives it unlimited powers to stop people entering or leaving hong kong, insisting the amendment is aimed at screening. illegal immigration at source, amid a backlog of asylum claims. and the people's right to free movement will not be effected. those who go to the u. k. have opted for a new life in a country where koby 19 rates, a soaring, and job prospects scares. yet that seems preferable to remaining here. adrian brown, al jazeera hong kong turkeys president as promising assistance to coastal regions scorched by nearly a 100 wildfires. 6 people have died. most of the fires are now under control. are still sort of, there are reports or mon, i got a town in one of the worst hit provinces. clear blue skies lost in a haze. and the once green forest or thought less than turkey had been painted
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black. the wife fire started on wednesday across 4 location in the province of, and tanya found by strong means the quickly spread to neighboring regions. but soon, 26 provinces, far and wide, began reporting similar fires. several people have been killed and hundreds of others injured. thousands more have had to leave their homes, young yolanda, and the blaze spread to the highlands and raised suddenly, we had no chance to flee on, but when we were engulfed by slaves, we had to run to the city of been off, got it, and then we came back to find the house like this. not much more than 85 wildfires. how broken out is whether the $74.00 of them are under control. but the cost the province is dana or manya on top of the messing mueller. and isn't it are still trying to put out for lames. we are in my now got which along with the key is
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on top, the worst hit this rate to fight fighters had been killed during operations here. while many people have been taken to hospital at least 25 willis and this weeks or even created another fight was in mamma is, has killed a 25 years old woman here who was trying to take drinking water to the emergency crews. the fire wiped out livestock area as local struggle to lead her to safety. hundreds of homes have been destroyed or heavily damaged by the turkish for the minister says how it is on the way. cuz me a demo, let it by shipped to ya, and i need to buy it and my kids are going, it will stop partial payments to our citizens who have suffered damage to their properties. we have begun transferring a total of $2700000.00 from various institutions and ministries for emergency need an tally as min. i've got distracted by that. well,
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the wildfires are common in turkey, mediterranean, and aging regions during the dry summer months. alternatives have yet to determine the cause of this fires. sub shipping, we are considering the possibility of sabotage and any other sources of the fire starting and we will carry out the investigation to provide answers to these. we will not give up an kill. we have all the answers that are concerned, they may be a string of attacks targeting the heart of the turkish tourism industry. the extent of the destruction will become clear once the was fires are extinguished. but for doors in the fact that regions it will likely take some to recover and rebuild press. we'll start of that, i'll just 0. my now got let's get an update from istanbul and speak to center because of august. so center, what is the state of the wildfires right now?
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they're in the far as are so raging down and turkey, but as for the minutes, 3 or 4 is 3. 107 of the 112 wildfires have been under control box. so there are 5 fires raging, gone in 5 different provinces and turkey. the government is trying to do, trying to extinguish the fires and you know, these kinds of natural disaster times are the times for sold exactly what the neighbors and ally countries. so that way, john, iran and russia and ukraine have, are also enrolled in this massive 5 fighting operation with the crews and with their extinguish extinguisher planes. and the problem here, as per the experts, is that these, this season is the season for fires in inter, in the mediterranean, in terms of for forest fires. but this time they extend off the blazes is, is the main problem 3 and, and the for the forest ministry warned that as of this afternoon,
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the humidity is going to go down for the bound per 10 percent, which means the wind is going to be dry the weather is going to be dry and it is going to be so hot. that's why. as of today, he warned that everybody must be more careful. and some of the villages and resorts have been evacuated. the place that we're close to the close to the fi wildfire areas and say that it is going to take some time for those evacuated as citizens to go back to their homes until all fire is totally under control. but as for the government, mostly, the wildfire was under control. ok, thank you so much than impossible glue reporting from a stumble. still ahead on the i'll just renew our 50 years after these dawn rays on pacific islanders new zealand. governments makes a formal apology. a contentious star,
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it's peruse, less leaning leader facing, protested days after taking office and will tell you about the big money gamble that how the amex writers secure goals that the folks that's coming up with dro ah hello, good to see we are tracking out some storms moving through northern spain into poland, and this is an intensive, fine disturbance, a deep area of low pressure. so basically the deeper the low, the more intensive weather is and we can see it toward that southeast corner of poland, where there are red weather alerts in play for the very real risk of some severe thunderstorms. going for a closer look because we also have storms taking aim at northern italy,
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an area already recovering from devastating flooding their right through switzerland, austria the czech republic, as we head into the vacuum. and once again that southeast corner of poland, south of this we still got red weather alerts for the heat through the bulk ins, bucharest, a high of 30 degrees on sunday after turkey were keeping tabs on the weather. here for that wildfire burning east of on talia. city in on talia province. and monica, we look at the next 3 days, we lock our temperature in around 40, so well above average. and the winds are going to whip up to about 25 kilometers per hour. we're also dealing with low humidity as well as to the air is very dry, which does not help. now for africa we've seen some heavy rain moving through the southeast corner of molly into the south west on sunday. had sure weather update. the height of english for, for lies and elicit market for the rich and powerful leading specialist under cover
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just years investigative unit exposes the inner workings and key players in the murky underbelly of football finance. he's a part, you need to tell some people when edition has been said that you can make an elephant disappeared. i have many of the 6 brazen example. i've seen the men who so football coming soon on, i was just, you know, were total technology can help tackle the spread of coven 19. but our tech solutions, the best solutions we are starting something that seems like it's in public health, very quickly becomes about measuring what date is being collected. whereas it being stored highly, re looked at the limits of time and the potential of other creative ways to deal with the issues we face. target when tech to go viral. episode 3 of all have locked down on algae 0. ah,
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the a gun, the top floor is something solid. there's been intense fighting and last car got the besieged capital of a gun. hellman problems there the government forces are fighting against the taliban and conducting several airstrikes. the more military has announced the formation of the caretaker government, its leader min lot, min liang will become the prime minister and has promised multi party election 6 months after season power. and a qu, turkeys president is promising assistance. the coastal regents course by nearly 100 qualifiers, 6 people have died. most of the fires are now under control. the white house is
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pushing trinity as president to make a swift return to a democratic path in an hour long phone call, the u. s. national security advisor urge crisis hired to form a new government quickly in order to stabilize the economy and contain over 1900 cases. last week president tires dismissed the prime minister on government unfroze parliament. his opponents accuse him of staging a qu like now to us some kimball is a journalist and joining us and there a hi there, sam. so an important conversation between students in washington dc. tell us more about the significance of it. indeed it is a significant conversation, jake sullivan, the bite and administration national security advisor had a one hour phone call today president side yesterday, which is a significant amount of time for politicians. at this level. he urge the tunisian president to recall return quickly to the democratic path and said that tunisia,
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democracy must be based on fundamental rights, strong institutions, as well as the rule of law. now, the call also focused on the critical need of leaders to create a plan. the practical plan to get out of the current political crisis and including the naming of a new prime minister, the formation of a new government, as well as stabilizing the economic situation and a protracted and burgeoning coven health crisis in the country. now this has come after president tunisian president side has reiterated over the past several days, and he took some extraordinary measures last sunday, which included the stocking of prime minister, his m a c. c, the freezing of parliament, as well as the removal of parliamentary immunity. he's been making assurances to leaders and media like saying that he will not.
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