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tv   [untitled]    August 2, 2021 11:00am-11:31am AST

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near delay the tokyo olympics. finally, despite growing opposition and spiraling costs, fountains of athletes are competing in empty stadiums. amid the corona virus endemic algae here it will be inside the olympic bubbles, bringing you the latest from again, like no other. i me the us getting president announces taliban aggression that reveals little about his response as scientists advance and large city. ah, hello. so rahman, you're watching all 0 life my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 30 minutes. reco, temperatures and strong winds keep more than 100 wildfires burning across southern turkey. i am graceful, fair. then we'll kind of in tone of my mind. i've got one of the worst hit the
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district by wildfires in turkey. also, elliptic, organize a se, bella russian athlete is safe and secure in token after refusing to be full stone to a flight home and mexicans vote and the referendum on whether to investigate foreman leaders. ah, welcome to the program i've gotten present shift. connie has told parliament the country is facing a state of aggression by taliban forces which are attacking several cities. he also repeated how his government has been surprised by how quickly us forces a withdrawing and how he'd warned washington. this would have consequences. in the past 24 hours, the group has moved in from the outskirts to the major heart of cities such as last quarter gar, and come to hong. the situation in la chicago is particularly fragile with the
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group moving in closer to major government buildings that were also been asked strikes and fighting and harass, and in none to ha, in the east. let's go over to our senior diplomatic editor james bases in cobble force. before we talk about what the president has to say, just bring us up to speed on the situation on the ground both overnight into the morning. but it's a very busy picture, and i think we should start in helmand province. remember the, a lot of the battles for the international forces by british troops who are based by the us war and help and province remember that the u. k. last 450 soldiers in afghanistan, most of them in helmand. well, since the international forces have withdrawn, the situation in helmand is very much going in the direction of that and in favor of the taliban. because the telephone controlled many districts in helman province . and right now the focus is on the provincial capital laska golf. we only get sporadic news from last guy. that's because the phones are operating the very well
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. the communications are cut for much of the time. but at the last couple of hours, we've spoken again to the local journalists who very bravely supplies with information. and they say that the situation has for the african government got worse and recent hours they say tell about fighters now, right. close to the governors compound, the police chiefs headquarters in laska got to talk about all right. in the heart of the city there in buildings and houses in the heart of the city, which means that the african forces are going to have to have urban warfare. they're the most dangerous type of combat to try and remove them. we understand that they're all gotten special forces in last good guy, but certainly the local journalists have not seen them operating in the heart of the city. we understand to that been as strikes in alaska got in parts of the city carried out by the i've got air force also reports that they've been carried out by
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the u. s. force as well. moving to the neighboring province of kandahar, the 2nd city of afghanistan and the province around it. still some class she's in the city, the airport that still for the moment closed, although the african government say that don't repair to the runway and should be reopening soon. cautious to outside canada city in the province spin bolduc. 2 is the border crossing between i've got a son and pakistan been in the hands of taliban for some time. now there are fresh caches and as strikes we understand that to. ready the province in the west of i've got a song perhaps a little bit quieter than now that it has been so still some classes reported in our city. and we're also told that they've been fresh fighting elsewhere in iraq. problems around should've done air base, which was one of the main bases for the us and nato forces in afghanistan before they pulled out of the country. and finally to the east of afghanistan,
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9 province in the east action district, there has been a taliban attack. so the east is also seeing fresh violence, the taliban saying they killed 10 soldiers and police. but as the, as is often the case, the government a very different story, say they've killed 14 taliban and that it is to security for the members that have been killed in that attack a lot to consider and ponder on for the president. james. obviously he was speaking to parliament and he would have had to react to the situation on the ground. well, certainly he said that the situation is an unprecedented period of turmoil. this is the 3rd speech that we've had from our ref ghani in a week. that's been covered live on national national tv by tv networks. he says a state of aggression has been imposed upon us. and he also added about the taliban . people said how about his changed? i agree, but not the good way. they have become more cruel. he says we have chosen off the
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tell about me to choose that as so lots of comments by the i've got a president. but where is the plan of action was the detail of the plan of action. and i've been told by senior members of the international community that it is time for i should have gone to unveil a plan, a detailed plan, and also to communicate it to the afghan people. because this is not all about what happens on the ground. it's also about perceptions and the african people. many, i've spoken to a very fearful about the continuing violence and the possibility even in campbell, that the violence could be coming to them. the president simply saying that with a 6 month security plan, things will get better. but of course, 6 month is a pretty long horizon and things that moving very fast indeed, change days on diplomatic into the forest in cobble. thank you. the flush flooding and landslides in eastern afghanistan have also killed
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a 100 people rescue workers in noticed on province digging through daybreak in search for those missing people. the provinces under taliban control, which the government says makes it difficult for it to provide assistance, food, and shelter for any survivors. israel supreme court is due to here and appeal from for palestinian families against their forced expulsion from the shape, jot a neighbourhood in occupied east jerusalem for the families. this is their last legal trans to prevent their 4th displacement. after living, living there for decades, dozens of other palestinians, the neighborhood also and a threat of full st. expulsion. think wafers railey satler's. shakespeare has been the scene of frequent crackdowns by israeli security forces against protest as of how the abil hermes is lying for us in west jerusalem and how to really 10 stay for old stakeholders. the yes absolutely. we're here in front of the supreme court. the hearing should be starting any,
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any moment now, but you can see behind me the families of those who are facing these force eviction. there's also the protesters outside of the major here in support of those families. now it is a key they for these are just iraq, families that are going to put forward some documents to the court that petitioning the case that they have the right just in those homes that they had been living there since more than 5 decades. now, joining me to me, i wish how they use a member message and he will explain all of this a bit more in detail. just let me thank you very much for joining me here. that what do we expect to happen at the supreme court today? we have a few scenarios now where there's a lot of things that can happen for the follow up expecting a clear decision today regarding the issue of jobs because of the new document
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that you have mentioned. and because of what the lawyers today are applying for is that to see the high court is going to deal with the case or they're going to bring it back to the sit up there, or they want bring it back to another court. so 1st of all, we should do the decision if the i would like to deal, want to deal with the issue of rock. so we are not sure that you are going to have a clear cut incision regarding the issues of ships out today. and now these documents that the families are putting forward could just change a lot for them in the sense that some of these documents do show that that land where they live now was in the final stages of being transferred to them under jane it under the jordanians, so before 67, how much can that way in? well, the lawyers have done a good work here because we have 2 sources of documents. jessica,
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shut them and document. so the work them the 30 chart, got them. we have also the genuine state. one of them are important jordanians, if you have the papers that you mention proves that these people are taking the land and. a the house from the government and doing it with an agreement. the other very important. they both come from them and are not through that. you know that property in this area at all. they claim that and if the settlers claim that they have documents proving jewish properties since $875.00, now the check the archives and back us prove differently. but so the supreme court in israel did not decide till now if they want to deal with these papers or not. ok, so now days also change. we also make this little change maybe to be slowed down. do you think that the
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bennet government is over to, to get families from their home? we have a new government in this route, but you have to and then you'll government. i don't know if you want to continue according to that then national to go. not really gonna think that out loud. this is an up you buying not to do any demographic changes in the up . you buy them up, you're buying force and it's 07. so the issue is not the legal issue that the issue is happening and you don't sell them political decision. unfortunately, the new israeli government is led by the head of the report. it was the prime minister that they've been to one of the most remnants for good in developing up
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the month of july to grow and not expecting any change in policy. so it's a new government policy. thank you very much. thank you. now what happens today is also going to really affect many other families in children that are facing exactly the same fate of force expulsion. we don't know yet what kind of reasoning the supreme court will have, but certainly key dates for those families will come back to you. hold on when we get more work out of the court proceedings. thank you. not the state people have died. wildfires that have burned across southern turkey crusade, most of more than 100 fires are under control, but hot weather is signing them near villages and coastal resort towns. many villages surrounding area have now been evacuated. well, was still so there is a man i got in an italian province and obviously the scene where you are doesn't
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look great. just tell us where you are and what's been happening there. well say we are in the withers of color. i'm not in town of mine. i got one of the worst hit district by the way, it's fires in turkey in this. will it in color? will it where we stand? i, a married couple had been killed by the fire is a german lady, married to turkish. men here and living in this village for 20 years just have a couple of days ago. and there are 50 people or so seriously injured that will, it talk will be having has 100 houses and 8 and 58 of them were completely destroyed or partly damaged. you can see from behind me how the blazes grabbed the houses and left them such this. so the wife fires to have
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a started on wednesday. the 1st report of 5 being up that started on wednesday. and right after that, so far the has been, the y fi is reported in 35 provinces across the country. so far. the wildfires how killed 8 people hounded as injured and hundreds of people also hospitalized. there are, there have been $125.00 fires that will be reported. 100. 17 of them are partly or completely under the control, but 8 fact the zone still going on 1389 drones 45. how to cope? there's one on manhattan. there's $700.00 a spring because i would have tankers, $120.00 k through pillars and about 5, how was it personnel were involved in the battle against the fires?
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and now we can see that also the international afford to get the why fi is under control. so it's wrapping up because the so far, the aid came from either be john, russia, ukraine. and now the european union also is joining these at 40 s, the extinguish the $45.00 in turkey. the high representative of the european union unions as foreign affairs doesn't have just stated that the craft are being sent from spain and chris to turkey. and that the european union stand in full solidarity with turkey for the update that is very much for some of the in the got in southern turkey will still have here on to 0. my home, they cruises through the historic canals of venice could soon be a thing of the past. plus i'm come on high for sure. where the polio vaccination campaign did underway or did it, nor did you do talk. and it brought grades. ah,
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ah, it's time for the journey to winter sponsored by kettle airways. hello, good to see that storm system that was plaguing the parent, ease rate through to the alps waltz now. race to the northwest, and this has become a story for the baltic states. so we go in for a closer look, and we see particularly toward the eastern portion of these countries, some intense rain spilling into st. petersburg, russia, and then eventually, this will be on its way to finland. ok further south, we still got those red weather alerts in play for just how high temperatures are here. so look at this bucharest 40. sophia bulgaria won't be surprised if you hit 40 degrees as well. now we are keeping tabs on the wildfires situation, both in greece and turkey. so you know, for greece over the past 24 hours,
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56 wildfires have erupt it. now if we look at the situation in turkey, this is one of gods, and this is what crews are up against. and unfortunately, the weather conditions are not cooperating. here, we're gonna lock our temperature in, said the low fourties. we'll have some breezy winds at times in the wall, and low humidity. so that's complicating the firefight there. across the tropics of africa, we've got storms moving from the east to the west, but we find some heavier pulses of brain. as we check toward senegal, the gambia and sierra, the own free town, a high of 27 degrees on monday. sponsor cut on airways joined the debate. you do not have back scenes reaching those who are mostly needs and amplify your voice. it allowed a diverse community and how an array of different stories, no topic, it's off the table. it's such a tough ethical debate where there is an obvious discrimination in systematic discrimination of play. people are thursdays for new wasted. this stream where
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a global audience becomes a global community on al jazeera. ah ah, the book about kill watching. i was there with me. so rob, reminder of all top new stories of color songs president has told parliament a state of aggression is being imposed on the country by taliban forces. attacking several cities. danny added that the us forces are withdrawing more quickly than expected. in the past 24 hours, the taliban has moved in from the outskirts to the heart of come to ha, unless you go to god, big government and strikes and fighting. and none of the buttons form
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a strong hold off come to home. one of the main border crossings with buck and at least 8 people have now died and 5 that have burned across turkey for the past 5 days. who are still battling several wild font, the popular tourism areas of an italian winter. the now the international olympic committee says a bellow russian athlete is safe and secure in tokyo, christina, to his mental sky air, had accused bela ruth of trying to force her home on a plane after she publicly complained about her coaches. and led to a stand for the port involving japanese police. i'm asking the international olympic committee for help. there's pressure against me and they're trying to get me out of the country without my permission. so i'm asking the i o. c to get involved in this. and took it is under richardson right
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now. semen oscar should have been competing in the 200 meters, at least took care of games. instead. we have whole, she's at a hotel near the airports here in tokyo, olympic officials saying guys, i spoke to her last night saying that you speak to her again this morning and they showed her, she does feel safe and secure what a pace to have happened is that a, a group of other, other risk athletes were leaving the athletes. phil age last night had competed here in tokyo. and she was amongst that group on the 1st of the, she became aware that she was leaving against a will. i was when she arrived at the airport and immediately went out to seek out help from took care of police. let's say now for a minute the rti spokesman marketers spoke to the mattress athlete. christina simon simon, new sky, directly last night. she was with the apple store,
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it is made to airport and was time accompanied by a staff member of tokyo 2020. she assured us and has assured us that she feels safe and secure. she spent the night at an airport hotel in a safe and secure environment. the i see in tokyo, 2020 will continue the conversations with her. and the japanese will thought is to determine the next step. in the upcoming days, she was upset and had criticize officials within the team because she was also been asked to take part in the 4 by 4 and you're me to re line. she said, that's an event she hadn't practiced for train for this because of the competence of officials back in valerie, she failed to put other athletes through the required anti doping tests prior to these games that for those athletes hadn't been able to compete moment the limits what the r c can do, but there is somebody from to care 20 with them all with her, also representative from the un refugee agency and they are in constant contact
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with her. but the main point is, she's not less, she's in this country, it is not on her way back to the others. now, cases of cave 19 rising across asia pacific and developing nations have been struggling to provide adequate medical treatment and oxygen supplies. meanwhile, while the countries like australia, south korea and japan, have been unable to control the surge despite imposing locked downs and other strict measures of mcbride reports across asia pacific countries that had one seem to have the pandemic under control. continue to struggle with surgeon cases viet nam has now extended restrictions in its business hub hotel room in city and in 18 other cities and provinces. 85 percent of all of its cases throughout the pandemic have been recorded just in the past month. and while a 3rd of indonesia, total deaths have been recorded over the same period as the country hardest hitting the region. it has now extended restrictions beyond its most populous islands. java
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in japan, state of emergency measures are now in force in 3 prefecture as neighboring, tokyo, as well as osaka, as the olympic games continue. fans who have been banned from venues have been gathering to watch events on public roads defying calls to stay home. when i get a big now, i really should have avoided coming out, but i would have regretted if i missed his opportunity. so i decided to come in australia, army patrols and now helping to enforce lockdown restrictions in sydney while the lockdown, imposed on the city of brisbin has been extended australia like other asia pacific countries has been hampered by a slow vaccination rollout, but also vaccine hesitancy. i'm calling upon the paypal of greatest pdf right in the south while to come forward and get vaccinated in malaysia, which saw another record search in cases over the weekend. a group of protesters
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gather call on the prime minister to quit. so i'm here today because because sitting at home and nothing changing, and the numbers getting the neighboring thailand satisfaction to with anti government protest is taking part in a slow drive demonstration stretching 20 kilometers through bangkok, the more transmissible delta variance. now accounts for 80 percent of all new cases in the tie capital, a green reminder of just how deadly it is a hospital outside the city has become so overwhelmed. it's now using refrigerated containers to store bodies. rob mcbride al jazeera, so not police officers, guarding polio vaccination teams. and bulk has thought of been targeted in 3 separate attacks in the latest. the so gunman of the motorcycle shot and killed an officer returning from duty with vaccination workers in the shower in the northwest . the medical workers were hurting the attacks. but focused on,
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i'm going to some of the only 2 remaining countries in the world where polio hasn't been eradicated while hyder has this update from the shower printed 3600000 children. and 60 a district across the country. 179000 folio workers, tens of thousands of police men. and they said, the gods campaign, richard broad weight race. because in debauch dollars or dozens of police men and polio workers been targeted. mostly by that said, he gets all of on budget on budget is some good news because the reported case only one. and for the same period last year there were $66.00 gated code. it showed that there is a god improvement, the government determined to wipe out polio, but of god jalyn did not to mention the risk of attack. and the fact that the
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situation and honest on adults so quite unstable, which means that a lot of people that may move across the board were complicated issued by the governments. indeed, confident that it is in a position to control and perhaps will be able to wipe out the boil. your wire is from bucket on mexicans are voted in a referendum or whether to prosecute 5 former presidents present address. manuel lucas ober doors been what has been promising to fight corruption. he encouraged to supporters to take part, but criticized election officials for few polling stations. more than 40 percent of registered voters must take part for the result to be binding. but the turn out so far has been apparently low different than the most important, that the important thing is ending impunity in this country. it's been going on for far too long. there has to be justice. there has to be democracy. in this up. what about? we are in disagreement with presidents, they leave and leave us with nothing. another president comes in and they leave him
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with all the responsibility. well, the head of the election, officials say the process would itself be free from corruption. westport, pretty matter is, is it your 2nd quote on the pop it? our consultation will be carried out within the technical specifications of quality, professionalism, and personality and legality. it's expected that the results would be obtained of a maximum of 24 hours after the close of receiving the ballot tabulations. large cruise ships on our band from entering the center of venice. environmentalists have been pushing for the move for years at a brady report. stop from the picture postcard perfection. tourists are back in venice, but they won't be arriving anytime soon. on large cruise ships. it follows years of debate about banning mega cruise ships to protect venus's lagoon ecosystem that that be became much more heated with the arrival in june of
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a towering $90000.00 ton ship. the government finally announced the ban in july, after threats from unesco to place venice a world heritage site on endangered list. the italy is promising to cover last wages for thousands of workers who rely on the cruise industry to keep them afloat. what a movie about it, we hope the government comes up with a way for us to continue a subsidy might last a year or 2, but this decrease has ships, won't pass through anymore. we need certainty for future business issue decades now . which cuts right through the heart of the vin, if passing by saint mark square this very artery to which the huge ships will no longer be able to pack. but that doesn't mean they'll be completely block from the venetian lagoon. the plan is to have large cruise ships into the lagoon through a back channel and dock at the mainland industrial port of margarita. the problem is the port isn't ready to receive crews. passengers like city council medical
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gasper, the net, they grew up along dennis's canals. he welcomes the band but sees it as a distraction because the visible part of the visible deeper is the big ships, about many other problems and the big ships are not the only one. and what are the problems like that the city is dying in terms of being a living place with $0.02 living in side and not having to commute them to get the job. which can not give it a chance to live in the city. we are just that to me that may cultural as part of an organization that lobbied for the band. she sees it as part of a larger push to focus on long term sustainability. all of that would be done not to shift the focus away from accommodating tourism to really fulfilling the needs of the local residents who def, and also on the value of a versity of the lagoon, and on the well being of the whole environment. here the venice rose as a commercial powerhouse centuries ago to the great benefit of its people, finding
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a balance that keeps coffers full and residents from fleeing will take more than banning cruise ships from its waters adarine algebra venice. and of course, you can for all of the stories that we're covering by logging onto our website at algae there, dot com news views and reviews of course updated 24 hours a day. i don't, you know, they're with me. it's a whole rama the reminder of all new stories have gone as those president has told parliament, a state of aggression is being imposed on the country by the taliban forces were talking several cities of danny added that us forces were withdrawing more quickly than expected. and in the past 24 hours, the taliban has moved in from the outskirts to the heart of kandahar and lush. go to god. the ban government strikes and fighting in manga.


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