tv [untitled] August 2, 2021 6:30pm-7:00pm AST
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from being on how's the program, the helping you arrive, the new toner to view of the world today? this is what the picture looks like either. wow, from a different perspective on out here. oh ok. you're watching. i'll just do that reminder hotel so that these 2 people have died in the fire that have burned across turkeys. the past 5 days crews are still battling several wildfires and the popular tourism it is and israel's supreme court has adjourned. in a case of 4 palestinian families fighting against their forced expulsion from the 6 neighborhood occupied east jerusalem. afghanistan's president told parliament
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a state of aggression as being imposed in his country by taliban forces. i saw the guns blaming much of the current situation on us forces withdrawing so quickly. awe about a russian sprint has been issued a humanitarian visa by the polish embassy in tokyo, after seeking political asylum. christina, to mount a sky, had accused bela ross of trying to force her home on a plane. that's after she publicly complained about a coaches. the i o. c says she's safe and secure in tokyo, the bell, russian embassy has requested more information from japanese authorities. richardson has more from tokyo, christina, similar sky, i should have been spending monday at these olympics competing, and it's 200 meters, a days and folded, rather differently. now she says on sunday night, same officials from valerie forcibly took it from the athlete village,
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took it to the airport and tried to get her on a flight back to bella ruth soon she got to the airport. she immediately saw how the help of japanese police also issued a video play on social media, asking the international olympic committee to intervene. now in the build up to that happening, she'd been very critical of team officials saying that she'd been put in a very difficult position, was being asked to compete in a full buy for me to realize she not prepared for. and the reason for that was that the full ethics federation, backing barriers, hadn't put other athletes through the required anti doping tests of tokyo. and therefore they hadn't been able to travel here. now the i see said they were able to speak to her last night and again today and said in her words that she told them she did feel safe and secure. once the authorities had intervened and she'd spent a night in an apple hotel as a post on a flight back to about a race. not surprisingly, the international olympic committee now launching their own investigation. and that
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is starting with a request to the beller rece olympic committee for their official version of events for bodies had been fined in sedans, to teach river, according to military sources, that the remains of people believe to have been executed were discovered in the eastern states of casala, however, morgan's and called to him with more. the bodies were found overnight by the residence of content. that's where more than 220000, if you've been refugees, are currently residing waiting to be relocated to proper united nations camp. now we spoke to camp officials as well as military resources who say at least 30 refugees were able to cross from ethiopia, tegra region into ham dates, reception center, which is the refugee camp for if you're in refugees in the past few days. now those refugees say that at least 50 people were waiting on the other side to cross into sedan. to escape the conflict into gray, military sources say that the 4 bodies who were discovered had their hand side and
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it looked like they were executed and then thrown into the river that matches the account of refugees who say that they have witnessed european forces as well. as her malicious killing, those who are trying to flee as well as trying to tear the rest from crossing from from crossing the river into sudan. of course, we've seen refugees flowing into sudan since the south of the conflict in november . more than 60000 currently employed and distributed between put them out of state and seeking refuge. the, the u. s. h. the usa administrator samantha power was in to him yesterday and met with the prime minister in the handbook to talk about the humanitarian situation. of those refugees, as well as to talk about humanitarian access into gray, where conflict has been region since november a referendum and mexico on whether to make former presidents liable to prosecution for corruption has fallen short of the necessary turn out. the public consultation was backed by the covent president, under my law has a little dog. it could have led to corruption charges being brought against 5 former leaders to home ins,
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following developments from mexico city. what was the president trying to achieve with this? john present? tried to touch the a difficult question to answer exactly what he wanted out of this as a result. but what was to build as possibly groundbreaking de mexico, this huge referendum, possibly 5, ex presidents that could be investigated and then prosecuted. it turned out to be a bit of a dam. squid 7 percent of the electorate turned out about 90 percent or more of them did for yes, they would like to see that. but as you say so far, show the 40 percent required to make it legally binding as a couple of reasons for that. one was the basic question was changed by the country supreme court. they said it wasn't constitutional to ask people whether it's a vote or whether it's a try, someone or not. the countries president under his manual opened the door also said the electoral authorities didn't help him to inform and to push out this referendum
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. but i think many people also had another criticism of this, not related to that. the fact that the countries constitution actually already provides for prosecuting ex presidents that's already popular that's already possible in the country. and a lot of people ask, why do we need to vote on this? if justice is going to be done than it should just be done, it shouldn't be put to some sort of bones. so there was a lot of different questions swirling around this referendum, and of course he doesn't have the 40 percent. now the countries go ahead with this . the question is, what will the president do next? was this just an exercise to check a box? ok, we've done the referendum on this is i promise we can move forward or whether that will be a truth commission that will come out of this given that 90 percent of the small number of people that did vote in favor of yes to do something on this, we're looking to pass crimes passed corruption, possibly not just presidents, but other criminal acts in the past mexico as well. so it's all in the balance and
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it depends. now president look is over the door whether he wants to pursue this more or not. john, thanks very much indeed. does. john holman, is from mexico city. let's bring in albany to my now. he's a professor and research of the north america research center. the university of mexico is joining us live from mexico city by skype. it's good to have you with us and i'll just to so thank you very much indeed. and so john was just describing that that the constitution already allows for the prosecution of former presidents . what do you think the president was trying to achieve with this? well, there are 2 companies support to put in gaily. there was a big failure to get the people on the one contracting mexico on one occasion or the political a, a bit. titian was a failure because of a few people who goes to boat. the people are the person and we here and
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they need the 40 percent of the people to have these 3 low to are there. what in the, on the time, the critics who said that, well, if they have bruce of the former britain to have had a lot of corrosion, don't need the support of the people only can be delicious. they try to put the jail, the people leave the information of that, only the support of the people in the mexican, you shouldn't see them. he supported them. she's been gone. i don't have to put in the the population for this. sorry forgive me for interrupting you, but the critics of president lovers of the door have been saying that this is essentially just a political stunt that he's essentially just trying to energize his, his political base and his supporters. do you think that the president has misjudged the feelings of the people in mexico this to,
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to go the receiver not to work in the lectures? what in this case will be differently not to, to look at people. it's only one opinion to do something in this case, to quite the corruptions if they need, they're referring to put the people on the lexical country need. they need the money to, to buy back scenes that the defendant was really expensive. and the police could be saying this because why he's a spent than just the money for our, for them go waiting. the company needs the money to, to, to buy the back teens in the markets in the market of any has. now, thank you very much for being with us and i'll just either but he's officers guarding polio vaccination teams in pakistan. i've been targeted in 3 separate
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attacks and the latest assault gunman on a motorcycle shot and killed an officer returning from duty with vaccination workers and for the shower and the north west pakistan and afghanistan. i'm the only 2 remaining countries in the world are polio, hasn't been eradicated. hider has this update from charlotte. printed 3600000 children, and 60 a district across the country. 179000, folio workers, tens of thousands of police men. and they says, i've got campaign, richard, broad weight res, because in depart dollars or dozens of police men and for your work that been targeted. mostly by that said, he gets all of on budget on budget is some good news because the reported case only one. and for the same period last year there were $66.00 gated code. it showed that there is a god improvement,
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the government determined to wipe out polio. but of course, your challenge is not to mention the risk of attack. and the fact that the situation and honest on adults so quite unstable, which means that a lot of people that may move across the board were to complicate issues. but the governments indeed confident that in a position to control and perhaps will be able to wipe out the boil. your wires from focused on candidates for nicaragua was presidential election or registering for november's pole. but it is a made a crackdown against the opposition rights groups of accused president or sega of presiding over the rest of dozens of people, including 7 presidential hopefuls. the main opposition has named a former beauty queen and a former gorilla fighter as its candidates. oscar silverado was part of the us back rebel group of fault. the government led by president ortega in the 1980s, latin america editor in human as join me live. now, from santiago, the seo,
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what do we expect to happen today given the fact that most of the presidential hopefuls in prison we are expecting for all special matter who is the former contra real rebels. a leader that you mentioned to us to, to register with the beauty queen. miss venice. miss nick, i was, who was 27 years old as the running ticket that made money. tickets for the opposition made it because all the rest of them, as you mentioned, have been arrested. now we also inspecting daniel ortega and his wife, rossetto rodeo, who is also the vice president to also register at some point. remember, he has not formally said that he will run again for a 4th term. actually, it would be his this term with you how the one that he had back in the 1980s. but that's what we're going to see today. i missed a lot of criticism worldwide and within nicaragua,
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these there's also another opposition candidate from the liberal party, which is a party which in the past times made a lot of deals with daniel ortega to allow him to actually win the presidency or to pass legislation that he is also expected to register, but many nicaraguans disenchanted because they said that the people that candidates, that they really want will not be available. those who are not in prison are in exile now in the fact that they are in prison, of course means that they will miss even if they are released in the next few days or weeks. they will miss the bible bang for registration, which is today. all of this is happening with the backdrop of the threat of us sanctions, which the u. s. has been seeing that it was while certainly threatening to do for some time, but it doesn't seem willing to carry that through what, what's the situation with that? yeah, that's right. and it's very, very noticeable because we are seeing we know that in central america,
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with the exception of costa rica, none of the government have exactly a sterling democratic records, but in the case of nicaragua, in the government have gone further than any other in terms of crushing opponents especially on the, even of the new presidential election. and so we are hearing from the, by the ministration and leave earlier, also from the trumpet ministration. a lot of words of condemnation of what was going on, what is going on in nicaragua, but not the kinds of sanctions that are being slapped on, for example, countries like venezuela or cuba. and one of the reasons i think the main reason is that nickel and central america, i'm sorry, is because it's very, very unstable. right now it is the force of most of the undocumented migrants that are leading towards the border with united states every day in mind. across nicaragua and however are not amongst them. it is paradoxically, a more stable country in that sense. and it's more, it's,
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or new sanctions are slapped on in the garage where the only one so far has been against individuals, but not the economy of the country than the fear is that that will do stabilize and impoverish nicaragua even further and spend more people from that country clean towards the united states as describing nicaragua, there is one of the most stable countries in central america. but given the fact that to talk about the election again for a moment, given the fact that so many of the opposition, so many of the present presidential hopefuls as we were talking about are now in jail. how can make one's be confident that the, the eventual election is actually going to be free and fair? well, they are probably not all that confident is the problem. and that is one of the reasons why the opposition has a daunting task ahead. and that is to try to convince nicaraguans to go out and vote rather than just stay home and talk their hands up and stays pointless. to do so that's, that's a phenomena. we've seen very often inventory way low where most of the opposition
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and most of the population just stays home. and that allows the ruling party to win without having to really tamper with any results. because most of the people that will go out will be those who are willing to vote for president annual attendance reelection. and that is what a lot of people are predicting will happen unless this 400 leader who is not that well known. and the former miss nicaragua, rudy queen, are able to somehow russell up the views. yes, in between now and november. see i thank you very much. indeed. that's an unity in human. our latin america editor talking to us from santiago, supporters of brazil as president jack, both sonata have rallied in several cities. they're backing his proposals for paper ballots to replace electronic voting for next year's election. while he inaccurate reports from rio de janeiro, the thousands of brazilians rallied in support of brazil's president
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jadem ball some out of their backing his plane that brazil current electronic voting system is not to be trusted. i believe both in our was elected president and the 1st round of the 2018 elections and not in the 2nd round. like the official results say, politicians and judges must respect the people who want paper balance not just digital ones. someone in washington government also followed the president has offered no evidence of problems with the current system that has been used since 1996. but his supporters believe him, they want a paper print out of every digital ballot cast and they're putting pressure on congress and the supreme court to change the system. but 11 political party in many brazilians question both scenarios intention getting poses the people want to change the ex running, quoting was they side to us? what the majority of brazilians wanted, there wasn't,
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this is just the government way of distracting the people from what is really going on. like the more than 500000 did by covered 1900 recent polls shobel. so now faces defeat by former president with the national ruler, the silver. if the contest next year's election in both scenario has repeatedly said he will not step down if he thinks there is fraud. any idea this is happening after the opposition has stage 4 nationwide project calling. 7 for president, right? you for not as well. so not as popularity has waned in the face of increasing inflation, unemployment and poverty rates. analysts believe he is following in the footsteps of former us president donald trump most and i was trying to do the same thing that trump has gone on in the election united states. he wants to have the adam, it's necessary to claim that to actually read and try to validate them.
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resilience still have to wait more than a year to cast their vote. but both on out of supporters and opponents already testing each other on the street monitor. and i give, i'll just 0 rio de janeiro still ahead and i'll just say to the athlete who fell over with a laugh to go, but still find a way to win actions in the tokyo olympics. coming up with joe in scores, i brought to you by accenture, that there be change the news
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gymnast simone biles has confirmed. she'll go for gold on the balance beam of to previously pulling out of all 5 of her other finals. the beam final takes place on tuesday. biles has had a difficult games putting out of all of her previous events to focus on her mental health. or one of the events spoils miss was the women's floor final, which was one by her american team make jade carry. the 21 year old bounced back from a disappointing vote performance with an incredible tumbling routine the claim, the 1st and then pick gold metal of her career. and she was able to celebrate with her dad who is also her coach. it means everything to me to have my dad here. we've been working so hard for this together. so i'm really glad that i was able to do that for us tonight. and having simone being back tomorrow is great. i'm really proud of her. she's been through a lot they so and think so it's going to be great to see you're out there. bad news for the american women's football team though the well champions were favorites for
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gold, but they were stunned. one know by canada, in the semi finals kind of the place, sweden, in the final olympic history was made in the women's weightlifting is new zealand. laurel hubbard became the 1st openly transgender athlete to compete games. unfortunately for her, she made an early exit from the women's, 87 kilo category of failing to register, left back of the national stadium quotes because jasmine come much, her quinn took gold and the women's 100 me to her feet in the world. record holder, kenny harrison, to make it megan half a research commentary quinn is just the 2nd puerto rican ever. when a gold medal. how about this leaving it late decreases middle t at it's 10 to glue was outside the metal when he hit the wrong way for the final time in the long jump. but he snatched gold with a leap of 8.41 meters. and there was a stunning come back in the heat to the 1500 meters. well champions on house, on phone with one last to go. but the dutch saw got up and was still able to win
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the race to qualify for the semi final heels. so one goal in the 5000 meters is the metal table as things stand china way clear at the top with 29 gold medals. the usa, 2nd with $22.00 and japan around 17 and limbic organizers say they're considering whether or not to take disciplinary action against american athlete. raven saunders the shop put silver medalists broke limpid rules by staging. the 1st podium protest of these games and the richest and reports from tokyo. according to olympic regulations, all podium protests, all band that didn't stop. american shots at raven saunders, the silver medal winner, forming an x with her wrists. she said it was to represent where the oppressed meets now sold as often was a super hero mask during her competition. saying she identifies with the incredible hoax quest to control his strength and power. i may not open up everything,
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but i do feel lot the people say from the fact that like, you know, my hair, you know, the fact that i where girls or whatever it is. because my big thing is just, you know, always being me games organizes say that rules are aimed at keeping support neutral and away from politics. and so that regulations reflect the views of the majority of athletes. we created possibility before sport begins for people to make protests. but one thing we have noted in the, of the survey that we've did with 3500 athletes, including by the way, athletes from united states, in all of the people we asked in that extensive survey, they all want to protect, feel to flight them. i celebrated image of athlete activism is from the 1968 olympics american sprinters. so me, smith and john carlos raising a fish, the spread the message of black equality and civil rights. when barry is aiming the
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gold in the hammer throat with these games, she's also stage a series of podium protests against racial injustice. critics if the r c believe any effort to prevent athletes promoting social change is wrong. the i o. c really is, is an archaic organization. when you look at how professional sport in europe and north america has empowered their athletes to be able to stand up for social, racial justice and to use their voice to be a part of change. so on the says she hopes her gesture and supporting success will help inspire people from all over the world, the stand up and speak for themselves away from tokyo. louis hamilton says he suspects he has long, cosy it after he had to be treated for dizziness and blood vision after the hungarian groan. pre hamilton finish 3rd behind grace. when i asked about comments, bus in battle after grueling fight back from last place leaves for most just a 2nd when battle was disqualified. motion extend. hamilton's lead in the dr. his
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chairmanship, but he says he's been fighting with his health is contracting coca 19 in december and i'm just hungry. i was able to come and know it's a, it's a historic moment 1st and i'm so glad that i got to share with him on the podium. and then i want to really want to make the press conference with students of the day and very, very much so but i've enjoyed, i enjoyed the racing part of it. us i have one football concord caff gold called that team of largely junior players b to 1st choice mexico team, 1000000 the final. it went to extra time and defend the miles robinson school. the winter in the 117 minutes is the 7th time the u. s has won the title and 1st 2017. we've got a lot of young guys in this, in this group. we've got along a lot of young guys that are willing to fight for each other and fight for this
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country and prove that united states is a country that has to be taken seriously. and i think he would really put our head down and run it out throughout the tournament. but it's just a matter of this group being so confident with the ball without the ball and how we really stuck together like a family. i'm really, i'm really excited for this group staying in the states. there was a great goal in the national women, soccer league, french strike asian in the summer, showing ways defendant before scoring her 1st goal in the league for the rain team . you know, when ever racing louisville golfing legend anika soren sam has won the u. s. senior women's opened by 8 shots. the 50 year old suite was making her 1st appearance in the senior event with a husband of caddy. she led from start to finish closing with the for the power on the $68.00 to $12.00. all right, that's the spot for now more later like the rope. and that's it for me,
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rob madison, for this news are, i'm going to be back in a moment with more of the days the journey that if you can the news news, news, news, news, the story that need to be told find a way and demand to be heard the opening, the window into another light and challenging perfection and personal endeavour in epic struggle with the colossal sacrifices in individual journey witness
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showcase it inspiring documentary the change the word on al jazeera a year ago, one of the largest nuclear blasts in history killed more than 200 people and injured 1000, the victims families still need answers. we want to compute just how did dangerous chemicals end up in maybe sports? let's be professional. it was not invented for me was on the and was the whole soft file unloaded from the ship, the missing amal and it wasn't. it was in one way or another in an illegal way before join me for their, for the full report. on the start to cheerfully in front of the next museum in amsterdam. hundreds of protesters scattered to demand. the government is locked down restrictions and lift the curfew. the 1st in the country since world war 2. the threat is that we lose our freedoms. the protest us who are not following social distances, rules or repeatedly ordered to disperse by police. police are trying very hard
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friends. the scenario that happened last week when thousands were rioting in sitting to us. after some protest i started throwing stones and that's why you were police on horseback. moved in to clear the area ah, ah, offer their help to fight wildfires burning in turkey's drive ravaged southern coastal resorts. ah, roberson, this is going to do a live from doha. also coming up of canna sounds president blame.
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